`Deposition of:
`Michael W. Netka
`June 21, 2019
`In the Matter of:
`Caterpillar Inc. Vs. Wirtgen America,
`800.808.4958 | calendar-dmv@veritext.com |
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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` Petitioner
` v.
` Patent Owner
` Case IPR2018-01091
` Patent 8,308,395
` Minnetonka, Minnesota
` Friday, June 21, 2019
` 9:00 a.m.
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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` The confidential deposition of Michael W. Netka
`was taken on Friday, June 21, 2019, commencing at 9:00
`a.m., at the Sheraton Minneapolis West Hotel, 12201
`Ridgedale Drive, Minnetonka, Minnesota, before Lori
`Morrow, Registered Professional Reporter, Certified
`Realtime Reporter, Certified LiveNote Reporter, and
`Notary Republic in and for the State of Minnesota.
`On Behalf of the Petitioner:
` David K. Mroz, Esquire
` 901 New York Avenue, Northwest
` Washington, D.C. 20001-4413
` (202) 408-4022
` david.mroz@finnegan.com
`On Behalf of the Patent Owner:
` Richard D. Coller III, Esquire
` 1100 New York Avenue, Northwest
` Suite 600
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` (202) 371-2600
` rcoller@sternekessler.com
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`Michael W. Netka
`Mr. Coller................. 5
`Mr. Mroz................... 46
`Mr. Mroz...................14
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1016 F&L document........... 35, 56
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1017 F&L document........... 35, 56
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1018 F&L document........... 35, 56
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1019 F&L document........... 35, 56
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1020 F&L document........... 35, 56
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1021 F&L document........... 35, 56
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1022 F&L document........... 35, 56
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1023 F&L document........... 35, 56
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1024 F&L document........... 35, 56
`(EXHIBITS continued on the next page.)
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`Caterpillar Exhibit 1025 Invoice................ 35, 53
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1026 Invoice................ 35, 53
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1027 Invoice................ 35, 53
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1028 Invoice................ 35, 53
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1029 Invoice................ 35, 53
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1030 Invoice................ 35, 53
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1031 Invoice................ 35, 53
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1032 Invoice................ 35, 53
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1033 Invoice................ 35, 53
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1034 Invoice................ 35, 53
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1035 Invoice................ 35, 53
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1036 Corporate procedure
` regarding factory notification
` literature and technical information... 32, 46
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1037 PM-465 OMM.......... 10, 25, 47
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1038 Manual................. 49, 58
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1039 PM-465 SOTA manual..... 28, 48
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1046 Declaration of
` Michael Netka................ 6, 16
` **********
` (REPORTER'S NOTE: Original exhibits are attached to
` the original transcript.)
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` duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows:
` Q Good morning, Mr. Netka.
` A Good morning.
` Q Would you please state your full legal name for
`the record.
` A Michael William Netka.
` MR. MROZ: Before we start, should we introduce
` ourselves?
` MR. COLLER: Yeah, sorry. Richard Coller with
` Sterne Kessler on behalf of Wirtgen.
` MR. MROZ: And David Mroz from Finnegan on
` behalf of Caterpillar.
` Q So, Mr. Netka, do you understand why you're
`here today?
` A Yes.
` Q Why are you here today?
` A I provided some information for Mr. Mroz and
`Caterpillar regarding some documentation, and I've been
`invited to be deposed here today.
` Q Okay. So you understand that you're having
`your deposition taken today?
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` A Yes.
` Q And the deposition is in connection with the
`declaration testimony that you provided in Inter Partes
`Review Case Number IPR2018-01091. Is that correct?
` A Yeah, if that's what's on that document. I
`would like to get a copy of that, too, please.
` Q Of your declaration?
` A Yeah.
` Q Sure.
` Okay. Mr. Netka, I'm going to hand you a
`confidential version of Caterpillar Exhibit 1046. And do
`you recognize the document that I handed you?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q And what is it?
` A It is my declaration that I provided Mr. Mroz.
` Q Okay. Mr. Netka, do you understand that the
`parties in this case are Caterpillar, Inc. and Wirtgen
` A Yes.
` Q And do you understand that you're under oath
` A Yes.
` Q Mr. Netka, have you ever been deposed before?
` A Yes.
` Q And how many times?
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`A Six or eight different times, I believe,
`somewhere in there.
`Q When was the most recent time?
`A I don't remember the exact date, but it would
`be somewhere over ten years ago probably.
`Q Over ten years ago?
`A Yeah.
`Q In those six or eight other matters where you
`were deposed, did any of them involve either Caterpillar
`or Wirtgen?
`A No.
`Q Did any of those other matters where you were
`deposed involve patents?
`A No.
`Q All right. Mr. Netka, I would like to just go
`over some basic grounds rules with you for the deposition
`today. Is that all right?
`A Okay.
`Q As you can see, we have a court reporter here
`who will be recording your answers. So you need to try
`to speak clearly so that the court reporter can
`understand you. Do you agree to do that?
`A Yes.
`Q And the transcript can't show nodding, hand
`motions, so please answer with words. Do you agree to do
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` A Yes.
` Q And it will help the court reporter if we don't
`talk over each other. So if you'll please wait to answer
`until I finish my question, and I will try to do the same
`with you. Do you agree to do that?
` A Yes.
` Q If you don't understand a question, please tell
`me. Do you agree to do that?
` A Yes.
` Q And so your counsel, Mr. Mroz, may object to
`questions that I ask from time to time. But unless you
`receive a specific instruction not to answer the question
`from your counsel, you're going to still have to answer
`the question even if there's an objection. Do you
`understand that?
` A Yes.
` Q If at any time today you feel like you need a
`break, just let me know, and we can take a break.
` A Okay.
` Q The only exception is, if I have a question
`pending with you, I'm going to need you to answer the
`question before we take a break. Do you understand that?
` A Yes.
` Q Since my cross-examination of you has begun now
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`until I've completely concluded the cross-examination,
`you can't confer with your counsel regarding the
`substance of the testimony that you've already given or
`that you expect to give today. Do you understand that?
` A Yes.
` Q So, for example, that means if we take breaks,
`you can't confer with Mr. Mroz about the substance of
`your testimony. Do you understand that?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. Mr. Netka, are you under the influence
`of anything, such as medications, that might make it
`difficult for you to understand and answer my questions
` A No.
` Q Is there any other reason you can think of that
`you can't provide your complete and accurate testimony
` A No.
` Q All right. Mr. Netka, what did you do to
`prepare for today's deposition?
` MR. MROZ: I'll caution you not to reveal any
` communications with attorneys in your answer.
` THE WITNESS: The only thing I did is I met
` with Mr. Mroz.
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` Q Did you review any documents in preparing for
`today's deposition?
` A Yes.
` Q Which documents did you review?
` A I looked at an OMM -- I'm sorry, an owner and
`operating manual.
` Q Which OMM did you look at?
` A 465, PM-465.
` Q I'm going to hand you a copy of Caterpillar
`Exhibit 1037. Do you recognize this document?
` A Yes.
` Q And what is it?
` A It's Operation/Maintenance Manual for the 465.
` Q When you said that you reviewed an OMM
`preparing for today's deposition, is this the document
`you were talking about?
` A I didn't review the document. I just looked at
`the document cover. I had not seen one of these in some
`time --
` Q Okay.
` A -- because I've been retired.
` Q So when I asked you which documents you
`reviewed in preparing for today's deposition, you said
`you looked at an OMM. I just want to make sure the
`record is clear. Was it this OMM that you looked at?
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` A That's correct.
` Q Okay. Thank you. Did you review any other
`documents in preparing for today's deposition?
` A No.
` Q Did you review a copy of your declaration in
`preparing for your deposition?
` A I did three days ago. I just read through it
` Q Did you meet with counsel to prepare for
`today's deposition?
` A Yes.
` Q And who did you meet with?
` A Dave Mroz.
` Q Did you meet with anyone else besides --
` A No.
` Q Did you communicate with anyone else besides
`counsel to prepare for today's deposition?
` A No.
` Q Other than the things we've covered and I've
`asked you about, did you do anything else to prepare for
`today's deposition?
` A No.
` Q Mr. Netka, who retained you to work on this
` A Mr. Mroz contacted me.
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` Q And was it your understanding that he was
`contacting you on behalf of any party or company?
` A For Caterpillar.
` Q Caterpillar. And when you say Caterpillar,
`what's the full legal name of the entity that you're
`referring to?
` A Caterpillar, Incorporated.
` Q Are you being compensated for your time spent
`working on this matter?
` A No.
` Q And when were you retained to work on this
` A I really don't remember.
` Q Do you think it was more or less than a year
` A Less than a year ago.
` Q Was it more or less than six months ago?
` A Probably less than six months ago.
` Q Do you think it was more or less than three
`months ago?
` A I don't remember specifically, but more than
`likely, it was less than three months ago.
` Q Do you think it's more or less than one month
` A That I can't tell you. I don't remember.
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` Q Do you have a written retention agreement for
`this engagement?
` A No.
` Q And who has been your primary contact at the
`Finnegan law firm for this matter?
` A Dave Mroz.
` Q Is there anyone else at the Finnegan law firm
`that you've communicated with about this matter?
` A A gentleman named Abhay Wat -- and I'm having
`trouble with the last name.
` MR. MROZ: I can help. It's Abhay, A-b-h-a-y,
` Watwe, W-a-t-w-e.
` Q Have you communicated with anyone else at the
`Finnegan law firm besides the two gentlemen that you
` A No.
` Q Have you communicated with anyone at
`Caterpillar, Inc. about this matter?
` A An individual named David Wienhausen [sic].
` Q David, and could you please spell his last name
`as best you can?
` MR. MROZ: Wiesehan.
` THE WITNESS: Wiesehan.
` MR. MROZ: W-i-e-s-e-h-a-n.
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` Q And what is Mr. Wiesehan's, if I'm saying that
`correctly, what is his position at Caterpillar, Inc.?
` A He's a technical support consultant.
` Q And how many separate times have you spoken
`with him since you were retained to work on this matter?
` A One time.
` Q And approximately how long did that
`conversation --
` MR. MROZ: Objection. Caution you not to
` reveal any communications between you and
` Mr. Wiesehan. Instruct you not to answer.
` Q So you told me that you spoke to Mr. Wiesehan
`one time. And then my question was how -- not the
`substance of the conversation but how long that
`conversation lasted.
` MR. MROZ: You can answer that one.
` THE WITNESS: Ten minutes.
` MR. MROZ: Can we go off the record for one
` second?
` (Off the record.)
` Q So, Mr. Netka, other than Mr. Wiesehan, since
`you were retained in this matter, have you spoken to
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`anyone else at Caterpillar, Inc.?
` A No.
` Q Since you were retained to work on this matter,
`have you communicated with anyone currently at or
`formerly at Caterpillar Paving Products?
` A No.
` Q Since you were retained to work on this matter,
`have you communicated with anyone currently or formerly
` about this matter?
` A No.
` Q Have you communicated with an individual named
`Mr. Michael Aldrich about this matter?
` A No.
` Q Do you know Mr. Michael Aldrich?
` A I worked with him some ten years ago.
` Q And where were you employed when you were
`working with him?
` A Caterpillar Paving Products.
` Q And when was the last time that you spoke with
`Mr. Aldrich?
` A I don't remember.
` Q Have you communicated with an individual named
`Dr. David Bevly about this matter?
` A No.
` Q Do you know the name David Bevly?
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`A No.
`Q So other than the people referenced in my prior
`questions, have you communicated about this matter with
`anyone else?
`A No.
`Q So, Mr. Netka, earlier I handed you a copy of
`Caterpillar Exhibit 1046, your declaration. Do you still
`have that in front of you?
`A Yes.
`Q When did you complete that declaration?
`A Roughly a week ago.
`Q And in total, how much time did you spend
`working on the declaration?
`A Two to three hours.
`Q And what was your process for preparing the
`MR. MROZ: I'll caution you not to reveal any
`confidential communications or work you did with
`counsel. You can answer.
`THE WITNESS: I just reviewed some information
`that -- I don't know what the document was. That
`was an opinion or a declaration by a gentleman from
`work, and I don't remember exactly his name.
`Q What else can you tell me about the process of
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`working on your declaration?
` MR. MROZ: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I just reviewed the information
` about what was presented, and I -- based on my
` experience and my time at Caterpillar, I created
` this document, provided information regarding that.
` Q And you cite several documents in your
`declaration. Is that correct?
` A That's correct.
` Q Did you review all of those documents in the
`process of preparing your declaration?
` A Yes, I did.
` Q Is it accurate to say that you worked on the
`declaration with counsel?
` A Yes.
` Q Mr. Netka, can you please turn to the last page
`of your declaration, and please let me know when you're
` A Yes.
` Q Is that your signature?
` A Yes.
` Q And when did you sign the declaration?
` A June 1.
` Q Okay. So, Mr. Netka, I would like to talk just
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`a little bit about your background now. Where are you
`currently employed?
` A I'm retired.
` Q And prior to your retirement, where were you
`last employed?
` A Caterpillar Paving Products.
` Q Okay. Can you turn, please, to paragraph 4 of
`your declaration, and let me know when you're there.
` A Paragraph 4?
` Q Paragraph 4.
` A Okay. Yes.
` Q In the last sentence of that paragraph, you're
`defining Caterpillar in quotes as "shorthand for
`Caterpillar Paving Products." So unless you or I
`otherwise qualify it today, I'll assume when you're
`talking about Caterpillar you're talking about
`Caterpillar Paving Products. Is that fair?
` A Yes.
` Q And you worked at Caterpillar from 1998 through
`2013. Is that correct?
` A It's 1988.
` Q Oh, sorry. I misspoke. 1988 through 2013?
` A That's correct.
` Q Thank you. What kind of business is
`Caterpillar Paving Products?
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` A It's design and manufacturing of what we call
`paving products.
` Q Is it -- sorry. Strike that.
` Is Caterpillar Paving Products a related
`business entity of Caterpillar, Incorporated?
` A Yes.
` Q Do you know what the relationship is?
` A Caterpillar Paving Products is a wholly-owned
`subsidiary of Caterpillar.
` Q Of Caterpillar, Incorporated?
` A Yes.
` Q All right. Mr. Netka, if you could please turn
`to paragraph 6 of your declaration, and please let me
`know when you're there.
` A Yes.
` Q So in that paragraph, you talk about a process
`where F&Ls were used to instruct employees to place
`certain manuals on machines before they shipped. Is that
` A That's correct.
` Q And you also talk about a process where an
`employee would later check machines before they shipped
`to make sure that the manuals that were supposed to be
`there were in fact there. Is that correct?
` A That's correct.
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` Q And so why did Caterpillar need that second
`step, that checking step?
` A There were several processes. There's a final
`inspection of the machine before it leaves the factory.
`And one of the key factors about a machine leaving the
`factory is that it has to have OMM parts put on the
`machine before it leaves.
` Q So the F&Ls, the way you describe it, told
`employees that you put certain manuals on the machine,
` A It's a type of revision control, and it tells
`employees what manuals at what revision have to be on the
` Q And so then my question is, why do you need the
`second step of having someone check before the machine
`ships to make sure it's --
` A It's just part of our final inspection process
`before shipment.
` Q At that second stage, that checking step, would
`anyone ever uncover a missing manual?
` A No.
` Q Never?
` A In my experience, I never had that happen.
` Q So why did you need the second step?
` A Because it was a process control check that is
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`in place before a machine ships.
` Q Is it possible that a Caterpillar machine ever
`shipped without the proper manuals in place?
` A I don't believe so.
` Q Does this F&L protocol process apply to all
`machines that Caterpillar ships?
` A That's correct.
` Q Approximately how many machines does
`Caterpillar ship in a given year?
` A I don't know that number.
` Q Do you think it's more or less than a thousand?
` A If you could clarify the question. Are you
`talking about Paving Products specifically or
`Caterpillar, Inc.?
` Q Let's focus on Paving Products first.
` A I don't know the exact numbers. It depends on
`what you're -- because shipments vary from year to year.
` Q And you don't have a guess as to average number
`of shipments of Paving Products per year?
` A I don't know.
` Q Mr. Netka, can you please turn to paragraph 8
`of your declaration, and please tell me when you're
` A Yes, I'm there.
` Q So in the third sentence of that paragraph,
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`it's a few lines down, it starts with "Between 2000 and
`2013." I'll read it to you. "Between 2000 and 2013, I
`oversaw the development of service publications, training
`manuals, and owner's/parts manuals for Caterpillar's Cold
`Planers, including the PM-465 machines." Do you see that
`in your declaration?
` A Yes.
` Q During that 2000 to 2013 time frame, did you
`personally draft any of those sorts of manuals?
` A No.
` Q During that 2000 to 2013 time frame, did you
`personally edit any of those sorts of manuals?
` A No.
` Q During that time frame, were you personally
`responsible for maintaining those sorts of manuals at the
` A My staff was responsible.
` Q Were you personally responsible then?
` A Yes.
` Q So was it you, or was it your staff?
` A My staff performed the function, and I was
`responsible for ensuring that that function was in place.
` Q And which function did your staff perform?
` A They provided assistance in developing,
`editing, constructing service manuals.
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` Q And maintaining them?
` A That's correct.
` Q So still in paragraph 8 but a few sentences
`down, it's about three lines from the bottom, it says --
`starts with "Although," and it says, "I was no longer
`involved in the day-to-day activities of the quality
`control group." Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q So in the 2000 to 2013 period, you were not
`personally placing manuals on machines before they
`shipped. Is that correct?
` A That's correct.
` Q And in the 2000 to 2013 period, you were not
`personally checking machines before they shipped to make
`sure that manuals were supposed to be there, were you?
` A Occasionally, we would conduct an audit to
`ensure some of those processes were in place.
` Q And when you say we would conduct an audit, who
`are you referring to?
` A Myself and my staff would.
` Q So in that 2000 to 2013 time period, did you
`ever personally check a machine before it was shipped to
`make sure that the manuals that were supposed to be there
`were in fact there?
` A Yes.
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` Q Approximately how many times?
` A I can't tell you that number. Early on in the
`2000 time frame, it would have been four or five times a
` Q Mr. Netka, if you can please now go down to
`paragraph 9 of your declaration, and please tell me when
`you're there.
` A Paragraph 9, I'm there.
` Q Okay. Starting at the beginning of that
`paragraph, it says, "During my employment at Caterpillar,
`I have personally delivered numerous Caterpillar
`machines, including PM-465 Cold Planers, to Caterpillar
`dealers throughout the United States." Do you see that?
` A Yes.
` Q Did you personally deliver any PM-465 Cold
`Planers between 2000 and 2003?
` A I can't tell you exactly when I stopped doing
`deliveries, but it would have been -- it's possible that
`I did some in 2000.
` Q Is it possible that you did not do any in 2000?
` A No. I can't -- I can't give you a specific
`date. I don't recall exactly when I transitioned fully
`out from my previous position.
` Q So in the year 2000, it's possible that you did
`personally deliver PM-465 Cold Planers, or it is
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` A It's possible.
` Q Is it also possible, though, that you did not
`deliver any?
` A I don't remember.
` Q Okay. If you can please turn to paragraph 11
`of your declaration, and please tell me when you're
` A What paragraph is that?
` Q Eleven.
` A Thank you.
` Q And let me know when you're there.
` A Yeah, I'm there.
` Q Okay. So in that paragraph, you refer to a
`PM-465 OMM --
` A Uh-huh.
` Q -- which you note is Exhibit 1037 in this
`proceeding. Do you see that? It's about halfway down
`the paragraph.
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. Right. So I -- earlier today I handed
`you a copy of that Exhibit 1037, PM-465 OMM. Do you
`still have that in front of you?
` A Yes.
` Q So is that the document you're referring to in
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`paragraph 11 when you talk about a PM-465 OMM?
` A That's correct.
` Q So I believe earlier I had asked you if you had
`reviewed the PM-465 OMM in preparing your declaration,
`and I believe your answer was that you had at least
`looked at it -- sorry. Retract that.
` Did you review the PM-465 OMM document in
`preparing your declaration?
` A I briefly looked at it since we looked at the
` Q Okay. And who did you receive it from?
` A This document was brought forward by Dave
` Q And he was the Caterpillar, Inc. employee that
`you referred to earlier. Is that correct?
` A That's correct.
` Q Did you receive a physical paper copy of this
`like that? Did you receive an electronic copy like a
`PDF? How did you actually receive it?
` A I believe I had a PDF.
` Q Okay. And that was sent to you by
`Mr. Wiesehan?
` A I think it was sent through -- it came through
`Dave Mroz and his organization.
` Q Through the Finnegan law firm?
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830
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`Page 27
` A Pardon me?
` Q Through the Finnegan law firm?
` A That's correct.
` Q Mr. Netka, when you were employed at
`Caterpillar, did you personally draft the PM-465 OMM?
` A No.
` Q Were you personally responsible for maintaining
`the PM-465 OMM in the 2000 to 2003 time period?
` A As the supervisor of the group that supports
`that; I managed that group.
` Q So there were employees that you were
`supervising who were maintaining the document?
` A Uh-huh, yes.
` Q So at the end of paragraph 11, it's the last
`three lines, I guess, it says, "From 2000 to 2003, the
`PM-465 OMM would have been placed in the console of every
`PM-465 shipped from our Minnesota manufacturing
`facility." Do you see that?
` A That's correct.
` Q To clarify, in 2000 to 2003, you weren't
`personally placing PM-465 OMM manuals on PM-465 machines,
`were you?
` A No.
` Q And at that same time period, you weren't
`personally checking to make sure that PM-465 OMM manuals