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`Thereby certify that this paper and the documents and/or fees referred to
`un SS
`as attached therein are being deposited with the United States Postal
`Service on November 18, 1998 in an envelope as “Express Mail Post
`First Named Inventor: Jeffrey W. Loomans
`a> ==
`Office to Addressee” service under 37 CFR §1.10, Mailing Label
`a ==ea-:
`Number EL100012885USto the Assistant Commissionerfor Patents,
`a= .
`782. SS:
`wie SS
`Do ——
`Assistant C
`for Patent
`ssistant Commissioner for Patents
`Box Provisional Patent Application
`Washington, DC 20231
`[X] Duplicate for
`Duplicate for
`fee processin
`This is a request for filing a PROVISIONAL APPLICATION under 37 CFR 1.53(c).
`San Francisco, CA JEFFREY
`TITLE OF INVENTION(280 characters max
`510) 843-6200
`23 Small Entity Statement
`Joseph M. Villeneuve
`P.O. Box 61059
`Palo Alto, CA 94306
`_X Specification
`Numberof Pages
`Numberof Sheets
`Other (specify)
`X_ A check or moneyorder is enclosed to cover the Provisional filing fees.
`Provisional Filing Fee Amount ($)150
`X_The commissioneris hereby authorized to charge any additional fees which
`may be requiredor credit any overpayment to Deposit Account No. 50-0388
`(Order No. ONLIP001+).
`The inventions made by an agency of the United States Government or under a contract with an agency of the United States Government.
`Yes, the name of the U.S. Government agency and the contract numberare:
`Respectfully Submitted,
`joseph M.Villeneuve
`Vitt_—______ DATE November 18, 1998
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1015
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1015


`11-18-1998 12:49PM FROM ONLINK 4153257329
`6© 0n-Link
`Leveraging the Web:Architecture Matters
`The Internet and Web technology are prompting organizations to
`reengineertheir business processes, especially in the area of electronic
`commerce. Early e-commerce pioneers selected a shopping cart modelfor
`selling straightforward products like books, CDs, and flowers. Products
`with multiple options require a more sophisticated on-line selling
`application that replicates many of the characteristics of a real sales
`A Web-basedsales consultant drives selling knowledgecloserto the point
`of sale, increasing revenuefrom existing sales channels while opening an
`entirely new web-based sales channel. A Web-native architectureis critical
`to successful implementation of a Web-based sales consultant. This
`architecture must provide forflexibility, scalability, and cost effective
`The Evolution of the World Wide Web
`The Internet originated as a technology in the 1970’s designed to reliably send electronic
`information across a wide-area computer network. The development of LYNX,enabled
`the sharing of information between computer savvy individuals.
`Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) madethe Internet usable for the mass market. In
`its infancy, HTML was used to share information such as stock reports, product
`catalogues, and baseball scores. With the advent of Common Gateway Interface and
`application servers, information locked inside corporate computer systems became
`widely accessible.
`Today, the Internet is evolving from an information resource to a medium which
`performssophisticated sales, support and customer service functions. Organizations are
`reforming themselves as e-commerce gains widespread acceptance.
`On-Link Technologies, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential
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`11-18-1988 12:5@PM
`FROM ONLINK 4153257329
`Expanding Sales Channels with a Web-based Sales Consultant
`A Web-basedsales consultant works 24 hours a day, provides 100% geographic
`coverage, with no need fortraining and no sick days or vacation. It can be your most
`valued sales representative. A Web-based sales consultant increases revenue by driving
`dynamic selling knowledge--part numbers, descriptions,prices, illustrations, and
`configurations closer to the point of sale. By doing so, the application increases the
`efficiency of existing sales channels, improves customer service and opensan entirely
`new websales channel—all while reducing expenses.
`A Web-based sales consultant provides complete selling knowledge shortening sales
`cycles and expanding sales coverage. With access to information at any time, from
`virtually anywhere in the world, sales people spend less time generating quotes and more
`time developing profitable “face time”relationships. Value addedresellers and
`distributors can also re-brand the online sales consultant and post the sales application to
`their own Website, making them morelikely to showcase your products.
`A Web-based sales consultant improves your telesales channel efficiency as well. By
`providing customers with pre-order information that guides them to an optimal
`configuration, (including cross-selling and up-selling) customerservice is improved and
`order call times are reduced.
`Not only does the Webincrease sales for existing channels,it provides the rare
`opportunity to open an entirely new sales channel. The Web helps you reach traditionally
`uneconomical users, while satisfying the expectations of a new class of Internet savvy
`customers. Orders tend to flow to the companythat offers the easiest and most customer-
`friendly purchasing process. A Web channel makesthat happen.
`Technical Criteria for a Web Sales Channel
`On-Link Technologies, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential
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`11-18-1998 12:58PM FROM ONLINK 4153257329
`Many companies are using the Webtosell simple products. Dell™ and Cisco™ have
`proven that complex products can be configured and sold on-line--albeit at high
`application development and maintenance costs. Selecting the right technology solution
`to deliver on the promise of a Web-based sales consultant requires an analysis of the
`application’s ability to fulfill the role of sales and sales support. The application must
`also provide for flexibility, scalability and cost effective administration.
`Internal and externalflexibility
`In order for an on-line sales consultant to easily deploy to your entire organization,it
`must be based on open standards. For general availability to customers with different
`client configurations,it needs to be flexible enough to run in any of the browsers
`currently in widespread use, without the requirement of plug-ins. Your on-line sales agent
`must function in different environments; whether on an Intranet, extranet, within other
`applications, or with disconnected users. For users, execution should require a simple
`click on a hyperlink. Additionally, the application should be flexible enough to run
`through firewalls without any additional configuration.
`Anticipating Growth
`Web-based applications are typically associated with an indeterminate number of
`concurrent users makingit difficult to predict scaling costs. The application’s architecture
`affects the cost of the hardware on whichit operates,.and impacts performance when
`responding to users’ requests.
`Creation and maintenance expenses
`During andafter the sale, administration costs affect an organization’s profitability. In the
`competitive on-line marketplace, time to marketis critical. An application that takes
`months and a team of programmers to add a new product is unacceptable.
`A Web-based sales consultant and supporting tools must inter-operate within an
`organization’s current infrastructure. To guarantee integration with existing and future
`On-Link Technologies, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential
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`11-18-1998 12:51PM FROM ONLINK 4153257329
`~{ ;
`systems, the application must be based on open standards. In addition, support tools need
`to aid in the integration between enterprise systems and the new web channel.
`The application should be modular allowing for division of implementation tasks such as
`the user interface, the configuration information, andthe selling knowledge. The user
`interface should be customizabie and integrate within an existing website.
`Maintaining current and accurate selling information for use within the application is
`essential. Maintenance tools should be easy to use and require minimal overhead from
`the JS department.
`Real Sales Functionality
`Configuration alone is not enough to enable a new Websales channel. A few modeling
`languages and applications are capable of handling the configuration of complex
`products. However, they do verylittle to fulfill the role of a salesperson, including the
`ability to adopt the buyer’s perspective, perform a needs assessment,cross-sell and up-
`sell products such as support and training.
`An application’s responsivenessis critical to delivering sales functionality. Buyers
`becomedissatisfied with software that functions well but responds slowly. For
`widespread acceptance, the application must downloadandstart-up in no more than a few
`seconds, even over a low bandwidth connection. Page latency among product families
`must be sub-second as opposed to sub-minute.
`On-Point Sales™
`On-Link’s comerstone application.addresses the demands of the new Websales channel.
`Through a revolutionary technology, the On-Point Micro-Engine, employed within a
`modular application On-Link enable the Web as a new sales channel.
`On-Link Technologies, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential
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`11-18-1998 12:51PM FROM ONLINK 4153257329
`Qo in
`Client-side Application
`' To provide speed and scalablity, On-Point Sales’ single tier application runs inside a Web
`browser. The end-user downloads the entire application at runtime, generally embedded
`within a corporate website. The initial download for the application is approximately 5
`kilobytes. The application bootstrapsitself through additional loads while the
`surrounding websiteis still transferring, and once approximately SOKB ofadditional
`application codeis resident, start-up time takes only a second or two. Users are freed
`from slow modem speeds, the latency of the Internet, CGI processes, or web-server
`bottlenccks. The user interface, code, and product information, for an entire prodeuct
`configuration session is approximately 100 kilobytes - equivalent to the size ofa large
`corporate logo image - with loading time distributed across the entire session so that the
`user never experiences significant delays.
`On-Link offers a scalable solution through this thin Web-client architecture. The Web
`server must be capable of serving 100 kilobytesof traffic per user session, a task any
`corporate Web server can easily handle.
`On-Link’s Websales application is also deployable. Because the application runs in a
`browser with no serverside processes, the same application can be deployed on a
`companyintranet and extranet, as well as on disconnected clients. Being Web-based,
`yourresellers can link to the application, or host it themselves.
`Modular Architecture
`The application is divided into three modules: the User Interface layer, the Data layer,
`and the Micro-Engine. As with today’s advanced three tier applications, the modular
`design allows for ease of implementation and maintenance. Our deploymentof the
`modular application to the client provides for unmatched scalability and speed.
`(insert architectural graphic of On-Point Sales™)
`On-Link Technologies, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential
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`11-18-1998 12:52PM FROM ONLINK 4153257329
`The UserInterface layer is written in standard HTML and can be created and maintained
`with any HTML authoring tool. The user interface can be made to match the existing
`look and feel of a website or an internal application. Through the Micro-Engine, multiple
`interfaces can access a common data layer.
`Data Layer
`The data layer stores product information such as configuration and rules; exception, up-
`selling, and cross-selling information; pricing and part numbers. This information is
`represented as relational data and can be stored in a standard ASCItextfile. Relational
`table modeling, and an engine that permits creation of sparse data schemas, ensure the
`data for any given configurable product is on the order of 20 kilobytes. Additionally, the
`application performsintelligent page-fetching so that downloading occurs in the
`Data is modularized by each individual product line. This allows small file sizes to
`download, makes team implementation and maintenance easier, and makes phased
`implementation possible.
`On-Point Micro-Engine
`The application’s Micro-Engine joins the user interface and the data layer. This Web
`distributed application engine is maintained by On-Link engineers to provide browser
`compatibility and application upgrades. The Micro-Engine handles four primary tasks:
`Client-side HTML generation, product configuration, event handling, and purchasing and
`session information generation.
`Client-side HTML Generation
`The Micro-Engine dynamically creates the form componentsof the user interface. While
`looking identical to standard pull-downlists, radio-buttons, and scroll-boxes, these UI
`components are much more functional. Their contents are dynamically generated by
`On-Link Technologies, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential
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`11-18-1998 12:52PM FROM ONLINK 4153257329
`interpreting the data files. If desired, the contents themselves can change according to
`previous actions within the application. As a user modifies selections, this information is
`instantly conveyed to the Micro-Engine so that configuration validation can proceed.
`With each user selection, the Micro-engine performs a complete configuration validation
`in sub-second time so that any misconfiguration is immediately trapped. This speed is
`possible because On-Point Sales’ unique Web-native architecture does not require slow
`and resource intensive server-side processing.
`Event Handling
`Whenusers makea valid selection, they see their current configuration including
`dynamic system diagrams, current pricing information, and product pictures. When the
`user selects an unavailable configuration, the Micro-Engine provides an immediate
`context sensitive message and guides the userto valid products. This unique exception
`handling provides you with up-selling and cross-selling opportunities as users are
`directed to available selections.
`Purchasing and Session Information Generation
`When the customer proceeds with a sale, the Micro-Engine has predefined functions that
`allow it to generate a custom quote, a multi-line purchase order, or a bill of materials.
`These can be printed or electronically delivered to an order entry system or otherback-
`office system for an end-to-end e-commerce solution.
`Architecture Matters
`On-Link’s On-Point Sales’ unique architecture works well because it is designed as a
`web deployed solution, as compared to other solutions that are modified client-server
`products requiring server side processes. By running inside a browser, On-Point sales
`can be deployed on a stand-alone client for a remote sales force, on your intranet for use
`by customer support, engineers, and telesales, and on the Internet for use by customers
`and resellers.
`On-Link Technologies, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential
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`11-18-1988 12:53PM FROM ONLINK 4153257329
`Products with heavy server side components, require expensive hardware in order to
`scale and administer. Server-side processing adversely impacts the user experience in that
`it does not allow dynamic feedback during configuration. Users complete a form, submit
`it, wait for transmission and server processing, and then receive a response. The number
`of concurrent users, the system's tuning, and the amountof server-side processing power
`all impact response times.
`On-Link’s On-Point Sales™ gives dynamic sub-second feedback as it guides them to a
`valid configuration.
`The application’s architecture also impacts the speed of development and maintenance.
`On-Link’s solution does not require any code modification to change configuration logic.
`Westore the relevant data, metadata, and logic in our dataset with no coding required,
`reducing maintenance costs.
`The evolutionof the Internetinto a sales channel provides the opportunity to push selling
`knowledge deep into existing sales channels, generating more revenue at a lower cost.
`Makingthe right choice for the technology and applications you select to addressthis
`channel]will have a significant impact on your organization’s profitability.
`While client-server technologies can be ported to the Web, they remain constrained by
`legacy architectures. On-Link's on-line sales consultant not only provides configuration
`capabilities, it also perform needs analysis, cross-selling, and up-selling all in a Web-
`native architecture. Web-native is the only way to build an application thatis fast,
`scalable, reliable and deployable.
`On-Link Technologies, Inc. Proprietary and Confidential
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`| certrnlerhace
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` ]aAA.Lave‘loUse~]mermechanism
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` —eeee~——<<\~—__-|FlmesarWithese{tbeFees)erCodenad!EOSohbg
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`SorhaceaKernelEvel)pndHndler C|
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` Browse|VineDrag.ihtI;‘:‘A.a.
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`11-18-1998 12:53PM
`FROM ONLINK 4153257329
` Faye|fides,§77|eng—_—laterFace,OniaT/Reae
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1015
`of 30
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`11-18-1998 12:53PM
`FROM ONLINK 4153257329
` ~HTMLnecatorayEvcAyLoo¢-Model|cAegelsPalHTMLCloses”varFaced
`Page 22 of 30
` foAilreationLiterFaceTenglace:wtcaneiConkiguanxtbonFaqe
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`41-18-1998 12:54PM
`FROM ONLINK 4153257329
` iLEachContrelyone:,AUniveSohemanWithiaOveral{NataautiThanSessien(Paduet
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`11-18-1998 12:54PM
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`11-18-1998 12:55PM
`FROM ONLINK 4153257329
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` -ALaxsupCour[C-~|Mockanalysts.
` KDuinFay.Load
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`11-18-1998 12:55PM
`FROM ONLINK 4153257329
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` AbstmerTrbleYeExchTableWWThe“Da”Sonar
`whichAamesTheCalumds @cahwmn
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1015
`11-18-1998 12:56PM
`FROM ONLINK 4153257329
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`11-18-1998 12:56PM
`FROM ONLINK 4153257329
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`Patents Exhibit 1015
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`11-18-1998 12:57PM
`FROM ONLINK 4153257329
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`- United States Patent & Trademark Office
`Office ofInitial Patent Examination ~ Scanning Division ~
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`[ Scanned copyis best available.
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