IEEE Std 315-1975 (Reaffirmed 1993)
`ANSI Y32.2-1975 (Reaffirmed 1989)
`CSA Z99-1975
`(Revision of IEEE Std 315-1971
`ANSI Y32.1-1972
`CSA Z99-1972)
`IEEE Standard
`American National Standard
`Canadian Standard
`Graphic Symbols for Electrical and
`Electronics Diagrams
`(Including Reference Designation Letters)
`IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 11, Graphic Symbols
`Secretariat for American National Standards Committee Y32
`American Society of Mechanical Engineers
`Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
`Approved September 4, 1975
`Reaffirmed October 20, 1988
`Reaffirmed December 2, 1993
`IEEE Standards Board
`Approved October 31, 1975
`Reaffirmed January 16, 1989
`American National Standards Institute
`Approved October 9, 1975
`Canadian Standards Association
`Approved Adopted for Mandatory Use October 31, 1975
`Department of Defense, United States of America
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`Wirtgen EX2019
`Caterpillar v. Wirtgen


`IEEE Std 315-1975
`(ANSI Y32.2-1975)
`31 October, 1975
`Acceptance Notice
`The following Industry Standardization Document was adopted on 31 October 1975 for mandatory use by the DoD.
`The indicated industry groups have furnished the clearances required by existing regulations. Copies of the documents
`are stocked by DoD Single Stock Point, Naval Publications and Forms Center, Philadelphia, PA, 19120, for issue to
`military activities only.
`Title of Document: Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronics Diagrams (Including Reference Designation Class
`Designation Letters)
`Document No. (a) IEEE Std 315-1975
`(b) ANSI Y32.2-1975
`Date of Specific Issue Adopted: (a) 4 September, 1975
`(b) 31 October, 1975
`Releasing Industry Group: (a) The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`(b) American National Standards Institute, Inc.
`IEEE Std 315-1971
`(ANSI Y32.2-1970)
`Army - EL
`Navy - SH
`Air Force - 16
`Review Activities:
`Army - AV, MI, MU
`Navy AS, OS, SH, YD
`User Activities:
`Army - ME
`Navy - EC, MC
`Military Coordinating Activity:
`Army - EL
`Project Number: DRPR-0176
`Certain provisions of this standard are subject of International Standardization Agreement, ABC NAVY STD-28A,
`Symbols and Abbreviations for Electrical and Electronics Drawings, to which the U.S. Army also subscribes. When
`reaffirmations, amendment, revision, or cancellation of this standard is proposed which will effect or violate the
`international agreement concerned, the Military Coordinating Activity will take appropriate reconcilliation action
`through military international standardization channels including departmental standardization offices, if required.
`NOTICE: When reaffirmation, amendment, revision, or cancellation of this standard is initially proposed, the
`cognizant secretariat of the industry standard shall inform the Military Coordinating Activity of the proposed change
`and request their participation.
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`Preface to CSA Standard Z99-1975 C11B
`Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronics Diagrams
`REXDALE, October 9, 1975
`American National Standard Y32.2-1975 (IEEE Std 315-1975), with the modifications shown in Section 100, has been
`approved as CSA Standard Z99. This action was proposed by the Committee on Electrical Symbols, under the
`jurisdiction of the Sectional Committee on Abbreviations, Definitions and Symbols and was formerly approved by
`these Committees.
`See Section 100, Canadian Standard Z99 modifications to American National Standard Y32.2-1975 on page 83.
`NOTE: In order to keep abreast of progress in the industries concerned, CSA publications are subject to periodic
`review. Suggestions for improvement will be welcomed at all times. They will be recorded and in due course brought
`to the attention of the appropriate Committee for consideration.
`Also, requests for interpretation will be accepted by the Committee. They should be worded in such a manner as to
`permit a simple “yes” or “no” answer based on the literal text of the requirement concerned.
`All inquiries regarding this standard should be addressed to Canadian Standards Association, 178 Rexdale Boulevard,
`Rexdale, Ontario M9W 1R3, Canada.
`IEEE Standards Board
`Approved September 4, 1975
`Joseph L. Koepfinger, Chair
`Warren H. Cook, Vice Chair
`Sava I. Sherr, Secretary
`Jean Jacques Archambault
`Robert D. Briskman
`Dale R. Cochran
`Louis Costrell
`Frank Davidoff
`Jay Forster
`Irvin N. Howell, Jr
`Stuart P. Jackson
`Irving Kolodny
`William R. Kruesi
`Benjamin J. Leon
`Anthony C. Lordi
`Donald T. Michael
`Voss A. Moore
`William S. Morgan
`William J. Neiswender
`Gustave Shapiro
`Ralph M. Showers
`Robert A. Soderman
`Leonard Thomas
`Charles L. Wagner
`William T. Wintringham
`Copyright © 1975 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. No part of this publication may be
`reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the
`publisher. However, individual symbols contained in this standard may be utilized without further permission of the
`IEEE. Any statement that the symbols used are in conformance with this standard shall be on the user’s own
`Copyrighted material licensed to LiMin Fields on 2019-07-02 for licensee's use only.
` No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC,


`(This foreword is not a part of American National Standard Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronics Diagrams, Y32.2-1975
`[IEEE Std 315-1975])
`This American National Standard is a revision and expansion of American National Standard Graphic Symbols for
`Electrical and Electronics Diagrams, Y32.2-1970 (IEEE Std 315-1971).
`A variety of specialized symbols originally used for aircraft applications have been added to make this standard more
`comprehensive. To improve coordination with IEC publication 117, IEC approved versions of capacitor, transformer,
`delay, associated conductors and specialized ground symbols have been added as alternates to those long used and
`standardized in the United States. A number of small changes have made the existing material more closely parallel to
`IEC Publication 117. Symbols have been added to cover additional devices in the photo sensitive semiconductor and
`specialized semiconductor fields, as well as for an electronic flash lamp. Known errors have been corrected and some
`items have been clarified.
`The reference designation class letters were revised to include the added new device symbols and to clarify the DS and
`LS categories. “D” is now listed as an alternate to the common “CR” for the common semiconductor diode family of
`All of the symbols are designed so that their connection points fall on a modular grid. This should help those who use
`a grid basis for the preparation of diagrams. By proper enlargement of the symbols the usual coordinate-grid sizes can
`be matched. Most symbols appearing in this standard were reproduced form original drawings prepared for the
`Mergenthaler Diagrammer.
`A substantial effort has been made to have this American National Standard compatible with approved International
`Electronical Commission (IEC) Recommendations (IEC Publication 117, in various parts). Electrical diagrams are a
`factor in international trade; the use of one common symbol language ensures a clear presentation and economical
`diagram preparation for a variety of users. Members of the preparing committee have been active in transmitting USA
`viewpoints to the cognizant IEC Technical Committee.
`Alternative symbols are shown only in those cases where agreement on a common symbol could not be attained at this
`time. It is hoped that the number of alternative symbols will be reduced in future editions.
`The symbols in this standard represent the best consensus that can be attained at this time. Standardization, however,
`must be dynamic, not static, and any solution of a problem should be tested through use and revised if necessary. It is
`anticipated that the contents of this standard will be modified as future needs dictate; such modifications will be made
`available through the issuance of approved supplements. Suggestions for improvement are welcomed. They should be
`addressed to:
`Secretary, IEEE Standards Board
`Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`345 East 47 Street
`New York, N.Y. 10017
`This standard has been prepared by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standards
`Coordinating Committee for Letter and Graphic Symbols (SCC 11), acting for the Y32.2 Task Group on Graphic
`Symbols for Electrical and Electronics Diagrams of the American National Standards Committee Y32, Graphic
`Symbols and Designations. There has been close cooperation between the industry and DOD representatives to
`provide one standard that can be universally used, rather than separate documents with their tendency to differ in
`various respects. While credit for this accomplishment is due all participants and the organizations they represent,
`particular mention is given to the U.S. Department of Defense, without whose strong support in reaching the
`objective—standard symbols acceptable to both industry and the military departments—the effort would not have
`This standard is complemented by a number of related standards listed in Section 23.
`Copyrighted material licensed to LiMin Fields on 2019-07-02 for licensee's use only.
` No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC,


`The American National Standards Committee on Graphic Symbols and Designations, Y32, had the following
`personnel at the time it approved this standard:
`Charles A. Fricke, Chair
`Conrad R. Muller, Vice Chair, Electrical and Electronics
`James L. Fisher, Jr., Vice Chair, Pictographic Symbols
`James R. Couper, Vice Chair, Chemical and Process
`George Platt, Vice Chair, Mechanical
`Alvin Lai, Secretary
`Organization Represented
`Name of Representative
`Acoustical Society of America ....................................................................................................... Laurence Batchelder
`Harry F. Olson
`American Chemical Society................................................................................................................Robert F. Schuerer
`American Gear Manufactures Association .............................................................................................. Gerald L. Scott
`American Institute of Chemical Engineers ........................................................................................... James R. Couper
`American Institute for Design and Drafting ................................................................................................Francis Saint
`American Institute of Industrial Engineers ............................................................................................ Irving Goldstein
`American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers ............................................................ (Vacant)
`American Society of Agriculture Engineers ....................................................................................James A. Basselman
`American Society of Civil Engineers................................................................................................................. (Vacant)
`American Society for Engineering Education ....................................................................................................I. L. Hill
`R. T. Northup
`American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers ............................................N. LaCourte
`C.W. MacPhee (Alt)
`American Society of Mechanical Engineers.............................................................................................R. W. Cockrell
`A. R. Machell, Jr.
`O. J. Maha
`H. E. Walchli
`American Society of Sanitary Engineering........................................................................................... James C. Church
`American Welding Society .............................................................................................................................A. P. Arndt
`Frank Speight (Alt)
`Association of American Railroads ........................................................................................................ M. F. McCorcle
`P. H. Foley
`Association for Computing Machinery................................................................................................. Patrick G. Skelly
`Arthur C. Gannet (Alt)
`Canadian Standards Association ......................................................................................................................A. Hendry
`Illuminating Engineering Society ..............................................................................................................L. E. Barbrow
`John E. Kaufman (Alt)
`Individual Member............................................................................................................................... Charles A. Fricke
`Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ......................................................................................... G. A. Knapp
`Sidney V. Soanes
`Steven A. Wassermann
`Instrument Society of America .....................................................................................................................George Platt
`Louis Costea (Alt)
`Mechanical Contractors Association of America ..........................................................................................J. R. Mance
`National Association of Plumbing, Heating, Cooling Contractors................................................................R. E. White
`National Electrical Contractors Association ....................................................................................... William H. Paules
`National Electrical Manufacturers Association ......................................................................................Walter F. Huette
`F. V. Kupchak
`R. F. Franciose (Alt)
`Roland Russo (Alt)
`Mrs. R. L. Mancini (Alt)
`National Fluid Power Association .....................................................................................................James L. Fisher, Jr.
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`Society of Automotive Engineers ...............................................................................................................H. L. Dubocq
`Technical Drawing Associates ...................................................................................................................W. D. Zbinder
`Telephone Group......................................................................................................................................H. A. Spielman
`R. E. Thiemer (Alt)
`US Department of the Army, Ordnance.......................................................................................................C. A. Nazian
`US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards .............................................................. Gustave Shapiro
`US Department of Commerce, Patent Office.................................................................................................D. M. Mills
`US Department of the Interior .................................................................................................................... Ray Freeman
`US Department of the Navy............................................................................................................................... (Vacant)
`Western Union Telegraph Company .................................................................................................................. (Vacant)
`The Task Group on Graphic Symbols, Y32.2, which revised and processed this standard, had the following personnel:
`S. J. Balke
`L. Batchelder
`L. E. Barbrow
`V. W. Bennett
`H. L. Cook
`D. Drusdow
`S. K. Ghandi
`C. A. Fricke*, Chair
`S. A. Wassermann, Secretary
`W. Grasson
`C. J. Hart
`A. Hendry, Canadian Liaison
`G. A. Knapp
`R. Legg*
`L. A. Meadows‡
`C. R. Muller*
`C. A. Nazian
`R. V. Rice
`E. F. V. Robinson‡, Canadian
`J. W. Siefert
`R. M. Stern*
`J. Zeno
`The IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee on Letter and Graphic Symbols, SCC 11, had the following
`R. B. Augus, Jr
`F. K. Becker
`J. C. Brown
`J. M. Carroll
`H. L. Cook
`E. T. B. Gross
`C. A. Fricke, Chair
`C. R. Muller, Secretary
`G. A. Knapp
`L. A. Meadows‡
`R. V. Rice
`G. Shapiro
`J. W. Siefert
`S. V. Soanes
`R. M. Stern
`L. H . Warren
`S. A. Wassermann
`J. C. White
`The IEEE Subcommittee on Graphic Symbols, SCC 11.1, and the IEC Experts Subcommittee, SCC 11.6, had the
`following membership:
`C. A. Fricke, Chair SCC 11.1
`C. A. Fricke, Chair pro tem, SCC 11.6
`V. W. Bennett
`I. M. Berger (SCC 11.1)
`T. L. Bisbee
`V. Condello
`H. L. Cook
`D. Drusdow
`A. C. Gannett
`G. A. Knapp
`E. J. Lombardi (SCC 11.6)
`R. Legg
`J. Lusti (SCC 11.6)
`L. A. Meadows‡
`C. R. Muller
`G. Panula (SCC 11.6)
`R. V. Rice (SCC 11.1)
`A. I. Rubin (SCC 11.1)
`F. A. Saint
`G. Shapiro
`J. W. Siefert (SCC 11.1)
`H. Seaman
`P. G. Skelly (SCC 11.6)
`S. V. Soanes (SCC 11.1)
`R. M. Stern
`S. A. Wasserman
`R. Rondinelli (Alt)
`W. W. Varnedoe (SCC 11.6)
`J. Zeno (SCC 11.1)
`* Member of Y32.2 Editorial Committee.
`‡ Retired.
`Copyrighted material licensed to LiMin Fields on 2019-07-02 for licensee's use only.
` No further reproduction or networking is permitted. Distributed by Clarivate Analytics (US) LLC,


`A1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................... 1
`A2 Arrangement......................................................................................................................................... 2
`A3 Application........................................................................................................................................... 2
`A4 Drafting Practices Applicable to Graphic Symbols ............................................................................. 3
`Section 1 Qualifying Symbols ............................................................................................................................5
`1.1 Adjustability
`Variability ............................................................................................................................................ 5
`1.2 Special-Property Indicators.................................................................................................................. 7
`1.3 Radiation Indicators (electromagnetic and particulate) ....................................................................... 8
`1.4 Physical State Recognition Symbols.................................................................................................... 9
`1.5 Test-Point Recognition Symbol ......................................................................................................... 10
`1.6 Polarity Markings............................................................................................................................... 10
`1.7 Direction of Flow of Power, Signal, or Information.......................................................................... 12
`1.8 Kind of Current (General).................................................................................................................. 13
`1.9 Connection Symbol............................................................................................................................ 14
`1.10 Envelope
`Enclosure.......................................................................................................................................... 17
`1.11 Shield
`Shielding .......................................................................................................................................... 18
`1.12 Special Connector or Cable Indicator .............................................................................................. 19
`1.13 Electret (shown with electrodes)...................................................................................................... 19
`Section 2 Graphic Symbols for Fundamental Items (not included in other sections).......................................19
`2.1 Resistor............................................................................................................................................... 19
`2.2 Capacitor ............................................................................................................................................ 24
`2.3 Antenna ............................................................................................................................................. 28
`2.4 Attenuator........................................................................................................................................... 32
`2.5 Battery................................................................................................................................................ 33
`2.6 Delay Function
`Delay Line
`Slow-Wave Structure ......................................................................................................................... 34
`2.7 Oscillator
`Generalized Alternating-Current Source ........................................................................................... 35
`2.8 Permanent Magnet ............................................................................................................................ 35
`2.9 Pickup
`Head ................................................................................................................................................... 35
`2.10 Piezoelectric Crystal Unit (including Crystal Unit, Quartz ) .......................................................... 36
`2.11 Transducer
`Motional Pickup Transducer ............................................................................................................ 36
`2.12 Squib, Electric ................................................................................................................................. 37
`2.13 Thermocouple (dissimilar-metals device)........................................................................................ 37
`2.14 Thermal Element
`Thermomechanical Transducer ........................................................................................................ 38
`2.15 Spark Gap
`Igniter Gap ....................................................................................................................................... 38
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`2.16 Continuous Loop Fire Detector (temperature sensor)...................................................................... 38
`2.17 Ignitor Plug ...................................................................................................................................... 38
`Section 3 Graphic Symbols for Transmission Path ..........................................................................................39
`3.1 Transmission Path
`Wiring................................................................................................................................................. 39
`3.2 Distribution Lines
`Transmission Lines ............................................................................................................................ 45
`3.3 Alternative or Conditional Wiring ..................................................................................................... 47
`3.4 Associated or Future .......................................................................................................................... 47
`3.5 Intentional Isolation of Direct-Current Path in Coaxial or Waveguide Applications........................ 48
`3.6 Waveguide ........................................................................................................................................ 48
`3.7 Strip-Type Transmission Line ........................................................................................................... 49
`3.8 Termination........................................................................................................................................ 49
`3.9 Circuit Return..................................................................................................................................... 50
`3.10 Pressure Tight Bulkhead Cable Gland
`Cable Sealing End............................................................................................................................. 51
`Section 4 Graphic Symbols for Contacts, Switches, Contactors, and Relays...................................................52
`4.1 Switching Function ............................................................................................................................ 52
`4.2 Electrical Contact .............................................................................................................................. 52
`4.3 Basic Contact Assemblies.................................................................................................................. 54
`4.4 Magnetic Blowout Coil .................................................................................................................... 57
`4.5 Operating Coil
`Relay Coil.......................................................................................................................................... 57
`4.6 Switch................................................................................................................................................. 58
`4.7 Pushbutton, Momentary or Spring-Return......................................................................................... 59
`4.8 Two-circuit, Maintained or Not Spring-Return ................................................................................. 60
`4.9 Nonlocking Switch, Momentary or Spring-Return............................................................................ 60
`4.10 Locking Switch ................................................................................................................................ 61
`4.11 Combination Locking and Nonlocking Switch................................................................................ 62
`4.12 Key-Type Switch
`Lever Switch ................................................................................................................................... 62
`4.13 Selector or Multiposition Switch ..................................................................................................... 63
`4.14 Limit Switch
`Sensitive Switch .............................................................................................................................. 66
`4.15 Safety Interlock ................................................................................................................................ 67
`4.16 Switches with Time-Delay Feature.................................................................................................. 68
`4.17 Flow-Actuated Switch...................................................................................................................... 69
`4.18 Liquid-Level-Actuated Switch......................................................................................................... 69
`4.19 Pressure- or Vacuum-Actuated Switch ............................................................................................ 69
`4.20 Temperature-Actuated Switch ......................................................................................................... 70
`4.21 Thermostat ....................................................................................................................................... 70
`4.22 Flasher
`Self-Interrupting Switch ................................................................................................................... 71
`4.23 Foot-Operated Switch
`Foot Switch ..................................................................................................................................... 72
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`4.24 Switch Operated by Shaft Rotation and Responsive to Speed or Direction .................................... 72
`4.25 Switches with Specific Features ...................................................................................................... 73
`4.26 Telegraph Key ................................................................................................................................. 73
`4.27 Governor (Contact-making)
`Speed Regulator............................................................................................................................... 74
`4.28 Vibrator, Interrupter ........................................................................................................................ 74
`4.29 Contactor.......................................................................................................................................... 74
`4.30 Relay ............................................................................................................................................... 76
`4.31 Inertia Switch (operated by sudden deceleration)............................................................................ 78
`4.32 Mercury Switch................................................................................................................................ 78
`4.33 Aneroid Capsule (air pressure) Operated Switch............................................................................. 79
`Section 5 Graphic Symbols for Terminals and Connectors..............................................................................79
`5.1 Terminals ........................................................................................................................................... 79
`5.2 Cable Termination.............................................................................................................................. 81
`5.3 Connector
`Disconnecting Device
`Plug ................................................................................................................................................... 81
`5.4 Connectors of the Type Commonly Used for Power-Supply Purposes ............................................ 84
`5.5 Test Block .......................................................................................................................................... 86
`5.6 Coaxial Connector
`Coaxial Junction................................................................................................................................. 86
`5.7 Waveguide Flanges
`Waveguide Junction........................................................................................................................... 87
`Section 6 Graphic Symbols for Transformers, Inductors, and Windings .........................................................88
`6.1 Core.................................................................................................................................................... 88
`6.2 Inductor
`Winding (machine or transformer)
`Reactor Radio-Frequency Coil
`Telephone Retardation Coil ............................................................................................................... 89
`6.3 Transductor

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