DOCKET NO.: 2211726-00161US1
`Filed on behalf of Unified Patents Inc.
`By: David L. Cavanaugh, Reg. No. 36,476
`Daniel V. Williams, Reg. No. 45,221
`Jonathan E. Robe, Reg. No. 76,033
`Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
`1875 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`Tel: (202) 663-6000
`Jonathan Stroud, Reg. No. 72,518
`Roshan S. Mansinghani, Reg. No. 62,429
`Unified Patents Inc.
`1875 Connecticut Ave. NW, Floor 10
`Washington, D.C., 20009
`Tel: (202) 805-8931
`Patent Owner
`Patent 9,253,239


`In order to facilitate timely voluntary discovery by Petitioner Unified
`Patents Inc. (“Unified”), Unified proposes the entry of a Protective Order in this
`proceeding. Patent Owner Bradium Technologies, LLC does not oppose the entry
`of the proposed Protective Order. The proposed Protective Order is attached
`hereto as Exhibit 1025. The proposed modifications are described below.
`A. Definition of “Confidential Information” in Paragraph 1
`To clarify the scope of the proposed Protective Order, the proposed
`Protective Order provides for a definition of confidential information. As set
`forth in the proposed Protective Order, “confidential information” “includes
`information (regardless of how it is generated, stored or maintained) or tangible
`things that would qualify for protection from disclosure under Federal Rule of
`Civil Procedure 26(c) or under trade secret law.” Good cause exists for this
`modification of the protective order to clarify the types of information that the
`parties could consider subject to the proposed Protective Order.
`B. Access to Confidential Information in Paragraph 2
`The proposed Protective Order, agreed to by the parties, deviates from the
`Board’s default Protective Order in that it excludes a party (except its in-house
`counsel who appear as back-up counsel) and its employees from access to
`confidential information. Good cause for this change exists because of the risk


`of inadvertent use of confidential information in unrelated litigation or
`proceedings that could cause competitive harm to Petitioner or that it has agreed
`with third parties would be maintained as confidential, such as its member
`agreements. None of the member agreements between Unified and its members
`are publicly available and each of the member agreements are held confidential
`between the respective parties. Unified accordingly seeks heightened protection
`for such materials disclosed in discovery in connection with this proceeding.
`These changes do not affect access to confidential information for employees and
`representatives of the Patent and Trademark Office who have a need for access to
`the confidential information.
`The proposed Protective Order also specifies that Patent Owner’s
`representatives in this proceeding include “Bunsow De Mory LLP, its attorneys,
`paralegals, clerical and other regular employees,” who accordingly will have
`access to confidential information under the proposed Protective Order. The
`proposed Protective Order, at the suggestion of Patent Owner, includes outside
`copying and exhibit preparation services in the definition of support personnel
`who are not required to sign an Acknowledgement to access confidential
`information, provided they have been informed of the terms and requirements of
`the proposed Protective Order by the person such personnel are supporting. Good
`cause exists for this change to clarify Patent Owner’s representatives.


`C. Challenges to Designations of Confidential Information in
`Paragraph 4
`The proposed Protective Order provides that any party may challenge a
`designation of confidential information at any time. The proposed Protective
`Order provides that the parties will attempt to resolve such challenge regarding
`confidentiality designations in voice to voice dialogue prior to contacting the
`Board. Good cause exists for this change, which was proposed by Patent Owner,
`to clarify the process by which a party may challenge a designation of confidential
`Effect on Burden of Proof in Paragraph 5
`The proposed Protective Order provides that nothing in the proposed
`Protective Order is intended to relieve a designating party of the burden of
`showing that material designated as confidential is in fact confidential. The
`proposed Protective Order further provides that Patent Owner is not restricted
`from identifying in public filings, based on non-confidential information, the
`identifies of any persons whom it contends are real parties in interest or in privity
`with Petitioner. Moreover, the proposed Protective Order provides that nothing
`in the proposed Protective prevents the Board from identifying the names of any
`parties it find are real parties in interest or in privity with Petitioner. Good cause
`exists for these changes, which were made at the suggestion of the Patent Owner,


`to clarify the effect on the burden of proof on either party and to clarify that certain
`information regarding the identity of other parties, based on non-confidential
`information, will not be deemed confidential.
`E. Redaction of Documents in Paragraph 6
`The proposed Protective Order provides that redacted copies of documents
`may be produced when the documents contain privileged matter, provided that
`the redactions are conspicuous. The proposed Protective Order also provides that
`any party can request additional information to assess claims of privilege on a
`reasonable number of redactions or documents withheld. The proposed
`Protective Order also provides that any party may challenge the propriety of
`redactions or the withholding of documents. The proposed Protective Order also
`provides that the parties will attempt to resolve such challenge regarding
`confidentiality designations in voice to voice dialogue prior to contacting the
`Board. Good cause exists for these changes to clarify the appropriate procedure
`for redacting documents. These changes do not affect access to confidential
`information for employees and representatives of the Patent and Trademark
`Office who have a need for access to the confidential information.
`Use in Subsequent Proceedings in Paragraph 7
`The proposed Protective Order provides that the parties shall use the
`confidential information only for this proceeding and not for any other purpose,


`with the exception discussed below. At the request of Patent Owner, the proposed
`Protective Order provides for an exception to the prohibition of use of the
`confidential information for any other purpose, namely, that confidential
`information may be used in subsequent IPR proceedings, subject to an equivalent
`protective order, that involve the same patent, in which there is a dispute
`regarding real party in interest or privity, or where it is contended that estoppel or
`a time bar applies as a result of IPR2018-00952. This change is also reflected in
`the Acknowledgement for Access to Protective Order Material, which is included
`in the proposed Protective Order. Good cause exists for this change to help ensure
`the continuing protection of confidential information that may be produced in this
`Changes from the default protective order are shown in Exhibit 1026
`attached hereto.
`Unified Patents Inc.
`/ Jonathan E Robe /
`David L. Cavanaugh
`Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
`1875 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`Daniel V. Williams
`Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
`1875 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
`Washington, DC 20006


`Jonathan E. Robe
`Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
`1875 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`Jonathan Stroud
`Unified Patents Inc.
`1875 Connecticut Ave., NW. Floor 10
`Washington, D.C., 20009
`Roshan S. Mansinghani
`Unified Patents Inc.
`13355 Noel Road, Suite 1100
`Dallas, TX 75240
`Tel: (214) 945-0200


`Exhibit Description
`U.S. Patent 9,253,239 B2 to Levanon et al. (“the 239 Patent”)
`U.S. Patent 8,924, 506 B2 to Levanon et al. (“the 506 Patent”)
`PCT Publication WO 99/41675 to Cecil V. Hornbacker, III
`Reddy et al., “TerraVision II: Visualizing Massive Terrain
`Databases in VRML,” IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
`March/April 1999, at 30-38 (“Reddy” with added paragraph
`numbers by Petitioner for ease of reference in the Petition)
`Declaration of Christopher Wilson (“Wilson Decl.”)
`EP1070290 to Cecil V. Hornbacker, III
`Printout of IEEE Explore citations to Reddy et al. (Ex. 1004)
`Printout of Google Scholar citations to Reddy et al. (Ex. 1004)
`Cover page and authenticating declaration of Reddy et al. (Ex. 1004)
`from British Library
`Cover page of Reddy et al. (Ex. 1004) from Linda Hall Library
`First Amended Complaint, Bradium Technologies, LLC v. Microsoft
`Corp., 15-cv-00031-RGA (filed March 14, 2016)
`U.S. Patent 7,908,343 (“the 343 Patent”)
`File History, 239 Patent
`U.S. Patent 6,728,960 (“Loomans”)
`Provisional App. 60/109,077 (“Loomans Provisional”)
`International Publication WO 98/15920 (“Austreng”)


`Declaration of Sylvia Hall-Ellis (“Hall-Ellis Declaration”)
`U.S. Patent 6,317,137 (“Rosasco”)
`Provisional Applications of 239 Patent
`U.S. Patent 6,119,179 (“Whitridge”)
`U.S. Patent 6,401,113 (“Lazaridis”)
`Garland et al, Implementing Distributed Server Groups for the
`World Wide Web, Sch. of Comp. Sci., Carnegie Mellon U.,
`CMU- CS-95-114. Jan. 25, 1995
`Mac Addict Magazine, Issue 14 (Oct. 1997)
`Copy of Declaration of Professor William Michalson (“Wilson
`Decl.”) from Microsoft v. Bradium, IPR2016-01897
`Modified Protective Order
`Redline showing changes of modified Protective Order from the
`Board’s default Protective Order


`I hereby certify that on August 31, 2018, I caused a true and correct copy of
`each of the following to be served via electronic mail to the attorneys of record at
`the following email addresses:
`• Unopposed Motion for Protective Order
`• Updated Exhibit List
`• Exhibits 1025 and 1026
`Chris J. Coulson
`Bunsow De Mory LLP
`101 Brambach Rd.
`Scarsdale, NY 10583
`Michael N. Zachary
`Lauren N. Robinson
`Bunsow De Mory LLP
`701 El Camino Real
`Redwood City, CA 94063
`Respectfully submitted,
` / Jonathan E Robe /
`Jonathan E. Robe, Reg. No. 76,033
`1875 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`Tel: (202) 663-6000
`Fax: (202) 663-6363

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