
`ZAM meedd aoe
`a _ Clear and Easy Definitions
`Useful Reference Supplements
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`Page 1 of 4


`First published in the United States>under the title Websters New(Worlf;r BiJic
`Dictionary of Ameri~il,~ English. Copyright© 1996 by Siniih &~§~hust~r, Iri2:
`This e<iition published by arrangement with Macmillan Publishing, a division of
`ss~on && SSchch, .u~tt<;~;:llnc'.we~ster's,New 'Yorld aQ.d col?phqn~ Are ·f~4ewi;~~Pt
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`ISBN: 0-7651-1068-7
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`Library of Congress Catalog Card
`Page 2 of 4


`prairie schooner / precipitant
`prairie schooner n. a large covered wagon used
`by pioneers to cross the American prairies
`praise (praz) v. 1 to say good things about; give
`a good opinion of [to praise someone's work]
`2 to worship, especially aloud or in song [to
`praise God] praised, prais'ing
`-n. the act of praising or an instance of being
`praised; words that show approval
`-sing someone's praises to praise someone
`praise•wor-thy (praz'wm-'the) adj. deserving
`praise; admirable
`pram (pram) n. a British word for BABY CAR(cid:173)
`prance (prans) v. 1 to rise up on the hind legs
`in a lively way, especially while moving along
`[The horses pranced around the circus ring.]
`2 to move about in a lively way; strut [The
`actors pranced around the stage.] pranced,
`prank (praIJk) n. a playful or mischievous trick
`prank•ster (praIJk'star) n. a person who plays
`pra•se•o•dym•i•um, (pra' ze o dim'e am) n. · a
`soft, silver-colored metal that is a chemical
`element: it has greenish compounds that are
`used to color· glass, ceramics, etc.: symbol, Pr;
`atomic number, 59; atomic weight, 140.907
`prate (prat) v. to talk on and on, in a foolish way
`IB,e prated. on about his aches and pains.]
`p~at'ed, prat'ing
`, .
`, .
`prat-tle(prat'l) v. 1 to talk in a childish way;
`to babble [The, baby sat in her crjb Pratt.ling
`to her doll.] 2 the same as PRATE -tied, -ding
`..,.,--n; chatter or.babble
`-prat'tler n: · ·.
`prawn (pron or'pran) n. a shellfish.that is like
`a large shrimp
`pray .(pra) .v. 1 to talk to God or recite a set of
`words to God, silently or aloud, in worship
`or in asking for something [to pray for world
`peace] 2 to beg or ask forsericmsly or: humbly
`[They prayed the king to free them.]
`prayer (prer) n. 1 the act or a'n ·instance of
`praying [morning prayer] 2 something
`prayed for . 3 a humble and sincere request,
`especially one made to God 4 a set of words
`used in praying to God [the Lord's:ErayerJ,
`prayer book n. a book of formal prayers
`· ·
`prayer-ful (prer'fal) adj. of or like a prayer [a
`prayerful request]
`-prayer'ful-ly adv. ,
`praying mantis n. another name for MANTIS ,
`pre- a prefix meaning before [ A prewar period
`is a period before a war.]
`preach (prech) v. 1 to speak to people on a reli(cid:173)
`gious subject, especially in church or during
`a religious service [to preach every Sunday;
`to preach a sermon] 2 to urge· or teach as
`by preaching[to preach the Bible; to preach
`about the importance of flossing the teeth] 3
`to give moral or religious advice, espec· ·
`in· a tiresome way [The old man was
`ways preaching to us abo.ut how much
`behaved children used to be.]
`preach-er (prech'ar) n. a member of the cl
`who preaches
`pre•am•ble · (pre' am bal or pre am'bal) n.
`part at the beginning of a document, sue
`a constitution orlaw, that tells its reason'
`pre-ar-range (pre a ranj') v. to arrange ahea,
`time [The meeting was prearrang
`-ranged', -rang'ing
`prec. abbreviation for preceding
`pre•can•celed or pre-can-celled (pre kan'sa
`adj. canceled before being used in mailin
`precanceled postage stamp]
`pre-car•i•ous(pre ker'e as)adj. not safe ors
`uncertain; risky [ a precarious living; a p
`carious foothold]
`pre-cast concrete {pre'kast) n. concrete w
`has been cast in the form of blocks, pill
`bridge sections,. etc.• before being · put · ·
`pre•.cau•tion :(pre ko' shan or pre ka' shan)
`care or an action taken ahead of time agat
`danger, failure, etc. [She took the preca.ut
`oflockingthe door,as she left.],
`pre-cau•tion•ar•y (pre ko' shan er' e ,or ,pre;
`shan er"e)'adj. of or done as a,precautio
`pre-cede rpte sed t◊ ,V, to go' or.come ,befrir'
`time;,; -rank,, etc, [She preceded!·
`into the room. May precedes June.] -ce
`, .:,ced'3ing,J> :
`prec,e-tfence-(pres',a,dans onpre.sed'ns}
`" act;,fact,, or rightofcoming before in tim
`der, ·rank, etc., {Election •of officers will,
`precedence .over. other · business at our-'
`pre-ced,entc(pres!a dant)·n.c•an act, rilling,
`»that may be .used as an,example·-or,rule
`one comirig"ia:ter .:

`pre•ced•ihg (pre sed'11J) adj:. going or co
`before; previous [Turn back tothe~prece
`pre•cept .(pte'sept). n . . a principle or .gene
`· '
`pre•cinct (pre's11Jkt)m. 1:'one of the di:stri
`into. which.a ward or •city is idivided..[a·
`ing . .precinct; a. police.precincth2 a boun
`pre,cious (presh~ as) adj. hhaving a high,p .
`or,value [Diamonds are.precious gems.
`much:,loved; dear.,[our precious baby] 3
`delicate or ,refined;, not natural [ a preei
`style of writing] ,

`-pre' cious-ly adv. •
`11rec-i,pice (pres',i pis) n. a steep cliff.
`pre•cip•i•tant (pre sip'i tant) n. a, substa
`that causes another substance to separ.
`out as a solid from the liquid in whichi
`Page 3 of 4


`:e a• friend;] l1 to
`rce; cons11lt [See a
`2 to meet. with OF
`~ling too.ill to see
`,try to remember
`1t that book?] 14
`L movietomorrow
`:e of
`1ff at the airport.]
`1d thetruemean(cid:173)
`uttothe end; fin(cid:173)
`ard tiJJr~ -c:--s~eJo
`7ill you'see to.that
`werin:t{.Plimt that
`: l}nd~r the right
`, of seeds [t?sc11t(cid:173)
`'f pegir1ning.[the
`:eeds · or.seed (for
`and a)'.
`to seed a.lawn] 2
`of plants seed in
`.1seless, .etc;.;
`mg plant .. grown
`bing 2 any young
`is used to get a
`seed vessel, such
`;vering plant that
`lly, a dry, hollow
`f seeds [a seedy
`abby; not neat [ a
`the fact; as; since
`,t's begin eating.]
`GUIDE DOG: many
`ieing Eye, Inc,, of
`eingeye dog
`earch for [to seek
`dvice] 3 to try to
`· to try or attempt
`sought, seek'ing
`,e look of being;
`9.ppy. The house
`impression [The
`alter.] 3 to have
`?em to have lost
`Dt seems I was
`· seem-ing (sem'i!J) adj. that seems real or true
`.but may not be [their seeming anger]
`-'-Seem'ing,ly adv.
`seem,ly(sem'le) adj. as it should be; right;
`prnper[seemly behavior] -li•er, -li•est
`--,,..seem'li,ness n.
`seen (sen) v .. the past participle of SEE 1
`seep (sep) v. to leak through small openings;
`ooze'[Rain seeped through the roof.]
`seep•age (sep'ij) n. 1 the act of seeping 2 liquid
`. that seeps through
`see.r (sir) n. a person who is believed to be able
`to foretell. the future
`seer;suck•er (sir'suk er) n. a light, crinkled
`>cloth of cotton or linen; usually with a striped
`see•saw (se' so or se' sii) n. 1 a board balanced
`• on a support at the middle and used by chil(cid:173)
`dren at play, who ride the ends so that when
`one goes up the other comes down 2 any
`movement back and forth or up and down[a
`seesaw in prices]
`:''-adj. moving back and forth or up and down
`-v. to move back and fmth Ol' up and down
`'.:, [The temperature seesawed between hot and
`'seethe (seth) v. 1 to bubble or foam as a boiling
`liquid does [The waves seethed at the ship's
`bow.] 2 to be very excited or upset [She
`. seethed with rage.] seethed, seeth'ing
`seg,ment(seg'ment for n.; seg'ment for v.) n. 1
`any of the parts into which something is di-
`vided or can be separated [the segments ofan
`earthworm] 2 in geometry, a part, especially
`of a circle, cut off by a straight line
`-v. to divide into segments [Intersecting
`, lines segment each other.]
`· •See the illustration at CIRCLE
`seg•re•gate (seg're gat) v. 1 to set apart from
`others; isolate [to segregate the sickest pa(cid:173)
`tients] 2 to keep people of different racial
`groups separate [It is illegal to segregate
`pupils in the public schools.] -gat-ed, -gat•
`seg•re•ga•tion (seg re ga'shen) n. the practice
`of forcing people of different racial groups
`to live apart from each other, go to sepa(cid:173)
`rate schools, and use separate public facili(cid:173)
`seg•re•ga•tion•ist (seg're ga'shen ist) n. a per(cid:173)
`son who believes in or practices racial segre(cid:173)
`seine (san) n. a large fishing net with floats
`along the top edge and weights along the
`-v. to fish with a seine [to seine for herring]
`seined, sein"ing
`Seine (san or sen) a river in northern France:
`it flows through Paris into the English Chan(cid:173)
`seis•mic (siz'mik) adj. of or caused by an earth(cid:173)
`quake, explosion, etc.
`seis•mo•graph (siz'me graD n. an instrument
`seeming / self
`that makes a record of the strength of earth(cid:173)
`quakes, explosions, etc. and of how long they
`seis•mol•o•gy (siz miil' e je) n. the science that
`studies earthquakes
`l to take hold of in a· sudden, .
`seize (sez) v.
`strong, or eager way; grasp [to seize a weapon
`and fight] 2 to capture or arrest [to seize a
`criminal] 3 to take over by force [The troops
`seized the fort.]4 to take possession ofby le(cid:173)
`gal power [The city seized the property for
`nonpayment of taxes.] 5 to attack or strike
`suddenly or harshly [1 was seized with
`of sneezing.] 6 to take quick advantage of[to
`seize an opportunityJ;seized, seiz'ing
`-seize on or· seize upon to grasp or· take
`sei,zure .. (se'zher) n, 1 the act of seizing 2 a
`sudden attack [ an epileptic seizure]
`sel•dom .(sel' dem) adv; not .. often; rarely[I sel 0
`dom see my old friends·now that we've all
`finished school.]
`se•lect (se lekt') v. to choose or pick out [Select
`a tie to go withthat suit.]

`~dj. · 1 chosen with care; specially.picked as
`being best or choice [Our market sells only'•
`select cuts of meat.] 2 allowing only certain
`people in; not open to aU[ a select club]
`se•lec•tion (se lek'shen) 11.. lthe act of select(cid:173)
`ing; choice 2 a thing, person,.or group chosen
`3 things to choose from [a wide selection of
`se-lec•tive (se lek'tiv) adj. 1 of or having to do
`with selection [Interviewing job applicants
`is a selective process.] 2 tending to select
`carefully [ a selective buyer]
`-se•lec'tive•ly adv.
`selective service n. a system under which young
`men are drafted to serve in the armed forces
`if chosen to do so
`se,lec•tiv•i•ty (se lek'tiv'e te) n. the quality of
`being selective
`se•lect•man (se lekt'men) n. any one of the
`members of a board of officers elected in most
`New England towns to manage the affairs of
`a town or city -pl. se•lect•men (se lekt'm,m)
`se•lec•tor (sa lek'ter) n. a person or thing that
`se•le•ni•um (se le'ne em) n. a gray solid· that
`is a chemical element: it exists in various
`forms and is used in photoelectric cells and
`other electronic devices: symbol, Se; atomic
`number, 34; atomic weight, 78.96
`or being when
`self (selD n. 1 one's own
`it is c111,u~;11c of as
`"""" 1m ,.,-, from all
`cot, car
`fall, for
`ai oil
`OU out
`ch chin
`sh she
`zh measure
`u in. circus
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