From: AAAI Technical Report FS-93-03. Compilation copyright © 1993, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
`Keith L. Doty and Reid R. Harrison
`Machine Intelligence Laboratory
`University of Florida, Gaines~lle, FL
`AAAI 1993 Fall Symposium Series
`Instantiating Real-World Agents
`Research Triangle Park, Raleigh, NC
`October 22-24, 1993
`In the Machine Intelligence Laboratory, University of
`Florida, we have built a small autonomous robot and
`programmed it to exhibit various reactive behaviors. The
`robot, named Gator, performs area coverage in an interior
`room by combining distinct behaviors. Gator has 26
`sensors of which only 7 are used in the coverage
`algorithms examined here. Gator’s behaviors allow it to
`avoid obstacles, follow walls, seek open areas and break
`out of confined areas. In the limited number of
`experiments performed here it appears that the best
`coverage algorithm among those tried consisted of a
`random walk with a probability of 0.05 for following a
`wall after each encounter with an obstacle. After 20
`minutes about 85% of the floor space was covered with an
`efficiency close to 85%.
`Earlier work at the Machine Intelligence Laboratory,
`University of Florida, illustrated the application of swarm
`robots to materials handling in a manufacturing workcell
`[5]. The simulation results reported in [3] encouraged us
`to construct autonomous platforms to physically embody
`the theoretical model and test it under more realistic
`conditions. This effort is currently under way and will be
`reported elsewhere. Our mobile robot platform, while
`designed for a different application, appears to offer the
`capability to realize key behaviors of a vacuuming robot
`with regard to area coverage. Area coverage defines a
`general behavior and applies to a variety of problems [7].
`Our report focuses on the area coverage problem.
`Construction of an autonomous vacuuming tool offers a
`challenging engineering task, but lack of a satisfactory
`area coverage algorithm will render such a tool ineffective.
`Autonomous vacuuming presents a challenging task
`well suited for sensory-driven, behavior-based, reactive
`agents. Although our approach resonates with the Brooks
`paradigm [4], we do not use the subsumption architecture
`due to its restrictive hierarchy [2],[3],[6]. We have created
`an agent that achieves competency at a number of tasks
`through a synthesis of several reactive behaviors [6],[8].
`Our robot exhibits several types of wandering behavior
`similar to those simulated and implemented by Anderson
`and Donath [1] with qualitatively corresponding results.
`Within this context, we have investigated area coverage
`algorithms for a single robot with combined reactive
`behaviors. Our robot does not yet use minimal maps,
`similar to the topological maps described by Mataric [9]
`but it does have one behavior, namely claustrophobia, that
`incorporates short-term memory or an ephemeral state, a
`term coined by Gat[6].
`The assumed goal is to develop an autonomous mobile
`agent for vacuuming enclosed areas with obstacles. This
`assumption rules other types of solutions such as self-
`cleaning air-hockey floors with negative pressure at the
`holes instead of positive pressure. The next few
`paragraphs details further assumptions and the approach
`taken in this work toward the realization of the stated
`Assumptions about the Environment
`We assume that the environment is a closed-off, interior
`room with a relatively smooth, level surface and that
`furniture in the room appears like obstacles to the
`proximity sensors. We have discovered that real chairs
`present a challenging problem to proximity sensors,
`especially pedestal office chairs with radiating legs.
`Vacuuming under and around such chairs presents
`considerable difficulties. We have chosen to side-step this
`difficulty by making the furniture-obstacle assumption.
`Autonomous Vacuum Functional
`A vacuum cleaning robot should, of course, clean all
`surface areas in the room not occupied by furniture. Our
`model does not include a furniture moving policy, and so
`those areas will not be touched. The robot should not
`damage furniture while performing its function and should
`optimize the parameters of time, energy consumption and
`capital investment.
`Silver Star Exhibit 1019


`Implementation Consideration
`Even the reduced requirements provide challenging
`engineering and algorithmic problems. One must
`minimally consider
`1. The vacuum tool platform construction, operation
`and power source,
`2. The robot’s processor architecture, sensor suite and
`interface structure, and
`3. The robot agent’s primitive behaviors and emergent
`Our premise is that explorations into the primitive
`behaviors which lead to the emergent function of
`vacuuming can be separated from the other two problems.
`Consequently, one can explore appropriate vacuuming
`behaviors with a physically simpler autonomous agent.
`Area Coverage
`Sweeping corresponds to a type of wandering that will
`cause a robot to cover all parts of a room without missing
`any exposed areas. We perceive the sweeping behavior as
`a synthesis of simpler movement behaviors: following
`walls, traveling back and forth across open spaces, random
`wandering etc. In the experiments to be described later,
`these were precisely the behaviors used to provide area
`coverage with qualified success.
`IR detectors do not provide a reliable measure of absolute
`distance, nor, with the power levels used, long distance
`detection (less than 50 cm). Further, IR readings vary not
`only with distance, but also with the reflectivity of the
`obstacle. In spite of these limitations, our preliminary
`experience indicates IR detectors do provide the requisite
`sensor information for a vacuum-cleaning agent to avoid
`collisions with obstacles and to follow wails.
`We limit our robot to one microprocessor to reduce
`hardware complexity and cost. Due to the limited
`processing and memory resources, our robot does not
`build sophisticated maps of its environment. Instead, it
`will worry only about objects in its immediate proximity
`or in an ephemeral state [6]. Its various behaviors will be
`combined to produce floor vacuuming, i.e. area coverage,
`as an emergent functionality.
`Vacuum Cleaning Robots
`Our primary assumption is that a vacuum cleaning robot
`must transport the vacuum tool on a sensory-driven,
`behavior-based mobile platform. While vacuum cleaning
`with swarm robots represents a viable alternative, our goal
`to physically implement the area coverage paradigm limits
`our initial efforts to a single platform. We are in the
`process of building several other platforms and will soon
`explore multi-agent approaches to the problem as well.
`We call our small mobile robots Munchkins (Toto,
`this doesn’t look like Kansas!). Munchkins are constructed
`from LEGOTM building blocks which provide great
`flexibility, sophistication and ease of mechanical design.
`The Munchkin in this paper (Figure 1), named Gator, is
`controlled by one MC68HC11 microcontroller and uses
`less than 2 Kbytes of code to accomplish its tasks.
`Two bi-directional DC motors drive, respectively, the
`left and fight drive tracks of the robot. Gator travels about
`0.345 ft/sec ( 105 mm/s) and sweeps 3.125 inches and
`it covers about 107 square feet of area in 20 minutes.
`Gator also possess a 2-DOF arm capable of grasping
`small objects and lifting them 7 cm above the ground.
`The manipulator capability was not used in this work.
`Gator measures 27 cm long, 12 cm wide, and 20 cm
`tall (see Figure 1). It is powered by six AA NiCd batteries
`and can run for approximately 45 minutes on a charge.
`Gator supports a variety of sensors. Table 1 itemizes
`the sensor suite available. The robot is outfitted with two
`forward-pointing spring whiskers which serve as flexible
`contact sensors (Figure 1). We have also installed
`sensors around Gator’s waist to provide proximity
`detection so that Gator can actually avoid contact with
`objects detected in its path. In the experiments reported
`here, only the Proximity and Dead Reckoning sensors
`were employed.
`Sensor Type
`Infrared qR)
`Infrared OR)
`Contact Switches
`Shaft Encoders
`Limit Switches
`Table 1 Munchkin Sensor Suite
`Grip Detection
`Gripper Claw
`Beacon Detection
`Collision Detection
`FOUl" cornels
`Front wheels
`Dead Reckoning
`Actuator stops
`2-DOF Gripper
`Silver Star Exhibit 1019 - 2


`Machine behaviors constitute the central focus of this
`research. The following behaviors, which have all been
`reported elsewhere by the authors and others were taken as
`primitives. Our goal was to determine how effective these
`behaviors are in solving the area coverage problem.
`Collision Avoidance
`For collision avoidance two levels of proximity
`sensitivity were employed. High proximity sensitivity
`makes the robot shy away from obstacles and walls and,
`hence, to favor open areas while the low proximity
`sensitivity makes the robot bold and allows it to traverse
`narrow passages and explore more confined areas.
`For either low or high sensitivity, obstacle detection
`derives from the sensor-based conditional:
`if IR_detect = true then obstacle := true
`We call the derived signal "obstacle" an indicator.
`Elsewhere, one notes the name "virtual sensor". To us
`the semantic content of "virtual sensor" in current usage is
`either too broad or ill defined. We admit the term is
`appealing, however, and we would like for the research
`community to settle on a precise definition or discard the
`Random Sweep
`the base line coverage
`Random sweep constitutes
`algorithm. Essentially, the robot moves forward until an
`obstacle is detected, at which time it turns at a randomly
`chosen angle between +180°. The algorithm for random
`sweep is,
`/* Random Sweep */
`do {
`if obstacle=false
`then go forward
`else turn RandomUniform( -180 o, 180 o)
`Wall Following
`IR proximity
`Side viewing low and high sensitivity
`detectors allow the robot to follow walls. The robot
`attempts to stay between the low and high sensitivity
`distances. Wall following permits the robot to circle
`furniture and follow along the room walls. Walls the
`robot follows can be on either the right or left side of the
`Plow Sweep
`This plow sweep algorithm attempts to drive the robot
`about the room in manner corresponding to plowing a
`field. However, when it encounters an object it turns at
`right angles and attempts to plow again in the new
`If the robot mode corresponds to the high proximity
`sensitivity state and five or more object detections occur
`before the robot moves one foot, the robot switches to the
`low proximity sensitivity. By switching to the low
`sensitivity level, the robot can escape its conf’mement by
`enabling it
`to pass through narrow passages. The
`objective is too keep the robot from spinning around in
`place in confined areas. This behavior is called
`claustrophobic because the robot does not tolerate
`The conditional for claustrophobia equals,
`if obstacle_count = 5 and wheel has not moved forward
`1 foot then claustrophobia := true
`Combined Behaviors
`The primitive behaviors alone do not adequately provide
`area coverage, although random sweep alone provides
`impressive coverage. Here we described combined
`behaviors which we have tested. In the next section we
`will discuss specific experiments utilizing
`The following pseudo-code indicates random sweep
`with wall following: This combined behavior typically
`exhibits random sweep behavior. However, when an
`obstacle is detected, the robot, with probability of p, will
`follow the object as a wall for a random distance d before
`resorting back to random sweep behavior. In our
`experiments p = 0.05 and 6 < d < 20 feet.
`\* CB1 (Combined Behavior One) : Random Sweep with
`Wall Following *\
`if obstacle=false
`then go forward
`Random Select
`1-p : turn Random_Uniform( -180 o, 180 o)
`p : {turnRandom_Binary(-90°,90°) ;
`follow wall for
`Random_Uniform( 6feet, 20feet)
`In random-sweep-with-wall-following behavior, the
`proximity sensors may be operated in low or high
`Silver Star Exhibit 1019 - 3


`sensitivity mode. In low sensitivity mode the robot
`appears bold and explores more confined areas. In the
`high sensitivity mode the robot shys away from confined
`areas and stays in the open. The next behavior combines
`both features. The robot is shy ~ of the time in our
`experiments which employs this behavior.
`\* CB2: Random-sweep alternating between shy and
`bold-with-wall-following *\
`do {
`/*Bold with wall following*/
`proximity_sensitivity "= low
`if obstacle=false
`then go forward
`Random Select
`0.95: turn Random_Uniform( -180 o, 180 o)
`0.05: {turn Random_Binary(-90
`°,90 o)
`follow wall for
`Random_Uniform( 6feet, 20feet)
`until 2 minutes elapse
`proximity_sensitivity := high
`if obstacle=false
`then go forward
`else turn Random_Uniform( -180 o, 180 o)
`until 1 minute elapses
`The previous behavior tended to trap the robot for a
`minute when switching from low to high proximity
`sensitivity in confined areas. To avoid this waste of time
`and energy, a claustrophobic short-term memory or
`ephemeral state behavior was added. The modified
`algorithm is listed below.
`\* CB3: Random sweep alternating between 1) shy
`behavior with claustrophobia and 2) bold behavior with
`wall following *\
`do {
`/*Bold with wall following*/
`proximity_sensitivity := low
`Or obstacle=false
`then go forward
`Random Select
`0.95: turn Random_Uniform( -180 o, 180 o)
`0.05:{tumRandom_Binary(-90 ;90 ");
`follow wall for
`Random_Uniform( 6feet, 20feet)
`until 2 minutes elapse
`/*Shy with claustrophobia*/
`proximity_sensitivity := high
`if obstacle=false
`then go forward
`else turn Random_Uniform( -180 o, 180 o)
`until 1 minute elapses or claustrophobia = true
`Table 2 lists the actual size of the program, in bytes, of
`the different behaviors. In all cases this code includes
`software for monitoring the sensors, processing the sensor
`dnta_ and controlling the motors.
`Table 2 Code Size for Gator’s Behaviors
`Random Sweep
`CB1: Random Sweep with Wall Following
`Plow Sweep
`Plow Sweep with Wall Following
`CB2 =shy+boldCB1
`CB3 = CB2 with Claustrophobia
`Area Coverage Experiments
`We performed a total of 20 area coverage experiments, of
`which 5 are reported here. The area to be covered by Gator
`equaled a 10’ x 10’ walled region of the Machine
`Intelligence Laboratory floor space containing five
`obstacles representing furniture (Figures 2-6). The walls
`and obstacles were painted white to provide uniform IR
`readings. While not totally necessary, it did make the
`experiments more manageable. In more realistic settings,
`the IR sensor algorithms would have to deal with surfaces
`with significantly different reflectivity.
`We used open-shutter photography to record Gator’s
`travels. A green LED attached to the top-central part of
`Gator maces out a light path on the photograph as Gator
`moves about. These Gator alleys appear as yellow maces
`on all but Figure 2, where we had used a red LED. Two
`red LEDs, one on each side of the front undercarriage,
`illuminate the vacuum sweep area. The red LEDs generate
`a red paint-brush effect in the image, indicating the area
`swept. Although partially blocked in some directions, the
`red-painted area provide an effective way of determining
`the total amount of floor space covered by the robot.
`To properly view the photographs, imagine the yellow
`light maces as suspended above the floor. Further, imagine
`the projection of a light mace onto the floor as falling in
`the middle of its corresponding "red-paint" sweep area. The
`green areas on the floor represent those spots not swept by
`Gator during the experiment. The arcs of light on the
`Silver Star Exhibit 1019 - 4


`photographs indicate that Gator’s proximity sensors have
`detected an obstacle and forced a turn.
`During the 20 minute experiments Gator covers about
`107 square feet of surface of area. The exposed area equals
`93 square feet. So the ratio of the red-paint area to the
`green area times ~ provides a respectable measure of
`sweep efficiency.
`however, surprised us. The other surprising result was that
`the coverage was not much better than the 20 minute run
`of CB1. Another run of CB1, not shown here, was far
`less effective, so we consider the experiment of Figure 3
`an exceptionally lucky run.
`Although we have not taken a statistically significant
`number of runs, we also have not attempted to measure
`the coverage more precisely than just visual estimation.
`Qualitative Analysis of the Experiments
`The photograph in Figure 2 indicates Gator’s behavior
`with the proximity detectors at high sensitivity. Elapsed
`time of the experiment ¯ 20 minutes. The left side of the
`room, which is accessible via narrow passageways
`between furniture items, and significant areas along the
`right wall and the lower wall have been totally missed.
`Gator covered about 40 % of the room , hence, the
`efficiency of this run approximately equals 40 ~ % ---
`After several other experiments we opted to employ
`two strategies to get increased coverage: we 1) decreased
`the sensitivity of the proximity sensors used for collision
`detection and 2) incorporated wall following behavior.
`The photograph in Figure 3 illustrates a run at low
`proximity sensitivity of the combined behavior algorithm
`CB1 (random-sweep with wall following ). The behavior
`executed for 20 minutes. Of our 20 runs this was the best.
`Gator accessed all regions of the room and covered about
`80% of the exposed surface area with an efficiency of 80
`93-- % : 70%.
`The experimental results in Figure 4 shows the effects
`of combining the strategies used for the experiments
`in Figures 1 and 2 (CB2). Intuitively, we
`believed the shy behavior would cover the open areas well
`and the bold behavior the more confmed areas. The weak
`results, however, were not anticipated. Observe the bright
`circles of light. They indicate that Gator was trapped in a
`confined area. We deduced that this phenomena results
`when, in a confined area, Gator switches from low to high
`proximity sensitivity. The picture dramatically implies
`the inefficiency of this algorithm by the large percentage
`of green area. Since each circle indicates up to a minute of
`lost sweeping time, it was important to eliminate the
`behavior leading to this result. This was done by adding
`the claustrophobic behavior to CB2 to create CB3. At
`this point we still believed combined shy and bold
`behavior to be a good basis for an efficient covering
`As a base line for comparison we ran the random
`sweep behavior for 40 minutes (Figure 5). Next, we ran
`CB3 for 40 minutes. No visible spinning in one spot can
`be seen in the photograph, so claustrophobia eliminated
`the trapped behavior in confined areas. The marginally
`better performance of CB3 over the random sweep,
`We approached the problem of autonomous vacuuming
`from a low-level standpoint, using a robot equipped with
`simple, low-cost sensors and an 8-bit microcontroller with
`2K of EEPROM for software. We set up a 10’ x 10’ area
`containing five obstacles to serve as an environment for
`the robot during a series of tests. Each test recorded the
`movement of the robot over a specific tirne interval.
`According to our estimations, a purely random sweep
`of movement covers the room with about 60% efficiency.
`The addition of a wall following behavior, triggered with
`probability 0.05 at each obstacle detection, seems to
`increase performance to about 70 % efficiency. Increasing
`the sensitivity of the object detectors traps the robot in
`wide open spaces. Decreasing the sensitivity of the object
`detectors allows the robot to wander through narrow
`corridors into new open spaces. The wall following
`behavior also seems to "drag" the robot to distant parts of
`the room. In an attempt to mix thorough open space
`coverage with full-room coverage, we combined these
`behaviors. This strategy provided coverage that was
`marginally better than the random walk behavior. We
`implemented a claustrophobia indicator that successfully
`freed the robot from narrow corridors and comers.
`To reduce the difference between the 70% efficiency of
`area coverage with the techniques developed here and the
`95% or better efficiency of a human with a Hoover, will
`probably require more sophisticated sensors, short-term
`memory based strategies and sensors providing feedback
`information about how successfully the task is being
`[1] Tracy L. Anderson and Max Donath, "Animal
`behavior as a paradigm for developing robot autonomy,"
`in Designing Autonomous Agents edited by Pattie Maes,
`MIT Press, 1990.
`[2] Akram A. Bou-Ghannam and Keith L. Doty, "A
`CLIPS Implementation of a Knowledge-Based Distributed
`Control of an Autonomous Mobile Robot," SPIE
`Proceedings, Orlando, Florida, April, 1991.
`[3] Akram A. Bou-Ghannam, Intelligent Autonomous
`Systems: Conllolling Reactive Behaviors with Consistent
`World Modeling and Reasoning, Ph.D. Dissertation,
`University of Florida, 1991.
`Silver Star Exhibit 1019 - 5


`[4] Rodney A. Brooks, "Elephants don’t play chess," in
`Designing Autonomous Agents edited by Pattie Maes,
`MIT Press, 1990.
`[5] Keith L. Doty and Ronald E. Van Aken, "Swarm
`Robot Materials Handling Paradigm for a Manufacturing
`Workcell," Proe. 1993 IEEE Conf. Robotics Automat.,
`vol. 1,778-782.
`[6] Erann Gat, Reliable Goal-Directed Reactive Conlrol
`of Autonomous Mobile Robots, Ph.D. Dissertation,
`Virginia Polytech and State, 1991.
`to Support
`[7] Douglas W. Gage, "Sensor Abstractions
`Many-Robot Systems," SPIE Mobile Robots VII, 1992
`[8] Pattie Maes, "Situated agents can have goals," in
`Designing Autonomous Agents edited by Pattie Maes,
`MIT Press, 1990.
`[9] Maja J. Mataric, "Integration of Representation Into
`Goal-Driven Behavior-Based Robots,"
`IEEE Trans.
`Robotics Automat., vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 304-312, 1992.
`Silver Star Exhibit 1019 - 6

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