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`(cid:47)(cid:50)(cid:58)(cid:40)(cid:54) 1025, Page 1
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`Volume 11, Number 2
`15 July 1967
`mately 2. Experimentally we have found that R
`has the value of unity or slightly greater, within a
`maximum experimental error of ±0.2. There is no
`significant variation in this value between focused
`and unfocused input beams, so spatial non-overlap
`cannot be a factor. Pulse envelope traces (Tektronix
`519 oscilloscope) of the laser output show regular
`modulation indicating some locking of the multi(cid:173)
`modes. While this would increase the efficiency of
`S.H.G., 12 it would require for the mixing process
`a more critical synchronization of the resulting
`modulation of the two fundamental frequencies.
`Streak interferograms (2 nsec resolution) show that
`such complete synchronization does not exist.
`After this work had been completed, the mixing
`of ruby and neodymium Q-switched lasers operat(cid:173)
`ing in a common resonator to produce a summed
`output at 4192 A was reported 13 but the relative
`efficiencies of S.H.G. and sum generation were not
`1 M. Bass, P. A. Franken, A. E. Hill, C. W. Pelers, and G. Wein-
`reich, Phys. Rro. Letters 8, 18 ( 1962).
`' R. C. Miller and A. Savage, Phys. Rev. 128, 2175 ( 1962).
`·' N. I. Adams and P. B. Schoefer, Proc. IEEE 51, 1366 (1963).
`4 0 . H. McMahon and A. R. Franklin, ] . Appl. Phys. 36, 2073
`• D. H. McMahon and A. R. Franklin, J. Appl. Ph)•S. 36, 2807
`( 1965).
`• A. W. Smith and N. Braslau, IBM J. of R es. and Dtv. 6, 361
`'M. 0 . Martin, E. L. Thomas, and J. K. Wright, Ph15. Lettm
`15, 136 (1965).
`"R. Madhavan, M. K. Dhecr, and J . S. Jaseja, Appl. Opt. 5,
`1823 (1966).
`• D. J. Bradley, G. Magyar, and M. C. Richardson , Proc. VII
`hit. Co11(. on Ion . Phm. in Cases. Belgrnde ( 1965), in press.
`10 D. J. Bradley, G. Magyar, and M. C. Richardson, to be pub(cid:173)
`lished .
`11 N. Bloembergen, No11/i11ear Optir.s 133, (Benjamin, New Yo rk ,
`1965), p. 133.
`12 R. L. Kohn and R. H . Pantell, Appl. Phys. Lettm 8,231 (1966).
`" Yu. A. Gol'din. V. G. Dmitriev, V. K. T arasov , and
`. V.
`Shkunov,J ETP utters 4,297 (1966).
`The fluorescence of Y 3AlsO, 2- Ce3+ under cathode-ray excitation consists of an emission band peaking at 550 nm.
`The decay time is 0.07- 0.08 µ,sec . In view of these properties this phosphor is very suitable for flying-spot cathode(cid:173)
`ray tubes for color television.
`G. Blasse and A. Brit
`Philips Research Labora1ories
`N. V. Philips" Gloeilampenfabrieken
`Eindhoven, The Netherlands
`(Received 29 May 1967)
`Ce3+ -activated phosphors are usually char(cid:173)
`acterized by an emission band with a maximum in
`or near the uv region and a very short decay time. 1
`In this Letter we report on a Ce3+ -activated phos(cid:173)
`phor with an emission at considerably longer wave(cid:173)
`lengths, viz. Y3Al~0 12-Ce.
`Sam pies with the general formula Y 3_.rCe.rA150 12
`(x <: 0.3) were prepared by firing intimate mix(cid:173)
`tures of high-purity Y20 3 , hydrated alumina and
`Ce20 3 at 1500° in nitrogen. X-ray analysis showed
`them to be pure garnets. According to chemical
`analysis the Ce•+ content of the samples is neg(cid:173)
`ligible. This was also the case if the samples were
`fired in oxygen, air, or nitrogen containing 5%
`of hydrogen. Optical measurements were per(cid:173)
`formed as described previously. 2
`Y3Als012-Ce shows a bright yellow emission
`under excitation with cathode rays as well as with
`blue radiation. Figure I shows the spectral energy
`Fig. 1. Spectral energy disttibution of Y , ... Ceo . ..Al.O,.
`under cathode ny excitation (full line), uv excitatioa (bl'ORD
` and of Y, ... Ceo . ..Al.C..O11 under uv ucitation (dotted
`line). Tb.e solid and broken lines coincide i.n the visible region.
`(cid:47)(cid:50)(cid:58)(cid:40)(cid:54) 1025, Page 2
`VIZIO Ex. 1025 Page 0002


`Volume 11, Number 2
`15 July 1967
`distribution of the emission of Y3Al5O12-Ce under
`cathode-ray (er) as well as under ultraviolet (uv)
`excitation. Figure 2 shows the excitation spectrum
`of the visible fluorescence of Y3Al5O12-Ce and the
`diffuse reflection spectra of Y3Al5O 1cCe and un(cid:173)
`activated Y 3Al5O12. The radiant efficiency for er
`excitation (20 keV) is 3.5% for the emission in the
`visible region and 0.1 % for the emission in the uv
`region.3 These figures were found for a sample
`with composition Y2.94Ce0,06Al5O12 and vary only
`slightly with the Ce concentration. At very low Ce
`concentration the ratio of the intensities of uv to
`visible emission increases.
`Decay times were measured with er and uv exci(cid:173)
`tation. With er excitation the phosphor was irradi(cid:173)
`ated with short electron beam pulses (duration 0.1
`µ..sec, repetition rate I 04 cps) in a demountable tube.
`The fluorescence was collected on a photomultiplier
`and displayed on an oscilloscope. The decay time
`was found to be shorter than 0.1 µ..sec. The phos(cid:173)
`phor was also excited by a short pulse of uv radia(cid:173)
`tion with the aid of a TRW nanosecond spectral
`source system (duration 0.004 µ.sec, repetition rate
`5 x 103 cps). The output was again displayed on an
`oscilloscope. The decay time proved to be 0.07-
`0.08 µ..sec.
`All Ce3+ -activated phosphors described in the
`literature show the maximum of their emission in
`the uv or blue (up to =410 nm). The emission from
`Y3Al5O 12- Ce under er excitation, however, lies
`almost entirely in the visible with a broad band
`peaking at 550 nm. There is also a uv emission
`band under short-wave uv excitation. In view of
`this peculiar behavior it may be wondered whether
`this emission is really due to the Ce3+ center. There
`are several reasons for believing that this is the
`(a) Chemical analysis excludes other oxidation
`states of cerium; (b) unactivated Y3Al5O 12 does not
`Fig. 2. ReJatin excitation •pectnam of the mible IIIOlft-
`cence of Y, ... Ceo.ooAl,011 (aolid line) aad diA'ue relection
`•pedn of Y, .... Ceo.ooAl.011 (broken line) aad Y,AJ.011 (dot-
`ted line).
`emit in this region; (c) the decay time of Ce3+ phos(cid:173)
`phors is always very short, viz. shorter than 0.1
`µ..sec, since an allowed transition is involved (2D -
`2F). Y3Al5O12-Ce has such a short decay time; (d)
`the emission band of Ce3+ phosphors should con(cid:173)
`sist of two bands, the ground state being split
`(2F712 , 2F 512). The energy difference between these
`two bands is some 2000 cm-1. Particularly at higher
`Ce concentrations this splitting is not always ob(cid:173)
`served. The uv emission band of Y 3Al5O 12-Ce does
`indeed exhibit two peaks (29.800 and 27.800
`cm-1) but the visible band does not. Y3 Al2Ga3O 1cCe
`with similar but less efficient fluorescence, however,
`shows an indication of the splitting of this emission
`band in the visible.
`Figure 2 shows that Y3Al5 O 12-Ce is most effi(cid:173)
`ciently excited by 460 nm radiation. The efficiency
`for long-wave uv excitation is less, and that for
`short-wave uv excitation may even be termed low.
`The excitation bands correspond to absorption in
`the Ce3+ center. This follows from a comparison
`between the diffuse reflection spectra of Y 3Al5O12
`and Y3Al5O 12-Ce. These bands show the complete
`crystal field splitting of the 2D level of Ce3+.
`Elsewhere we will discuss this and other Ce3+
`phosphors more extensively. For the moment we
`conclude that Y3Al5O 12- Ce3+ is an exceptional
`Ce3+ phosphor with an emission at relatively long
`wavelengths and a high efficiency under er exci(cid:173)
`Therefore this phosphor can be of use for flying(cid:173)
`spot cathode-ray tubes, especially for color tele(cid:173)
`vision. When the screen of such a tube is scanned
`with a normal television raster, a decay time of
`the phosphor shorter than =0. 1 µ..sec is required.
`Usually ZnO-Zn is used with an emission band at
`500 nm containing only a small amoum of n :d and
`with an efficiency which is about the same as that
`of Ce3+ -activated phosphors. Its decay time, how(cid:173)
`ever, is too long, viz. =l µ.sec. Therefore a large
`correction is applied to the output signal by elec(cid:173)
`trical compensation with unavoidably a great re(cid:173)
`duction in this signal. Y3Al5O 12- Ce has a much
`higher output in the red region and, moreover, a
`much shorter decay time. Therefore the output
`signal of this tube is expected to be an order of
`magnitude higher than for ZnO-Zn. The emission
`of Y3A1sO12-Ce does not contain blue. However,
`efficient blue phosphors with short decay time are
`available (for example, Ca2 Al2 SiO7 Ce (ref. I)), so
`that a mixture of these two phosphors will suffice.
`'See, e.g., A. Bril and H. A. Klasens, Philips Res. Repts. 7,421
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`(cid:47)(cid:50)(cid:58)(cid:40)(cid:54) 1025, Page 3
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`Volume 11, Number 2
`15 July 1967
`'A. Bril and W. L. Wanmaker,J. Electrochem. Soc. 111, 1363
`'For comparison: the most efficient (;e3+ . activated phosphor
`Ca.Al.SiO, has an efficiency of 4% (ref. l ).
`D. J. Epsteint
`Electric Po~er Engineering Department
`Technical University of Denmark
`Lyngby, Denmark
`L. Tocci
`Departme nt of Electrical Engineering and
`Ce nter for Materials Science and Engineering
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology
`Cambridge, Massachusetts
`(Received 27 March 1967; in final form 31 May 1967)
`The ferrimagnetic resonance linewidth of silicon-doped YIG, measured as a function of temperature at 13.4
`kMHz, is found to show a pronounced peak at 105°C. The anisotropic behavior of this peak is in good agreement
`with the four-level valence-exchange model proposed by Clogston. The model yields for the electron ordering
`energy a value 5 x 10-(cid:141) eV which agrees closely with the energy deduced from magnetic anneal studies. The acti(cid:173)
`vation energy for electron transfer (0.25 eV) is virtually identical with values reported in investigations of electrical
`conductivity and acoustic loss.
`It is known that the introduction of small con(cid:173)
`centrations of silicon into the YJG lattice leads to a
`significant increase in magnetic loss. There is gen(cid:173)
`eral agreement, however, that silicon itself plays
`only an incidental role and that the losses are actu(cid:173)
`ally due to the presence of divalent iron created in
`response to the addition of quadrivalent silicon.
`In YIG samples containing Fe2+ two peaks have
`been reponed in the plot of microwave resonance
`linewidth vs temperature. Typically, one peak oc(cid:173)
`curs at low temperature below ca. I 00°K, and the
`other above ca. 300°K. It was suggested, at the time
`of its discovery, that the low temperature peak was
`due to valence exchange,•.2 i.e., electron transfer
`between Fe2+ and Fe3+ cations. More recently,
`Tchernev3 has. argued that the electron-hopping
`mechanism is, in all likelihood, "frozen out" at
`temperatures below I00°K, and therefore, it is more
`reasonable to ascribe the peak to the localized fe2+
`ion acting, more or less,4 as a slow relaxer. The
`high temperature peak has been looked at to a
`*The experimental work was performed under contract with
`the Air Force Materials Laboratory, Research and Technology
`Division, Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterwn Air
`Force Base, Ohio.
`t Presently on leave of absence from the Department of Elec(cid:173)
`trical Engineering, Mas$3chusetts Institute of Technology, Cam(cid:173)
`bridge, Massachusetts.
`lesser extent5·7 a.nd the suggestion has been made
`that it is due to valence exchange.7
`In our work the temperature dependence and
`anisotropy of the upper peak have been examined
`in some detail. Our results provide strong evidence
`that the high temperature resonance losses are,
`indeed, due to valence exchange, a conclusion that
`would seem to exclude this mechanism as the one
`also responsible for the low temperature peak.
`We have measured the linewidth of the uniform
`precession at 13.4 kMHz for several single crystals
`of silicon-doped YIG (Y3Fe5_ 6Si6O 12) between room
`temperature and the Curie point. The crystals were
`grown from a PbO-PbF2 flux using high purity
`starting materials to which controlled amounts of
`SiO2 were added. Silicon concentration was de(cid:173)
`termined from spectrographic analysis of several
`crystals (not the actual samples) selected from the
`growth run. Measurements were made on samples
`prepared as well polished spheres, 0.025" in diam(cid:173)
`eter. These were mounted in a TE-108 transmission
`cavity and linewidth measurements were made
`using the half-power method.8
`Our results for the composition 6 = 0.06 are
`shown in Fig. I. A sample containing a smaller
`silicon content (6 = 0.04) showed the same tempera(cid:173)
`ture dependence but with the magnitude of the
`losses reduced roughly in proportion to the doping.
`(cid:47)(cid:50)(cid:58)(cid:40)(cid:54) 1025, Page 4
`VIZIO Ex. 1025 Page 0004

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