` B E F O R E T H E P A T E N T T R I A L A N D A P P E A L B O A R D
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` C A T E R P I L L A R , I N C .
` P e t i t i o n e r
` v .
` W I R T G E N A M E R I C A , I N C .
` P a t e n t O w n e r
` C a s e I P R 2 0 1 8 - 0 1 0 9 1
` P a t e n t 8 , 3 0 8 , 3 9 5
` D E P O S I T I O N O F R A L P H V . W I L H E L M , P H . D .
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C .
` T h u r s d a y , M a y 3 0 , 2 0 1 9
` 9 : 0 0 a . m .
`J o b N o . : P A 3 4 0 3 8 9 6
`P a g e s 1 - 9 8
`R e p o r t e d B y : J o a n V . C a i n
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` Deposition of RALPH V. WILHELM, PH.D., held
`at the law offices of:
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` 1100 New York Avenue, Northwest
` Suite 600
` Washington, D.C. 20005
` (202) 371-2600
` Pursuant to Notice, before Joan V. Cain,
`Court Reporter and Notary Public in and for the
`District of Columbia.
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` A P P E A R A N C E S
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` O N B E H A L F O F P E T I T I O N E R :
` C H R I S T O P H E R P . I S A A C , E S Q U I R E
` F I N N E G A N H E N D E R S O N F A R A B O W
` G A R R E T T & D U N N E R , L L P
` T w o F r e e d o m S q u a r e
` 1 1 9 5 5 F r e e d o m D r i v e
` R e s t o n , V A 2 0 1 9 0 - 5 6 7 5
` T e l e p h o n e : ( 5 7 1 ) 2 0 3 - 2 7 0 0
` E - m a i l : c h r i s . i s a a c @ f i n n e g a n . c o m
` O N B E H A L F O F P A T E N T O W N E R :
` J A S O N A . F I T Z S I M M O N S , E S Q U I R E
` R I C H A R D D . C O L L E R , I I I , E S Q U I R E
` S T E R N E K E S S L E R G O L D S T E I N & F O X , P L L C
` 1 1 0 0 N e w Y o r k A v e n u e , N o r t h w e s t
` S u i t e 6 0 0
` W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 2 0 0 0 5
` T e l e p h o n e : ( 2 0 2 ) 3 7 1 - 2 6 0 0
` E - m a i l : j f i t z s i m m o n s @ s t e r n e k e s s l e r . c o m
` r c o l l e r @ s t e r n e k e s s l e r . c o m
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` C O N T E N T S
` By Mr. Isaac 5, 90
` By Mr. Fitzsimmons 89
` (Retained by Counsel.)
`EXHIBIT 1001 U.S. Patent No. 8,308,395 59
`EXHIBIT 1005 U.S. Patent Application 69
` Publication No. US
` 2002/0154948 A1
`EXHIBIT 2004 Declaration of Ralph V. 34
` Wilhelm, Ph.D. in Support
` of Patent Owner's Response
` and Contingent Motion to
` Amend
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` P R O C E E D I N G S
`having been duly sworn under penalties of perjury by
`the Notary Public, was examined and did testify as
` Q Dr. Wilhelm, my name is Chris Isaac. I'm
`with the Finnegan law firm who represents
` Do you understand that we're here today to
`take your deposition in -- relating to a declaration
`you filed in an IPR on the '395 patent?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q Okay. Have you had your deposition taken
` A Yes, I have.
` Q Can you tell me about how many times?
` A This will be my ninth deposition.
` Q At this point in time, how much of your
`professional time is -- percentage-wise is devoted
`to experting in legal matters?
` A This year it's about 90 percent of my
`working time. The previous years it's quite
`different. If I went back two years, it would be
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`flip-flopped, and the majority of my work would have
`been then typical consulting with suppliers,
` Q How many times have you acted as a
`consultant or an expert in connection with the
`Sterne law firm?
` A With Sterne? This is the first case.
` Q Can you tell me how you came about to be
`engaged on this matter?
` A I was approached by an attorney Wade Sims
`from the Patterson law firm.
` Q What did Mr. Sims say?
` A He wanted to know -- I think it was by
`e-mail -- if I could talk, and he had a case he'd
`like to discuss with me, and we had a discussion on
`the phone, and I corresponded with him by e-mail.
` Q And what was the nature of that
` A It was the nature of, yes, I'd be glad to
`be interviewed for the case.
` Q And did you ultimately get interviewed for
`the case?
` A Yes, I did.
` Q And who interviewed you?
` A The two gentlemen to my right from Sterne
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`Kessler I believe were on the phone. Those are the
`only two I can recall the names.
` Q Then you were retained after a phone call?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q What did you do to prepare for today's
` A For the deposition, I read -- reread the
`deposition [sic] a number of times, referred to a
`number of the references that are referred to in
`there and had conversations with the legal team.
` Q Who's the legal team?
` A Ed Patterson and also add -- but primarily
`add Sterne Kessler.
` Q So it's Mr. Coller and Mr. Fitzsimmons, and
`then who else?
` A Trevor.
` Q Trevor, the gentleman that was in here when
`I came in?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q He's with what firm?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q No. I'm sorry. He's with what firm?
` A I'm sorry. He's with Sterne Kessler.
` Q He's with Sterne Kessler. Okay. So did
`you meet with lawyers in preparation for today's
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` A Yes, I did.
` Q And when did you meet with those lawyers?
` A I met with the lawyers on Tuesday and
`Wednesday of this week.
` Q Were they full-day meetings?
` A Tuesday was a little more than a half-a-day
`meeting, and Wednesday was a full-day meeting.
` Q When you talked about reading the
`materials, the preparation for the deposition, was
`that done in connection with the day-and-a-half
`meetings, or did you do that on your own prior to
`those meetings?
` A Both.
` Q Okay. So how much time have you devoted --
`I have your declaration that you filed in the case,
`which is dated March 9th of 2019. So that would be
`this year. How much time have you spent between the
`time you submitted this declaration and today's date
`working on this matter?
` A Up until this morning, a bit over 50 hours.
` Q That would be 50 hours during that window,
`though? I just want to be clear.
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Okay. Okay. How much time did you spend
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`prior to that? And what I mean is, how much time
`did you spend preparing and drafting your
` A A bit more than 70 hours.
` Q So you have about 120 hours total?
` A Roughly, yes.
` Q Okay. You've been deposed roughly nine
`times, right?
` A This will be my ninth deposition, yes.
` Q Do you understand that I'm here to ask
`questions and you're here to answer them to the best
`of your abilities?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q Is there any reason you cannot give
`truthful, comprehensive answers today due to, for
`example, medication or a health condition?
` A Not to my knowledge, no.
` Q Okay. All right. So let's talk about your
`background a little bit, Dr. Wilhelm. Do you have
`any academic education in connection with milling
` A I have academic education with regard to
`control systems that have general application to
`machine systems, but, no, with respect to milling
`machines I do not.
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` Q So you have no specific experience --
`academic experience with milling machines, correct?
` A Yes.
` Q You said you had experience with control
`systems --
` A Yes.
` Q -- that were -- did you say applicable to
`milling machines?
` A Generally, control systems are generically
`set up with sensor inputs and computers and
`actuators sometimes that are closed loop, sometimes
`open loop, and actually sense surroundings and
`actually control various parts of the system.
` Q Okay. So the control systems that you've
`just described, what machines were they used on when
`you worked with them?
` A Those systems were primarily automotive or
` Q Okay. So automotive, cars. Vehicular,
`what does that mean? Is that broader than cars?
` A Yes, it is.
` Q How much broader?
` A It would include control systems for, for
`example, a Segway that you've probably seen police
`ride in the street.
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` Q I've driven them.
` A Okay. Good. Or it would include heavy
`trucks like 18-wheelers for infotainment and
`telematic systems that go into -- for the
`Freightliner company.
` Q Okay. So those control systems that you've
`worked on for those vehicles, would they also have
`potential applicability in, for example, road
`construction machines?
` A In terms of the art of road milling
`machines, no, they do not.
` Q You have no experience with control systems
`that would be applicable to road milling machines?
` A I have control experience, but not
`specifically with road milling machines, correct.
` Q Right. I understand you have -- I
`understand you've worked with control systems for
`automotive and vehicles, but my question is: Do you
`have any experience, academic experience -- let's
`start with that -- any academic experience in
`control systems that have applicability to road
`milling machines?
` A No, I do not.
` Q Okay. Do you have any non-academic
`experience in connection with control systems that
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`would have applicability to road milling machines?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: None that I'm aware of, no.
` Q Have you ever worked in the field of road
`milling machines?
` A I have self-educated in terms of reading
`documents and visiting the Antioch facility that
`Wirtgen has, but, no, I have not worked, per se.
` Q Okay. So leaving aside what you describe
`as your self-education, also described that way in
`your declaration --
` A Yes.
` Q -- leaving that aside, do you have any
`experience working in the field of road milling
` A No, I do not.
` Q Okay. Have you ever designed a road
`milling machine?
` A No, I have not.
` Q Have you ever operated a road milling
` A Define operate, please.
` Q Basically milled the road.
` A No, I have not milled a road.
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` Q Do you have a different definition of
`operation that maybe would say you did it?
` A No. That is correct. I have not operated
`a road milling machine.
` Q Okay. Do you have any experience in
`operating or designing motor graders?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: No, I do not.
` Q Do you have any experience in operating or
`designing pavers?
` A No, I do not.
` Q Do you have any experience in operating or
`designing compactors?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: No, I do not.
` Q Do you have any experience in operating or
`designing any type of control systems for the
`machines we've just discussed?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: The previous list of machines
`that you itemized? No, I do not.
` Q Okay. How many times have you actually
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`inspected a road milling machine?
` A Up close I've -- with my trip to Antioch,
`over a couple of hours on that one trip.
` Q Okay. So just the one time. I'm going to
`leave aside, you know, driving by a road
`construction site and just seeing it off to the
` So leaving those types of experiences
`aside, is it true that you've inspected a road
`milling machine just one time?
` A On one day for approximately 2 hours or a
`bit more, yes. Correct.
` Q And that machine was located where?
` A Antioch.
` Q When you say Antioch, that's --
` A I'm sorry. Tennessee.
` Q Okay. Was it a Wirtgen facility?
` A Yes, it was.
` Q And when you inspected that machine, did it
`actually mill the road?
` A It was not milling the road, no.
` Q Was it milling anything? Was it a parking
`lot or something? Was it milling anything?
` A It was in the parking lot. It was turned
`on, but, no, it was not milling.
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` Q It was turned on. Was the rotor engaging
`the surface?
` A It was electrically turned on.
` Q Okay. But I just want to be clear. The
`rotor wasn't engaging the surface? There was no
`milling that was going on; is that true?
` A The milling drum was not turning, to my
`knowledge. I didn't examine it, but I would expect
`it was not turning.
` Q You didn't notice if the milling drum -- is
`that what you're saying: You didn't notice that the
`milling drum was turning?
` A I didn't look at the milling drum, no.
` Q Okay. Who accompanied you to your visit to
`the Wirtgen facility in Tennessee?
` A Three lawyers from Sterne Kessler and a
`lawyer from Patterson Intellectual Law, and we met
`with an instructor and trainer and operator of the
`milling machines at Wirtgen.
` Q Okay. You say an instructor, trainer, and
`operator. Is that one person that does all three,
`or are those three different people?
` A No. It's one person.
` Q Okay. Who is that person?
` A I don't know his name. I've forgotten.
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` Q Okay. Did you meet Mr. Schmidt during that
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` A No, I did not.
` Q The four lawyers that were with you, was it
`Mr. Fitzsimmons?
` A Yes.
` Q Mr. Coller?
` A Yes. Trevor.
` Q Which Trevor? Do you know Trevor's last
` A I've just forgotten it. I'm sorry.
` Q That's all right. And the fourth lawyer
`was from Patterson?
` A Yes.
` Q Do you know his name or her name?
` A His name, Gary -- I've lost his last name.
` Q I think I know who you mean. We expected
`to see him here today. Okay. So those four lawyers
`were with you the entirety of your visit to the
`Wirtgen facility in Tennessee?
` A To my memory, yes, they were.
` Q Okay. All right. Can you describe for me
`what you did during your visit to the Wirtgen
` A We met in the Patterson office for a while
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`discussing this case but also primarily discussing
`road milling machines. We also then took the trip
`and spent the two-plus hours at the Wirtgen facility
`and went into the facility at first and then found
`the trainer/operator, and he escorted us to one of
`the large road milling machines.
` And we had a very long discussion outside
`walking around the road milling machine, but
`primarily looking and discussing the Level Pro,
`L-E-V-E-L P-R-O, control system that was located on
`the side of the road milling machine that is very
`typical and very close to the '395 patent claims.
` We had discussions about various control
`mechanisms and buttons and displays. Also ample
`discussions about the way the machine operated, both
`the operator on the ground working with the Level
`Pro and the operator at the top of the machine that
`was looking forward and driving the machine and
`worrying more about not just driving it, but also
`the dump trucks and the chute and other functions at
`the top.
` We spent time, not just with the trainer at
`the side of the machine with Level Pro, but also
`climbed up to the top and were able to see the
`duplicate controls, among other controls, at the top
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`of this road miller. With road milling operation,
`there are quite a number of different screens on a
`display that can not only show video forward and aft
`and to the side, but also can show diagnostics and a
`number of other type screens that came up to help
`inform the driver.
` Q Okay. I want to go back to ask you a few
`questions about what you just described. You said
`that the Level Pro was close to or typical of the
`'395 patent.
` Was that accurate? Did I understand that
` A Yes. That's correct.
` Q Do you have an opinion whether or not the
`'395 patent covers the Level Pro system?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: Objection, scope.
` THE WITNESS: I haven't formed an opinion
`on that, no.
` Q Okay. And you said you met at the -- let's
`go back to the beginning.
` You met at the Patterson law office. Do
`they have a law office in Tennessee right next to
`the Wirtgen facility?
` A Yes. Nashville, yes.
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` Q Nashville, okay. Then you drove to the
`Wirtgen facility, right?
` A Yes, sir.
` Q Then you spent two hours there talking with
`this single person that you characterize as an
`instructor or trainer or an operator, right?
` A He's primarily a trainer, but he is an
`operator. He began as a worker and an operator, but
`now he is primarily a trainer to train their
`customers in the use of that road milling machine.
` Q And you don't know that person's name?
` A I don't. I did at one point; I don't now.
` Q And the lawyers that you described that
`accompanied you on this trip, were they with you
`during the two-hour inspection of the Wirtgen
` A Yes, they were.
` Q Okay. And did they get involved in asking
`questions of the operator in discussion with you?
` A Some, but most of the discussion was
`between me and the trainer.
` Q You characterized, in your declaration,
`that trip to the Wirtgen facility as part of your
`what you call self-education; am I correct?
` A Yes, sir.
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` Q Okay. I characterize that as Wirtgen
`education. Is that a fair assumption? Is that a
`fair characterization?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: Objection.
`Mischaracterizes the witness's testimony.
` THE WITNESS: I wouldn't characterize it as
`Wirtgen. I would characterize it as road milling
`machines because we not only talked about Wirtgen
`machines, but we occasionally talked about what
`other machines might have done at the current time.
`We also talked about what was on road milling
`machines prior to the '395 patent, for example, and
`what had changed over the decades prior to that.
` Q Okay. But the information that was
`provided to you all came from a Wirtgen employee; is
`that correct?
` A Are you talking about on that site trip?
` Q Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
` A On that site trip, I believe that to be
` Q Okay. Now, in addition to that part of
`your education, you also did what else to prepare
`yourself to render an opinion in this matter?
` A Besides reading prior art and references
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`and reading and writing the declaration, we also
`spent time, for example, with some of the art
`reading the asphalt reclamation manual and also the
`Wirtgen manual for control.
` Q Okay. So the two manuals that you identify
`in your declaration?
` A That's correct.
` Q Is there anything in the Wirtgen manual
`that informed your opinion that you rendered in this
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: It informed me in terms of
`the way that the Level Pro and the -- specifically
`the design of how to switch sensors in and out of
`the machine control system worked. It informed me
`quite a bit about how road milling machines operate.
` Q Okay. So I just want to be clear. Your
`opinion in this case was influenced by your view of
`how the Wirtgen machine switched sensors?
` A Among other things, yes.
` Q Okay. Okay. Was there anything in the
`asphalt manual that informed your opinion in this
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: Objection, form.
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` THE WITNESS: Much more in terms of
`background and understanding the art of road milling
`and the issues with regard to reclamation and
`recycling of asphalt. For example, the demands on
`road milling machines and how in, particularly road
`construction, the use of the art of a road milling
`machine is -- how critical it was to actually get a
`road done well and milled well given the different
`artifacts that would appear in general in using the
`construction equipment.
` Q Okay. So your education that we've talked
`about thus far includes your inspection at the
`Wirtgen facility, your review of the two manuals; am
`I correct?
` A It also includes my conversation with the
` Q I intended to include that with the
`inspection trip. Okay. So are we in agreement that
`so far that's what we've talked about as far as what
`your education was that led to your opinion in this
` A Yes, including talking to the one specific
`lawyer at the Patterson Intellectual Law firm that I
`had quite a bit of experience with Wirtgen and also
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`road milling machines.
` Q Okay. All right. And that's the
`individual -- that's Gary?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And you relied in part on what Gary
`told you when you were forming your opinion in this
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. You also reviewed the Schmidt
`declaration that was submitted in this case; is that
` A Yes, I did.
` Q Okay. If there is something in the Schmidt
`declaration that is incorrect as far as the amount
`of sensor faults that are encountered, would that
`change your opinion?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: Objection, calls for
` THE WITNESS: Could you ask the question
`another way?
` Q Okay. The Schmidt declaration talks about
`sensor faults and how often they occur. Did you
`rely upon that in forming your opinions in this
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` A I believe that Mr. Schmidt talked about
`sensor failures. Is that what you mean?
` Q Yes. I used the word "fault." Did that
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`throw you?
` A Sorry.
` Q Okay. That's all right. Let me go back
`and rephrase it then. Mr. Schmidt talks about
`sensor failures and how often they occur.
` A Yes.
` Q Did that inform your in this case?
` A It informed my opinion because of my
`background -- my background in terms of running
`design groups to design control systems and sensors
`and transducers that are applicable in the
`automotive industry, vehicular industry that are
`required to last at least 100,000 miles and roughly
`ten years. And when I looked at the design of the
`sensors specifically and the connections and the
`umbilical cords, et cetera, on the road milling
`machine and read Mr. Schmidt's declaration, it fit
`very much with what my experience has been in
`designing robust systems for use for heavy equipment
`and also for heavy use over a long period of time.
` Q I want to go back and ask the question
`again and see if I can get just a yes or no from
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`you, Dr. Wilhelm.
` The question was: Mr. Schmidt talks about
`sensor failures and how often they occur in his
`declaration. Did that testimony inform your opinion
`in this case?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: Objection, asked and
` THE WITNESS: I can't give you a straight
`yes or no. It informed my opinion, but I already
`had an opinion, looking at the road milling machines
`and also realizing how rugged and how difficult that
`application is. So it lined up with my opinion that
`if I was responsible for designing control systems
`and sensors and actuators for road milling machines,
`I would use my approach in the vehicular design
` Q But Mr. Schmidt's declaration went to how
`often sensors fail and what happens when sensors
`fail in the road milling context. Now, in those
`areas, you had no prior experience, right?
` A That's not necessarily correct, no. With
`regard to road milling machines I don't. With
`regard to heavy-duty and high-use and the design of
`systems for vehicular machines, heavy-duty equipment
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`like Freightliner trucks and/or vehicular traffic, I
`have quite a bit of experience with regard to how
`you design actuators and sensors and
` For what it's worth, the major failing
`point primarily in vehicles is -- electrically is
`the fact that connectors and sensors fail, and
`that's where so much effort goes in in order to make
`entire vehicles so robust. And when I saw the road
`milling machine and also read Mr. Schmidt's
`application [sic], I felt that it was very similar
`to what my background was.
` Q Mr. Schmidt gives opinions as to what
`occurs in road milling when a sensor fails. He
`provides opinions as to road -- for example, the
`road milling operations stop. Did you have any
`experience at all in that area?
` A Yes, unfortunately I have.
` Q Okay. You've had experience in a situation
`where in a road milling operation a sensor fails,
`what happens next?
` A No. My experience is with equipment that's
`similar, but with vehicular designs and having
`sensors fail in a vehicle, whether it's heavy-duty
`or not, not in a road milling machine.
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` Q What equipment is similar to road milling
` A Heavy-duty trucks are very similar,
`heavy-duty vans where the expectation is that
`they're going to last for ten years.
` Q Is that because they work in the same
`general environment of construction?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: No. It's because they're
`used for -- by untrained operators who push vehicles
`and they test the design of equipment.
` Q So the problems that occur with control
`systems and sensors in the environments you just
`described, which are heavy-duty trucks for example,
`those same problems occur in road milling machines
`you believe?
` MR. FITZSIMMONS: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I wouldn't generalize it like
`that. I would suggest that sensor failures occur in
`both areas, both areas of endeavor, and in both
`areas strive very hard to design systems such that
`failures are few and far between because of the
`costs of those systems and because of the
`expectations of their customers.
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` Q Well, it sounds to me like -- correct me if
`I'm wrong, but it sounds like the sensor failure
`situations that you've encountered in your
`background are similar to the sensor failure
`situations that occur in road milling. Is that what
`you're saying?
` A I'm saying that my background has informed
`me and, in effect, biased me in terms of the
`requirements that are needed for the robust design
`of sensors, transducers, actuators for vehicular
`traffic that's designed to last a long time.
` Q Okay. So let me go back to not talking
`about sensor failure, per se, but what happens when
`a sensor failure o