Biographical Sketch - Oliver Cossairt
`Professional Preparation
`1. Bachelor of Science, Physics, May 2001,
` Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington.
`2. M.S., Department of Media Arts and Sciences, August 2003,
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
`3. Ph.D., Department of Computer Science, October 2011,
`Columbia University, New York City, New York.
`4. Postdoctoral Researcher, Computational Imaging, November 2011 – June 2012,
`Columbia University, New York City, New York.
`Industry Positions
`1. Software/Optical Engineer, Actuality Systems Inc., Burlington, Massachusetts, August 2003 – May
`• Manager of research team for $2 Million NIST funded program developing prototype Holographic TV.
`Invention of several novel 3D displays and related technology, leading to four granted patents and five
`patents pending.
`Academic Appointments
`1. Lisa Wisner-Slivka and Benjamin Slivka Junior Professor of Computer Science,
`Northwestern University, Evanston IL, Sep 2012-Sep 2015.
`2. Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
`Northwestern University, Evanston IL, Sep 2015-present.
`3. Texas Instruments Distinguished Visiting Professor, Jan 2016 – April 2016,
`Rice University, Houston, Texas.
`Awards and Honors
`• AAAM MUSE Award: Investigating an Ancient Mummy with X-ray Imaging and Augmented
`Reality, with NU-ACCESS and Block Museum of Art, 4/6/2018.
`• NSF CAREER Award, 2/1/2015.
`3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award, 1/30/17.
`• Honorable Mention, "Coherent inverse scattering via transmission matrices," IEEE International
`Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), 2017.
`• Honorable Mention: "Digital Refocusing with Incoherent Holography", IEEE International
`Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), 2014.
`• Best Paper Award: “Spectral Focal Sweep: Extended Depth of Field from Chromatic Aberrations”,
`IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), Mar 2010.
`Journal Publications
`1. F. Li, H. Chen, A. Pediredla, C.K. Yeh, K. He, A. Veeraraghavan, and O. Cossairt, “CS-ToF: High-
`resolution compressive time-of-flight imaging”, Optics Express, 25(25) 31096-31110, 2017.
`2. E. Pouyet, N. Rohani, A. Katsaggelos, O. Cossairt, & M. Walton, “Innovative data reduction and
`visualization strategy for hyperspectral imaging datasets using t-SNE approach,” Pure and Applied
`Chemistry, 2018 (accepted).
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`3. D. Gursoy, Y. P. Hong, K. He, K. Hujsak, S. Yoo, S. Chen, Y Li, L. Miller, Y. Chu, K. He, O.
`Cossairt, A. Katsaggelos, C. Jacobsen, “Rapid alignment of x-ray and electron nanotomography data
`using joint iterative reconstruction and reprojection,” Nature Scientific Reports, 2017.
`4. F. Li, J. Yablon, A. Velten, M. Gupta, O. Cossairt, “High depth resolution range imaging with
`multiple-wavelength superheterodyne interferometry using 1550-nm lasers.” OSA Applied Optics,
`2017 (accepted).
`5. J. Holloway, Y. Wu, M.K. Sharma, O. Cossairt, and A. Veeraraghavan, "SAVI: Synthetic Apertures
`for long-range, sub-diffraction Visible Imaging Using Fourier Ptychography," Science Advances, 14
`April 2017.
`6. E. Pouyet, S. Devine, T. Grafakos, R. Kieckhefer, J. Salvant, L. Smieska, A. Woll, A. Katsaggelos, O.
`Cossairt, M. Walton, “Revealing the biography of a hidden medieval manuscript using synchrotron
`and conventional imaging techniques”, Analytica Chimica Acta, Volume 982, pp. 20-30 (2017).
`7. Z.Wang, L. Spinoulas, K. He, L. Tian, O. Cossairt, A. K. Katsaggelos, and H. Chen, “Compressive
`holographic video”, OSA Optics Express, 25 (1) 250-262 (2017).
`8. D. Ryu, Z. Wang, K. He, G. Zheng, R. Horstmeyer, and O. Cossairt, “Subsampled phase retrieval for
`temporal resolution enhancement in lensless on-chip holographic video”, OSA Biomedical Optics
`Express, 8 (3) 1981-1995 (2017).
`9. Q. Dai, E. Pouyet, O. Cossairt, M. Walton, and A. K. Katsaggelos, “Spatial-Spectral Representation
`for X-Ray Fluorescence Image Super-Resolution”, in IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging,
`3, (3), 432-444, (2017).
`10. X. Huang, E. Uffelman, O. Cossairt, M. Walton, A. Katsaggelos, “Computational Imaging for
`Cultural Heritage,” in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 130-138, Sept. 2016.
`11. J. Holloway, M.S. Asif, M.K. Sharma, N. Matsuda, R. Horstmeyer, O. Cossairt, and A.
`Veeraraghavan, “Toward Long Distance, Sub-diffraction Imaging Using Coherent Camera Arrays,”
`in IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 251-265, Sept. 2016.
`12. K. He, M. Kumar, O. Cossairt, “High Dynamic Range Coherent Imaging Using Compressed
`Sensing,” Optics Express, Opt. Express 23, 30904-30916 (2015).
`13. R. Koller, L. Schmid, N. Matsuda, T. Niederberger, L. Spinoulas, O. Cossairt, G. Schuster, and A. K.
`Katsaggelos, "High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Video with Compressed Sensing," Optics Express
`23, 15992-16007 (2015).
`14. M. Ganio, J. Salvant, J. Williams, L. Lee, O. Cossairt, & M. Walton, “Investigating the use of
`Egyptian blue in Roman Egyptian portraits and panels from Tebtunis, Egypt.” Applied Physics A, 1-
`9, 2015.
`15. Kaushik Mitra, Ashok Veeraraghavan, and Oliver Cossairt, “Performance Analysis of Computational
`Imaging Systems and its Practical Implications”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
`Intelligence (PAMI), May 2013.
`16. Oliver Cossairt, Mohit Gupta, and Shree K. Nayar, “When Does Computational Imaging Improve
`Performance?”, IEEE transactions on Image Processing (TIP), May 2012.
`17. Oliver Cossairt, Daniel Miau, and Shree K. Nayar, “A Scaling Law for Computational Imaging”,
`Journal of the Optical Sciences of America (JOSA), Sep 2011.
`18. Oliver Cossairt, Changyin Zhou, and Shree K. Nayar, “Diffusion Coded Photography for Extended
`Depth of Field”, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH), Aug 2010.
`19. Oliver Cossairt, Shree K. Nayar, Ravi Ramamoorthi, “Light Field Transfer: Global Illumination
`between Real and Synthetic Objects”, ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. of SIGGRAPH), Aug
`20. Oliver Cossairt, Joshua Napoli, Rick Dorval, Sam Hill, and Gregg Favalora, “Spatial Occlusion-
`capable Multiview Volumetric Three-Dimensional Display”, Applied Optics, Mar 2008.
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`Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
`1. F. Li, F. Willomitzer, P. Rangarajan, M. Gupta, A. Velten, O. Cossairt, “Micro Resolution Time-of-
`Flight Imaging with Superheterodyne Interferometry.” IEEE International Conference of
`Computational Photography 2018 (Accepted).
`2. S. Ghosh, Y. Nashed, A. Katsaggelos, and O. Cossairt, “ADP: Automatic Differentiation
`Ptychography,” IEEE International Conference of Computational Photography 2018 (Accepted).
`3. C. K. Yeh, F. Li, G. Pastorelli, M. Walton, A. K. Katsaggelos and O. Cossairt, Shape-from-Shifting:
`“Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo with a Mobile Device”, IEEE International Conference on
`eScience Workshop on High Throughput Digitization for Natural History Collections (BigDig) 2017.
`4. Honorable Mention: C. A. Metzler, M. K. Sharma, S. Nagesh, R. G. Baraniuk, O. Cossairt and A.
`Veeraraghavan, "Coherent inverse scattering via transmission matrices: Efficient phase retrieval
`algorithms and a public dataset," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational
`Photography (ICCP), Stanford, CA, 2017, pp. 1-16.
`5. A. K. Pediredla, M. Buttafava, A. Tosi, O. Cossairt and A. Veeraraghavan, "Reconstructing rooms
`using photon echoes: A plane based model and reconstruction algorithm for looking around the
`corner," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), Stanford, CA,
`2017, pp. 1-12.
`6. A. K. Pediredla, N. Matsuda, O. Cossairt and A. Veeraraghavan, "Linear systems approach to
`identifying performance bounds in indirect imaging," 2017 IEEE International Conference on
`Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, LA, 2017, pp. 6235-6239 (invited).
`7. A. Kappeler, S. Ghosh, J. Holloway, O. Cossairt, A. Katsaggelos, “PtychNet: CNN based Fourier
`Ptychography”, IEEE Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2017 (accepted).
`8. O. Cossairt, K. He, R. Shang, N. Matsuda, M.Sharma, X. Huang, A. Katsaggelos, L. Spinoulas and S.
`Yoo, “Compressive Reconstruction for 3D Incoherent Holographic Microscopy,”, IEEE International
`Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), invited, 2016.
`9. Q. Dai, E. Pouyet, O. Cossairt, M. Walton, A. Katsaggelos, “X-Ray Fluorescence Image Super-
`Resolution Using Dictionary Learning,” IEEE Image and Video and Multimedia Signal Processing
`Workshop (IVMSP), invited, 2016.
`10. N. Rohani, J. Salvant, S. Bahaadini, O. Cossairt, M. Walton, J. William, A. Katsaggelos, “Automatic
`Pigment Identification on Roman Egyptian Paintings using Sparse Modeling of Hyperspectral
`Images,” European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), accepted, 2016.
`11. Nathan Matsuda, Oliver Cossairt, and Mohit Gupta, “MC3D: Motion Contrast 3D Scanning,” IEEE
`International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), April 2015.
`12. L. Spinoulas, O. Cossairt and A. K. Katsaggelos, "Sampling Optimization for On-Chip Compressive
`Video," IEEE Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), invited, 2015.
`13. L. Spinoulas, K. He, O. Cossairt and A. K. Katsaggelos, "Video Compressive Sensing With On-Chip
`Programmable Subsampling," Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
`Recognition Workshops (CCD), pp. 49-57, 2015.
`14. O. Cossairt, X. Huang, N. Matsuda, J. Tumblin, A. Katsaggelos, D. Kronkite, G. Bearman, H. Stratis,
`M. Broadway, M. Walton, “Surface Shape Studies of the Art of Paul Gauguin”, Digital Heritage
`Granada Conference 2015.
`15. X. Huang, M. Walton, G. Bearman and O. Cossairt, "Near Light Correction for Image Relighting and
`3D Shape Recovery," Digital Heritage Granada Conference 2015.
`16. X. Huang, O. Cossairt, “Dictionary Learning based Color Demosaicing for Plenoptic Cameras,”
`IEEE International Workshop on Computational Cameras and Displays (CCD), Jun 2014.
`17. Honorable Mention: O. Cossairt, N. Matsuda, M. Gupta, "Digital Refocusing with Incoherent
`Holography", International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), May 2014.
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`18. K. Mitra, O. Cossairt, A. Veeraraghavan, "Can we beat Hadamard? Data-driven design and Analysis
`of Computational Imaging," International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), May
`19. Daniel Miau, Oliver Cossairt and Shree K. Nayar, “Focal Sweep Videography with Deformable
`Lenses”, IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), April 2013.
`20. Oliver Cossairt, Daniel Miau, and Shree K. Nayar, “Gigapixel Computational Imaging”, IEEE
`International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), Mar 2011.
`21. Changyin Zhou, Oliver Cossairt, and Shree K. Nayar, “Depth from Diffusion”, IEEE Conference on
`Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Jun 2010.
`22. Best Paper Award: Oliver Cossairt and Shree Nayar, “Spectral Focal Sweep: Extended Depth of
`Field from Chromatic Aberrations”, IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography
`(ICCP), Mar 2010.
`Other Conferences
`1. Z. Wang, Q. Dai, D. Ryu, K. He, R. Horstmeyer, A. Katsaggelos, O. S Cossairt, “Dictionary-based
`phase retrieval for space-time super resolution using lens-free on-chip holographic video,” OSA
`Imaging and Applied Congress, Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (COSI), June 2017.
`2. Z. Wang, D. Ryu, K. He, O. Cossairt, A. K Katsaggelos, “4D Tracking of Biological Samples using
`Lens-free On-chip In-line Holography,” OSA Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging,
`May 2017.
`3. N. Matsuda, O. Cossairt, M. Gupta, "Robust 3D Acquisition with Motion Contrast 3D Scanning,"
`Imaging and Applied Optics 2015, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America,
`4. K. He and O. Cossairt, "A Compressed Sensing Approach to Solving the Dynamic Range Problem in
`Fourier Transform Holography," Imaging and Applied Optics 2015, OSA Technical Digest (online)
`(Optical Society of America, 2015), paper CW2F.3.
`5. L. Spinoulas, O. Cossairt, A. K. Katsaggelos, P. Gill and D. G. Stork, "Performance Comparison of
`Ultra-Miniature Diffraction Gratings with Lenses and Zone Plates," Imaging and Applied Optics
`2015, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2015), paper CM3E.1.
`6. K. Mitra, O. Cossairt, A. Veeraraghavan, "To Denoise or Deblur: Parameter Optimization for
`Imaging Systems," SPIE Electronic Imaging Conference, Jan. 2014.
`7. O. Cossairt, M. Gupta, K. Mitra, A. Veeraraghavan, "Performance Bounds for Computational
`Imaging," Imaging and Applied Optics Technical Papers, OSA, 2013.
`8. O. Cossairt, K. Mitra, A. Veeraraghavan, "Performance Limits for Computational
`Photography," International Workshop on Advanced Optical Imaging and Metrology, Springer, 2013.
`9. Oliver Cossairt, Christian Moller, Adrian R. L. Travis, and Stephen A. Benton, “Novel View-
`Sequential Display based on DMD Technology”, SPIE Proc. on Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual
`Reality, Jan 2004.
`10. Christian Moller and Oliver Cossairt, “Investigation into Screenless 3D TV”, SPIE Proc. on
`Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality, Jan 2003.
`1. Oliver Cossairt and Nathan Matsuda, “Motion Contrast Depth Scanning,” Patent application
`2. Oliver Cossairt, Changyin Zhou, and Shree Nayar, “Systems, methods, and media for recording an
`image using an optical diffuser,” US Patent 9407833, granted 8/16.
`3. Oliver Cossairt, Daniel Miau, and Shree Nayar, “Camera systems and methods for gigapixel
`computational imaging,” US Patent 9473700, granted 10/16.
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`4. Won Chun and Oliver Cossairt. "Data processing for three-dimensional displays", US Patent
`7,525,541, granted Dec 2009.
`5. Gregg Favalora, and Oliver Cossairt, "Theta-parallax-only (TPO) Displays", US Patent 7,364,300,
`granted Apr 2008.
`6. Oliver Cossairt, Gregg Favalora, Michael Thomas, and Rick Dorval, "Optical systems for generating
`three-dimensional images", US Patent 7,283,308, granted Oct 2007.
`7. Oliver Cossairt and Joshua Napoli. "Radial multiview three-dimensional displays". US Patent
`7,277,226, granted Oct 2007.
`8. Shree K. Nayar , Oliver Cossairt, and Changyin Zhou, “Systems, Methods, and Media for Recording
`and Image using an Optical Diffuser”, US Patent App. 2011091358, filed Jan 2011.
`9. Oliver Cossairt, "Image Enhancement for Three-dimensional Displays", US Patent app.
`20070201133, filed Aug 2007.
`10. Gregg Favalora, Won Chun, Oliver Cossairt, Rick Dorval, Michael Halle, Joshua Napoli, and Michael
`Thomas, "Scanning Optical Devices and Systems", US Patent app. 20050285027, filed Dec 2005.
`11. Oliver Cossairt and Gregg Favalora, "Minimized-thickness Angular Scanner of Electromagnetic
`Radiation". US Patent app. 20060244918, filed Nov 2005.
`Synergistic Activities
`1. Organizer, IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), 2016.
`2. Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 2014-present.
`3. Area Chair, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2016.
`4. Program Committee, SIGGRAPH Conference, 2013-2016.
`5. Program Committee, OSA Computational Optics and Sensing (COSI), 2016.
`6. Poster and Demos Chair, IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP)
`7. Organizer, Workshop on Computational Photography and Intelligent Cameras, 2015.
`8. Organizer, ACCV Workshop on Image Restoration and Enhancement, 2014.
`9. Organizer, CVPR Workshop on Computational Cameras and Displays, 2014-2015.
`10. Program Committee, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2015-present.
`11. Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography (ICCP), 2013-
`12. Program Committee, International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
`13. Program Committee, Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2014.
`14. Program Committee, ECCV Light Field for Computer Vision (LC4CV) Workshop, 2014.
`15. NSF SBIR/STTR Panel Reviewer: Photonic/Optical Systems, 2013-2015.
`16. Program Committee, International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
`Workshop on Computational Cameras and Displays, 2012-2016.
`17. Program Committee, GCPR Conference on New Imaging Modalities (INM), 2013.
`18. Program Committee, Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) Workshop on Computational
`Photography and Low-Level Vision, 2012.
`19. Reviewer for several high-quality conference proceedings and journal publications including, ACM
`SIGGRAPH, ACM Transactions on Graphics, Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR),
`IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), International Journal of
`Computer Vision (IJCV), Applied Optics, and Optics Express.
`Invited Talks
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`1. "Linear systems approach to identifying performance bounds in indirect imaging," 2017 IEEE
`International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), New Orleans, LA,
`Feb. 2017.
`2. “SAVI: Synthetic Apertures for long-range, sub-diffraction Visible Imaging Using Fourier
`Ptychography,” National Conference on Communications (NCC), IIT Madras, Feb 2017.
`3. “Macroscopic Fourier Ptychography,” OSA Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (COSI)
`June 2016.
`4. “Compressive Reconstruction for 3D Incoherent Holographic Microscopy,”, IEEE International
`Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), September 2016.
`5. “X-Ray Fluorescence Image Super-Resolution Using Dictionary Learning,” IEEE Image and Video
`and Multimedia Signal Processing Workshop (IVMSP), June 2016.
`6. “X-Ray Fluorescence Image Super-Resolution Using RGB Image Fusion,” Asilomar Conference on
`Signals and Systems in Visual Cultural Heritage, November, 2016.
`7. “Computational Imaging and Illumination at Northwestern University,”
`7.1. Rice University, Houston, Texas, February 2015.
`7.2. Zeiss Corporation, Oberkochen, Switzerland, February 2015.
`7.3. University of Zurich, Switzerland, February 2015.
`7.4. College of Optical Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, November 2015.
`7.5. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, PA, October 2015.
`7.6. Oculus Research Seminar, Redmund, WA, June 2015.
`7.7. Microsoft Research Seminar, Redmund, WA, June 2015.
`7.8. Argonne National Labs Integrated Imaging Seminar, Willowbrook, IL, June 2015.
`8. "Sampling Optimization for On-Chip Compressive Video," IEEE Conference on Image Processing
`(ICIP), 2015.
`9. “Robust 3D Acquisition with Motion Contrast 3D Scanning,” OSA Computational Optical Sensing
`and Imaging (COSI) June 2015.
`10. “MC3D: Motion Contrast 3D Scanning,”
`European Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics (CLEO ’15), Munich, Germany, June
`Dagstuhl Seminar on Computational Imaging, Dagstuhl, Germany, May 2015.
`OMRON Corporation, Kyoto, Japan, April 2015
`IPAM Workshop on Computational Photography and Intelligent Cameras, UCLA, CA,
`Feb 2015.
`11. “Surface Shape Studies of the Art of Paul Gauguin,” AAAS Annual Conference, Feb 2015.
`12. “When Does Computational Imaging Improve Performance?”
`Integral Imaging Lecture Series, Purdue University, West Lafeyette IN, Sep 2014.
`Futurewei Technologies, Santa Clara CA, Oct 2013.
`Sarnoff Research Center, IEEE meeting chapter, Princeton NJ, Oct 2013.
`CVPR Workshop on Computational Cameras and Displays, June 2013.
`13. “Performance Bounds for Computational Imaging,”
`OSA Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging (COSI) 2014.
`International Workshop on Advanced Optical Imaging and Metrology, Springer, 2013.
`Course Development at Northwestern University
`1. Introduction to Computational Photography – Designed course where students write programs on
`Nokia n900 phones using FCam API to control focus, flash, exposure, etc. Course teaches
`principles of computer vision and computational photography through a series of hands on
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`2. Computational Photography Seminar – Designed course teaching state of the art research in
`computational cameras. Students complete a final project based on research they discover during
`the course.
`Lei Tian (UC Berkeley), Andreas Velten (University of Wisconson, Madison), Adithya Peridleda (Rice
`University), Jason Holloway (Rice University), Salman Asif (Rice University), Nicola Ferrier (Argonne
`National Labs), Jinwei Gu (Futurewei Inc.), Mohit Gupta (Columbia University), Xiang Huang
`(Northwestern University), Mark Herald (Argonne National Labs), Justin Jureller (University of Chicago),
`Aggelos Katsagellos (Northwestern University), Nathan Matsuda (Northwestern University), Daniel Miau
`(Columbia University), Kaushik Mitra (Rice University), Hooman Mohseni (Northwestern University),
`Shree Nayar (Columbia University), Adam Samaniego (Rice University), Norbert Scherer (University of
`Chicago), Jack Tumblin (Northwestern University), Ashok Veeraraghavan (Rice University), Changyin
`Zhou (GoogleX).
`Undergraduate, Graduate, and Postdoctoral Advisees
`1. Undergraduate Students: Dennis Ai, Christian Yenko, Neeldev Kunjur, Marc Gyongyosi, Aaron Loh
`Wen Yau (Northwestern University).
`2. Masters Students: Basabdutta Chackraborty, Liu Liu, Surabhi Ravishankar (Northwestern
`University), Thomas Niederberger, Roman Blockwoche, Lukas Shmid (HSR).
`3. PhD Students: Nathan Matsuda, He Kuan, Fengqiang Li, Zihao (Winston) Wang, Chia-Kai Yeh,
`Sushobhan Ghosh (Northwestern University).
`4. Postdoctoral Researchers: Xiang Huang (Argonne National Labs), Manoj Sharma (Rice University),
`Marina Alterman (Technion), Florian Wollimitzer, Jason Holloway, Yudong Yao (Northwestern
`Thesis Advisor and Postgraduate-Scholar Sponsor
`• Changyin Zhou (Columbia University), Graduated September 2012.
`• Xiang Huang (Northwestern University). Graduated February 2013.
`Jinwei Yi (University of Delaware). Graduated August 2013.
`• Xin Xin (Northwestern University). Graduated May 2014.
`• Paul Olczak (Northwestern University). Graduated June 2015.
`• Bao Wang (Northwestern University). Graduated June 2015.
`• Abbas Hadadi (Northwestern University). Graduated in August 2015.
`• Leonidas Spinoulas (Northwestern University). Graduated in June 2016.
`• Michail Iliadis, (Northwestern University). Graduated in June 2016.
`• Reza Borhani (Northwestern University). Graduated in June 2016.
`• Mehjabin Mojur (Northwestern University). Graduated in June 2016.
`Jason Holloway (Rice University). Graduated in August 2016.
`Visiting Researcher Sponsor
`• Kwanghyuk Bae (Samsung), 1/1/17 – 12/31/17.
`• Ming Zhao (Dalian Maritime University), 2/1/17 – 1/31/18.
`Research Support
`• Samsung GRO Grant, “Multispectral Imaging and RGB Light Field Capture using ChromoFocal
`Plenoptic Cameras, ” Cossairt (PI), Tumblin (Co-PI), 11/01/13-10/31/14.
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`• CBC Catalyst Grant, “Development of Snapshot 3D Holographic Microscope for Live Cell
`Imaging”, Cossairt (NU Co-PI), Scherer (UofC Co-Pi), 9/1/14-9/1/16.
`• ONR, “Towards Flexible Sheet Cameras”, Nayar (Columbia University PI), Cossairt (NU Co-PI),
`• NIH, “Enhanced Dynamic Range Proteomic Analysis: Phase II”, Cossairt (NU sub-contractor),
`07/01/14 – 06/30/15.
`• Northwestern University NU-ACCESS Exploratory Grant, “Surface-Shape Studies of Gauguin’s
`Monotypes: Accuracy and Suitability of Quantitative Reflectance Transformation Imaging”,
`Walton (PI), Cossairt (Co-PI), 08/01/14-08/31/15.
`• Rambus Inc, “Theoretical and simulation study of performance tradeoffs and bounds in
`computational diffractive sensors and imagers”, Cossairt (PI), 9/1/14 - 8/31/15.
`• McCormick Catalyst Research Award, “Coherent Reflectance Imaging (CRI): A new technique
`for quantitative ultra wide-field surface-shape metrology,“ Cossairt (PI), 9/1/14-12/31/15.
`• NSF CAREER Award: “Coherent Computational Imaging: Macro Measurements in a Macro
`World,” 2/1/2015-1/31/2020.
`• OMRON Coproration, “Unrestricted Research Gift” 4/1/14-3/31/16.
`• Google Faculty Research Award, “Motion Contrast 3D Scanning,” Cossairt (PI), 3/1/2015-
`• DOE, “Small Worlds Lab,” Argonne National Labs, Cossairt (sub-contractor), 7/1/14-7/1/18.
`• Northwestern University NU-ACCESS Exploratory Grant, “Approaches to Fast Widefield X-ray
`Imaging”, Walton (PI), Katsaggelos (Co-PI), Cossairt (Co-PI), 09/01/15-08/31/16.
`• ONR, “Theoretical Bounds on Imaging through Scattering Media,” Cossairt (PI), Katsaggelos
`(Co-PI), Veeraraghavan (Co-PI), 09/01/15-08/31/18
`• DARPA, “Obtaining Multipath & Non-line-of-sight Information by Sensing Coherence &
`Intensity with Emerging Novel Techniques”, Southern Methodist University, Cossairt (sub-
`contractor), 2/1/2016-1/31/2017.
`• DARPA, “Flexible Asynchronous Space-Time (FAST) Imaging”, Katsaggelos (PI), Cossairt (Co-
`PI), 4/24/17-4/24/2020.
`IARPA, “Ptychography-based Rapid Imaging of Nano-Structures with Multi-layer Assemblies
`(PRISMA), Cossairt (PI), Katsaggelos (Co-PI), 11/23/16-11/22/18
`• Samsung, “Study of Motion Contrast 3D Laser Scanner,” Cossairt (PI) 1/1/2017-12/31/17
`• NU Innovative Initiatives Incubator (I3), “Self-Calibrating Tomography (SCT): Robust 3D
`Reconstructions from Poorly Calibrated Measurements,” Cossairt (PI), Katsaggelos (Co-PI).
`• NSF PIRE, “Computationally-Based Imaging of Structure in Materials (CuBISM),” K. Shull (PI),
`Cossairt (Co-PI), 9/17 – 9/22.
`• Facebook Distinguished Faculty Gift, O. Cossairt, 12/20/17.
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