`January 14, 2004
`Revised: June 1, 2004
`Jointly developed and approved by
`Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, DaimlerChrysler Corporation,
`Ford Motor Company and General Motors Corporation.
`January 14, 2004 (Revised June 1, 2004)
`Page 1 of 7


`The Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc. and representatives from
`DaimlerChrysler Corporation, Ford Motor Company and General Motors Corporation,
`through an organization called the International Lubricants Standardization and
`Approval Committee (ILSAC), jointly developed and approved an ILSAC GF-4 minimum
`performance standard for gasoline-fueled passenger car engine oils.
`This standard specifies the minimum performance requirements (both engine
`sequence and bench tests) and chemical and physical properties for those engine oils
`that vehicle manufacturers deem necessary for satisfactory equipment performance and
`In addition to meeting the requirements of the standard, it is the oil marketer’s
`responsibility to be aware of and comply with all applicable legal and regulatory
`requirements on substance use restrictions, labeling, and health and safety information
`when marketing products meeting the GF-4 standard. It is also the marketer’s
`responsibility to conduct its business in a manner which represents minimum risk to
`consumers and the environment.
`The ultimate assessment of an engine oil’s performance must include a variety of
`vehicle fleet tests which simulate the full range of customer driving conditions. The
`engine sequence tests listed in this document have been specified instead of fleet
`testing to minimize testing time and costs. This simplification of test requirements is only
`possible because the specified engine sequence tests have been judged to be
`predictive of a variety of vehicle tests.
`The relationships between engine sequence tests and vehicle fleet tests are
`judged valid based only on the range of base oils and additive technologies investigated
`- generally those which have proven to have satisfactory performance in service, and
`which are in widespread use at this time. The introduction of base oils or additive
`technologies which constitute a significant departure from existing practice requires
`sufficient supporting vehicle fleet testing data to ensure there is no adverse effect to
`vehicle components or to emission control systems. This vehicle fleet testing should be
`conducted in addition to the other performance requirements listed in this specification.
`Engine oil compatibility with sealing materials and gaskets is not controlled by
`performance tests in this specification. However, an SAE Committee on Automotive
`Rubber Specifications (CARS) has established a slate of reference elastomers (see
`SAE J2643) which may be used for testing of different base oils and additive
`technologies which constitute a significant departure from existing materials. The CARS
`committee has also established an ASTM reference oil (Service Oil 105) which should
`be considered as an aggressive oil and could also be used as a reference. ILSAC
`recommends that additive or base oil technologies that exceed the aggression of this
`January 14, 2004 (Revised June 1, 2004)
`Page 2 of 7


`reference oil be revised or adequately field tested to ensure no chance of customer seal
`failures when placed in commercial service.
`It is the responsibility of any individual or organization introducing a new
`technology to perform this vehicle fleet testing, and the responsibility of the oil marketer
`to ensure the above testing of new technology was satisfactorily completed. No
`marketer can claim to be acting in a reasonable and prudent manner if the marketer
`knowingly uses a new technology based only on the results of engine sequence testing
`without verifying the suitability of the new technology in vehicle fleet testing which
`simulates the full range of customer operation.
`The ILSAC GF-4 Minimum Performance Standard includes tests for which
`Viscosity Grade Read Across and Base Oil Interchange Guidelines have been
`developed by the appropriate groups. It should be pointed out, however, that when oil
`marketers use the Guidelines, they do so based on their own judgment and at their own
`risk. The use of any guidelines does not absolve the marketer of the responsibility for
`meeting all specified requirements for any products the marketer sells in the
`marketplace which are licensed as ILSAC GF-4 with the API.
`January 14, 2004 (Revised June 1, 2004)
`Page 3 of 7


`1.a SAE J300
`Oils shall meet all of the requirements of SAE J300. Viscosity grades are limited to
`SAE 0W, 5W, and 10W multigrade oils.
`1.b Gelation Index: ASTM D 5133
`12 maximum
`2.a Wear and Oil Thickening: ASTM Sequence IIIG Test
`2.b Aged Oil Low Temperature Viscosity: ASTM Sequence IIIGA Test
`2.c Wear, Sludge, and Varnish Test: Sequence VG, ASTM D 6593
`To be evaluated from –5°C to the temperature at which 40,000 cP is attained or
`–40°C, or 2 Celsius degrees below the appropriate MRV TP-1 temperature
`(defined by SAE J300), whichever occurs first.
`Kinematic Viscosity Increase @ 40°C, %
`Average Weighted Piston Deposits, merits
`Hot Stuck Rings
`Average Cam plus Lifter Wear, µm
`150 maximum
`3.5 minimum
`60 maximum
`Evaluate the EOT oil from the ASTM
`Sequence IIIGA test with ASTM D 4684
`(MRV TP-1)
`The D 4684 viscosity of the EOT
`sample must meet the
`requirements of the original grade
`or the next higher grade.
`Average Engine Sludge, merits
`Average Rocker Cover Sludge, merits
`Average Engine Varnish, merits
`Average Piston Skirt Varnish, merits
`Oil Screen Sludge, % area
`Oil Screen Debris, % area
`Hot Stuck Compression Rings
`Cold Stuck Rings
`Oil Ring Clogging, % area
`Follower Pin Wear, cyl #8, avg, µm
`Ring Gap Increase, cyl #1 & #8, avg, µm
`7.8 minimum
`8.0 minimum
`8.9 minimum
`7.5 minimum
`20 maximum
`Rate and report
`Rate and report
`Rate and report
`Rate and reporta
`Rate and reporta
` ASTM Surveillance Panel will review statistics annually.
`January 14, 2004 (Revised June 1, 2004)
` a
`Page 4 of 7


`2.d Valvetrain Wear: Sequence IVA, ASTM D 6891
`2.e Bearing Corrosion: Sequence VIII, ASTM D 6709
`2.f Fuel Efficiency: Sequence VIB*, ASTM D 6837
`Average Cam Wear (7 position average), µm 90 maximum
`Bearing Weight Loss, mg
`26 maximum
`SAE 0W-20 and 5W-20 viscosity grades:
`2.3% FEI 1 minimum after 16 hours aging
`2.0% FEI 2 minimum after 96 hours aging
`SAE 0W-30 and 5W-30 viscosity grades:
`1.8% FEI 1 minimum after 16 hours aging
`1.5% FEI 2 minimum after 96 hours aging
`SAE 10W-30 and all other viscosity grades not listed above:
`1.1% FEI 1 minimum after 16 hours aging
`0.8% FEI 2 minimum after 96 hours aging
`*All FEI 1 and FEI 2 values determined relative to ASTM Reference Oil BC.
`3.a Catalyst Compatibility
`3.b Wear
`3.c Volatility
`Phosphorus Content, ASTM D 4951
`Sulfur Content, ASTM D 4951 or D 2622
`SAE 0W and 5W multigrades
` SAE 10W multigrades
`Phosphorus Content, ASTM D 4951
`Evaporation Loss, ASTM D 5800
`Simulated Distillation, ASTM D 6417
`0.08% (mass) maximum
`0.5% (mass) maximum
`0.7% (mass) maximum
`0.06% (mass) minimum
`15% maximum, 1 h at 250°C
`(Note: Calculated conversions
` specified in D 5800 are allowed.)
`10% maximum at 371°C
`January 14, 2004 (Revised June 1, 2004)
`Page 5 of 7


`3.d High Temperature Deposits, TEOST MHT
`3.e Filterability
`Deposit Weight, mg
` with 0.6% H2O
` with 1.0% H2O
` with 2.0% H2O
` with 3.0% H2O
`35 maximum
`50% maximum flow reduction
`50% maximum flow reduction
`50% maximum flow reduction
`50% maximum flow reduction
`Test formulation with highest additive (DI/VI) concentration. Read across results to
`all other base oil/viscosity grade formulations using the same or lower
`concentration of the identical additive (DI/VI) combination. Each different DI/VI
`combination must be tested.
`EOFT, ASTM D 6795
`50% maximum flow reduction
`Sequence I
`Sequence II
`Sequence III
`*After 10-minute settling period
`10 mL maximum
`50 mL maximum
`10 mL maximum
`0 mL maximum
`0 mL maximum
`0 mL maximum
`*After 1-minute settling period
`100 mL maximum
`0 mL maximum
`10-hour stripped KV @ 100°C
`Kinematic viscosity must remain in
`original SAE viscosity grade.
`3.f Foaming Characteristics, ASTM D 892 (Option A)
`3.g High Temperature Foaming Characteristics, ASTM D 6082 (Option A)
`3.h Shear Stability, Sequence VIII, ASTM D 6709
`3.i Homogeneity and Miscibility, ASTM D 6922
`Shall remain homogeneous and,
`when mixed with ASTM reference
`oils, shall remain miscible.
`January 14, 2004 (Revised June 1, 2004)
`Page 6 of 7


`Average Gray Value
`100 minimum
`3.j Engine Rusting, Ball Rust Test , ASTM D 6557
`4.a SAE Standard, Engine Oil Viscosity Classification - SAE J300, SAE Handbook.
`4.b SAE Standard, Standard Reference Elastomers (SRE) for Characterizing the
`Effects on Vulcanized Rubbers, Proposed Draft 2003-5 - SAE J2643, SAE
`4.c ASTM Annual Book of Standards, Volume 5, Petroleum Products and Lubricants,
`current edition.
`4.d ASTM Sequence IIIG Test Research Report.
`4.e M. Batko and D. W. Florkowski, “Low Temperature Rheological Properties of Aged
`Crankcase Oils,” SAE Paper 2000-01-2943.
`4.f M. Batko and D. W. Florkowski, “Lubricant Requirements of an Advanced
`Designed High Performance, Fuel Efficient Low Emissions V-6 Engine,” SAE
`Paper 01FL-265.
`January 14, 2004 (Revised June 1, 2004)
`Page 7 of 7

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