`1996 1997 1998
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`f !
`▾ Aboutthiscapture


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`1996 1997 1998
`▾ Aboutthiscapture


`* InfoHaus Seller's Guide *
`* Revised May 1, 1996 (Revision 5.03) *
`--> -------------------------------------------------------------- <--
`--> 1) For a full table of contents, send an e-mail message to: <--
`--> "" <--
`--> <--
`--> 2) For a specific chapter send an e-mail message to: <--
`--> "" <--
`--> (EXAMPLE: "" for Chapter Two) <--
`--> <--
`--> 3) For the newest InfoHaus information, visit the HelpMeister: <--
`--> <--
`--> -------------------------------------------------------------- <--
`1. About This Guide
`2. An introduction to the InfoHaus
`3. What You Need to Sell on the InfoHaus
`4. If You Encounter Problems
`5. Sources for Advanced Information
`1. About This Guide
`This Guide contains everything you need to know to get started as a
`First Virtual InfoMerchant -- how to open your store, upload your
`information products, and start doing business.
`To make the process of opening your store easier, this Guide uses the
`following conventions:
` !!! WARNINGS look like this. Read these carefully before !!!
` !!! proceeding, so that you fully understand the !!!
` !!! implications of what you're doing. !!!
` --> HELPFUL HINTS look like this. They contain tips to <--
` --> make opening your store easier, or where to go for <--
` --> more information. <--
` ==================================================================
` || STEP-BY-STEP PROCEDURES begin with headings like this. ||
` ==================================================================
` These procedures tell you exactly what to do to accomplish something.
`------------------------ (EXAMPLE START) -----------------------------
`These are examples of e-mail messages you will send to the InfoHaus. Be
`sure to format your messages *exactly* as shown, but replace the
`example's information with your own. Also, *do not* include the dashed


`"Example Start" and "Example End" lines in any message you send!
`------------------------- (EXAMPLE END) --------------------------------
`2. An Introduction to the InfoHaus
`First Virtual's InfoHaus is the world's first on-line shopping mall for
`information products.
`The InfoHaus handles all the storage, distribution, subscription lists,
`billing, and accounting for information sellers, making it possible for
`anyone with Internet access to start an on-line business. Best of all,
`it eliminates the expense and hassle of running your own server on the
`You can check your products and promotional material into the InfoHaus
`using e-mail, FTP or Telnet. Your information products are then
`available for browsing and purchase by the millions of Internet users
`worldwide. The InfoHaus is open everyday, 24 hours a day, and can be
`accessed from anywhere in the world via the World Wide Web, e-mail, or
`anonymous FTP.
`As your products are purchased, the InfoHaus automatically deducts the
`First Virtual transaction fees. The remaining proceeds are later
`deposited directly into your bank account. The additional, but very
`reasonable fees for using the InfoHaus itself are charged to your
`Buyer-activated VirtualPIN. You will be notified by e-mail as the money
`flows in!
`!!! For more information on InfoHaus fees and how Sellers are paid, !!!
`!!! be sure to read the Terms and Conditions for Sellers & InfoHaus !!!
`!!! Merchants. Request them by e-mail to "" !!!
`!!! and to "", or you may read them !!!
`!!! on-line at !!!
`If you have a talent for jokes, songs, recipes, reviews or travel tips,
`the InfoHaus can act as your "office staff" -- almost everything is done
`for you except the creative work itself! If your talent is limericks,
`you can sell a limerick-a-day subscription service for just one dollar
`per year. Persuade just a fraction of the millions of Internet users
`to subscribe, and you can quit your day job and write "Occupation:
`limerick writer" on next year's income tax return!
`First Virtual's payment system opens up the Internet as a large-scale
`market for the first time. The First Virtual InfoHaus makes it possible
`for every individual with access to a computer connected to the Internet
`to become a seller in that market. The InfoHaus gives more people than
`ever before a realistic opportunity to make their rags-to-riches dreams
`come true.
` To browse the shops that are doing business right now, you may visit
` the InfoHaus via:
` * The Web:
` * FTP:


`3. What You Need to Sell on the InfoHaus
`You need:
` 1) A connection to the Internet, at least by e-mail.
` 2) An information product -- software, recipes, text, images, audio,
` video, newsletters, etc.
` 3) Either:
` A) A Seller's VirtualPIN (account identifier) and a separate
` Buyer's VirtualPIN. (NOTE: We recommended this choice.)
` OR:
` B) A VirtualPIN activated for both buying *and* selling.
` (If you chose "B", use this VirtualPIN wherever a "Buyer's
` VirtualPIN" or a "Seller's VirtualPIN" is asked for -- they
` are one and the same.)
`You may apply for your accounts via:
` * the Web:
` * E-mail to: (an application will be
` automatically sent to you)
` * Telnet to: (login as "fv" and follow the
` on-screen instructions)
`4. If You Encounter Problems
`We've tried to make this guide straightforward and easy to use. If you
`encounter problems, here are some suggestions:
`* If you were expecting an automated e-mail message from First
` Virtual or the InfoHaus that didn't come, please wait 24 hours before
` sending your request again. The message you are waiting for is
` probably on its way.
`* If you get an error message from First Virtual or the InfoHaus,
` please read the message carefully. It should explain exactly why
` our computer did not understand the message and how you may correct
` it and try again.
`* If you get REALLY stuck, send e-mail to "" for a
` personal response from one of our customer service representatives.
` Be sure to include your Seller's VirtualPIN, your shop name (also
` referred to as your "DBA") and a complete description of the problem.
`Also, if you believe you have discovered a bug or inconsistency in the
`way the InfoHaus works, please send e-mail to ""
`describing the problem. Thank you!
`5. Sources for Advanced Information


`The InfoHaus Seller's Guide only begins to scratch the surface
`of what you can do with the First Virtual InfoHaus. After you have
`opened your shop using The Guide, you may wish to explore some of the
`advanced features of the InfoHaus.
`This InfoHaus store, which is maintained by First Virtual, contains
`everything you could ever want to know about advanced InfoHaus features.
`There is no charge for documentation downloaded from the HelpMeister.
`You may visit the HelpMeister via:
` * The Web:
` * FTP:
`The InfoHaus technical specifications can be found via:
` * The Web:
` * FTP:
`====================== END GUIDE #1 =================================
`Copyright (c) 1996 First Virtual Holdings Incorporated. All rights
`reserved in the United States and other countries throughout the
`world. First Virtual and InfoHaus are trademarks of First Virtual
`Holdings Incorporated. You may freely redistribute this document in
`any form, as long as you distribute it in its entirety, including this
`copyright notice.


`* InfoHaus Seller's Guide *
`* Revised May 1, 1996 (Revision 5.03) *
`--> -------------------------------------------------------------- <--
`--> 1) For a full table of contents, send an e-mail message to: <--
`--> "" <--
`--> <--
`--> 2) For a specific chapter send an e-mail message to: <--
`--> "" <--
`--> (EXAMPLE: "" for Chapter Two) <--
`--> <--
`--> 3) For the newest InfoHaus information, visit the HelpMeister: <--
`--> <--
`--> -------------------------------------------------------------- <--
`1. Communicating with the InfoHaus
`2. InfoHaus E-Mail Basics
`3. Formatting Your Messages -- Left Justification
`4. Formatting Your Messages -- Using Examples
`5. Formatting Your Message -- Field Names
`1. Communicating with the InfoHaus
`As an InfoMerchant, you will need to communicate with the InfoHaus on a
`regular basis to set up your shop, upload products, set your prices,
`change descriptions, etc.
`Opening and maintaining your shop can be done by Telnet, FTP or e-mail.
` Telnet:
` FTP:
` Web:
` e-mail:
`In the chart below, "X" means that the method is available for a given
`InfoHaus task, and "XXX" means that the method is probably the easiest and
`fastest way to accomplish the task.
`METHOD: Telnet E-Mail FTP WWW
`Opening your shop XXX X
`Uploading a product X XXX
`Checking in a product XXX X
`Visiting your shop X X XXX
`Making changes to your shop description X
`Removing a product from your shop XXX


`Section 2. InfoHaus E-Mail Basics
` The address of the InfoHaus e-mail server is:
` ""
` Case does not matter -- "mimeserver" and "MIMEserver" are the same.
` It does not matter what you put in the subject lines of your messages.
` They will be ignored by the InfoHaus MIME server. We suggest, however,
` that you add a subject line that will help you recognize your message
` later.
` Messages to the InfoHaus e-mail server make use of MIME -- a commonly
` used way to put files into an e-mail message and tell the receiving
` computer what to do with them. You do not have to understand MIME to
` use the InfoHaus, but you do have to make sure your messages are
` formatted correctly.
`!!! E-mail messages to the InfoHaus are processed by a computer, so !!!
`!!! be sure to check them carefully. They must be formatted EXACTLY !!!
`!!! as shown in this guide and everything must be spelled correctly. !!!
`!!! If not, you will receive an error message asking you to correct !!!
`!!! the errors and send your message again. !!!
`3. Formatting Your Messages -- Left Justification
`Every message to the InfoHaus *must* be left-justified. There should be no
`leading spaces at the start of any line, with one possible exception:
`Messages sent to the InfoHaus contain "Content-Type" lines which tell the
`InfoHaus how to process the message. If you cannot fit a "Content-Type" on
`a single line, you may break the line after the semicolon (;), but you
`MUST start the second line with a space.
`Content-Type: application/fv-infohaus;transaction=newseller-request
` is exactly the same as:
`Content-Type: application/fv-infohaus;
` transaction=newseller-request
`4. Formatting Your Messages -- Using Examples
`When creating messages using the "step-by-step" methods in this guide, be
`sure to carefully compare your messages to the examples. Examples are
`contained between starting and ending lines:


`------------------------ (EXAMPLE START) -------------------------------
` Example e-mail message
`------------------------- (EXAMPLE END) ---------------------------------
`You may also "Cut and Paste" from an example into the body of your e-mail
`message, and then replace the example's information with your own.
`!!! Do NOT include the "EXAMPLE START" and "EXAMPLE END" lines in !!!
`!!! any message to the InfoHaus. This will cause an error message. !!!
`5. Formatting Your Messages -- Fields
`Every e-mail message you send to the InfoHaus will contain fields. The
`following example contains "Doing-Business-As" and "Account-ID" fields:
`------------------------ (EXAMPLE START) -------------------------------
`Doing-Business-As: Your Business Name
`Account-ID: Your Seller's VirtualPIN
`------------------------- (EXAMPLE END) ---------------------------------
`Each field name must begin at the *left margin* and be followed by a colon
`and a space. Everything after the colon in our examples should be replaced
`by YOUR information.
`For example, if your shop name is Software By Joe, and your Seller's
`VirtualPIN is glue-joesellsgoodstuff, the above example should be changed
`to this:
`------------------------ (EXAMPLE START) -------------------------------
`Doing-Business-As: Software By Joe
`Account-ID: glue-joesellsgoodstuff
`------------------------- (EXAMPLE END) ---------------------------------
`====================== END GUIDE #2 ==================================
`Copyright (c) 1996 First Virtual Holdings Incorporated. All rights
`reserved in the United States and other countries throughout the
`world. First Virtual and InfoHaus are trademarks of First Virtual
`Holdings Incorporated. You may freely redistribute this document in
`any form, as long as you distribute it in its entirety, including this
`copyright notice.


`* InfoHaus Seller's Guide *
`* Revised May 1, 1996 (Revision 5.03) *
`--> -------------------------------------------------------------- <--
`--> 1) For a full table of contents, send an e-mail message to: <--
`--> "" <--
`--> <--
`--> 2) For a specific chapter send an e-mail message to: <--
`--> "" <--
`--> (EXAMPLE: "" for Chapter Two) <--
`--> <--
`--> 3) For the newest InfoHaus information, visit the HelpMeister: <--
`--> <--
`--> -------------------------------------------------------------- <--
`1. Before You Proceed
`2. How to Open Your Shop
`3. Changing Your Shop Description
`4. Adding A Brief Description
`5. Making Your Shop Invisible
`6. Removing Your Shop
`1. Before you Proceed
`You need either:
` A) A Seller's VirtualPIN (account identifier) and a separate
` Buyer's VirtualPIN. (recommended)
` OR:
` B) A VirtualPIN activated for both buying *and* selling.
` (If you chose "B", use this VirtualPIN wherever a "Buyer's
` VirtualPIN" or a "Seller's VirtualPIN" is asked for -- they
` are one and the same.)
` --> If you have an activated Buyer's VirtualPIN, but not <--
` --> an activated Seller's VirtualPIN, you can still complete <--
` --> the steps in this chapter. Use your Buyer's VirtualPIN <--
` --> for opening your store, but be sure to activate the <--
` --> *same* VirtualPIN for selling as well. Any money from <--


` --> your sales will be held until your account is activated <--
` --> for selling. <--
`2. How to Open Your Shop
`When you open your new shop, the InfoHaus will automatically:
` * Generate your Web page.
` * Create a storage area for your products.
` * List your store in the InfoHaus directories for Buyers to see.
`There are two ways to open your shop:
` 1) Telnet (Procedure 3A -- we recommend this method if you have one
` VirtualPIN activated for both Buying and Selling).
` 2) By e-mail (Procedure 3B -- we recommend this method if you have
` separate Buyer's and Seller's VirtualPINs).
`Either way, you'll need the following information:
`(A) Your business name (also referred to as your "DBA" or
`"Doing-Business-As"). This is the name that buyers will see at the top
`of your InfoHaus Web page and in the FTP directory. (NOTE: Anything but
`alphanumerics, periods and underscores will be removed; spaces will be
`replaced by underscores. EXAMPLE: Bab's Blue Ribbon Beer will become
`(B) Your Seller's VirtualPIN (also referred to as your "Account-ID").
` For obvious security reasons, Buyers will *never* see your
` VirtualPIN.
`(C) The e-mail address that is linked to your Seller's VirtualPIN.
`(D) Your Buyer's VirtualPIN (also referred to as your "Bill-To-ID"). If
` you have just one VirtualPIN activated for both buying and selling,
` this will be the same as your Seller's VirtualPIN.
`(E) Your preferred currency. Right now the only choice is "USD" (for
` United States dollars). In the future, we plan to support other
` currencies.
`(F) The language you wish the InfoHaus to use when communicating with
` you. Right now the only choice is "EN" (for English). In the future,
` we intend to make other languages available.
`(G) A descriptive paragraph about your business. This is the first text
` Buyers see when they enter your shop. You may modify this later
` and even add HTML formatting (see Chapter 5 for HTML information).
` Learn secret recipes from Babs and her family of micro-brewers,
` including traditional beer recipes and unusual family favorites.


` ======================================================
` ======================================================
`(1) Open a Telnet connection to:
`(2) Log in as "ih" (no password is required).
`(3) If you have an X11 windowing interface, answer "y" when asked,
` and press RETURN; otherwise, answer "n" and press RETURN.
`A menu will appear with several choices:
`(4) Type 'N' to register as a new InfoHaus merchant. Press RETURN.
`(5) Carefully follow the on-screen instructions and enter the requested
` information.
`(6) You will then be shown your shop information to proof-read. If
` you would like to change anything, press "E" to Edit. Otherwise,
` press "S" to Send.
`(7) As the final step, enter your e-mail address when asked. When your
` shop is open, we will send you an e-mail confirmation message.
`Once your shop is open, be sure to visit the InfoHaus and proof-read
`your shop name and description.
` ========================================================
` ========================================================
`(1) Start a new message to "". It does not matter
` what you put in the subject line.
`(2) The first line of the body of your message tells the InfoHaus that
` you are opening a new shop. The first line must start at the
` *left margin* and be *exactly* this:
`Content-Type: application/fv-infohaus;transaction=newseller-request
` --> IMPORTANT: If you have to break the Content-Type <--
` --> line into two lines, separate it after the semi-colon. <--
` --> The second line *must* start with a space. <--
`(3) Press RETURN to create a blank line.
`(4) Next, type the following information, but replace Bab's information
`with YOUR information. Each line must start at the *left* margin:
`Doing-Business-As: Babs Blue Ribbon Beer
`Preferred-Currency: USD
`Account-ID: tire-Ilovebeer
`Bill-To-ID: duke-Ilovetobuybeer


`--> The "Account-ID" is your Seller's VirtualPIN; the "Bill-To-ID is <--
`--> your Buyer's VirtualPIN. If they are the same, you may omit the <--
`--> "Bill-To-ID" line. <--
`(5) Press RETURN to create a blank line.
`(6) Type in a descriptive paragraph about your business. This is the
` first text Buyers will see when they enter your shop. You may add
` more text, and even HTML formatting later (see Chapter 5 for HTML
` information).
`!!! IMPORTANT: Any text added after the blank line (4) will be added !!!
`!!! to your descriptive paragraph! DO NOT send your signature file at !!!
`!!! the end of this message! !!!
`(7) When you are finished, make sure that your message looks something
` like this example, and that everything appears correct (do *not*
` include the dashed EXAMPLE lines):
`------------------------ (EXAMPLE START) -----------------------------
`Content-Type: application/fv-infohaus;transaction=newseller-request
`Doing-Business-As: Your Shop Name
`Preferred-Currency: USD
`Account-ID: Your Seller's VirtualPIN
`EMail-Address: Your e-mail address
`Bill-To-ID: Your Buyer's VirtualPIN
`This is the descriptive paragraph where you tell why your shop is the
`best and why people should buy your products and make you rich!
`-------------------------- (EXAMPLE END) ------------------------------
`(8) Finally, send your message. When your shop is open, we will send you
` an e-mail confirmation message.
`Once your shop is open, be sure to visit the InfoHaus and proof-read your
`shop name and description.
`3. Changing Your Shop Description
` =========================================================
` =========================================================
`(1) Start a new message to "". It does not matter
` what you put in the subject line.
`(2) The first line of the body of your message tells the InfoHaus that
` you are modifying your shop. The first line must start at the
` *left margin* and be *exactly* this:


`Content-Type: application/fv-infohaus;
` transaction=seller-modification-request
` --> IMPORTANT: If you have to break the Content-Type line <--
` --> into two lines (as we just did), separate it after <--
` --> the semi-colon. The second line *must* start with a <--
` --> space. <--
`(3) Press RETURN to create a blank line.
`(4) Next, type the following information, but replace Bab's information
` with YOUR information. Each line must start at the *left* margin:
`Doing-Business-As: Babs Blue Ribbon Beer
`Account-ID: tire-Ilovebeer
`(5) Press RETURN to create a blank line.
`(6) Type in your new descriptive paragraph. This is the first
` text Buyers will see when they enter your shop. (To add HTML
` to your descriptive paragraph, see Chapter 5).
` !!! IMPORTANT: Any text added after the blank line (4) will be !!!
` !!! added to your descriptive paragraph! DO NOT send a signature !!!
` !!! file at the end of this message! !!!
`(7) When you are finished, make sure that your message looks something
` like this example, and that everything appears correct (do *not*
` include the dashed EXAMPLE lines):
`------------------------ (EXAMPLE START) ------------------------------
`Content-Type: application/fv-infohaus;
` transaction=seller-modification-request
`Doing-Business-As: Your Shop Name
`Account-ID: Your Seller's VirtualPIN
`This is your NEW descriptive paragraph where you tell why your shop is
`the best and why people should buy your products and make you rich!
`------------------------- (EXAMPLE END) --------------------------------
`(8) Finally, send your message. When your description has been changed,
` we will send you an e-mail confirmation message.
`To be sure the change is correct, please visit your shop on the InfoHaus.
`(Please remember that updates may take from 15 minutes to several hours
`if the InfoHaus is unusually busy.)
`4. Adding a Brief Description
`You can submit a brief, one-line description of what you sell (in
`straight ASCII, no HTML) which will appear below your business name on
`the by-seller Web page of the InfoHaus. For example:


` Babs Blue Ribbon Beer
` Secret recipes from Babs micro-brewery!
` =========================================================
` =========================================================
`(1) Start a new message to "". It does not matter
` what you put in the subject line.
`(2) The first line of the body of your message tells the InfoHaus that
` you are modifying your shop. The first line must start at the
` *left margin* and be *exactly* this:
`Content-Type: application/fv-infohaus;
` transaction=seller-modification-request
` --> IMPORTANT: If you have to break the Content-Type line <--
` --> into two lines (as we just did), separate it after <--
` --> the semi-colon. The second line *must* start with a <--
` --> space. <--
`(3) Press RETURN to create a blank line.
`(4) Next, type the following information, but replace Bab's information
` with YOUR information. Each line must start at the *left* margin:
`Doing-Business-As: Babs Blue Ribbon Beer
`Account-ID: tire-Ilovebeer
`Brief-Description: Secret recipes from Bab's micro-brewery!
` !! IMPORTANT: DO NOT send your signature file at the end of your !!
` !! message! !!
`(5) When you are finished, make sure that your message looks something
` like this example, and that everything appears correct (do *not*
` include the dashed EXAMPLE lines):
`------------------------ (EXAMPLE START) ------------------------------
`Content-Type: application/fv-infohaus;
` transaction=seller-modification-request
`Doing-Business-As: Your Business Name
`Account-ID: Your Seller's VirtualPIN
`Brief-Description: Your one-line description
`------------------------- (EXAMPLE END) --------------------------------
`(6) Finally, send your message. When your brief description has been
` changed, we will send you an e-mail confirmation message.
`To be sure the change is correct, please visit your shop on the InfoHaus.
`(Updates may take from 15 minutes to several hours if the InfoHaus is


`unusually busy.)
`SECTION 5. Making Your Shop Invisible
`You may make your shop "invisible" so that buyers do not see it while you
`are working on it. To do this, follow PROCEDURE 3D above, but set your
`brief description to:
`Brief-Description: INVISIBLE
`Your shop will no longer appear in any InfoHaus Web page listing. It
`still be accessible, however, by FTP, e-mail, and by anyone who knows
`its URL.
`To make your shop visible again, follow PROCEDURE 3D above, and make your
`brief description anything other than "INVISIBLE".
`SECTION 6: Removing Your Shop
`!! You cannot remove your shop unless it is empty. You must first !!
`!! delete all of your information products, as explained in !!
`!! Chapter Four.
` =======================================================
` =======================================================
`(1) Start a new message to "". It does not matter
` what you put in the subject line.
`(2) The first line of the body of your message tells the InfoHaus that

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