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`Oxford Essential Dictionary: American Edition
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`sporting -
`(wOrld of sports). 2 amusement; diversion)· fun.
`3 colloq. fair or generous person. 4 pti1ything' ot
`laughingstock (<Q<lr r;he sport af Foruine). & ti 1
`intr. a divert on~lf; ttike pan in a pasµrne. b
`frolic; gambol. ' wear~ exhibit,. -Or produce,
`esp. ostentatioµ$1y; ti In 1lpOrt jestingly. make
`spotj of make fnn of; rl&CU!e. sports car· low(cid:173)
`builtfast car. sporilicoat (or lacket} man's jacket
`for infonnal wear. sport utllny vehicle p~Sscnger
`vehicle with a light-truck chassis and four:wheel
`drive. ao sport' er n.,
`sporNng/spawrtingl adj. 1 interested in sports
`(sporting matz). 2 sponsmanlike; generous
`(sporting i>ffer). 3 concerned about, active in,.
`or involved·in sports (sporting dog). o s,Jorting
`chance some possibility of success. ao sport'
`sport•ive I spawrtiv I adj. playful.
`spori:&•man I spiwrtsman/ n. (pl. -men; fem.
`sporls•wom•an;pl. -wom•en) 1 person who takes
`part in sports. 2 person who behaves fairly and
`generously. oo sports'man-like ad;j. sports'
`man•ly adj. sports'man•sbip n.
`sports•wear /sp6.wrtswair/ n. clothes worn for
`sports or for casual use.
`sport-y /spawrtee/ adj. (sporl•i•er, sport-i-est)
`coOog. 1 fond of sports. 2 rakish; showy.
`oo sport'My adv. sport'i•ness 11 ..
`spot I spot/ • n. 1 a small roundish part of the
`surface of a thing distinguished by color, texture,
`etc. b blemish; defect. 2 particular place; defi(cid:173)
`nite locality. 3 =SPOTLIGHT. 4 colloq. awkward or
`difficultsituation (esp. in in a (tight, etc.) spot).
`• v. (spot-led, spot•ling). 1 tr. a coffoq. identify;
`recognize; catch sight of. b watch for and take
`note of (trains, talent, etc.). 2 tr. & £ntr. mark
`or become marked with spots. D on the sPot l
`at the scene of an action or event. 2 colloq. in a ~
`position such that response or action is required.
`co spot'ter 11.
`spot•less /sp6tlis/ adj. immaculate;, absolutely
`, clean or pure. tlD spot'less•ly adv. spot'less•
`ness n.
`spot-light I spotlit/ o 11. 1 beam oflight directed
`on a small area. 2 lamp projecting this. 3 full at(cid:173)
`tention or publicity. • v. tr. (past and past part.
`-light•ed or-lit) 1 direct a spotlight on. 2 draw
`attention to.
`spoHy /spotce/ adj. (spoHl•er, spot•li•est) 1
`spots. 2 patchy;
`rnarked with
`oa spot'tMy adv. spat'ti•ness n.
`spouse /spows, spowz/ n. husband or wife.
`spout I spowt/ • n. 1 projecting tube or lip
`through which a liquid) etc., is poured from
`a teapot,, kettle, Pitcher, etc., or issues from a
`· fountain~ pump, etc. 2 jet or column of liquid,
`grain, etc. o v. 1 discharge or issue forcibly in
`a jet. 2 utter (verses, etc.) or speak in a de- ·
`clamatory manner; speechify. oo spout' er 11.
`spout'less adj.
`sprain I sprayri/ • v. tr. wrench (an ankle, wrist,
`etc.) so as to cause pain and swelling. o n. such
`a wrench.
`sprang past of SPRING.
`sprat /sprat/ ti. small European herring-like fish,
`mud1 used as food.
`sprawl /sprawl/ • V. 1 a intr. sit or lie or fall
`with limbs flung out or in an ungainly way. b
`tr. spread (one's limbs) in this way. 2 intr. (of
`handwriting, a plant, a town, etc.) be ofirregular
`or straggling form. • n. sprawling mOvement}
`position, or mass. oo sprawl'ing•ly adv.
`sprayl /spray/ • n. 1 water or other liquid fly(cid:173)
`ing in small drops. 2 device for creating this. •
` (also absol.) 1 tbrow (liquid) in the form of
`spray. 2 sprinl<le (an object) with small drops or
`particles. o spray gun gunlike device for spraying
`paint, etc. oo spray' a-hie adj. spray" er n.
`sprayz /spray/ 11. sprig of flowers or leaves.
`$preadlspred/ • v. (pastandpdstpart. spread)
`1 tr. a open or ex.tend the surface of. b catise
`to cover a larger surface. c display to the eye
`or the mind. 2 imr. have a wide or increas(cid:173)
`ing extent (spreading trees). 3 i'ntr. & tr. become
`or make widely known, felt, etc. (rumors are
`spreading). 4 tr. Jay (a table).• 11. 1 act or an
`instance of spreading. 2 extent of spreading. 3
`diff4sion (spread of learning). 4 increased bodily
`girth (middle-aged spread). 5 difference between
`two rates, prices, sCores, etc. 6 colloq. elaborate
`meal. 7 food for spreading on bread> etc. 8 bed(cid:173)
`spread. 9 printed matter spread across more
`than one column. 10 ranch or farm with ex(cid:173)
`tensive land:o spread eagle in the shape of an
`eagle with legs and wings extended. spread-eagle
`v. er. (usu. as spread-eagled ad}.) place in a posi(cid:173)
`tion with limbs extended. ao spread'a•bfe adj.
`spread' er n.
`spread•sheet /spredsheet/ 11. ·computer· pro(cid:173)
`gram allowing manipulation of esp. tabulated
`numerical data.
`spree/spree/ colloq. n. 1 livelyextravagantoutlng
`(shopping spree). 2 bout of fun or drinking, etc.
`sprig I sprig/ n. small branch or shoot.
`, .
`spright•ly I spritlce/ adj. ( sprlght•U·et, sprlght-li•
`e$1:) vivacious; lively; brisk. oa sprigld:'li•nessn.
`spring I spring/ • v. (past sprang I sprang/ also
`sprung /sprung/; past part. sprung) l intr. jump;
`move rapidly or suddenly (spra11gfrom his seat).
`2 intr. move rapidly as from a constrained po(cid:173)
`sition or by the action of a spring. 3- httr. origi(cid:173)
`nate or arise (springs from an old family). 4
`intr. come into being; appear, esp. suddenly (a
`breeze sprang up). 5 tr. produce or develop or
`make known suddenly or unexpectedly (loves
`to ·spring.surprises). & tr. sl. contrive the escape
`or release of.• u. 1 jump (took a spring}. 2re(cid:173)
`coil, e.g.} of a bow. 3 elasticity. 4 resilient de(cid:173)
`'vice usu. of bent or ·coiled metal used esp. to
`drive clockwork or for cushioning in furniture
`or vehlcles. 5 a season in which vegetation be(cid:173)
`gins to appear, first season of the year. b early
`stage of life, etc. 6 place where water) oil, etc.,
`wells up from the earth. o spring fever restless
`or lethargic feeling sometimes assoCiated with
`spring. DD spring'less adj. spring' like adj.
`spring•board I springbawrd/ n. 1 springy board
`giving impetus in leaping, diving, etc. 2 point
`of departure.
`spring.y I springeel adj. ( spring•l•er, spring-I•
`est) resilient; bouncy; elastic. oo spring'My adv.
`spring'i•ness n.
`sprin•kle /springkol/ o 1 scatter in small
`drops or partjcles. 2 subject to sprinkling with
`liquid, etc. 3'distribute in small amounts. • n. 1
`light shower. 2 = SPRIN1'LlNG. OD sprin'kler n.
`sprin•kllng /springl<lingl 11. sparse number or
`sprint I sprint/ .: v. 1 intr. run a short distance
`at full speed. 2 tr. run (a specified distance) in
`this way. • n. 1 such a run. 2 similar short spell
`of maximum effon in cycl~ng1 swimming, auto
`racing, etc. oo sprint' er n.
`sprite I sprit/ n. elf, fairy, or goblin.
`spritz•er /spritsar/ n. mixture of wine and soda
`sprock•et I spr6kit/ n. each of several teeth on
`a wheel engaging with links of a c?ain.
`sprout /sprowt/ o v. 1 tr. put forth; produce
`(shoots, hair_, etc.) .. 2 intr. begin to grow; put
`forth shoots.• n. shoot of a plant.
`sprucei I sproos/ • adj. neat in dress and ap~
`pearance; smart.• v. (also rejl.; usu. foll. by
`· up) make or become neat and fashionable.
`spruce2 I sprOOs/ n. 1 conifer with dense foliage.
`2 wood of this tree used as timber.
`sprung pas.t. and past pan. of SPRING.
`spry /spri/ adj. (spry•er, spry•est) active; lively.
`DO spry'ly adv. spry'ness n.
`spud I spud/ n.~ sl. potato.
`spume /spyoom/ ~· & v.intr. froth; foam.
`oo spum'y adj. (spum•i•er, spum•i•est).
`spun past and past part. of SPIN.
`spunk /spungk/ n. colloq. cOurage; mettle; spirit.
`spunk•y /spimgkee/ a4J'. (spunk•i•er, spunk•i•est)
`colloq. brave; spirited. oo spunk'My adv.
`spur /spd!'/ • n. 1 device with a small spike or a
`spiked wheel worn on a rider's heel fOr urging a
`horse forward. 2 stirnulus or incentive. a spur(cid:173)
`shaped thing, esp.: a projection from a mountain
`or mountain range. b branch road or railway. •
` (spurred, spurring) 1 prick (a horse) with
`spurs. 2 incite; stimulate. o on the :spur of the
`moment on a momentary impulse; impromptu.
`DD spur' less adj.
`spu•ri•ous /spy06reed~/ adj. not genuine; not
`being what it purports to be. ao spu'ri•ous•ly
`adv. spu' ri•ous•ness n.
`spurn /sp'Jrn/ v. reject with disdain; treat with
`contempt. oo spum'er n.
`spurt I spdrt/ • v. 1 a inrr. gush out in a j~t or
`stream. b tr. cause (liquid, etc.) to do this. 2
`intr. make a sudden effort. • n. 1 sudden gush(cid:173)
`ing out; jet. 2 short sudden effort or increase of
`pace, esp. in racing.
`sput•nik /spcfotnik, spilt-/ n. each.of a series of
`Russian artificial satellites launched from 1957.
`sput•ter /spUtar/ •
`v. 1 imr. emit spitting
`sounds. 2 intr. speak in a hurried or vehement
`fashion. 3 tr. emit with a spittiI;ig sound. 4 tr.
`speak or utter rapidly or incoherently.• n.
`sputtering. oo sput'terer u.
`spu•tum /spydotoml n. (pl. spu•ta I-to/) 1 sa-
`sprite -:- squat
`liva; spittle. 2 expectorated matter, usu. a sign
`of disease.

`spy I sprl • ti. (pl. spies) 1 person who secretly
`collects aJ?.d reports information on the activi~
`ties, movements, etc., of an enemy, competitor,
`etc. 2 person who keeps. watch on others, esp.
`furtively. o v. (spies, spied) l tr. discern; see. 2
`intr. ace as a spy. oa spy'ing n.
`spy•glass Jsptglas/ n. small telescope.
`sq. abbr. square.
`squab /skwob/ n. young pigeon or other bird.
`Squab•ble/skw6b~l/ • n. petty or noisy quarrel.
`• v.intr. engage in a squabble. oo squab'blern.
`squad /skwod/ n. 1small group of people shar(cid:173)
`ing a task, etc.; esp. of soldiers or policemen. 2
`Sports team. o squad car police car.
`squad•ron /skw6dr;m/ n. unit of aircraft, war(cid:173)
`ships, etc.
`squat-id /skw6lid/ adj. 1 filthy. 2 mean or poor.
`ao squa•lid'Myn. squaf'id•ly adv. squal'id•ness
`squall / skwawl/ • 11. 1 sudden or violent wind,
`esp. with rain or snow or sleet. 2 discordant cry;
`scream (esp. of a baby).• v.intr. utter a squall;
`scream. Do squal'ly adj.
`squa·l~r /skw6for/ n. state of being filthy or
`squan•der/skwOnddr/ spend (money, time,
`etc.) wastefully. oo squan'der•er n.
`square I skwair I • · n. 1· equilateral rectangle.
`2 open (usu. four-sided) area surrounded by
`buildings. 3 product of a number multiplied
`by itself (81 is the square of 9). 4 L-shaped or
`T-shaped instrument for obtaining· or testing
`right angles. 5 sl. conventional or old-fashioned
`person.• adj. 1 having the shape of a.square.
`2 having or in the form of a right angle (table
`with square corners). 3 angular and not round.
`4 designating the. area of a square whose side
`is the length of the unit specified (square mile).
`S level;' parallel. 6 at right angles. 7 equal; set(cid:173)
`tled. 8 fair and honest. 9 sl. conventional or
`old-fashioned.• adv. squarely. • v. 1 tr. make
`square. 2 tr. multiply (a number) by itself (3
`squared is 9). 3 tr. &intr. reconcile (rheresultsdo
`not square with your co1tclusions). 4 tr, settle or
`pay (a bill, etc.). Su: place (one's shoulders,
`etc.) squarely facing forward. o square dance
`dance with usu. four couples facing inward from
`four sides. square meal substantial and satisfy(cid:173)
`ing meal. square off assume the attitude of a
`boxer. square root number that multiplied by it(cid:173)
`self gives a specified number. oo square'ly adv.
`square'ness n. squar'ish ad;:
`squash1 /skwosh/ • v, 1 tr. crush or squeeze flat
`or into pulp. 2 intt. make one's Way by squeezing.
`3 tr. dismiss (a proposal, etc.).• n. gaineplayed
`with rackets and a small ball the walls
`of a closed court. Do squash'y adj. (squash•i•er,
`squash•i•est). squash' My adv. squash'i•ness n.
`squashz I skwoshl 11. (pl. same or squash•es)
`plant with 'gourdlike fruit that may' be used as
`a vegetable.
`squat I skwot/ • v. (squat-led, squat-ling) 1 intr.
`sit on one's heels or on the ground, etc., with
`the knees drawn up. 2 a imr. act as a squatter.
`brr. occupy (a building) as a squatter. • a<{j.
`( squaMer, squat-test) (of a person, etc.) short
`and thick; dumpy. • n. squatting posture.

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