the disc
`Battle for the Planets FAT
`Mortal Pongbat 1.4.1
`Solitaire Till Dawn 3.2
`Super Mac Freecell 1.1.1
`The Teleporting Inchworm 1.2
`A gent Audio is a gorgeous little
`application that lets you fully cus(cid:173)
`tomize your Mac's sounds. Now
`your morning mail can literally
`come with the cock's crow. -JG
`MacAddictl 4:Software:Graphic &
`Sound:Agent Audio 1.0.1
`Babp~. Chacma
`Elephant, African
`I Fox,
`Giraffe, Southern
`B eautHul shots of large animals and small villages against the
`savanna skyline. This trip to a faraway continent Is a perfect way
`to travel for the armchair tourist. There's even a little icon that
`looks like a camera. -JG
`MacAddict14:Sottware:Commercial Demos:Wild AfrlcaN 2 (Demo)
`T he universe of Escape Velocity is deep in civil war. As you float
`around silent space wilh your ship full of cargo, you encounter all sorts
`of adventures as you fuel up, drop oH passengers, hire escorts, gamble
`at bars, and shoot bad guys. -JG
`MacAddict14:Software:Fun & Games:Escape Velocity
`Page 20 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`Tlrle #1 Selling PC Game of 1997*
`Erupts on the Mac
`~ Computer Games Strategy Plus
`Game of the Year
`— Computer Game Entertainment
`Role-Playing Game of the Year
`— Computer Games Strategy Plus
`Game of the Year
`— GameSpot
`.. _""'M.--
` .,g.1-
` ywwgg"'.g—fl.-Ifl1ifid'rdis'6'i‘éfiii.
`.- L,‘
`. in?”
`Page 21 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`the web· site
`fashion-by not work·
`ing. Here's hoping your
`Mac doesn't do the same.
`BArs gratia arfis,
`that's our motto. We
`honor art for art's sake
`as we uncloak new fine·
`art submissions to our
`Reader Art Gallery.
`9Didn't bring enough for
`the whole class? Tune
`into The Practical Mac, as
`our own David Reynolds
`shows you how to share
`one modem among
`muHiple Macs.
`birthday; stop by his
`15As Japan cele(cid:173)
`brates Respect
`for the Aged Day,
`we'll pay our respects
`to an old-timer Site of
`the Week.
`By Mark Simmons & Jennifer Gwirtz
`3With your online editor
`out of the office, we'll
`line up a special guest
`star to run this week's
`Q&A Wednesday.
`4 P~ckish, parsimo·
`n1ous, pompous,
`punchy, but above all,
`picky. We select our
`Shareware Pick of the
`as we
`gaze into the future
`and behold a sneak
`preview of our November
`with our Q&A 0
`1 OWe're here to help,
`or at least to fake
`it. See if we can ease
`your pain and anxiety
`17 Chee~ out the big
`readers! Once again, we'll
`kick back and let you
`tackle some tough ques(cid:173)
`tions on Q&A Wednesday.
`11 We
`it, we
`buyed it: For this
`week's Shareware Picks
`of the Week, we reveal
`the ones we
`enough to pay for
`out of our own pockets.
`12Like deep-sea fish,
`we might ex·
`plode if the pressure
`reduced. We'll
`tighten the screws on
`our stall members by
`squeezing a new Web
`Exclusive out of 'em.
`19 In honor of Mickey
`Mouse's 1928
`debut in Steamboat
`Willie, we post a reel or
`two of animation in our
`Shareware Pick
`Reader Art Gallery.
`of the Week.
`22 It's our Autumnal
`Equinox Special
`Edition Site of the Week!
`Get ready for your
`long day's journey
`into long nights.
`23 As the magazine(cid:173)
`bearing trucks roll
`along the freeways, we
`post complete info
`on our November issue.
`You're welcome.
`QA Contemplating
`£"1the etemal my·
`sterles is for suckers.
`Get actual answers to your
`nagging questions in our
`regular Q&A Wednesday.
`25 We sorrowfully
`say sayonara to
`September with a scin·
`tlllating Shareware
`Pick of the Week.
`26 Hey you! Look
`alive! Shine those
`shoes! Polish up that
`drab ol' desktop wtth new
`patterns, icons, and doo(cid:173)
`dads from our Reader
`Art Gallery!
`our Site of the Week
`will get you off to a
`good start.
`30 Five hundred and
`forty-live years to
`the day alter Johann
`Gutenberg published the
`first book, we publish
`our latest Web Exclusive.
`It's not the Bible, but we
`do our best.
`Page 22 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`Quality 30 frame per second animation. Packed with 54 of the most beautiful holes in golf. Links LS Macintosh LinksLS
`Seconds after Links LS Macintosh lights up your screen you may feel compelled to frame it. With up to I 6.7 million colors. nothing
`compares to the detail in every leaf. blade of grass. and skyscape on the newest addition of the world's most award-winning line of golf simulators.
`Links LS Macintosh proud[y features the Grand Master of Golf. Arnold Palmer. You'll marvel as the legendary Arnie tees off as a movie(cid:173)

`features the Kapalua Plantation and Kapal ua Village courses in Maw. along
`with Arnie's home course at Latrobe Country Club. near Pittsburg.
`Other features include modem/network play. fog and microlextured grass,
`more realistic ball-flight dynamics. 30 virtual rea l i~ tours and
`excl usive multimedia footage . For more information call I . 800 . 800 48 80 or visit us at
` Frame not included. ReQuires PowerPC
`4750 Wiley Post Way. Bldg. I Ste. 200
`Salt lake City. Utah 841 I 6
`80 1. 359.2900 Fax80!.359.1273
`Page 23 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`0 .... c ·-
`Cache cows, Technotes, faux shareware, Expo madness, MacAddict Index, and more!
`What's the Cache?
`I Clone vendors cache in their chips to differentiate compatibles
`P ut on your helmets, kiddos,
`cache in their new machines. An inline cache
`controller acts as a traffic cop. It sits on tl1e
`processor card between the CPU and the system
`bus (see diagram below) . As data flows, if it's
`for anything but cache, it goes over the system
`bus at the regular speed. But if the data is head(cid:173)
`ing for the cache card, the new controller can
`send it at !\vice the system bus speed because it
`doesn't have to go over the system bus.
`because we Mac addicts are in for
`a wild and speedy ride. Apple and
`the Mac-compatible vendors intro-
`duced their fall lineups at Macworld in early
`August, and they obviously felt the need for'
`speed: Not only have processor speeds doubled
`from just a year ago, reaching a whopping
`350MHz, but those wily engineers
`have devised more ways to squeeze
`processing bang out of eve1y hertz.
`Fast: Lookaside
`Most Power Macs use lookaside
`Level 2 cache. The processor stores
`frequently used operations in L2
`cache because it's faster than main
`.~ 1
`memory. In genetlll, more cac e
`makes an equivalently clocked Mac
`faster than one \vith little or no
`cache. The cache card and your main RAM are
`controlled by the same chip, and tlJat chip is
`8 CPU
`© Memory
`.6 RAM

`lnline Cache
`BACKSIDE CACHE: Power Computing/Motorola
`G3-are called tl1e PowerPC 750, now that they
`are being used in shipping products. In addition
`to the G3 manufactu1ing process mentioned
`above (making them smaller, cooler, and
`faster), these new chips have an e>..'!ra controller
`built in to handle cache. TI1is controller enables
`L2 cache to run at the san1e speed as the proces(cid:173)
`sor because it sits on the "back" side of the
`processor and doesn't even have to think about
`the system bus speed (see diagram above) . The
`first Arthur-based machines will have processor
`speeds of 250 and 275MHz, enabling L2 cache
`to also run at 250 and 275MHz. Both Power
`Computing and Motorola will release Mac com(cid:173)
`patibles with backside cache-Power Comput(cid:173)
`ing at the end of August and Motorola sometime
`in September. Motorola also expects to ship a
`300MHz PowerPC 750-based machine in Octo(cid:173)
`ber, and Apple plans to ship a 750-based
`maclline tltis year, too. Cache that's as fast as the
`CPU will be very expensive, as will the brand-new
`PowerPC 750 chips. Machines using tltis archi(cid:173)
`tecture may well end up performing better than
`the faster-clocked Mach 5 machines, but they'll
`cost an aim, a leg, and a torso. -KI'
`Hard Disk/RAM Range*
`For the moment, Apple is reserving inline
`cache for its new Mach 5-based 9600s and
`8600s, which use processors running from 250
`to 350MHz. The Mach 5 is a 604e chip (second(cid:173)
`generation) that uses a G3 (third-generation)
`manufacturing process to make the processor
`smaller, cooler, and faster than previous 604e
`chips. The 8600 and 9600 series will have a sys(cid:173)
`tem bus of 50MHz, enabling the L2 cache to
`transfer info at lOOMHz. UMAX is
`using the technology in its lowe1~
`end 603e-based C600 line. This
`CacheDoubler is shipping in the
`C600x models and enables an
`80MHz L2 cache. Inline cache
`boosts performance about 20 to
`25 percent above a Mac using
`lookaside cache.
`Fastest: Backside
`Third-generation PowerPC chips
`-which go by the code-name
`Arthur and marketing buzzword
`Power Mac 6500/225 home
`Power Mac 6500/250 home
`W Power Mac 6500/250 business
`...I Power Mac 6500/275 home/creative
`0. Power Mac 6500/300 home
`O. Power Mac 8600/250
`c( Power Mac 8600/300
`Power Mac 9600/300
`Power Mac 9600/350
`* A=O to $999; 8=$1,000 to $1,999; C=$2,000 to $2,999; D=$3,000 to $3,999;
`E=$4,000+ **Core means stripped. tExpect Motorola licensees such as
`APS and PowerTools to offer machines in similar configurations.
`LOOKASIDE CACHE: us-ed in most Power Macs
`connected to the CPU via the system bus. The
`cache speed is limited to tl1e speed of that system
`bus--40 to 66MHz. With processor speeds top(cid:173)
`ping out at 350 MHz-seven times as fast as the
`system bus-the full power of the PowerPC chip
`can't be used.
`Faster: lnline
`To get around this bus speed limitation, both
`Apple and UMAX Computer are using inline
`Page 24 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`Cable Mayhem
`The ABCs of "ratnest relocation"
`Guide with you to unravel tl1e mess. Word to the wise:
`Mystified by the morass behind your Mac? In hooking
`A loose screw can impede data flow. Make sure all your
`up a modest multimedia Mac, you might be working
`with well over 20 cables. Take the MacAddict Cable
`connections are as tight as possible. - john Willis
`SCSI Cable and Terminator
`AVERAGE LEllGlH: 2 feet TASK: High-volume
`AVERAGE LENGTH: 5 feet TASK: Data and power
`data transfer STREET PRICE: Cable $15, ter(cid:173)
`transfer for Input devices STREET PRICE: $8
`minator $5 to $15 HABITAT: Large peripherals
`HABITAT: Keyboards, mice DETAILS: Four-pin
`SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface)
`male-to-male AOB (Apple Desktop Bus) cables
`cables are the big boys behind the box.
`connect keyboards, mice, joysticks, trackballs,
`DETAILS: These 114- to 112-inch thick cables
`and trackpads to your Mac.
`do all the major data shuffling, connecting
`your Mac to all the big expensive peripher(cid:173)
`als you have, such as scanner, removable
`media drive, or external hard drive. SCSI
`cables use either D825 male or Centronlcs
`50 male connectors. Use two-foot cables so
`stray magnetic fields won't muck with the
`signals and you don't lose signal strength.
`... 0
`- --.
`Female? Male? Cables
`have genders? You
`betcha. Basically, a
`socket or an outlet
`is female, and a plug is
`male. They are short(cid:173)
`ened to just F and M
`for use in catalogs and
`price guides, just as
`on surveys.
`AVERAGE LENGlH: 5 to 6 feet TASK: Low(cid:173)
`volume data transfer STREET PRICE: $8
`HABITAT: Low-speed peripherals DETAILS:
`These eight-pin Din-style cables always
`have male connectors, so n you break a pin
`it's on the cheap cable, not on the beloved
`Mac (true for all ports on the Mac, except
`the power plug).
`AVERAGE LENGTH: 5 feet TASK: Digital
`video transfer STREET PRICE: $15 to $20
`HABITAT: MonHor DETAILS: Monitor cables
`are very similar to SCSI cables. They use a
`DB15 (15-pln) connection similar to SCSl's
`D825 connection. You'll need an HDB15
`plug converter n you want to use an SVGA
`monitor made for the PC worid.
`>< SuperMac C500LT/200
`< SuperMac C600x/240
`:E SuperMac C600x/280
`SuperMac 8910/250
`c:s PowerCenter Pro 180 core••
`PowerCenter Pro 210
`j:: PowerCenter Pro 240
`:::> PowerTower Pro 250
`:!: PowerTower Pro G3 250 core**
`(.) PowerTower Pro G3 250
`a: w
`3: PowerTower Pro G3 275
`5 StarMax 5000/225
`StarMax 5000/250
`StarMax 5000/275
`a: StarMax 5000/300
`StarMax 5500/200
`I- StarMax Pro 6000/233
`StarMax Pro 6000/266
`~ StarMax Pro 6000/300
`604e/4GB (wide)/ E
`604e/2GB (narrow)/ D
`750/2GB (narrow)/ D
`750/2GB (wide) or E
`4GB (narrow)/
`750/2GB (wide) or E
`4GB (narrow)/
`603e/2.5GB/32MB B
`603e/2.5GB/32MB c
`603e/4.3GB/32MB c
`603e/4.3GB/32MB c
`604e/4.3GB/64MB c
`Universal Power Cord
`AVERAGE LENGTH: 4 feet TASK: Transferring
`power to an Internal power supply STREET
`PRICE: $8 HABITAT: Wall sockets DETAILS: The
`power cable comes In two flavors: wall socket(cid:173)
`to-computer and monitor-to-computer.
`Sound Cables
`AVERAGE LENllTH: 6 to 8 feet TASK: Carrying
`analog sound signals STREET PRICE
`Microphones and speakers DETAILS: Macs
`use three types of cables for geWng sound In
`and out: stereo minlplugs, RCA audio com-
`postte plugs, and the modified mlnlplug on a
`the sound~n port. Take your PlalnTatk mic with
`you when purchasing other sound-in cables;
`the plug is slightly longer than nonnal, so
`make sure the new cable Is the same length.
`We searched Info-Mac for window(cid:173)
`munging utilities. Somebody
`pranked us and put a fake program
`in the search results. Please tell
`us which one doesn't belong before
`we blow up our Macs! Enter on our
`Web site, or send your entry via snail mail to
`Busted Windows, c/o MacAddict, 150 North Hill
`Drive, Suite 40, Brisbane, CA 94005. Write and
`circle the number you think is right on your enve(cid:173)
`lope. One winner will be randomly chosen from the
`correct entries to win a copy of Lari Software's
`LightningDraw/WEB, which makes superspilfy,
`supersmall graphics for the Web. - KT
`1. 30 Windows
`2. Church Windows
`3. DragAnyWindow
`6. OmegaWindow
`7. MaxWindowZoom
`8. TechnoWindows
`4. Gaspod the Wonder Windows Menu
`9. Window Monkey
`5. MegaWindow
`10. WindowMenu
`Page 25 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`get· info
`Tech note
`W ith the release of Mac OS 8
`comments for floppy disks.
`between a 603e and a 603ev.
`comes, of course, a new Tech(cid:173)
`note covering Mac OS 8. The
`folks who want to delve deep into the
`technical trivia of the Mac OS are few, but
`those who go spelunking are likely to dis(cid:173)
`cover fascinating goodies. The Practical
`Mac offers the following choice finds:
`because of some bug fi xes.
`&Open Transport 1.2 (included in Mac
`OS 8) now is safe from the Ping of
`Death, which was a way of attacking
`servers by sending
`them oversized
`7 Finder extensions are no longer sup(cid:173)
`ported, and the abilities provided by
`the following extensions are found in the
`new Finder: Network Extension, Clipping
`Extension , Catalogs Extension, Mailbox
`Extension, Mail Folders Extension, Finder
`Scripting Extension, PC Card Extension,
`and the Desktop Printer Extension.
`For more Mac OS 8 information, visit
`The Practical Mac at http://www.practical
` . - DR
`'Im c ·-
`of any temporary System memory alloca(cid:173)
`tion. Useful to find out which application
`keeps hogging all that System memory.
`2 Mac OS 8 no longer saves Get Info
`3 Mac OS 8 now knows the difference
`4 CFM-68K and a bunch of CFM-68K
`shared libraries are now in the data
`fork of the System file. ObjectSupportlib
`also has moved to the data fork of the Sys(cid:173)
`tem file.
`1 When selecting About This Computer ...
`in Mac OS B's Finder, each applica(cid:173)
`tion's memory use now reflects the sum
`of its memory partition size and the total size
`S Virtual Memory is greatly improved.
`It's faster, partially because it lost the
`dead weight of 24-bit code and the source
`code was optimized; and it's more stable
`Think Differently Bill Campbell, president and CEO of Intuit;
`To kick off Macworld Expo in Boston in early
`and, to cheers, Steve Jobs, chairman and
`CEO of Pixar Animation Studios.
`Chairman of the board will be announced
`along with CEO at a later date.
`In a clear, focused presentation, Jobs
`kept the crowd spellbound discussing
`Apple's future. The surprise of the day was
`a new partnership with Microsoft, which
`will invest $150 million in nonvoting
`shares of Apple stock. As Jobs put it, "Any(cid:173)
`thing Apple and Microsoft do together
`is a standard." Jobs also positioned Apple as
`the computer of choice for those who "think
`differently." Apple,
`geniuses--not a bad slogan. - Kr
`August, the godfather of soul, James Brown, sang
`in the arrival of Mac OS 8, which sold 1.2 million
`copies in just the first two weeks. A day later, the god(cid:173)
`father of the personal computer, Steve Jobs, rang in a
`new Apple, starting at the top. All of Apple's board(cid:173)
`with the exception of Ed Woolard, chairman and
`former CEO of E. I. du Pont de Nemours, and Gareth
`Chang, president of Hughes International-resigned.
`Replacing them are Larry Ellison, chairman and CEO of
`Oracle; Jerry York, former CFO of IBM and Chrysler;
`Go out and show your support for
`your favorite operating system,
`'cuz Apple's taking Mac OS 8 on
`tour. Two road shows will cross
`the country for almost three
`months! See when one will be in
`your general vicinity, then check
`out the Apple tour site for details
`com/roadshow. Coming soon
`to a mall near you.
`24 MacADD/CT
`Page 26 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`The MacAddict Index
`Sequential rank of Dr. Gilbert F. Amelia's
`wife, among the people whom he noti(cid:173)
`fied of his decision to resign as CEO
`and chairman of Apple Computer: 1
`Approximate percentage of Power Com(cid:173)
`puting computers distributed through
`direct-sales channels: 65
`Anticipated price in dollars of one share
`of Power Computing stock, at the time of
`the company's initial public offering: 9
`Number of shares of Power Computing
`stock outstanding, as of March 31 , 1997:
`Value in dollars of all Power Computing
`stock, based on anticipated price at time
`of IPO: 159,472,017
`Price in dollars of one share of Apple
`Computer stock as of July 10, 1997:
`Number of years since Apple Computer's
`stock price has been this low: 11
`Number of shares of Apple Computer
`stock outstanding, as of May 2, 1997:
`Value in dollars of all Apple Computer
`stock, based on July 10, 1997 price:
`1,611 ,014,596.50
`Approximate net worth of William H.
`Gates Ill, in dollars: 36,400,000,000
`Approximate number of times over that
`Bill Gates could have bought Apple
`Computer on July 10, 1997 (ignoring,
`of course, all kinds of political and
`economic factors) : 22.6
`Average selling price of a new Mac
`during Apple's 1997 third fiscal quarter,
`in dollars: 2,400
`Approximate number of new Macs Bill
`Gates could purchase: 15,000,000
`Approximate number of signatures
`gathered by Futursmith's Truth Petition
`in protest against Mac OS 8's "butt ugly"
`new System font, Charcoal: 2,500
`Estimated street price of Insignia Solu(cid:173)
`tions' SoftWindows 95 prior to June 30,
`1997: $379
`Estimated street price of Connectix Virtual
`PC (released on June 17, 1997): $150
`Estimated street price of SoftWindows
`95 after June 30, 1997: $199
`a processor
`Inte1®486 up to our exclusive Intel
`MMX Pentium® 200MHz.
`And, the OrangePC is affordable, with
`prices starting at $499.
`Th e
`OrangePC models come in
`7" or 12" PC/, and N11B11s
`card types; up to 5x86
`133MHz or up to MMX
`Pentium 200MHz; RAM
`from 8 to 256MB 011 board;
`up to 256K pipeline b1mt
`L2 cache; parallel port
`(fo r th ose delightful PC
`dongles),· 2 high speed serial ports,' 16 bit Sound Blaste~
`compatible /11/0 ut; game port,· one or two MB of video
`Call us today, and put an OrangePC in
`your Apple.
`lloran9e ffii~rd
`"17 Years of Innovation and Excellence"
`1400 N. Lakeview Ave., Anaheim, CA 92807
`(714) 779-2772
`Sources may be found on the MacAddict Web site.
`- MS
`© Ornnge Micro, Inc., 1997
`PC Applications
`Driving You Bananas?
`in Your Apple
`Sometimes, to keep from going bananas,
`you must run a PC application on your
`Mac. The OrangePC® is an expansion
`card which allows you to run both
`Mac and PC programs simuJtaneously.
`It magically transforms
`your Apple into
`a dual computer
`platform which
`Windows ®NT,
`NeXT® OPENSTEP®, Windows®95,
`Windows® 3.1 or DOS. It makes
`thousands of PC applications compatible
`with your Macintosh system.
`If you have a PCI based Performa (7"
`expansion slot), a full -sized PCI Power
`Macintosh compatible (12" slot) or a
`NuB us based Quadra,
`there's an
`OrangePC solution that's right for you.
`Whether you are budget sensitive, or
`performance hurigry, you may select
`Page 27 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`Bring it on ! Your monthly half-dozen dose of deliriously delightful delicacies!
`I t may have
`worked for
`Dave Brubeck,
`but it doesn't work for you.
`"Take Five" indeed. Some-
`body needs to show that Brubeck fellow what real timing
`is. With a sigh of resignation at your role as the savior of world
`music-and the Opcode Studio 64 XTC digital synchronization unit- you
`shoulder yet another burden. Tragic, yet it makes good material for
`new compositions. At only $495, the Studio 64 XTC provides synchronization for
`analog and digital multitrack machines and Mac-based hard disk recording systems. It has
`Worldclock and Superclock output ports (which let it control digital audiotape recorders) and performs SMPTE synch and
`translation. It also uses video and Blackburst signals as references. But there's more: The XTC can be used as a MIDI inter(cid:173)
`face and can route MIDI Time Code signals. Contact Opcode Systems at 415-856-3333, or surf to
`to find out what that whole meter thing was really about.
`llm I
`- •
`LEARN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GetNextEvent() and WaitNextEvent().

`when you were six, you made a promise to yourself. After the day your parents told
`you they were going to get ice cream-they'd be right back-and then left you at the
`bus stop with $50, a pack of cigarettes, and a half-empty bottle of Jim Beam, you decided that
`you would never trust anyone again. And you would never be left behind. You're no dummy. You
`know that if you want to go anywhere in this digital age, you'd better have some tech skills, and
`what better-or
`more powerful-
`skill than being
`able to write your own software? Metrowerks may not have had you in mind when it created
`CodeWarrior, Discover Programming Edition, but this package will suit your needs. For only $79
`and a call to 800-377-5416 (or a visit to, you get tools to write Java,
`C, C++, and Pascal programs (a project manager, a code editor, a code browser, all the com(cid:173)
`pilers and linkers you'll need, a debugger, and other tools). You also get a series of electronic
`books that will start you on the road to programming. Although you won't have a license for
`commercial distribution, you won't need it to learn to program the Mac. And that's what it's all
`about, right? Not revenge, right? Right?
`A s a parent, you want only the best for your child-the best schools, the
`best friends, and the best food . Most of all, you want your child to have
`the best training for the workaday world, and where better to get realistic
`training for tomorrow's computer-centered corporate world than from Young
`Dilbert. By hanging out with Young Dilbert, Dogbert, Ratbert, Bob, and
`Noriko, your child (or, let's face it-you) can chase
`aliens, build an antipollution laser particle cannon,
`and get rid of a pesky computer virus. The Totally
`Techie World of Young Dilbert has fou r adventure modules, giving you 20
`different puzzles and games. To make sure your child has no illusions about
`the work world, bring Dilbert into your home as soon as possible by calling
`888-566-9637. Prepare to spend $34.95. Scott Adams will be proud (or at
`least a little more wealthy) .
`Page 28 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`Rockstar Studios
`I t has been said that perhaps
`you've been spending a little
`too much time surfing the Web
`and that you really should get some sun(cid:173)
`damned rickets, anyway. And you would, but you're this close to getting the
`perfect PPP connection. Besides, it takes so much time to switch between
`Internet settings and accounts, and that doesn't even take into consideration
`monitoring the speed of your connection. Rockstar Studios can help with
`GearBox. This amazing collection of Internet
`connection tools keeps track of all your Internet
`watches for possible settings conflicts,
`and remembers your multiple loca-
`tions and multiple accounts (including
`multiple bookmark files, mailboxes,
`and address books). You receive all
`this help for only $29.95, and a visit to
` or an email to
` Try the demo
`version available from the company's
`Web site. Perhaps then you will follow
`doctor's orders, but don't
`forget the sunscreen.
`e I Matt's Work Dia tup Account ... I
`( Edit Ct1'1'ent Set... J
`Connect via: FreePPP, login ID ~ matt •
`Attachments: Matt's Mailbox, Navigator Personal Bookrm1rks
`To: I North Berkeley
`Olal: 555· 7500
`..,. I From: I Home • I
`lle DNS G Moi 0Nowsl~ I oo:oo:ool
`Confl ure
`..... \ ....... n•A"°'"''
`io;~mr~=v= ... - ,=oc-.. 'il'~"'v"'oos="ll=B=..,.==i;:o3="'""=i;c:i=....,r====F~I
`PleMt: tnttr ~ TCP tomectlon setmgs. These setti"'!Qs wt be used to cc.if9,re TCP for the
`dested comectlon mcttlOd.
`~ '·- ·I
`Obt.wi P Mctess: I ~ ·~
`lg] -Conflct-
`VOi.ii' current system conflgll'ation does not match the ctl'fent GearBox
`Configuration Set
`Application : ~ Transpcwt Domain
`f1eld: NMl"I!!: SUttr Address
`Ge:arBox Valle:
`System Value: <NONE>
`Application: FreePPP
`*** The system settings are missing Of ~ . ***
`How would you Wee to solve this: problem?
`@ Reconf19Je System with Gearbox settirqs
`0 Create a new conf19lratlon with System setttnos.
`T here's that other mouse they don't talk much about-Mortimer. The
`unofficial-avoid-a-lawsuit story goes that Mortimer lives in the faux
`mountain around which a roller coaster runs, waiting for the day when he
`can return to the surface world and reclaim the
`kingdom that was rightfully his. But until then, he
`must watch and wait His observations of the sur-
`face world would go much better if he had the $129 to purchase SiteCam
`1.0, and a phone to call Rearden Technology at 415-550-7573 or a Web
`connection to go to . This powerful software turns a
`video camera and a Mac into a Web cam capable of doing everything from
`sending a new image every five minutes via FTP to handling streaming live
`video to creating time-lapse videos that can be played back as Qu ickTime
`movies. SiteCam works well with a WSAPI- or MOSAPl-compatible server
`with a dedicated IP address, but it can be set up to work with a dial-up PPP
`connection. SiteCam also is fully AppleScriptable.
`i ~.:~·~111pm.-i ,,...,._~ -1>-lfOl.-l!
`Medl .... R••
`High Rn
`; s.. oo;1ClllWl ~x.fil2am.
`! CoJ>,,_hllWl ~x,
`i-,-roq-.-,.-~-· ,-, !
`~=.. i
`~ I
`Bl-::'.'~ i
`I nspired by another Spike Lee
`joint and taking note of the incredible creative brain at work behind the
`film, you 've decided to embark on your own career in movie making-but
`with a twist so absolutely mind-bogglingly clever that no one has ever
`thought of it before. All of your work will be about pork and pork products.
`Wow! The idea is so amazing that you giggle
`just thinking about it But where to put all of
`that B-roll that you shot at the greased-pig
`contest last week? May we suggest the 6GB Advantage Twins hard drives.
`Smoother than the aforementioned slick swine, this pair of 3GB hard
`drives sits in a single enclosure and provides plenty of performance with
`the included SCSI PCI card . Check out the transfer rates of 9MB to 12MB
`per second . The drives come complete with MicroNet's drive software,
`DiskWorks. To ensure your future in digital video , gather your $1,440,
`and contact MicroNet at 714-453-6000, or point your Web browser to
` -David Reynolds
`MacAODICT 2 7
`Page 29 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`By Nikki Echler, David Reynolds, and Daniel Drew Turner
`hink of it as a digital garage
`talking to the other garage-sale goers,
`sale. You arrive at 8 a.m. , you take your purchases to the person in
`even though the sale begins at 9, charge and prepare to pay perhaps one-
`because you know all the goeEI stuff
`fifth what you would pay for brand-
`goes first. You spend your
`time browsing
`tables loaded with soft-
`to organi-
`somewhere in there are a few
`gems, programs that you can 1t
`live without. After hours of searching ana
`new, shrink-wrapped commercial
`software. Ah , but this is no ordi(cid:173)
`nary garage sale.
`Tile proprietor tells you to
`take your finds home, try
`t em out for a few days or
`weeks, and if you decide that
`28 MacAOO/CT
`Page 30 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`obligation to pay-just throw the items away, and
`you're in the clear. Besides, some of those
`items are absolutely free, anyway, so you
`can just put them in your grocery bag
`and head on back home without
`spending a single one of your hard-
`earned dollars.
`his little dream
`is the world of
`Macintosh shareware .
`There are some amazingly now. We did that work for you,
`great programs out there in
`sifting through the mounds of
`that shareware yard sale ; the software available for down-
`grams. We tried them out, and
`hard part is finding them . Until
`load until we came up with 50 we have some tips and how-
`insanely great software pro-
`to 's so that you get the most
`out of your shareware dollar.
`of the top
`programs on
`The Disc.
`They're gems,
`every one.
`Illustrations by Lloyd Dangle
`Page 31 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`DEVELOPER: FreeVerse Sottware
`TYPE: Freeware
`PRICE: Free
`It's free, but if you enjoy SimStapler, the
`creators do ask that you steal office supplies
`from work and send them to their offices in New
`York. They enjoy anything colorful that they can
`hang on their walls and pens bearing company
`logos; Colin (the stunt finger) would like a
`photocopier, please. You and your children can
`virtually staple enormous quantities of imagi(cid:173)
`nary paper for as many hours, minutes, or
`seconds that you care to waste, and it's all
`Score: 1 o
`SIMSTAPLER lets you staple all day without
`wasting paper. Do 10 staples for a surprise!
`MENTS AT ANY TIME! This is the perfect gift
`for anyone who has ever wanted a stapler
`but not the staples. Or the paper. Get one while
`supplies last.
`REQUIREMENTS: A real desire lo s

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