`(12) United States Patent
`Shimizu et al.
`(IO) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,531,960 132
`May 12, 2009
`1‘[(;][']' EMITTING DEVICE WITH mm;
`3 13-1198 5.12:
`(58} Field of Classification Search .........
`4281690: 25 7t 1 03
`See application tile for complete search history.
`Inventors: Yoshinori Shimizu. Tokushima (JP):
`Kensho Sakanu. Anon (.11’):Yasuoobu
`Nogttehi. 'liikllshimzt (.11’); 'l‘oshio
`MorigW-‘lli- Allan (11’)
`References (fined
`11.8. l’.’\'I‘I-'.N'1'])(}('l.lM|EN'|'S
`3.5 Inftsz A
`5.193%} Anions
`(73} Assignee: Niehia Corporation. Anon-511i (JP)
`’9' ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term ol‘this
`is extended or adjusted under 35
`use 154th) by 233 days.
`3804393 Al
`3 198‘}
`(21) Appl. No;
`iiil ‘d:
`M . 5., 2007
`Pritll‘ Publication Data
`US 2(Xl7t’0159060A1
`Jul. 12. 2007
`Related ”-5- A[3'13““310011 Data
`(62) Division ol‘atpplieotioii No. 101609.402. filed on .1111. 1.
`2003. now Pat. No. "1.362.048. which is a division ol‘
`application No. 091453.024. tiled on Dee. 10. 1999.
`now 1’31. No. 0.014.179. which is El lelSlUtl ol‘appli-
`cation No. 0953003 I 5. filed on Apr. 28. 1999.11ow1’at.
`No. 6.069.440. which is it division ol‘opplieotion No.
`081902.725. tiled 011111129. 199111099 l’ot. No. 5.998.
`Jul. 2‘). 1996
`Scp. 17. 1996
`Sep. 18. 1996
`Dec. 27' 1996
`Mair. 3 |
`_ 1997
`11 Drug" Applicant)" Priority Data
`.............................. 1’ [JR-1985.85
`.............................. Pox—244339
`P Oil-359004
`IJ 09-081010
`lnt. (j1_
`”053 33/00
`[1.51. (Ti.
`3l3f512: 257t’1031428f690
`()‘I'I lliR pug] .lC‘A'lilONS
`Iirnnko el 31.. Development and applications of highbright while
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`Phosphor Society. pp. 4-16 01th English translation.
`(("0111 inued)
`Prime Ermine!" Jessph L Williams
`(7-4) .‘itmrttcjt'. Agent. or firm Birch. Slewat‘t. Koloseh &
`Birch. LU,
`““5 l R“ '
`A linht emittin 1 device includes 2: 1i iht emittin 1 com orient:
`and: pltospltorkcapoble oi‘ubsorbing: part oi‘ligkht emitted by
`the light emitting component and emitting light ol‘ :1 wove-
`length dil‘lerent from that oi‘the absorbed light.A straight line
`connecting at point ol‘ehrotnotieitycorresponding too peokol‘
`the spectrum generated by the light emitting component and
`at point ol‘eiironiotieity corresponding to 11 peak ol‘ the spec-
`trum generated by the phosphor is disposed along with the
`black body radiation locus in the chromatieity diagram.
`23 Claims, 19 Drawing Sheets
` 205
` I
`TCL 1036, Page 1
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`VIZIO EX. 1036 Page 0001
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`US. Patent
`May 12, 2009
`Sheet 1 m9
`US 7,531,960 32
` WW
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`US. Patent
`May 12, 2009
`Sheet 2 of 19
`US 7,531,960 32
`Reiative 50 I."
`Excitation spectmm
`Wavelength (A)
`mnymny 50 :ElllllllligalllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
`i:':::WIHIIII: REE-'Eflfiuifiiiifii
`::==:.,=:::E*EEEEEEEEE- -:::Ei3=
`Emission spectrum
`Waveiength { A 3
`TCL 1036, Page 5
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`U.S. Patent
`May 12, 2009
`Sheet 3 of 19
`US 7,531,960 B2
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`US. Patent
`May 12, 2009
`Sheet 4 MW
`US 7,531 ,960 32
`I I9»
`Relative 50'
`Excitation spectrum
`Wavelength ( J. )
`0 III-imnnnn
`Emission spectrum
`Wavelength (A )
`TCL 1036, Page 7
`LOWES 1036, Page 7
`VIZIO EX. 1036 Page 0007
` 100 aaa=aaaa=
`=:=‘-:=.... ..:§:-::::...
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`US. Patent
`naay 12,2009
`US 7,531 ,960 32
`4- Q
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`US. Patent
`May 12, 2009
`Sheet 6 of 19
`US 7,531 960 82
`Fig. 7
` I/
`Fig. 8
`Fi .9g
`TCL 1036, Page 9
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`US. Patent
`May 12, 2009
`Sheet 7 of :9
`US 7,531,960 32
`Fig. 10
` LED dispiay unit
`Image data memory
`Gradation control unit
`TCL 1036, Page 10
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`US. Patent
`May 12, 2009
`Sheet 8 of l9
`US 7,531,960 32
`Fig. 1 1
` 00 OO 00
`OO 00 00
`00 OO 00
`00 00 OD
`506 OO 00 OO 5"“
`TCL 1036, Page 11
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`US. Patent
`May 12, 2009
`Sheet 9 of 19
`US 7,531,960 132
`Fig. 13A
`Life test
`lf=20mA Ta=25°C
`94,H 40
`Lighting time (H)
`Life test
`lf=20mA Ta=60°c 90%HH
`Lighting time (H)
`TCL 1036, Page 12
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`VIZIO EX. 1036 Page 0012
`1 1
`1 1
`1 l1 1 1
`LOWES 1036, Page 12
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`US. Patent
`May 12, 2009
`Sheet 10 01'19
`Us 7,531,960 32
`Fig. 14A
`holdinu rate
`Weathering test
`Time (hr)
`TCL 1036, Page 13
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`US. Patent
`May 12, 2009
`Sheet 11 of 19
`US 7,531,960 32
`.1 A
`g 5
`Reliability test
`holding rate 5°
`Time (hr)
`Fig. 158
`TCL 1036, Page 14
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`US. Patent
`May 12, 2009
`Sheet 12 of 19
`US 7,531,960 32
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`US. Patent
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`US. Patent
`May 12, 2009
`Sheet 14 of 19
`US 7,531,960 32
`Wavelength (nm)
`Fig 180
`Wavelength (nm)
`Wavelength (nm)
`TCL 1036, Page 17
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`LOWES 1036, Page 17
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`US. Patent
`May 12,2009
`Sheet 15 of 19
`Us 7,531,960 32
`Fig 198
`Wavelength (nm)
`Wavelength (rum)
`TCL 1036, Page 18
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`US. Patent
`May 12, 2009
`Sheet 16 of 19
`US 7,531,960 32
`H 90
`$51 80
`a 7'0
`E 60
`52 50
` .12. O
` Relativein
`F’9 20B
`Wavelengih (nm)
`Waveiength (nm)
`Wavelength (nm)
`TCL 1036, Page 19
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`U.S. Patent
`May 12‘ 2009
`Sheet 17 of 19
`US 7,531,960 32
`F19. 2 1B
`Wavelength (nm)
`Fig 210
`Wavelength (nm)
`Waveiength (nm)
`TCL 1036, Page 20
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`U.S. Patent
`May 12, 2009
`Sheet 18 of 19
`US 7,531,960 B2
`Wavelength (nm)
`Fig. 220
`Wavelength (nm)
`Wavelength (nm)
`TCL 1036, Page 21
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`U.S. Patent
`May 12. 2009
`Sheet 19 of 19
`US 7,531,960 32
`TCL 1036, Page 22
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`VIZIO EX. 1036 Page 0022
`Relative intensity [96)
`LOWES 1036, Page 22
`VIZIO Ex. 1036 Page 0022


`US 7,531,960 B2
`‘lhis application is a 37 (Kl-IR. § l.53(b) divisional ol‘US.
`application No. 10i’609.402.liled.lul. I. 2003. now lJ.S. Pat.
`No. ?.362.048 which is a divisional ofU.S. application Ser.
`No. Whit-58.024. filed Dec. 10. 1999. now US. Pat. No. 6.614.
`179 which is a divisional oi‘U.S. application Ser. No. 09800.
`315. filed on Apr. 28. 1999. now US. Pat. No. 6.069.440.
`which is a divisional ol'U .8. application Ser. No. 0301102725.
`tiled on .lul. 29. 199?. new US. Pat. No. 5.998.925. the entire
`contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference.
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to a light emitting diode used
`in LED display. back light source. traflic signal. ltailway
`signal. illuminating switch. indicator. etc. More particularly.
`it relates to a light emitting device (I .I ED) comprising a phos-
`phor. which converts the wavelength of light entitled by a
`light emitting component and emits light. and a display
`device tlsing the light emitting device.
`2. Description of Related Art
`A light emitting diode is compact and emits light ofclear -
`color with high efliciency. It is also free from such a trouble as
`bum-out and has good initial drive characteristic. high vibra-
`tion resistance and durability to endure repetitive ONIOFF
`operations. because it is a semiconductor element. Thus it has
`been tlsed widely in such applications as various indicators
`and various light sources. Recently light emitting diodes for
`R013 (red. green and blue) colors having ultra-high lumi-
`nance and high elliciency have been developed. and large
`screen [.lil) displays using these light emitting diodes have
`a) 'Jl
`been put into use. The LED display can be operated with less _
`power and has such good characteristics as light weight and
`long life. and is therefore expected to be more widely used in
`the future.
`Recently. various attempts have been made to make white
`light sources by using light emitting diodes. Because the light
`emitting diode has a favorable emission spectrum to generate
`tnouochromatic light. making a light source for wltite light
`requires it to arrange three light emitting cotnponents of R. G
`and 13 closely to each other while diffusing and mixing the
`light emitted by them. When generating White light with such
`an arrangement. there has been such a problem that white
`light ol'the desired lone cannot be generated due to variations
`in the tone. luminance and other factors of the light emitting
`component. Also when the light emitting components are
`tnade ol'ditl'crent materials. electric power required for driv—
`ing differs from one light emitting diode to another. making it
`necessary to apply different voltages different light emitting
`components. which leads to complex drive circuit. Moreover.
`because the light emitting components are semiconductor
`light emitting components. color tone is subject to variation .
`dtte to the difl'erence in temperature characteristics. chrono—
`logical changes and operating environment. or unevenness in
`color may be caused due to failure in uniformly mixing the
`light emitted by the light emitting components. 'l'ltus light
`emitting diodes are echctive as light emitting devices for
`generating individual colors. although a satislactory light
`source capable ofemitting white light by using light emitting
`components has not been obtained so far.
`In order to solve these problems. the present applicant
`previously developed light emitting diodes which convert the
`color oflighl. which is emitted by light emitting components.
`by means of a fluorescent material disclosed in Japanese
`Patent Kokai Nos. 5—152609. ?—99345. 7—176794 and 8—7614.
`The light entitling diodes disclosed in these publications are
`such that. by using light emitting components ol'one kind. are
`capable ol‘generating light ot'white and other colors. and are
`constituted as follows.
`The light emitting diode disclosed in the above gazettes are
`made by mounting a light emitting component. having a large
`energy band gap of light emitting layer. in a cup provided at
`the tip ol'a lead frame. and having a fluorescent material that
`absorbs light emitted by the light emitting component and
`emits light ol‘a wavelength difl‘erent from that ol‘thc absorbed
`light (wavelength conversion). contained in a resin mold
`which covers the light emitting component.
`The light emitting diode disclosed as described above
`capable oi'emitting white light by mixing the light ol'a plu—
`rality of sources can be made by using a light emitting com-
`ponent capable oi~ emitting blue light and molding the light
`emitting component with a resin including a fluorescent
`material that absorbs the light emitted by the blue light emit-
`ting diode and emits yellowish light.
`llowever. conventional
`light emitting diodes have such
`problems as deterioration of the fluorescent material leading
`to color tone deviation and darkening ofthe fluorescent mate
`rial resulting in lowered eiliciency of extracting light. Dark-
`ening here re l’ers to. in the case of using an inorganic fluores-
`cent material such as (Cd. ms fluorescent material.
`example. part of metal elements constituting the fluorescent
`material precipitate or change their properties leading to col-
`oration. or. in the case of using an organic fluorescent mate—
`rial. coloration duc to breakage of double bond in the mol—
`ecule. lispecially when a light emitting component made ol‘a
`semiConductor having a high energy band gap is used to
`improve the conversion eiliciency ofthe fluorescent material
`(that is. energy of light emitted by the semiconductor is
`increased and number of photons having energies above a
`threshold which can be absorbed by the fluorescent material
`increases. resulting in tuore light being absorbed). or the
`quantity of fluorescent material consumption is decreased
`(that is. the fluorescent material is irradiated with relatively
`higher energy).
`light energy absorbed by the fluorescent
`inevitably increases resulting in more significant
`degradation o f the lltlorescent material. Use ofthe light emit-
`ting component with higher intensity of light emission for an
`extended period oi‘time causes further [here signilicant deg—
`radat ion of the fluorescent material.
`A] so the l'ltlorescent material provided in the vicinity ol‘the
`light emitting component may be exposed to a high tempera-
`ture such as rising temperature ofthe light emitting compo—
`nent and heat transmitted from the external environment (for
`example. sunlight in case the device is used outdoors).
`1" urther. sotne fluorescent materials are subject to acceler-
`ated deterioration clue to combination of moisture entered
`from the outside or int reduced during the production process.
`the light and heat transmitted from the light emitting compo-
`When it comes to an organic dye of ionic property. direct
`current electric field in the vicinity of the chip may cattse
`electrophoresis. resulting in a change in the color tone.
`Thus. an object of the present invention is to solve the
`problems described above and provide a light emitting device
`which experiences only extremely low degrees of deteriora—
`tion in emission light intensity. light emission efliciency and
`color shift over a long time of use with high luminance.
`TCL 1036, Page 23
`LOWES 1036, Page 23
`VIZIO EX. 1036 Page 0023
`LOWES 1036, Page 23
`VIZIO Ex. 1036 Page 0023


`US 7,531,960 B2
`The present applicant completed the present
`through researches based on the assumption that a light emit-
`ting device having a light entitling component and a fluores-
`cent material must meet
`the following requirements to
`achieve the above-mentioned object.
`The light entitling component must be capable ofemitting
`light of high luminance with light emitting characteristic
`which is stable over a long time of use.
`The fluorescent material being provided in the vicinity of
`the high-luminance light emitting component. must show
`excellent resistance against light and heat so that the proper-
`ties thereof do not change even when used over an extended
`period oftitne while being exposed to light of high intensity
`emitted by the light emitting component (particularly the
`fluorescent material provided in the vicinity ofthe light etnit—
`ting component is exposed to light ofa radiation intensity as
`high as about 30 to 40 times that of sunlight according to our
`estimate. and is required to have more durability against light
`as light emitting component of higher luminance is used ).
`With regard to the relationship with the light emitting corn-
`ponent. the fluorescent material must be capable ofabsorbing
`with high eiticiency the light of high monochromaticity emit—
`ted by the light emitting cotnponent and emitting light ol'a
`wavelength dilferent from that ofthe light emitted by the light
`emitting component.
`'lhus the present invent ion prov ides a light emitting device.
`comprising a light emitting component and a phosphor
`capable of absorbing a part of light emitted by the light
`emitting component and entitling light of wavelength differ-
`ent from that of the absorbed light:
`wherein said light emitting component comprises a nitride
`compound semiconductor represented by the formula: lnifiaJ
`AIAN where 0E1, Uéj. tlék and i+j+k l ) and said phosphor
`contains a garnet fluorescent material comprising at least one
`element selected from the group consisting o fY. [.11. Se. [.a.
`(id and Sm. and at least one element selected from the group
`consisting o fAl. Ga and In. and being activated with cerium.
`The nitride compound semiconductor (generally repre-
`sented by chemical formula ln,('ia,-Al;(N where 0%]. Oéj.
`Uék and i+j+k I) mentioned above contains various mate-
`rials including lnGaN and GaN doped with various impuri—
`The phosphor mentioned above contains various materials
`defined as described above.
`including Y3Ai50l31'e and
`Because the light emitting device of the present invention
`uses the light emitting component made of a nitride com-
`pound semiconductor capable of emitting light with high
`luminance. the light emitting device is capable of emitting
`light with high luminance. Also the phosphor tlsed in the light
`emitting device has excellent resistance against light so that
`the fluorescent properties thereofexperience less change even
`when used over an extended period of time while being
`exposed to light of high intensity. This makes it possible to
`redttce the degradation of characteristics during long period
`of use and reduce deterioration due to light of high intensity
`emitted by the light emitting component as well as extraneous
`light (sunlight including ultraviolet light. etc.) during outdoor
`use. thereby to provide a light emitting device which experi-
`ences extremely less color shift and less luminance decrease.
`The light emitting device of the present invention can also be
`used in such applications that require response speeds as high
`as 120 nsec.. for example, because the phosphor used therein
`allows after glow only for a short period of time.
`The phosphor used in the light emitting diode ofthe present
`invention preferably contains ant yttrium-alumintun-garnet
`Lu 'JI
`fluorescent material that contains Y and A]. which enables it
`to increase the luminance of the light emitting device.
`In the light emitting device of the present invention. the
`phosphor may be a fluorescent material represented by a
`(Re1__Sm’.)_.(Al|‘_‘_('ia_‘_)5()lliCe. where
`Oér-cl and Dis; 1 and Re is at least one selected from Y and
`Gd. in which case good characteristics can be obtained simi—
`larly to the case where the yttrium—alumimun—garnet fluores—
`cent material is used.
`Also in the light emitting device ofthe present invention. it
`is preferable. for the purpose of reducing the temperature
`dependence of light emission characteristics (wavelength of
`emitted light. intensity of light emission. etc.). to us ‘ a fluo-
`rescent material represented by a general formula (Ylgflr,
`phosphor. where
`Uépéflfi. (LUO3§L1§0.2. 0.0003§r§0.08 and [J-Zzsé 1.
`Also in the light emitting device of the present invention.
`the phosphor may contain two or more yttriumvaluminum-
`garnet fluorescent materials. activated with ceriutu. oi‘differ-
`ent compositions including ‘t’ and A]. With this configuration.
`light ofdesired color can be emitted by controlling

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