`Patent Owner.
`Case IPR2018-00952
`Patent No. 9,253,239
`PURSUANT TO 37 C.F.R. §42.108(c)


`Unified Has Not Met Its Burden To Show It Is the Sole RPI ........................ 1 
`CONCLUSION ............................................................................................... 6 


`U.S. Patent No. 9,253,239
`Applications in Internet Time, LLC v. RPX Corp.,
`897 F.3d 1336 (Fed. Cir. 2018) ................................................................. 2, 3, 4, 5
`California Physicians’ Serv. v. Aoki Diabetes Research Inst.,
`163 Cal. App. 4th 1506 (2008) .............................................................................. 2
`Unified Patent v. Plectrum LLC,
`IPR 2017-01430 (Nov. 13, 2018) .......................................................................... 4
`Unified Patents Inc. v. Realtime Adaptive Streaming, LLC,
`IPR2018-00883 (Oct. 11, 2018) .........................................................................4, 5


`US. Patent No. 9,253,239
`USPTO Public PAIR screen capture for Correspondence Address
`and Attorney/Agent Information for Application No. 14/547, 148
`(’293 Patent)
`Notice of Acceptance of Power of Attorney, Date Mailed
`03/11/2016, for A lication No. 14/547,148 ’293 Patent
`Declaration of Michael N. Zachary in Support of Patent Owner’s_
`PROTECTIVE ORDER MATERIAL: Transcript of Deposition of_
`Join, Unified Patents (May 1 7, 201 8),
` oin/
`PROTECTIVE ORDER MATERIAL: Unified Patents Membership
`PROTECTIVE ORDER MATERIAL: Exhibit A: Subscription Form
`Belcher, Marta, et al., “Hacking the Patent System: A guide to
`Alternative Patent Licensing for Innovators,” Juelsgaard Intellectual
`Property & Innovation Clinic Stanford Law School, dated May 2014
`Protected Zones, Excerpt of United Patents (Oct. 27, 2016),
`US. Patent No. 9,253,239, “Optimized Image Delivery Over
`Limited Bandwidth Communication Channels,” issued Feb. 2, 2016
`(“’239 Patent”) (Not filed)
`PROTECTIVE ORDER MATERIAL: Petitioner’s Voluntary
`Interrogatory Response


`US. Patent No. 9,253,239
`Bradium Technologies LLC, Unified Patents (August 3, 2015),
`Bradium Technologies LLC v. Microsoft Corp., Complaint, filed
`Jan. 9, 2015
`Bradium Technologies and Microsoft Settle Patent Lawsuit,
`Bradium Technologies (Oct. 17, 2017),
`Unified Patents, backed by Google, takesfight to patent trolls, Don
`Reisinger, CNET (Apr. 8 2013)
`Don Clark, New Venture Enters Patent Fray, Wall Street Journal,
`published Apr- 7, 2013
`The Gloves are 019": Unified Patents Inc. Unveils Its ‘NPE
`Deterrent’ Strategy, Unified Patents (September 23, 2013),
`http://justdemo. in/unified/2013/09/23/the-gloves-are-off-unified-
`Unified Patents Challenges Clouding IP Patent Seeks to Push Patent
`Trolls Out of Cloud Storage, Unified Patents (September 23, 2013),
` unified—patents-challenges-
`Unified has challenged almost all of201 7 ’s most prolific NPEs,
`United Patents (Jul. 5, 2017),
`https :// 1 7/7/5/according—to-rpx-
`datea-has-challenged-almost-all-of-20 1 7s-most-prolific-npes
`Email fiom Unified Patents to Michael Zachary re “Unified reaches
`100 challenges,” dated Nov. 15, 2017
`Unified Patents (January 1, 2014),


`US. Patent No. 9,253,239
`Eric Coe, Unified Patents Adds AIA Reviews to Anti— ‘Troll’ Arsenal,
`Law360 (Jun. 23, 2015),
`Declaration of C. Coulson in support of Bradium Technologies
`LLC’s Preliminary Patent Owner’s Response
`Bradium Technologies LLC’s Disclaimer of Claims 1-19, 21-25
`Orthogonalitfy, Wikipedia,
`IPRs, Balancing Eflectiveness vs. Cost, RPX (June 17, 2016)
` 1 6/06/ 1 7/iprs-balancing—effectiveness-
`How Much does IPR Cost?, Patent Trademark Blog,
`203 1
`Microsoft Corp. v. Bradium Techs. LLC, IPR2016-01897 (US. Pat-
`No. 9,253,239), Paper 2 (Petition) (P.T.A.B. Sept. 30, 2016)
`2032 Microsoft Corp. v. Bradium Techs. LLC, IPR2016-01897 (U.S. Pat.
`No. 9,253,239), Paper 17 (Institution Decision) (P.T.A.B. April 5,
`20 l 7)
`NPE Zones: Deter bad NPE conduct, Unified Patents (Sept. 20,
`201 8),
`Bradium Technologies LLC v Iancu, No. 17-2579, USPTO
`Director’s Opposition to Appellant’s Motion for Leave to File
`Supplemental Brief, Dkt No- 74 (Filed Sept. 4, 2018)
`Declaration of L. Quan in support of Bradium Technologies LLC’s
`Preliminary Patent Owner’s Response
`“Summary of Findings: Search Results Using Unified Patents
`Portal,” prepared by L. Quan.
`Declaration of M. Shanahan in support of Bradium Technologies
`LLC’s Preliminary Patent Owner’s Response
`Unified ’s Real-Party-in-Interest PTAB Panel Decisions, Unified
`Patents (July 5, 2016),


`U.S. Patent No. 9,253,239
`Bradium Technologies LLC (“Bradium”) files this Preliminary Patent
`Owner Sur-Reply (Paper 27) limited to the “real party in interest” (RPI) issue
`pursuant to the Board’s Order on November 20, 2018 (Paper No. 4).
`Unified Has Not Met Its Burden To Show It Is the Sole RPI
`In its reply, Unified invites legal error by claiming that the AIT case
`“focused” on “third-party funding, direction and control,” and that these are “[t]he
`most important factors” and “central.” (Reply at 2, 5.). That is the exact opposite
`of what AIT said the focus was. Unified ignores AIT’s statements (1) that Congress
`intended the term “real party in interest” to “apply broadly – sweeping in not only
`what might be traditionally known as real parties in interest . . . ;” (2) that
`“Congress intended for it [RPI] to have an expansive formulation;” (3) that “there
`could be multiple real parties in interest;” (italics in original) (4) that “Congress
`intended that the term ‘real party in interest’ have its expansive common-law
`meaning;” (5) that “the focus of the real-party-in-interest inquiry is on the
`patentability of the claims challenged in the IPR petition, bearing in mind who
`will benefit from having those claims canceled or invalidated;” (6) that “the
`common law seeks to ascertain who, from a ‘practical and equitable’ standpoint,
`will benefit from the redress” (citing Trial Practice Guide); and (7) that the RPI
`inquiry is done “with an eye toward determining whether the non-party is a clear
`beneficiary that has a preexisting, established relationship with the petitioner.”


`U.S. Patent No. 9,253,239
`Applications in Internet Time, LLC v. RPX Corp., 897 F.3d 1336, 1346-1351 (Fed.
`Cir. 2018) (“AIT”). The Federal Circuit could not have been clearer that the
`definition of RPI is very broad and that the “focus” is on who benefits and whether
`the non-party has an established relationship with the petitioner.1
`In an effort to avoid AIT, Unified mischaracterizes Bradium’s argument.
`Unified states that Bradium contends that any member of a for-profit entity that
`files IPRs is an RPI. (Reply at 1.) Bradium has made no such contention.
`Bradium contends only that two specific members of Unified – Apple and Google
`– are RPIs. Those two members
`.2 Both are
`obvious potential licensees of the ’239 patent, as the leading providers of mapping
`1 Unified also ignores the Trial Practice Guide’s citation to California
`Physicians’ Serv. v. Aoki Diabetes Research Inst., 163 Cal. App. 4th 1506, 1523-
`1525 (2008), for its holding that “preclusion can apply even in the absence of . . .
`control”). Trial Practice Guide (“TPG”), 77 Fed. Reg. 48760 (Aug. 14, 2012).
`2 During deposition, Unified’s CEO testified that its total revenues were
`EX2004, 127:14-19.
`14, 184:12-14.
`. EX2004, 183:12-


`U.S. Patent No. 9,253,239
`software and services to which the ’239 patent is directed. EX2037 at ¶ 5.
`Microsoft has already been sued on Bing Maps, and settled, as Unified is well
`aware. Id., ¶¶ 7, 10. Both Apple and Google have held licensing discussions with
`Bradium concerning the ’239 patent. Id., ¶¶ 8-9. The evidence shows that they
`clearly would benefit from Unified’s IPR, not just as a general benefit that might
`be available to all members of Unified, but as a specific benefit to them.
`Further, the evidence shows that Unified has previously filed 37 IPRs on
`patents that Google and Apple have been sued on. EX2035, ¶¶ 8-9. It also shows
`that the only substantial benefit that Google and Apple receive from their
`membership is that Unified seeks to invalidate patents they might infringe.
`EX2004, 62:10-63:3; EX2013, 20-21; EX2025, 1. The evidence also shows that
`Unified from the start has expressly identified Google as a company for whom it
`would seek to (in its own words) “level the playing field.” EX2020. See AIT, 897
`F.3d at 1351 (noting key TPG Guide factor: “relationship with the petitioner”).
`Unified claims that a rule focusing on benefits and relationship would sweep
`in parties to joint defense agreements and non-profit trade associations, both of
`which it says are excluded from the definition of RPI in the Trial Practice Guide.
`Putting aside that the Federal Circuit expressly held in AIT that the focus of the
`IPR inquiry is on the benefits and relationship, and that the Trial Practice Guide
`says that membership in a trade association is a relevant consideration, Unified’s


`U.S. Patent No. 9,253,239
`argument is in error. Under a typical Joint Defense Agreement, members address
`defense of a lawsuit, and do not fund IPRs brought by others, unlike here where
`Google and Apple directly fund Unified precisely because Unified files IPRs. And
`trade associations, unlike Unified’s for profit IPR business, are typically formed as
`non-profit associations to lobby governmental organizations to achieve
`overarching policy objectives, not to challenge specific, privately-owned property
`rights. Unified is not a trade association at all. It simply files IPRs, for profit.
`Unified also relies heavily on the Board’s decision in Unified Patents Inc. v.
`Realtime Adaptive Streaming, LLC, IPR2018-00883 (Oct. 11, 2018). That decision
`is inconsistent with AIT, and is not binding on this panel.3 Respectfully, the Board
`there paid little heed to AIT’s repeated pronouncements that RPI has an expansive
`meaning, and that the focus is on who benefits from an invalidity determination
`and what that non-party’s relationship with the petitioner is. The Board in
`Realtime, like Unified here, sought to distinguish AIT on its facts, but the practical
`effect is to limit AIT to its specific facts. Unified v. RealTime at 16-17. Nothing in
`AIT indicates that the Federal Circuit regarded its pronouncements as so limited.
`3 Bradium respectfully contends that the PTAB’s recent, similar decision in
`Unified Patent v. Plectrum LLC, IPR 2017-01430 (Paper 30, Nov. 13, 2018), also
`does not comport with AIT, for the same reasons.


`U.S. Patent No. 9,253,239
`Further, the Board in Realtime minimized facts that were in common
`between AIT and Realtime. For example, RPX was a for-profit company set up to
`help paying members by filing IPRs to help them avoid litigation and to reduce
`their expenses, and AIT found that this alone implied that “RPX can and does file
`IPRs to serve its clients’ financial interests, and that a key reason clients pay RPX
`is to benefit from this practice . . . .” AIT, 897 F.3d at 1352. There is no difference
`between Unified and RPX insofar as this implication is concerned. Indeed, one of
`the key considerations set forth in the TPG, as AIT noted, is the “nature of the
`entity filing the petition.” AIT, 897 F.3d at 1354 (emphasis added).
`Further, the court in AIT criticized the Board there because it had found
`sufficient the fact that RPX had articulated an independent interest in pursuing
`IPRs. Id. at 1353. The court noted that the point was not to prove RPX’s interest,
`rather “it is to probe the extent to which Salesforce- as RPX’s client- has an
`interest in and will benefit from RPX’s actions, and inquire whether RPX can be
`said to be representing that interest . . . . The Board’s focus on RPX’s motivations
`to the exclusion of Salesforce’s reveals its misunderstanding of controlling legal
`principles.” Id. The court also found that the absence of communications about
`the IPR between RPX and Salesforce could indicate RPX’s “willful blindness,”
`and that the Board had not properly considered this fact. Id. at 1355.


`U.S. Patent No. 9,253,239
`Here, too, Unified has established a clever, consciously blind, business
`model in an effort to circumvent the RPI issue. It
` (wink, wink), while filing IPRs that serve its members’
`financial interests. But even if Google and Apple did not know in advance that
`Unified specifically intended to attack the ’239 patent, they do know that they are
`paying Unified to file IPRs to protect them. They rely on Unified to select which
`patents to attack. That does not mean that Apple and Google don’t fund the IPRs,
`or that the IPRs are not filed at their behest.
`Finally, Unified makes much of the fact that there is currently no litigation
`against a Unified member, and that the only suit on the ’239 patent was against a
`non-member. This does not change the fact that the patent has been asserted in
`litigation, and that Google and Apple are obvious potential licensees. It would be
`reasonable to infer that if Microsoft were sued on Bing Maps, Google and Apple
`might be sued on Google Maps and Apple Maps. An IPR on the ’239 patent would
`clearly be of benefit to them. Unified does not deny that this is so.
`Unified has failed to meet its burden to show that it is the only RPI. It has
`not shown that Google and Apple would not benefit from this IPR. It has not
`shown that Google and Apple are
` simply for
`the joy of it. Accordingly, the petition should be dismissed.


`Dated: December 3, 2018
`U.S. Patent No. 9,253,239
`/s/ Chris J. Coulson
`Chris J. Coulson (Reg. No. 61,771)
`101 Brambach Rd.
`Scarsdale, NY 10583
`Tel.: (646) 502-6973
`Michael N. Zachary (pro hac vice)
`701 El Camino Real
`Redwood City, CA 94063
`Tel.: (650) 351-7248
`Counsel for Patent Owner


`U.S. Patent No. 9,253,239
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §42.6(e), the undersigned certifies that on
`December 3, 2018, the foregoing Bradium Technologies LLC’s Sur-Reply to
`Petitioner’s Preliminary Response Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §42.108(c) was served
`via electronic mail upon the following counsel of record for the Petitioner:
`David L. Cavanaugh, Reg. No. 36,476
`Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
`1875 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`Tel: (202) 663-6000
`Daniel V. Williams, Reg. No. 45,221
`Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
`1875 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`Tel: (202) 663-6000
`Jonathan E. Robe, Reg. No. 76,033
`Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
`1875 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`Tel: (202) 663-6000
`Jonathan Stroud (Reg. 72,518)
`Unified Patents Inc.
`1875 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Floor 10
`Washington, DC 20009
`Tel: (202) 805-8931


`U.S. Patent No. 9,253,239
`/s/ Chris J. Coulson
`Chris J. Coulson (Reg. No. 61,771)
`101 Brambach Rd.
`Scarsdale, NY 10583
`Tel.: (646) 502-6973
`Counsel for Patent Owner
`Roshan Suresh Mansinghani (Reg. 62,429)
`Unified Patents Inc.
`13355 Noel Road, Suite 1100
`Dallas, TX 75240
`Tel: (214) 945-0200


`I hereby certify that on February 6, 2020 a copy of the foregoing
`PURSUANT TO 37 C.F.R. §42.108(C) (PAPER NO. 30) was served via
`electronic mail, as agreed to by counsel, upon the following counsel for Patent
`Chris J. Coulson
`Bunsow De Mory LLP
`101 Brambach Rd.
`Scarsdale, NY 10583
`Michael N. Zachary
`Bunsow De Mory LLP
`701 El Camino Real
`Redwood City, CA 94063
`Michael E. Shanahan
`/Ashley F. Cheung/
`Ashley F. Cheung
` Paralegal
` Unified Patents, LLC

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