Page 2251
`DDR Holdings, LLC - Ex. 2004
`Shopify, Inc. v. DDR Holdings, LLC


`The Travelocity’Yahoo! Prior Art discloses automatical-y retriev:ngfrom a storage
`coupledto the computer ofthe outsource prov:der pre-stored data associated w-th the
`source page.
`Invalidity Contentions for U.S. Patent No. 7,818,399
`Travelocity/Yahoo! Prior Art
`“Trave-ocity URL's and URL parameter names wi.l be provided to Yahoo! three
`weeks after start of development,
`The Yahoo! travel page wl. include a flight express path. Modify the Travelocity
`entry point to accept the following parameters:
`~Nurnber of passengers
`- Leavingfrom / goingto cities
`- Departure date’ departure time
`- Retum date return time
`The Yahoo! travel page w'l: include a cars express path. Modify the Travelocity entry
`point to accept the fo-lowing parameters:
`Pick-up city
`Pick-up date / pick-up time
`~ Retum date return time
`~ Number of
`- Type of car
`The Yahco! travel page wl: include a cars express path. Modify the Travelocity entry
`point to accept t
`e folowing parameters:
`- Check-in city
`- Check-in
`check-out dates
`~ Number 0
`- Number 0 Tooms”
`Yahoo! Travel Booking Engine - Scope Definition, last modifted on 8/1/1997. See
`“2 User Interface and Site Functiona.ity
`The follow:ng functionality will remain ava‘lable to the Yahoo! booking engine,
`~ 3 Best Itineraries
`~ Fights & Prices
`- Cars
`- Hotels
`Invalidity Contentions for U.S, Patent No. 7,818,399
`Flights & Prices
`Yahoo! Travel Booking Engine - High Level Requirements, uly 14, 1997, ‘ast
`modified on Febmary 18, 1998. See DFNDT000423-428.
`“2.1 Yahoo! Travel Page. Yahoo! shall provide a prominent hyperlink on the Yahoo!
`Travel Page to the Co-Branded Pages described in Section 2.2. Such hyperlink shall
`be placed above thefold on the Yahoo!
`Travel Page.”
`Travel Services Advertising andPromotion Agreement, June 30, 1997. See
`To provide the ability to make flight, car and hotel reservations via Travelocity starting
`from a prominent hyperl:nk on the Yahoo! Travel Page.”
`Yahoo! Travel Booking Enoine - High Level Requirements, Tuly 14, 1997, ‘ast
`modified on February 18, 1998. See DFNDT000423-428,
`Invalidity Contentions for U.S. Patent No. 7,818,399
`Travelocity/Yahoo! Prior Art
`- Existing Reservations
`- Make Changes including Buy Now
`- Login
`(c} amomatically computer-generating and
`transtnitting to the web browser a second web
`page that includes:
`The Yahoo!Travel main trave: page will consist of an air, car, and hotel express user
`interface. In addition, the interface wl: havelinks to mote comprehensive request
`pages (firgst.pad, forgst.ped, btrgst.ped, and cangst.pgd).”
`Tahoo! Travel Booking Enotne - Scope Definition, last modified on 8/1/1997, See
`The Trave.ocity/Yahoo! Prior Art discloses automatica‘ly computer-penerating and
`transmitting to the web browser a second web page.
`2.2 Co-Branded Pages, $1 shall create and serve a series of co-branded pages that
`guide Yahoo! Site users through the booking process for the Travel Services, at a
`minimum (the ‘Co-Branded Pages’). The Co-Branded Pages shall ‘nc-ude a:] pages
`through the first page containing a price quotation for travel-re-ated serv‘ces, but sha.]
`not include any pages in payment process.”
`Travel Services Advertising andPromotion Agreement, June 30, 1997, See
`“LL ‘Booking Engine’ means a database containing avai-ability, schedule, and price
`information connected to a graphical user ‘nterface that al.ows users ofthe World
`Wide Web to make reservations for Travel Services, ag a minimum, and complete
`payment for such Travel Services online.”
`Travel Services Advertising andPromotion Agreement, June 30, 1997, See
`“(b) Cser Interface, The Co-Branded Pages sha‘l conform to the graphica. user
`interface utilized by Yahoo! across Yahco!’s network ofbranded Inemetproperties as
`to approve the final design of all Co-Branded Pages. Any mater:a. changesto the Co-
`Page 2252
`Invalidity Contentions for U.S. Patent No. 7,818,399
`Travelocity/Yahoo! Prior Art
`:nclude a flight express path. Mod:fy the Traveloc:
`page w:l.
`The Yahoo! travel
`entry point to accept the following parameters:
`- Numberof passengers
`- Leaving from /goingto cities
`- Departure date’ departure time
`~ Retum date / return time
`The Yahoo! travel
`page wl. include a cars express path. Modify the Travelocity entry
`point to accept the fo-lowing parameters:
`Pick-update pick-up time
`~ Retum date / retum time
`- Number of
`travelers -Type of car
`The Yahoo! travel
`page w:l. :nclude a cars express path. Modify the Travelocity entry
`point to accept the fo:lowing parameters:
`- Check-in city
`~ Check-in / check-out dates
`- Numberof travelers
`- Numberof rooms”
`Yahoo! Travel Booking Engine - Scape Definition, last modified on 8/1/1997
`(emphasis added). See DFNDTO00423-428.
`See [altisupra.
`(1) wherein the se.ected merchant, the
`outsource provider, and the owner ofthe frst
`web pave are each third parties w:th respect to
`one another;
`(b) automatical-y rewiew:ng from a storage
`coupled to the computer ofthe outsource
`provider pre-stored data associated with the
`source page; and then
` Travelocity/Yahoo!Prior Art
` “Thefollowing pages within Travelocity will be co-branded for Yahoo!:
` Existing Reservations|Exrqst
` ofthe first date ofthe Exclus:vitv Period, and Yahoo! shall have ther:ght reasonably
`Page 2252


`Invalidity Contentions for U.S, Patent No. 7,818,399
`Travelocity/Yahoo!Prior Art
` designed with the Yahoo! masthead, footer and toclhar,
`Allreferences to Trave‘ocity within the above pages will be modified to
`teflect Yahoo! Travel.”
`Yahoo! Travel Buildyour own itinerary, last modified on March 24, 1998, See
`The Trave‘ocity/¥ahoo! Prior Art discloses that the second web page includes
`information associated with the commerce object associated with the ‘ink that has been
`(}) information assoc‘ated with the commerce
`object associated with the link that has been
`activated, and
`2.2 Co-Branded Pages, $I shall create and serve a series of co-branded pages that
`gnide Yahoo! Site users through the booking process for the Travel Services, at a
`minimum (the ‘Co-Branded Pages’). The Co-Branded Pages shall ‘nc-ude a'] pages
`through the first page contain’ng a price quotation for travel-re-ated services, but sha.]
`not include any pages in payment process.”
`Travel Services Advertising andPromotion Agreement, June 30, 1997, See
`“L.1 ‘Booking Engine’ means a database containing avai-ability, schedule, and price
`information connected to a graphical user ‘nterface that al.owsusers ofthe World
`Wide Web to make reservations for Travel Services, as a minimum, and complete
`pavinent for such Travel Services outline.”
`Travel Services Advertising andPromotion Agreement, June 30, 1997, See
`“(b) User Interface, The Co-Branded Pages sha‘l conform to the graphica. user
`interface utilized by Yahoo! across Yahco!’s network ofbranded Invemetproperties as
`ofthe frst date ofthe Exclus:vitv Period, and Yahoo! shall have ther:ght reasonably
`to approve the fnal design of all Co-Branded Pages, Anv matet:a. changes to the Co-
`Branded Pages thereafter shall be made upon the mutual agreement ofthe parties.
`Yahoo!shal: assign one individua. to work with SI to ensure that the Co-Branded
`Pages satisfy Yahoo!”s requirements. Yahoo! will use reasonable bestefforts to ensure
`continuity of Yahoo! persomnel involved ‘n the des:gnprocess. All pages displayed to
` (4) wherein the computer-readable memory is See 10, supra,
`See 15-16, supra.
`-§8 -
`Page 2253
`(be hosted on Yahoo!"s site, Yahoo!
`“Because the Yahoo! Travel express page wil
`must have the abilityto receive and pass the Session Identification (SID) between
`tavelocity in order to keep the user's Travel
`locity session estabished, Th's does not
`apply for users that have cookie browsers hecause the SID is stored and retr:eved from
`e cookie,
`‘ s
`“Severa. Travelocity pages (fprqst, fpd:sp|,fpdisp2,fpprice and bargain) will be
`es'gned with the Yahoo! masthead, footer and toolbar,
`Allreferences to Travelocity within the above pages will be modified to
`reflect Yahoo! Travel.”
`Invalidity Contentions for U.S. Patent No. 7,818,399
`Travelocity/Yahoo! Prior Art
`Branded Pages thereafter shal. be made upon the mutual agreementofthe parties.
`Yahoo! shall ass'gn one indiv'dualto work with ST1o ensure that the Co-Branded
`Pages sat'sfy Yahoo!’s requirements. Yahoo!will use reasonable best efforts to ensure
`continuity of Yahoo! personnel involved in the design process, Al pages d'splavedto
`Yahoo! Site users, other than the Co-Branded Pages, shall conform to the eraphical
`interface utilized bySL, provided however Yahoo! sha‘] have a reasonable right of
`approval with respect to such interface.”
`Travel ServicesAdvertising andPromotion Agreement, June 30, 1997, See
`“Because the Yahoo! Travel express page wil. be hosted on Yahoo!’s ste, Yahoo!
`must have the abilityto receive and pass the Session Identification (SID) between
`ravelocity in order to keep the user’s Travelocity session estab.ished. This does not
`apply for users that have cookie browsers because the SID is stored and retr:evedfrom
`Mod:fy lgbecome,pgd, vars.sub, -gmemnew.ped, ‘gmemcon.ped, lelovin.ppd,
`onewinfped, and ‘pepflog.ctl 10 pass the session parameters to ensure the reservation
`rocess can continue without interruption. Place the session parameters into the
`arameter’s Database (PDB) and remove them from the PDB once the user has
`completed the ‘opin process.”
`‘ahoo! Travel Booking Engine - Scope Definition, last modified on 8/1/1997. See
`“Certain pages within Travelocity will be designated as co-brand. Co-brand means that
`pages wil look and feellike Yahoo! pages, but will function the same as they do
`oday in terms ofrequired data e.ements, navigation and flow; except where otherwise
`indicated in this document.”
`‘shoo!Travel Booking Engine - High Level Requirements, lulv 14, 1997, last
`modified on Febmary18, 1998. See DFNDT000413-422,
`“Severa, Travelocity pages (fprqst, fpdisp|, fndisp?, fpprice and bargain) will be
`Invalidity Contentions for U.S. Patent No. 7,818,399
`Invalidity Contentions for U.S. Patent No. 7,818,399
`Travelocity/Yahoo! Prior Art
`Travelocity/Yahoo! Prior Art
` choo!Travel Buildyour own itinerary, last modified on March 24, 1998. See
`Yahoo! Site users, other than the Co-Brande
`Pages, shall conform to the graphical
`interface utilized by SI, provided however Yahoo! sha.] have a reasonable right of
`(1) ap.ural:ty of visually perceptible e-ements|See 1(c)(:i), supra
`approval with respect to such interface.”
`derived from the retrieved pre-stored data and
`ereement, June 30, 1997, See
`Travel ServicesAdvertising andPromotion J
`visually correspondingto the sourcepage.
`22|The compmer-teadable memory of claim 20.|See 7, supra.
`wherein the commerce cbiect associated with the
`ink that has been activated comprises
`information defining an electronic catalog
`aving a multiude ofmerchant offerings, and
`wherein the second web page contains one or
`more selectable navigation [inks connecting a
`‘eratchical set of additional second web pages,
`Mod!fy lgbecome.pgd, vars. sub, ‘pmemnew.ped, ‘smemcon.pgd, Iglogin.ped,
`each pertaining to a subset ofthe offerings :n the
`lonewinfped, and ‘espflog.ctl 10 pass the ses
`ion parameters to etisure the reservation
`process can continue withoutinterruption. Pl
`ace the session parameters into the
`23|The compurer-readable memory of claim20)
`arameter's Database (PDB) and remove them from the PDB once the user has
`wherein the computer-teadable memory ts used
`completed the :ogin process,”
`0 direct the computer ofthe outsource provider
`‘hoo! Travel Booking Engine - Scope Definition, last modified on 8/1/1997, See
`‘0 perform the further step of
`computer-facilitating automatic paymentto the
`owner ofthe source page, once the transaction is
`“Certain pages within Travelocity will be designated as co-brand, Co-brand means that
`¢ pages wil look and feellike Yahoo! pages, but will function the same as they do
`24|The computer-readable memory ofclaim20,
`oday in terms ofrequired data e.ements, navigation and flow; except where otherwise
`See 13-14, supra
`()) wherein the second web page contains a
`indicated in this document.”
`further link associated with the information
`‘ahoo! Travel Booking Engine - High Level Requirements, july 14, 1997,last
`associated with the commerce obiect, which,
`modified on Febmary 18, 1998. See DFNDT!
`when activated by the web browser, places data
`Tepresenting the commerce object ‘me a virtual
`shopping cart, and a checkout ‘ink which, when
`activated by the web broweer, faccl:tates
`completion of a transaction associated with the
`commerce abject in the shopping cart; and
`Page 2253


`used to direct the computer ofthe outsource
`provider to perform the further steps of, after the
`transaction ‘s completed, computer-facil:tating
`paymentfrom the computer user to the merchant
`associated with the activated ‘ink and
`‘Digital R:ver’s Secure Sales System ($88) brings together software manufacturers and dealers
`||| Amethod of an outsource
`computer-faccl:tating payment of a commss:on
`provider serving web pages
`them to se'l and detiver product via the Internet. Th:s serv:ce will provide all digital delivery, security,
`offering commercia.
`collections and reporting ofthe sa.e of software, Throughout this process, ‘t will appear to the consumer as
`to the owner ofthe source page.
`opportunities, the method
`ifthe transaction is being processed by the manufacturer or dealer while the Digital River $85 is handling
`The computer-teadable memory ofc-aim 20,
`the who‘e transaction ‘behind the scenes
`where'n the visually perceptib.e elements
`displayed on the second web pave ate retrieved
` ay [DROONOOI-2]
`from a database stor:ng data associated with
`visually perceptible elements for each ofthe first
`“Extend yourselling environment Better yet, the entire transaction takes place in the selling environment
`you've created, surrounded by the look and feelof your ‘dentity, with your products presented the way you
`want them presented, with no competition. Your customers simply hit the purchase icon at your site and the
`who.e process unfo.ds smooth:y. Thete’s no sensation ofbeing suddenly hust-ed offto ancther location
`Your customers won't etd up at some foreign-ooking page where they have to hunt to find your product.”
`Digital River - Secure EneruptedSoftware Distribution,
`fatty.//webarchive,orgiweb’1997 1221024519); [DRO00003-4] (emphasis
`Comparison of U.S. Patent No, 7,818,399 and Digital River Secure Sales System Prior art’
`Based upon the cla:m interpretations Plaint:ffappears to be asserting and the al-eged applications ofthose :nterpretations to one or more products of
`Defendants’ products in Plaintiffs Infringement Comentions served Apr] 15, 2011,the Digital River Secure Sales System ("S88") ant.cipates andor
`tenders obvious, alone or in combination with other prior art idemified in Defendants’ AmendedInvalid:ty Contemtions, the asserted claims as
`descr'bed ‘n part below.
`Comparison of U.S. Patent No. 7,818,399 and Digital River Secure Sales System Prior Art See also Tango, Webstar, and other CGls from July 1996 Backup [DR026771-DR033425
`Maintain your ownidentity and branding,
`Digita. River facilitates the sale of your products to your customers, To most consumers, our
`services often appear as nothing more than a web site “buy” button, But behind this simmp:e
`device ‘s sophisticated electronic commerce technologywhich gives consumers the ability to
`immediately and easi.y purchase and down-oad the digital products oftheir choice. As
`The Dig‘tal River SSS process was offered for sale,sold, and pub.iclyusedin connection with more than 500 client websites prior to September 17,
`1998. While the referencedsteps ofthe Digital River SSS process were cons'stently used with respectto these client websites, the specific
`elements Divital R:ver utlizedto oreate “transparent ¢-commerce support pages” for its clients varied based upon the specific look and feel of the
`host (client) website, The documents express-v referenced herein are provided as ‘llustrative examples ofthe D:g:tal River S85 process as utilized
`prior to September 17, 1998. Add-tional documents evidencing theoffer forsale, sale and public use ofthe Digita: River SSS process will be
`produced pursuant to Local Patent Rule 3-4(b),
`[DROGO0S1-54); and
`GATEOFF><h><font size=+2>Welcome to IstSoftware</font></b></a>”);
`“purchase QFX on the web” hypertext “ink (“A href=htp://oww3.dipitariver, com/cg-
`bintangocoidinttalriverirscottwelcome. qrv?");
`OFXHome Page, http.Aveb.archyeorg/websi 9970707093 153wwwofkconvfimainum.; [DROO00SS-
`[DR026693); and
`For everyproduct page within wavw.ea,com, Dip‘tal River can provide EA wth specific URL’s fordirect
`product links. This wi.l allowusers to shop direction on, and have the abi.ityto purchase
`product atany time. The page presetred wil. havea single produce listed, and wil. be Linked direct'y to the
`shopping basket. For an example of such a product page, please tefer to Fignre 2 [sic].
`In addition, D‘gital River will develop an online store featuring al ofE4’s products. Like the current EA
`Store, users can search by product category, key words, orplatform. Product specia’s or newproducts can
`be featured on the front page ofthis store to prov'de for greater attention. For an exarnple ofhowthe BA
`Store might look, please refer to Fignre 2.” Digital River Proposal Stanmary, April 29, 1998; [DRONGO66-
`72] (emphasis original}.
`Comparison of U.S, Patent No. 7,818,399 and Digital River Secure Sales System Prior Art
` consumers become more savvy, this efficiency ofpurchase and detivery ¥
`the primary advantagesof sell:ng digital products overthe Intemet,
` automaticallyat a server of
`the outsource provider, ‘1
`Tesponse to activation, by a
`web browser of a computer
`user, ofa link displayed by
`one of a pluralityoffirst web
`paves, recognizing as the
`source pagethe one ofthe
`first web pages on which the
`“ink has beenactivated;
` “Vendor's Delivery Obligations.
`When customers want to purchase, they push the “buy”button and are transferred
`itnmed:ate.y and transparenty to the Digital River Central Commerce Server. This retains
`the ‘look and fee?’ of your own site and encourages the customer to buy — easily and quickly.
`Depending on your preferences and marketing ‘nitlatives, buyers can be offered additional
`cross-sell, up-se'l, special offer and bundled products related to their purchases, Credit
`information ‘s ver‘fied, the sale is transacted and the purchases are then downloaded to the
`Digital River Information Kit at 8 [DROO4326],
`“Bitstream Fonts Online!” hypertext link
`(“<A HREFShip:raw?diotaurvercompbivindexbual”>Bistream fons online!<A>”); Bitstream, com
`Home Page, hitp.!webarchive.orgweb/19976117165233-http:i'wwwbitstreamcom’; [DROO0034-38);
`“Shop Online” hypertext link; Seatle Support Group Home Page,, [DRO00039-S0];
`“Wercome to LstSoftware” hypertext link
`(<a href"http:lvenwdigitariver.comidrv2ec MAINEntry?SID=1285&SP=10007&CID=0"
`“Consistent Look and Feel between Store and Home Site Customers wi! have the ability to click a ‘buy
`“Digita. River, Inc. proposes to mainta‘n and develop transparent secure Internet marketing and sales
`burton’ from anynumber ofplaces within waw.ea.comand will beLinked to a complete store, or a specific
`services for Adobe’s Web site and products, Services will be provided through Digita: River's $3
`commence encryption solution which was des:gned to managetransactions beliind the scenes...” Jntemnetcamrythebranding,lookandfeelofwwweg,cotproduct detail page. All of the Commerce pages will
`Commerce Services Proposalfor Adobe, July 25, 1996; [DROOONOS-6),
`This consistent Look andfee. ‘s essential to a smooth customer experience, and wil promote high
`conversion ratios,
`Initial Deliverables... Vendor will provide Electronic D:stributor
`with... (iv) hypertext Link to y
` ‘n the Vendor's World Wide Web home page. ...”
`Electronic Software Distriiution Agreement between Digital River and Auto E/X Comp. dated July 18, 1996;
`[DROOGO13-21)]; see also eg., Emailfrom Digital River to Auto FX, dated September 26, 1997;
`[DRO0G033] (“The URL for the Auto FX s‘te is at the bottomofthis email.”};
`Page 2254
`Invalidity Contentions for U.S. Patent No. 7,818,399
`Travelocity/Yahoo! Prior Art
`See 18, supra.
` web pages.
`Page 2254


`Comparison of U.S, Patent No. 7,818,399 and Digital River Secure Sales System Prior Art
`[DR037478- DRO37479),
`[DR026695-725](showing agreement and fax communicatione between DRand Mitek regarding
`seLing Mitek software on Cyber411, dtpdirect, w.nsite, 2leoftwaredrive, and other sites),
`[DR026737-7] (Setting out comm:ss:on rates for sale ofproducts from software publishers through
`“3Party Hosts,” DR, or DIP websites), See also [DR74637-074669),
` fat
`Comparison of U.S, Patent No. 7,818,399 and Digital River Secure Sales System Prior Art
`August | 1, 1998 Prospectus at 2 [DRO?4537-074636].
`“Vendor's Delivery Obligations. a. Initial Deliverables, ... Vendor will provide Elecwonic D:stributor
`with ... (iv) hypertext link to in the Vendor's World Wide Web homepage...”
`Elecivome Software Distrfbution Agreement between Digital River and Auto F’X Comp. dated July 18, 1996;
`[DROD0013-21); see also e.g,, Eni!from Digital River to Auto FX, dated September 26, 1997,
`[DROO0033) (“The URL for the Auto FX site is at the bottom ofthis email”);
`Comparison of U.S. Patent No. 7,818,399 and Digital River Secure Sales System Prior Art
`>,|wherein each ofthe first web
`pages be.ongs to one ofa
`~|pages displays at least one
`active ‘ink associated with a
`pluralityofweb page
`commerce object associated
`with a buying opportunity of
`ase.ected one of a p-urality
`ofmerchants, and
` wherein each ofthe first web
`Comparison of U.S. Patent No. 7,818,399 and Digital River Secure Sales System Prior Art
`Tiftle :
`TMaandes TLCRe
`“After clicking on the “Buy Button”,the end-user is transferred to a Web store hosted on Digital River's
`commerce network server (“CNS”), which replicates the ‘ook and fee. ofthe client Web site.” [DR037478-
`Bitstream Fouts Online!” hypertext link
`(*<A HREF=huip:ww?’aitindexhtml">Bitstream fonts onine!<A>”);
`Home Page, htip:!weharchiveormweb9970117165 23.htto.wapbitstreamcom; [DROOOI34-38);
`“Shop Online”hypertext link; Seattie Support Group Home Page,;[DROG0039-$0];
`“Welcome to [stSoftware”hypertext link
`("<a hrei"htipysvww.digitalr' Entry?SID=1285&SP=10007&C1D=0"
`GATEOFE><b><font size=+2>Welcometo IstScftwares/font><'b></a>”); [DR00005 1-54); and
`“purchase QFX on the web” hypertert ink (“A bref=heps//asew3digiteriverconvogi
`bin/angocy!digitalriver/rscoit/welcome. grv?”),
` ore wet9570707093183orwcfs convfimmatabin; DROOODSS-
`OFXHome Page, htto:rweh,
`[DRU26693]; and
`Page 2255
`Page 2255


` i server pre stored data Flow chart depicting “Level 1” and stating that depicted I8V and Dealer pages “will actualy be built ‘on-
`Maintenance of the online store - DR gives you two options in the maintenance ofyourstore. First, you
`have access to vour Acccunt Deve.opment Manager to make changes to your site. These may inc.ude
`pricing changes, product additions or deletions, orjust a change in the lock or flowofthe site which may
`inetease revenues. Your secondoption ‘s to make these changes yourself in DR’s system through a private,
`[DR026737-7] (Setting out comm:ss:on rates for sale ofproducts from software publishers through
`secure URL.” Digital River s Percentage ofSales Model - 4 Value Proposition;
`“3Party Hosts,” DR, or DIP websites), See also [DR74637-074669),
`(emphas:s original},
`automaticalyretrieving|Fow chart depicting “The D:gital R:ver Intemet Ordering System (StorvBoard Overview)”and stating
`from a storage coupled to the|“[ajl ISV and Dealer pages are Locatedon the Digital RiverServer.” DROOGOD7-12].
` hattatt No. 73818;309:
`automaticaly with the server
`computer generating and
`transmitt:ng to the web
`browser a second web page
`that neludes:
`Comparison of U.S. Patent No. 7,818,399 and Digital River Secure Sales System Prior Art
`Tubercherte OntnehShe
`“After clicking on the “Buy Button’, the end-user is transferred to a Web store hosted on Digital River's
`commerce network server (°CNS”), which rep-icates the lock and feel ofthe client Web site.” [DRO37478-
`[DR034615-16] (data associated with source page Digital Frontiers stored on DR server).
`[DR034606-07] (data associated with source page Bitstreamstored on DR server).
`Page 2256
`i)|Wherein the selected
`associated with the source
`~|metchant, the outsource
`provider, andthe ownerof
`page; and then
`the-fly’ as users arrive from various ISV and Dea‘er web pages using database ‘mage and content values ...
`thefirst webpage are each
`The userwill be presented with a page on the Digital River Server thatis similar in feelto the ISV or Dealer
`page.” [DRG00007-12).
`third parties with respect to
`one other,
`Comparison of U.S, Patent No. 7,818,399 and Digital River Secure Sales System Prior Art
`Comparison of U.S. Patent No. 7,818,399 and Digital River Secure Sales System Prior Art
`“Vendor's Delivery Obivations. a. In:tia, Deliverables... Vendor will provide Electronic Distributor
`with... (v)all the items and materials specified in the ‘Requirements Check-ist’ on Exhibit A... Exh:hit
`A... [Requirements Checklist... 7) Trademarks/loges(gif fe), Blectronie Software Distribution
`Agreement between Digita: River and Auto FX Corp. dated Ju'y 18, 1996; [DROGOO13-21]: see also eg.
`Emailfrom root, dated October 19, 1997; [DROOG022] (example ofDig‘tal River
`client “FIP upload notification’).
`“Adche’s customers wil be ab.e to access Adobe products at maximum bandwidth from mu-tiple FTP
`servers.” Internet Commerce Services Proposaljor Adobe, Juty 25, 1996; [DROOGO0S-4),
`“Digital River’s Proposed Solution Digital River will manage MathSoft’s online store and work with
`MathSoft’s currentstaffto integrate purchasing options throughoutthe entire web site to enable customers
`to purchase products more easly. We will deve‘op all commerce pages using MarhSoft’s branding and
`color schemes in an effort to remain as transparent as possible.” Digital River Proposal To Mathsoft, Jnc.;
`[DROGO023-25]ar2 (emphasis or-ginal).
`“Development- the development of an easyto use onl:ne store ‘s done byDR [Digital River] to fit the look
`and feel of vour home website at no cost. DR will incorporate your color schemes, logos and general feel
`in an attempt to remain as transparent as possible.
`[DR037478- DRO37479),
`[DR026695-729] (showing agreement and fax communications between DR and Mitek regarding
`seLing Mitek software on Cyber411, dtpdirect, w:nsite, 2leoftwaredrive, and othersites),
`Comparison of U.S, Patent No. 7,818,399 and Digital River Secure Sales System Prior Art
` Inc., Welcome to Bitstream,
`htep:/4weh archive.orgweby19961 019041742/aw?.digitariver. combitindexttm; and as reconstructed
`inserting referenced ef fies; [DROQNG28-31], [DROQGO32);
`“Vendor's Delivery Obligations. a. Initial Deliverables. ... Vendor will provide Electronic D:stributor
`with... (iv) hypertext Link to wowdigitalriver.comin the Vendor’s World Wide Web home page...”
`Elecivonic Software Disivibution Agreement between Digital River and Auto F/X Corp. dated July 18, 1996;
`[DROOGO13-21)]; see aisa e.g., Emailfrom Digital River to Auto PX, dated September 26, 1997;
`[DRO0GO33] (“The URL for the Auto FX s‘te‘s at the bottomofthis email.”};
`“Bitstream Fonts Online!”hypertext link
`(‘<A HREF=htpy‘nww ver. convbitindex.hual”>Bitstream fons onl:ne!<A>”);
`Home Page, http:
`!/'web/1997G117165233/http::'wwbitsteeary coral: [DROO00S4-38);
`“Shop Online” hypertext link; Seaule Support Group Home Page,; [DROO0039-5];
`“Wercometo LstSoftware” hypertext link
`(<a tre"huip:!wwwdigitariver.convdr'v2ecMAINEniry?SID=1285&SP=10007&C1D=0"
`GATEQFF><b><fomt size-2>We.come to LstSoftware<ifont</b><a"); [DROOOOS 1-54];
`“purchase QFX on the web” hypertext ['nk (“A href=http:!xw}.diz:talrivercomme.
`bintange,co’/d:gitalriver’rscatt!weleome.ory?”"), QFXHome Page,
`htip:/ hum; [DROGOOSS-62];
`[DRO2669); and
`Page 2256


`Comparison of U.S, Patent No. 7,818,399 and Digital River Secure Sales System Prior Art
`Comparison of U.S. Patent No. 7,818,399 and Digital River Secure Sales System Prior Art
`manuals of more of your software. And ital
`e purchase proce
`| takes p.ace during a sing!
`has created seam-ess cont:nu:ty.”
`Digital River - Secure Eneryp
`fedSoftware Distribution,
`1957122 1024519"digitalrivercom’Pagednant; [DROOOO3-4] (emphasis
`“Digital River’s Secure Sales System (SSS) brings together software manufacturers and dealers enabling
`them to sel. and deliver product via the Internet. This service will provide all digital delivery, security,
`collections and reporting ofthe sale of software. Throughout this process ‘t will appear to the consumer as
`ifthe transaction ‘s being processed by the manufacturer or dealer while Digital River SSS is hand-ing the
`whole transaction ‘behind the scenes’.” [sic]
`Digital River—Secure bonefedSofwareDistribution,
`hte ae 1S [DREGE],
`River wil develop and manage an onine store for MST for the purpose of offering MasterClips
`products for sale on the web site. These products wil. ‘nclude: up to 300,000
`‘MasterClips ‘mages and clipart, 40,000 images under license from Core! and assorted app:icationsfrom the
`IMSI selection ofsoftware. This store will be desigued to mirror the ‘ook andfeelof www.mastete!
`and will contain a complete commerce svsem for on:ine product detvery.” JMSIDigital River Online
`Storefor Masterclips Products Software Superstore linked fo wwwmasterclipscom, dated December 16,
`1997; [DRO00063-64]
`“(W]e provide an e-ectronic commercesolution for your website. We emulate the look and fee: of your site
`90 an ettd-uger can come in and pav for product v.a a secure credit card so-ution and dowiload the product
`directly.”Letterfrom Digital River to Kathy Haynes ofTraveling Software, dated September 11, 1997;
`August 11, 1998 Prospectus at 2 [DR074557-074636).
`Comparison of U.S, Patent No. 7,818,399 and Digital River Secure Sales System Prior Art
`Comparison of U.S. Patent No. 7,818,399 and Digital River Secure Sales System Prior Art
`RODOC39-£0] (Correspondence from Yasuo Noshiro, dated August 2, 1996);
`JSoftware, btn!wendigita‘river comepi-b.,.Al& UserReferenoe=88DE7ECTE
`Rom Scott, Inc, Software Stare,
`httpwwwd:gitalr'ver.comv/dn/v2iec MAIN Entry0?PN=18:5P=100236V1=10298: [DROGOO89];
`row Publishing Software Store,
`httpeswww,digita:tivercom'y?...c MAINEutrv9?SP=100394Ph: = [DROID
`DIP Direct Sojtware Store, intps./www.digitalriver comvdr...c MAINEntry?SP=10039PN=1&s1=;
`Innovation Multimedia Software Store,
`‘v2...c MATNEnuy9?SP=10039&PN=iksi= [DROGOO93];
`Jask Software Store,
`prod: [DROGOO94);
`North Beach L

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