h)m1 PTON1449 {l\fm.iified)
`List of Pat<:.~nts ~nd Publkat:kms hw
`1nfmmatkm Disdosurt~ SL:1h'm!Nli·
`A • .rt Un.H;
`Conf. No,:
`.J. -;;,.,.../
`·~ ? / 91)t; cnq
`• t.· ~-·I ;J ~~
`.. ,•
`Ross Jr., D, Delano d a1
`J~ .. / J,}')/:.::... u
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`Otl!l'J: i\.R r
`!Y ogesh Garg/
`EX .. c\.1\-flNEH: lnilbllf n:~kn~nce nm;>)dett:d ~vhether or nnl: ;:il:atkm is !nnml'orn:L't:K;'· wtih l'AFEP 609. Dr;nv
`1:\ne through {ll:ation )J nut in conJonnan.ce tJird not cnnsidett:<.:L Tndude cnpv of l:hb form vvi:th rwxt
`communk<1tion to t~ppl.kant.
`DDR Holdings, LLC - Ex. 2011
`Shopify, Inc. v. DDR Holdings, LLC


`ro:rm PTONH49 {l\1odified)
`List of Pat~~nts ;:1.nd Puhlkat:kms For
`Serb! No.:
`Ross, D, Dchtno, Jt,
`First Inventor;
`3625 {in p~1rent)
`i\rl Unit;
`Carg, \'.C (in parent)
`.. !~~]j~~-~!~~~--~:L?::~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------s~~::~~L-~s?:.: _____________________________ ?~~~~~---------------------------------------
`o·nnm /\Rl
`Cblm Clwrh hom Ddend;:tr!i:~" /\::n(•nrk·d In'/alldity Conk•nlinn~>.: Civll ./\d:\<)n
`.\lo .. 2-(!(i('\/,42 (DF}.. ;:om paring (:bhm; of R<)s~; •d: al. "U.S. f-'d:cnt 6,1'129 .. !33 t;·l
`,,..~~riot:~ refE·n.~n((:-s.~ FebrttD.ry 6 .. 2012.
`Ch'1Lm Ch.,n-·ts fwm fk;fend.<'ln.!:s' /\me.nded Inva!ldity Conh:.~nuons; Civil Action
`No. 2·C!6CV·42 (DF), u!mp<Hing d<~ims of .Ross ({ aL US. 1\:d:ent 6..903,5/2 to
`V<1riow~ rdcreru:.<:::s; Febnwry 6, 2012.
`Chim Ch<>rts f::\>tn D(:knd.<'lllh·' /\mended fnv-a!ldity (:onb:.·nt!ons; Cl\.-!l Adlon
`Nu. 2··06CV-42 (DFL C\}J"O~>f;dng chlrns nt Eoss ct -:ll. U.S. F<~lent ?,H1S.399 to
`Vi'lrl.OUS t-efCJ:<.~i\C<->:.: F,:bt'Hi'lt',Y 6, 2012.
`Ed;vards, d al,.: '·'\-taking \.toney Jn Cyber.~pace".: Sq>lcmh(;r !998,
`/\rchlved. 'Ncb pages <)t \·VW',v.wil:;,omveb.u)tn.:. Fcbnuwy 7 ..
`Arch1vcd >veb p<'lge <'ll >V\~··W.\-~··l.lsonwcb,G)n'l; Jmw 26, 1998.
`VV}h=;{~n ... T~~~~.1p.h; "f--~t~·vle~v nf s;~tO[)Stte "f\:j·~~ru}gcr ~L 1 N.~ VVe!:-s (~OiYtt:':.erce ··rod .. ay; J~;~ue
`2.: :·)cptf:mbe.r 1\ 199'7,
`Scret:n in:::}ge~ ft'()n"l \,v·\·\tV\:~v·,.tUsrln\vt:b<~:·orn ... · .~h_()~l/~ng NJ~_e\Jh~\,v of S.hopSi~c
`1\.tan;:~g~~t 3~ l(i'; frnrn. \V~:·b (\nru:nerct~ 'fod;:t} .. ;-1:-;sne 2; Septe:n"lbet lS .. 1997 ..
`\.Vil;;nn.- !(,~.lph; ''How Viah'cb ;'tn.d ShopSite Fro .tncnrpn:::i'de .A.f!:iktte Pmgum1
`Soft;.v~~J'e; ·vv~~b (:·orn.rocrc{· 'fn(L:t_}·'.: .L~stl.e 8 ... ?v'latLh. 1 :J ... 11..)98 (;:ts posh:~d. nn
`\V'N w. wil <.mnYeb,com)
`Archh···ed <.vcb pagr~at <.·V\V"i-l/.<.ru;,;l;:;.;:b.cnrn; \.-:hey 20,. :1998-
`''The (Dntnv Stnry", PW~" 172-l '?'6, rdening tn hi;,;tory in NPvernb<i.:r 1994,, ~vhtrc.h
`i 9~l?_ .. ;,:~nd :.\.:a:r 1y in -~ 998.:'···
`~~cre(~n i tx~~xge 6~f}rn. fh:trry···~; ~~·t: .. rnpJe of (~odz.l1]~:!; , ... /-...,v-~l/.gr~d:.:-:iJ1rth;.:nl.p1r';(<"}rn.,
`<ht) \-'>/l n.g (~J)·n(J~;\t .C(nn.; Sef>i(:rn b(:r 2-•:t. -~ 998 ..
`Screen im.<1~)e tn)J'i1 roL!lng:;;h)ne.o)n1, :;;ho<,vlng ilnks {\) CDmnv, Scpkmber 24 ..
`.Hdpe.r, Ivt~rk_: .Archived v.;··eb pq~e at ',\.-·i·vw.buslnes~'Neck.o)n1, d.rd:cd. jurw !5,
`199?.,. sbo\·vi:ng ... 'C~ybersbJrefronts fc~r .Rookies~·'; ()ctn-ber 12 .. 200S.
`Archived >Vd~ pag>:~ at >·VV>'\V.iTederid;-';xom; J1Jly· 21, ! 997,
`Pag;:~s h:m:n Fubll:>h(:rs \\'eddy .. LLS. CopyTight Ofi:ice, and Phoenix Fublk
`Libnn-y .. .;,hm-ving pt1blk;'tlh:>n nf Edw·;ud~;' "-\:bklnr !\-Jnm:T in Cyfw·t'~<p<Ke····;
`AugDst H\ ! 99B.
`Archived web p<1W~ <'1!: w<,v\v.fn.>; Aprll W .. EN?.
`EX .. c\i',r!NER: lnilblli: n:~fcrdxe ~:nnsidett:d ~vhether or nnl: ;:!l:atkm is in nml'orn:L'tnno· wtih MP'EP 609. L!r;nv,
`1:\ne ihmt1gh {ll:ation )J nnt in confonnan.ce tllrd not cnn;;idct(:d, Tndude cnpv of l:hb form vvi.i:h rwxt
`communk<1tion to appl.kant
`Page 2


`Form PT0-1449 (Modified)
`List of Patents and Publications For
`Information Disclosure Statement
`Serial No.:
`First Inventor:
`Art Unit:
`Conf. No.:
`Ross, D. Delano, Jr.
`3625 (in parent)
`Garg, Y.C. (in parent)
`Page 19 of 25
`Author Title Date Pertinent Pages Etc.
`Claim Charts from Defendants' Amended Invalidity Contentions; Civil Action
`No. 2-06CV-42 (DF), comparing claims of Ross et al. U.S. Patent 6,629,135 to
`various references; February 6, 2012.
`Claim Charts from Defendants' Amended Invalidity Contentions; Civil Action
`No. 2-06CV-42 (DF), comparing claims of Ross et al. U.S. Patent 6,993,572 to
`various references; February 6, 2012.
`Claim Charts from Defendants' Amended Invalidity Contentions; Civil Action
`No. 2-06CV-42 (DF), comparing claims of Ross et al. U.S. Patent 7,818,399 to
`various references; February 6, 2012.
`Edwards, et al.; "Making Money In Cyberspace"; September 1998.
`Archived web pages at; February 7, 1998.
`Archived web page at; June 26, 1998.
`Wilson, Ralph; "Review of ShopSite Manager 3.1"; Web Commerce Today; Issue
`2; September 15, 1997.
`Screen images from, showing "Review of ShopSite
`Manager 3.1"; from Web Commerce Today; Issue 2; September 15, 1997.
`Wilson, Ralph; "How Via Web and ShopSite Pro Incorporate Affiliate Program
`Software; Web Commerce Today; Issue 8, March 15, 1998 (as posted on
`Archived web page at; October 29, 1996.
`Archived web pages at; March 29, 1997.
`Archived web page at; May 20, 1998.
`"The CDnow Story", pages 172-176, referring to history in November 1994, March
`1997, and "early in 1998."
`Screen image from Barry's Temple of Godzilla:,
`showing; September 24, 1998.
`Screen image from, showing links to CDnow, September 24,
`Halper, Mark; Archived web page at, dated June 15,
`1997, showing "Cyberstorefronts for Rookies"; October 12, 2008.
`Archived web page at; July 21, 1997.
`Pages from Publishers Weekly, U.S. Copyright Office, and Phoenix Public
`Library, showing publication of Edwards' "Making Money in Cyberspace";
`August 10, 1998.
`Archived web page at; April18, 1997.
`Date Considered: 11/09/2016
`EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Draw
`line through citation if not in conformance and not considered.
`Include copy of this form with next
`communication to applicant.
`Page 3


`Comparison of the U.S. Patent No. 6,629,135 and the DBC Prior Art
`Comparison of the U.S. Patent No. 6,629,135 and the DBC Prior Art
`Claim Language of U.S. Patent No. 6,629,135
`Relevant Disclosure in DBC Prior Art
`easy and reliable way to supplement a company’s existing website with an excellent
`source of the financial and market news.” DBC Co-Branded Sites.
`“DBC co-brands these pages by using the logo, background and navigation bars of
`the company’s web site, creating a . . . . [Brand Label Quote site] that retains the look
`and feel of the original site design.” Contribution Agreement between CBS Inc.,
`DBC and, LLC at 43, October 29, 1997 (hereinafter “Contribution
`Agreement”). [DFNDT0001546-81]
`“. . . DBC designs a customized company Web site quote page that enables another
`company’s Web site visitors to ‘seamlessly access’ DBC’s quote server even though
`it appears they are still on the original company’s site.” Data Broadcasting Real-
`Time Stock Market Quote Service Begins, Business Wire, April 26, 1996 (hereinafter
`“Data Broadcasting Press Release”). [DFNDT0001544-5]
`“DBC has offered other companies a special link to its quote server through a
`customized ‘brand-label’ quote service. DBC designs a quote page for the client’s
`company’s Web site and users actually access DBC’s quote server, even though it
`appears they are still on the original company’s site.” $29.95 a Month Press Release.
`- 3 -
`Claim Language of U.S. Patent No. 6,629,135
`Relevant Disclosure in DBC Prior Art
`Comparison of the U.S. Patent No. 6,629,135 and the DBC Prior Art
`upon receiving an activation of the provided link
`from the visitor computer, serving to the visitor
`computer an e commerce supported page with a
`look and feel corresponding to the captured look
`and feel description of the host website
`associated with the provided link and with
`content based on the commerce object associated
`with the provided link.
`the company’s web site, creating a . . . . [Brand Label Quote site] that retains the look
`and feel of the original site design.” Contribution Agreement. [DFNDT0001546-81]
`“. . . DBC designs a customized company Web site quote page that enables another
`company’s Web site visitors to ‘seamlessly access’ DBC’s quote server even though
`it appears they are still on the original company’s site.” Data Broadcasting Press
`Release. [DFNDT0001544-5]
`“DBC has offered other companies a special link to its quote server through a
`customized ‘brand-label’ quote service. DBC designs a quote page for the client’s
`company’s Web site and users actually access DBC’s quote server, even though it
`appears they are still on the original company’s site.” $29.95 a Month Press Release.
`“DBC Online’s quote retriever can now be put on your Web site – absolutely FREE!
`By adding just a few lines of HTML code, you can have data from America’s leading
`provider of market information directly on your own web page. The customizability
`of the quote page allows you to place the title of your Web site at the top of the
`results screen. And your site will always be backlinked at the bottom of the results
`screen, so that anyone who uses your ‘Personal Quote’ box will feel as though they
`were still on your Web site!” DBC Online website. [DFNDT0001584-9]
`“DBC co-brands these pages by using the logo, background and navigation bars of
`the company’s web site, creating a . . . . [Brand Label Quote site] that retains the look
`and feel of the original site design.” Contribution Agreement. [DFNDT0001546-81]
`“. . . DBC designs a customized company Web site quote page that enables another
`company’s Web site visitors to ‘seamlessly access’ DBC’s quote server even though
`it appears they are still on the original company’s site.” Data Broadcasting Press
`Release. [DFNDT0001544-5]
`- 5 -
`Claim Language of U.S. Patent No. 6,629,135
`Relevant Disclosure in DBC Prior Art
`providing the host website with a link for
`inclusion within a page on the host website for
`serving to a visitor computer, wherein the
`provided link correlates the host website with a
`selected commerce object; and
`“DBC Online’s quote retriever can now be put on your Web site – absolutely FREE!
`By adding just a few lines of HTML code, you can have data from America’s leading
`provider of market information directly on your own web page. The customizability
`of the quote page allows you to place the title of your Web site at the top of the
`results screen. And your site will always be backlinked at the bottom of the results
`screen, so that anyone who uses your ‘Personal Quote’ box will feel as though they
`were still on your Web site!” DBC Online: Person Quote Link,
`bin/htx.exe/core/dbc/pql... (November 15, 1996 version of
`bin/htx.exe/core/dbc/pql... as archived by the Internet Archive. (see note 2))
`(hereinafter, “DBC Online website”).4 [DFNDT0001584-9]
`The selected commerce object is, for example, stock quotes from New York Stock
`“DBC has offered other companies a special link to its quote server through a
`customized ‘brand-label’ quote service. DBC designs a quote page for the client’s
`company’s Web site and users actually access DBC’s quote server, even though it
`appears they are still on the original company’s site.” $29.95 a Month Press Release.
`“DBC Online’s quote retriever can now be put on your Web site – absolutely FREE!
`By adding just a few lines of HTML code, you can have data from America’s leading
`provider of market information directly on your own web page. The customizability
`of the quote page allows you to place the title of your Web site at the top of the
`results screen. And your site will always be backlinked at the bottom of the results
`screen, so that anyone who uses your ‘Personal Quote’ box will feel as though they
`were still on your Web site!” DBC Online website. [DFNDT0001584-9]
`“DBC co-brands these pages by using the logo, background and navigation bars of
`4 Also see DBC Online: Person Quote Link, (August 5,
`1997 version of as archived by the Internet Archive. (see note 2)). [DFNDT0001584-9]
`- 4 -
`Comparison of the U.S. Patent No. 6,629,135 and U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 “Method and system for tracking the purchase of a product and
`services over the Internet ”1
`Based upon the Court’s claim construction order [DI 309], the claim interpretations Plaintiff appears to be asserting and the alleged applications of
`those interpretations to one or more products of Defendants’ products in Plaintiff’s Amended Infringement Contentions served January 23, 2012,
`U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 anticipates and/or renders obvious, alone or in combination with other prior art identified in Defendants’ Amended
`Invalidity Contentions, the asserted claims as described in part below.
`Claim Language of U.S. Patent No. 6,629,135
`Relevant Disclosure in U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 (“the ’504 patent”)
`An e commerce outsourcing process providing a
`host website in communication with a visitor
`computer with context sensitive, transparent e
`commerce support pages, comprising the steps
`The ’504 patent discloses an e-commerce outsourcing process wherein a host website
`(“virtual outlet Web site,” Col. 5:25) in communication with a visitor computer
`(“customer computer,” Col. 5:37-38) is provided with context sensitive, transparent e-
`commerce support pages (“merchant Web page,” Col. 5:50) to facilitate purchases
`from customers:
`• A “method... where [a] merchant, virtual outlet owner, and customer each have
`a computer connected through a network and where [a] purchase is conducted
`as a transaction over the network.” Col. 4:5-7 (Summary of the invention).
`• “To purchase a product, a customer would first view a Web page provided by a
`VO... If a customer wishes to find more information about a product (e.g., cost
`or size information) or to purchase the product, the customer simply selects the
`image of the product displayed. When the image is selected, the customer
`computer then requests access to the merchant Web page identified by the
`associated URL. A merchant computer provides the merchant Web page to the
`customer computer.” Col. 5:40-53.
`The merchant computer dynamically creates a Web page with “a layout similar to that
`of the Web page for the [VO].” Col. 7:54-60.
`The ’504 patent discloses capturing a look and feel description associated with a host
`website (VO). The look and feel description is provided by the virtual outlet to the
`• “The Web page of FIG. 6 inputs information concerning the appearance that
`the VO expects for a merchant order Web page that will be displayed when a
`customer hot links through the VO to the merchant site. This information
`capturing a look and feel description associated
`with a host website;
`1 Unless noted, all citations in this chart are to U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 “Method and system for tracking the purchase of a product and services
`over the Internet” by Arnold, Bennett, et al. (filed Aug. 28, 1996, issued Jan. 18, 2000). [DFNDT0000077-0000114]
`- 1 -
`Page 4


`Comparison of the U.S. Patent No. 6,629,135 and U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 “Method and system for tracking the purchase of a product and
`services over the Internet ”
`Comparison of the U.S. Patent No. 6,629,135 and U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 “Method and system for tracking the purchase of a product and
`services over the Internet ”
`Claim Language of U.S. Patent No. 6,629,135
`Relevant Disclosure in U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 (“the ’504 patent”)
`Claim Language of U.S. Patent No. 6,629,135
`Relevant Disclosure in U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 (“the ’504 patent”)
`includes a URL for a graphics file that contains the VO’s logo, the desired
`background color, and other such information.” Col. 9:14-20.
`• “The example confirmation Web page repeats certain of the supplied sign-up
`information and displays the appearance requested by the representative for the
`merchant order Web page, including colors and fonts.” Col. 9:46-50.
`• “[The Merchant Sign-up Component] prepares a confirmation Web page in the
`style specified by the VO for order processing Web pages, including specified
`logos, graphics, colors, and text fonts[.]” Col. 12:59-65.
`• “[Software routines] support processes by which the VO changes the
`appearance of order Web pages displayed by the merchant to customers.”
`Col. 13:67-14:2.
`• “FIG. 16 lists example information returned by the VO to the merchant during
`the sign-up process.” Col. 12:55-56.
`The information in Figure 16 includes: URL of logos to display on order pages; URL
`for graphics for background; colors for various parts of screen; fonts for text; other
`characteristics for HTML display; etc.
`The ’504 patent also discloses capturing a look and feel description using the Screen
`Customization option Provided in the Virtual Outlet Signup Screen:
`- 2 -
`Comparison of the U.S. Patent No. 6,629,135 and U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 “Method and system for tracking the purchase of a product and
`services over the Internet ”
`Claim Language of U.S. Patent No. 6,629,135
`Relevant Disclosure in U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 (“the ’504 patent”)
`inclusion within a page on the host website for
`serving to a visitor computer, wherein the
`provided link correlates the host website with a
`selected commerce object; and
`inclusion within a page on the host website for serving to a visitor computer
`(customer), wherein the provided link correlates the host website with a selected
`commerce object (product):
`upon receiving an activation of the provided link
`from the visitor computer, serving to the visitor
`computer an e commerce supported page with a
`look and feel corresponding to the captured look
`and feel description of the host website
`associated with the provided link and with
`content based on the commerce object
`associated with the provided link.
`“The Catalog_Browser routine allows a VO representative to browse through
`catalog Web pages supplied by the merchant... Items for sale are described and
`listed along with URLs corresponding to the order Web page that the merchant
`will supply to a customer linking through a VO Web page to the merchant site
`in order to purchase the item. The VO may incorporate items into the VO Web
`pages by including the URLs obtained from the merchant’s catalog as hot links
`in the VO Web pages.” Col. 10:41-50.
`The ’504 patent discloses, upon receiving an activation of the provided link from the
`visitor computer (customer selects merchant hotlink on VO Web page), serving to the
`visitor computer (customer computer) an e-commerce supported page (order page)
`with a look and feel corresponding to the captured look and feel description of the host
`website (VO) associated with the provided link and with content based on the
`commerce object (product) associated with the provided link:
`• Where a request to display an order Web page corresponding to an item
`displayed by the VO on a VO Web page “has come to the merchant via a
`hotlink from the VO Web Page” the Merchant Order Processing Component
`“retrieves stored information supplied by the VO that allows the merchant
`computer to construct a description of an order Web page that appears
`similar to a VO Web page and uses the information to construct a description
`of an order Web page and send it to the customer[.] Some information,
`including the VO logo, may be obtained from the VO by accessing VO files
`using stored URLs. Other information may be stored entirely on the merchant
`computer.” Col. 14:15-27 (emphasis added).
`• Claim 1 (emphasis added):
`o […]
`- 4 -
`providing the host website with a link for
`[See ’504 at Figure 6.]
`As described in the “Screen Customization Field: “You may make our scrrns (sic) look
`just like an extension of your own Web site by customizing colors and background
`The ’504 patent discloses providing the host website (VO) with a link (URL) for
`- 3 -
`Comparison of the U.S. Patent No. 6,629,135 and U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 “Method and system for tracking the purchase of a product and
`services over the Internet ”
`Claim Language of U.S. Patent No. 6,629,135
`Relevant Disclosure in U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 (“the ’504 patent”)
`o Displaying at the customer computer the virtual outlet Web page;
`o Receiving from the customer at the customer computer a selection of
`the product;
`o Sending from the customer computer to the merchant computer a
`request for the merchant Web page identified by the link associated
`with the selected product, the request including an indication of the
`virtual outlet;
`o Receiving at the merchant computer the request for the merchant Web
`o Upon receiving the request for the merchant Web page, under
`control of the merchant computer, modifying the merchant Web page
`o Sending from the merchant computer the modified merchant Web
`• Claim 2 (emphasis added):
`o The method of claim 1 wherein the merchant computer maintains a
`database of information describing a desired layout of the merchant
`Web page when the merchant Web page is accessed through the virtual
`outlet Web page and wherein the merchant computer customizes the
`merchant Web page in accordance with the information.
`• Claim 3:
`o The method of claim 2 wherein the information includes a name and
`logo of the virtual outlet.
`• Claim 4
`o The method of claim 2 wherein the information includes preferred
`coloring of the merchant Web page.
`• Claim 5
`o The method of claim 1 wherein the links are universal resource locators.
`- 5 -
`Page 5


`Comparison of the U.S. Patent No. 6,993,572 and U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 “Method and system for tracking the purchase of a product and
`services over the Internet ”1
`Based upon the Court’s claim construction order [DI 309], the claim interpretations Plaintiff appears to be asserting and the alleged applications of
`those interpretations to one or more products of Defendants’ products in Plaintiff’s Amended Infringement Contentions served January 23, 2012,
`U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 anticipates and/or renders obvious, alone or in combination with other prior art identified in Defendants’ Amended
`Invalidity Contentions, the asserted claims as described in part below.
`Claim Language of U.S. Patent No. 6,993,572
`Relevant Disclosure in U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 (“the ’504 patent”)
`a data store including a look and feel description
`associated with a host web page having a link
`correlated with a commerce object; and
`An e commerce outsourcing system comprising: The ’504 patent discloses an e-commerce outsourcing system wherein a virtual outlet
`Web site outsources e-commerce requests from a customer computer to a merchant.
`(Summary of the Invention; Col. 5:24 - 6:65).
`The ’504 patent discloses a data store (database) including a look and feel description
`associated with a host web page (VO Web page) having a link correlated with a
`commerce object (product):
`• See Col. 7:54 - 8:6.
`• Claim 1 (emphasis added):
`o […]
`o Sending from the customer computer to the merchant computer a
`request for the merchant Web page identified by the link associated
`with the selected product, the request including an indication of the
`virtual outlet;
`o Receiving at the merchant computer the request for the merchant Web
`o Upon receiving the request for the merchant Web page, under
`control of the merchant computer, modifying the merchant Web page
`o Sending from the merchant computer the modified merchant Web
`• Claim 2 (emphasis added):
`o The method of claim 1 wherein the merchant computer maintains a
`database of information describing a desired layout of the merchant
`Web page when the merchant Web page is accessed through the virtual
`outlet Web page and wherein the merchant computer customizes the
`1 Unless noted, all citations in this chart are to U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 “Method and system for tracking the purchase of a product and services
`over the Internet” by Arnold, Bennett, et al. (filed Aug. 28, 1996, issued Jan. 18, 2000). [DFNDT0000077-0000114]
`- 1 -
`Comparison of the U.S. Patent No. 6,993,572 and U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504
`Claim Language of U.S. Patent No. 6,993,572
`Relevant Disclosure in U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 (“the ’504 patent”)
`including the VO logo, may be obtained from the VO by accessing VO files using
`stored URLs. Other information may be stored entirely on the merchant computer.”
`Col. 14:15-27 (emphasis added).
`The ’504 patent also discloses capturing a look and feel description using the Screen
`Customization option Provided in the Virtual Outlet Signup Screen:
`- 3 -
`Comparison of the U.S. Patent No. 6,993,572 and U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504
`Claim Language of U.S. Patent No. 6,993,572
`Relevant Disclosure in U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 (“the ’504 patent”)
`merchant Web page in accordance with the information.
`• Claim 27 (emphasis added). A method in a computer system for establishing a
`relationship between a virtual outlet and a merchant so that the virtual outlet
`can offer to a customer over a network, a product that is for sale by the
`merchant; the virtual outlet, customer, and merchant each having a computer;
`the method comprising:
`o establishing a database of information at the merchant computer, the
`database including an identification of the virtual outlet and
`representative interface aspects to be provided by the merchant
`computer to the customer computer; and
`o supplying from the merchant computer to the virtual outlet
`computer a link that identifies a merchant resource associated with
`the merchant computer and that uniquely identifies the virtual outlet;
`wherein the virtual outlet computer supplies the link to the customer
`computer, when the customer computer uses the link to access the
`merchant resource, the merchant computer provides the merchant
`resource to the customer computer in a manner customized to the virtual
`outlet, such manner being based on the database of information and
`identifying the virtual outlet that provided the link to the customer
`• "FIG. 16 lists example information returned by the VO to the merchant during
`the sign-up process.” Col. 12:55-56. The information in Figure 16 includes:
`URL of logos to display on order pages; URL for graphics for background;
`colors for various parts of screen; fonts for text; other characteristics for HTML
`display; etc.
`• "In step 1509, sign-up_Request permanently stores the sign-up information on
`the merchant computer and flags the stored information for review by a
`representative of the merchant computer.” Col. 13:2-5 (emphasis added).
`The Merchant Order Processing Component "retrieves stored information supplied
`by the VO that allows the merchant computer to construct a description of an order
`Web page that appears similar to a VO Web page and uses the information to construct
`a description of an order Web page and send it to the customer[.] Some information,
`- 2 -
`Comparison of the U.S. Patent No. 6,993,572 and U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504
`Claim Language of U.S. Patent No. 6,993,572
`Relevant Disclosure in U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 (“the ’504 patent”)
`[See ’504 at Figure 6.]
`As described in the “Screen Customization Field: “You may make our scrrns (sic) look
`just like an extension of your own Web site by customizing colors and background
`- 4 -
`Page 6


`Comparison of the U.S. Patent No. 6,993,572 and U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504
`Comparison of the U.S. Patent No. 6,993,572 and U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504
`Claim Language of U.S. Patent No. 6,993,572
`Relevant Disclosure in U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 (“the ’504 patent”)
`Claim Language of U.S. Patent No. 6,993,572
`Relevant Disclosure in U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 (“the ’504 patent”)
`a computer processor coupled to the data store
`and in communication through the Internet with
`the host web page and programmed, upon
`receiving an indication that the link has been
`activated by a visitor computer in Internet
`communication with the host web page, to serve
`a composite web page to the visitor computer
`with a look and feel based on the look and feel
`description in the data store and with content
`based on the commerce object associated with
`the link.
`The ’504 patent discloses a computer processor (Merchant computer) coupled to the
`data store (Database) and in communication through the Internet with the host web
`page (Virtual Outlet) and programmed, upon receiving an indication that the link has
`been activated by a visitor computer (Customer computer) in Internet communication
`with the host web page, to serve a composite web page to the visitor computer with a
`look and feel based on the look and feel description in the data store and with content
`based on the commerce object (Product) associated with the link:
`• See Col. 7:41 - 8:6.
`• “The virtual outlet component of the VO provides Web pages to customers that
`comprise a collection of text or images that describe or represent various
`products or services that the customer can purchase. Those text descriptions or
`images that represent items to be ordered from a merchant are associated on the
`VO Web page with hot links that allow a customer to directly access a
`merchant's order Web page.” Col. 8:9-15.
`• Claim 1 (emphasis added). A method for tracking a purchase of a product
`supplied by merchant; the purchase being made by a customer through a virtual
`outlet; the merchant, virtual outlet, and customer each having a computer
`connected through the Internet; the method comprising:
`o receiving at the virtual outlet computer from the customer computer a
`request for a virtual outlet Web page, the virtual outlet Web page
`having an indication of the product and a link associated with the
`product, the link identifying a merchant Web page of the merchant
`computer, identifying the virtual outlet, and identifying a virtual outlet
`return Web page;
`o sending from the virtual outlet computer to the customer computer the
`virtual outlet Web page;
`o displaying at the customer computer the virtual outlet Web page
`o receiving from the customer at the customer computer a selection of the
`o sending from the customer computer to the merchant computer a
`request for the merchant Web page identified by the link associated
`- 5 -
`Comparison of the U.S. Patent No. 6,993,572 and U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504
`Claim Language of U.S. Patent No. 6,993,572
`Relevant Disclosure in U.S. Patent No. 6,016,504 (“the ’504 patent”)
`with the selected product, the request including an indication of the
`virtual outlet;
`o receiving at the merchant computer the request for the merchant Web
`page; o upon rece

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