`rap lCS
`A Comprehensive
`Illustrated Ref ere nee
`Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand
`:::::m u
`Feature 3
`Feature 4
`Tables Product A
`1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Total
`23.7 24.2 24.9 25.6 121 .5
`Product B
`10.7 11 .2
`11 .5 11.9 12.5
`9.8 12.4 15. 7
`Product D
`Total 42.4 45.2 48.0 51.0 54.7 241.3
`1197 2197 3/97 4197 5197 6197 7197 8197 9197 10/97 11/97
`Visual Tools for Analyzing, Managing, and Communicating
`Robert L. Harris
`Apple v. Uniloc
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`Apple Ex. 1011


`R 001. 422 H243I
`Harris, Robert L
`Information graphics : a
`comprehensive illustrated refe
`Robert L. Harris
`Information Graphics
`A Comprehensive Illustrated Reference
`Visual Tools for Analyzing, Managing, and Communicating
`Management Graphics• Atlanta, Georgia• U.S.A.
`FEB 2 5 1997
`Tacoma Public Library
`TACOMA, WA 98402-2098
`Apple v. Uniloc
`Page 2 of 8
`Apple Ex. 1011


`ran [
`· ~
`• G
`Information Graphics
`A Comprehensive Illustrated Reference
`Written and illustrated by
`Robert L. Harris
`Published by
`Management Graphics
`P.O. Box 78581
`Atlanta, Georgia 30357-2581
`Telephone 404-873-0620
`FAX 404-873-0606
`Copy editor
`Faye Goolrick
`Acknowledgement and thanks are extended to GlepElt Jo Fox Hughes, C. Dwight
`Tabor, Jr., and Merwyn L. Elliott for reviewing portions of the material in this book .
`Cataloging information
`Copyright © 1996 by Robert L. Harris
`All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any
`form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
`recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without written
`permission from the publisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a
`Printed in the United States of America
`Harris, Robert L.
`Information graphics: a comprehensive illustrated reference I Robert L. Harris
`448 pages: illustrated; page height 28 centimeters
`Bibliography: pages 445-448
`1. Graphic methods-Encyclopedias
`2. Charts, diagrams, etc.-Encyclopedias
`3. Computer graphics
`Library of Congress classification number (LCCN) ....... QA90.H37 1996
`Dewey decimal classification number. ............................ 001.4'226-dc20
`Library of Congress Catalog Card Number (LC)........... 95-77855
`International Standard Book Number (ISBN)................. 0-9646925-0-3
`I. Title.
`This publication is designed to provide accurate, illustrative, and authoritative
`information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the
`understanding that neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering
`legal, accounting, investment, or other professional services. If expert
`assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should
`be sought.
`Neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for the uses
`made of the material in this book or for decisions based on its use and makes
`no warranties regarding the contents of this product or its fitness for any
`particular purpose.
`All data used in the examples in this book are fictitious. Numeric values in the
`examples may or may not be similar to those occurring in actual applications.
`Apple v. Uniloc
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`Apple Ex. 1011


`Organization and major contents
`The conti nts of this book are organized for ease of use. Towards this goal:
`Entries are alphabetized using the letter by letter system in which spaces, hyphens,
`commas, etc., between words in the major headings are ignored.
`Although the major headings of Chart, Graph, Map, Diagram, and Table are each listed in
`their proper alphabetical location, the individual graphics and features that make up these
`major categories also have their own headings in the master alphabetical listing.
`Specific applications are described and illustrated to relate the theoretical to the practical.
`Entries are accompanied by one or more graphic examples (frequently annotated) that
`complement the written descriptions.
`Terminology applicable to specific graphics are explained in the text, shown on the
`example, or both.
`General terminology such as Variable, Fill, Legend, Matrix, Polygon, Plane, Coordinate,
`etc., are discussed under their individual headings.
`For the convenience of the reader, some information is repeated under multiple headings.
`The following additional features have been incorporated.
`- - -Four major types of cross-referencing -
`- - -- - - - - - -- - -- - - - --
`- - - -- - -- - - -
`- When an information graphic has a single name but might be classified
`several different ways, the major write-up is included under one of the
`headings and cross-referenced under the others. For example, the main
`write-up for polar graph (right) is under Polar Graph but it is referenced
`under Graph, Circular Graph, and Point Graph.
`- When an information graphic is commonly referred to by several different
`names, the major write-up is shown under only one of the headings. The other
`names are included at their proper alphabetical locations along with a short
`description, an example, and a reference as to where the major write-up is
`listed. For example, various users refer to the chart at the right by nine
`different names. The major description is included under Pie Chart, with only
`thumbnail descriptions under the other eight headings.
`Sometimes referred to as:
`Pie chart
`Cake chart
`Circle diagram
`Circle graph
`Circular percentage chart
`Divide circle
`Sector chart
`Segmented chart
`In cases where the same name is used to describe entirely different information graphics, each situation is handled on an
`individual basis. An example is shown below in which each of the graphics is sometimes referred to as a bar chart. In this
`state A 11!!1
`State B M¥
`~ "~
`: ,~{~~f1 iltJt
`state c •c:
`state 0 Wf
`Polar graph
`particular case, the information graphics are 20W i l El
`different enough that each is given its own
`write-up. Each is cross-referenced
`appropriately, although all are not referenced
`to one another. Superscripts are assigned in
`cases where the exact same name is the one
`most frequently used for multiple graphics.
`•91 •92
`Column graph
`20 40 60 00 100
`Bar graph
`Bar chart 1
`~.92--·0_3 _9_4 --·95_,_
`Bar chart2
`- When a topic is related to an entry or it would be beneficial for the reader to be aware of a related topic, the related topic is
`noted in the write-up.
`- - -Meaningful groups and families of information graphics - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - --
`With so many different information graphics used in such diverse
`applications, it is sometimes helpful to group them into families or
`categories. For example, it is useful to know which graphs are used to study
`data distribution or to look for correlations. It is helpful to know which
`graphs present percent-of-the-whole data most efficiently or what types of
`graphs are used to determine probabilities. In the area of maps, it is useful to
`know that most maps that are used as charts fall into six major categories, the
`four major ones being statistical, descriptive, flow, and topographic. The
`sections that discuss the various groupings of information graphics are in
`Five examples
`· addition to the sections that discuss the specifics of the various graphics.
`from the statistical
`map family
`- - -Key construction details - - - - --
`- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - --
`Most information graphics software programs have construction details designed
`into them. For instance, the initial decisions are made largely by the software
`manufacturer regarding line size, tick marks, grid lines, scales, type of text, etc.
`Many programs give the operator the option of changing these, and as people
`become more proficient they often generate their own unique graphics. If the
`graphic is being made by hand, all the construction decisions must be made by
`the person generating the information graphic. Sections of this book are devoted
`to a discussion of each of the major construction features .
`External to
`the body of
`the graph
`Internal to Across the
`of the vari-
`the body
`axis (half
`ations shown
`of the
`internal and
`half external) at the lelt
`Examples of tick mark locations
`- - - (cid:173)
`- - -
`'::L ·::L, ·:ol ·::L
`Apple v. Uniloc
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`Apple Ex. 1011


`Organization and major contents (continued)
`- - -Design features that might mislead the viewer
`Certain methods of presenting data have been found to frequently mislead the
`viewer. Many times these methods are used because the person making the graphic
`is unaware of the hazard or does not know an alternative. These misleading design
`features, such as broken scales and perspective views, are discussed under their
`individual headings such as Scales and Perspective Projection, as well as under
`certain specific types of graphs and maps.
`- - -The most up-to-date developments in information graphics - - - - - - - --
`- - --
`- - - -- --
`Many advances have been made in the area of information graphics, both as a
`result of creative individuals such as W.S. Cleveland, E.R. Tufte, and J.W.
`Tukey as well as many excellent software developers. In some cases an
`entirely new information graphic has been invented, such as the box graph. In
`other cases it might be a component, such as a framed rectangle symbol, or a
`concept, such as the data-ink ratio. Because previously there has been no
`vehicle to bring these developments to the attention of the vast majority of
`users, many of the new designs and techniques are largely underutilized.
`Grouped box graph for displaying
`the distribution of sets of data
`Examples of some of the most recent
`developments in information graphics
`- - -Information graphics available as a result of new software - - -- - - - - -- - -- --
`- - -- - - -(cid:173)
`There are a number of information graphics that have been around for
`many years, but because there was no efficient way to generate them,
`they have not been widely used. With the development of powerful
`desktop computer software, these graphical tools are now
`economically available to anyone interested. These charts are
`discussed in the context of all of the other charts with no special
`category assigned to them. Three examples are shown here.
`into maps
`+ 38
`0.. 32
`Wire frame graph used for
`displaying data with three
`Candlestick chart used for
`recording the price of stocks,
`commodities, etc.
`PERT chart used for planning and tracking major programs
`- - -Information graphics used in many different fields
`In some cases information graphics developed in one field can be
`directly applied in other fields. In other cases, a slight modification
`might make the graphic useful, or in still other cases, a specific
`information graphic may not work but the idea of how the chart
`elements are used might trigger a completely new chart design. One
`of the purposes for including application-specific information
`graphics is to serve as a catalyst in the transfer of graphic ideas from
`one field to another.
`- - -Interrelationships of complex information graphics - --
`u 40
`·~ 30
`"' 0 10
`100 Pareto chart for analyzing
`so quality situations
`60 ~ 0 c
`40 ~
`20 0..
`Type or cause of reject
`Brand F Brand G Brand H Brand I Brand J
`Icon comparison display used to
`compare three or more
`characteristics for multiple entities
`- - - --
`- - - --
`- - -- - - --
`In most cases a brief explanation plus an example is all that is
`required for readers to understand how a chart or graph is
`constructed and functions. In a few cases it is not obvious how
`a particular graph or map is generated or how two or more
`graphs or maps relate. In these cases a more detailed
`explanation is sometimes given, as shown at the right. Taking
`the time to study these more detailed explanations is not
`necessary for an understanding of the basic graphs or maps.
`Such explanations can be skipped without detracting from the
`main content of the section.
`-{·.,;>' ,,
`_,: ... Three-dimensional
`- - contour graph
`generated from the
`same data as the
`two-dimensional - - - - _
`graphs at the right
`Illustration of how the two-dimensional
`graphs in a draftsman's display (right)
`relate to a three-dimensional graph
`(above) of the same data
`~~ u~
`Side view looking "" Side view looking
`at the X-Z plane
`at the Y-Z plane
`Draftman's display
`Apple v. Uniloc
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`Apple Ex. 1011


`Moving Average
`"* 30
`Sometimes referred to as a rolling average or trend line. A method used to smooth the curve
`of a data series and make general trends more visible. The method involves generating a
`second curve of a data series with the short-term peaks and valleys smoothed out, as shown
`at the right. The degree to which the peaks
`60 --------------~
`and valleys are smoothed depends on the
`type of moving average and the number of
`intervals used. Each point on a moving
`average curve is generally calculated by
`averaging the value for the current period
`plus a fixed number of prior periods. Each
`time the value for a new period is added, the
`value for the oldest period in the previous
`calculation is dropped. For example, if
`monthly sales data were being tracked, a
`Example of a four-month moving average curve
`three-month period might be used for the average. Thus, in March, the values for January,
`February, and March would be averaged and that point plotted. In April, the values for
`February, March, and April would be averaged and that point plotted. The number of prior
`time periods included in the average varies significantly. Three to 200 are commonly used,
`though there is no limit on the number of periods that can be included in the averaging
`process. •Occasionally, averages are calculated using what is called a centered moving
`average. With this process, the average is based on a given period plus an equal number of
`periods on either side, such as three in front and three behind. Moving average curves are
`primarily used with sequential data. The curves are generally superimposed over a graph of
`the actual data and in time phase with the actual data.
`Effect of the number of intervals used in the average
`As a general rule, the fewer the time intervals used in the averaging process, the more
`closely the moving average curve resembles the curve of the actual data. Conversely, the
`greater the number of intervals, the smoother the moving average curve. This is illustrated
`in the examples below which show three moving average curves for the same data series,
`each based on a different number of time periods used in the averaging process. Moving
`average curves tend to have a delayed reaction to changes.
`3-month moving average
`9-month moving average
`6-month moving average
`Examples of moving averages using different numbers of time periods in the averaging process
`6-month simple
`moving average
`Three major types of moving average curves
`There are three major types of moving average curves. They are:
`- Simple average - Values plotted are based on averaging
`the actual values for a uniform number of periods.
`- Weighted average - Values are calculated the same as
`for the simple average except each period used in the
`average is given a different weighting with the most
`recent value receiving the highest weighting.
`- Exponential average - Similar to the weighted average
`variation, except that the weighting values decrease
`exponentially as the age of the data increases.
`•Examples of a simple and a weighted six-month moving
`average curve are shown at the left. An example of an
`exponential is not included since exponential moving
`average curves often look like weighted moving average
`curves, depending on the weighting and exponential
`multipliers. Weighted and exponential curves generally are
`more responsive to short time fluctuations than simple
`moving averages because of the greater emphasis placed
`on the most current values.
`Comparison of a simple and
`weighted moving average curve
`using the same number of
`periods in the averaging process
`Apple v. Uniloc
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`Apple Ex. 1011


`Moving .Average (continued) Use of moving averages by technical stock analysts
`Technical stock market analysts sometimes use moving average graphs in ways not
`generally done in other fields. Three examples are shown below.
`Moving average curves with different periods
`Some analysts plot a fast moving average
`curve (e.g., 3 to 5 days) and a slow moving
`average curve (e.g., 7 to 20 days) on the same
`graph. When the two curves cross is sometimes
`considered as an indication to take some
`action. An example is shown at the right.
`Q) " ct
`Example of multiple moving average curves
`with different time periods used in the
`averaging process.
`Band or envelope formed by moving averages
`Sometimes a moving average envelope or
`band is formed by generating two additional
`curves at a prescribed amount, normally a
`percent of the moving average, above and
`below a standard moving average curve. The
`percent varies depending on the analyst. Some
`analysts feel that when the stock price crosses
`one of the boundaries of the envelope, an
`appropriate action should be initiated. An
`example is shown at the left.
`Moving average envelope/band
`5-day moving average
`Q) " ct
`Actual price data -------./\\ Y
`Crossover points
`Example of a moving average curve with
`Shifted moving average curve
`Sometimes one or more moving average
`curves are shifted or displaced horizontally. If
`only one displaced moving average curve is
`used, the analyst might look for the point
`where the stock price crosses the moving
`average curve. In other cases the single
`moving average curve might serve as a trend
`line. If two moving average curves are used,
`one shifted and one not shifted, the analyst
`might look for where the two cross as an
`indication to take some action. An example is
`shown at the right.
`Q) " ct
`Special terminology
`Simple 10-day moving av
`10-day moving average
`shifted horizontally
`to the left
`L-----~ Crossover
`Time - -
`Example of a shifted moving average curve
`Depending on the analyst, moving average curves might be based on open, high, low, or
`close stock prices or some combination of two or more of them. In addition to several
`unique applications of moving averages, technical stock analysts also use some specialized
`terminology. For example, moving averages with just a few periods used in the averaging
`process are referred to as fast moving averages. Accordingly, greater numbers of periods
`are referred to as medium or slow moving averages. Weighted and exponential moving
`averages are sometimes referred to as front loaded. Standard weighted moving average
`curves where each weighting factor is applied to two or more successive values of the
`original data are sometimes referred to as stepped weighted curves.
`Apple v. Uniloc
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`Apple Ex. 1011


`Sometimes referred to as a build chart. One of a series of charts used to develop or present
`an overall message, idea, or concept. For example, if used in a presentation where only text
`is used to discuss a series of points, the first chart of the series will have only the first point
`on it. The next chart will have
`points one and two on it, and
`the next, points one, two, and
`three. This continues until the
`subject is fully explained and
`all points have appeared. A
`similar technique can be used
`with graphs, maps, diagrams,
`Sales Strategy
`Sales Strategy
`Sales Strategy
`./ More sales calls
`./ More sales calls
`./ Bigger incentives
`./ More sales calls
`./ Bigger incentives
`./ More backup
`Reveal chart #3
`Reveal chart #2
`Reveal chart #1
`Examples of reveal charts in which each chart includes the material
`from the previous chart, plus one or more additional points
`Sometimes referred to as a Point and Figure chart. See Point and Figure Chart.
`A three-dimensional line
`graph in which the lines
`appear to have width and
`depth. Data series are
`typically distributed along a
`third axis. The data series can
`be stacked but generally are
`not. Ribbon graphs are most
`commonly used for
`presentation purposes.
`Three variations of ribbon graphs
`Data in a standard
`scatter graph are
`,_, t+titi+-H+'itf+i!++-j-j ~ plan es in a ridge
`·~ 1
`Sometimes called a slice graph, spectral plot, layer graph, strata graph, or partition plot. A
`ridge contour graph is a
`graph in which the data
`points of a three-dimen(cid:173)
`sional scatter graph are
`condensed onto a limited
`number of planes to aid in
`the interpretation of the
`data. See Slice Graph.
`condensed into a
`limited number of
`:g contour graph.
`! !
`~--V-a-ria-b-le_#_3_~ >
`"' :0
`"' ·~
`Reveal Chart
`Reversal Chart
`Ribbon Graph
`Ridge Contour Graph
`Ring Buffer
`Ring Graph
`A variation of a buffer used with maps. See Buffer Map.
`A graph in which the widths (not radii, diameters, or areas) of concentric rings are
`proportional to the values they represent. For instance, in the example below, A and Bare
`each equal to two ounces, C equals three ounces and D and
`"' 8
`E each equal one and one-half ounces. The total all of the
`data elements is ten, as designated by the outer

`circumference of the graph. When a scale is not used, the
`o 2
`data graphic becomes a variation of a proportional chart.
`0 .
`Ring graphs can be very misleading because it is easy for
`the viewer to assume values are proportional to areas instead
`of widths. For example, although A and B in the example
`are equal, it would be easy for the viewer to assume B is
`larger than A because it is represented by a larger area.
`Example of a ring graph
`Robinson Projection Map
`Rolling Average
`A well-known variation of a world map. Two of its key
`features are an appearance that many people feel
`comfortable with and the fact that it reduces the large
`distortions in land masses at the higher latitudes that
`exist with some of the other types of world maps such
`as Mercator. The Robinson map has varying degrees of
`distortion in size, shape, distance, and direction.
`Sometimes referred to as a moving average or trend line. A
`rolling average smooths the curve of a data series and makes
`general trends more visible. To generate a rolling average
`curve, each point is calculated by averaging the value for the
`current period plus a fixed number of prior periods. Rolling
`average curves are used with sequential data and are generally
`superimposed over a graph of the actual data. See Moving
`Robinson projection map
`60 - - - -- - -- - - - ,
`6-month rolling
`average curve
`Rolling average curve
`Apple v. Uniloc
`Page 8 of 8
`Apple Ex. 1011

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