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`Shopify Exhibit 1021


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`[ME com-
`to the core of another; entrust.
`3. To commit
`, to threaten .- com-I C0 _
`conmtrmims, ppart. of commiitri
`m-mltjment (ka-mit’ mom) 1:. 1. The act or
`mends" '-’. Lat. commendtin'
`: com-, com- + mauu'fire, to
`committing, esp; a. The act of rcfcrrinp :1
`+ within", to threaten; sce “mam-h] — com- miniaOto'ry “El-1’
`ruiufa-tt‘ar'r}, -tor’€-. komrtnm) ruff.
`entrust; sec man-F] —com-mend'a-ble adj. ——comv
`commutes. b. Official consignment, as toya pr:
`rnendfa-ble-ness n. —com-mendFa-bly adv. wcom-
`Com-mines (ki'J-iiitinl'), Philippe de. Sec Philippe dc Con-”n f
`gnlh’l' authorizing consignment to a prison. 2
`menfna-to'ry ndi.
`com-mln-gle (kaiiningfgal) u. glad. -inng. -gles. —irm-_$‘
`d0- 1). Something pledged, esp. an cngagcrm;
`become hlcndcd. — tr. To cause to blend together; mix
`:om-men-ua-tion [kém'au-di'shanl n. 1. The act of com~
`mi'oil'mg financial obligation. 3. The state 0
`mending. 2. Something. as an award, that commends.
`com-ml-nute (kfini'a-ntfiu’. -nyrfot’) rm. -nut-ed. mum“
`_ mJ-lotionally or intellectually to someone or so
`com-men-sal (kmmén'sai) Biol. —adj. of, relating to. or
`snutes. To reduce to powder; pulverizc.
`[Lab commiimfig'
`m-mlt'tal (ka-mit'l} n. 1. The act of entrust
`comminiir- : com-, com- + rrtfrtrrere, to lessen; sec met.“
`characterized by comrucnsalistn. —n. An organism partici-
`or an instance of committing to confincitienr
`—com’mi-nuftion N.
`pating in a commensal relationship. [ME sharing a meal <
`.' [edgtngonesclf to a particular View or positi.
`Med.Lar. conmninsrii'is : Lat. com-. com- + Lat. nirinsa, ta,
`com-mis-er-ate tkn-ufiz'a-rat') u. -at-cd. -at-ing. .a‘
`mm-mlt-tee [kaimit’éj r1. 1. A group ofpeop].
`blc.l —com'men'sal 'L‘l‘ adv.
`—1.r. To feel or express sorrow or pity for; sympathize; Wi
`$3ch to perform a function, See Usage No;
`com-men-sal-lsm (kn-inEn’sn-Itz'am) n. Biol. A symbiotic
`7 intr. To feel or express sympathy.
`[ C(Nl'IrJu'gcrfi .l
`name. Archaic. A person to whom a trus‘
`relationship between two organisms of different spec '5 in
`committed. [<2 ME committc. trustee < AN co;
`connoiscnir- : com-, cont-
`4- Jnfscrdri,
`to pity f< Ellis;
`which one derives some benefit while the other Is unaftccted.
`wretcltcd).l —com-mis’er-a'tive adj. —com-misfer.a,-"
`mmerm, ro commit < Lat. commuters. See at
`tive-ly (adv. — com'mis'er-a’tor u.
`' ‘
`corn-men-su-ra-ble [kaAmEu'sar-n-bal, -sl1:ir-) adj. 1. Mens-
`umft-tee-man (Ira-nitration, —m5n') n 1
`urable by a common standard. 2. Commensurate; propor
`com- mIs-er-a-tion [kn-miz’a-rél'sltnn) rt. The feeling m. e
`is a member of a committee. P... A man who is
`rionarc. 3. Math. Exactly divisible by the same unit an integral
`of a ward or precinct.
`prcSSion of pity or sorrow.
`number of times. Used of two quantities. [l.l.:u. conmxénsii-
`com-mls-sar [kont'i-siir') H. 1.8. An official of the Com”,
`."Iittee 0f the whole n. The whole mcnlhu
`rribii'is : Lat. com-. com-
`-i- ménsiirdbffis, measurable (<
`Hist Party in charge of political
`indoctrination and lite at?
`mislativt: body sitting as a committee to consider
`mésxinirc, to measure; see COMMF.NSUILAU-Zl.l —com-men'su-
`fotcement of party loyalty. b. The head of a commissariflt 9‘
`-rnit-tee-wom-an (ka-rnitféquTom'an) u-
`ra-bil’l-ty ir. —com-men'su-ra-bly adv.
`the Soviet Union until 1946. 2. A person who tries to com "1"
`,th IS .1 member ofn committee. 2. A woman;
`com-men-su-rate (kanuén’sar-it, -sh:ir-) adj. 1. 0f the same
`kadcr'of a ward or precinct.
`public opinion. [Rust komissrrr < Ger. Kontmissar, depul}.<
`size, extent, or duration as another. 2. Corresponding in size
` itrmmrissrirfus, agent. See rtoataussanvd
`Ito—J v. «nixed. 7mix.oi
`or degree; proportionate. 3. Measurable by a common stair
`com-mis-sar~l~at (kr‘nn’
`sarFE-it) u. ‘l. A department of
`,fmlr. F0 be or become mixed. — tr. To cause:
`(lard; cornmcnsurablc.
`[LLan convnénsfinitns : Lat. com;
`army that provides supplies. 2. A food supply. 3. A “11;!"
`Wynffll'xt, mixed < Lat. commr'xlrrs, p.part. of c
`com“ + ménsiira'rus 1: p.part. of rrtérrstirdre, to measure (<
`mix . com-, coin- + miscért', to mix; see meil
`government department in the Soviet Union until i946. [Fug
`Lat. ménstiru‘, measure; scc MMSU‘RR).] —corn-men’su-rate-
` commisszin'us, agent. See cosmonaut]
`mAmIK'tUI'e [ko-mil-ts’chor, kfi-I u. 1. TI
`[y .rdu.
`-— com-men’su-m’tlon n.
`mififlg- 2. The result of mixing; a mixture.
`com. mls-saroy (koin't-sér'E) n., pl. -ies. La. A super-mama;
`com-ment (koin’ént) H. La. A written note intended as an
`for military personnel and their dependents, usu. located on.
`wtn'deE (ko-méd’) n. 1. A [ow cabinet or clie
`explanation, an illustration, or :1 criticism of a passage in a
`military installation. 1). A store where food and cquipmcnt m'
`often elaborately decorated and use. standing or
`book or other writing; an annotation. b. A series of annota-
`sold, .15 in a mining camp. 2. A hmchroom or cafeteria,
`feet. 2.8. A movable stand or cupboard contai
`tions or explanations. 2.2:. A statement of fact or opinion, esp.
`one in a film or television studio. 3. A person to whom;
`pawl. b. A chair enclosing a Chamber pot. c.
`one that expresses a personal reaction or altitudc. b. An im-
`special duty is given by a higher authority; a (lcputy,
`wgman's ornate headdress, fashionable arounrf
`plied conclusion or judgment. 3. Talk; gossip. 4. Comp. Sci.
`cammissuric, agent
`-: h‘lctl.l.:lt. commissdrius < Lat, cont:
`‘wnmodenconvcnicnr < Lat. commodus. Sec c
`rrtisstis, entrusted. Sec matausnoud
`Text in a program that does not function in the program itself
`mm-mmdhOUs fka-tné’dé-as) adj. 1. Spac
`but is used by the programmer to explain instructions. — v.
`com-mls-sion (ko—uiisli’an) n. 1.3. The act of granting Curtain:
`.2. Archaic. Suitable; handy.
`[ME, convenient
`-ment-ed. -ment-ing. -ments. —i1r!r. 1. To make a corn—
`.mmmodrorus 1: Lat. commodns : coon, eon
`powers or the authority to carry out a particular task or duti-
`ment; remark. 2. To scrvc as a judgmental commentary. —!r.
`b. The authority so granted. C. The matter or tnsis so alillldt:
`measure.- sec med-‘_] —com-mo'dl-ous-ly
`To make comments on; annotate. [ME < [ commwrtirm,
`moral-ous-ness n.
`izcd. d. A document conferring such authorization. 23“}‘3
`interpretation < Lat, contrivallce < neur. p.parr. of commi-
`group of people officially authorized to perform certain dun];
`mm-de'I-ty (ko—méd’i—té) n., pl. 4125. 1. Son
`niscr’, to devise. See men-".1
`or functions. b. Often Commission. A ruling council within;
`.1];er on: be turned to commercial or other .l.(lVa
`Syns: comment, observation, renmrk. The central Incan-
`the Mafia. 3. The act of committing or pcrpctraling. 4. A5,:
`mid: of trade or commerce, esp. an ngrieulttn
`ing shared by these nouns is "an expression of fact, opinion,
`or percentage allowed to a sales representative or an agent for;
`that can be transported. 3. Adi-ant
`or exploitation": rm zirrpfcnsmr! confluent about me; on Of?—
`schiccs rendered. 5.3. An official document issued by :1 gm».
`4, Obsolete. A quantity,- lot. [ME commorfr‘rc .
`scrurrl'iou about the movie,- im offensive rcmrm’r.
`ernlueur, conferring ou the recipient the rank of a-commig‘.
`.rpntcrlCt: < Lat. commodirris < comm-odor co
`com-men-tar-y (kém’an-tér’él rt., pf. vies.
`'I. A series of ex—
`siuncd officer in Lhc armed forces. 1). The rank and power-559
`plantations or interpretations. 2. An expository treatise or so
`firm). -5loned. -5ion-lng. -sions. 1. To my
`ammo-dare [kém’a-ilor', rdor") n. 1.3. A for
`ries of annotations; an exegesis. Often used in the plural.
`commission to. 2. To place an order for. 3. To put [a Ship)
`nonrd rank in tile U.S. Navy that is above cnpra
`into active service. —fdfoms.
`In commission.
`In :lc‘tin'
`3. An apt explanation or illustration. 4. A personal narrative;
`.mr admiral. b. One who holds this rank. 2.2
`service. Used of :1 ship. 2. In usc or in usable couditiotl.-us
`a memoir. Often used in the plural. “com’men-tarfI-al
`'pzipliul'l of a naval squadron or merchant flcct.
`[-rirl'E-al) adj.
`commission. With :l sales commission serving as full or part
`adlng officer of a yacht club. [Obsolete common.
`com-men-tate (kam’nn-tat') v. Jarred. -tat-ing. ~tates.
`rial recompense for thc work done. out of con-intlsslnn'.
`Du. contender", commander «1 Fr. commander
`— irttr. To serve as L‘omlncntalor.
`—— far. To or
`a running
`1. Not in active Service. Used of a ship. 2. Not in use aria
`.mmndcr, to command. See moisture]
`working condition.
`I’Mli commissiumt «i Lat. conullissié;
`commentary on. [Back-formation < counmta‘ronj
`com-men-ta-tor (1:6th anitfi'tar) n. 1. A broadcaster or write
`[ammo-nus [koniFa-dns), Lucius Aelius Aurelit
`commission < commtssus, p.pan. of commiflcrc, to entrust.
`.l._. ltmpcror of Rome (180— E92) who was on
`See (:IJMMIT.I — com-mis'aion'al rl'rfj.
`or who reports and analyzes events in the news. 2. One who
`writes or delivers a commentary or commentaries.
`ntplnspiracyklcd by his mistress.
`com-mls-slon-aire (ka-rntsli'anz‘irr) u. Cbiefly British. ,1:
`7 -mon
`om'an) adj. -er. -est. 1.21. 1th
`uniformed attendant.
`[FL (Z \ffchatt. crmmtissidmirius '<
`com-merce (kom’ats'; r1. ‘I. The buying and selling of goods,
`dared equally by two or more; joint. b. g}l,:;£~.n
`Lat. commissiri, commissidn-, commission. Sec (IUMMISSIONJ
`esp. on a large scale, as between cities or nations. Sec Syns at
`.Itpmrnunity as a whole; public. See Syris at gener-
`com-mis-sioned officer [kn-mish’and) n. An officer win"
`business. 2. Intellectual exchange or social
`holds a commission and ranks as a second lieutenant or .150“!
`:l~otc to mutual. 2. Widespread; prevalent. 3.:
`3. Sexual intercourse. [FL < 0hr. < Lat. commercmm : com»,
`uently or habitually; usual. 13. Most widely l-
`com- + menu, "“371“, merchandised
`in lhc US. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps or as an ensign
`lLtry. l4.
`l-Ilaving‘no spccial designation,
`or above in the [3.5. Navy or Coast Guard.
`Com-meme City (knot-fats}. A city of N-cenrral CO, .1 siibiirh
`_ 5.3. I‘sot distingutshed by superior or notcworll
`com-mis-siou-er [ka-tnish’ainar) u. ‘l. A member of a com-
`of Dcnvcr. Pop. 16,466.
`HES; average. b. Of no special quality; standar-
`com'mer'cial (ka-mt‘ir'shal) adj. La. Of or relating; to Com-
`mission. 2. A pursuit authorized by a commission to pflfflm
`_ Dimer lIL‘ftfl'lOr qualily; SCCOHLI‘I’STC. 6. Unrcfiu
`merce. b. Engaged in commerce. 1:. Involved in work that is
`certain duties. 3. A novermnetual official in charge of it fit
`lhmanncr; vulgar. 7. Grant. it. [Either masculine
`intended for the mass market. 2. 0f, relating to, or being
`pattmcut. 4. Sports. An official selected by an athletic 3890'
`th'ndcr. b. Representing one or all of the to
`;oods, often unrcfincd. produced and distributed in large
`ciatiou or lcngue Io c‘ ercise administrative or regulatorypfl‘i‘
`155; nor designating a unique entity. ~11. 1. car
`quantities for use by industry. 3. Having profit as .1 chief aim.
`crs over it. —com-mis’5ion-er-sltip’ n.
`infill)" people; community. 2. commons.
`4. Sponsored by an advertiser or supported by advertising.
`commission merchant 1:. One that buys and sells goods (DI
`L it. An advertisement on television or radio. —com-mer'-
`3:5" or pf. v.) a. The political class composed of
`others on :1 commission basis.
`clal-ly adv.
`‘llaus: parliamentary representatives of this c
`commission plan it. Municipal government in which lcgislalfiff'
`commercial bank Jr. A bank whose principal functions are to
`v A
`O Commons. 4. A tract of land belongin;
`and atltiiinistrativc functions and powers are vested in 3“
`receive demand dcposils and make short-term Ioat
`tie ll:orntnurury as a whole. 5. The legal right of
`clcctcd commission rather titan in a mayor and city cuunf’i.
`c lands or waters of another, as for flsllli
`com-mer-ciaI-ism (ani’ir'sha-Iiz’arul fl. 1. The practices,
`com-mis-sure (koln’J-shtfilr'l )i'. 1. A lint: or place at Wh-f
`Pigdlfu-Md with rl' grog. u.) A building or ball
`methods, aims, and spirit of cornmcrcc or business. 2. Au
`two things ioiu. 2. float. a. A tract of nerve fibers P159”?
`attitude that eutpltasmcs tangible profit or success. —com'
`F [y at a uiiivcrstty or college. 7. Coin.
`from one side to the other of the spinal cord or brain. it:
`mer’cial-ist n. — com-mer'clal-ls'tlc adj.
`mid}: cs. A service usctl for a particular class
`point or surface where two parts. such as the eyelids, I0!“
`Com-mer-ciaI-izo [ka-mfir’sha-liz’) rm. -Izcd. -Iz'ing. -izv
`(mm. in common. liqually with or by all. [M
`form a connection. [ME -1 Lat. corrtmtssrim < coon-'5‘. .
`Pun-r. common < L'ir. comnni'nis. See met—1'
`es. 1. To apply business methods to for profit. 2.3. To do.
`p.p:lt'l. of cormrtfirt’re. to join. Set: CONNIE! —com'rn|5'5"
`ll‘ adv. —corn’mon-ness u.
`cxploit, or make chiefly for financial gain. I). To s;
`rificc the
`ral ed}.
`Dillon-age (fronds-nil] n. 1. '11".- riglu to ptlsl
`quality of for profit. — com-mer’cial-bza’tion [-slin-Ii-zEH-
`com-mlt [kn-Init') u. -mit-ted. -mit-ting. vrnits. —tr- 1"
`shan) in.
`’mmmon land. 2. The state of being held in E
`do, perform, or perpetrate. 2. To put in trust or c
`commercial paper n. Short-term. unsecured. discounted. and
`stiiolpnI-al-I- _y [kfim'J-nil’fvlél rr., pi. -ties. '
`trust. 3. To place officially in confincnicul or custody-‘5‘
`of a on]; With another or others of a certain
`negotiable notes sold by one company to another in order to
`consign for future use or reference or for preservation.
`attributes. 2. Sec commonality I.
`satisfy immediate cash needs.
`pilt into a place to be kept safe or to be di posud 0L E:
`man-ai-ty [kom’a-ual-rél n., pl. -tles. 1. 'u
`commercial traveler r:. A traveling sales representative.
`make known tbr: Views of (oneself) on an issue b. To _
`Id .
`com-mle also Com-mic (kom'EI ri. Informal. A Communist.
`“flit-335 opposed to the‘upper classes. 2. A body
`.is by a pledge. 7. To rcfcr [.1 legislative
`[Short for Commune]
`cxaluplc) to .l committee. 7 iritr. To pledge or obligate
`”trim Titian. 3. An entire group. [ME common.
`com-mi-na-tion (koni'a-nfi'slmul n, A formal denunciation.
`'Ilétoa (c- <. MedJnt. sommfimfffrris < LLal. con.
`own self. [Mil commuter: '4 Lat. cornmtttcn'
`-. com-s mm .
`mmunity. Sec COMMIINALI
`mittcn'. to tcnd.| — com-mit’ttvble adj.
`[ME commoracioun '1‘ Lat. ronmiinritid, cormm'uiilidrt- -.
`n bile duct n. The duct formed by the III
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