`2244 (B-9)
`C. Massie
`Presented at
`the 78th Convention
`1985May 3-6

`Thispreprint has been reproduced from the author's advance
`manuscript, without ed/ting, corrections or consideration by
`the Review Board. The AES takes no respons/b//ityfor the
`Additional preprints may be obtained by sending request
`and remittance to the Audio Engineering Society, 60 East
`42nd Street, New York, New York 10165 USA.
`,4//rights reserved. Reproduction of thispreprint, or any
`portion thereof, is not permitted without direct permission
`from the Journal of the Audio EngineeringSociety.
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 1
`Vestas v GE


`Softwarevs. HardwareSynthesis;A Reconciliation
`Dana C. Massie
`E-Mu Systems,
`Peter Gotcher
`PaloAlto, CA
`computer music system is described
`An integrated
`which combines
`an Emulator
`II polyphonic
`sampling keyboard and a Macintosh personal
`computerto permit
`flexible analysis,modification,
`and synthesis
`of musical signals. System
`capabilities include algorithms such as weighted
`Karplus Strong, graphical editing of synthesis
`parameters and waveforms, and efficientreal-time
`performance of sounds.
`A brief survey of the history of computer music reveals the
`great division between the flexibility
`of non real-time
`software music synthesis and the efficiency of real-time
`hardware synthesis. The Emulator II and Macintosh/Sound
`Designersystem is anideal compromisebetween software and
`hardwarestrategies for music synthesisandperformance.The
`Emulator II is a real-time performance instrument providing
`large amounts of sound memory for audio storage, and the
`Sound Designer program provides non real-time (but fast)
`display, analysis,modification, andsynthesisof audiosignals.
`Macintosh is a trademark licensed to Apple Computers, Inc.Emulator Il is a
`trademark nf F-Mu Sv_tPrn_. Inr
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 2
`Vestas v GE


`I. History
`Very early in the development of computers several
`prominent researchers recognized the potential musical
`applications of computers. At Bell Laboratories, computer
`programs (Music V, BLODI) for signal synthesis, analysis,
`display, andmodification were in usein the early 1960's[1,2,3].
`Although software signal processing algorithms running on
`used [4,5],
`genera] purpose computers are still
`techniquesare virtually unknownoutside of the research and
`Any digital signal processing or synthesis algorithm can be
`implemented in software,
`typically much easier than in
`hardware. Also, design
`can typically
`be implemented
`much faster in software than in hardware. Manyof today's
`processors and synthesizers were originally
`in software,
`the digital
`and the FM synthesizer
`The price of software synthesis flexibility is non real-time
`A general
`rapid developmentof new processingtechniques,is not nearly
`fast enoughto perform anybut the simplest of computationsin
`are two
`separate steps, with performance occuring in real-time but
`with processingtaking as muchas 100times longer (somtimes
`for very complex
`An analogy would be to
`play apianoandto haveto wait overnight to hearits sound.
`Cumbersomesyntax is the second major drawback of most
`existing computer musiclanguages.Anarcaneuser interface is
`required for even the simplest of musical scores,
`alienating all but the most dedicated of composers. If all
`pianists had to learn FORTRAN(or its equivalent) in order to
`play the piano, chances are that we might never hear
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 3
`Vestas v GE


`The tremendousflexibilityof softwaresynthesishas not
`overcomethe disadvantagesof its nonreal-time computation.
`As a result, almost without exception, sound synthesis,
`analysis, and processing are now performed by real-time
`hardware.Suchhardware typically is restricted to a single
`algorithm. A hardwareFMsynthesizer cangenerate FMsounds
`but.cannot,provide the filter sweeps of old fashioned analog
`I1.The Emulator and the Macintosh Hardware
`The Emulator II is a polyphonic digital sampling keyboard.
`Internally, it
`is a muitiprocessor computer specialized for
`music.Optimized for real-time performanceand studio work,
`it. canrecord anysoundandplay it back immediately from the
`keyboard, transposablein pitch by up to five octaves.A block
`diagramof one Emulatorchannelis shownin figure 1.Memory
`for storage of up to seventeensecondsof audiocanbe divided
`into as many as gg separate recordings. A high-speed
`microprogrammed bipolar microcontroller
`asynchronousmemory accessrequestsfromtheeightoutput
`channeldigitaltoanalogconvert,ors.A variablesamplingrate
`isusedto transposepitchratherthana variablesampling
`aliasing or imaging distortion. Eachoutput channelhasits own
`independant 4-pole voltage-controlled lowpass filter
`andvoltage-controlled amplifier (VCA),both with independant
`four-phase ADSR envelope generators and low frequency
`The real-time data structures used in the Emulator permit
`considerable live performance control and expressive
`capability. The 61-note keyboard is velocity sensitive, with
`assignable to seven major parameters; VCA
`amplitude, VCA attack time, VCF cutoff
`frequency, VCF O
`(resonance), Velocity Crossfade and Velocity Switch. The
`Velocity Crossfadefeature crossfadesbetween two differen[
`voices as a function of key velocity, while the velocity switch
`selects oneof two voices basedonkey velocity.
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 4
`Vestas v GE


`Sustain of short sounds is accomplished by "looping", or
`repeating a specified section of the waveform.Most sampling
`instrumentsprovide this feature in someform. TheEmulatorII
`provides two different types of looping, forwardsandforwards
`backwardslooping. Whena sound is in the backwards mode,
`these loop types are reversed. An auto-loop algorithm is
`provided to optimize the initial user supplied loop points. The
`loop points are movedto achievethe best match betweenthe
`loop end and the loop start. The searchis performed over a
`50- millisecond region (one period at 20 Hertz). Auto-looping
`makes finding loop points a faiMy painless process, usually
`Apple Computer'sMacintoshcomputer provides an excellent
`software music synthesis
`programs. Its 68000 microprocessor provides efficient 32-bit
`arithmetic, essential
`for computationally intensive signal
`processing algorithms. The high resolution bit-mapped
`graphics display is a necessity for presenting the voluminous
`data produced by signalanalysisprograms.TheMacintoshalso
`graphics,andmouse-baseduserinterfacefeatures.An 8-bit
`D-A convertorandspeakerisavailab)eforsoundoutput.
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 5
`Vestas v GE


`III. SoundDesigner Functions
`A. Sound Data Transfer
`Digitized sounddata interchange between the Emulatorand the
`Macintoshis accomplishedby a500-kilobaud RS-422serial data
`link, with block
`and retransmission
`blocks. Such
`a high speed link
`is crucial
`to the overall
`Sound Designer environment.Soundsdigitized by the Emulator
`can be rapidly transferred to the Macintosh for display and
`modification; soundssynthesized or stored in the Macintoshcan
`be rapidly
`transferred back to the Emulator
`performance. A two-second sound file (typical of a good
`instrument sample for Emulator use) can be transferred in a
`little over a second.
`B. Waveforrn Display with Cut and Paste Editing
`Up to three separate sound waveforms can be displayed
`simultaneously. Horizontal and vertical zoom is provided to
`allow display of the entire soundwaveforrn or magnificationof
`minute details. Using the mouse to select waveform regions,
`sections of a soundcanbe removed (cut) or copied andinserted
`(pasted) into any other waveforTnregion. Reminiscent of the
`tape splicing of music concrete, delicate "microsurgery" canbe
`performed on sound events without
`the tedium of
`manipulation.Figures 2 thru 4 showa recording of a handclap at
`three different scale factors. The early reflections from a
`reverberator are readily apparent.
`C. Time-Frequency Spectrum Analysis
`Spectrum analysis with three-dimensional
`time frequency
`display provides
`important analytical capabilities. Currently
`implemented is a radix-two decimation in time FFT,with a
`Hammingwindow.Animportant distinction shouldbe madehere;
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 6
`Vestas v GE


`this is a time frequency analysis. The FFT is performed
`repeatedly on successivesections of the waveform showingthe
`variation of spectrum with time. A number of computer music
`instruments perform static spectrum analysis for a single
`waveform segment.Static spectrum analysis is of little value
`for typical musicalsignalswith non-stationary spectra.
`intermediate results and block floating point
`Thirty-two bit
`arithmetic are used to maximize dynamic range without
`sacrificing computational efficiency. A 256 point complex FFT
`takes less than 150 milliseconds to complete. With the 68000,
`an important technique canbe easily usedto reduce the error
`from roundingintermediate results of the FFTcomputation.A
`traditional method for multiplication of two complex numbers
`ZI andZ2 on afixed-point machineis as follows.
`With Z1= XI + JYIandZI: X2 +JY2,the computedproduct is
`[Z1Z2]= [X1X2]r-[Y1Y2]r+ J([Y1X2]r+[XIY2]r)
`where []r refers to the process of roundinga 32-bit result to
`!6-bits whichinjects errors (noise) into the signal.
`Thefollowing techniquereducesthis error by afactor of two.
`[ZIZ2] '- [X1X2- YI Y2]r +J[YIX2+ X1Y2]r
`Essentially, this process involves keeping full 32-bit accuracy
`until the complex multiply is complete, rather than truncating to
`16-bit valuesfor the intermediate results [8]. Implementingthis
`with the 32-bit
`registers of
`the 68000 proved to be
`Currently under developmentare anumberof extensions to the
`FFTanalysis features now running,the most ambitious of which
`Jscertainly the weighted overlap-add phasevocoder [9,10].This
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 7
`Vestas v GE


`is a general short-time analysis/resynthesis _chemeused for
`some years at various university and industry research sites.
`Usingthe phasevocoder provides the capability to perform a
`numberof highly Unusualmodifications. Inaddition to traditional
`cross-spectralsynthesiscommon to traditionalanalog
`vocoders(i.e.,talkingflutes),signalscanbe transposedinpitch
`bothwithveryfew artifacts(i.e.glitchingcharacteristicofold
`harmonizeralgorithms).As wellasallowingpitchtransposition,
`E. Direct Digital Synthesis
`For many years, researchers at various universities have been
`inventing newsynthesis algorithms for direct digital synthe?.is
`of music,most of whichhavenever left the academicworld. With
`the Emulator II as the output device, synthesized soundsneed
`only be 2 to ;5secondslongto be useful.With suchashort sound,
`a fast computer (the Hacintosh) can compute the result of a
`synthesis program in only a few seconds.A whole composition
`need not be generated as in traditional computer music, only
`individual soundswhichcanthen be played back in real-time on
`the Emulator.
`Software synthesis algorithms currently planned or already
`implementedfor Sound Designer include
`1.Karplus-StrongPluckedString Algorithm.
`2. FMSynthesis with multiple carriers [14,15]. The Yamaha
`DX7hasmadethis techniquevery popular.
`3.Non-LinearWaveshaping[ 16,17]
`4. Simple WaveformGeneration(sine, band-limited square,
`5. Piece-wise Log-Linear SegmentEnvelopeGenerators.All
`of the synthesis algorithms will share a commongraphical
`envelope generator entry technique.
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 8
`Vestas v GE


`6.Time-Varying Additive Synthesis.
`7. Variable Filtering techniquesincludingIowpass,highpass,
`resonant,and multiple bandfiltering with envelope generator
`a matter
`is simply
`Adding additional
`software, not manufacturingnewhardware.
`of writing
`Ratherthan describe these synthesis techniquesin detail (all
`of them have been well described in the literature), we will
`describe the Karplus-Strong algorithm to illustrate Sound
`Designer's features.
`computer music algorithm to yield
`the simplest
`timbres, the PluckedString algorithm invented by Karplusand
`of Stanford University
`is very efficient
`[18]. First a RAM
`buffer X[n] is filled with P samplesof randomdata where P is
`the desired period length. Successive periods are derived
`from the first
`by a recursive
`for K = 0 to Numberof Periods in RAMBuffer
`for n = 0 to P
`XK[n] = (XK _lin] + XK_lin-1] ) / 2
`of 90 is
`from an original
`The waveform resulting
`scale factor
`in figure 6
`shown in figures
`5 and 6. The horizontal
`in the wave form. The
`is greatly magnified
`to show details
`decay time
`the Nth harmonic
`falls off approximately
`p3/N2 whichcanbe seenin the time-frequency spectra] plot in
`7. Control
`this most basic form of
`the Plucked String
`Extensionsto the algorithm suchas decay stretching andusing
`other soundfiles instead of randomdata as the initial buffer
`will be implemented.
`F. Time Domain Signal Processing
`A series of
`time domain signal processing
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 9
`Vestas v GE


`algorithms will be available. Includedare:
`I. Amplitude scaling of asignal.
`2. Amplitude normalization (scaling of signal amplitude to
`maximum gain)
`3. Merge/Mix of
`two signals using a user specified
`4. Sample Rate Conversion
`to allow optimum sample rate to
`conserve RAM,or to changethe pitch (and duration) of the
`signal data. Sound tuning can be adjusted
`on playback
`from the
`Emulator II, but. if
`two sounds are to be digitally combined
`which are slightly out, of
`tune, sample rate conversion is
`5. Dynamic Range Compression with variable
`time constants.
`and both
`6. Equalization
`with lowpass,
`high and low shelving
`[19,20]. A shelving
`is a simple
`in figures
`8 thru
`10. This equalizer
`the filter
`second order equalizer. The computations for
`from a
`conformal mapping
`from [19]. The use of block
`prevents numerical overflow from the recursive filter, while
`The block
`is 256 samples.
`The original
`in figure
`8 is a
`tom-tom drum. The time domain waveforTns are shown before
`and aft. er having been equalized with ! 8 dB boost, at
`I kHz. The
`is normalized
`(to prevent
`so the output waveform (t.op waveform)
`shows a much lower
`even though the peak amplitude
`is the
`same. The spectral
`is shown in figure 9 before EO., and in
`10 after
`EO Notice
`f.he dramatic
`in high
`content.. This example
`shows a possible
`use of
` To reduce the peak to average power
`t.he non-linear
`be used t.o
`generate soft clipping of the equalized waveform. This soft.
`to the dipping almost, always
`clipping would be similar
`encounteredin recording soundswith a high peak-t.o-average
`ratio, suchas drums.
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 10
`Vestas v GE


`G.Emulator Parameter Editing
`Graphicalediting of performanceparameters of the Emulator II
`will also be implemented.Theparameters that make the most
`sense to control using a graphical mouse-driven environment
`VCA envelopesand Filterenvelopeswillbe shown
`graphicallyon the same display.The relationshipbetween
`filter and VCA envelopes is important since a fast VCA
`envelopecanrender irrelevant a slowfilter envelope.
`2.KeyboardVoice Assignment
`The placement
`of up to 99 voices on the keyboard
`benefit greatly from visual assistance. Icons for individual
`voices will be usedto showthe rangesof voice placement.
`3. Looping
`and Truncation
`The placement of loop points and the truncation of
`soundstart andend points canbe helpedby graphicaldisplays.
`Wehope that the approachof using ajudicious combinationof
`non real-time
`with a real-time
`will provide muchnew raw material for musicalcomposition in
`anefficient andeconomicalenvironment.
`We would like to thank the people at the Computer Audio
`ResearchLaboratory at the Centerfor MusicExperimentat the
`University of California, San Diego, especially Andy Voelkel,
`Mark Dolson,D.Gareth Loy, and F.RichardMoore for all their
`patient assistance.We also wish to thank the people at the
`Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics at
`Stanford University,
`Rob Poor, Bernard
`Mont-Reynaud,andJulius O.Smith. Finally, many thanks go to
`DavidRossum,Scott Wedgeand MarcoAlpert of E-MuSystems
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 11
`Vestas v GE


`for'[heir encouragementandassistance.
`1.Mathews,Maxet al. "TheTechnologyof ComputerMusic",MIT
`Press,Boston 1969
`2. Risset, Jean-Claudeand Max Ma[hews,"Analysis of Musical
`InstrumentTones,"PhysicsToday,Vol 22, Number2, February
`3.Kelly,J. L.,C.LochbaumandV.A.Vyssotsky, "A BlockDiagram
`Compiler,"Bell SystemTechnicalJournal,pp 669-676, 1961
`4. Moore,F.Richard"TheComputerAudio ResearchLaboratory
`at UCSD,"ComputerMusicJournal, Volume6, Number1:18-29
`5 Kowalski, MichaelJ. and Andrew Glassner"The NYITDigital
`SoundEditor," Computer Music Journal , Volume 6, Number
`6. Schroeder,M.P,"ColorlessArtificial Reverberation,J Audio
`EngineeringSoc.,Volume9,Number3, p1g2,July 1961
`7. Chowning,John I'1."TheSynthesis of ComplexAudio Spectra
`by Meansof FrequencyModulation,"J. Audio EngineeringSoc.,
`Volume2 I, Number7, pp526-534, Septemberi 973
`8. Tran-Thong, and Bede Liu, "Fixed-Point Fast Fourier
`Transform Error Analysis" IEEETransactions on Acoustics,
`Speech, and Signal Processing, Volume ASSP-24,Number 6
`the Digital
`9 Portnoff, Michael R,
`Vocoder Usingthe Fast Fourier Transform,"IEEETransactions
`on Acoustics, Speech,andSignalProcessing,Volume ASSP-24,
`Number3 June 1970
`10. Crochiere, Ronald E. and LawerenceR Rabiner, 1983
`"Multirate Digital SignalProcessing" Prentice-Hall
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 12
`Vestas v GE


`II. Lagadec,R.and D.Pelloni, "Enhancementof Audio Signals
`Based on Digital Techniques" Proceedings of
`the IEEE
`International Conference on Acoustics, Speech,and Signal
`ProcessingI g84Vo]ume1:12B.1
`12.Porter, Jack E.andSteven F.Bo11,"Optimal Estimators for
`Spectral Restoration of Noisy Speech," Proceedings of the
`IEEEInternational Conferenceon Acoustics,Speech,andSignal
`Processing1g8't Volume2:18A.2
`1:3.Eger, ThomasE.,James C.Su, and L. William Varner, "A
`Non-Linear Spectrum Processing Technique for Speech
`Enhancement," Proceedings of
`IEEE International
`Conferenceon Acoustics, Speech,and SignalProcessing 1984
`14. Schottstaedt, Bill, "The Simulation of Natural Instrument
`Tones using FrequencyModulationwith a ComplexModulating
`Wave,"ComputerMusicJournal, Volume 1,Number4:46-50
`15.LeBrun,Marc,"A Derivation of the Spectrum of FMwith a
`ComplexModulatingWave,"ComputerMusicJournal, Volume I,
`Number 4:51-52
`"Digital Waveshaping
`16. LeBrun, Marc,
`EngineeringSoc.,Volume27, pp250-265,April ! g7g
`J. Audio
`by Means of
`of Complex Spectra
`17. Arfib, D., "Digital Synthesis
`Multiplication of Nonlinear Distorted Sine Waves," J. Audio
`EngineeringSoc.,Volume27, pp757-768,October I gTg
`Digital Synthesis
`18. Karplus, K. and A. Strong
`and Drum Timbres."
`Computer Music Journal,
`Volume 7 Number 2:43-55
`James A., "The Manifold Joys of Confonmal Mapping:
`I g. Moorer,
`to Digital
`in the Studio,"
`J. Audio
`Engineering Soc., Volume 31, pp826-840,
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 13
`Vestas v GE


`l er
`Sound Data (RAH)
`)elope Gen.
`::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: _Ji
`:::: _i
`:::: _i
`:?_ '_]
`:::: _i!
`:::: _!i
`:::: q!i
`:::: Gil
`[ I
`,,,, ,, _,,,,,,
`[ I!
`,, ,,
`i_J i
`Il 1/I
`, _1 i.
`Envelope Gert
`4_ 4* 41,4_
`_ Velocitys
`Foot Switches
`II voice
`1. A single
`The wavetable
`the eight
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 14
`Vestas v GE


`20. Smith, Julius O. and James B. Angell, "A Constant-Gain
`DigitalResonator Tuned by a Single Coefficient,"Computer
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 15
`Vestas v GE


`ds File Edit Display L'alibrate Tools Mode Extras
`,%,i::, ,o
`' 'llllll I

`Figure 2. This display
`shows an entire
`file of hand-claps. Here the early
`are easily
`of a reverberator
`seen, as well as
`the sound. The vertical
`the overall
`scale shows a little
`over 200 milliseconds
`k --
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 16
`Vestas v GE


`File Edit Display Calibrate
`Tools Mode Extras
`L_J _50
`L_I. o
`I _o
`_ Scale
`- _

`_ Oiiiii!?,iiTii4_ii!!ii!_!,:_i!!iiiiii:iii_i!iT_?:i_:_:_:_i_?_i_ii_!_:_?_ii?_i?iii_!iii!i_ii_i_=:_?_!?_i_i_i!i!ii_ii=?;:i`_i?_`iiii?:_i_?_i_ii?]¢
`3. The same hand-claps
`1. More
`the magnification
`the individual
`along the upper
`The Icons
`are for
`the display
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 17
`Vestas v GE


`Tools Mode
`20 B6
`_ Scale
`O _..
`i,o., p.,
`© _:_ :.:::ii!_ii?:iiiil;iiii_i_::;:_ili::::::?_iii_i?.!:.i_i_iii:;iliiii_i_i,_iiii'_i;i?i_:i_?:_iiii_iiiiiiiii_i!iiiii_i,ii!';i_iiiii_ii!i::::i_i_i_i?_iii:_?:iiii::iil¢
`the hand-claps.
`even more detail
`can be to lhe single
`Figure 4. A furtherlevel.
`zoom shows
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 18
`Vestas v GE


`File Edit Display Calibrate
`Tools Mode Extras
`- III1'1111F''" ' '
`_.' _'"'"_-_°'UIIIIIII
`:80 izri II1J
`5. Synthesized
`by the Karplus-Strong
`This display
`the attack
`the first
`the sound.
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 19
`Vestas v GE


`I_ File Edit Display Calibrate Tools Mode Extras
`-^ .........':j_.,1--¥L5-.............
`two periods
`Figure 6. A little
`waveform from figure
`is placed at 26.08 milliseconds
`(the cursor
`are shown at
`5 are shown here. Thel
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 20
`Vestas v GE


`I_ File Edit Display Calibrate lools Mode Extras
`'_ I_;_I
`i:: !,:1 _'_¢¢_;_}
`the sound
`Figure 7. A spectrum analysis
`shown in figures
`5 and O. The horizontal
`is increasing
`to the right, with
`time represented
`in the z-axis,
`and energy
`in the vertical
`axis. Notice
`how the high
`decay faster
`than low frequencies
`The fundamental
`is almost
`This is a 256 point
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 21
`Vestas v GE


`File Edit
`Tools Mode Debug
`Illaveform Display
`L ,[.
`_L_]_,=_ii!=_i!!ii!i!iii! ii_i!!i?_!_iii_i_iii?_!i!i_!![iii!!i_i_!iii_i_i_?_ii_ii_i,;?_i?_i!_i_
`is shown
`drum recording
`8. A tom-tom
`here before
`and after
`in the lower
`is pre-eq.,
`the upper
`is after
`18 dB boost
`1 kHz. The peak amplitude
`is the same in both
`cases, even though
`the amplitude
`in the upper waveform.
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 22
`Vestas v GE


`,, .....
`, _;' V::'
`, _
`/ _
`I_i_-'_-_.,-__,.'-_,-',',,_, ,i ,',,',',,,_,, ,'', ,,-,,, _:_
`,,,,, ii:::,
`· ',',
`_,L_'-z,',"._-,'.,.-_, _,'_',","'.L&L,'',,',,/',
`the tom-tom
`Figure 9. A spectrum analysis
`drum before equalization.
`Low frequency
`are almost all
`that are visible
`in this
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 23
`Vestas v GE


`Figure I O. A spectrum analysis
`The high frequency
`(18 d6 e !kHz)
`is easily
`Vestas Ex 1034-p. 24
`Vestas v GE

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