and Architecture
`White Paper
`©1996 Eastman Kodak Company
`June 17, 1996
`Bradium Exhibit 2051
`Unified Patents Inc. v. Bradium Technologies LLC
`Page 1 of 27


`Eastman Kodak Company
`The FlashPix(cid:212)
` format will be defined in a specification and a test suite, developed and
`published by Eastman Kodak Company in collaboration with Hewlett-Packard
`Company, Live Picture Inc. and Microsoft Corporation. Only products that meet
`the specification and pass the test suite may use the FlashPix file format name.
`Copyright ª
` 1996, Eastman Kodak Company. All rights reserved.
`Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
`Kodak, FlashPix and Photo CD are trademarks of Eastman Kodak Company.
`FlashPix format and Architecture White Paper
`©1996 Eastman Kodak Company
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`June 17, 1996
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`Eastman Kodak Company
`Starting Christmas 1996, people will find it easier and
`more fun to use and share pictures on their current
`home computers. They’ll discover ways to take pictures
`further, using “smart” applications and peripherals that
`make digital imaging irresistible for everyday computer
`users and more productive for experienced image users.
`The new capabilities are the result of a completely new
`philosophy of digital imaging introduced on
`June 3, 1996.
`The purpose of this White Paper is to provide an
`overview of the FlashPix(cid:212)
` architecture for software
`developers, analysts, business managers, product
`marketing managers and other people who track
`important developments in imaging technology. It is
`organized into two parts:
`• An executive summary (pp. 4-15) describes the
`initiative, the needs it addresses, how it developed
`and the marketing opportunities it creates.
`• A ten-minute technical tour (pp. 16-27) provides
`a technology overview of the FlashPix imaging
`model and the features of the format.
`FlashPix format and Architecture White Paper
`©1996 Eastman Kodak Company
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`June 17, 1996
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`Unified Patents Inc. v. Bradium Technologies LLC
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`Eastman Kodak Company
`The Philosophy of FlashPix technology
`–Executive Summary
`FlashPix technology is based on a new philosophy of what digital
`imaging should be. For everyday computer users, it will make
`using digital pictures practical and fun, easy and straightforward,
`without requiring expensive computer hardware upgrades for hard
`drives or processors, or increases in RAM. For existing digital
`imaging users, it will mean higher productivity and new capabilities
`for collaborating with colleagues and customers on-line. In fact, the
`FlashPix architecture represents the first unified approach to serving
`a full spectrum of digital imaging applications.
`This new approach will drive the development of “smart” products
`and services that take the frustration and guesswork out of digital
`imaging. Images in FlashPix-optimized applications will burst on-
`screen, transform instantly when edited, move rapidly over phone
`lines and look great coming off the printer. Users won’t need high-
`powered computers, or esoteric software applications that require a
`degree in graphics and computer science, or lots of time to wait as
`their images slowly paint on screen.
`Eastman Kodak Company collaborated with Hewlett-
`Packard Company, Live Picture, Inc. and Microsoft
`Corporation to develop the FlashPix architecture and the new
`image format that serves as its centerpiece. All four companies
`contributed key technologies. In addition, companies such as
`Apple, Canon, IBM and Intel provided valuable technical
`feedback. Kodak owns the FlashPix format specification, reference
`implementation and interoperability test suite. Only products that
`meet the specification and pass the test suite to be published by
`Kodak may use the FlashPix file format name. The FlashPix format
`specification will be open and available to all developers, with tools
`to help them incorporate its features to meet the needs of their
`The FlashPix architecture doesn’t change the fact that representing
`high-quality color images electronically generates large data files
`compared to text. But it recognizes that most users don’t need most
`of that data most of the time. Just as smart travelers don’t load a
`moving van for a weekend at the beach, FlashPix-optimized
`applications will automatically process only the data each activity
`needs. FlashPix images offer multiple resolution levels, and edits
`are applied only to the specific areas of an image being changed.
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`©1996 Eastman Kodak Company
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`Eastman Kodak Company
`The FlashPix architecture also lets people use the same image any
`number of ways, without processing or storing large files each time.
`Multiple views of an image can be stored without copying the image
`data. The new file stores the data that defines the unique view and is
`then linked to the file containing the original image data — so the
`image data file need not be duplicated, and the full-resolution image
`file is only processed when it’s needed, usually for high-quality
`output. This capability takes the FlashPix architecture beyond
`software and hardware products, and opens up new possibilities for
`on-line image sharing, network image services and “while-you-
`wait” imaging kiosks.
`FlashPix technology creates a new kind of digital imaging.
`It’s easy. The FlashPix experience is intuitive, so users don’t
`need to learn complex imaging technology and terms.
`It’s fast. Users can work with large image files easily —
`opening, displaying and editing them rapidly, and seeing results
`• No upgrades required. The CPU power and memory of a
`standard multimedia PC is all users need to get the full benefit of
`FlashPix-optimized applications.
`It plays well. The FlashPix format provides exceptional
`interoperability, functioning as a universal link between
`computers, software and peripherals.
`It prints accurately. People get the results they expect when
`printing, with no surprises in image quality or color.
`It’s more fun. Developers will use FlashPix technology to
`create products that combine the fun of pictures with the
`convenience of today’s word-processing and e-mail
`FlashPix format and Architecture White Paper
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`Market opportunity
`Eastman Kodak Company
`The FlashPix architecture overcomes the barriers that have confined
`digital imaging exclusively to the desktops of professionals and
`“power users” until now. It will create business opportunities for
`the computer, photographic and telecommunications industries, as
`content providers and output service companies realize its benefits.
`For digital imaging professionals FlashPix technology combined
`with the Photo CD format, will in time, mean expanded productivity
`and capabilities, including on-line collaboration with colleagues and
`People love pictures. People love computers
`People take and use billions of pictures each year to communicate
`information and emotions — from the photos we send to Grandma,
`to the real estate sheets that help sell houses, to the newspapers and
`magazines that tell us about our world.
`Computer technology also has gained enormous popularity as a
`source of home entertainment and as a business tool. More than 200
`million personal computers (IBM compatibles and Apple Macintosh
`computers) have been sold to consumers and businesses since 1990
`— and last year, US consumers purchased more home computers
`than television sets. Color monitors have become standard with
`most home computers. Although many industry observers predict
`flattening growth in PC sales in homes and offices, the FlashPix
`architecture has the potential to generate renewed interest in, and
`utilization of, computer products.
`Today, computers also provide an efficient way to share and obtain
`information. There were more than 10 million subscribers to
`commercial on-line services in early 1996, and tens of millions more
`worldwide are surfing the Internet. In 1995, the number of e-mail
`transactions in the US surpassed the number of pieces of mail
`delivered by the US Postal Service.
`More than 200 million
`personal computers sold
`since 1990.
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`©1996 Eastman Kodak Company
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`But few people love using pictures on computers
`Eastman Kodak Company
`With today’s technology, using images on computers should be as
`natural as apple pie and ice cream. Processors are more powerful,
`and a variety of color printers provide good-looking output at an
`affordable price. What’s more, digital images are easier to get —
`through image databases, businesses that provide Photo CD discs or
`pictures on floppy disks, or through affordable desktop peripherals.
`Desktop scanners cost as little as $100, and digital camera prices
`also are dropping dramatically.
`When shown prototypes of software products and photography
`services that create composite pictures, and sample prints, over 60
`percent of the average computer users surveyed said they would be
`willing to buy such products. The explosion of interest in the
`Internet generated by pictures on the World Wide Web is another
`indication of the potential power of digital imaging.
`But for most people, their love of pictures has not yet been married
`with their growing affection for computers. In fact, most people
`haven’t even tried using pictures on computers. For example: The
`installed base of Windows-system home computers will be more
`than 100 million by the end of 1996; just over 1 million units of
`photo editing software will be installed on those computers. Only
`four percent of PC owners use digital photographs; 85 percent have
`never even viewed a personal digital image on the desktop.
`Why isn’t digital imaging popular?
`Although today’s technology makes it possible for average computer
`users to work with pictures, current imaging paradigms make it
`difficult. And the absence of compelling products and services
`hasn’t made it desirable enough.
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`©1996 Eastman Kodak Company
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`Eastman Kodak Company
`I .
`It’s expensive.
`Cost is one reason most computer users don’t work with
`Although getting images into computers is affordable, the
`hardware and software for working with high-quality images
`isn’t. Today’s image users make significant investments in
`high-powered hardware and imaging software that typical
`computer users aren’t willing to make.
`II. The performance is disappointing.
`Reading and displaying multi-megabyte image files is a
`computation-intensive process — no problem for a high-
`powered graphics workstation, but slow and cumbersome on a
`standard desktop computer with 8 or 16 MB of RAM. First-
`time image users are often disappointed when their applications
`become sluggish as they add images — screen refreshing takes
`several seconds, and processing takes several minutes even after
`a minor edit.
`Printing images tends to be another disappointing experience for
`average computer users. The process can be painfully slow.
`Low-resolution images work fast, but image quality and color
`are inconsistent at best, and often completely unacceptable.
`III. It’s not rocket science, but it’s tough.
`The learning curve is another difficult challenge facing non-
`professionals who want to use digital images.
`When average computer users first try digital imaging, a
`dizzying alphabet soup of technical terms and buzz words
`bombard and confuse them. What’s an aspect ratio? How many
`lines per millimeter, or dots per inch are needed to make the
`picture look right? And when a new scanner or application
`offers a choice of resolutions, which one is best?
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`©1996 Eastman Kodak Company
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`Eastman Kodak Company
`People who try to print their digital images face another
`confusing set of issues. How many pixels does it take to print a
`5 x 7-inch picture? I have a picture of my son’s softball team —
`is that a portrait or a landscape? And what are these color
`rendering options all about? Few first-timers know how to
`determine the appropriate picture resolution, color matching and
`calibration to get the desired output.
`An opportunity missed
`These barriers explain the low penetration of digital imaging
`products among consumers, small businesses and other typical
`computer users. In fact, imaging customers can be divided into
`three broad categories.
`• The Power Users: Professionals and other imaging veterans
`have the knowledge, high-powered hardware and software they
`need to navigate current imaging technology, but they represent
`a small minority.
`• The Frazzled Few: Some average users have tried digital
`imaging only to be frustrated by a complex array of image
`formats, resolutions, slow performance, inconsistent color
`output and inadequate storage. A fraction of them invest the
`time and money to become “Power Users,” but most simply
`give up on using digital images.
`• The Unsold Masses: The vast majority of computer users
`haven’t even tried to use pictures. They think of computers as
`tools for word processing, producing spread sheets, sending e-
`mail and playing games.
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`©1996 Eastman Kodak Company
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`Enter the FlashPix architecture
`Eastman Kodak Company
`The potential market for digital imaging convinced four industry
`leaders to pool their talents to transform imaging from a specialized
`activity for “Power Users” into a practical and popular activity for
`the “Frazzled Few” and the “Unsold Masses.” In early 1995,
`Eastman Kodak Company, Hewlett-Packard Company and Live
`Picture, Inc., Microsoft Corporation joined together to develop a
`standard that achieves this goal. All four companies share a vision
`that digital imaging can be as common on standard PCs as word
`processing, and as popular as the games and educational products
`that prompt families to purchase PCs today.
`They realized that to reach this untapped market, it’s not enough
`simply to remove the technical barriers to digital imaging. There
`must be compelling products that inspire people to try digital
`imaging — products that would let the “Frazzled Few” and the
`“Unsold Masses” have fun with their pictures as easily as they type
`e-mail messages and annihilate the villains of Doom. Kids could
`create their own posters and party invitations, parents could send
`family pictures electronically and small businesses could advertise
`more creatively. Beyond what people could do at their desktop with
`their own hardware peripherals and software, people could take
`advantage of innovative photo and output services, from walk-up
`kiosks to on-line networks.
`With these capabilities available on today’s PCs, digital imaging
`could take off in the next decade the way word processing did in the
`past 10 years with the advent of scaleable fonts and laser printers.
`The result of the originating companies’ work is the FlashPix
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`©1996 Eastman Kodak Company
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`An open opportunity for developers
`Eastman Kodak Company
`The initiative to establish the FlashPix format as an industry
`standard will be expanded over time to embrace even more
`collaborators to establish broad support and the capabilities of the
`platform. Already many leading solution providers have announced
`their support for establishing this new digital imaging paradigm.
`(See the Kodak World Wide Web site for a press release quoting
`supporting companies.)
`The FlashPix architecture provides the foundation for generations of
`compelling products and services that interact smoothly with each
`other and with end-users.
`Supporters of the FlashPix technology are committed to making the
`FlashPix format an open and available industry standard. Many of
`these companies will introduce FlashPix-optimized products and
`services by the end
`of 1996.
`Product developers will find the information and tools they need to
`take advantage of the FlashPix format readily available. The new
`format specifications will be freely available on the Internet in the
`fall of 1996, with availability of robust developer toolkits at the
`same time. Implementation tools and an interoperability test suite
`also will be available through developer channels.
`Users of these tools will find clear, explicitly defined licensing terms
`and full access to all of the technical information required to support
`the FlashPix format. Developers can take advantage of FlashPix
`technology in one of two ways:
`• The tools will make it easy for developers to provide the full
`“FlashPix experience” to their customers, by taking complete
`advantage of the technology. Kodak will encourage the
`development of optimized products that more fully take
`advantage of the format’s features and offer a robust set of end-
`user benefits, such as those described above.
`Open, available
`+ + +
`Clearly defined
`licensing terms
`developer kits
`FlashPix format and Architecture White Paper
`©1996 Eastman Kodak Company
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`Eastman Kodak Company
` • Developers can add FlashPix -format read/write capabilities, or
`provide a partial “FlashPix experience” using a proxy image
`Any product that reads or writes images in the FlashPix format as
`defined in Kodak’s specification and test suite will be able to use the
`FlashPix format name and carry the format logo.
`This high level of industry support will jump-start interest in the
`new format — facilitating widespread awareness and a significant
`number of FlashPix-optimized products and services. Consumers
`will associate the FlashPix format name with high-quality products
`and services that make it easy to work with pictures.
`Average computer users will get the FlashPix experience — a
`completely new way to work with pictures that’s easy, fun and
`practical. Solutions that take full advantage of FlashPix technology
`will transform the “Frazzled Few” and “Unsold Masses” into new
`customers for digital imaging software, peripherals and services.
`People will find that using pictures is as easy as working with text,
`and a lot more fun. They will have reasons to combine their love of
`pictures with the enjoyment and convenience of computer
`The new format will serve as a framework for long-term growth in
`the digital imaging industry. The FlashPix architecture will bring
`the benefits of digital imaging to a new group of uninitiated users.
`As it unleashes the creativity of developers and their customers, it
`will help to spawn new products and capabilities for taking pictures
`further on computers.
`FlashPix format and Architecture White Paper
`©1996 Eastman Kodak Company
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`Eastman Kodak Company
`Before FlashPix technology
`Another way to understand the benefits and potential of FlashPix
`technology is to compare the experience of working with FlashPix-
`optimized products with the imaging experience end-users have
`Janice, a real estate rental agent with creative flair, is not a graphic
`artist or an imaging professional. Although she’s competent and
`enjoys using her IBM compatible computer, she faces a formidable
`challenge when trying to create a striking sales document with color
`pictures and text.
`She selects a 1024- x 2048-pixel (6 MB) TIFF image to import into
`her word processing program, because it looks good on screen.
`The image takes two or three minutes to load, and the software
`application becomes sluggish as she tries to add text. When using
`drawing software to crop the image and adjust the horizon and
`color, Janice experiences further delays; processing time for each
`edit is three-to-five minutes.
`It takes another ten minutes for Janice to save the file, place it back
`into her word processing document, then print the page on her color
`inkjet printer. Once saved in a randomly selected format, the file
`consumes 6 MB of her hard disk.
`Janice spends almost an hour to bring two photos into her
`document. In the end, she’s unhappy because the color of the final
`output is inconsistent with her on-screen version, and the only
`explanation she can imagine is that her printer might be
`FlashPix format and Architecture White Paper
`©1996 Eastman Kodak Company
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`Eastman Kodak Company
`After FlashPix technology
`A new world of images for end-users
`Janice has heard how new FlashPix-optimized products and services
`make working with images on computers as easy as working with
`text. Despite her previous experience, she decides to try digital
`imaging again with a similar document.
`Janice has her images digitized and stored on a Writable CD in the
`FlashPix format. She uses FlashPix-optimized software specially
`designed with ready-made templates for business and consumer
`users. The easy-to-use software loads the first image within
`seconds; Janice is not required to select a resolution level.
`The picture is automatically sized to fit the frame selected in the
`document. Janice discovers she can enter text as fast as she
`can type.
`As she works, Janice decides she would like to make some minor
`edits to her picture. The software presents simple editing tools
`when Janice double-clicks on the picture, enabling her to crop, edit
`and adjust the color. The image is updated in seconds. With the
`FlashPix format and software, the file saves in a matter of seconds,
`writing only 2 KB of disk space, and Janice realizes she can easily
`use more images than in her previous document.
`This time when Janice prints, the color is correct and the resolution
`is ideal for her printer. Printing takes several minutes, but is
`performed in the background, so Janice can continue using her
`computer. The entire activity — from launching the software to
`output — takes less than a half hour, and it’s both fun and
`FlashPix format and Architecture White Paper
`©1996 Eastman Kodak Company
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`The future of FlashPix technology
`Eastman Kodak Company
`Kodak is committed to making the FlashPix architecture a
`universally accepted industry standard by maintaining the purity of
`the new format. The originating companies will ensure that the
`format is openly available and changed only through a process of
`fair industry participation and collaboration. Kodak intends to
`establish an advisory process to create and review future
`enhancements to the FlashPix format standard.
`Developers can add proprietary information in the Structured
`Storage container without damaging a FlashPix file’s compatibility
`with any FlashPix-enabled reader. Kodak will enable public
`extensions for popular additional features, such as audio, to promote
`and maintain FlashPix format standards.
`FlashPix format and Architecture White Paper
`©1996 Eastman Kodak Company
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`Eastman Kodak Company
`How FlashPix technology works —
`the 10-minute technical tour
`FlashPix technology provides a new imaging architecture that will
`make using pictures on computers faster, easier and more intuitive.
`It incorporates many features from existing architectures or image
`formats, and adds new technology to optimize the FlashPix format
`for a full spectrum of imaging needs.
`FlashPix technology will support images of any size, captured at
`any resolution. Images in FlashPix files are stored at multiple
`independent resolutions, and each resolution is sub-divided into
`square tiles. These features allow applications to select the
`appropriate resolution a user needs for a selected procedure, and to
`access directly the specific areas of an image needed for the
`operation being performed. No longer do applications have to
`process the entire image in order to view a small section, nor
`process a high-resolution image to produce a low-resolution display.
`Edits are applied to high-resolution images only when necessary —
`usually when users want high-quality output, have clicked the print
`button and are done interacting with their image.
`An edit, layout choice or other use of an image, called an image
`view, is stored as a small script separate from the image data itself.
`The script and image data are wrapped inside a structured storage
`“container.” Microsoft’s OLE Structured Storage enables software
`to store a variety of information types easily — such as scripts,
`image data, ownership information, color management data, etc. —
`all in one convenient single file. This file is interoperable with
`existing structured storage architectures, such as OLE II and
`OpenDoc, as well as JAVA and Netscape Navigator plug-ins. To
`display or print the edited version, a FlashPix-optimized application
`applies the changes described in the image view script to the
`appropriate resolution of the original image data.
`In the FlashPix architecture, people can use and modify an image in
`any number of ways, but store the original high-resolution image
`data in only one place. Computers won’t process the complete file
`to display an image and will employ only the resolution level
`required for the selected view and monitor size. Software
`applications won’t have to convert between “interchange formats”
`(such as TIFF) used outside the application and proprietary
`“representation formats” used within. They can use the FlashPix
`format exclusively as the application workspace as well as the
`FlashPix format and Architecture White Paper
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`Eastman Kodak Company
`interchange format. And changes to images will take place faster,
`because only affected tiles have to be adjusted before processing.
`The vehicle for delivering on the technology’s promise — and for
`bringing digital imaging to the consumer market — will be a new
`generation of “smart” imaging products and an extensible file format
`that enables the products to interoperate easily. This “10-minute
`tour” describes the FlashPix technology on which those products
`will be based, including technical benefits and features of the
`FlashPix file format.
`Technical benefits of FlashPix technology
`For most end-users, the key benefit of FlashPix-optimized
`applications will be the technology they don’t see. They’ll have fun
`editing, e-mailing, printing and playing with their images — without
`worrying about how it all works, using their current home and
`office computers.
`For the developers who provide those benefits, the FlashPix
`architecture offers a number of advantages over today’s imaging
`options. By providing the “FlashPix experience,” developers can
`dramatically improve the capabilities they provide today’s customers
`... and reach a mass market of new customers by making digital
`imaging convenient, fun and fast.
`Many of the technical benefits assist all users of FlashPix-optimized
`products, regardless of their individual needs.
`It’s not power-hungry. End-users can get the FlashPix
`experience with a standard multimedia PC — a 486 or Pentium
`processor (or Macintosh 68030 or PowerMac computer) with 8
`or, preferably, 16 MB of RAM, 200 to 500 MB hard disk
`storage and a CD-ROM drive. For developers, that translates to
`new potential customers in the tens of millions.
`• The image connects the workflow. Each FlashPix file is
`a transportable image object that can be used by digital cameras,
`scanners, scanning services, applications, printers, printing
`services, on-line services and databases. The technology is
`FlashPix format and Architecture White Paper
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`Printing is predictable
`Eastman Kodak Company
`designed to provide a universal standard that can connect the
`entire imaging workflow. It eliminates the need to convert from
`interchange formats to proprietary image formats, reducing
`application memory requirements by up to 95 percent.
`Printing is predictable. Users will get the results they
`expect when printing FlashPix files from FlashPix-enabled
`applications, with no unpleasant color surprises. All the source
`and color information present at capture can be stored in the
`FlashPix file, and is maintained throughout image manipulation
`and printing.
`Using pictures takes less RAM and disk space. Users
`will realize significant storage savings when they work with
`FlashPix images. Applications can save multiple uses of the
`same image as image view scripts or store low-resolution/
`screen-resolution versions along with a link to the original image
`file. This allows direct access to the low-resolution image for
`sharing and viewing, without being hindered by the high-
`resolution data of the original image. Either of these can be
`linked to the original image data, so that edits can be applied
`when needed to any available resolution.
`• Multiple images display easily. Users can work with
`many images on-screen without overloading their computer
`memory or slowing performance substantially. FlashPix-
`optimized applications will automatically grab the minimum
`resolution needed for the selected image size and screen. No
`matter how many images appear at once, memory requirements
`will never exceed the amount of data needed to fill the screen —
`usually 1-3 MB. (Many applications today require hundreds of
`megabytes of memory and/or application workspace on the hard
`drive to display several high-quality images at once.)
`Other FlashPix benefits apply to specific types of applications:
`Simple edits are a snap. Viewing parameters built into the
`FlashPix format allow applications to make simple, non-
`destructive edits that adjust the image — including rotation,
`scaling, color and brightness adjustments — without destroying
`the original image data.
`Images and related data are easy to find. Microsoft’s
`OLE Structured Storage provides a container to keep information
`related to an image along with the image data itself. This benefit
`is ideal for database applications, providing a standard place for
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`Eastman Kodak Company
`storing image descriptors linked directly to the images they
`describe. It also benefits applications in which users work with
`many images, by making it easier to organize (and harder to
`lose) images and related data. OLE libraries are available for
`many platforms, making FlashPix technology supportable
`across different environments. Since the complete specification
`for the new format will be made public, many different methods
`for accessing information on FlashPix technology will be
`available — OpenDoc, JAVA, and Netscape Navigator plug-ins,
`for example.
`• On-line users don’t just view images, they interact.
`The FlashPix format will enable interactive Web pages that
`provide rapid pans, zooms and access to images for display or
`high-resolution printing. FlashPix technology also

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