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`Bradfum Technologies LLC
`J Home
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`Bradium Technologies LLC Is a technology licensing company that owns three patents - U.S. Patent Nos.
`7,139,794 , 7,644,131 and 7,908,343 - directed to optimizing image delivery over limited bandwidth
`communications channels.
`The inventions covered by these patents are related to network-based Image distribution systems and,
`in particular, to systems and methods for efficiently selecting and distributing image parcels through a
`narrowband or limited bandwidth communications channel to support presentations of high-resolution
`Images subject to dynamic viewing frustrums (points of interest}.
`Bradlum Technologies was established to further develop - and to commercialize and monetize - the
`technology covered by these three patents. Bradium Technologies is a subsidiary of General Patent
`Corporation (GPC}, a leading patent monetization firm, and General Patent is Bradium Technologies'
`managing partner and exclusive licensing agent.
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`Unified Patents Inc. v. Bradium Technologies LLC
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`2014 2015 2017
`.., A~ 1tull oootun"
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`Privacv by B" SafeSUbscril:JeSM
`Related Companies
`General Patent Corporation
`IP Holdings LLC
`About Bradium Technologies
`Bradium Technologies LLC owns three U.S. Patents that cover the optimization of image delivery of
`limited bandwlth communications channels:
`U.S. Patent No. 7,139,794 ·system and Method for Network Image Delivery with Dynamic Viewing
`Frustrum Optimized for Limited Bandwidth Communication
`U.S. Patent No. 7,644,131: "Optimized Image Delivery Over
`Limited Bandwidth Communication Channels"
`• U.S. Patent No. 7,908,343 "Optimized Image Delivery Over
`Limited Bandwidth Communication Channels"
`The technology covered by this portfolio is related to network(cid:173)
`based image distribution systems and, in particular, to systems
`and methods for efficiently selecting and distributing Image
`parcels through narrowband or limited bandwidth communications
`channels In support of the presentation of high-resolution images ~~ ..
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`subject to dynamic viewing frustrums (points of interest}.
`The inventors of these patents were the first to architect a system ~ _.
`..::. " ~ '-.,.
`to allow bandwidth-efficient viewing of large images, such as maps
`or satellite images, on bandwidth limited devices, such as
`cellphones. The inventors were the first to combine multi-
`resolution tiling, caching, and priority based retrieval to create this system.
`The application of this technology is to view mapping software and online mapping services on cell
`phones, smartphones, PDAs and other devices, allowing users to locate distinct geographic landmarks.
`Bradium Technologies was established to further develop this technology, expand its uses and
`applications, and, ultimately, commercialize and monetize this patent portfolio.
`Bradium Technologies LLC is a subsidiary of General Patent Corporation, a leading patent monetization
`firm, that is Bradium's managing partner and exclusive licensing agent.
` l 50803094143/ 8/24/2018
`Bradium Exhibit 2014
`Unified Patents Inc. v. Bradium Technologies LLC
`Page 2 of 6


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`Page I of I
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`<1111 03
`2 captures
`2014 2015 2017
`• Ab:..1...1 this t.a ure
`About Us
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`PriVaoy by B"SafeSUbscribe"'
`Related Companies
`Bradium Technologies Patent
`Bradium Technologies LLC owns a three-patent portfolio directed to optimizing Image delivery over
`limited bandwidth communications channels.
`• U.S. Patent No. 7,139,794, "System and Method for Network Image Delivery with Dynamic Viewing
`Frustrum Optimized for Limited Bandwidth Communication Channels," Is directed to a parcel rendering
`system displaying tiled graphics with an assigned priority. This patent was ff led on December 24, 2001
`and issued on November 21, 2006. It has two Independent daims. CIiek here for a .pdf of this patent.
`U.S. Patent No. 7,644,131, "Optimized Image Delivery Over Limited Bandwidth Communication
`Channels," is directed to the display of large images over a limited bandwidth communications network by
`rendering smaller Image parcels of a fixed size, constrained to a resolution less than or equal to that at a
`dient device. This patent was filed on December 24, 2001 and issued on January S, 2010. The patent has
`11 daims, one of which Is Independent. Olck here for a .pdf of this patent.
`U.S. Patent No. 7,908,343, "Optimized Image Delivery Over Limited Bandwidth Communication
`Channels," is a continuation of the '131 patent and is directed to the display of large Images over a limited
`bandwidth communications network by rendering smaller image parcels of a fixed size at the dient device,
`such as a cell phone. This patent was filed on November 16, 2009 and issued on March 15, 2011. This
`patent has 20 dalms, two of which are independent. Oick here for a .pdf of this patent.
`The exclusive licensing agent for these patents Is General Patent Corporation.
`I General Patent Corporation
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` l 50803094241/ 8/24/2018
`Bradium Exhibit 2014
`Unified Patents Inc. v. Bradium Technologies LLC
`Page 3 of 6


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`Page 1 of 1
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`.. 03 ~
`2014 2015 2017
`JA"g20l ~ ~17
`About Us
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`Contact Us
`Further Information on Bradium Technologies is available by contacting us:
`Bradium Technologies LLC
`75 Montebello Road
`Suffern, NY 08889-3746
`Attn: Director of Licensing
`phone: +1 (845) 368 4000 Ext. 107
`Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Eastern Time (Greenwich-5)
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`Related Companies
`General Patent Corporation
`IP Holdings LLC
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`Bradium Exhibit 2014
`Unified Patents Inc. v. Bradium Technologies LLC
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`~ 02 ~
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`Related Companies
`General Patent Corporation
`IP Holdings LLC
`Acticon Technologies LLC
`Advanced card Technologies LLC
`Advanced Video Technologies LLC
`Blemel Technologies LLC
`Data Dlsbibution Technologies LLC
`Deep Green Wireless LLC
`Digital Technology Ucensing LLC
`Disk Authoring Technologies LLC
`Forward Technologies LLC
`Hearing Specialties LLC
`IDN Technologies LLC
`IYM Technologies LLC
`Image Processing Technologies LLC
`Kamatanl Cloud LLC
`LaserDynamics LLC
`LaserDynamics USA
`Medisyn Technologies LLC
`Moen Technologies LLC
`Playtipus LLC
`Ryogen, LLC
`Trounson Automation LLC
`VoIP Dynamic LLC
`W'Hlgetech llC
`Wytec LLC
`The following links are presented as a useful resource and are not endorsed by our company.
`U.S. Copyright Office
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`European Patent Office
`American Bar Association Section of Intellectual Property Law
`American Innovators for Patent Reform (AIPR)
`American Intellectual Property Lawyers Association
`Austin Intellectual Property Law Association
`Boston Patent Law Association
`Chartered Institute of Patent Agents
`Columbia Sdence and Technology Law Review
`Copyright Clearance Center
`Franklin Pierce Law Center Intellectual Property Mall
`Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO)
`Intellectual Property Society of Australia and New Zealand
`International Intellectual Property Institute
`Licensing Executives Society International (LESI)
`Licensing Executives Society US/Canada (LES)
`Mason IPLS
`National Association of Patent Practitioners
`National Inventor Fraud Center, Inc.
`Patent and Trademark Office Society (PTOS)
` ... 8/24/2018
`Bradium Exhibit 2014
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`LUI.KS J nrauium 1 e1,;nnu1og1es
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