`TerraVision II:
`Visualizing Massive
`Terrain Databases
`in VRML
`Researchers have in-
`creasingly turned to
`Virtual Reality Modeling Language
`(VRML) to represent geographic
`information. In VRML’s early days,
`the result was a few toy examples
`that did not scale well, such as
`coarse, single-resolution elevation
`grids. Today, VRML is drawing more
`serious interest from researchers
`across the spectrum, including geo-
`graphers, cartographers, geologists,
`and computer scientists, as the side-
`bar “Related Work” describes. As
`Theresa-Marie Rhyne noted, geo-
`graphic information system (GIS) and scientific visual-
`ization tools have begun to expand into each other’s
`To disseminate 3D maps and
`spatial data over the Web,
`we designed massive terrain
`data sets accessible through
`either a VRML browser or
`the customized TerraVision
`II browser.
`Martin Reddy, Yvan Leclerc, Lee Iverson,
`and Nat Bletter
`SRI International
`domains,1 and VRML offers cartographers and geogra-
`phers the potential to disseminate 3D maps and spatial
`data over the World Wide Web. However, to date we have
`not seen useful large-scale VRML geographic databases.
`We aim to enable visualization of near photorealistic
`3D models of terrain that can be on the order of hun-
`dreds of gigabytes. This might include different types of
`terrain imagery for particular regions, as well as site
`models and auxiliary information for ground features.
`The following scenario indicates the capabilities
`required. Say a user wants to find a particular building
`in a particular city. Her journey begins with a 3D model
`of the earth viewed from space. This model is texture-
`mapped with satellite imagery of 100 kilometers reso-
`lution—that is, each pixel in the texture map represents
`a region on the planet’s surface covering 100 km2. To
`find the city, the user first rotates the earth to view the
`Related Work
`Currently, interesting and significant work
`addresses the problem of representing geographic
`data in VRML. In the earth sciences, Kate Moore
`described the work of the Virtual Field Course
`(VFC) project,1 which is developing software tools
`to familiarize students with fieldwork locations and
`aid data collection and analysis. The VFC project
`uses VRML and Java to provide interactive 2D and
`3D views of geo-referenced data to enhance
`students’ cognition of the real environment.
`The US Naval Postgraduate School is currently
`working on a project to develop a 3D model of the
`Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. They
`aim to create a VRML representation of the
`sanctuary based on raw bathymetry (below sea
`level) data for a 2.5 · 2.5 degree region of the bay.
`Their representation uses multiresolution
`techniques to deliver these large data amounts
`over a 28K modem connection.
`Michael Abernathy and Sam Shaw described
`their work using VRML to visualize the course for a
`197-mile relay race through the San Francisco Bay
`Area.2 They did this using standard US Geological
`Survey (USGS) 7.5 arc min digital elevation
`models (DEMs) for the terrain geometry with geo-
`referenced satellite imagery draped over the
`terrain. Their system also used Global Positioning
`System (GPS) input to create a line segment
`showing the race’s course over the VRML terrain.
`1. K. Moore, “Interactive Virtual Environments for Field-
`work,” British Cartographic Society Annual Symp., 1997;
`available at
`2. M. Abernathy and S. Shaw, “Integrating Geographic
`Information in VRML Models,” Proc. Third Symp.
`VRML, ACM New York, 1998, pp. 107-114.
`March/April 1999
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`target region in more detail. As she zooms into the
`region, higher resolution data, such as elevation and
`imagery, are progressively downloaded and displayed
`until she is “flying” over mountains with imagery down
`to one-meter resolution. Over certain parts of the ter-
`rain, alternative imageries are available, such as aerial
`photographs; the user can select any image to view on
`top of the terrain geometry. As she approaches a built-
`up area, 3D models of buildings come into view. When
`the user clicks on a building, information about it is dis-
`played in a separate frame on the browser. Using this
`method, the user locates the target building. Through-
`out the navigation, the user’s location is displayed via
`an active map interface that provides a context for the
`landscape being viewed.
`In setting out to achieve such capabilities, we identi-
`fied four principal design criteria:
`n Scalability. Our design must scale to very large data
`sets. Commonly, a geographic data set consists of
`many millions of polygons and many gigabytes of
`n Composability. Our data representation must allow
`the introduction of multiple types of geo-referenced
`data, including additional imagery, site models, cul-
`tural features, and annotations. It also must let the
`user switch between these on demand.
`n Efficiency. Users must be able to navigate the VRML
`structures easily and efficiently using a standard
`VRML browser or a customized browser that further
`increases browsing efficiency.
`n Data interchange. We must develop generic data rep-
`resentations for geo-referenced data in VRML. This
`will let other geographic data providers produce data
`using the same representation.
`¶9 Guided by these requirements, we implemented this
`functionality in a standard VRML browser for down-
`loading data over the World Wide Web. We also devel-
`oped a custom terrain visualization package called
`TerraVision II that can browse these VRML data struc-
`tures. Although not required to view the content,
`TerraVision II lets the user perform specialized browser-
`level optimizations that offer increased efficiency and
`seamless interaction with the terrain data.
`We designed our framework to simplify terrain data
`maintenance and to let users dynamically select particu-
`lar sets of geo-referenced data. Our implementation uses
`Java scripting to extend VRML’s base functionality and
`the External Authoring Interface to offer application-spe-
`cific management of the virtual geographic environment.
`To help develop standard techniques for solving geo-
`graphical representation problems in VRML, coauthor
`Lee Iverson formed and currently chairs the GeoVRML
`group, an official Working Group of the Web3D Consor-
`tium ( As a service to
`the VRML community and the GeoVRML effort, we have
`made freely available both the TerraVision II browser and
`all of the tools we developed for generating VRML terrain
`data sets. This includes the source code to all of our cus-
`tom VRML nodes and the tsmApi library that we use to
`generate the VRML data sets. The library is described in
`the sidebar “The tsmApi Library” and is available along
`with other materials and several example VRML data sets
`Multiresolution terrain techniques
`Terrain models are typically massive. For example, the
`US Geological Survey produces digital elevation models
`(DEMs) that contain a regular grid of 1,201 · 1,201 ele-
`vation values for a 1-degree area of the earth’s surface.
`Producing a simple polygonal representation of a single
`DEM creates a model with more than 1.4 million poly-
`gons. The time required to download and render such a
`model would prohibit any real-time interaction using the
`current generation of VRML browsers. It therefore
`becomes essential to manage level of detail (LOD).
`LOD techniques change a model’s complexity based
`on some selection criteria, such as distance from the
`viewpoint or projected screen size. The basic premise
`for these criteria is that any distant detail that projects
`to less than a single pixel on the screen will not generally
`be visible. To implement this, we need a mechanism to
`simplify a data set’s geometry and imagery.
`Several polygon simplification algorithms work well
`for terrain. However, many of these are view-indepen-
`dent techniques that force the same degree of simplifi-
`cation across the entire terrain.2,3 These are
`The tsmApi Library
`The Tile Set Manager Application Program
`Interface (tsmApi) is a freely available C library
`from SRI International. The library offers
`functions for reading, writing, and generating
`terrain data used by TerraVision II, including
`functions for generating VRML versions of the
`terrain data using the representations we
`describe in the article.
`Using the tsmApi library, users can create their
`own VRML geographic data sets from several
`supported input formats such as raw imagery,
`Portable Bitmap (PBM) images, and Land
`Analysis System (LAS) bitmaps. The library also
`includes SRI’s fully re-entrant VRML 97 parser,
`which can be used to parse VRML 97 files
`efficiently into memory and to write these
`structures back out to a VRML 97 file. Other
`functions perform transformations between
`various geographic coordinate systems, such as
`Univeral Transverse Mercator (UTM), geodetic
`(latitude/longitude), and earth-fixed geocentric,
`based on code from the US National Imagery
`and Mapping Agency’s Nimamuse product.
`Precompiled tsmApi distributions are available
`for Irix, Solaris, Linux, and other platforms. In
`addition, the full C source code is available from
`the tsmApi home page, which also includes full
`API documentation, tutorials, format
`specifications, and example source code. The
`tsmApi Web page is at
`IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
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`1 An example
`image pyramid
`showing (a)
`four different
`resolutions of
`an original
`image, where
`each level is
`segmented into
`128 · 128 pixel
`tiles, and (b)
`how this struc-
`ture can be
`used to alter the
`image resolu-
`tion in different
`inappropriate for our application because switching to
`the highest resolution still involves loading every point
`of the original data set. Instead, we require a view-
`dependent technique that lets us vary the degree of sim-
`plification with respect to the current viewpoint.4,5 This
`is often done using a hierarchical data structure, such
`as a quad-tree. Further, the LOD algorithm must not
`require access to the entire high-resolution version of
`the data set, as that would limit us to viewing only data
`sets that can fit on the user’s local storage system. Given
`these requirements, a tiled, pyramid representation
`best suits our needs.6-8
`A pyramid is a multiresolution hierarchy for a data
`set. For example, if the original image is 1024 · 1024
`pixels, then the pyramid might contain the original
`image along with down-sampled versions at resolutions
`of 512 · 512 pixels, 256 · 256 pixels, 128 · 128 pixels,
`and so on. As Figure 1a shows, each pyramid image is
`then segmented into rectangular tiles, where all tiles
`have the same pixel dimensions. A tile at a given pyra-
`mid level will thus map onto four tiles on the next high-
`2 Using a tiled
`pyramid struc-
`ture to repre-
`sent terrain
`Closer terrain is
`represented in
`higher fidelity
`(more poly-
`gons) than
`distant terrain.
`March/April 1999
`er level; that is, at each higher resolution area, the tiles
`cover half the geographical area of the previous level.
`Using this representation, we can recursively resolve
`certain data set regions in more detail than other
`regions. For example, Figure 1b shows the lower-right
`corner in high resolution with the surrounding regions
`displayed in progressively lower resolution. Assuming
`a tile size of 128 · 128 pixels, this example requires
`downloading and rendering only 491 Kbytes (10 tiles)
`instead of the entire 3.1-Mbyte high-resolution image.
`If the user’s location is the bottom-right corner, then dis-
`tant imagery is rendered at lower resolution than near
`imagery and we have achieved distance-based LOD.
`As Figure 2 shows, our image pyramids techniques
`can be applied to elevation grids and other types of ter-
`rain data. Because we use a tiled pyramid representa-
`tion for the geometry and the imagery, we can optimize
`the amount of data transferred over the network, the
`number of polygons in the scene, and the amount of
`memory required for texture maps. As a result, we need
`only fetch and display data for the region that the user
`is viewing, and only at a sufficient resolution for the
`user’s viewpoint. This solution scales well to arbitrarily
`large data sets because it effectively attempts to keep
`the polygon count constant for any viewpoint.
`Multiresolution data in VRML
`We introduce four types of VRML files to represent a
`large, tiled multiresolution hierarchy of the globe: ter-
`rain tile files, feature files, geotile files, and tree files.
`Figure 3 shows these files and their relationships. The
`tree files recursively implement the LOD hierarchy by
`inlining a single geotile file at one LOD and four higher
`resolution tree files at the next LOD. The geotile file
`inlines all of the feature and terrain tiles that cover a
`geographical area and LOD. A terrain tile file contains
`the actual elevation and image texture data for a given
`image, geographical area, and LOD. Feature files
`describe a geographical area’s objects, such as buildings
`and roads. We discuss these relationships and their
`advantages below.
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`3 The relationship between tree,
`geotile, terrain tile, and feature
`files. Unidirectional arcs represent
`inline links to files over the network.
`Bold rectangles delineate file
`A tree file
`Hierarchy of
`GeoTile files
`Two terrain tile
`A feature file
`Tree files
`Tree files implement part of the multiresolution hier-
`archy for the entire globe. In effect, these files are the
`glue that holds the geotiles in the quad-tree structure. A
`tree file initially loads a single geotile, but when the user
`approaches the tile, it’s replaced with four higher-reso-
`lution tree files, which in turn inline the geotiles for the
`four quad-tree children. (At the bottom level of the tree
`hierarchy, the four geotiles are inlined directly.) The
`hierarchy of tree files must be generated only once and
`won’t generally need to be modified further—except
`perhaps to extend the tree for higher resolutions at a
`later juncture. In the future, it might be possible to gen-
`erate tree files on the fly.
`The tree files let us split the entire LOD hierarchy over
`multiple files and abstract the LOD structure from the
`actual terrain data. They also let us create a different
`LOD tree depth for different global regions. For exam-
`ple, we could have 100-km-resolution data for the
`entire globe but recursively insert higher resolution
`data for smaller regions of interest, such as a one-km-
`resolution data set for the conterminous United States
`and a one-m-resolution data set for Yosemite Valley,
`It would be possible to use the VRML Inline node
`to include the geotile files into the LOD hierarchy. How-
`ever, VRML 97 does not specify when the Universal
`Resource Locator (URL) of an Inline node should be
`loaded, making this a browser-dependent feature. Cur-
`rently, most browsers load all inline scenes at once. This
`makes good sense for small scenes with a handful of
`Inline nodes. However, if we have a data set of 10
`Gbytes, the VRML browser will attempt to load all these
`data into memory at once. This is obviously unaccept-
`able for our application, so we must control when inline
`files are loaded and unloaded. To do this, we developed
`a new node, called QuadLOD, using VRML 97’s
`EXTERNPROTO and scripting features. QuadLOD pro-
`vides a terrain-specific LOD capability that efficiently
`manages the loading and unloading of higher levels of
`detail. When the user enters a certain volume around
`the tile (determined by a ProximitySensor) Quad-
`LOD loads only a tile’s four higher resolution children.
`The node also uses a tile-caching mechanism so that tiles
`aren’t needlessly reloaded. When the user approaches a
`region of terrain, more detail is progressively loaded and
`displayed in a coarse-to-fine fashion. Most VRML
`browsers perform nonblocking network reads so that
`the user can still interact with the scene while higher
`resolution imagery and elevation loads.
`Geotile files
`Geotile files contain links to all data within a single
`tile. The most basic geotile includes a single terrain tile
`file for the region. However, it’s possible for a geotile to
`store links to multiple alternative terrain tiles, such as
`tiles referring to satellite, aerial, and map imagery, as
`well as feature files for objects that exist on the terrain,
`such as buildings, roads, and annotations.
`By adding this extra layer to our global structure, we
`simplify the task of maintaining and adding new data
`sets. For example, when we want to add a new image
`pyramid, we can generate the terrain tiles in isolation
`and simply link them to appropriate geotiles. (If the new
`data set requires higher resolution than the region pre-
`viously required, we also must generate new tree files.)
`In addition, because each data set is stored indepen-
`dently and referenced only via the geotiles, we can selec-
`tively display any combination of data sets. A node we
`created, GeoTile, permits this selectivity by organiz-
`ing the terrain tile and feature file links into sets of
`Switch nodes.
`IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
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`ly within that tile. Another solution is to simply include
`a link to the same feature in all relevant geotiles. We
`selected the latter approach because it does not con-
`strain the cultural features to the same resolution range
`as the terrain, and it requires no modification to the fea-
`ture’s geometry. However, one problem is that the
`browser would normally load, store, and render dupli-
`cate copies of each feature for every loaded geotile in
`which it occurs. To avoid this, we have designed our
`GeoTile node so that it keeps track of each request for
`a feature file’s URL. We do this using static class struc-
`tures in a Java script. We load feature files only on first
`invocation, incrementing their reference count, and
`unload a feature file only when its reference count
`returns to zero. Figure 4 shows the fusion of terrain data
`and cultural features that results.
`Geographic coordinate systems
`VRML defines a Cartesian coordinate system for mod-
`eling objects in a 3D volume. In geographic terms, this
`gives us a geocentric representation: a coordinate (x, y,
`z) is assumed to be a 3D offset (in meters) from the
`earth’s center. However, most elevation data are pro-
`vided in some geodetic or projective coordinate system.
`A geodetic coordinate system is related to the ellipsoid
`used to model the earth (such as the latitude-longitude
`system). A projective coordinate system projects the
`ellipsoid onto some simple surface, such as a cone or a
`cylinder. Examples include the Lambert Conformal
`Conic or the Universal Transverse Mercator projections.
`Such coordinate systems were designed for different
`applications and offer particular advantages and restric-
`tions. For example, some projections can represent only
`small-scale regions; others are conformal, offering the
`same scale in every direction; and others can be equal
`area—the projected area corresponds to the earth’s
`physical area over the entire projection. To use data in
`these different coordinate systems, we must convert
`coordinates in these systems into the VRML geocentric
`coordinate system. Descriptions for performing many
`of these transformations are available elsewhere.9 The
`sidebar “What Shape Is the Earth?” discusses related
`representation challenges.
`Floating-point precision issues
`The VRML 97 specification defines the SFFloat and
`MFloat fields to represent floating-point numbers. How-
`ever, these are only single-precision values; the dynamic
`range of a single-precision floating-point number isn’t
`sufficient to store accurate geocentric coordinates. For
`example, the IEEE single-precision format defines a 23-
`bit mantissa. This provides a resolution of approximate-
`ly six digits (223 = 8.39 · 106). The earth’s diameter is
`roughly 12,700,000m, and thus we can model terrain to
`an accuracy of only tens or hundreds of meters. This accu-
`racy can’t even represent the results from a civilian-grade
`Global Positioning System (GPS), let alone faithfully rep-
`resent ground features such as buildings or roads.
`Most VRML browsers use only single-precision arith-
`metic for modeling and matrix operations, and most
`modern graphics hardware uses only single precision.
`We must therefore implement accurate geocentric coor-
`4 A tiled terrain
`model showing
`3D geometry
`overlaid for
`roads (orange)
`and buildings
`Terrain tile files
`Terrain tiles contain the actual terrain data for a sin-
`gle data set tile at a particular detail level. This includes
`the elevation geometry and the texture map imagery for
`the specific terrain tile. The VRML 97 specification pro-
`vides us with two potential primitives for representing
`terrain geometry: the IndexedFaceSet and the
`ElevationGrid. The latter node lets the user specify
`a grid of height values above the x-z plane, whereas the
`more general IndexedFaceSet node lets the user
`define arbitrary polygons in 3D space. VRML 97’s Ele-
`vationGrid was introduced specifically to represent
`terrain models and offers a compact mechanism to
`describe simple height field data. However, it has serious
`limitations that prevent us from using it, including that
`it assumes that the heights are relative to a flat plane—
`an obvious problem when dealing with curved planets.
`ElevationGrids are thus useful only for modeling
`local areas, where the earth’s curvature is insignificant.
`Because we want to support global data sets, we use the
`IndexedFaceSet to build terrain geometry.
`Feature files
`Feature files contain VRML models for objects relat-
`ed to a region of terrain. Examples include a region’s
`cultural features, such as roads and lines of communi-
`cation; weather simulations, such as clear air turbulence
`isosurfaces and wind vectors; and other 3D data, such
`as terrain annotations.
`Integrating terrain features proves difficult because
`features can extend beyond tile boundaries. For exam-
`ple, a road might cover multiple tiles, or a large building
`might sit on the boundary between two tiles. One way
`to deal with this problem is to dissect the geometry for
`all ground features along tile boundaries, forcing the
`condition that all features in a tile are contained entire-
`March/April 1999
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`What Shape Is the Earth?
`In a computer graphics system, the simplest
`way to represent the earth is to produce a sphere
`and then apply to it a texture map. This method is
`adequate for a coarse representation. However, if
`we want to model the planet down to submeter
`accuracy, we must better understand the earth’s
`shape and the coordinate systems that describe
`The earth can best be modeled geometrically
`using an ellipsoid of rotation. Such an ellipsoid is
`traditionally specified by two of three variables: the
`semi-major axis (a), the semi-minor axis (b), and
`the inverse flattening (1/f = a / (a - b)). Over the
`past 200 years, many different reference ellipsoids
`have been formulated, each defining slightly
`different values for these variables. The current US
`Department of Defense standard is defined by the
`World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS84), such that
`a = 6378137.0m and b = 6356752.3142m.
`The ellipsoid describes an ideal surface, but
`most elevation data are given relative to the
`geoid, not the ellipsoid. The geoid is the
`physically measurable surface corresponding to
`mean sea level and is related to the earth’s
`gravitational field. This complex, undulating
`surface varies marginally from the ellipsoid over a
`range of roughly 100m. Once again, there are
`several slightly different geoid standards, such as
`GEOID90, OSU89B, and WGS84.
`A datum specifies a local or global reference
`coordinate system for defining points on the
`earth; these are called the horizontal datum and
`the vertical datum.
`The horizontal datum specifies the coordinate
`system used to localize points on the earth’s
`surface. It’s typically specified by a reference point
`on the planet, the azimuth of a line from that
`point, and a reference ellipsoid. There are literally
`hundreds of horizontal datums in common usage.
`Practically all of these are local in their extent, such
`as the Ordnance Survey Great Britain 1936 datum
`or the Australian Geodetic 1984 datum. However,
`the WGS84 defines a global datum that is
`generally accepted as the most accurate definition
`now in use.
`Terrain surface
`The vertical datum is the surface from which all
`elevation values are measured. This is typically
`taken as mean sea level—that is, the geoid.
`1. J.P. Snyder, “Map Projections—A Working Manual,”
`US Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, US Gov-
`ernment Printing Office, Washington, DC, 1987.
`2. P.A. Birkel, “Sedris Geospatial Reference Model,” Sedris
`Document Set, June 10, 1997. Available electronically at
`3. “Handbook for Transformation of Datums, Projections,
`Grids and Common Coordinate Systems,” Tech.
`Report TEC-SR-7, US Army Corps of Engineers, Topo-
`graphic Engineering Center, Alexandria, Va., Jan. 1996.
`dinates using only single-precision data. We can do this
`using a network of local coordinate systems (LCSs),
`where the value range in any LCS lies within a single-
`precision value. Thus, all of these LCSs can be trans-
`formed into a viewpoint-dependent view coordinate
`system in real time.
`Using this approach, we can specify geocentric coor-
`dinates to millimeter accuracy across the earth’s surface.
`Also, it lets us store and transmit single-precision coor-
`dinates, rather than double-precision values.
`Browsing the world in VRML
`Users can browse the terrain data produced by our rep-
`resentation using a standard VRML plug-in for Internet
`IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
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`5 Screenshot of the TerraVision
`browsers such as Netscape Communicator or Microsoft
`Internet Explorer. We now describe some of the relevant
`user-interaction issues related to VRML browsers.
`height above the earth’s surface. To achieve this, we
`must know the up vector for a particular region of ter-
`rain—that is, the 3D normal to the plane that is tan-
`gent to the earth’s surface at that region. VRML
`Switching data sets
`implicitly assumes that the y-axis is up, but when deal-
`ing with a round surface, the actual vector varies.
`One of our goals is to let users switch between various
`image data sets and terrain features. Letting users switch
`n Altitude-based velocity. Users’ navigation velocity
`the texture map for a single polygon in VRML is a trivial
`should depend on their location relative to the terrain.
`exercise. However, elegantly making such a switch in a
`For example, when flying through a valley at a height
`complex pyramidal structure using Script nodes inside
`of 100m, a velocity of 100m/s could be considered rel-
`the VRML scene proves more difficult. We thus turn to
`atively fast. However, if the user were viewing the
`the External Authoring Interface (EAI), which lets us
`entire globe from space at an altitude of 20,000 km,
`write a Java applet that runs in the Internet browser and
`zooming in at the same speed would be painfully slow.
`communicates with the VRML plug-in. Through this
`We must therefore scale navigation velocity to achieve
`interface, we can traverse the scene graph of the loaded
`a constant pixel flow across the screen.
`terrain and modify the switch node settings in each geot-
`n Active maps. When flying over terrain, it’s often diffi-
`ile file, thus selecting different data sets.
`cult for users to maintain a global context for their
`One complication is that the EAI does not currently
`position. We thus employ a map display, managed by
`let users access the scene graph loaded by an Inline
`a Java applet. Through the EAI, we can obtain the user
`node. However, because we have implemented our own
`location in the geographic environment. We might do
`Inline nodes, we can also implement an extra event-
`this, for example, using the position_changed
`Out, called children, that exposes the inlined VRML file.
`eventOut of a ProximitySensor placed around
`We are thus free to inspect and modify any part of the
`the entire scene. We can then project this 3D geo-
`VRML scene.
`centric coordinate onto the map display so users can
`easily ascertain their location in the world. Users can
`also click over the map and then move the viewpoint
`directly to that location. We do this by updating and
`binding a Viewpoint node in the VRML scene
`Browsing the world in TerraVision
`Figure 5 shows TerraVision II, a real-time, distributed
`terrain visualization system that we have been devel-
`oping over the past five years.8 TerraVision was designed
`to enable interactive visualization of massive terrain
`databases that can be distributed over a high-speed
`wide-area network. TerraVision I was developed as part
`Navigation issues
`The VRML standard defines three default navigation
`types: walk, examine, and fly. These types are useful as
`generic navigation models; however, we introduce sev-
`eral specialized functions to help users navigate a large
`geographic database.
`n Terrain following. Because the earth is round, as we
`navigate its surface we should expect to follow a curved
`flight path. However, the defaults such as walk and fly
`propel users along a linear flight path only. We want a
`navigation method that will maintain a particular
`March/April 1999
`Page 7 of 9
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1004


`of the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s
`Multidimensional Applications Gigabit Internet Con-
`sortium (Magic) project and has been demonstrated
`with data sets on the order of tens of Gbytes. TerraVi-
`sion includes features such as an active map display, 2D
`pan and zoom display, 3D flythroughs, and time-of-day
`and fog selection. It also incorporates building models
`and vehicles, animates vehicles based on live or record-
`ed GPS data, and supports 6-degrees-of-freedom input
`devices and head-mounted displays.
`Generic VRML browsers cannot perform terrain-spe-
`cific optimizations because they have no knowledge of
`the underlying data’s representation and application.
`TerraVision II extends TerraVision I functionality by sup-
`porting our VRML 97 representations. In effect, it’s a
`custom VRML browser specifically designed to optimally
`navigate our VRML terrain databases.
`TerraVision II offers the following advantages over a
`standard VRML browser:
`Any standard VRML browser can interact with these
`data. However, TerraVision II introduces an attractive
`scalability feature to terrain data set navigation.
`TerraVision II can be implemented on a graphics
`workstation connected to a gigabit-per-second ATM net-
`work with high-speed disk servers for fast response
`times. However, TerraVision can also be implemented
`on a PC connected to the Internet, or a standard VRML
`browser on a laptop machine can be used to browse the
`same data. This makes the system particularly useful in
`military mission planning and battle damage assess-
`ment, emergency relief efforts, and other distributed
`time-critical conditions.
`Conclusions and future work
`As we show here, it’s possible to represent massive,
`distributed terrain databases in VRML. It’s also possible
`for users to navigate efficiently around these structures
`using either a standard VRML browser or our special-
`ized TerraVision II browser.
`In the future, we might apply or extend this work in
`n Optimized, compiled code. TerraVision II is a multi-
`several ways.
`threaded application written in ANSI C. We designed
`it for the sole purpose of rendering large geographic
`databases in real time. As such, we can use more effi-
`n Distributed interactive simulation (DIS). The Java-DIS-
`cient, optimized solutions to several generic real-time
`VRML working group is working on ways to let users
`graphics operations. For example, visibility culling is
`share state information about a VRML world—such
`performed using a fast quad-tree search of the mul-
`as entity positions and orientations—across a net-
`tiresolution hierarchy.
`work. This is highly relevant to our work, as it would
`let us introduce dynamic entities, such as moving
`n Level of detail. The LOD selection in the VRML brows-
`vehicles, which multiple users could experience
`er is based on whether or not a user is in a volume
`simultaneously over the network.
`around the tile. However, TerraVision use

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