
`Unified Patents Inc.,
`Bradium LLC
`Patent Owner
`U.S. Patent 9,253,239


`I, Dr. Sylvia D. Hall-Ellis, declare as follows:
`1. My name is Sylvia Hall-Ellis. I have been retained as an expert by
`Unified Patents Inc. in connection with its petition for inter partes review of
`United States Patent No. 9,253,239.
`I have written this report to provide my expert opinion regarding the
`public availability of certain publications. My report sets forth my opinions in
`detail and provides the basis for my opinions regarding the authenticity and public
`availability of these publications. If called to testify in the above-captioned matter,
`I will testify with regard to the opinions and bases set forth below.
`I reserve the right to supplement or amend my opinions, and bases for
`them, in response to any opinions expressed by patentee’s experts, or in light of
`any additional evidence, testimony, discovery, and/or argument advanced by
`patentee, and/or other additional information that may be provided to me after the
`date of this report. Additionally, I reserve the right to prepare any exhibits that will
`be used to summarize or support my opinions, including demonstrative exhibits. I
`reserve the right to create additional summaries, tutorials, demonstrations, charts,
`drawings, tables, and/or animations that may be appropriate to supplement and
`demonstrate my opinions.


`I am being compensated for my time spent working on this matter at
`my normal consulting rate of $300 per hour, plus reimbursement for any additional
`reasonable expenses. My compensation is not in any way tied to the content of this
`report, the substance of my opinions, or the outcome of the petition. I have no
`other interests in this matter with any of the parties.
`Aside from the documents and references mentioned below, these are
`the additional materials I have considered in forming the opinions expressed in this
`a. Webpages hosted at;
`b. Wayback Machine archives for and;
`c. OCLC (;
`d. Online catalogs at academic libraries (San José State University; Cal
`Tech University; University of California – Berkeley; University of
`Washington; University of Michigan; Georgia Tech; University of
`Wisconsin – Madison; Carnegie Mellon University; Cornell University;
`Stanford University; and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).
`I am currently an Adjunct Professor in the School of Information at
`San José State University. I obtained a Masters of Library Science from the
`University of North Texas in 1972 and a Ph.D. in Library Science from the
`University of Pittsburgh in 1985. Over the last forty-five years, I have held various
`positions in the field of library and information resources. I was first employed as


`a librarian in 1966, and have been involved in the field of library sciences since,
`holding numerous positions.
`I am a member of the American Library Association (ALA) and its
`Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) Division, and I
`served on the Committee on Cataloging: Resource and Description (which wrote
`the new cataloging rules) and as the chair of the Committee for Education and
`Training of Catalogers and the Competencies and Education for a Career in
`Cataloging Interest Group. I also served as the Chair of the ALCTS Division’s
`Task Force on Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging.
`Additionally, I have served as the Chair for the ALA Office of Diversity’s
`Committee on Diversity. Currently I serve as a member of the Editorial Board for
`the ALCTS premier cataloging journal, Library Resources and Technical Services.
`I have also given over one hundred presentations in the field,
`including several on library cataloging systems and Machine-Readable Cataloging
`(“MARC”) standards. My current research interests include library cataloging
`systems, metadata, and organization of electronic resources. My full curriculum
`vitae is attached hereto as Exhibit 1021. I have previously testified at deposition in
`five cases: Apple Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. et al., 5:12-cv-630-LHK
`(N.D. Cal.), on behalf of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.; Hitachi Maxell, Ltd. v.
`Top Victory Electronics Co., Ltd., 2:14-CV-1121 on behalf of Top Victory


`Electronics Co. Ltd.; Symantec, Corp. v. Finjan, Inc., Petition for Inter Partes
`Review of U. S. Patent No. 6,154,844, on behalf of Symantec Corp.; Intellectual
`Venture I LLC v. ATT Mobility LLC et al., C.A. No. 12-193 (D. Del.) and related
`cases, on behalf of AT&T Mobility LLC, AT&T Mobility II LLC, T-Mobile USA,
`Inc., T-Mobile US, Inc., Sprint Spectrum L.P., and U.S. Cellular Corporation; and,
`Symantec, Corp. v. Finjan, Inc., 14:cv-2998 (N.D. Cal.), on behalf of Symantec
`Corp. I have never testified at trial as an expert.
`I am fully familiar with the library cataloging standard known as the
`MARC standard, which is an industry-wide standard method of storing and
`organizing library catalog information.1 MARC was first developed in the 1960’s
`by the Library of Congress. A MARC-compatible library is one that has a catalog
`consisting of individual MARC records for each of its items. Today, MARC is the
`primary communications protocol for the transfer and storage of bibliographic
`metadata in libraries.2
`1 The full text of the standard is available from the Library of Congress at
`2 Almost every major library in the world is MARC-compatible. See, e.g., MARC
`Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), LIBRARY OF CONGRESS,
` (last visited March 10, 2018) (“MARC is the
`acronym for MAchine-Readable Cataloging. It defines a data format that emerged
`from a Library of Congress-led initiative that began nearly forty years ago. It
`provides the mechanism by which computers exchange, use, and interpret


`10. A MARC record comprises several fields, each of which contains
`specific data about the work. Each field is identified by a standardized, unique,
`three-digit code corresponding to the type of data that follow. For example, a
`work’s title is recorded in field 245, the primary author of the work is recorded in
`field 100, an item's International Standard Book Number (“ISBN”) is recorded in
`field 020, an item’s Library of Congress call number is recorded in field 050, and
`the publication date is recorded in field 260 under the subfield “c.” If a work is a
`periodical, then its publication frequency is recorded in field 310, and the
`publication dates (e.g., the first and last publication) are recorded in field 362,
`which is also referred to as the enumeration/chronology field.
`11. The library that created the record is recorded in field 040 in subfield
`“a” with a unique library code. When viewing the MARC record online via Online
`Computer Library Center’s (“OCLC”) Connexion database, hovering over this
`code with the mouse reveals the full name of the library. I used this method of
`“mousing over” the library codes in the OCLC database to identify the originating
`library for all of the MARC records discussed in this report. Where this “mouse
`over” option was not available, I consulted the Directory of OCLC Libraries in
`bibliographic information, and its data elements make up the foundation of most
`library catalogs used today.”). MARC is the ANSI/NISO Z39.2-1994 (reaffirmed
`2009) standard for Information Interchange Format.


`order to identify the institution that created the MARC record.3
`12. MARC records also include several fields that include subject matter
`classification information. An overview of MARC record fields is available
`through the Library of Congress at For
`example, 6XX fields are termed “Subject Access Fields.” See
` Among these, for example, is
`the 650 field; this is the “Subject Added Entry – Topical Term” field. See
` The 650 field is a “[s]ubject
`added entry in which the entry element is a topical term.” Id. These entries “are
`assigned to a bibliographic record to provide access according to generally
`accepted thesaurus-building rules (e.g., Library of Congress Subject Headings
`(LCSH), Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)).” Id. Further, MARC records
`include call numbers, which themselves include a classification number. For
`example, the 050 field is the “Library of Congress Call Number.” See
` A defined portion of the
`Library of Congress Call Number is the classification number, and “source of the
`classification number is Library of Congress Classification and the LC
`Classification-Additions and Changes.” Id. Thus, included in the 050 field is a


`subject matter classification. Each item in a library has a single classification
`number. A library selects a classification scheme (e.g., the Library of Congress
`Classification scheme just described or a similar scheme such as the Dewey
`Decimal Classification scheme) and uses it consistently. When the Library of
`Congress assigns the classification number, it appears as part of the 050 field. If a
`local library assigns the classification number, it appears in a 090 field. In either
`scenario, the MARC record includes a classification number that represents a
`subject matter classification.
`13. The OCLC was created “to establish, maintain and operate a
`computerized library network and to promote the evolution of library use, of
`libraries themselves, and of librarianship, and to provide processes and products
`for the benefit of library users and libraries, including such objectives as increasing
`availability of library resources to individual library patrons and reducing the rate
`of rise of library per-unit costs, all for the fundamental public purpose of furthering
`ease of access to and use of the ever-expanding body of worldwide scientific,
`literary and educational knowledge and information.”4 Among other services,
`OCLC and its members are responsible for maintaining the WorldCat database
`4 Third Article, Amended Articles of Incorporation of OCLC Online Computer
`Library Center, Incorporated (available at


`(, used by independent and institutional libraries
`throughout the world.
`14. OCLC also provides its members online access to MARC records
`through its OCLC Connexion database. When an OCLC member institution
`acquires a work, it creates a MARC record for this work in its computer catalog
`system in the ordinary course of its business. MARC records created at the Library
`of Congress are tape-loaded into the OCLC database through a subscription to
`MARC Distribution Services daily or weekly. Once the MARC record is created
`by a cataloger at an OCLC member institution or is tape-loaded from the Library
`of Congress, the MARC record is then made available to any other OCLC
`members online, and therefore made available to the public. Accordingly, once the
`MARC record is created by a cataloger at an OCLC member institution or is tape-
`loaded from the Library of Congress or another library anywhere in the world, any
`publication corresponding to the MARC record has been cataloged and indexed
`according to its subject matter such that a person interested in that subject matter
`could, with reasonable diligence, locate and access the publication through any
`library with access to the OCLC Connexion database or through the Library of
`15. When an OCLC member institution creates a new MARC record,
`OCLC automatically supplies the date of creation for that record in field 005. The


`MARC record creation date reflects the date on which, or shortly after which, the
`item was first acquired or cataloged. Initially, field 005 of the MARC record is
`automatically populated with the date the MARC record was created in year,
`month, day format (YYYYMMDD) (some of the newer library catalog systems
`also include hour, minute, second (HHMMSS)). Thereafter, the library’s computer
`system may automatically update the date in field 005 every time the library
`updates the MARC record (e.g., to reflect that an item has been moved to a
`different shelving location within the library). Field 005 is visible when viewing a
`MARC record via an appropriate computerized interface, but when a MARC
`record is printed to hardcopy, no “005” label appears. The initial field 005 date
`(i.e., the date the MARC record was created) does appear, however, next to the
`label “Entered.”5 The date upon which the most recent update to field 005
`occurred also appears, next to the label “Replaced.” Thus, when an item’s MARC
`record has been printed to hardcopy—as is the case with the exhibits to this
`report—the date reflected next to the label “Entered” is necessarily on or after the
`date the library first cataloged and indexed the underlying item.
`16. Once one library has cataloged and indexed a publication by creating
`a MARC record for that publication, other libraries that receive the publication do
`5 In this report, I sometimes refer to the “Entered” entry as field 008, characters


`not create additional MARC records—the other libraries instead rely on the
`original MARC record. They may update or revise the MARC record to ensure
`accuracy, but they do not replace or duplicate it. This practice does more than save
`libraries from duplicating labor. It also enhances the accuracy of MARC records.
`Further, it allows librarians around the world to know that a particular MARC
`record is authoritative (in contrast, a hypothetical system wherein duplicative
`records were created would result in confusion as to which record is authoritative).
`17. Catalogers can create MARC records for all types of print, online, and
`digital resources. For example, MARC records cover serial publications, including
`both serially-published monographs and journals. OCLC hosts MARC records for
`more than 320 million serial publications. Serial publications are those
`publications that have the same collective title but are intended to be continued
`indefinitely with enumeration such as a volume or issue number (e.g., magazines,
`journals, etc.). In the OCLC Connexion database, the first issue of the serial
`publication is typically cataloged (i.e., a corresponding MARC record is created),
`but the date is left open-ended with the use of a punctuation mark such as a dash.
`OCLC serial publication MARC records represent the entire run of the serial title.
`With knowledge of the first issue published, future issues can be predicted based
`on the information provided in the MARC record, for example in field 362. In my
`extensive professional experience, is it highly unusual for a library to stop


`collecting and shelving a serial publication prior to the end of its publication run.
`If a subscription to a serial publication ends its run or is cancelled before the end of
`its run, the library will denote that it has stopped receiving new volumes by filling
`in the end date in the MARC record.
`18. When individual issues of a serial publication are received by a
`library, the individual issue is indexed, added to library holdings records, and made
`available for library visitors. Typically, individual issues are available within a
`few days of receipt by the library—or at most a few weeks. Typically, academic
`libraries use property and date stamps to mark the receipt of a new journal issue.
`The issue is checked in and then processed so that it can be placed out in a public
`area for patrons. The foregoing process has been standard library practice longer
`than I have been working in the profession. I first learned the steps in the process
`in the late 1970s and later supervised it. Although the checking in process has
`become automated and now links electronically to holdings records for the MARC
`record for each serial title, the manual stamping and placing the issue in a public
`area has not changed for 50 years. Unless I note otherwise below in reference to a
`specific serial publication, it is my expert opinion that this standard protocol was
`followed for each of the serial publications discussed below.
`19. The handling of printed journal subscriptions is shown on the covers
`of individual issues. As typical practice among libraries, issues arrive at a central


`facility and are immediately received, verified as part of a subscription, checked in,
`and stamped with the institution’s name and date. Determining that the issue is
`part of the library subscription allows the library to ensure that the entire set of
`publications for the year has been received so that they can be professionally
`bound and retained. This process verifies that all published issues have arrived so
`that the library staff knows whether it must request or claim an issue that did not
`arrive as expected. In large public libraries with branches and multi-campus
`libraries within academic institutions, the journals are sorted and delivered to the
`subscribing unit. The issues are frequently stamped again to acknowledge receipt.
`The new issue is then placed in the public area; the older issue is stored so that it
`remains available. In my experience, this process occurs quickly. Not only is
`there a short window to notify a publisher of a defective issue or non-receipt, there
`are often patrons waiting for a new issue of a particular journal. A rule of thumb
`that I have used is to get the new issue processed and available in a public area
`within three days or sooner based on staffing and the volume of materials received.
`Unless I note otherwise below in reference to a specific serial publication, it is my
`expert opinion that this standard protocol was followed for each of the serial
`publications discussed below.
`20. Upwards of two-thirds to three-quarters of book sales to libraries
`come from a jobber or wholesaler for online and print resources. These resellers


`make it their business to provide books to their customers as fast as possible, often
`providing turnaround times of only a single day after publication. Libraries
`purchase a significant portion of the balance of their books directly from publishers
`themselves, which provide delivery on a similarly expedited schedule. In general,
`libraries make these purchases throughout the year as the books are published and
`shelve the books as soon thereafter as possible in order to make the books available
`to their patrons. Thus, books are generally available at libraries across the country
`within just a few days of publication.
`In preparing this report, I used authoritative databases, such as the
`OCLC Connexion database and the Library of Congress Online Catalog, to
`confirm citation details of the various publications discussed.
`I am not an attorney and will not offer opinions on the law. I do,
`however, have an understanding of several principles concerning the public
`accessibility of printed publications that have guided me in arriving at my stated
`conclusions in this report.
`I understand that a printed publication qualifies as “publicly
`accessible” as of the date it was disseminated or otherwise made available such
`that a person interested in and ordinarily skilled in the relevant subject matter could
`locate it through the exercise of ordinary diligence.


`24. While I understand that the determination of public accessibility under
`the foregoing standard rests on a case-by-case analysis of the facts particular to an
`individual publication, I also understand that a printed publication is rendered
`“publicly accessible” if it is cataloged and indexed by a library such that a person
`interested in the relevant subject matter could locate it (i.e., I understand that
`cataloging and indexing by a library is sufficient, though there are other ways that
`a printed publication may qualify as “publicly accessible”). One manner of
`sufficient indexing is indexing according to subject matter category. I understand
`that it is not necessary to prove someone actually looked at a printed publication in
`order to show it was publicly accessible by virtue of a library’s cataloging and
`indexing thereof. I understand that the cataloging and indexing by a single library
`of a single instance of a particular printed publication is sufficient, even if the
`single library is in a foreign country. I understand that, even if access to a library
`is restricted, a printed publication that has been cataloged and indexed therein is
`publicly accessible so long as a presumption is raised that the portion of the public
`concerned with the relevant subject matter would know of the printed publication.
`I also understand that the cataloging and indexing of information that would guide
`a person interested in the relevant subject matter to the printed publication, such as
`the cataloging and indexing of an abstract for the printed publication, is sufficient
`to render the printed publication publicly accessible.


`I understand that evidence showing the specific date when a printed
`publication became publicly accessible is not necessary. Rather, routine business
`practices, such as general library cataloging and indexing practices, can be used to
`establish an approximate date on which a printed publication became publicly
`A. Exhibit 1004
`Exhibit 1004 is a copy of Volume 19, Number 2 of the IEEE
`Computer Graphics and Applications journal found in the Gemmill Library of
`Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics at the University of Colorado – Boulder.
`The article “TerraVision II: Visualizing Massive Terrain Databases in VRML” by
`Martin Reddy, Yvan Leclerc, Lee Iverson, and Nat Bletter (hereinafter called
`“Reddy”) appears on pages 30-38 of this issue dated March/April 1999. The
`exhibit filed in this proceeding as Exhibit 1004 is a true and correct copy of the
`issue cover, table of contents, and the article. I obtained this copy of the article
`comprising Exhibit 1004 from the Gemmill Library of Engineering, Mathematics,
`and Physics at the University of Colorado – Boulder. Specifically, the text of the
`article is complete; no pages are missing, and the text on each page appears to flow
`seamlessly from one page to the next; further, there are no visible alterations to the
`document. Exhibit 1004 was found within the custody of a library – a place where,


`if authentic, a copy of this journal would likely be. Exhibit 1004 is a true and
`correct copy in a condition that creates no suspicion about its authenticity.
`Based on finding a print copy of Exhibit 1004 in the Gemmill Library
`of Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics at the University of Colorado – Boulder
`and a record in its online library catalog attached as Attachment 1a, it is my
`opinion that “TerraVision II: Visualizing Massive Terrain Databases in VRML” by
`Martin Reddy et. al. published in the IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
`journal was available from the Gemmill Library of Engineering, Mathematics, and
`Physics at the University of Colorado – Boulder.
`Exhibit 1004 has a receipt label affixed to the issue cover at the
`Gemmill Library of Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics at the University of
`Colorado – Boulder which indicates that the March/April 1999, issue arrived on
`February 24, 1999. As noted in the 362 field, the Gemmill Library of Engineering,
`Mathematics, and Physics at the University of Colorado – Boulder received the
`print version of the IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications journal from 1981
`until 2001, and continues to receive the journal digitally. In view of the MARC
`record for Exhibit 1004, the Reddy article was publicly available no later than
`February 24, 1999, because the serial title had been cataloged and indexed in the
`Gemmill Library of Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics at the University of
`Colorado – Boulder and made part of its online catalog database.


`Attached hereto as Attachment 1b is a true and correct copy of the
`MARC record for the IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications journal obtained
`from the OCLC Connexion database. As previously noted, the library that created
`the record is recorded in field 040 with a unique library code. For Exhibit 1004,
`that library code is “NSD,” which means that the MARC record for this serial was
`cataloged as part of the National Serials Data Program at the Library of Congress.
`As can be seen in the “Entered” field in MARC record for this exhibit, a cataloger
`created OCLC record number 6794952 on October 6, 1980. The “BLvl” entry in
`Attachment 1b is “s,” which indicates that the IEEE Computer Graphics and
`Applications journal is a serial publication. Field 310 of Attachment 1b reads
`“Bimonthly, since 1989.” Accordingly, the MARC record for Exhibit 1004
`corresponds to those issues of the IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications from
`1989 to the present day. Attachment 1b further includes an entry in field 050
`(“T385 ‡b .I18”)—as described above, this includes a subject matter classification
`number consistent with the Library of Congress classification system (analogous to
`the Dewey Decimal System). Attachment 1b further includes an entry in field 082
`(“001.6443”), a subject matter consistent with the Dewey Decimal System.
`Attachment 1b further includes an English language field 650 entry reading
`“Computer graphics ‡v Periodicals.” Thus, as of its cataloging, the publication
`corresponding to the MARC record attached hereto as Attachment 1b was indexed


`according to its subject matter by virtue of at least three independently sufficient
`classifications: the field 050 entry, the field 082 entry, and the field 650 entry.
`Further, as of October 6, 1980, the MARC record attached hereto as Attachment 1b
`was accessible through any library with access to the OCLC Connexion database
`or the online catalog at a library regularly subscribed to this serial, which means
`that the corresponding publication was publicly available on or before that same
`date through any library with access to the OCLC Connexion database or through
`an individual library.
`Attachment 1b indicates that the IEEE Computer Graphics and
`Applications journal as cataloged at the Library of Congress is currently available
`from 595 libraries. In view of Attachment 1b, this issue of the IEEE Computer
`Graphics and Applications journal was publicly available no later than February
`24, 1999, because by that date it had been cataloged and indexed at the Library of
`Congress, made part of the OCLC Connexion database, and received at the
`Gemmill Library of Engineering, Mathematics, and Physics at the University of
`Colorado – Boulder For these reasons, I find that Exhibit 1004 published and was
`accessible to the public no later than February 24, 1999.
`In signing this declaration, I understand that the declaration will be
`filed as evidence in a contested case before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board of


`the United States Patent and Trademark Office. I acknowledge that I may be
`subject to cross-examination in this case and that cross-examination will take place
`at an agreed location within the United States. If cross-examination is required of
`me, I will appear for cross—examination at an agreed location within the United
`States during the time allotted for cross-examination.
`I declare that all statements made herein of my knowledge are true,
`and that all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true, and
`that these statements were made with the knowledge that willful false statements
`and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under
`Section lOOl'of Title 18 of the United States Code.
` DATED: April 18, 2018
`a D. Hall—Ellis
`Dr. Syl


`001 6794952
`008 801006c19819999caubr p 0 a0eng d
`010 81645722 |zsn 80002340
`022 0 0272-1716
`042 lc|ansdp
`049 DVDI
`090 T385|b.I2
`090 T385|b.I2
`210 0 IEEE comput. graph. appl
`222 0 IEEE computer graphics and applications
`229 0 Computer graphics and applications
`245 00 IEEE computer graphics and applications
`246 2 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
` graphics and applications
`246 10 Computer graphics and applications
`260 [Los Alamitos, CA] :|bIEEE Computer Society :|bNational
` Computer Graphics Association,|c[©1981-]
`300 volumes :|billustrations ;|c28 cm
`310 Bimonthly|b<, Jan. 1989->
`321 Quarterly
`321 Bimonthly|b<, Mar. 1982->
`321 Monthly|b<, June 1982->
`321 Monthly|b<, July 1983->
`336 text|btxt|2rdacontent
`337 unmediated|bn|2rdamedia
`338 volume|bnc|2rdacarrier
`362 0 Vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1981)-
`500 Title from cover
`583 1 |3v. 1-21 (1981-2001)|acommitted to retain|c20160101
` |d20410101|5CoU|fAlliance Shared Trust|uhttps://
`650 0 Computer graphics|vPeriodicals
`710 2 IEEE Computer Society
`710 2 National Computer Graphics Association (U.S.)
`907 .b15200371|b03-01-11|c11-21-94
`907 .b15200371|b07-31-08|c11-21-94
`944 MARS
`947 rev cg 12/00 af www


`No holdings in XXX - 595 other holdings
` Entere
` Rec
` ELvl
` Srce c
` Form
` Conf 0
` Orig
` EntW
` Cont
` SrTp p
` Replace
` Lang eng __
` Ctrl
` MRec
` Ctry cau __
` Alph a __
` Dates 1981,9999
` _
` GPub
` Freq b
` Regl r
` DtSt c
`__ OCLC 6794952
` _ _
`__ Type a
`__ BLvl s
`__ S/L 0
`__ Desc a
` 007 c ‡b r ‡d u ‡e n ‡f u
` 010 81645722 ‡z sn 80002340
` 040 NSD ‡b eng ‡c NSD ‡d NSD ‡d DLC ‡d NSD ‡d NST ‡d NSD ‡d DLC ‡d NST ‡
`d DLC ‡d OCL ‡d NSD ‡d NST ‡d OCL ‡d NSD ‡d NST ‡d OCL ‡d NSD ‡d NST ‡
`d AIP ‡d NST ‡d AIP ‡d NST‡d IUL ‡d NST ‡d IUL ‡d NST ‡d OCL ‡d NST ‡d MYG ‡
`d OCL ‡d MYG ‡d LYU ‡d IEEEX ‡d DLC ‡d OCLCQ ‡d NLM ‡d NSD ‡d NLGGC ‡
` 012 3 ‡b 3 ‡k 1 ‡l 1 ‡m 1
` 016 7_ 008203135 ‡2 Uk
` 016 7_ 9881869 ‡2 dnlm
` 019 185057941 ‡a 255620199 ‡a 1009024732 ‡a 1011807268
` 022 0_ 0272-1716 ‡l 0272-1716 ‡2 1
` 030 ICGADZ
` 032 574590 ‡b USPS
` 037 ‡b IEEE Computer Society, 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle, Los Alamitos, CA 90720-
` 042 pcc ‡a nsdp
` 050 00 T385 ‡b .I18
` 060 00 W1 ‡b IE44613
` 082 04 001.64/43
` 210 0_ IEEE comput. graph. appl.
` 210 10 IEEE Comput Graph Appl ‡2 dnlm
` 222 _0 IEEE computer graphics and applications
` 245 00 IEEE computer graphics and applications.


` 246

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