`eleport 56Kbps ..
`. ............ S179.00
`upraSonic™ 33.6...
`upra Fax Modem 288 33.6 ........ S149.00
`upra Express 56eFaxModem .... s174_00
`upra Express 56e w/ speaker ... .S184.00
`portster 56k (2X tech.) ..
`portster Voice 33.6 ...
`Jaz Drive w/ 1 cartridge.
`Jaz Drive (no cartridge) ...
`Mac Net Jaz drive w/ 3 cartr.
`Internal Jaz drive
`1 GB Jaz cartridge ..
`Zipdrive w/1 cartridge .......... s139
`20-pack JAZ cart . ........ s1560. ·
`*S78 each.
`400 200MHz/16MB/2GB/8XCD ............ .......................... s1 ,299.00
`6400 200MHz/16MB/2GB/8XCD/Level-2 cache ......................... S1,299.00
`7300 200MHz/16MB/2GB/12XCD ....................................... S2,099.00
`7300PC 200MHz/16MB/2.0GB/8xCD ............................ ......... S2,999.00
`8600 200MHz/32MB/2GB/Zip Drive/12XCD/2MBVR ............ . S2,699.00
`8600 300MHz/64MB/4GB/Zip Drive/24XCD .. ..... ...
`............ S3.499.00
`9600 233MHz/32MB/4GB/12XCD/4MBVR...........
`. ... S3,099.00
`9600 300MHz/64MB/4GB/24XCD/Zip......
`. ............ 54,299.00
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`9600MP 200MHz/32MB/4G B/12xCD/4MBVR.. .. .
`. .. S3,499.00
`Power Mac 6500 series
`6500 225MHz/32MB/3GB/12XCD/33.6Mdm(Home) ......... s1 ,699.00
`6500 250MHz/32MB/4GB/12XCD/33.6Mdm/L:ip drive . ..... •1,899.00
`6500 250MHz/48MB/4GB/12XCD/33.6Mdm/Zip(Office) ... s2, 199.00
`6500 275MHz/32MB/4GB/12XCD/33.6Modem/Avid cinema/
`pple video system/Apple TV/FM radio sys(Studio) ..
`6500 300MHz/64MB/4GB/12XCD/33.6Mdm/Zip drive ...
`pie Servers
`In ernet Server Solution
`7250 120MHz/16MB/2GB/8XCD ..................................... s1 ,999.00
`orkGroup Server Solution
`7250 120MHi/16MB/2GB/8XCD ..................................... s1 ,599.00
`7350 180MHz/48MB/4GB/12XCD ................................... s2,112.oo
`9650 233MHz/64MB/8GB/12XCD ................................... S5, 799.00
`Page 101 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


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`Page 102 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


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`i 219
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`tile 20 20' .281“: 160011200 3-Year
`"““md'a “WM“
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`"Emmi“ Fullistudin
`Manama 21' .2201; 160011280 s-rr
`"“'°‘°" "m" 4-“
`. ”EC I
`Mlmsolt Ward/£16m
`Multisync M700 17" 25mm
`._: $3};ch
`S .
`Microtech Lab Scanmaker E3 Flatbed
`$ 289
`, Wacom Art: Il 6118
`S 249
`Visioneer Paperport VX Scanner
`lomega le Powerbook adapter
`3 749
`Newer Tech. P00-604e-200
`S 649
`Newer Tech. 183MHz for Powerbook 1400
`- Newer Tech. vac-130
`3 625
`News: “Itch. Pee-603461 w/BME ram
`G'Wa' “[399 79'3”" 3315 '"Effle‘ '0' ”mm” 3; 149
`“.5. Robotics Sportster 56K ext.
`5 149
`0.5. Robotics 501‘ courier Ext.
`5 199
`Diamond Mult. Supra Express 56! ext.
`$ 149
`Internal 463 Ultra 505' 3‘5 M15
`5 389
`9130133me ibn. tumpuqJEliZi.
`$ 299 mum mm m ER]:
`5 399
`@Efli @531; mm} mm '
`$ 399
`. P ._
`5 299
`s can
`5 “9
`9650/23: 64/49/12x/Appie Share
`9650/2335 AB/figltlelnternet Ready M999
`9659/2211 40/56/121/260
`8550/20!) 32/29/99/Appia Shr
`3550/2110 32/26/90/Apl Stir/Dal
`1350/1811 40/46/121/Apple Share
`1350/1110 48/46/121/lnternet Heady
`1350/1811 48/46/121
`1250/12!) 16/1.2Glcn/Apple Shara
`5331121 3990/2911
`Starmax 3000/240
`Slarmax 4000/16!)
`Stamax WOO/200
`Starmax soon/soc
`Slarmax 550M200
`RadiusThunder [11152
`tIadlus Thunder 30
`lIadlus Thunder Power 30/1920
`“351125 Thunder 30/1600
`IMS TwlnTurlIn 120M2P 2MB Card
`[MS Twin'l'urho 126M4P 4MB0!“!
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`111511-1111ng 125M amp vnIT/i
`1111;;qu In 4100
`A11 xcuiu 6.1 2MB
`as imagine 1211 sun
`L-TIl Portable Pro External
`51 1 49
`5 649
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`$ 329
`s 499
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`5 149
`5 see
`$ 229
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`“ mm
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`5 3-19
`5 “5
`5 599
`flit-1'! fl urn-I E! in;
`run-Ii] (DATE: 5” {0. I)” .ll 0.le I
`.. :I I 1-? \\~ ._
`_: g '
`:‘ '
`I: :_ .
`5.1000 61001
`$100 to 5350
`$35_Ito 5700
`to SI
`_ _ __-'
`_ _
`Fir/[mii Lliii..iii135'
`TiChingi'ii'Jilmuiiiiiiia'L‘i‘iL. FiiPi'iTESiFii35.iLL FHIGEEPE‘LEC'i'iC’mi5. Difiif/Liii. Ererli. Cids'ii'llbtiE'i’inoriniiilen'Lii
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023
`Page 103 0f116
`Page 103 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`4.5GBA!las II
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`Page 104 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`Power Mac
`• 180 or 200MHz 604e
`• 16 or 32M B RAM
`• 2GB HD
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`Catalog Reseller
`~-.-.~~ · 11.3" Dual Scan
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`• 12MB RAM
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`• ax GD ROM
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`• 64MB RAM
`• 4GB hard drive
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`"Monitor sold separately.
`• 180 or 21 OM Hz PowerPC 604e Processor
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`• Upgradeable CPU daughter Card • $1000 software
`''Purdme OOlJ be!oce 9'YM71o recieve coupon for lree Astra 600S from UMAX. $14.95 fDf shipping
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`SuperMac 600 603e 200MHz, 16MB RAM, 2.1GB HD,
`PowerCenter Pro21 OLP 604e,
`1MB VRAM, ax CD, 33.6 Modem, $1200 Software Bundle ... .. 51295"
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`SuperMac 600 603e 240MHz, 24MB RAM, 2.1GB HD,
`PowerBase200LP 603e,
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`SuperMac 600 603e 200MHz, 32MB RAM, 2.1GB HD,
`PowerBase240LP 603e,
`Zip, 1 MB VRAM, 12X CD, 33.6 Modem, $1200 in software . .. 51695"
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`XClaim VR™ 2MB PCI graphics card
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`XClaim TV™ Tuner ........................... .
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`~~d;o~irs~o~ ~~~iii2Ki ·( ·
`V1deoV1s1on Studio PCI 2.0 ML
`V029 101
`Agfa SnapScan for MAC 600DPI 24-Bit
`Agfa Arcus II Desktop Pro Scanner
`UMAX Astra 600S ., ......................................... 1199
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`Page 106 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


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