`Karl Renner
`IPR39843-0042IP1; IPR39843-0042IP2; IPR39843-0043IP1; IPR39843-0044IP1; IPR39843-0045IP1; IPR39843-0045IP2; IPR39843-0046IP1; IPR39843-0046IP2; IPR39843-
`0047IP1; IPR39843-0048IP1; PTAB Inbound; Nathan Lowenstein; Sangeeta G. Shah (sshah@brookskushman.com) (sshah@brookskushman.com); Jeremy Monaldo; AXF-PTAB;
`Craig A. Deutsch; David Holt; Nicholas Stephens; Roberto Devoto; Kenneth Weatherwax
`IPR2018-01106/1108/1113/1114/1120/1122/1124/1125/1126/1127: Update regarding Additional Discovery
`Wednesday, September 12, 2018 3:41:23 PM
`Agreed Upon Discovery Requests 9-11.docx
`Honorable Board,
`Further to the August 29, 2018 Order Authorizing Motion for Additional Discovery and our September 10, 2018 Joint Request for Leave For an Extension
`of Time, we wish to inform the Board that the parties have reached a mutually acceptable agreement and compromise on the currently pending discovery
`dispute, avoiding the need for additional briefing or Board intervention. In particular, Samsung (Petitioner) has agreed to provide additional discovery in
`response to the attached requests on the condition that the information and documents produced in response to the requests are treated by Seven
`Networks (Patent Owner) as confidential business information (CBI) and are not deemed by Seven Networks to constitute a waiver of the common
`interest privilege. Consistent with this, Seven Networks has agreed that it will file a motion to seal any submissions to the Board that reveal information
`reflected by this production, which Samsung has agreed to join in the preparation and filing thereof.
`With Best Regards,
`Karl Renner, Lead Counsel for Petitioner
`Kenneth Weatherwax, Lead Counsel for Patent Owner in IPR2018-01106/1108/1120/1122/1124/1125/1126/1127
`Sangeeta Shah, Lead Counsel for Patent Owner in IPR2018-1113/1114
`From: Trials <Trials@USPTO.GOV>
`Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 1:47 PM
`To: Kenneth Weatherwax <weatherwax@lowensteinweatherwax.com>
`Cc: IPR39843-0042IP1 <IPR39843-0042IP1@fr.com>; IPR39843-0042IP2 <IPR39843-0042IP2@fr.com>; IPR39843-0043IP1 <IPR39843-
`0043IP1@fr.com>; IPR39843-0044IP1 <IPR39843-0044IP1@fr.com>; IPR39843-0045IP1 <IPR39843-0045IP1@fr.com>; IPR39843-0045IP2
`<IPR39843-0045IP2@fr.com>; IPR39843-0046IP1 <IPR39843-0046IP1@fr.com>; IPR39843-0046IP2 <IPR39843-0046IP2@fr.com>; IPR39843-
`0047IP1 <IPR39843-0047IP1@fr.com>; IPR39843-0048IP1 <IPR39843-0048IP1@fr.com>; PTAB Inbound <PTABInbound@fr.com>; Nathan
`Lowenstein <lowenstein@lowensteinweatherwax.com>; Sangeeta G. Shah (sshah@brookskushman.com) (sshah@brookskushman.com)
`<sshah@brookskushman.com>; Karl Renner <renner@fr.com>; Jeremy Monaldo <Monaldo@fr.com>; AXF-PTAB <AXF-PTAB@fr.com>; Craig A.
`Deutsch <deutsch@fr.com>; David Holt <DTH@fr.com>; Nicholas Stephens <nstephens@fr.com>; Roberto Devoto <devoto@fr.com>; Trials
`Subject: RE: IPR2018-01106/1108/1113/1114/1120/1122/1124/1125/1126/1127: Request for Board call
`The panel requests that the parties confer and submit an email indicating times on Friday, August 24 between 11am-3pm, when all
`parties are available for a conference call with the panel.
`Carrie M. Johnson
`Detailee Supervisory Paralegal Specialist
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`Phone: (571) 272-5169
`Email: carrie.johnson@uspto.gov
`From: Kenneth Weatherwax <weatherwax@lowensteinweatherwax.com>
`Sent: Monday, August 13, 2018 5:54 PM
`To: Trials <Trials@USPTO.GOV>
`Cc: IPR39843-0042IP1 <IPR39843-0042IP1@fr.com>; IPR39843-0042IP2 <IPR39843-0042IP2@fr.com>; IPR39843-0043IP1 <IPR39843-
`0043IP1@fr.com>; IPR39843-0044IP1 <IPR39843-0044IP1@fr.com>; IPR39843-0045IP1 <IPR39843-0045IP1@fr.com>; IPR39843-0045IP2
`<IPR39843-0045IP2@fr.com>; IPR39843-0046IP1 <IPR39843-0046IP1@fr.com>; IPR39843-0046IP2 <IPR39843-0046IP2@fr.com>; IPR39843-
`0047IP1 <IPR39843-0047IP1@fr.com>; IPR39843-0048IP1 <IPR39843-0048IP1@fr.com>; PTAB Inbound <PTABInbound@fr.com>; Nathan
`Lowenstein <lowenstein@lowensteinweatherwax.com>; Sangeeta G. Shah (sshah@brookskushman.com) (sshah@brookskushman.com)
`<sshah@brookskushman.com>; Karl Renner <renner@fr.com>; Jeremy Monaldo <Monaldo@fr.com>; AXF-PTAB <AXF-PTAB@fr.com>; Craig A.
`Deutsch <deutsch@fr.com>; David Holt <DTH@fr.com>; Nicholas Stephens <nstephens@fr.com>; Roberto Devoto <devoto@fr.com>
`Subject: IPR2018-01106/1108/1113/1114/1120/1122/1124/1125/1126/1127: Request for Board call
`To the Honorable Board:
`In the above-referenced ten cases, Patent Owner requests a call with the Board, to seek authorization to move for discovery pursuant to 37 C.F.R.
`§§ 42.5 and .51(b)(2) directed to evidence regarding the 35 U.S.C. § 315(b) time bar as it applies to Petitioner. Petitioner states that it opposes this
`Counsel for the parties are available to attend the call at the following times, all EDT: Tuesday August 14 11a-1p, Wednesday August 15 11a-2p,
`Friday August 17 1130a-12p, and Monday August 20 2p-5p.
`The evidence requested in the discovery will address, in particular, the privity and relevant pre-existing relationships between (i) Google, who is
`petitioner in, inter alia, eleven other cases against these patents, and (ii) Petitioner, in the ten above-referenced cases challenging the same
`patents. Patent Owner is prepared to explain on the call why permission to file a motion requesting the ordering of such discovery should be
`granted, under Applications In Internet Time v. RPX (Fed. Cir. July 9, 2018, unsealed July 24, 2018), the Garmin factors, and other decisions, in light
`of the facts common to the above cases.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Kenneth Weatherwax, Lead Counsel for Patent Owner in IPR2018-01106/1108/1120/1122/1124/1125/1126/1127
`Sangeeta Shah, Lead Counsel for Patent Owner in IPR2018-1113/1114
`This email message is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged
`information. Any unauthorized use or disclosure is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the
`sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.
`Patent Owner.
`(Patent 9,516,127)
`(Patent 8,811,952)
`(Patent 9,247,019)
`(Patent 9,325,600)
`(Patent 9,351,254)
`(Patent 9,516,129)
`(Patent 9,553,816)
`Patent owner (SEVEN Networks, LLC, herein “Patent Owner” “SEVEN”)
`requests that petitioner (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., and Samsung Electronics
`America, Inc., herein collectively “Petitioner”) produce the following documents
`or things and respond to the following interrogatories and admission requests.
`In responding to and producing documents and things responsive to these
`Requests, Petitioner must comply with the instructions in the Office Patent Trial
`Practice Guide.
`1. If Petitioner is aware of any responsive documents but cannot produce
`them because they have been lost or destroyed or are no longer in Petitioner’s
`possession, custody, or control, Petitioner should identify those documents.
`Identify any responsive documents of which Petitioner is aware but cannot produce
`because they have been lost or destroyed or are no longer in Petitioner’s
`possession, custody, or control. Petitioner must timely supplement its responses
`and productions if it learns that its response is incomplete or additional responsive
`information is found.
`2. If Petitioner finds the meaning of any term in the Requests unclear,
`Petitioner should assume a reasonable meaning, state what the assumed meaning
`is, and produce documents and things on the basis of that assumed meaning.
`3. For any document withheld based upon a claim of privilege, you must
`provide a privilege log according to the requirements of Fed. R. Civ. P. 26.
`Unless otherwise stated, the requests seek documents and things created
`from 2011 to the present. You must produce responsive information that is
`allegedly confidential but may do so under the Board’s default protective order.
`1. “Document” has the broadest meaning accorded by FED. R. CIV. P. 34.
`2. The term “Samsung” means Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung
`Electronics America, Inc. and their affiliates, and their attorneys and agents.
`3. The term “Google” means Google LLC, Google Inc., Alphabet LLC and
`their affiliates, and their attorneys and agents.
`4. The term “Samsung IPRs” means Case Nos. IPR2018-01106, IPR2018-
`1108, IPR2018-1113, IPR2018-1114, IPR2018-1120, IPR2018-1122, IPR2018-
`1124, IPR2018-1125, IPR2018-1126, and IPR2018-1127.
`5. The term “Google IPRs” means Case Nos. IPR2018-01047, IPR2018-
`01048, IPR2018-01049, IPR2018-01050, IPR2018-01051, IPR2018-01052,
`IPR2018-01094, IPR2018-01095, IPR2018-01101, IPR2018-01102, IPR2018-
`01103, IPR2018-01104, IPR2018-01115, IPR2018-01116, IPR2018-01117,
`IPR2018-01118, IPR2018-01122.
`6. The term “Samsung/Google-Challenged Patents” means the following
`patents which are the subject to the Samsung/SEVEN IPR Proceedings: 8,811,952,
`9,247,019, 9,325,600, 9,351,254, 9,516,127, 9,516,129, 9,553,816.
`7. The term “Google-Challenged Patents” means the following patents
`which are the subject to the Google/SEVEN IPR Proceedings: 8,078,158,
`9,386,433, 9,444,812.
`8. The term “Google/Samsung Litigation” means the proceedings in SEVEN
`Networks, LLC v. Samsung Elecs. Co. Ltd. and Samsung Electronics America, Inc.,
`No. 2:17-cv-441-JRG, and SEVEN Networks, LLC v. Google LLC, 2:17-cv-442-
`JRG, in the Eastern District of Texas, which have been consolidated.
`9. The term “Google Litigation” means the proceedings in Google LLC v
`SEVEN Networks, LLC, 3-17-cv-04600 in the Northern District of California.
`10. The term “communications” means transmission or receipt of
`information of any kind through any means (e.g. email, voicemail, audio, computer
`readable media, or orally) contained in any document or thing, including but not
`limited to communications referring to subjects by code name or euphemism.
`Request No. 1: All provisions concerning joint activity at the U.S. Patent
`and Trademark Office (USPTO) and/or its Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB)
`from within any written joint defense (or common interest) agreement between
`Samsung and Google relating to the Google/Samsung Litigation.
`Request No. 2: All provisions relating to litigation and/or claims of defense
`from within the Mobile Application Development Agreement and any other
`agreements between Samsung and Google that formed the basis for Samsung’s
`request to Google for indemnification and/or defense in connection with the
`Samsung/Google Litigation.
`Request No. 3: Samsung’s communication(s) to Google regarding
`Samsung’s claim for indemnification in connection with the Samsung/Google
`Request No. 4: Google’s communication(s) to Samsung regarding Google’s
`response to Samsung’s claim for indemnification in connection with the
`Samsung/Google Litigation.
`Request No. 1: Admit that Google communicated to Samsung information
`Samsung understood to indicate that Google planned to file petitions for IPR of
`Samsung/Google-Challenged Patents.
`Request No. 2: Admit that Google communicated to Samsung information
`Samsung understood to indicate at least some of the art references Google planned
`to raise in petitions for IPR of Samsung/Google-Challenged Patents.
`Request No. 3: Admit that Google communicated to Samsung information
`Samsung understood to indicate at least some of the prior art-based grounds
`Google planned to raise in petitions for IPR of Samsung/Google-Challenged
`Request No. 4: Admit that Samsung communicated to Google information
`that Samsung planned to file petitions for IPR of Samsung/Google-Challenged
`Request No. 5: Admit that Samsung communicated to Google information
`indicating at least some of the art references Samsung planned to raise in petitions
`for IPR of Samsung/Google-Challenged Patents.
`Request No. 6: Admit that Samsung communicated to Google information
`indicating at least some of the prior art-based grounds Samsung planned to raise in
`petitions for IPR of Samsung/Google-Challenged Patents.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Sangeeta G. Shah (Reg. No. 38,614)
`Kenneth J. Weatherwax (Reg. No. 54,528)
`Date: September __, 2018