United States Patent
`US 6,579,231 Bl
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Jun. 17, 2003
`Inventor: Erie T. Phipps, Colorado Springs, CO
`(73) Assignee: MCT Communications Corporation,
`Washington, DC (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`US.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(*) Notice:
`(21) Appl. No.: 09/049,542
`Mar. 27, 1998
`Int. C1
`CDee eeteeeees
`A6IB 5/00; GO8B 23/00
`HO4M 11/00
`(52) US. Ch. eee 600/300; 600/301; 128/903;
`128/920: 340/573.1: 604/65: 455/404
`(58) Field of SeaNINSOSSNBG oNne‘500
`903-905. 920 05. 340/573 1 573 4. 607/32,
`~ 60. 340/457. 705/2 4. 455)404: 604j68
`References Cited
`4,129,125 A * 12/1978 Lester et al... 600/300
`5,204,670 A *
`4/1993 Stinton.......
`.. 340/573.1
`6/1994 Russek veces 340/573
`5,319,355 A *
`8/1996 Davis et al. wc. 600/300
`5,544,661 A *
`7/1997 Lepkofker we 600/300
`5,652,570 A *
`.......... 600/300
`8/1997 Blomquistet al.
`5,658,250 A *
`3/1998 Bro occ w+. 600/509
`5,722,418 A *
`6/1998 Heinonen et al.
`............ 600/300
`5,772,586 A *
`... 128/904
`2/1999 Wicket al.
`5,872,505 A *
`.... 600/300
`5/1999 Webb ...........
`5,902,234 A *
`7/1999 Stark et al. w......
`.. 128/903
`5,929,782 A *
`8/1999 Saltzstein et al... 600/513
`5,931,791 A *
`9/1999 Kail, IV
`5,959,529 A *
`... 600/322
`5,961,451 A * 10/1999 Reber
`6,024,699 A *
`2/2000 Surwitetal estetesuessees 600/300
`6,198,394 B1 *
`3/2001 Jacobsenetal. ......... 340/573.1
`6,292,698 B1 *
`9/2001 Duffin et al. oo... 607/32
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner—MaxF. Hindenburg
`Assistant Examiner—Michael Astorino
`A portable unit worn by a subject, comprising a medical
`monitoring device, a data processing module with memory
`and transmitter for collecting, monitoring, and storing the
`subject’s physiological data and also issuing the subject’s
`medical alarm conditions via wireless communicationsnet-
`workto the appropriate location for expeditious dispatch of
`assistance. The unit also works in conjunction with a central
`reporting system for long term collection and storage of the
`subject’s physiological data. The unit may have the capa-
`bility to automatically dispense chemicals that mayalleviate
`or assist in recovery from anillness.
`36 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
`PCSorAnalog q
`Paging Network
`911 Call
`Apple Inc. Ex. 1012 Page 1
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 17, 2003
`Sheet 1 of 3
`US 6,579,231 B1
`GPS Satellite
`PCSorAnalog a 911 Call
`Paging Network
`FIG. 1
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 17, 2003
`Sheet 2 of 3
`US 6,579,231 B1
`(~ (orincoas)
` FIG. 2
`STAT||DWNLOAD]|STORE ghCP| |Montitoring
`FIG. 3
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 17, 2003
`Sheet 3 of 3
`PDU Memory
`Device |.D.
`Patient Profile
`GPS Coords
`US 6,579,231 B1
`FIG. 4
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`US 6,579,231 B1
`1. Field of the Invention
`invention relates generally to a medical
`The present
`monitoring unit or device for the continued examination and
`care of a subject. More particularly, the present invention is
`directed to a medical monitoring device and system for the
`continuous storing of a subject’s current physiological or
`medical data, the evaluation of said data enabling the early
`detection of adverse health conditions should they arise, and
`the providing of real time notification of such health con-
`ditions to the appropriate person or persons such that a
`proper and expeditious response may be taken.
`2. Prior Art
`The benefits of being able to monitor and/or study various
`medical characteristics of a subject on a continuousbasis,
`store and evaluate the data of those chosen aspects of the
`subject and initiate a particular response based on said
`evaluation are numerous. To accomplish such a feat
`today’s world would encompass a huge undertaking.
`The most obvious use of the present invention would be
`in connection with individuals suffering from specific health
`problems. Any individual with a continuing illness such as
`heart disease or asthma,
`ideally needs to be monitored
`continually for the slightest recurring signs of those health
`problems. Although the medical industry has manytools for
`monitoring an individual’s activities and evaluating their
`personal responses to those activities, a person musttradi-
`tionally travel periodically to a medical facility in order to
`obtain the proper medical care and diagnosis. Once at the
`facility, the individual is often hooked up to some type of a
`monitoring instrument and is thereafter usually confined to
`the particular area for the duration of the session. In some
`cases, this may be several hours or more. While the moni-
`toring equipmentis attachedto the individual, movement by
`the individualis either severely restricted or not permitted at
`Moreover, the results of these existing procedures and
`tests, when they are finally reviewed and interpreted by the
`doctor or medical technician, only give a glimpse of the
`subject’s activity and physiological data at the time of the
`monitoring. Today’s monitoring equipment doesnot provide
`the physician or health care providers with nearly enough
`information on the subject’s general conditions prior to or
`after the tests are performed. Thatis, in order to be able to
`establish a more accurate medical diagnosis, doctors would
`greatly benefit from observing the history of a subject’s
`medical data for a longer duration than the time permitted in
`the medical facilities. For various obvious reasons, such as
`the time needed to perform thesetests, the costs of the tests
`and the headachesoftrying to schedule the required number
`of visits which would enable a full evaluation of a subject’s
`health history, such an observation of an individual would be
`Another major problem for many individuals is getting
`prompt medical attention as soon as a medical problem
`occurs. The providing of expeditious medical care is some-
`times crucial
`to the individual’s ability to recover. For
`example, a heart attack victim has a significantly greater
`chance of full recovery if medical attention is received
`within the first few hours after signs of a heart attack are
`detected or
`the actual heart attack has occurred.
`Unfortunately, most of the time, an individual does not
`recognize the symptoms which would indicate that they
`were at risk. Often, by the time the individual does realize
`that help is needed, they are incapable of calling for emer-
`gency assistance. Yet another problem is providing the
`emergency medical services attending the individual with
`quick and accurate information which would lead to a
`successful diagnosis and treatment of the problem.
`Portable EKG monitoring devices are known which col-
`lect medical data on cardiac functions from a plurality of
`sensors. After a predefined period, normally twenty-four
`hours, the data is transferred to a computeror strip recorder
`for analysis by skilled medical personnel in a conventional
`manner. Although such a device is very useful,there isstill
`a time delay before the collected data is reviewed and
`Accordingly, there is still a need for a service that can
`provide for the continuous collection, monitoring and stor-
`ing a subject’s physiological data while allowing the subject
`complete freedom and mobility.
`The present invention is directed to the continuous real
`time collection, monitoring and storage of an individual’s
`physiological data without interrupting or incapacitating any
`aspect of the individual’s everday life.
`In addition,
`monitoring device and system of the present invention can
`send out a distress call when the individual’s vital signs
`reach a dangerouslevel or stop altogether.
`The present invention uses a standard microcomputer in
`connection with various types of medical monitoring
`devices, and utilizes wireless communications technology
`knownin the art. More particularly, the monitoring device
`employs software having the capability to monitor a sub-
`ject’s vital signs, record, collect and store the data. The
`stored information may then be downloadedinto a computer
`to be analyzed. The computer may be located anywhere,
`including in a hospital, a clinic, the individuals home, or a
`physician’s office. In addition, the monitoring device may
`also be able to provide real time information to the moni-
`tored subject at a touch of a button.
`If the monitoring device detects abnormal behavior or
`stressful conditions in the subject being monitored, it can
`alert and notify the subject or the appropriate people such
`that the subject’s current activities can be limited accord-
`ingly to combat the detected adverse conditions. When, and
`if, a subject’s vital signs stop or reach a dangerouslevel, the
`monitoring device may emit some type of alarm, such as a
`loud beeping sound, to attract the attention of the subject
`and/or anyonein the immediate vicinity of the subject. If the
`subject is unable to respond to the alarm condition,
`device may send out a distress call. The device may be
`programmedsuchthat a call to 911 is immediately made and
`the subject’s name and medical history are provided there-
`with. At the same time, the present device may also provide
`the 911 operator with the subject’s exact location, by send-
`ing them a global positioning satellite (GPS) coordinate
`stored in the device.
`Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention to
`provide a personal medical monitoring unit which may be
`worn on a subject and carried anywhere. The unit may be
`equipped to store current medical data and detect any
`pre-defined alarm conditions, such as heart failure. Upon an
`occurrence of one or more of such alarm conditions, the unit
`provides a central reporting system with emergency infor-
`mation for the efficient dispatching of emergencyassistance.
`It is another object of the present invention to combine the
`advantages of long-range navigation systems such as a
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`US 6,579,231 B1
`global positioning system (GPS) for locating the subject at
`the time of the health crisis. The extensive communications
`capabilities of a cellular telephone or a two way pager would
`provide the most expeditious emergencyassistance.
`It is another object of the present invention to provide
`some type of notification feature, such as a beeper and/or
`vibrating mechanism,
`to inform the subject, or people
`nearby, of a detected condition.
`It is still another object of the present invention to provide
`a service for continuous real time collection and long term
`storage of a remote subject’s medical data via wireless
`communications technology.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating the present invention
`in its preferred embodiment. That is, FIG. 1 illustrates the
`present invention as a personal medical monitoring unit and
`system. The unit 12 is typically comprised of a personal data
`unit(PDU)14 and a monitoring device 16. It should be noted
`that the PDU 14 and the monitoring device 16 do not need
`to be in separate housingsas illustrated in FIG. 1, but may
`be confined in a single unit as indicated at 12. The system is
`generally comprised of the PDU 14 and the monitoring
`device 16, in conjunction with a Central Reporting System
`(CRS) 18, a Subject/Device Database 20, and a communi-
`cations network 22 as shown.
`Preferred embodiments of the present invention will now
`be described, by way of example only, with reference to the
`accompanying drawings, in which:
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating the present invention
`in a preferred embodiment.
`FIG. 2 is a diagram illustrating an example of an external
`layout of a personal data unit and a monitoring device.
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram illustrating an example of a
`personal data unit’s internal components.
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram illustrating an example of a
`logical data configuration stored in a data storage device.
`FIG. 5 illustrates an example of a dispense unit worn by
`a subject.
`the PDU 14 continuously
`In a preferred embodiment,
`monitors a subject’s medical data values as it receives them
`from the medical monitoring device 16 and stores them in its
`memory. In addition, the PDU 14 constantly receives com-
`munications signals from the well-known GPSsatellites 24,
`which is a group of three geostationary satellites used for
`determining one’s geographical location. GPS coordinates
`are also stored in memory in the PDU 14. When the
`monitoring device 16 detects a certain condition (e.g., loss
`of pulse),it triggers the PDU 14to take action in accordance
`with pre-determined instructions stored in PDU memory. An
`exemplary action is to issue an emergency pageor call via
`a wireless communications network 26.
`Two embodiments of communications networks are
`shown in FIG. 1. In one example, a two-way interactive
`paging network 28 is used, and the PDU’s transmitter is an
`interactive paging device. The PDU issues an automatic
`page which includes an alphanumericstring retrieved from
`PDU memory.The pageis sent over a paging network 28 to
`a Central Reporting System (CRS) 18. Alternatively, the
`page may be sent over a Public Switched Telephone Net-
`work (PSTN) 32 to the CRS 18.
`In a second example of communications networks, a
`Personal Communications Services (PCS) 30, which is a
`digital cellular network, or an analog cellular network is
`used. The PDU’s transmitter is a PCS phone, for example.
`The PDU 14, whentriggered by the user or the monitoring
`device 16, issues a PCS phone call. A dialing sequence is
`stored in PDU memory. The PDU PCS phone seizes a
`channel, sets up a call on the PCS network, and completes
`a call. Acall may be completed to a 911 Call Center 34, or
`to the CRS 18. Calls may be completed over the PCScellular
`network 30, or via the PSTN 32.
`The CRS18 is a server computer that receives emergency
`calls or pages from a plurality of PDUs 14, and takes action
`in accordance with records and instructions previously
`entered in a Subject/Device Database 20. Typically, the CRS
`18 will notify a Call Center 36 of an emergency situation.
`The monitoring device 16 is usually worn byauser, Le.
`Whenthe CRS 18 receives the emergencycall or page from
`the subject
`to be monitored—typically a “patient”. Of
`the PDU 14,it references the Subject/Device Database 20 to
`course, the monitored subjectis not limited to “patients” per
`identify the device and subject, based on a device identifier
`se, but can be used with respect to anybody. That is, people
`that is included in the emergency page/call. Each device
`with no past medical history can use the present monitoring
`and/or subject has a record in the Subject/Device Database
`device simply as a safeguard against any health risks that
`20. The record includes subject information. (e.g., name,
`may arise; athletes may employ the present devices to
`address, medical conditions, etc.) and medical instructions
`monitor their own physical condition during competition,
`for responding to an emergency page or call. The CRS 18
`practice or training; parents may use the present invention to
`mayissue a call to an agent at a Call Center 36. This call may
`monitor and care for their children or infants; contained
`be text-based, so that the CRS 18 can send a text message
`facilities, such as prisons, can monitor their inhabitants
`to the Call Center 36 agentto indicate that a certain PDU for
`(such as the guards and prisoners); the present device can
`a certain subject has detected a certain condition, and that
`even be used to monitor the physical characteristics of an
`medical attention may be needed.
`animalor pet. The possibilities are endless.
`The emergency pageor call may also contain the subject’s
`The monitoring device of the present invention can be any
`current GPS coordinates. The CRS 18 translates these coor-
`type of medical monitoring device, including those which
`dinates to a recognizable geographical reference, and pro-
`monitor heart rate or pulse, breathing rate, blood pressure,
`vides the subject’s accurate location in the call information
`heart EKG activity, or body temperature. The PDU 14
`provided to the Call Center 36.
`includes a transmitter, memory, and a processor. The trans-
`mitter may be an interactive pager, a Personal Communica-
`FIG. 2 is a diagram illustrating an example of an external
`tions Services (PCS) network digital or analog cellular
`layout of a PDU and a monitoring device in accordance with
`the present invention. The monitoring device may be any
`The PDU 14 may also include a long-range navigation
`standard medical monitoring device that is capable of pro-
`system receiver such as a global positioning system (GPS)
`viding data to another device. An example shown in FIG. 2
`receiver; data ports for uploading and downloading infor-
`mation such as medical information, addresses, and thresh-
`olds; and a numberof input/output devices such as an LCD
`display monitor, push buttons, a beeper, and a vibration
`Apple Inc. Ex. 1012 Page 6
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`US 6,579,231 B1
`is a wrist or arm band 38 that can monitor pulse, blood
`pressure, or chemicals secreted by the subject’s skin.
`Another example is a heart monitoring device that can detect
`heart fibrillation. Another example is a device whichfits on
`a finger for measuring blood oxygenation.
`Yet another example is a small chip that may be implanted
`in the subject’s body for taking measurements and/or
`samples. In such a case, the device would, for example, be
`able to monitor blood sugar levels for a subject with diabe-
`tes. The monitoring device sends data to the PDU,indicating
`the current status of the condition that is being monitored.
`In addition, the monitoring device may include a dispense
`unit having a tube which may be implanted in the subject’s
`body and allow for the flow of medicine stored in the tube
`to the subject’s body. FIG. 5 illustrates an example of a
`dispense unit 90 worn by a subject. The monitoring device
`may dispense the medication whenit receives a signal from
`the PDU indicating a necessity for medication. The dispense
`unit together with the monitoring unit may also regulate the
`subject’s chemical levels.
`The PDU 14 is a small device designed to be worn by a
`subject, providing the subject with great mobility. The PDU
`may include user input/output means. Output means
`includes a display 40, such as a Liquid/Crystal Display
`(LCD) screen. The PDU 14 can also be designed with a
`vibrator and/or a beeper,
`to notify the subject and other
`people in the vicinity, of the subject’s condition. These
`output means may be used in combination. For example, if
`the monitoring device detects a pulse rate above a threshold,
`the PDU will display a message on the LCDscreen, and will
`also vibrate and/or beep to notify the subject. The message
`displayed may include the subject’s current medical condi-
`tion as well as brief instructions to the subject to limit their
`Input means may include several buttons. For example, a
`status button 42, when depressed, could cause the PDU to
`display the current data from the monitoring device; this
`may include an English translation of any pertinent condi-
`tion or status detected by the monitoring device.
`Another example of an input/output means is a serial
`communications port 48. A download button 44 may be used
`in conjunction with the serial communications port 48. The
`port 48 may be connected to a computer, such as a hospital,
`clinic or doctor’s personal computer, to transfer data stored
`in the PDU. In this manner, the PDU maybeusedto store
`a week’s worth of most recent data, for example, while an
`external computer is used for storing long term data. When
`the download button 44 is depressed, the PDU transfers data
`stored in its memoryto the external computer. This data can
`then be reviewed, for example by the subject’s doctor, to
`determine the subject’s progress or condition.
`Astore button 46 may also be used in conjunction with the
`serial communications port 48 for causing the PDU to
`receive data from an external source. Such a scheme may be
`used to reprogram the PDU with various instructions.
`A911 button 50, when depressed could cause the PDU to
`issue a transmission of an emergency call to a 911 Call
`Center. This feature enables a user to manually send an
`emergency page or phonecall. This enables the subject to
`manually seek emergency assistance for a variety of
`including injuries from a fall, an automobile
`malfunction or an imminent danger from criminalactivity,
`and to provide GPScoordinate locations with the emergency
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary
`configuration of the PDU’s internal components. It com-
`prises a main microprocessor such as a Central Processing
`Unit (CPU) 52, memory 54, input/output means 56, and a
`circuit bus 58 for data transfer. As is standard in most
`computers, memory includes both read only memory
`(ROM) for permanent data storage and random access
`The PDU 14 also includes a transmitter 62. The trans-
`mitter 62 is a two-way interactive pager or a digital PCS
`phone. In a preferred embodiment, an interactive pager is
`used, because it may be implemented in a smaller device,
`and the mobility of a subject wearing the PDU is an
`important factor. The transmission sequence for issuing a
`page, as well as all alpha-numeric data sent as a page, are
`stored in PDU’s memory 54.
`The PDU 14 may also include a GPSreceiver 60 which
`receives signals from GPSsatellites, and determines the
`PDU’s currentlocation. The GPSreceiver 60 is programmed
`to write the current coordinates to a place in PDU memory
`54 at fixed intervals of time (i.e., once per minute). The PDU
`memory 54 stores current GPS coordinates,
`for a pre-
`determinedperiod, and mayalso store historical coordinates,
`up to a certain time period.
`The PDU 14 mayalso include input/output means 56 for
`sequencing input and output calls to the CPU 52 and for
`formatting data to the appropriate output medium. The input
`means are buttons for status 42, download 44, store 46, and
`911 call 50. The PDU 14 also has a connection for receiving
`input from the monitoring device 16. All data received from
`the monitoring device 16 is stored in memory 54. Output
`meansinclude displays to an LCD screen 40 and downloads
`via the computer.
`The device may also include a beeper and a vibration
`mechanism 64, as is standard in paging devices. These are
`binary state components (on/off) and are triggered by
`instructions that are stored in memory 54 processed by the
`CPU 52.
`A communications port 48 is used to transfer data to and
`from an external computer, via a direct cable connection.
`When the download button 44 is depressed, select data
`values from memory 54 are output to an external computer
`via the communications port 48; when the store button 46 is
`depressed, selected data values are input from an external
`computer and stored in PDU memory 54.
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram illustrating one possible logical
`configuration of PDU memory. This configuration repre-
`sents an example of the data stored in memory. Alternate
`embodiments are possible.
`Device ID 66 comprises a unique identifier for each
`monitoring device. This identifier is included with every
`transmission performed by the PDU, and is used by the
`receiving end (e.g., CRS or 911 call center) to identify the
`source device of each transmission. Each device ID is
`in the Subject/Device
`mapped to a particular subject
`Database, so that the receiving CRS can identify the subject
`for which a PDU’s transmission has been made.
`Subject profile 68 includes data for the particular subject
`wearing the PDU. At a minimum,this may be a subject
`identifier. The subject identifier may be sent, either in place
`of or in addition to, the device ID 66, in an emergency
`transmission. The subject profile 68 may also include other
`information on the subject, such as name, home address, and
`medical conditions.
`Having a subject profile 68 stored in PDU memory is
`optional, and is not necessary to enable the present inven-
`In a first and preferred embodiment,
`in order to
`minimize size, a subject profile is not stored in PDU
`Apple Inc. Ex. 1012 Page 7
`Apple Inc. Ex. 1012 Page 7


`US 6,579,231 B1
`memory. The device ID 66 is included in all transmissions.
`The CRS uses the device ID as a key to look up the subject
`profile in the Subject/Device Database.
`In a second embodiment, a subject profile 68 is stored in
`PDU memory54, but only includes a subject identifier. The
`subject identifier is included in transmissions, and is used to
`look up the subject profile in the Subject/Device Database.
`This embodimentis useful if the PDU (with a single device
`ID) is to be used by more than one subject. Another button
`may be added to the PDU for selecting a “current subject”,
`the selection of which causes a certain subject identifier to
`be used.
`In a third embodiment, a complete subjectprofile is stored
`in PDU memory 54,
`including data such as name and
`medical conditions. This is useful for situations in which a
`Subject/Device Database is not available. For example, if
`the PDUtransmitter is a PCS phone, anda call is triggered
`to a 911 call center which does not have access to a CRS or
`the Subject/Device Database,
`the PDU may transmit the
`subject identifier, name, address, medical conditions, current
`location (from GPS coordinates), and other information as
`necessary, to the call center.
`Thresholds field 70 includes thresholds for data collected
`from the monitoring device, and usedto trigger an action by
`the PDU. Examplesof thresholds include: heart rate or pulse
`above or below a threshold; body temperature above or
`below a threshold; blood pressure above or below a thresh-
`old; blood sugar level above or below a threshold; or any
`type of chemical imbalance that may be detected by the
`monitoring device. Examples of actions that may betrig-
`gered are an emergency transmission (page or phonecall),
`activation of the beeper, activation of the vibrator, and an
`LCDscreen display.
`Instructionsfield 72 comprises instructions for the PDU to
`perform in response to some condition. Instructions are one
`or more application programs executed by PDU’s CPU.
`Instructions may be grouped, but notlimited, into following
`categories: auto-notification; emergency transmission; data
`store; and data download.
`The auto-notification category includes procedures for
`triggering output,
`including displays to the LCD screen,
`activation of beeper, and activation of vibrator. For example,
`if pulse rate data collected from the monitoring device
`exceeds a threshold of 120, auto-notification triggers the
`activation of the beeper and a display message to the LCD
`The emergency transmission category includes proce-
`dures for issuing pages or phonecalls. These include detec-
`tion of a threshold, determination of action, retrieval and
`execution of transmission sequence, and retrieval
`memory of data to be included in the transmission (i.e.,
`device ID and subjectprofile). For example, if data from the
`monitoring device indicates heart fibrillation, emergency
`transmission sends a page in accordance with an emergency
`dialing sequence and transmits device ID, current GPS
`coordinates, and current data from the monitoring device.
`The data store category includes procedures for storing
`data in PDU memory 54. Data may come from an external
`computer via the communicationsport, from the monitoring
`device, and from the PDU’s GPSreceiver. The various data
`are stored in specific allocations of PDU memory.
`The data download category includes procedures for
`downloading data to an external computer via the commu-
`nications port. The external computer will specify which
`data to download. PDU instructions specify where to find
`that data in memory. These instructions may also include
`security mechanisms, such as user validation of the external
`Transmission sequence field 74 includes data needed to
`issue an emergency transmission. This includes dialing
`sequencesfor issuing a page or phone call. A PDU may have
`more than one transmission sequence. For example, one
`sequence may be used to call a 911 call center for an
`emergency condition, and another sequence may be used to
`call the CRS for nominal status reporting.
`Historical/current data field 76 include data collected
`from the monitoring device for a specified period of time, or
`for a specified number of data collections. Minimally, cur-
`rent data is stored here, such as the subject’s current pulse.
`This data is extracted and sent in an emergency transmis-
`sion. Optionally, historical data may also be stored. For
`example, heart rates collected every 15 minutes for the past
`week may be stored. This data may be extracted and
`downloaded to a doctor’s computer on a periodic basis.
`GPScoordinates field 78 contains current and historical
`records of GPS coordinates collected by the PDU’s GPS
`FIG. 5 illustrates an example of a dispense unit worn by
`a subject. A tube may be implanted in the subject’s body and
`may allow for the flow of medicine. A dispense unit 90 may
`be worn by the subject 94 together with the monitoring
`devices or as a part of the device, and includes medication
`92 to be dispensed. The dispensing may be triggered by a
`signal from the PDU. The PDU maytriggerthis signal when
`it determines, from evaluating the medical data collected
`from the monitoring device, a necessity to dispense medi-
`Although shown and described is what is believed to be
`the most practical and preferred embodiments,it is apparent
`that departures from specific designs and methods described
`and shownwill suggest themselves to those skilled in the art
`and may be used without departing from the spirit and scope
`of the invention. The present invention is notrestricted to the
`particular constructions described andillustrated, but should
`be construed to cohere with all modifications that may fall
`within the scope of the appended claims.
`Whatis claimedis:
`1. A portable medical monitoring device, comprising:
`at least one medical sensor for periodically generating
`current physiological data relating to a condition of a
`a data storage device for storing said physiological data;
`a transmitter for transmitting said physiological data to a
`reporting system in responseto a first output control
`data processing means for evaluating said physiological
`data and generating said first output control signal in
`response to pre-determined parameters in said
`evaluation, said data processing means generating a
`plurality of input/output control signals;
`at least one output device communicating at least one of
`said input/output control signals to said subject; and
`input means for manually initiating download of the
`physiological data.
`2. The portable medical monitoring device as in claim 1,
`wherein said physiological data is generated in response to
`said subject’s physical condition, including said subject’s
`heart rate, pulse rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, heart
`EKGactivity, or body temperature.
`3. The portable medical monitoring device as in claim 1,
`wherein said first output control signal includes a command
`to transmit an emergencycall.
`4. The portable medical monitoring device as in claim 1,
`wherein said portable medical monitoring device includes a
`Apple Inc. Ex. 1012 Page 8
`Apple Inc. Ex. 1012 Page 8


`US 6,579,231 B1
`17. The portable medical monitoring device as in claim
`15, wherein one of said plurality of other output control
`signals is an instruction to transmit an emergencycall which
`includes said

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