`IROBOT 2004
`Shenzhen Silver Star v. iRobot


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`having the same (hydrogen) ion concentration;
`that mix without change of ionization. LI9. 2
`Physiol. Occurring without causing any change
`in pH, as the removal of carbon dioxide from
`the tissues by the blood. E20.
`isoionic / /\1SauA1'omk/ a. E20. [f. 1so- + IONIC
`a.2] Chem. Of a solute or solution: giving rise to
`or containing no non-colloidal ions other than
`those formed by dissociation of the solvent.
`isoionic point the point (usu. pH value) at which
`the average number of protons attached to the basic
`groups of solute molecules is equal to the average
`number dissociated from the acidic groups.
`isolable /'Afs(a)lab(a)l/ a. M19. [f. ISOLATE v. +
`-ABLE.] Able to be isolated.
`isola'bility n. Lzo.
`isolatable /'A1sale1tab(a)l, Afsa(u)'le1-/ a. M20.
`[f. as prec.] = prec.
`isolata'bility n. M20.
`/'A1s(a)lat/ a. & n. Er9.
`ISOLATED.] A ad;: = ISOLATED. Er9. B n. 1 An
`isolated thing; esp. a thing abstracted from its
`normal context for study. LI9. 2 Peifumery. A
`compound purified from a natural oil. E2o. 3
`Microbial. A group, esp. a pure culture, of
`similar micro-organisms isolated for study. M20.
`4 Socio/. & Psycho!. A person, community,
`group, or (occas.) an animal isolated from
`normal social
`from choice or
`through separation or rejection. M2o. 5 Biol. A
`population which has become distinct from the
`parent species through the operation of an
`isolating mechanism. M20.
`/'Aisale1t/ v. t. EI9.
`ISOLATED (now regarded as the pa. pple of the
`vb); partly after Fr. iso/er. see -ATE".] 1 Place or
`set apart or alone; cause to stand alone or
`detached, separated from or unconnected with
`things or persons. Also, distinguish,
`identify. EI9. 2 Chem. Obtain or extract (a
`in a pure form. MI9. 3 E/ectr.
`Insulate, esp. by a physical gap; disconnect.
`MI9. 4 Subject (an infected person or place) to
`strict quarantine. Lr9.
`I W. S. CHURCHILL Until agrarian problems could
`be isolated from other political issues, there was little
`hope. M. MEYER Strindberg withdrew into himself
`and isolated himself .. from his colleagues. A. MUNRO
`Blizzards still isolate the towns and villages. J. M.
`isolated over four hundred different
`characters in the script. 2 M. PYKE A few milligrams
`of vitamin B12 had been isolated and the nature of its
`complex molecule established.
`isolated /'Aisale1tid/ a. MI8. [f. Fr. isoze f. It.
`isolato f. late L insulatus made an island, f. L
`insula island: see -ATE 2, -ED1 • Cf. prec.] Placed or
`standing apart or alone; detached or separate
`from other things or persons; unconnected with
`anything else; solitary.
`J. REED There were still isolated cases of defiance
`towards the new Government, but they were rare. B.
`isolated place, hidden .. by
`surrounding desen and hills. L. NKOSI A bitter man,
`secretive and isolated. isolated pawn Chess.: without
`other pawns bf the same colour in adjacent files.
`isolati see ISOLATO.
`isolating /'A1sale1t11J/ pp/ a. MI9. [f. ISOLATE v.
`+ -ING2 .] That isolates; Ling. (of a language) in
`which words tend not to vary in form (by either
`grammatical function; =ANALYTIC a. 3.
`isolating barrier,
`isolating mechanism
`geographical, ecological, seasonal, physiological, or
`other factor which limits or prevents irirerbreeding
`between groups of plants or animals.
`isolation / Aisa'leiJ(a)n/ n. & a. Mr9. [f. ISOLATE
`v. + -ATION, partly after Fr. isolation.] A n. 1
`The action of isolating something or someone;
`the fact or condition of being or having been
`from other
`things or
`persons; solitariness. Mr9. 2 The separation of a
`chemical substance in a pure state. Mr9. 3 spec.
`The complete separation of patients with a
`- - ·--- -!---- -- !-C-........:_..... A: ........ L'lo. h-...,.m
`inherent tendency. L19. b Psychoanalysis. A
`defence mechanism whereby a particular wish or
`thought loses emotional significance by being
`isolated from its normal context. E2o. 5 Biol.
`The limitation or prevention of interbreeding
`between groups of plants or animals by
`isolating mechanism,
`development of new species or varieties. E20.
`1 in isolation considered singly and not relative to
`something else. SPLENDID isolation.
`B attrib. or as adj. Designating a procedure,
`place of confinement, etc., by which isolation is
`effected. Mr9.
`isolation camp, hospital, ward, etc.
`isolationism / A1sa'le1J(a)mz(a)m/ n. E2o. [£
`prec. + -ISM.] The policy of seeking (political or
`national) isolation.
`isolationist / A1sa'le1J(a)mst/ n. & a. Lr9. [f. as
`prec. + -!ST.] A n. A person who favours or
`advocates (political or national) isolationism.
`LI9. B ad;". Characteristic of or being an
`isolationist. LI9.
`isolative /'Aisalertrv / a. u9. [f. ISOLATE v. +
`-ATIVE.] 1 Philo/. Of a sound-change: taking
`place independently of adjacent sounds. Opp.
`COMBINATIVE 2. LI9. 2 gen. Tending to isolate
`something or someone. M20.
`isolato /i:sa'la:tau/ n. Pl. -ti /-ti/, -tos. M19.
`[It.] An isolated person, an outcast.
`isolator /'Afsalerta/ n. Mr9. [f. ISOLATE v. +
`-OR.] A person who or thing which isolates
`something or someone; a contrivance
`isolating something; an insulator.
`isoleucine / AfSa(u)'lu:si:n/ n. E20. [f. ISO- +
`LEUCJNE.] Biochem. A hydrophobic amino acid,
`occurs in proteins and ii; essential in the human
`diet; 2-amino-3-methylpentanoic acid.
`isolog n. see ISOLOGUE.
`isologous / AI'solagas/ a. M19. [f. 1so- + Gk
`logos relation, ratio (see LoGos) + -ous, after
`homologous.] 1 Chem. Of two or more (series of)
`compounds: having comparable or
`structures; now usu.
`identical molecular
`structure but different atoms of the same
`valency at some position(s) in the molecule. Cf.
`HOMOLOGOUS a. 4. MI9. 2 Med. & Biol.
`individuals. M2o.
`isologue /'Arsa(u)log/ n. Also *-log. u9. [f.
`ISO- + -LOGUE.] Chem. Each of two or more
`isologous compounds.
`isomer /'Arsama/ n. M19. [f. Gk isomeres sharing
`equally, f. as ISO- + meros part, share.] 1 Chem.
`A substance isomeric with another; any of a
`number of isomeric compounds or forms of a
`compound. Mr9. 2 Physics. Each of two or more
`nuclei having the same atomic number and mass
`number but different radioactive properties, as a
`result of being in different energy states; esp. a
`nucleus in a metastable excited state rather than
`the ground state. Also nuclear isomer. M20.
`1 geometn"cal isomer, optical isomer, structural isomer,
`isomerase / A!'somare1z/ n. M20. [f. prec. +
`-ASE.] Biochem. Any of various enzymes which
`bring about an isomerization reaction.
`isomeric /Arsa(u)'mEnk/ a. M19. [f. as ISOMER
`+ -IC.] 1 Chem. Of two or more compounds, or
`of one compound
`in relation
`to another:
`composed of the same elements in the same
`proportions, and having the same molecular
`weight, but forming substances with different
`properties owing to the different grouping or
`arrangement of the constituent atoms. (Foll. by
`with.) M19. 2 Physics. Of, pertaining to, or
`designating nuclear isomers. M2o ..
`~In sense
`l~ . _for_merly exte~ded to
`isomeride / AI'somar/\ld/ n. rare. Mr9. [f. as
`ISOMER + -IDE.] Chem. = ISOMER I.
`isomerise v. var. of1sOMERIZE.
`isomerism /AI'somanz(a)m/ n. Mr9. [f. ISOMER
`+ -ISM.] 1 Chem. The fact or condition of being
`isomeric; identity of percentage composition in
`in properties. Mr9. 2
`compounds differing
`Physics. The fact or condition of being nuclear
`isomers. M20.
`1 geometrical isomerism: in which compounds
`differ in the spatial arrangement of atoms relative to a
`(rigid) double bond. optical isomerism: in which
`compounds differ in the spatial arrangement of atoms
`around one or more asymmetric carbon atoms, and
`hence usu.
`in optical activity. STEREOISOMERISM.
`stnJ.ctural isomerism: in which molecules having
`the same constituent atoms have different structures,
`the atoms being joined in different sequences.
`isomerize /Ar'somar/\lz/ v.t. & i. Also -ise. LI9.
`[f. ISOMER + -IZE.] Chem. Change into an
`isomer (of the original substance). Usu. foll. by
`into, to.
`the conversion of a
`isomeri'zation n.
`compound into an isomer of itself L19.
`isomerous /A1'som(a)ras/ a. Mr9.
`[f. Gk.
`isomeres (see ISOMER) + -ous.] Biol. Having the
`same number of (similar) parts; spec. in Bot. (of
`a flower) having the same number of parts in
`each whorl (opp. HETEROMEROUS 2b).
`isometric /A1sa(u)'mEtnk/ a. & n. MI9. [f. Gk
`ISO- +
`isometria equality of measure, f. as
`-METRY: see -IC.] A adj. 1 Of equal measure or
`dimensions. MI9. 2 Drawing. Designating a
`method of projection or perspective in which the
`three principal dimensions are represented by
`three axes 120° apart, with all measurements on
`scale, used
`architectural drawing. M19. 3 Cryst. = CUBIC a.
`2b. Mr9. 4 Physiol. Of, pertaining
`to, or
`designating muscular action in which tension is
`developed without contraction of the muscle.
`LI9. 5 Physics. Relating to, or taking place
`under, conditions of constant volume. u9. 6
`Biol. Of
`growth: maintaining
`proportions with increase in size. M20. 7 Math.
`That is an isometry; related by an isometry. Foll.
`by to. M20. B n. 1 Physics. A line in a diagram
`that corresponds to or represents states of equal
`volume. LI9. 2 In pl. A system of stationary
`physical exercises in which muscles are caused
`to act isometrically against one another or
`against an unyielding object. M20.
`isometrical /Aisa(u)'mEtnk(a)l/ a. M19. [f. as
`prec. + -AL 1.] = ISOMETRIC a. 2, 3.
`isometrically / A1sa(u)'mEtnk(a)li/ adv. Mr9.
`ISOMETRIC a. or prec.: see -!CALLY.] 1
`Drawing. In the manner of isometric projection.
`M19. 2 Physiol. Under isometric conditions. E2o.
`3 Math. By means of or in the manner of an
`isometry. M20.
`isometry / AI'som1tri/ n. M20. [f. as ISOMETRIC:
`see -Y'.] 1 Math. A one-to-one transformation
`of one metric space into another that preserves
`the distances or metrics between each pair of
`points. M20. 2 Biol.
`(Growth exhibiting)
`constancy of proportion with increase in size.
`isomorph /'Arsa(u)m~:f/ n. MI9. [f. 1so- +
`-MORPH.] 1 A substance or organism isomorphic
`with another. M19. 2 Ling. A line (imaginary or
`on a map) bounding an area in which a
`particular morphological
`morphological is0gloss. rare. E2o.
`isomorphic /Aisa(u)'m~:frk/ a. Mr9. [f. as prec.
`1 Chem. & Min.
`pertaining to or involving isomorphism. Mr9. 2
`Math. & Philos. Of groups or other sets:
`corresponding to each other in form, and in the
`nature and product of their operations; related
`by or being an isomorphism. Foll. by to, with.
`LI9. 3 Biol. Of closely similar form but
`indeoendent origin. rare. L19. 4 Bot. In algae
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`, .... ,
`having the same (hydrogen) ion concentration;
`that mix without change of ionization. LI 9. 2
`Physiol. Occurring without causing any change
`in pH, as the removal of carbon dioxide from
`the tissues by the blood. E20.
`isoionic / AISguA1'omk/ a. E20. [f. 1so- + IONIC
`a.2 ] Chern. Of a solute or solution: giving rise to
`or containing no non-colloidal ions other than
`those formed by dissociation of the solvent.
`isoionic point the point (usu. pH value) at which
`the average number of protons attached to the basic
`groups of solute molecules is equal to the average
`number dissociated from the acidic groups.
`isolable /'AIS(o)lob(o)l/ a. MI9. [f. ISOLATE v. +
`-ABLE.] Able to be isolated.
`isola'bility n. L20.
`isolatable /'A1sole1tob(o)l, Afsg(u)'le1-/ a. M20.
`[f. as prec.] = prec.
`isolata'bility n. M20.
`/'A1s(o)fat/ a. & n. Er9.
`ISOLATED.] A adj. = ISOLATED. EI9. B n. 1 An
`isolated thing; esp. a thing abstracted from its
`normal context for study. LI9. 2 Perfumery. A
`compound purified from a narural oil. E2o. 3
`Microbial. A group, esp. a pure culture, of
`similar micro-organisms isolated for study. M20.
`4 Socio/. & Psycho/. A person, community,
`group, or (occas.) an animal isolated from
`normal social
`from choice or
`through separation or rejection. M20. 5 Biol. A
`population which has become distinct from the
`parent species through the operation of an
`isolating mechanism. M20.
`/'AISo!e1t/ v. t. EI9.
`ISOLATED (now regarded as the pa. pple of the
`vb); partly after Fr. isoler: see -ATE3 .] 1 Place or
`set apart or alone; cause to stand alone or
`detached, separated from or unconnected with
`things or persons. Also, distinguish,
`identify. EI9. 2 Chern. Obtain or extract (a
`in a pure form. MI9. 3 Electr.
`Insulate, esp. by a physical gap; disconnect.
`MI9. 4 Subject (an infected person or place) to
`strict quarantine. Lr9.
`I W. S. CHURCHILL Until agrarian problems could
`be isolated from other political issues, there was little
`hope. M. MEYER Strindberg withdrew into himself
`and isolated himself .. from his colleagues. A. MUNRO
`Blizzards still isolate the towns and villages. J. M.
`isolated over four hundred different
`characters in the script. 2 M. PYKE A few milligrams
`of vitamin B12 had been isolated and the nature of its
`complex molecule established.
`isolated /'AISolelt!d/ a. Mr8. [f. Fr. isote f. It.
`isolato f. late L insulatus made an island, f. L
`insula island: see -ATE', -ED 1 • Cf. prec.] Placed or
`standing apart or alone; detached or separate
`from other things or persons; unconnected with
`anything else; solitary.
`J. REED There were still isolated cases of defiance
`towards the new Government, but they were rare. B.
`isolated place, hidden .. by
`surrounding desert and hills. L. NKOSI A bitter man,
`secretive and isolated. isolated pawn Chess.: without
`other pawns of the same colour in adjacent files.
`isolati see ISOLATO.
`isolating /'Aisole1t!IJ/ pp! a. MI9. [f. ISOLATE v.
`+ -ING 2 .] That isolates; Ling. (of a language) in
`which words tend not to vary in form (by either
`grammatical function;= ANALYTIC a. 3.
`isolating barrier,
`isolating mechanism
`geographical, ecological, seasonal, physiological, or
`other factor which limits or prevents iriterbreeding
`between groups of plants or animals.
`isolation / AISo'leiJ(a)n/ n. & a. Mr9. [f. ISOLATE
`v. + -ATJON, partly after Fr. isolation.] A n. 1
`The action of isolating something or someone;
`the fact or condition of being or having been
`from other
`things or
`persons; solitariness. Mr9. 2 The separation of a
`chemical substance in a pure state. MI9. 3 spec.
`The complete separation of patients with a
`contagious or infectious disease from contact
`with other people; the prevention of access to a
`place so infected. LI9. 4 a Psycho!. & Socio!. The
`separation of a person or thing from the normal
`deliberately for srudy, or as a res11lt of some
`tendency. LI9. b Psychoanalysis. A
`defence mechanism whereby a particular wish or
`thought loses emotional significance by being
`isolated from its normal context. E20. 5 Biol.
`The limitation or prevention of interbreeding
`between groups of plants or animals by
`isolating mechanism,
`development of new species or varieties. E20.
`1 in isolation considered singly and not relative to

`something else. SPLENDID isolation.
`B attrib. or as adj. Designating a procedure,
`place of confinement, etc., by which isolation is
`effected. Mr9.
`isolation camp, hospital, ward, etc.
`isolationism / A1sa'le1J(o)mz(o)m/ n. E20. [f.
`prec. + -ISM.] The policy of seeking (political or
`national) isolation.
`isolationist / A1so'le1J(o)mst/ n. & a. Lr9. [f. as
`prec. + -IST.] A n. A person who favours or
`advocates (political or national) isolationism.
`Lr9. B adj. Characteristic of or being an
`isolationist. u9.
`isolative /'Aisole1t1v / a. LI9. [f. ISOLATE v. +
`-ATIVE.] 1 Philo!. Of a sound-change: taking
`place independently of adjacent sounds. Opp.
`COMBINATIVE 2. LI9. 2 gen. Tending to isolate
`something or someone. M20.
`isolato /i:so'la:tau/ n. Pl. -ti /-ti/, -tos. MI9.
`[It.] An isolated person, an outcast.
`isolator /'A1sole1to/ n. Mr9. [f. ISOLATE v. +
`-OR.] A person who or thing which isolates
`something or someone; a contrivance
`isolating something; an insulator.
`isoleucine / Aiso(u)'lu:si:n/ n. E2o. [f. rso- +
`LEUCINE.] Biochern. A hydrophobic amino acid,
`occurs in proteins and is essential in the human
`diet; 2-amino-3-methylpentanoic acid.
`isolog n. see ISOLOGUE.
`isologous / AI'sofogos/ a. MI9. [f. rso- + Gk
`logos relation, ratio (see l..oGos) + -ous, after
`homologous.] 1 Chem. Of two or more (series of)
`compounds: having comparable or
`structures; now usu.
`identical molecular
`structure but different atoms of the same
`valency at some position(s) in the molecule. Cf.
`HOMOLOGOUS a. 4. MI9. 2 Med. & Biol.
`individuals. M20.
`isologue /'A1sa(u)log/ n. Also *-log. LI9. [f.
`rso- + -LOGUE.] Chern. Eaqh of two or more
`isologous compounds.
`isomer /'AISomo/ n. Mr9. [f. Gk isorneri!s sharing
`equally, f. as ISO- + rneros part, share.] 1 Chern.
`A substance isomeric with another; any of a
`number of isomeric compounds or forms of a
`compound. Mr9. 2 Physics. Each of two or more
`nuclei having the same atomic number and mass
`number but different radioactive properties, as a
`result of being in different energy states; esp. a
`nucleus in a metastable excited state rather than
`the ground state. Also nuclear isomer. M20.
`1 geometrical isomer, optical isomer, structural isomer,
`isomerase / A1'somore1z/ n. M20. [f. prec. +
`-ASE.] Biochem. Any of various enzymes which
`bring about an isomerization reaction.
`isomeric / AISo(u)'mmk/ a. MI9. [f. as ISOMER
`+ -re.] 1 Chern. Of two or more compounds, or
`of one compound
`to another:
`composed of the same elements in the same
`proportions, and having the same molecular
`weight, but forming substances with different
`properties owing to the different grouping or
`arrangement of the constituent atoms. (Foll. by
`with.) MI9. 2 Physics. Of, pertaining to, or
`designating nuclear isomers. M20.
`'II In
`sense 1,
`compounds in which the number of atoms in one is a
`multiple of those in the other, or restricted to those
`with similar functional groups and hence similar
`isomerization: LI9.
`For other words beginning with iso- see the entry for iso-
`isomeride / AI'somorArd/ n. rare. MI9. [f. as
`ISOMER + -IDE.] Chern. = ISOMER I.
`isomerise v. var. ofrsoMERIZE.
`isomerism / AI'somanz(a)m/ n. MI9. [f. ISOMER
`+ -ISM.] 1 Chern. The fact or condition of being
`isomeric; identity of percentage composition in
`compounds differing
`in properties. MI9. 2
`Physics. The fact or condition of being nuclear
`isomers. Mzo.
`1 geometrical isomerism: in which compounds
`differ in the spatial arrangement of atoms relative to a
`(rigid) double bond. optical isomerism: in which
`compounds differ in the spatial arrangement of atoms
`around one or more asymmetric carbon atoms, and
`hence usu.
`in optical activity. STEREOISOMERISM.
`stn.lctural isomerism: in which molecules having
`the same constituent atoms have different structures,
`the atoms being joined in different sequences.
`isomerize /A1'somorAiz/ v.t. & i. Also -ise. u9.
`ISOMER + -IZE.] Chern. Change into an
`isomer (of the original substance). Usu. foll. by
`into, to.
`the conversion of a
`isomeri'zation n.
`compound into an isomer of itself LI9.
`isomerous / AI'som(o)ros/ a. Mr9.
`[f. Gk.
`isorneres (see ISOMER) + -ous.] Biol. Having the
`same number of (similar) parts; spec. in Bot. (of
`a flower) having the same number of parts in
`each whorl (opp. HETEROMEROUS 2b).
`isometric /Arso(u)'mEtnk/ a. & n. MI9. [f. Gk
`ISO- +
`isornetria equality of measure, f. as
`-METRY: see -re.] A adj. 1 Of equal measure or
`dimensions. MI9. 2 Drawing. Designating a
`method of projection or perspective in which the
`three principal dimensions are represented by
`three axes 120° apart, with all measurements on
`scale, used
`architectural drawing. Mr9. 3 Cryst. = CUBIC a.
`2b. MI9. 4 Physiol. Of, pertaining to, or
`designating muscular action in which tension is
`developed without contraction of the muscle.
`u9. 5 Physics. Relating to, or taking place
`under, conditions of constant volume. Lr9. 6
`Biol. Of
`growth: maintaining
`proportions with increase in size. M20. 7 Math.
`That is an isomeuy; related by an isomeuy. Foll.
`by to. M20. B n. 1 Physics. A line in a diagram
`that corresponds to or represents states of equal
`volume. Lr9. 2 In pl. A system of stationary
`physical exercises in which muscles are caused
`to act isometrically against one another or
`against an unyielding object. M20.
`isometrical / Arso(u)'mEtnk(o)l/ a. Mr9. [f. as
`prec. + -AL1 .] = ISOMETRIC a. 2, 3.
`isometrically / Aiso(u)'mEtnk(a)li/ adv. Mr9.
`ISOMETRIC a. or prec.: see -!CALLY.] 1
`Drawing. In the manner of isometric projection.
`Mr9. 2 Physiol. Under isometric conditions. E20.
`3 Math. By means of or in the .manner of an
`isomeuy. M20.
`isometry / AI'somrtri/ n. M20. [f. as ISOMETRIC:
`see -Y'.] 1 Math. A one-to-one transformation
`of one metric space into another that preserves
`the distances or metrics between each pair of
`points. M20. 2 Biol.
`(Growth exhibiting)
`constancy of proportion with increase in size.
`isomorph /'Arso(u)m~:f/ n. Mr9. [f. ISO- +
`-MORPH.] 1 A substance or organism isomorphic
`with another. MI9. 2 Ling. A line (imaginary or
`on a map) bounding an area
`in which a
`particular morphological
`morphological is0gloss. rare. E20.
`isomorphic /A1so(u)'m~:f1k/ a. MI9. [f. as prec.
`1 Chern. & Min.
`pertaining to or involving isomorphism. Mr9. 2
`Math. & Philos. Of groups or other sets:
`corresponding to each other in form, and in the
`nature and product of their operations; related
`by or being an isomorphism. Foll. by to, with.
`LI9. 3 Biol. Of closely similar
`form but
`independent origin. rare. LI9. 4 Boe. In algae
`and certain
`fungi: designating a
`type of
`alternation of generations in which the two
`forms are morphologically similar. M20. 5 Ling.
`in morphological structure, having
`similar morphological forms. M20.
`" ~:·
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`, .. ·"
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