
`Before The Honorable Thomas B. Pender
`Administrative Law Judge
`In the Matter of
`Investigation No. 337-TA-1057
`Pursuant to the Order No. 11 and Ground Rule No. 8.3, Complainant iRobot Corporation
`(“iRobot”) and Respondents Hoover Inc., Royal Appliance Manufacturing Co., d/b/a TTI Floor
`Care North America Inc., The Black & Decker Corporation, Black & Decker (U.S.) Inc.,
`Shenzhen Silver Star Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., BISSELL Homecare, Inc., Matsutek
`Enterprises Co., Ltd., Bobsweep, Inc., Bobsweep USA, Shenzhen Zhiyi Technology Co., Ltd.,
`Suzhou Real Power Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. (together “Respondents”) submit the attached
`Joint Claim Construction Chart for disputed terms appearing in U.S. Patent Nos.6,809,490
`(“’490 patent”), 7,155,308 (“’308 patent”), 8,474,090 (“’090 patent”), 8,600,553 (“’553 patent”),
`9,038,233 (“’233 patent”), 9,486,924 (“’924 patent”). Section I of the attached Joint Claim
`Construction Chart identifies terms for which the parties have agreed upon a construction.
`Section II identifies the disputed terms and each party’s proposed constructions.
`iRobot identifies (1) “housing” (’090 patent, Claims 1, 5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 16); (2) “a bounce
`mode whereby the robot travels substantially in a direction away from an obstacle after
`encountering the obstacle” (’490 patent , Claims 1, 42); (3) “isolated area” (’490 patent , Claims
`Silver Star Exhibit 1023


`1, 42); (4) “speed setting” (’553 patent, Claims 1, 11, 25); and (5) “heading setting” (’553 patent,
`Claims 1, 25) as the terms whose construction will be most significant to the resolution of the
`Respondents identify (1) “while continuing towards the object” (’553 patent, Claim 11);
`(2) “control system configured to operate the robot in a plurality of operational modes and to
`select from among the plurality of modes in real time in response to signals generated by the
`obstacle detection sensor” (’490 patent, Claims 1, 42); (3) “A sensor subsystem for an
`autonomous robot” (’308 patent, Claims 1, 19); (4) “pass between” in the context of “the side
`brush having bundles of bristles and being positioned such that the bundles of bristles pass
`between the cliff detector and the floor surface during a rotation of the side brush around the
`axis, the bundles of bristles being separated by a gap, the gap being configured to prevent
`occlusion of the cliff detector beam during at least part of the rotation of the side brush around
`the axis” (’233 patent, Claims 1, 15); and (5) “instructions” (’924 patent, Claims 1 and 12) as the
`terms whose construction will be most significant to the resolution of this case.
`Silver Star Exhibit 1023 - 2


`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Stephen A. Marshall
`Ruffin B. Cordell
`Ralph A. Phillips
`Stephen A. Marshall
`Linhong Zhang
`Thomas S. Fusco
`Michael S. Ballanco
`Jack R. Wilson
`Matthew Mahoney
`901 15th Street, N.W., Suite 700
`Washington, DC 20005
`Tel: (202) 783-5070
`Fax: (202) 783-2331
`Warren K. Mabey, Jr.
`222 Delaware Avenue, 17th Floor
`Wilmington, DE 19801
`Tel: (302) 652-5070
`Fax: (302) 783-2331
`Andrew G. Pearson
`One Marina Park Drive
`Boston, MA 02210
`Tel: (617) 542-5070
`Fax: (617) 783-2331
`Counsel for Complainant iRobot Corporation
`Dated: August 18, 2017
`/s/ Kecia J. Reynolds
`Kecia J. Reynolds
`1200 Seventeenth St. NW
`Washington, DC 20036
`Tel: (202) 663-8025
`Fax: (202) 663-8007
`William P. Atkins
`Jack S. Barufka
`Bryan P. Collins
`Sean M. Weinman
`Michael K. Heins
`1650 Tysons Blvd., 14th Floor
`McLean, Virginia 22102
`Tel: (703) 770-7900
`Fax: (703) 770-7901
`Jack Ko, Ph.D.
`Suite 4201, Bund Center,
`222 Yan An Road East
`Shanghai 200002 China
`Tel: (86) 21-6137-7999
`Fax: (86) 21-6137-7900
`Counsel for Respondents Hoover, Inc., Royal
`Appliance Manufacturing Co., Inc. d/b/a TTI
`Floor Care North America Inc., The Black &
`Decker Corporation, Black & Decker (U.S.)
`Inc., Shenzhen Silver Star Intelligent
`Technology Co., Ltd., bObsweep, Inc., and
`bObsweep USA
`Silver Star Exhibit 1023 - 3


`/s/ Rachel E. Burnim
`Harold H. Davis, Jr.
`Rachel E. Burnim
`4 Embarcadero Center, Ste 1200
`San Francisco, CA 94111
`Tel: (415) 882-8200
`Fax: (415) 882-8220
`Jay C. Chiu
`1 Park Plaza
`Twelfth Floor
`Irvine, CA 92614
`Eric C. Rusnak
`K&L Gates LLP
`1601 K Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20006
`Counsel for Respondents
`/s/ Patrick J. McCarthy
`Mark G. Davis
`Ronald J. Pabis
`Patrick J. McCarthy
`Myomi T. Coad
`2101 L Street, N.W. Suite 1000
`Washington, D.C. 20037
`Tel: (202) 331-3100
`Fax: (202) 331-3101
`Nicholas A. Brown
`4 Embarcadero Center
`Suite 3000
`San Francisco, CA 94111
`Telephone: (415) 655-1271
`Facsimile: (415) 520-5609
`Jonathan Ball
`MetLife Building
`200 Park Avenue
`New York, NY 10166
`Telephone: (212) 801-9200
`Facsimile: (212) 801-6400
`Stephen M. Ullmer
`The Tabor Center
`1200 17th Street, Suite 2400
`Denver, CO 80202
`Telephone: (303) 572-6500
`Facsimile: (303) 572-6540
`Ping Gu
`31, 33, 36, 37/F, SK Tower, 6A
`Jianguomenwai Avenue, Chaoyang District
`Beijing 100022, P.R.China
`Telephone: 86-10-5957228
`Facsimile: 86-10-59571022/1838
`Counsel for Respondent Shenzhen Zhiyi
`Technology Co., Ltd.
`Silver Star Exhibit 1023 - 4


`Joint Claim Construction Chart
`ITC Investigation No. 3 3 T—TA- 105 T
`Agreed Upon Terms
`The parties have agreed upon the construction for the following terms
`Claims 11, 12, 20
`“defined field of view” I
`“defined field of emission"
`(“defined field”)
`(Claims 1, 2, 3)
`Claims 1, 10, 17
`“passes between a portion of a drive wheel
`of the robot and the cleaning surface”
`(Claim 14)
`A- eed Construction
`”308 Patent
`“structure through which 1igm passes to bound the optical field of an emitter or a
`“region within which light can be detected” ;’
`“region within which light can be emitted”
`’090 Patent
`“the frame of the floor cleaning robot to which components are attached or
`’233 Patent
`“passes under a portion of a drive wheel not in contact with the floor surface being
`Function: manually selecting an operational mode
`“means for manually selecting an
`operational mode”
`Structure: an input element [such as] a selector switch, push button, or remote control
`(Claim 12)
`[b3r which] the user can select the particular operational mode (8:43-45; 17:5-10)
`Function: propelling the robot over a driving surface
`“means for moving the robot over a
`surface” (Claims 1, 13, 21, 26, 36, 42)
`Structure: two wheels and motors 21 for driving them independently (5:60)
`”553 Patent
`“nor-linear” (Claim 21)
`Silver Star Exhibit 1023 - 5
`Silver Star Exhibit 1023 - 5


`Disputed Terms Selected for Claim Construction
`“A sensor subsystem for an
`autonomous robot which rides on a
`surface” (Claim 1) X “A sensor
`’308 Patent
`Preamble is not limiting
`Preamble is limiting
`If the preamble is limiting, “sensor
`subsystem” means “obstacle detection
`’090 Patent
`“structural peiipheiy of the floor
`“a structure, distinct from the chassis,
`(Claims 1, 5, 7, 10, 13, 14, 16)
`cleaning robot”
`providing protection of and access to
`components attached or integrated to
`the chassis”
` -
`’233 Patent
`No construction necessary
`“pass through the cliff detector beam”
`“the side blush having bundles of
`bristles and being positioned such that
`the bundles of bristles pass between the
`cfiflderecror and firefioor surface
`during a rotation of the side brush
`around the axis, the bundles of bristles
`being separated by a gap, the gap being
`confi ' Ired to revent occlusion of the
`Silver Star Exhibit 1023 - 6
`Silver Star Exhibit 1023 - 6


` -
`“isolated area”
`Claims 1, 42
`“limited area cleaned according to a
`non-random coverae a1 {orithnf
`“limited area that is cleaned according
`to a non-random covera ' e al- orithm”
`cliff detector beam during at least part
`of the rotation of the side brush around
`the axis”
`Claims 1, 15
`“a bounce mode whereby the robot
`travels substantially in a direction away
`from an obstacle after encountering the
`(Claims 1, 42)
`’490 Patent
`“a bounce mode whereby the robot
`turns to a new heading or turns to a
`new heading accompanied by a
`movement forward, and then continues
`to travel away from an obstacle after
`encountering the obstacle”
`Plain and ordinary meaning.
`“control system configured to operate
`the robot in a plurality of operational
`modes and to select from among the
`of modes in real time in
`No construction necessary
`This is a means-plus-function element
`to be construed in accordance with pre-
`ALA 35 U.S.C. § 112, 116.
`Silver Star Exhibit 1023 - 7
`Silver Star Exhibit 1023 - 7


`response to signals generated by the
`obstacle detection sensor”
`(Claim 1, 42)
`Function: operating the robot in a
`plurality of operational modes and
`selecting from among the plurality of
`modes as the signals are generated by
`the obstacle detection sensor
`Structure: Processor 22 including on-
`board program memory: mode
`selection logic or algorithm as
`described at 8:52-56, and the coverage
`and behavior control algorithms for
`each claimed mode as disclosed in FIG.
`7, FIG. 9A,. FIG. 9B and 10, and the
`related descriptions at 9:1 1-10:2l and
`10:26-12:11, 12:54-13:24, 16: 1—10, and
`“speed setting”
`(Claims 1, ll, 25)
`’553 Patent
`“setting that determines the speed of
`“parameter representing the target
`speed of the robot”
`Silver Star Exhibit 1023 - 8
`Silver Star Exhibit 1023 - 8


`“heading setting”
`Claims 1, 25
`“setting that determines the direction of
`“parametei representing the target
`diiectlon of the robot”
`“while continuing towards the object”
`(Claim 1 1)
`No construction necessaiy
`“while travelling in an unchanged
`direction toward the obj ect"
`If a construction is deemed necessary:
`“while advancin- towards the ob'ect”
`“instructions configured to cause a
`processor of the cleaning robot to
`execute a cleaning operation” (Claim
`1) f “instructions configured to cause a
`processor ofthe cleaning robot to
`perform operations including executing
`a cleaning operation” (Claim 12)
`’924 Patent
`“control information that causes the
`cleaning robot to carry out a cleaning
`operation” (Claim 1) f
`“control information that causes the
`cleaning TObOT to (3311‘)? 011i a cleaning
`01" other operation” (Claim 12)
`“software program or machine
`executable code that cause a processor
`to execute a cleaning operation”
`Silver Star Exhibit 1023 - 9
`Silver Star Exhibit 1023 - 9


`I hereby certify that tme and correct copies of the foregoing document JOINT CLAIM
`CONSTRUCTION CHART, have been filed and served on this 18th day of August, 201 T, on
`the following:
`V' F'
`Via Hand Delivery
`t Cl M 'l
`Via Overnight Delivery
`V13 FlrSt Class Mall
`X Via Hand Delivery
`Via Overnight Delivery
`Via Electronic Mail
`Via First Class Mall
`Via Hand Delivery
`The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`US. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street SW
`Washington DC. 20436
`The Honorable Thomas B. Pender
`Administrative Law Judge
`US. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, S.W.
`Washington, DC. 20436
`Michael Turner
`Attorney Advisor
`US. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, S.W.
`Washington, DC. 20436
`111ichael. t1une1‘@.usitc . gov
`Harold H. Davis, Jr.
`Timothy P. Walker
`Jas Dhillon
`Rachel E. Burniin
`K&L Gates LLP
`Four Einbarcadero Center
`Suite 1200
`San Francisco, CA 94111
`Via Overnight Delivery
`X Via Electronic Mail
`Via First Class Mall
`Via Hand Delivery
`Via Federal Express
`V E]
`M 1]
`X 1a
`ec ronlc
`Counselfor Respondems Bissei.’ Homecare, Inc. and
`Marsurek Enterprises Co, Ltd.
`Kecia J. Reynolds, Esq.
`1200 Seventeenth St. NW
`Washinton, DC 20036
`Via First Class Mail
`Via Hand Delivery
`Silver Star Exhibit 1023 - 10
`Silver Star Exhibit 1023 - 10


`Tel: (202) 663-8025
`Fax: (202) 663-8007
`Email: Pillsbuiy-1057((L‘pillsbluylawcom
`[:I Via Federal Express
`XI Via Electronic Mail
`Counselfor Respondents The Black & Decker
`Corporation, Black & Decker (U. S.) Inc, Shenzhen Silver
`Star Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., Hoover Inc., and
`Royal Appliance Manufacturing Co., d/b/a TTi Floor
`Care North America, Inc, bObsweep, Inc., and bObsweep
`Mark G. Davis
`Ronald J. Pabis
`Patrick J. McCafihy
`Myomi T. Coad
`2101 L Street, NW. Suite 1000
`Washington, DC. 20037
`Telephone: (202) 331-3 100
`Facsimile: (202) 331-3101
`111cca11hmgal' atlaw . com
`Counselfor Respondent Shenzhen Zhivi Technologv Co.,
`. gs
`Shamita Etienne-C
`Jason X11
`701 Thirteenth Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20005-3807
`Telephone: (202) 626-3600
`Facsimile: (202) 639-9355
`Email: WC iRobotTeamgwwhitecasecom
`KBT RealPower 1057(
`Counselfor Respondent Suzhou Real Power Electric
`A I liance Co., Ltd.
`D Via First Class Mall
`CI Via Hand Delivery
`El Via Federal Express
`g V” Elecmn'c Ma“
`El Via First Class Mail
`El Via Hand Delivery
`D Via Air Mall
`E “3 Elemm‘“ Mall
`/s/Ashlev Cox
`Ashley Cox
`Silver Star Exhibit 1023 - 11
`Silver Star Exhibit 1023 - 11

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