`Page 1 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`Connecfix --
`Makers _of RAM Double'r
`and Speed Doubler.
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`Page 2 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`Easily installed, Connectix Virtual PC is like having a Pentium®
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`Connectix Virtual PC“ gives you the freedom to run PC software
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`You can even run other operating systems such as Windows NT”,
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`Get Connectix Virtual PC. Then, run the universe of PC software
`on your Mac.
`5 Pg Sill-MARE 0" Will MAC
`O Q Q Q MacWEEK6/201‘97
`Page 3 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`Introducing Mac OS 8.
`Superior performance, Multi-tasking,
`Unparalleled customization, Integrated Internet tools.
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`An operatin system so advanced.
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`(Or did it?)
`Get ready for a close encounter of the eighth kind.
`Mac® OS 8 is here. And with it comes a whole new way of
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`Mac OS 8 has a simple purpose on this planet: to help you
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`it does this with
`Open and copy several files at once with the
`Mac OS 8 multi-tasking Finder"' software.
`that's out of this world. Mac OS 8 has integrated Internet capabili(cid:173)
`ties. Netscape Navigator~ the PointCast Network, Internet
`Explorer and a new Internet Setup Assistant are built
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`Mac OS 8 is designed for 68040 and PowerPC'based systems,
`and features reliability improvements that'll have you glad you
`went with the power of 8.
`Intelligent life is out there. And Mac OS 8 is proof.
`For your own close encounter with Mac OS 8, visit
` for a list of local
`software resellers or a free demo. Or give us a ring at
`1-800-482-6376 ext. 1558.
`0 1997 Cbris Corpor:uion. All Rights Reservl'd. Apple, the Apple logo and Mac are registered trademarks and ~indcr is a trademark of Apple Computer, lnc.
`Netscape Navigator is a trademark of Netseape Communicaiions Corporation. Power PC is a trademark of lmcmational Business Machines Corpor:nion, used
`under license there from. Other product and oomp:rny names used herein m:iy be trademarks of their respective O\\TlC~. •JSP required.
`What a difference 8 makes.
`Page 4 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`The Top 50 Shareware Programs
`We sort through a ton of cool shareware and freeware to find the true gems. Even better, we
`tell you how to use each of our top 50 picks. BY DAVID REYNOLDS
`Cut a Music CD
`in Your Own Mac Studio
`You've put together an all-star rock band, and now you're itching to cut your first CD. Here's
`how to set up_a recording studio, get your band's beat into your Mac, edit the tracks, and
`master your own CD. BY STEVEN ANZOVIN
`Geekitectural Digest
`Ah, the Silicon Valley lifestyle. Find out how those hardworking engineers at Apple really live,
`work, and play. BY KATHY TAFEL
`Mac Addict of the Year
`The suspense finally ends! Flip on over to find out who wins the prestigious and coveted Mac
`Addict of the Year award! BY DANIEL DREW TURNER
`This Old Mac
`This month, we help you upgrade a Centris 61 O and 650 and their close cousins the
`Quadra 610 and 650. BY T. KELLEY BOYLAN
`Do Smart Web Searches
`Learn how to find exactly what you want on the Web with just one search.
`Create Tiled Desktop Patterns
`How do they do it? How do people create those seamless, tiled desktop patterns?
`We show you.
`Run Wild With Style Sheets
`In the last part of our series on using style sheets to create stylin' Web page layouts,
`we show you how to add finishing touches.
`Page 5 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`. '
`every month
`Editor's Note
`Is Steve Jobs' return to Apple a bite in the right direction?
`You scribble, you jot, you send us your innermost thoughts.
`We mostly laugh.
`2!2 Get Info
`Technote tidbits for Mac OS 8, caches and their imP,ortance explained in
`plain English, a field guide to cables, the infamous MacAddict Index, a
`brand-new contest, and more.
`26 Cravings
`Six products so hot you'll wonder how you got to be so cool without 'em.
`Find out just how well Connectix Virtual PC works, what's up with Ray
`Dream Studio 5.0 and Golive CyberStudio 1.1 , and how the new version of
`Heroes of Might and Magic shapes up. Plus more!
`Ask Us
`Sending email attachments to PC-based friends, taking screenshots of
`pulled-down menus, hiding files from prying eyes, and other timely tips.
`All the latest and greatest news hot from the top electronic gaming
`convention around-E3, the Electronic Entertainment Expo.
`1 2Shut Down
`Can we possibly make fun of Bill Gates any more? Yup.
`the disc
`____________ .J
`r-------· '
`We've got all the top 50 shareware programs on The Disc-what more do
`you want, buddy? Well, you're in luck. We've also got QuickTime 2.5,
`QuickTime VR, the QuickTime plug-in, the QuickTime VR Player, a handful
`of commercial demos, and some cool movies. Check it out.
`on line
`Catch up on your daily dose of news, reviews, and general mayhem on our
`Web site. And don't forget to spend some time surfing around our affiliate
`sites. They bring you only the best.
`Cheryl, is your refrigerator running? Where's Mt
`Snuffleupagus? Welcome. Gwirtz rhymes with squlrtz!
`Hey, Dave, "Pump you up." All hail Clan MacAddict!
`Page 6 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


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`Page 7 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`Has Steve Jobs lost his mi nd? Or is he c razy like a fox?
`Gil Amelio has been out of Apple for less
`than a month as I write this in early August,
`and already Steve Jobs has inked a deal with
`Microsoft, changed the board of directors,
`caused a near panic over clone licensing, and
`engendered both hate and love among Mac
`addicts. Is the man nuts? Or is this the invigo(cid:173)
`ration that Apple needs?
`Certainly some of]obs' changes are
`glaringly obvious good moves. Apple's
`board has been nearly invisible for
`some time now. This new board will be
`anything but invisible. There's the
`strange but charismatic and powerful
`Larry Ellison, chairman and CEO of
`Oracle; the tough turnaround artists
`Jerry York (former CFO of IBM and
`Chrysler) and Ed Woolard (chairman and
`former CEO of E. I. du Pont de
`the Asia expert
`Gareth Chang (president of
`Hughes International); Jobs
`himself; and my
`appointee, Bill Campbell (pres(cid:173)
`ident and CEO of Intuit) . The
`outgoing, blunt Campbell for(cid:173)
`merly was the head of Claris
`and also head of Apple's mar(cid:173)
`keting (back in the days of the
`"1984" commercial), plus he
`has a wild prankster's sense of humor, a good
`idea of what the customer (us) wants, and
`three Macs at home.
`Other changes are a muddle at the
`moment. In early August, rnmors were ram(cid:173)
`pant that Apple was going to stop granting
`licenses to clone vendors. Publicly, Apple
`made it sound like the company wouldn't kill
`off the clones but would restmcture licensing
`deals so that Apple could make more money.
`Plivately, Jobs was telling clone vendors that
`he simply didn't want them to exist, much less
`thrive, and compete with Apple.
`The issue of cloning has always been a
`tough, controversial one. Jobs may be light to
`think that clones can only cannibalize-not
`expand-Apple sales. But we think it would
`be awfully sad to look back 10 years from
`"Sometimes in craziness lies
`genius. " -Steve Jobs
`6 MacAOO/CT
`now at the strides a company such as Power
`Computing has made-and the steps it took
`that pushed Apple into making better, faster,
`less expensive products-only to find that the
`company no longer existed, that Apple pushed
`it out of the market. This sounds more like a
`Microsoft move than an Apple one.
`And, of course, speaking of Microsoft,
`there's the biggest conundrum of them all(cid:173)
`what the heck was Jobs thinking in cutting a
`deal with Microsoft? There are five parts to the
`agreement: 1) Apple and Microsoft both have
`free access to each other's patents, both those
`already granted and any that may be granted
`within the next five years; 2) for the next five
`years, Microsoft will offer the same number of
`releases of Mac Office as Office on Windows;
`3) Microsoft \vill invest $150 million in Apple
`stock; 4) Microsoft Internet Explorer will ship
`as the default browser on Macs; and 5)
`Microsoft and Apple will collaborate on Java
`compatibility. Aack! How can Jobs do this?
`Isn't this the ultimate sellout? Not necessarily.
`The first three items on the list are not
`nearly as bad as they may seem at first
`glance. For example, the patents. It was a
`patent dispute that sta11ed the whole deal(cid:173)
`making. It's not clear exactly what was being
`disputed or why, but Apple can't afford
`another costly, time-consuming, distracting
`lawsuit right now. Sometl1ing had to be done
`to prevent this. Still, wouldn't a lawsuit be
`better tl1an giving away Apple's crown jewels?
`Well, sure, but the patent sharing does not ·
`mean necessarily that Apple is giving away
`its most precious assets. Patents are not
`the same as technologies. For example,
`QuickTime does not fall under the patent
`agreement. Even if it did, Microsoft wouldn't
`have rights to the source code.
`Then, Mac Office. The agreement assures
`Apple that Microsoft will continue to support
`the Mac OS for the next few years. You don't
`have to use Office if you don't want to any
`more than you did before the deal. But
`Microsoft's guaranteed support of the Mac
`gives businesses one more reason to retain or
`invest in Macs.
`As for the investment, the deal is that
`Microsoft will buy stock at an average of the
`stock's price in the week or two preceding the
`announcement-a time when the stock was
`hoveling around 16. The key thing to note is
`that Microsoft's shares will be nonvoting
`shares-they won't have any real voting
`authority on how the company is run. And
`because Microsoft can't sell the stock for
`three years, it has a good incentive to make
`sure that Apple is healthy.
`It's the last two items(cid:173)
`making Internet Exp}orer the
`default browser and working
`with Microsoft on Java compati(cid:173)
`bility-that worry me. On the
`positive side, Apple is free to
`ship other browsers on the
`Mac, and users can easily pick a
`different one. As for the Java
`compatibility, by working \vith
`Microsoft, Apple can support
`both Sun Microsystems' version of Java and
`Microsoft's. It doesn't have to take a side.
`But the problem is that both of these tech(cid:173)
`nologies are key to dominance on the
`Internet. The Web is a huge part of our
`computer-using lives now, and it's also a
`tremendous source of content. I hate to see
`Apple basically hand over the interface to this
`vast resource-
`is, a browser-to
`Microsoft. As for Java, well, Microsoft con(cid:173)
`siders Java to be an OS-an OS that it wants
`to control, and Apple now is helping it to do
`just that. Don't get me wrong. I think it would
`be a mistake for Apple to try to control]ava. It
`has its hands full with the Mac OS, Rhapsody,
`and the Mac itself. I just don't like the thought
`of Apple helping Microsoft with a new "OS."
`Is Jobs insane for making these decisions?
`It's not clear at the moment, but as he said in
`August, "Sometimes in craziness lies genius."
`Let's hope Jobs' brand of craziness contains a
`big streak of genius. -Cheryl England
`Page 8 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


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`Page 9 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`Kisses , apologies, nerve-you really are full of it, aren't you?
`This Month
`Clarus) of the actual icon(s) on the lawn.
`This just bugs me. I don't know what can or
`should be done about it (maybe a plaque
`explaining that the cursors have been pixel(cid:173)
`doubled?). Still, it bugs me.
`Us To You
`I think you guys need some· major changes to
`your magazine. First of all, get rid of the whole
`Macintosh idea and add some upbeat songs.
`Then fire the staff and throw in a big purple
`dinosaur and hire some dorky kids to pretend
`they're havin' fun! WOW!! -REUBEN AYALA
`I couldn't help but notice that the purple and
`green color scheme on your Web site
`is the exact same color scheme as the cos(cid:173)
`tumes for Barney and Baby Bop. I don't
`think that this was an accident, either!
`ACTIVE. Tal.k
`to us and to
`other Mac
`addicts on
`the Web site.
`WRITE TO US: MacDudes, MacAddic~ 150
`North Hill Drive, Suite 40, Brisbane,
`CA 94005, or send email to letters@
`macaddict. com. FOR CD PROBLEMS:
`Go to http:!!support. imagine-inc. com.
`OK, I know I work just a few dozen
`yards from you guys, and I free(cid:173)
`lance for you occasionally, but this
`just has to be dealt with in your
`Letters section. This has been both(cid:173)
`ering me since I made my first pil(cid:173)
`grimage to Apple's headquarters.
`There are a bunch of huge metal
`sculptures of icons on the front
`lawn of Apple, including Clarus,'
`the pointer, the hand, etc. Here's
`the problem: The pointer, hand,
`I-beam, etc. are all CURSORS, not
`ICONS. Yet they are the same size as
`Clarus. They should be one-fourth
`the size (16 x 16 "giant pixels" ver(cid:173)
`sus 32 x 32 "giant pixels" for
`>SIGHTED = Max recently called in sick and what
`did he decide to do but head down to
`Apple's Cupertino campus to frolic on the
`icon lawn. (Oops! Or is that the cursor lawn?).
`l&I Well, whatever, we caught him in the act. Just
`~ see if we give him any time off!
`I think that all of you are supporters of the
`Barney Movement! And Nikki, you're the
`center of this evil! Look at you and your
`DinoKidz keyboard! If that's not a symbol, I
`don't know what is! Cut it out or else I will
`report you to the Federal Bureau of Barney
`One of the most beautiful
`things about the Mac commu(cid:173)
`nity is the brothership (and
`sistership) we all share. We
`are all a virtual family who
`find boundless pleasure in
`each other's Macintosh expe-
`rience. Our Macs are far more
`than just computers, they are
`an integral part of our
`lives. Deep down, we all
`want our brothers (and
`sisters) to have the Mac
`they want, the Mac that
`makes them as happy
`as they could possibly
`be. My
`September 18, and I would
`really like a new 6500. I
`understand what a
`order this is, hence I will
`pay for the shipping.
`I am a little ticked at you people, and I would
`like an explanation for your lateness with a
`response. All I ask is just about one ounce of
`ink in your awesome magazine, and you can(cid:173)
`not do that much. Print my letter. Please! I
`beg of you! Have mercy, please! -ERIC MAYER
`Look, I tend to get out of hand, and I apol(cid:173)
`ogize for my misbehavior. You have an
`excellent magazine. Thank you, you insen(cid:173)
`sitive pigs. -ERIC AGAIN
`Page 10 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`Internet Access
`It's your Internet'."
`33Kbps / 56Kbp s
`Page 11 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`Buv c.
`Brag about it.
`Put it on your shell.
`Get frustrated.
`Buy some bool<s.
`I'm baaaaaaacccccckkkkkk! In case you're
`wondering where I've been, well, it's a long
`story, so break out the Mountain Dew and
`grab a bag of chips. I was sitting in the park,
`reading MacAddict and daydreaming in
`color, as all Mac addicts do, when suddenly
`(insert dramatic music here) I was beset on
`all sides (I like that word ... beset ... use it in
`a sentence today ... ) by a slew (another cool
`word) of PC Vampire/Zombies (they were in
`a previous lie ... er. .. story). I was beating
`them back with my Club of Mac (actually just
`my rolled up MacAddict) , when one of the
`zombies brought out a Win-Doze installation
`manual and began to read it. I passed out
`instantly from the sheer boredom.
`Wow, look at all those cars passing ... oh,
`sorry .. . where was I? Oh yeah, when I came
`Trv to learn il
`You KNow You'RE A
`Pull your hair out.
`... your children cry when they see a photo of
`Buy some more bool<s.
`Give up.
`Now go buy
`and get some
`worl< done•
`Discover the power
`... you try to make a script (using AppleScript,
`of course) to feed your pets. -VASILY KoROSLEV
`... as soon as you figure out how to get your
`PC at work to make a sound at startup, you
`make sure that the sound is "What a piece of
`junk!" from Star Wars. -JIM CASEY
`.. . your 5-year-old Mac whiz is sitting on
`Santa's lap and telling him what he wants for
`Christmas, and Santa looks over at you and
`says, "Excuse me, sir. What is a Power Mac
`8500 with a 604 RISC processor and a two(cid:173)
`gig hard drive and 24 megabytes of RAM?"
`... you get pulled over on the highway for
`dragging a PC motherboard behind you while
`hanging out the window yelling, "Microsucks,
`Microsucks," and not realizing what you did
`... if you take your Mac to the beach to get it a
`better tan color. -JOHN WILLIS
`. . . you name your dog Moof, and you are
`pushing the guys at MIT to start some kind
`of species combination. - MIKE LORSUNG
`... your mother goes to the store, and she
`asks you what kind of juice you want.
`Instead of saying "apple," you start naming
`the Performa line. -ANDREW HENDRICKX, WEST
`In the Kidz Stuff review of Harmonic
`Vision's Music Ace (Jul/97, p82), we
`inaccurately listed the number of games
`and levels in the program. Music Ace
`contains 24 lessons and 24 musical
`games with three to six levels of diffi·
`culty. A demo of the program can be
`found at
`Claris Emailer (Aug/97, p64) will
`indeed connect automatically on startup
`by using the Connect Using: option in the
`Preferences ... dialog box. The problem
`is that you have to set Connect Using: to
`a schedule rather than use the Connect
`Now setting.
`to, I was wearing a suit, sitting in a cubicle
`with flickering fluorescent lights overhead,
`some geek PC freak was sitting in the cubicle
`beside me, typing command lines and reboot(cid:173)
`ing like mad, sweating like a pig in the sun
`(some kind of PC geek aerobics maybe?), and
`worst of all (more dramatic music,) I WAS
`The geek stopped his futile PC exercise
`long enough to tell me that I was now a
`prisoner of all those that attempt to ruin a
`life of fun . They are the ones who brought
`easy listening to
`the world, replaced
`Godzilla theater on Sunday mornings with
`those boring political debate shows, and
`introduced the PC to the world. Their
`leader was none other than (dramatic
`music here) Bill Gates. Surprise, surprise .
`The geek said that the reason I was here
`is that some of Bill's spies had noticed that
`I was having too much fun, and after sev(cid:173)
`eral failed attempts at shutting me up (good
`thing I have a strong head), they decided to
`simply capture me and torture me by hav(cid:173)
`ing me write command lines for eternity!
`As I sat there, listening to him typing
`and sweating ... HEY, YOU'RE GETTING
`SWEAT ON ME!!!! ... with my keyboard click-
`ing out "PCs SUCK" over and over again,
`I decided I needed to get out of there. I
`strained at the chains, busting them with my
`awesome biceps (OK, I really didn't strain;
`like all Microsucks products, they weren't
`too well made, and they popped like rubber
`bands ... but I do have awesome biceps .. .
`really I do ... don't laugh ... ) and tore the
`tie off my neck. (Heroic music here.)
`As I ran out of the cubicle, I turned and
`pulled out a Techno mix CD from my Secret
`MacAddict Utility Belt (what, you don't have
`a Secret MacAddict Utility Belt?! Here's how
`you get one ... wait, if I tell you, then it won't
`be a secret anymore ... ) and threw it, as the
`Page 12 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`"WAV is the spiffiest word processor
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`Imagine utilizing ·net data instead of just
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`is built in, and truly
`becomes your own
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`resource. Imagine
`the flexibility of
`embedding cyber(cid:173)
`buttons with direct
`MacWorld Expo '97 - Apple\• Component Theatre
`helps Macintosh users from around the w~ld
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`Stop imagining.
`Catch the WAV.
`The Next Generation Desktop-
`Call 800-759-2204 to order!
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`Folder Bay - Simple-to-use, easily acces(cid:173)
`sible text controls are located here. You
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`~ - Create single-click hot
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`Instantly launch local applications, sound
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`Embedded Part - WAV Document; are
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`WAV. In thi; case,
`"Number; S. Chart;•"
`(component parts
`from Adrenaline·
`Software)• display data in an active-3D
`graph linked to a spreadsheet. As data is
`edited, the graph automatically updates.
`Dynamic Text Wrao - When 1,0U drag a
`part into your document, you II see how
`e1eisting te11t wraps around the part as you
`move it- all in real time!
`Embedded Web Page - Never before ha;
`a world-class word processor come with
`built-in Internet navigation, browsing,
`viewing and retrieval tools as a part of its
`CO]trol panel. When you open docume nts,
`WAV automatically opens live home pages
`or other embedded sites.
`Othe r straightforward editing Features include full tabs, colored text, search and replace, AppleGuide help, te1Ct
`to speech, word count, justification control, and full line-spacing. Most people only use about 3% of the te1Ct-editing
`features found in their traditional word processors. Now. you no longer need to lug_ around all that stuff! With
`component technology and W"IN. if you need e1Ctra te1Ct-handling features, simply plug them in later.
`* WAV install; compl ete with OpenOoc, Cyberdog ('Het Browser, E-mail , ' Het Search,
`CyberButton,'Het Management), ClOO'" Components LEXI & C-TextBox, and Apple Live Objects
`Essentials (QuickTime'" Vi ewer, Image Viewer, 3DMF Viewer, Apple Draw, Appl e Audi o).
`tt.,.......,,,.. ... ,.,.,rr ..
`f~~1~:;.n~,~~,~~~1~1e Edi~'~-~!,~oicc of s::~w (0~~02e.n~ 1~0·
`Mf/ Mmr// ·97
`WAV incorporates the power of other Component 1()(T Member companies including Cyberdog, Soft/inc, and Corda.
`1ech11ology m1i11g. Mnc\\'orltl Bruwn ·915
`For more information on other component parts, visit the Component UXTwcbpage at . Digiral Harbor. L.C.
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -_
`is a private company with headquarters in Orem, UT. U.S.A. Digital Harbor-, WAV-. living Documents-, and The Next Generation Desktop- are trademarks of Digital Harbor. l .C. All other trademarks or tradenamcs arc t/I(!
`protected property of their respective owners. System Requirements: Macintosh/Power MacintosJJ. component appliC<1tion size: 1.6 MB, suggested memory: 8 MB (virrual memory oo); 16 MB (vi1tU<JI memory off) MacOS
`version 7.5.1 a lat«, OpenDoc 1.0.4 0t latCf. Digital Harbor, L.C., 167 S. Orem Blvd., Orem, UT 84058., (801) 224·5184. fax (801) 224·5183. 0 1997 Digifa/ llarbor. LC. Allrighu fCSL'f\lt'd.
`Page 13 of 116
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1023


`cam I've looked at, but it makes me feel a
`Only one comment: Internet Explorer sucks.
`little responsible for you all. Sit up straighter,
`Stop endorsing it. I've tried every release
`and have the guy in the orange T-shirt get a
`and find it to consistently lock up more fre(cid:173)
`haircut. -PfllLIP Wil.SON
`quently and download graphics slower than
`Netscape Navigator. I tossed the last one after
`I would just like to tell you that if I live tq
`three sessions. 1\vo weeks later they sent me
`be 80 years old, I will have 813 issues of a T-shirt! Guess what? It didn't fit! -STEPHEN
`MacAddict to wait for in the mail. -DAVID M. SMEATON, PROVIDENCE, RI
`When I first read about that little QuickCam
`that was set up at MacAddict, I thought,
`"Wow! Now I can see 'em in action!" So I
`immediately went to The Disc and ran the
`little Java applet, and there you guys were!
`"This is great," I thought! And when I finally
`got control (after about 2.5 hours), I
`attempted to send a short Morse code mes(cid:173)
`sage (by shaking the QuickCam back and
`forth) that went something like this: "Help!
`Help! I'm a bug trapped in your hard
`drive!" It took me about half an hour to put
`out, yet no one noticed .... I guess you were
`all too busy (for example, sitting around
`drinking coffee) to look over. I wasted a
`whole afternoon on it, too. Sigh .. .. -THE
`Spoof of Oscar the Grouch's
`"I Love Trash," by Jeff Moss
`Oh I love Macs
`Even the PowerBook and little Newton
`All user-friendly the moment you begin
`Yes, I love Macs
`Better quality JPEGs from my scanner
`Instead of one big color B-M-P blur
`Print from Photoshop to your StyleWriter
`I love it because it's Mac!
`wise ancient Mac Monks had taught me.
`So, after battling my way out of the
`House of Horrors, and hitchhiking my way
`back to Los Angeles with truck drivers
`(who would've thought country music
`could get catchy after 200 miles?) , I arrive
`home to find that I have missed two issues
`and a scathing review of my letters by one
`Tessa Caine ... say, Tessa, you wouldn't hap(cid:173)
`pen to have a friend named Bill, would you?
`So, there you have the condensed ver(cid:173)
`sion, because I'm tired, and I need to go eat.
`(Looney Tunes music here.) -REUBEN
`What do you get when you mix Lee Iacocca
`with Dracula? Autoexec.bat. -TRISTAN ToM,
`THANKS! I Guess •••
`I was going through my August issue and
`came across the Editor's Note and saw a
`picture of Cheryl. I've always thought she
`was cute, but this time there was something
`about her that made her appear more
`attractive ... then it hit me: NICE POWER(cid:173)
`Oh I love Macs
`Even the PowerBook and little Newton
`All user-friendly the moment you begin
`Yes, I love Macs
`You know when you get a new magazine
`and a subscription form falls out, and you
`read a bit, and you find a subscription
`form, and you turn the page, and t

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