International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 36 (I 989) 43—50
`UP 01889
`Urea analogues in propylene glycol as penetration enhancers
`in human skin
`A.C. Williams and B.W. Barry
`Postgraduate Studies in Pharmut'eutrcuf Technou’vgy. The School! of Pharmact', University of Bradford. Bradfirrd (UK)
`(Received 20 April [989)
`{Accepted 10 May 1989]
`Key wordr: Percutaneous absorption; Penetration enhancer; Urea; Urea analogue; Propylene glycol:
`Urea. l—dodecyiurca. 1.3-didodecylurea and 1.3-diphenylurea were assessed as skin penetration enhancers for the model penetrant
`5—f1uorouraci1(5-Fl;]. The permeability coefficient (KP) was determined for :‘s-I—‘U applied in saturated aqueous Solutions to human
`epidermal membranes. Then each urea was applied as a saturated solution in dimethyiisosorbide. light liquid paraffin or propylene
`the solutions were removed and KI, was redetermined: the enhancement ratio (Kr after enhancer treatment,«”!€p
`enhancer treatment) measured the accelerant effect. Urea and the vehicles alone were ineffective as enhancers: the urea analogues
`behaved similarly at saturation in any one vehicle; and the analogues were only effective when delivered from propylene glycol,
`enhancing the permeation of S-FU 6 times by increasing the diffusivity of the stratum corneum. Thus. the role of propylene glycol as
`a synergistic vehiclefor penetration enhancers was confirmed.
`Topical administration of therapeutic agents
`promises many advantages over oral and in-
`travenous administration (Barry, 1983; Guy and
`Hadgraft, 1985). However, the relative impermea—
`biljty of the stratum oorneum offers considerable
`resistance to drug permeation.
`in attempts to re-
`duce reversibly this diffusiOnal barrier. researchers
`have employed penetration enhancers (or accel-
`erants) which interact with stratum corneum cott-
`stitucnts, disrupting the highly ordered structure
`Correrpondence: KW. Barry, Postgraduate Studies in Phar-
`maceutical Technology. The School of Pharmacy. Universin of
`Bradford. Bradford. BD'l' 101’. UK.
`(cg. Southwell and Barry, 1983: Barry et a]., 1984:
`Southwell and Barry, 1984; Goodman and Barry,
`1988: Okamoto ct al.. 1988). Ideally, a penetration
`enhancer is pharmacologically inert. has a specific.
`immediate yet reversible. action and i5 cosmeti-
`cally acceptable (Barry, 1983; Hadgraft. 1984'.
`Woodford and Barry, 1986). In the present study.
`urea and 3 analogues. dissolved in 3 vehicles, were
`compared for their penetration-enhancing activi-
`ties towards the cytotoxic agent S-fluorouraci] (5-
`FU), chosen as a model penetrant.
`Urea is a mild keratolytic agent used in the
`treatment of ichthyosis and othcr hyperkeratotic
`skin conditions. As a 10% cream. it increases the
`water-holding capacity of the stratum corneum by
`100%, and has little effect on the epidermal water
`barrier (Grice ct al.. 1973}. The moisturizing and
`(HTS-5 1?3/89/$UB.5{1 1'" I989 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division)
`Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`Mylan Tech, Inc. v. Noven Pharma., Inc.


`coin" (Clilzlfi
`rem: Gleol
`6) ©
`H H 0cm;4
`formulae of the urea analogues and
`l. The structural
`vehicles evaluated as penetration enhancers.
`keratolytie effects of urea increase the activity and
`bioavailability of hydrocortisone from Alphaderm
`cream (Barry and Woodford, 19'”; Barry. 1983;
`Woodl‘ord and Barry, 1984). As a 10% solution in
`propylene glycol
`(PG). urea has no effect on
`naloxone flux through human cadaver skin (Aungst
`ct al.. 1986).
`such as
`Established penetration enhancers
`Azone, which contains a C12 saturated hydro-
`carbon chain, interact with and disrupt the struc-
`tured lipid environment in the stratum corneum
`(Barry, 1987a and b; Goodman and Barry, 1989).
`We investigated the poSSibility of combining the
`moisturizing and keratolytic properties of urea
`with the disrupting effects of alkyl and aryl groups,
`one or two per molecule. The chemicals thus tested
`for penetrationvenhancing activity towards S-FU
`were: urea,
`l-dodeeylurca (DDU), 1,3-didodecy-
`lurea (DDDU) and 1,3—diphcnylurca [DPU);
`vehicles were dimenthylisosorbidc (DMI),
`liquid paraffin (LLP) and (PG) (Fig. 1).
`DMI. promoted for use in cosmetics, is a solvent
`which is poorly adsorbed by the skin and appears
`to have little penetration—enhancing activity (Barry
`el al., 1984; Bennett et al., 1985). It has therefore
`been selected as a standard vehicle for compari—
`sons ot‘ potential penetration enhancers. Light
`liquid paraffin is a widely used lipophilic vehicle
`for topical preparations. It is used as an emollient
`in irritant skin conditions and for the removal of
`desquamative crusts. PG is valuable in dermato-
`formulations and as
`penetration enhancers.
`It has been reported to
`increase the permeation of oestradiol (Mollgaard
`and l-ioelgaard, 1983a) and hydrocortisonc (Barry
`and Bennett. 1987)
`through excised human ab-
`dominal skin, yet
`is ineffective in promoting the
`topical bioavailability of betamcthasonc 17-bcnzo-
`ate as assessed by the occluded vasoconstrictor
`assay (Barry ct al., 1984). it is also ineffective in
`promoting permeation of metronidazole through
`excised full-thickness human skin {Mollgaard et
`al., 1988) and PG pretreatment of human epider—
`mal membranes has no significant effect on S-FU
`pseudo-steady state permeation (Goodman and
`Barry, 1988). However, when used in combination
`with accelerants such as Azone and oleic acid, PG
`shows a marked synergistic response (cg. Barry
`and Bennett, 1987’; Barry, 1987a; Goodman and
`Barry. 1988).
`Materials and Methods
`Urea and DPU (Sigma Chemical Company)
`were used as received; DDU and DDDU were
`synthesised (Erickson. 1954). PG (B.D.H. Chem-
`icals Ltd), DMI
`(Aldrich Chemical Company)
`and LL? {B.D.I—l. Chemicals Ltd.) were used as
`supplied. 5-[6-3H]FU (Amersham International
`PLC) was the model permcant, a saturated aque-
`ous solution (10.2 mg/ml at 32 11°C.; Bond and
`Barry, 1988) being prepared with the help of un-
`labelled S-FU (Sigma Chemical Company).
`Saturated solutions of urea and the analogues
`were prepared in the 3 vehicles.
`the approximate
`concentrations being evaluated gravimetrieally.
`Partition coefficients (octanol/ water) of urea and
`the analogues were calculated by the fragment
`method of Hansch and Leo (1979}.
`J—Dodecylurca. A mixture of dodecylamine
`(18.5 g, 0.10 mol). urea (6.6 g, 0.11 mol) and


`pyridine (200 ml) was refluxed for 4.5 h in a fume
`cupboard, cooled over
`ice and the crystalline
`product filtered off under suction. The crystals
`were washed with water to remove excess urea and
`pyridine. The product was recrystallised from
`chloroform to a constant melting point. de-
`termined by differential
`scanning calorimetry
`(Perkin-Elmer 7 Series Thermal Analysis System)
`of 107.2°C. The literature gives t06.8—107.5°C
`(Erickson, 1954). The thermal analysis showed the
`product to be approximately 98% pure.
`{,3-Didodetyiareu. A mixture of dodecylaminc
`[13.0 g, 0.07 mol), urea (2.0 g1 0.03 mol) and
`butan—l —ol (20 ml) was refluxed for 30 h in a fume
`cupboard and cooled over ice and the crystalline
`product was filtered off under suction. Recrystal-
`lisation from acetone gave a constant melting point
`of 104.8°C, and a purity of approximately 92%.
`which is adequate for penetration enhancer stud
`ies. The literature gives lO3.3—105.5°C (Erickson,
`Preparation of human epidermoi membranes
`Caucasian abdominal skin (male and female,
`70—89 y) obtained post-mortem was stored frozen
`at —-20°C (Harrison et al., 1984). Epidermal
`membranes were prepared by the heat separation
`technique of Kligman and Christophcrs (1963).
`Excess fatty and connective tissues were removed
`from the skin which was then immersed in water
`at 60°C for 45 s. The epidermal membrane was
`teased off the underlying dermis and floated on an
`aqueous solution of 0.002% sodium azide for 36 h
`to ensure that
`the stratum eorneum was fully
`Permeation experiments
`Experiments at 32i1°C used an automated
`diffusion apparatus with 24 stainless—steel diffu—
`sion cells, diffusional area 0.126 cm2. and 0.002%
`aqueous sodium azide receptor solution (Akhter et
`3.1., 1984). Fully hydrated epidermal membrane
`samples were mounted in the cells and 150 pl
`aliquots of saturated, radiolabelled S-FU solution
`placed in the donor compartments which were
`covered. 4 ml samples of receptor solutiou were
`collected every 2 h for 36 h,
`to which 10 ml
`Scintran Cocktail T was added, and the radio-
`labelled drug determined by liquid scintillation
`counting (Packard 460C). The permeant solution
`was washed from the membrane with 0.002%
`sodium azidc solution and replaced with 150 pl
`saturated solution of urea or an analogue in one of
`the vehicles. After 12 h the test solution was
`washed from the membrane and the permeation of
`radiolabelled S-FU again monitored for 36 h.
`Partitioning experiments
`The effect of urea analogue/PG formulations
`on the partitioning of S-FL' was investigated. Per-
`meation of S—FLJ
`through untreated epidermal
`membranes was monitored. and at pseudo steady
`state flux the concentration of the drug in the
`membrane was determined as follows. The epider-
`mal membranes were removed from the diffusion
`cells, rinsed with distilled water, blotted dry and
`the diffusional areas were solubilised in 1 ml
`Soluene-350. 10 ml Scintran Cocktail T scintilla-
`tion fluid and 0.1 ml glacial acetic acid were
`added and samples stored at room temperature
`overnight to allow chemiluminescence to subside.
`Acidification of the mixture reduces non—radiation
`events which may interfere with drug determina-
`tion. The concentration of S-FU in the membrane
`was evaluated by liquid scintillation counting. The
`pseudo—steady—state concentration of S-FU in epi-
`dermal membranes after 12 h treatments with a
`urea analogue/PG mixture were similarly de-
`termined to illustrate the accelerant effects on
`partitioning of the drug into the tissue.-
`Results and Discussion
`the drug
`Example permeation profiles of
`through the membrane before and after treatment
`with a solution of the urea analogues saturated in
`propylene glycol are given in Fig. 2. Computer-
`aided analysis of these results evaluated the per—
`meability coefficient (KP) of the drug in the mem-
`brane before and after treatment with a penetra-
`tion enhancing solution. A measure of
`penetration—enhancing activity of the agent.
`ratio (ER), may be calculated


`TIME {h}
`Fig. 2. Example permeation profiles of SmFU through human
`epidermal membranes before and. after treatment with saturated
`solutions of the urea analogues in propylene glycol: squares,
`DIJU; triangles, DPU: circles. DDDU: diamonds, control.
`(Goodman and Barry, 1988):
`E.R. = Ki, of membrane after application
`of penetration enhancer/
`KP of membrane before application
`of penetration enhancer
`The values reported were the mean enhance—
`ment ratios from a minimum of 5 replicates.
`The experimental design of determining Kw
`treating the epidermal membrane with penetration
`enhancers, and then redetermining KP, allows each
`piece of skin to act as its own control. thereby
`reducing errors due to the biological variability of
`human skin. The conditions for drug delivery were
`maximised with the use of saturated drug solu-
`thereby maintaining the permeant at
`maximum thermodynamic activity. The epidermal
`membrane was fully hydrated, a condition which
`enhances the permeation of most penetrants,
`cluding S-FU (Barry,'1987a; Goodman and Barry,
`1989). This last condition thus provides a stringent
`test of penetration enhancing activity. The use of
`saturated solutions of urea and its analogues al—
`lows a direct comparison of the penetration—en—
`hancing abilities of each agent
`from different
`vehicles as the chemical potential of the penetra-
`tion enhancer is constant (maximal) in all the test
`solutions. The approximate saturated concentra-
`tions of the test agents in the different vehicles,
`'I'ABLE 1
`The approximate saturated r-wlt‘emmt‘ionr (mg/ m1) of urea and
`the analogues- in the 3 aehicles at room temperature H 9 i l °(,‘;,
`and Ike articulated log partition coefficients (ocranol/ water) for
`urea and the analogues
`log P
`l .0
`1.6 5.0 I?Urea —2.11
`and the calculated log partition coefficient (log P)
`values, are give in Table 1. All the test agents are
`poorly soluble in LLP with urea having the grea—
`test concentration of 1.6 rug/ml. The saturated
`concentrations of DDU and DDDU in DM1 and
`PG are similar. thus any differences observed in
`the penetration—enhancing effects of
`these ana—
`logues from the two vehicles is unlikely to be due
`to a large difference in concentrations of the test
`A comparison of the permeability coefficients
`of the penetration enhancers from the 3 vehicles is
`given in Table 2. From these results,
`the mean
`control value for the permeability coefficient of
`S-FU in the untreated membrane at 32°C is 2.16
`Mean permeability coefficients of 5—FU through human cadaver
`skirt, with standard error of the mean, before and after treatmen!
`with urea analogues applied from 3 ”entries: :1, before irearmem;
`b, after treatment
`Permeability coefficient X 105 (cm/h}
`._ Po
`3.36i 1.24
`1.84 +0.98
`1.73 $0.4?
`2.60:: 0.63
`1.71 i046
`0.96 $0.25
`3.?4i l .0?
`4.17zl; 1.15
`1.24j; 0.18
`3.49 10.77
`5.3Di 1.39
`0.79:0.0?5.68i3.0]b 2.6?+0.33


` 3
`nnnu LIOUlO
`Fig. 3. The mean enhancement ratios of urea and the analogues
`from the 3 vehicles, with S.l:'.M.1 u. urea; V, vehicle alone.
`j: 0.35 X 10’ 5 cm/h (n = 75). a value that shows
`good agreement with other published data (Good—
`man and Barry, 1988). The activity of the urea
`analogues are more clearly demonstrated in terms
`of the enhancement ratios,
`the mean values of
`which are shown in Fig. 3. These results show that
`the vehicles alone, and urea saturated in the
`vehicles, produce no significant
`increase in the
`permeability coefficient of S—FU (P = 0.05). Also,
`no significant difference exists in the penetration-
`enhancing activities of the three urea analogues
`delivered from a given vehicle (P=0.05). How-
`the choice of vehicle clearly affects the en-
`hancing activity of the test agents. In particular,
`when applied as a saturated solution in propylene
`glycol, the enhancement ratios of the urea ana~
`logues are significantly greater than when applied
`saturated in DMI or LLP (P: 0.05).
`The mechanisms of action of penetration en—
`hancers are becoming clear, and a general theory
`of accelerant activity based on molecular changes
`in the stratum ccrneum has been proposed (Barry,
`1987a; Goodman and Barry, 1989). Based on this
`theory, penetration enhancers may act mainly by
`one or more of 3 main mechanisms; disruption of
`the highly ordered lipid structure between the
`interaction with intracellular
`teins, and partitioning effects.
`a concept
`malised as the lipid—protein partitioning (LPP)
`theory (Barry, 1989).
`The synergistic effect of PG with a variety of
`penetralion enhancers such as Azonc and oleic
`acid is well documented (Cooper. 1984; Sheth et
`al., 1986; Baldy, 1987a), and studies by Wotten et
`al. (1985) concluded that the glycol is necessary to
`maximise the penetration-enhancing properties of
`Azone. Differential scanning calorimetry studies
`of PG—treated stratum corneum show an alteration
`in the intracellular keratin structure. probably due
`to displacement of bound water (Goodman and
`Barry, 1989). This effect reduces drug/skin bind-
`thereby enhancing intracellular
`this effect would only be important
`under conditions whereby the intercellular lipid
`structures were not rate-limiting in diffusion, or
`had been disrupted by a penetration enhancer
`(Barry, 1987a). PG permeates the skin in substan-
`tial amounts (Mollgaard anti
`With urea analogue PG mixtures. the glycol per-
`meating into the skin will enhance partitioning of
`the Lipophjlie accelerants into the stratum corne-
`um. Once in the lipoidal environment, the hydro-
`phobic moieties of the penetration enhancers may
`to disrupt
`the highly ordered barrier
`structure. Fig. 2 shows a reduction in the lag time
`(L) for S—FU permeation after treatment with
`each urea analogue in PG. The lag time is related
`to the diffusivity (D) of the drug in the membrane
`where h is the membrane thickness (taken as
`approximately 3 x 10—3 cm for human ademinal
`stratum corneum}. Thus the diffusivity of S—FU in
`the membrane after treatment with DDU in PG
`(mean log time 1.03 h, n = 4} may be calculated
`c—E—Msxm em/h


`Comparing this with the diffusivity of the mem-
`brane prior to treatment (mean lag time 9.65 h.
`17:17) of 1.55X 10'—T CmZ/h. shows a 9.4mfold
`increase in diffusivity after
`treatment with the
`urea analogue. It
`is widely aceeptecl
`that many
`molecules traversing the stratum corneum do so
`by a tortuous interoellular pathway, and the diffu—
`sional pathlength for a molecule has recently been
`speculated to be approximately 350 pm {Guy and
`Hadgraft, 1988). Thus, the value of it used above
`to calculate D may be significantly underesti-
`mated. However, the precise value for diffusional
`pathlength is irrelevant when taking the ratio of
`diffusivities before anti after enhancer treatment,
`as the pathlength is assumed to be constant in
`both cases. This may not be the true situation as
`PG may alter the epidermal membrane thickness.
`Thus the diffusivity values. and their ratios. are
`approximate, but are useful guides to molecular
`cvents within the tissue.
`The 9—fold increase in diffusi'vity correlates with
`a mechanism of action whereby the penetration
`enhancer disrupts the lipid structure of the stra-
`tum eorneum. The partition coefficient (P) of the
`drug from its vehicle (aqueous solution) into the
`stratum corneum is related to the membrane diffu-
`sivity by:
`Thus. the partition coefficient for the drug may be
`evaluated approximately to give a control pre-
`treatment value of 0.484 and a posttreatment value
`of 0.327. As expected. the presence of PG and the
`urea analogue in the membrane correlates with a
`reduction in partitioning of
`the drug into the
`tissue, by a factor of 0.68. To verify this conclu-
`the steady state concentrations of 5-FU in
`epidermal membranes were determined. After
`treatment with DDU in PG the steady state con-
`centration of S-FU in the membrane fell by a
`factor of 0.7l i009 (n=3), which is in good
`agreement with the factor of 0.68 above. There-
`fore. we conclude that
`the experimentally de-
`termined enhancement ratio with DDU in PG is
`which give a combined effect: 9,42 X068 = 6.40
`(= ER.)
`A similarly reduced lag time was observed with
`DDDU and DPU. again illustrating increased
`membrane diffusivity and reduced drug parti-
`The calculated log P (octanol/water) values
`for the urea analogues range from approximately
`3 to 11.7, and we expect
`the rank-order of the
`analogues in this system to correlate with log P
`(stratum corneum/ water). Clearly, with PG pre~
`sent in the stratum eorneum, the solvent nature of
`the membrane is altered and hence the partition
`coefficient data are of little value for predicting
`the amounts of the accelerants entering the mem~
`brane. However. once the analogues are in the
`lipid domain of
`the stratum corneum,
`clearance into aqueous receptor solutions will be
`governed by a partitioning mechanism. DDDU
`(log P= 11.7) is not cleared from the skin before
`36 h, whereas DPU {log P=2.98} begins to be
`eliminated approximately 20 h after treatment, as
`suggested by the onset of curvature in the permea—
`tion profile in Fig. 2.
`A similar lipid disruption mechanism has been
`proposed for the action of several accelerants in—
`cluding Azonc and olcic acid (Barry, 1987a; Barry.
`1989; Goodman and Barry. 1989) Following a
`reduction in the barrier function of the stratum
`corneum, additional PG may enter the membrane,
`thereby further increasing partitioning of the urea
`analogues. DMl does not penetrate the stratum
`corneum well, does not promote partitioning of
`the test agents into the skin, and is thus a less
`effective vehicle for
`the administration of
`penetration enhancers.
`In conclusion, Our data indicate that urea and
`the vehicles alone are ineffective in promoting
`permeation of S-FU through human cadaver skin.
`The urea analogues are equally effective from a
`given vehicle, but are more effective when applied
`in PG compared with application from DMI or
`LLP. No correlation was found between the log
`partition coefficients
`(octanol/water) and en-
`hancement ratios of the urea analogues, and the
`intervehicle variations in the enhancement ratios is
`composed of an increase in diffusivity of the mem-
`brane and a decrease in partitioning of the drug,
`not due to solubility differences. The results sup-
`port the LPP theory for accelerant activity with


`the analogues disrupting the lipid packing in the
`stratum corneum thereby increasing the mem-
`brane diffusivity to S-FU.
`The authors thank the Science and Engineering
`Research Council
`for a studentship for A.C.W..
`and Dr.
`.1.V. Greenhill
`for assistance with the
`organic synthesis.
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