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`ingrainedly e initialing
`in-her-it-able \in-"her-a-ta-bal, -"he-ra-\ adj (15c) 1: capable of being
`ing : DEEP-SEATED <~ prejudice» — ierainiocety also en-grained-
`inherited : TRANSMISSIBLE <an ~ title> 2 : capable of taking by in-
`ly Vin-gra-nod-lé, 'in-;grand-lé,
`(,)in-\ adv
`heritance <the eldest son is ~ to the crown> — in-her-it-abil-i-ty
`in-grate \'in-,grat\ » [L ingratus ungrateful, fr. in- + gratus grateful —
`\-sher-a-ta—"bi-lo-té, -,he-ra-\ » — in-her-it-able-ness \-"her-o-ta-bal-
`more at GRACE] (1622) : an ungrateful person
`_has, -"he-re-\ 2
`iograt-ate \in-'gra-shé-,at\ vt -at-ed; -at-ing [in- + L gratia grace]
`in-her-i-tance \in-"her-a-tan(t)s, -"he-ra-\ n (14c) 1a: the act of inher-
`(1621) : to gain favor or favorable acceptance for by deliberate effort
`— usu. used with with <~ themselves with the community leaders
`iting property b: the reception of genetic qualities by transmission
`from parent to offspring c: the acquisition of a possession, condition,
`—William Attwood> — insgra-tiea-tion \-,gra-shé-"a-shon\ n — in-
`or trait from past generations 2 : something that is or may be inherit-
`gra-tia-to-ry \-'gra-sh(é-)a-,tor-€\ adj
`ed 3a:TRADITION Db: a valuable possession that is a common her-
`ingratiating adj (1655) 1: capable of winning favor : PLEASING <an
`itage from nature 4 obs : POSSESSION
`~ smile> 2: intended or adopted in order to gain favor : FLATTER-
`inheritance tax n (1841) 1: a tax on a decedent’s net estate thatis
`ING — in-grasti-at-ing-ly \-"gra-shé-,4-tip-lé\ adv
`levied after the estate is transmitted to the inheritors 2 : DEATH TAX;
`in-grat-l-tude \(,)in-'gra-to-,tiid, -,tyiid\ » [ME,fr. MF, fr. ML ingrati-
`tudo, fr. Lin- + LL gratitudo gratitude] (14c) : forgetfulness of or poor
`return for kindness received : UNGRATEFULNESS
`in-hib-in \in-"hi-ban\ # [L inAibére to inhibit + E '-in] (1932) : a glyco-
`protein hormonethatis secreted by the pituitary gland and in the male
`in-gre-di-ent\in-'gré-dé-ont\ m [ME,fr. L ingredient-, ingrediens, prp. of
`by the Sertoli cells and in the female by the granulosa cells and that in-
`ingredi to go into, fr. in- + gradi to go — more at GRADE] (15c) : some-
`hibits the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone
`thing that enters into a compoundor is a componentpart of any com-
`in-hib-it \inhi-bat\ vb [ME,fr. L inhibitus, pp. of inhibére, fr. in- tin- +
`bination or mixture : CONSTITUENT SYM see ELEMENT — ingredient
`habére to have — more at HABIT] vi (15c)
`1 : to prohibit from doing
`something 2a: to hold in check : RESTRAIN Db: to discourage from
`in-gress \'in-,gres\ m [ME,fr. L ingressus, fr. ingredi] (15c) 1: the act
`of entering : ENTRANCE <the seal prevents ~ of moisture> 2: the
`free or spontaneous activity esp. through the operation of inner psy-
`chological or external social constraints —~ vi
`: to cause inhibition
`wer or liberty of entrance or access <an area with restricted ~> —
`syn sce FORBID — in-hib-i-tive \-ba-tiv\ adj — in-hib-i-to-ry \-ba-
`n-egres-sion \in-'gre-shon\ 7
`itor-€\ adj
`in-gres-sive \in-'gre-siv\ adj (1649) 1: of, relating to, or involving in-
`ss; esp : produced byingress of air into the vocal tract <~ sounds>
`in-hi-bi-tion \,in-ho-"bi-shon, ,i-ns-\ 7 (14c) 1a: the act of inhibiting
`: the state of being inhibited b : something that forbids, debars, or re-
`: INCHOATIVE 2 — ingressive m — in-gres-sive-ness n
`stricts 2: an inner impedimentto free activity, expression, or func-
`in-ground \‘in-,gratind\ adj (1969) : built into the ground <an ~ pool>
`tioning: as a: a mental process imposing restraint upon behavior or
`in-group\‘in-,griip\ 7 (1907) 1: a group with which one feels a sense
`of solidarity or community of interests — compare OUT-GROUP
`another mental process (as a desire)
`: a restraining of the function
`of a bodily organ or an agent (as an enzyme)
`in-hib-i-tor \in-"hi-ba-tar\ m (ca. 1611) : one that inhibits: as a: an
`in-grow-ing \'in-,gr6-in\ adj (1869) : growing or tending inward
`agent that slows or interferes with a chemical action b : a substance
`in-grown \-,gr6n\ adj (16
`1: grown in; specif: having the free tip
`or edge embeddedin the flesh <an ~ toenail)
`2: having the direction
`that es or suppresses the activity of another substance (as an en-
`of growth or activity or interest inward rather than outward <swarms
`of ~, infighting bureaucracies —H. R. Cilley> — in-grown-ness
`in-hold-ing \‘in-,hdl-din\ # (1947) : privately owned land inside the
`\Qin-'grén-nas\ n
`_ boundary of a national park
`in-ho-mo-ge-ne-i-ty \(,in-;h6-ma-ja-'né-a-té, -'nad- also +-'ni-; esp Brit
`in-growth \‘in-,gr6th\ 7 (1870) 1: a growing inward (as tofill a void)
`2: something that growsin or into a space
`-,ha-ma-\ n, pi -ties (1899) 1: the condition or an instance of not be-
`ing homogeneous 2: a part that is not homogeneous with the larger
`in-gui-nal \‘in-gwa-n*l\ adj [ME inguynale, fr. L inguinalis, fr. inguin-,
`uniform mass in which it occurs; esp : a localized collection of matter
`inguen groin — more at ADEN-] (15c): of, relating to, or situated in the
`region of the groin orin either of the lowest lateral regions of the abdo-
`in the universe — in-ho-mo-ge-neous\-"jé-né-as, -nyas\ adj
`men (an ~ hernia>
`in-hos-pi-ta-ble \,in-(,)ha-'spi-ta-bal, (,)in-"has-(,)pi-\ adj (ca. 1570)
`: not showing hospitality : not friendly or receptive 2 : providing no
`in-gur-gi-tate \in-'gar-ja-,tat\ vt -tat-ed; -tat-ing [L ingurgitatus, pp. of
`shelter or sustenance <an ~ environment> — in-hos-pi-ta-ble-ness
`ingurgitare, fr. in- + gurgit-, gurges whirlpool — more at VORACIOUS]
`n — in-hos-pi-ta-bly \-ble\ adv
`(ca. 1570) : to swallow greedily or in large quantities : GUzZLE — in-
`in-hos-pi-tal-i-ty \()in-;has-pe-"ta-la-té\ m (ca. 1576) : the quality or
`ur-gi-ta-tion \(,)in-,gar-ja-"ta-shan\ n
`state of being inhospitable
`INH abbr[iso-nicotinic acid hydrazide] isoniazid
`in-hab-it \in-"ha-bat\ vb [ME enhabiten, fr. AF & L; AF inhabiter, en-
`in-house \'in-,haus, -"hatis\ adj (ca. 1956) : existing, originating, or
`habiter, fr. L inhabitare, fr. in- + habitare to dwell, freq. of habére to
`carried on within a group or organization orits facilities : not outside
`have — more at GIVE] vf (14c) 1: to occupy asaplace ofsettled resi- <an ~ publication> (a company’s ~ staff> — in-house adv
`dence or habitat : live in ¢~ a small house> 2: to be present in or oc-
`in-hu-man \()in-"hyii-mon,-'yii-\ adj [ME inhumayne, fr. MF & L; MF
`cupy in any manner or form <the human beings who ~ this tale —Al
`inhumain, fr. L inhumanus, fr. in- + humanus human](15c) 1a: lack-
`Newman> ~~ vi, archaic : to have residence in a place : DWELL — in-
`ing pity, kindness, or mercy : SAVAGE <an ~ tyrant> b : COLD, IM-
`PERSONAL Chis usual quiet, almost ~ courtesy —F. Tennyson Jesse}
`hab-it-able \-bo-ta-bal\ adj — in-hab-it-er n
`in-hab-i-tan-cy \in-"ha-bo-tan(t)-sé\ m (1681) : INHABITATION
`c: not worthy of or conforming to the needs of human beings ¢<~~ liv-
`ing conditions> 2: of or suggesting a nonhumanclass of beings — in-
`in-hab-i-tant \in-'ha-ba-tant\ nm (15c) : one that occupies a particular
`place regularly, routinely, or for a period of time <~s of large cities>
`hu-eman-ly adv — in-hu-man-ness \-mon-nas\, 7
`<the tapeworm is an ~ of the intestine>
`in-hu-mane \,in-()hyii-'m4n, -(,yii-\ adj [MF inhurmain & L inhu-
`manus] (1536) : not humane : INHUMAN | <the ~ treatmentof prison-
`in-hab-i-ta-tion \in-,ha-bo-'ta-shon\ 7 (15c): the act of inhabiting : the
`ers> — in-hu-mane-ly adv
`state of being inhabited
`inhabited adj (15c) : having inhabitants
`in-hueman:iety \-'ma-no-té\ n, pi -ties (15c) 1a: the quality or state
`in-hal-ant \in-"ha-lant\ # (ca. 1890) : something (as an allergen or med-
`of being cruel or barbarous b:acruel or barbarous act 2: absence
`ication) that is inhaled — inhalant adj
`of warmth or geniality : IMPERSONALITY
`in-ha-la-tion \,in-hs-"l4-shon, ,i-na-"la-\ nm (ca. 1623) 1: the act or an
`in-hume \in-'hyiim\ vt in-humed; in-hum-ing [ F inhumer, fr.
`ML inhumare, fr. L in- + humus earth — more at HUMBLE] (1604)
`instance of inhaling 2: material (as medication) to be taken in by in-
`_haling — in-ha-la-tion-al\-shnel, -sho-n°l\ adj
`: BURY, INTER — in-huemastion \,in-hyii-'ma-shan\ n
`in-ha-la-tor \"in-ha-,la-tar, ‘i-na-la-\ n (1925) : a device providing a
`in-im-i-cal \i-'ni-mi-kol\ adj [LL inimicalis,
`fr. L inimicus enemy —
`mixture of oxygen and carbondioxide for breathing that is used esp. in
`more at ENEMY] (1573) 1: being adverse often by reason of hostility
`or malevolence {forces ~ to democracy> 2a: having the disposition
`conjunction with artificial respiration
`of an enemy : HOSTILE <~ factions>
`: reflecting or indicating hos-
`in-hale \in-'hal\ vb in-haled; in-hal-ing [in- + exhale] vt (1725) 1: to
`tility : UNFRIENDLY <his father’s ~ glare> — in-im-i-cal-ly \-mi-
`draw in by breathing 2: to take in eagerly or greedily {inhaled about
`k(a-)lé\ adv
`oo nee at once —Ring Lardner> ~ vi
`: to breathe in — in-hale
`in-", ‘in-,\
`in-im-i-ta-ble \(,)i-'ni-ma-ta-bal\ adj [ME,fr. L inimitabilis, fr. in- + imi-
`in-hal-er \in-tha-lor\ n (1778) 1: a device by means of which medici-
`tabilis imitable] (15c) : not capable of being imitated : MATCHLEsS ¢her
`nal material is inhaled <an asthma ~> 2: one that inhales
`own ~~ style> — in-im-i-ta-ble-ness n — in-im+-i-ta-bly \-blé\ adv
`in-har-mon-ic \,in-(,)har-'ma-nik\ adj (ca. 1828) : not harmonic
`in-i-on \'i-né-,4n, -an\n [NL, fr. Gk, back of the head, dim. ofin-, is sin-
`in-har-mo-ni-ous \-'m6-né-as\ adj (1662) 1: not harmonious : DIs-
`ew, tendon] (ca. 1811): the external occipital protuberance of the skull
`CORDANT 2: notfitting or congenial : CONFLICTING <~ personali-
`in-iq-ui-tous \i-'ni-kwa-tas\ adj (1726) : characterized by iniquity syn
`ties> — insharsmo:ni-ous+ly adv — in-har-mo-ni-ous-ness a
`see Viclous — in-iq-ui-tous-ly adv—in-iq-ui-tous-ness n
`in-har-mo-ny \(,)in-"hdr-mo-né\ 7 (1799) : DISCORD
`in-iq-ui-ty \-kwa-té\ 7, p/! -ties [ME iniquite, fr. AF imiquité, fr. L
`iniquitat-, iniquitas, fr. iniqguus uneven,fr. in- + aequus equal] (14c)
`in-here \in-thir\ vi in-hered; in-her-ing
`[ME enheren to be a compan-
`ion, belong, fr. L inhaerére to be attached,fr. in- + haerére to adhere]
`: gross injustice : WICKEDNESS 2: a wickedactor thing : sIN
`(15c) : to be inherent <does selfishness ~ in each of us?>
`lini-tial \i-tni-shol\, adj LAF &€ L; AF inicfel, fr. L initialis, fr. initium be-
`invher-ence \in-hir-an(t)s, -ther-\
`(1577) : the quality, state, or fact of
`ginning,fr, inire to go into,fr. in- + ire to go — more at ISSUE] (1526)
`1: of or relating to the beginning : INCIPIENT <his ~ reaction>
`in-her-ent \-ont\ adj [L inhaerent-, inhaerens, prp. of inhaerére] (1581)
`: placed at the beginning : FIRST <the ~ wordofthe verse} — inictial-
`‘ Involved in the constitution or essential character of something : be-
`ly \i-'ni-sh(a-)1é\ adv — ini-tialeness \i-'ni-shal-nas\ n
`longing by nature or habit : INTRINSIC <risks ~ in the venture>
`2initial n (1627) 1: the first letter of aname b pl: the first letter of
`her-ent-ly adv
`each word in a full name <found that their ~s were identical> 2: a
`in-her-it \in-"her-at, -the-rat\ vb [ME enheriten to give right of inherit-
`large letter beginning a text or a division or paragraph 3: ANLAGE,
`ance to, fr. AF enheriter, fr. LL inhereditare, fr. L in- + hereditas inher-
`PRECURSOR;specif : a meristematic ce
`itance — more at HEREDITY] vt (14c) 1: to comeinto possession of or
`initial vt ini-tialed or ini-tialled;:
`ini-tial-ing or ini-tial-ling \i-'ni-
`receive esp. as a right or divine portion <and every one who has left
`sh(9-)lin\ (ca. 1864) 1: to affix an initial to 2: to authenticate or
`houses or brothersorsisters .
`. for my name's sake, will receive a hun-
`give preliminary approval to by affixing the initials of an authorizing
`dredfold, and ~ eternal life —Mt 19:29 (RSV)> 2a: to receive from
`an ancestor as a right ortitle descendible by law at the ancestor's death
`: to receive as a devise or legacy 3: to receive from a parent or an-
`cestor by genetic transmission <~ a defective enzyme> 4: to have in
`\a\ abut \°\ kitten, F table \or\ further \a\ ash \a\ ace \a\ mop, mar
`turn or receive as if from an ancestor <~ed the problem from his pre-
`\ch\chin \e\bet
`\é\easy \g\go \i\hit
`\i\ice \j\ job
`decessor> ~~ vi t to take or hold a possession or rights by inheritance
`\o\ sing \G\ go \o\ law \oi\ boy \th\ thin \th\ the \i\ loot
`\G\ foot
`— in-heri-tor \-(r)a-tar\ 2 — in-her-i-tress \-(r)a-tras\ or in-her-i-
`\y\ yet
`\zh\ vision, beige
`\k, ", oe, ve, \ see Guide to Pronunciation
`trix \-(r)o-(,)triks\ 7
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