`(12) United States Patent
`Giaretta et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 9.264,868 B2
`Feb. 16, 2016
`(75) Inventors: Gerardo Giaretta, San Diego, CA (US);
`Jay Kumar Sundararajan, San Diego,
`CA (US); Satashu Goel, San Diego, CA
`(US); Arnaud Meylan, San Diego, CA
`(US); Debesh Kumar Sahu, Hyderabad
`(IN); Sachin Jain, Hyderabad (IN);
`Ajith Tom Payyappily, San Diego, CA
`(US); Tejash Rajnikant Shah, San
`Diego, CA (US); Lorenzo Casaccia,
`Rome (IT): Dino Flore, Rome (IT)
`(73) Assignee: QUALCOMM Incorporated, San
`Diego, CA (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 13/288,933
`(*) Notice:
`(22) Filed:
`Nov. 3, 2011
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2012/O185577 A1
`Jul. 19, 2012
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 61/434.253, filed on Jan.
`19, 2011, provisional application No. 61/454,457,
`filed on Mar. 18, 2011, provisional application No.
`61/503,395, filed on Jun. 30, 2011.
`(51) Int. Cl.
`G06F 5/73
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`CPC ............... H04 W4/16 (2013.01); H04L 67/289
`(2013.01); H04L 67/2819 (2013.01);
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`CPC ....... H04W 4/16; H04W 52/00; H04W 4/003;
`H04W 52/0264; H04W 4/02; H04W 4/22:
`H04L 67/289; H04L 67/2819; G06F 2209/542
`USPC .......... 709/223-229; 370/311,329, 335, 336,
`370/468; 455/434
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`4/1998 Martin et al.
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`Primary Examiner — Brian J Gillis
`Assistant Examiner — Michael A. Keller
`Methods, systems, and devices are described for intercepting
`requests from applications installed on a mobile device. The
`requests are system calls that establish communication chan
`nels for the mobile device. The requests are captured and held
`from reaching TCP/IP stack of an operating system executing
`on the mobile device. An intercepted request is aggregated
`with other intercepted requests. The aggregated requests are
`bundled together and released to the operating system upon
`the detection of a triggering event. The capture, holding, and
`aggregation of requests from applications occur when the
`mobile device is in a background mode.
`33 Claims, 14 Drawing Sheets
`Page 1 of 29


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`US 9,264,868 B2
`This application claims the benefit under 35 U.S.C. S 119
`(e) to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/434.253
`19, 2011, to U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/454,
`filed Mar. 18, 2011, to U.S. Provisional Patent Application
`No. 61/503,395 entitled “CONTROLLINGAPPLICATION
`ACCESS TO A NETWORK filed on Jun. 30, 2011 the
`disclosures of which are expressly incorporated by reference
`herein in their entireties.
`occurs. The capturing, holding, and releasing of requests may
`occur when the mobile device is in a background mode.
`In one configuration, the request may be aggregated with
`other intercepted requests to perform a communication for
`the mobile device. The interception of the request from the
`application and the interception of the other requests may
`occurat different times.
`In one example, instructions for a wrapper may be
`executed. The executed wrapper may perform the intercep
`tion of the request from the first application. In one configu
`ration, the wrapper may be located between an application
`layer and a socket layer of the operating system of the mobile
`In one configuration, the first application may be identified
`as a class of application from which requests are held. An
`application may be identified as a critical application or a
`non-critical application. Only requests from non-critical
`applications may be held.
`In one embodiment, the triggering event may include at
`least one of an expiry of a timer, a status change of a display,
`a status change of a microphone, a status change of a speaker,
`a status change of a global positioning system (GPS) sensor of
`the mobile device, an indication that a universal serial bus port
`is in use, an indication that an audio equipment is connected
`to the mobile device, an indication that a video equipment is
`connected to the mobile device, an indication that a connec
`tion to a Wi-Fi type of network is available, or an indication
`that a radio connection to a cellular type of network is open.
`Further, in one example, a delay tolerance of the first appli
`cation may be determined. In addition, a callback function
`may be provided to the first application based on the deter
`mined delay tolerance. The callback function may instruct the
`first application to connect to the communication resources.
`In one configuration, an expiration time of a first timer
`associated with the first application may be determined. a
`tolerance and expiration time of a second timer associated
`with a second application may also be determined. The sec
`ond timer may be forced to expire based on the expiration
`time of the first timer, the tolerance, and the expiration time of
`the second timer. The request from the first application and an
`intercepted request from the second application may be
`released to perform a communication for the mobile device.
`In one example, a deadline may be received from the appli
`cation. The request may be held until before the deadline. The
`request to connect to the communications resources may be
`released prior to the deadline. In one configuration, the
`request may include a system call to establish a communica
`tions channel for the mobile device. The request may be
`released to a socket layer of the operating system upon detect
`ing the triggering event.
`In one embodiment, an indication for an interval pertaining
`to how often the releasing of the request occurs may be
`received. The interval may be less than a timeout value in a
`stateful Internet Protocol (IP) middlebox in a network.
`A mobile device configured for wireless communication is
`also described. The device may include a processor and
`memory in electronic communication with the processor. The
`memory may include an operating system. The processor
`may include a connectivity engine. The engine may be con
`figured to execute instructions to intercept a request from a
`first application on the mobile device. The request may be a
`request to perform a communication for the mobile device.
`The engine may be further configured to hold the request from
`reaching TCP/IP stack of an operating system executing on
`the mobile device, and release the request to the operating
`System upon detecting a triggering event.
`Applications or device applets are now available that oper
`ate to provide a wide range of add-on services and features to
`wireless devices. For example, it is now possible for wireless
`devices to download and launch device applets to perform
`value added functions such as shopping, searching, position
`location, driving navigation, or an array of other functions.
`Network and application providers generally offer these
`device applets to device users for additional fees. Thus, the
`use of device applets may increase the functionality and
`usability of wireless devices and offers device users features
`and convenience not originally available on the devices them
`Typically, a wireless device interfaces with one or more
`communication networks using any of a number of radios.
`For example, the wireless device may include a variety of
`radios providing communications using Cellular, WiFi, Blue
`tooth, or other types of radio access technologies. Accord
`ingly, applications executing on the wireless device interface
`with a radio to establish a communications channel and the
`channel is used by the applications to communicate with the
`appropriate network.
`Applications may continue to interface with radios on the
`wireless device to establish communication channels even
`when the device is in a background mode. With an increasing
`number of applications installed on a device, the battery
`power of the device may be unnecessarily consumed from the
`repeated establishment of network communications while the
`device is not active. Further, the increasing usage of wireless
`devices, such as Smartphones, data networks may become
`overloaded by network signaling associated with the setup of
`communication channels.
`Methods, systems, and devices for managing the connec
`tivity between a network and an application executing on a
`mobile device are described. In one example, a request for
`network access from the application executing on the device
`may be intercepted. For example, a wrapper may be placed
`between the application and the operating system of the
`mobile device to intercept the request. Upon intercepting the
`request, the request may be held from reaching a Transmis
`sion Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) stack of the
`operating system. In one example, the request may be
`released to the operating system when a triggering event
`Page 18 of 29


`US 9,264,868 B2
`An apparatus configured to manage requests for network
`access from applications on a mobile device is also described.
`The apparatus includes means for intercepting a request from
`an application on the mobile device. The request may be a
`request to perform a communication for the mobile device.
`The apparatus may further include means for holding the
`request from reaching a TCP/IP stack of an operating system
`executing on the mobile device, and means for releasing the
`request to the operating system upon detecting a triggering
`A computer program product configured to manage
`requests for network access from applications on a mobile
`device is also described. The product may include a non
`transitory computer-readable medium. The medium may
`include code to intercept a request from an application on the
`mobile device. The request may be a request to perform a
`communication for the mobile device. The medium may fur
`ther include code to hold the request from reaching a TCP/IP
`stack of an operating system executing on the mobile device,
`and code to release the request to the operating system upon
`detecting a triggering event.
`The foregoing has outlined rather broadly the features and
`technical aspects of examples according to disclosure. Addi
`tional features will be described hereinafter. The conception
`and specific examples disclosed may be readily utilized as a
`basis for modifying or designing other structures for carrying
`out the same purposes of the present disclosure. Such equiva
`lent constructions do not depart from the spirit and scope of
`the appended claims. Features which are believed to be char
`acteristic of the concepts disclosed herein, both as to their
`organization and method of operation, will be better under
`stood from the following description when considered in
`connection with the accompanying figures. Each of the fig
`ures is provided for the purpose of illustration and description
`only and not as a definition of the limits of the claims.
`FIG.10 is a flow chart illustrating one example of a method
`to synchronize data connection requests;
`FIG. 11 illustrates a timing diagram wherein three appli
`cations periodically initiate connection requests;
`FIG. 12 illustrates the timing diagram of FIG. 11, wherein
`certain of the connection requests have been synchronized;
`FIG. 13 illustrates a timing diagram wherein three appli
`cations periodically initiate connection requests; and
`FIG. 14 illustrates the timing diagram of FIG. 13, wherein
`certain of the connection requests have been synchronized.
`Methods, systems, and devices are described to intercept
`requests from applications installed on a mobile device. The
`requests may be system calls that establish communication
`channels for the mobile device. The terms “requests’ and
`“system calls' may be used interchangeably. The requests
`may be captured and held from reaching a TCP/IP stack of an
`operating system executing on the mobile device. An inter
`cepted request may be aggregated with other intercepted
`requests. The aggregated requests may be bundled together
`and released to the operating system at approximately the
`same time upon detecting a triggering event on the mobile
`device. The capture, holding, and aggregation of requests
`from applications may occur when the mobile device is in a
`background mode.
`In mobile devices such as Smartphones, personal digital
`assistants, etc., Software applications may continue to operate
`even though the user is not actively using the device. Appli
`cations such as Social networking applications, email or other
`communication applications, data feeds, etc. (popular
`examples include FacebookR), Gmail(R), Twitter(R), etc.) may
`continue to send and receive data even though a user is not
`using the device. Even under an inactivity mode of operation,
`power consumption and spikes in activity may occur from
`applications that continue to operate even when the device is
`ostensibly not in use. The activity by these applications may
`utilize communication resources such as provided by an
`external network.
`The applications may trigger frequent transitions by the
`mobile device from background mode to connected mode, or
`they may otherwise interfere with the device entering back
`ground mode or other alternate connection modes Such as
`discontinuous reception (DRX). These elevated levels of
`radio activity by the applications when the user is not actively
`engaging the device may result in premature drain of battery
`life, undesired increased on the load of radio networks, or
`other undesired effects.
`A mobile device may be in background mode when certain
`inputs of the device are not operational or are in a sleep state.
`In other words, the device may be in background mode when
`a user is not using the device. For example, when audio inputs
`(such as a microphone) are off, the device may be considered
`to be in a background mode. In addition, when visual inputs
`(such as a display of the device) are off, the device may be
`determined to be in a background mode. Additional inputs
`may be used to determine whether or not the mobile device is
`in a background mode, as will be described below.
`Management of connectivity between a network and an
`application executing on a mobile device is described. When
`a number of applications installed on a mobile device request
`access to a network when the device is in a background mode,
`an unnecessary amount of network signaling may occur. For
`example, a first application may initiate a system call to
`establish a communication channel and then after the data
`have been transmitted/received, the channel may be discon
`A further understanding of the nature of the present inven
`tion may be realized by reference to the following drawings.
`In the appended figures, similar components or features may
`have the same reference label. Further, various components of
`the same type may be distinguished by following the refer
`ence label by a dash and a second label that distinguishes
`among the similar components. If only the first reference
`label is used in the specification, the description is applicable
`to any one of the similar components having the same first
`reference label irrespective of the second reference label.
`FIG. 1 shows a block diagram of a network environment;
`FIG. 2 shows a block diagram illustrating an architecture
`for a mobile device;
`FIG.3 shows a block diagram of a mobile device providing
`delaying of requests for network access;
`FIG. 4 shows a sample block diagram of architecture on a
`mobile device for delaying requests for network access;
`FIG. 5 shows an example timing diagram for aggregating
`requests for network access;
`FIG. 6 shows one example of an architecture implemented
`on a mobile device;
`FIG. 7 is a flow chart illustrating one example of a method
`for delaying requests for network access;
`FIG. 8 is a flow chart illustrating one example of a method
`for delaying requests for network access based on a classifi
`cation of an application;
`FIG. 9 is a flow chart illustrating one example of a method
`for aggregating requests for network access received from a
`number of mobile device;
`Page 19 of 29


`US 9,264,868 B2
`tinued. A second application may then initiate a system call to
`also establish a communication channel to transmit/receive
`data. Each time a communication channel is established, the
`amount of network signaling may increase so that the avail
`able bandwidth of the network may decrease. In addition,
`when a number of applications request access to a network
`while the device is in a background mode, an unnecessary
`amount of battery power may be consumed. Each time a
`communication channel is established, the battery power may
`decrease so that the available power is lower when the mobile
`device enters an active mode. As a result, the present systems
`and methods may hold and aggregate requests for network
`access to reduce network signaling and conserve batter
`power. As previously mentioned, this may occur when the
`device is not active. In addition, the holding and aggregation
`of system calls may occur when the battery power of the
`device falls below a certain threshold amount. When a trig
`gering event occurs (e.g., the device enters an active mode),
`the aggregated requests may be released together to reduce
`the amount of network signaling as well as reduce the con
`Sumption of batter power associated with each separate
`The holding and aggregation of requests may be performed
`when a mobile device is in an inactive mode so as to not
`interfere with the use of the device by a user. In one example,
`a request for network access from an application on a user
`device may be intercepted. For example, a wrapper may be
`placed between an application layer of the mobile device and
`an operating system layer of the device to intercept requests.
`In one example, the wrapper may be a Software entity which
`intercepts requests. The wrapper may be transparent to the
`applications in the application layer as well as the operating
`system in the operating system layer. Upon intercepting the
`request, the request may be held or delayed from reaching the
`operating system. In one configuration, the request may be
`aggregated with other intercepted requests received from
`additional applications in the application layer. When a trig
`gering event is detected, the aggregated requests may be
`released to the operating system. As a result, the wrapper may
`transparently intercept and aggregate requests and then relay
`the aggregated requests when additional processing is com
`In addition, an interval may be determined that indicates
`how often held requests are to be released to the operating
`system of the device. The interval may determined so as to
`maintain a state of a middlebox, which is described below. In
`one example, Internet Protocol (IP) hosts may be separated by
`stateful middleboxes. A stateful middlebox may perform fire
`wall and network address translation (NAT) functions. A
`function of a firewall may be to determine which inbound/

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