`City of New York, State of'New York, County of New York
`1, Aurora Landman, hereby certify that the document is a true and acctu'ate translation
`from Japanese (.1 P) into English of Japanese Examined Patent Application Publication
`Number HOB-7614.
`I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on
`August 14, 2017.
`Aurora Landrnan
`__ _____.
`Sworn to before me this
`August 21, 2017
`' gumnecm
`iuewvoax comm;
`m-an-ma A: :3
`F 2i3.{$89 E959 l
`'i' 212 (>59 559$ !
`i'i-‘lPE? PQHK AVSHUE, 3‘91'F-l Fl. (Will-1. ME‘W TURK WV 10D??? 1
`OPE-”ICES: [IN '90 {LITE-.5 Wt.)R§.DWiDF
`‘v“f"u’\r"\i\u" i'iiAN‘J‘ERFEt
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`LOWES 1007, Page 1
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`(19) japan Patent Office (J P]
`{12] Japanese Examined Patent
`Application Publication {A}
`( 1 1] Japanese Examined Patent
`Application Publication Number
`{43) Publication date January 12, 1996
`JPO file number
`Technical indications
`Request for examination Not yet requested Number ofclaims 2 0L (Total of4 pages]
`(71) Applicant
`(72] Inventor
`Nichia Chemical industries Ltd.
`491 100 Oka, Kaminaka-L‘ho, Anan—Shi,
`'l'okushima Prefecture, Japan
`Yoshinori SHlMlZU, cfo Nichia Chemical
`industries Ltd.
`491— 100 Uenakanmchioka, Ann-an City,
`'l'oky shima prefecture, Japan
`identification codes
`(51] Int. Cl.“
`F213 1.000
`GUZF 1/133
`HUlL 33/00
`('2 1) Application number
`(22] Date ofapplication
`HUfi—l 34763
`June 17: 1994
`t 5
`?] (Aus'tsAtzn
`To provide a sheet like light source in
`which a blue light emitting diode is used and can emit a
`uniform white light.
`is optically
`A light emitting diode l
`connected to the terminal surface of a tranSparent
`guide panel 2. in addition to having a light scattering layer
`3 coating a white powder which scatters fluorescent light
`on either oflhe main surfaces of said light guide panel 2, as W
`well as the provision ofa transparent film 6 on the main
`surface side ofthe light guide panel 2 of the reflective side
`and on said light scattering layer 3, and equipping a
`fluorescent substance emitting fluorescent light by means
`oflight emission excitation ofsaid light emitting diode l on
`this film a.
`LOWES 1007, Page 2
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`LOWES 1007, Page 2
`VIZIO Ex. 1007 Page 0002


`(Scum. tll- PAIhNI (.1 Aims)
`characteri7ed by
`A sheet-shaped
`optically connecting a blue-colored light emitting diode l
`to at
`least one location of the terminal surface of a transparent light
`guide panel 2.
`in addition to having a light scattering layer 3
`coating a white powder on either of the main surfaces ofsait‘l light
`guide panel 2, and the provision ofa transparent film a on the main
`surface side of the light guide panel 2 ofthe reflective side and on
`said light scattering layer 3. and equipping a fluorescent substance
`emitting fluorescent light causing light emission excitation of said
`blue light emitting diode l on the surface of this film (1.
`‘Ihe sheeteshaped light source claimed in claim I
`characteriwd by the implementation ofa minttle roughness on the
`surface contacting the light guide panel ofsaid film.
`[from ]
`'Ihe present
`[lrc'twtc'm HHIJ 0r 'lllF lN\-‘l-'N'III)N]
`relates to a sheeteshaped light sources employed in backlights of
`displays. illuminated operating switches and the like. in particular.
`it relates to sheet-shaped light sources which may be employed to
`advantage as the backlights for liquid crystal displays.
`for use in the
`sheet-shaped light sources
`sacklights of liquid crystal displays employed in notebook
`computers. word
`and cold cathode
`tubes are employed.
`Electroluminescence is a sheet-shaped light source. whereas cold
`cathode tube; become sheet—shaped light sources when used with a
`diffltsion plate. and curtentlythe color ofthe emitted light ofthese
`Dacklights are almost all white.
`[100 3'] On the other hand. light emitting diodes {hereafter referred
`to as LED) are sometimes employed as the light sources for use in
`nacklights. However. when LEI) are employed to derive a white?
`colored emitted light. because conventionally the light emission
`power of bluercolored I.EIJ has only a few tens of microwatts. in
`order to implement white light emission using other red-colored
`El). and green-colored LEI), there is the big defect that the color
`variation because ofthe difficulty of matching the characteristics
`of each of' these colors of LEIJ. Moreover.
`in order to combine
`three basic colors of LED. even if they are disposed geometrically
`in the same locus on the same planar srrrface. when viewed from a
`proximal position the backlights “5ng these LEI) cannot enable a
`uniform whitecolored light source. 'Iherefore. as the sheet-shaped
`light source of the current white-colored liquid crystal backlightzs.
`the reality is that there is a breakout of the use of cold cathode
`tubes in large-scale screens. and electroluminescence in small scale
`to medium scale screens. and white-colored light emission
`backlights employing LEI) are almost unknown.
`[0004] Moreover. as white-colored light emission. or as a
`monochrome light source. there have been contrivances at color
`conversion by resin packaging the periphery of a blue-colored
`LEI) chip including fluorescence substances in parts thereof. but
`because the periphery of the chip is affected by light rays with a
`stronger irradiation strength than sunlight. the deterioration of the
`substance is a problem.
`and this
`is particularly
`noticeable in organic fluorescent dyes. Furthermore. ionic organic
`dyes cause an electrophoresis resulting From the direct current
`electrical field proximal to the chip. giving rise to the possibility of
`variation in the color tone.
`In addition.
`the conventional blue-
`colored LE1) did not have sufficient output power to cause color
`changes in the flrtorescent substance. and for example. even if the
`enabled color conversion. itcould not be used in practice.
`Japanese Examined Patent Application Publication HOS—7614
`[PROHLEM To In: SUI \e‘Hn BY 'I'Itr: lNVt-‘N HUN] Because the present
`invention was enabled in order to resolve these defects. the object
`thereof is not only the provision of a sheet-shaped light source
`enabling white light emission which can be used mainly as a
`backlight, using LEI), but also the provision ofa sheet-shaped light
`source enabling the observation of uniform white light emission. as
`well as the provision of sheet—shaped light sources enabling light
`emission in any color other
`than white light, availing of the
`superior reliability which is a characteristic of LEIJs. which may
`be employed in all types ofoperating switches and the like.
`'Ihe sheet-shaped light
`source of the present
`invention is characterized by optically
`connecting a bluecolored light emitting diode l
`to at
`least one
`location ofthe terminal surface ofa transparent light guide panel 2.
`in addition to having a light scattering layer 3 coating a white
`powder on either ofthe nrain surfaces of said light guide panel 2.
`and the provision of a transparent film fr on the main surface side
`of the light guide panel 2 of the reflective side and on said
`(llffijblfll'l layer 3 (hereafter. the nrain surface of the diffusion layer
`side is referred to as the second main surface}. and providing a
`transparent film (3 on the main surface side (hereafter referred to as
`the first main surface.) ofthe light guide panel 2 of the opposite
`side to said diffusion layer 3. and equipping the surface or the
`interior means of that
`film 6 with the fluorescent substance
`emitting fluorescent light excited by means ofthe light emission of
`said blue-colored light emitting diode l.
`[(1001] Figure l
`is a plan drawing of the light guide panel 2 of the
`sheet-shaped light source ofthe present invention as seen from the
`second nrain surface side. The light guide panel 2 is comprisedofa
`transparent material such as acrylate. glass and the like. and by
`providing a blue-colored LEI) l buried in the terminal surface of
`light guide panel 2. the light guide panel 2 and the blue
`colored 1.EI)
`l are optically connected. Now.
`in the present
`the optical connection of bluercolored 1.EIJ l and the
`terminal surface of the light guide panel 2 simply means that the
`light of the blue—colored LE1) is inducted from the terminal surface
`of the light guide panel 2. for example, and of course the blue-
`colored LEI)
`is provided buried therein as illustrated in this
`figure, and this may be embodied by adhering the blue-colored
`LEI). or by inducting the emitted light ofthe blue-colored LEI)
`into the terminal surface of the light gttide panel 2 using optical
`fiber and the like.
`[(1008] Next. the diffusion layer 3 diffuses light into the light guide
`panel 2 using white pigment. In particular said diffusion layer 3 is
`enabled in a striped shape in figure |. in order that
`the sttrface
`luminosity ofthe first main surface side be fixed. the pattern is one
`in which the surface area of the diffusion layer 3 is caused to be
`reduced with respect to the unit surface area of the second main
`srrrface side as it approaches the LEI) |. in addition. the surface
`area ofthe terminal rrreans ofthe second main surface most distal
`from the I.EIJ |
`is slightly less than the maximal surface area.
`Here. the I in figme 1 represents the pattern ofthe diflitsim layer
`In figure I. the configuration is one wherein six bluercolored
`LEI) are disposed in one terminal surface. btlt ifthe light guide
`is square shaped.
`it goes without saying that 1.E1)s are
`connected to all ofthe four terminal surfaces. and the number of
`LEDs is not particularly limited.
`In addition. by means of the
`disposition state of the LEI). the coated shape and the coated state
`of the diffitsion layer 3 may be varied appropriately in order to
`have a uniform sheet shaped light emission as observed from the
`first main surface side.
`[OPHtA'IIUN] Figure 2 is a schematic crossesection drawing of
`when the sheet-shaped light source of the present
`invention is
`embodied. for example. as the backlight ofa liquid crystal panel.
`LOWES 1007, Page 3
`VIZIO EX. 1007 Page 0003
`LOWES 1007, Page 3
`VIZIO Ex. 1007 Page 0003


`This disposes a diffusing reflective layer 7 comprised of.
`example, barium titanate. titanium oxide. aluminum oxide. and the
`like. on the second main surface side of the sheet—shaped light
`source represented in figure I. and a reflective panel laminating a
`base 8 comprised of. for example. aluminum. and a transparent
`film (1 is provided disposed on the surface of the first main surface
`side with minute roughness therein. anti the fluorescent substance
`emitting fluorescent
`light when excited by means of the light
`emission ofa blue-colored LEI) l
`is coated on to the rough sttrface
`ofthis film 1!).
`[[1010] Firstly. as illustrated by the arrow in figure 2. part ofthe
`light emitted from the blue-colored 1.EI)
`is irradiated to the
`exterior other than to the light guide panel 2 in the vicinity ofthe
`chip. but most ofthe light in the light guide panel 2 reaches the
`temrinal surface of the light guide panel 2 while being repeatedly
`totally reflected, 'I he light reaching the terminal surface is reflected
`by the reflective film 4 formed over the entire terminal surface. to
`enable repeated total reflection. On this occasion.
`the light
`scattered by means of the diffusion layer 3 provided on the second
`main surface side of the guide panel 2. and part of the diffused
`simultaneously wavelength modified and re—radiated. enabling the
`observation of light which is a synthesis of these emitted light
`colors which is observed from the first main surface side of the
`light guide panel 2.
`l"0l' example. with the sheeteshaped light
`source providing a fluorescent light layer 5 comprised ofan orange
`colored fluorescent pigment. the color of the light emitted from the
`blue—colored LED I can be observed to become white-colored as a
`result ofthe earlier mentioned effect.
`[[10] I]
`In partictrlar.
`in this invention. the main emission peak of
`the emitted light wavelength of one blue-colored LEI) is shoner
`than 500 nm. and that light emission output power is greater than
`200 [NV and more preferably that output power needs to be greater
`than 300 MM. 'lhe reason is that when the emitted light wavelength
`is greater than 500 nm. the enablement ofall the colors is difficult;
`moreover. when the light emission power is less than 200 MN. for
`there is a tendency for difficulty in enabling a sheet
`shaped light emission light source with sufficient brightness and
`uniformity. even when the number of optically connected blue—
`colored I.EI)s to the terminal surface of the light guide panel
`in Japanese patent application number H057
`rnnrz] Additionally.
`3| 826?,
`the inventors proposed a sheet-shaped light
`enabling a uniform white—colored emitted light. by means of the
`formation ofa fluorescent light diffusion layer on the main surface
`side ofa light guide panel of the opposite side to the emitted light
`observation surface. However. with this method. in respect of the
`derived sheet-shaped light source.
`the fluorescent
`light diffusion
`layer formed on the light guide panel varying the color tone is
`peeled. and a fluorescent
`light diffusion layer must be printed
`thereto once more to enable the desired color tone. However. with
`this invention. the fluorescent light layer 5 and the diffusion layer 3
`are enabled
`independently of each other,
`and because of
`fluorescent light layer 5 determining the color tone is formed on a
`film which can be adhered and removed. the color tone can be
`varied easily by just changing the film forming the fluorescent
`light layer 5. Moreover. mrrltiple colors may be divided out and
`emitted simultaneously.
`[0013] Moreover. because there is the enablement of toughness in
`the surface in con tact with the first main surface side of the film 6.
`it is extremely effective in causing diffusion ofthe emitted light. in
`addition. the film (1 enables the prevention of the formation of
`interference fi'inges stretched across the light guide panel 2.
`[EMItOnIMFN'I'S' 0t 'I'llI-' [NVFN'I'IUN]
`Japanese Examined Patent Application Publication HOS—7614
`[EMIttJIuMFN'I I] A diffusion layer 3 is formed by screen printing
`in a striped pattern as illturtrated in figure | on one surface of an
`approximately 2 mm thick acrylic sheet. The diffusion layer 3 is
`formed by printing a white-colored substance comprised of barium
`titanate dispersed in an acrylic type binder.
`[00 | 5'] The acrylic sheet whereon the diffusion layer 3 was formed
`as described above is cut into a desired pattern. and after polishing
`all the terminal surfaces (cut surfaces) of the acrylic sheet. a light
`guide panel 2 with a diffusion layer 3 formed thereon is derived by
`means of forming a reflective layer 4 comprised of aluminum on
`the polished sur faces.
`layer 5 is formed on a film 6
`[GOIG] Next. a fluorescent
`having minute roughness formed on the surface thereof. The
`fluorescent light layer 5 is a coating formed from an acrylic type
`binder containing a mixture of fluorescent pigments of equal
`amo unls of l-A—t'lt'll manufactured by Sinloihi Chemicals. which is
`a redcolored fluorescent pigment and FAJJOS which is a green
`colored fluorescent pigment manufactured by the same company,
`[00 | 3'] Holes are provided in six locations ofthe terminal surfaces
`of said light guide panel 2. and one each of blue-colored LEI) |
`comprised of' a gallium nitride compound semiconductor having a
`light emission power of l2t'lfl pW and a light emission wavelength
`of 480 nm are buried in each hole. Next. the film (a whereon the
`fluorescent lights layer 5 is fomted as described above is disposed
`on the emitted light observation surface side. and a reflective panel
`coating a barium titanate layer 7'
`is disposed on an aluminium base
`8 on the diffusion layer 3 side. and a completely sheet shaped
`uniform white light emission is derived from the frrst main surface
`side when employed as the light source of a backlight.
`luminous intensity was 55 Cdrlt‘l'l".
`[flfilfillEMrtOIJrMth 2'] Almost equal amounts of Lumogen l"
`Yellow—UEB manufactured by HASF as
`yellow colored
`fluorescent pigment and—24f] manufactured by the same company
`as an orange colored fluorescent pigment were mixed. and the
`fluorescent pigments and acrylic resin were dissolved in butyl-
`carbitol acetate and coated on to a film 6 whereon minute
`roughness had been inrparted. And when a sheet-shaped light
`source of the present invention was enabled as in embodiment
`other than the above. and almost uniform sheet shaped light
`emission was observed. Moreover. when employed as the light
`source for use in a backlight
`in the sanre manner. a completely
`uniform sheet shaped light emission was observed.
`[no I a]
`the sheet,
`lNVI—IN'IIUN] As described above.
`[Er'r'r-c'ls (JF 'rrrr:
`shaped light source ofthe present invention employs blue-colored
`in addition to having a diffusion layer 3 coating white
`colored powder onto one of the main surface sides ofa light guide
`in addition to disposing a transparent
`film r: coating a
`fluorescent substance enabling uavelength conversion by means of
`bluecolored LEI) on the other main surface side, enabling the
`embodiment of a sheet-shaped light source by means of a highly
`reliable LE1). Moreover, because the white-colored powder of the
`diffusion layer 3 has the effect of reflecting anti scattering the
`emitted light of the blue-colored LEI).
`the amount of fluorescent
`srtbstance employed need only be a small amount. furthermore. by
`forming minute surface roughness on film (a.
`the light diffusion
`increased. and film (3 enables the prevention of the
`formation of interference fringes stretched across the light guide
`panel 2.
`in addition. fortunately. because there is no direct contact
`between the LEI)
`chip and
`deterioration ofthe fluorescent substance is less. and variation in
`the color tone of' the sheet-shaped light source over long periods
`does not occur. Moreover.
`in relation to the color
`provision of any color tone incltrding white color is enabled. by
`means of the
`types of
`light substances of
`fluorescent light
`layer 5. moreover because the fluorescent light
`substance is provided on a film. simple changing ottt of the color
`tone of the sheet—shaped light source is enabled by just changing
`the film.
`LOWES 1007, Page 4
`VIZIO EX. 1007 Page 0004
`LOWES 1007, Page 4
`VIZIO Ex. 1007 Page 0004


`side of the
`tln: Expectations
`the other hand.
`“102m 071
`layer 5. by enmloylng the most preferably used
`new colored LED will] a light emission power ofgreater than 200
`Illc cnablcmcnl of u huge ureu hrighl Sheetrshaped light
`murue efficiently converting the wuvclenglh by means of u
`fluorescent substance is emihletl.
`ln Iltiq Inunnet. the shcelrslmpetl
`light muree of the present ilwenlion may he empluyed not only its
`Ila: light some: for use in huekhgllls. il may (1150 be employed in
`illuminated operating nvilche.» emplnying fluorescent Sllbslmtccx,
`IliRII-l Ul-‘KRIPIIUNHI Illl Imsmmml
`|ngrc II
`A plan Yll‘\\' nl' lht‘ light guitlt.‘ panel I {If ”15': fihCEl-
`ahaped light source nl'
`:tn emlmtlinwnl or the present
`when flint-Ed me the dill—mint] In)“ 1 nitlc.
`Japanese Examined Patent Application Publication HUB-7614
`*[l‘igufi 2| A schematic cross section drawing uf'a backlight
`sheet shone-d
`embodiment of'Ihe FTC-W .1. invention.
`[Er-{Pt “NA-”0N 0| SYMInn 5|
`Blue-Colored 1.151)
`Light guide panel
`[Jiffilejim layer
`Reficclivu luye‘r
`Huorewcnl liglil layer
`Diffusing rcllccllrt: Iuyur
`Aluminium Imu-
`[Figure 1]
`[Figure 2|
`LOWES 1007, Page 5
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`LOWES 1007, Page 5
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`«amt-mm (J p)
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`3Ffi26il‘3(1904)6 317E]
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`Lafhm—‘EK, ij‘wa‘iaafiaaémfimgmn
`_ r-vv V v V vv vv’vwrr‘v‘vr’i‘
`TCL 1007, Page 6
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`LOWES 1007, Page 6
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`[ESSK-Tfil] EWUEfifiZ 6935356097.: < é'é—E’l
`[ffiEfiéfDfifvfi] —fi€:o.:/— hfln’yup, awfuego;
`—®$fifi¢wao Wicca. 53557;: «JLLfifiiifii‘ié
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`TCL 1007, Page 7
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`LOWES 1007, Page 7
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`fi®LumogenF Ye!!ow—083¢$E§
`TCL 1007, Page 8
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`TCL 1007, Page 9
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`LOWES 1007, Page 9
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