Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 1 of 20
`Civil Action No. 1:17-cv-10648
` Plaintiff
`BLACK & DECKER (U.S.) INC., and
` Defendants.
`Plaintiff iRobot Corporation (“iRobot”), by and through its attorneys, brings this complaint
`for patent infringement and demand for jury trial against The Black & Decker Corporation and
`Black & Decker (U.S.) Inc. (together, “B&D”) and Shenzhen Silver Star Intelligent Technology
`Co., Ltd. (“SSSIT”) (collectively, the “Defendants”) and alleges as follows:
`This action for patent infringement arises under the laws of the United States, Title
`35 of the United States Code, 35 U.S.C. § 1 et seq.
`Plaintiff iRobot Corporation is a corporation organized and existing under the laws
`of the State of Delaware, with its principal place of business at 8 Crosby Drive, Bedford,
`Massachusetts 01730.
`Silver Star Exhibit 1004


`Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 2 of 20
`On information and belief, The Black & Decker Corporation is a corporation
`organized under the laws of the State of Maryland, having a principal place of business located at
`701 E. Joppa Rd., Towson, Maryland 21286.
`On information and belief, Black & Decker (U.S.) Inc. is a corporation organized
`under the laws of the State of Maryland, having a principal place of business located at 701 E.
`Joppa Rd., Towson, Maryland 21286.
`On information and belief, Shenzhen Silver Star Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
`is a Chinese corporation, having a principal place of business located at Building D, Huiqing
`Technology Park, DAFU Industrial Area, Guanguang Road, Guanlan Town, Shenzhen, People’s
`Republic of China.
`This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§
`1331 and 1338(a).
`This Court has personal jurisdiction over B&D because, inter alia, upon
`information and belief, B&D has purposefully availed itself of the privileges of conducting
`business in this judicial district and has regularly and systematically transacted business in this
`district, directly or through intermediaries; B&D has committed acts of patent infringement in this
`district; and B&D has substantial and continuous contacts within this judicial district, at least due
`to soliciting customers from this judicial district via its own website,, as well
`as through third-party websites and/or sales via retail and wholesale stores in Massachusetts.
`Moreover, upon information and belief, B&D has purposefully shipped its products into this
`district through established distribution channels and has placed its products into the stream of
`Silver Star Exhibit 1004 - 2


`Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 3 of 20
`commerce with the knowledge and expectation that they will be purchased by consumers in this
`This Court has personal jurisdiction over SSSIT because, inter alia, upon
`information and belief, SSSIT manufactures and/or imports infringing devices that are marketed
`and sold to Massachusetts consumers through a nationwide channel of distribution in the United
`States. Moreover, upon information and belief, SSSIT has purposefully and voluntarily placed
`infringing devices in the stream of commerce with the knowledge and expectation that the same
`will end up in, and be marketed, sold, and purchased in, Massachusetts. Upon information and
`belief, SSSIT has entered into a business relationship with B&D whereby SSSIT manufactures
`infringing devices and imports them into the United States so that B&D can sell these infringing
`devices throughout the United States, including in Massachusetts.
`Venue is proper in this district pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(b), 1391(c), and
`This suit is commenced against Defendants pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 299 because,
`inter alia, upon information and belief, SSSIT manufactures and/or imports infringing robotic
`vacuums for and on behalf of B&D, who offers them for sale in the United States, and sells them
`in the United States, including in Massachusetts. Defendants are therefore part of the same
`manufacturing and distribution chain and share accused product lines and products involving
`iRobot’s patented technologies.
`Accordingly, Defendants are jointly and severally liable for patent infringement
`relating to the infringing robotic vacuums made, used, imported, offered for sale, sold, and/or used
`in the United States by one or more of them. iRobot’s right to relief against each of these
`Silver Star Exhibit 1004 - 3


`Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 4 of 20
`Defendants arises out of the same transaction, occurrence, or series of transactions or occurrences
`relating to the making, using, importing into the United States, offering for sale, and/or selling of
`the same accused robotic vacuums. Questions of fact common to both of these Defendants will
`arise in this action, including as to whether the accused products infringe the asserted patents.
`Thus, joinder of the Defendants is proper under 35 U.S.C. § 299.
`The ’308 Patent
`On December 26, 2006, United States Patent No. 7,155,308 (“the ’308 Patent”),
`entitled “Robot Obstacle Detection System,” was duly and legally issued by the United States
`Patent and Trademark Office from U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 10/453,202, filed on June 3,
`2003. iRobot is the owner, by valid assignment, of the entire right, title and interest in and to the
`’308 Patent, including the right to assert all causes of action arising under the patent and the right
`to any remedies for infringement of the patent.
`The ’308 Patent relates to a robot obstacle detection system that includes a robot
`housing that navigates with respect to a surface, and a sensor subsystem. The sensor subsystem
`includes an optical emitter which emits a directed beam having a defined field of emission and a
`photon detector having a defined field of view which intersects the field of emission of the emitter
`at a region. A circuit in communication with a detector redirects the robot when the surface does
`not occupy the region to avoid obstacles. A similar system is employed to detect walls.
`The ’090 Patent
`On July 2, 2013, United States Patent No.8,474,090 (“the ’090 Patent”), entitled
`“Autonomous Floor-Cleaning Robot,” was duly and legally issued by the United States Patent and
`Trademark Office from U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 12/201,554, filed on August 29, 2008.
`Silver Star Exhibit 1004 - 4


`Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 5 of 20
`iRobot is the owner, by valid assignment, of the entire right, title and interest in and to the ’090
`Patent, including the right to assert all causes of action arising under the patent and the right to any
`remedies for infringement of the patent.
`The ’090 Patent relates to a floor cleaning robot that includes a housing, wheels,
`and a motor driving the wheels to move the robot across a floor, a control module disposed within
`the housing and directing movement of the robot across the floor, a sensor for detecting and
`communicating obstacle information to the control module so that the control module can cause
`the robot to react to the obstacle, a removable bin disposed at least partially within the housing and
`receiving particulates, a first rotating member directing particulates toward the bin, and a second
`rotating member cooperating with the first rotating member to direct particulates toward the bin.
`The ’490 Patent
`On October 26, 2004, United States Patent No. 6,809,490 (“the ’490 Patent”),
`entitled “Method and System for Multi-Mode Coverage for an Autonomous Robot,” was duly and
`legally issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office from U.S. Patent Application
`Serial No. 10/167,851, filed on June 12, 2002. iRobot is the owner, by valid assignment, of the
`entire right, title, and interest in and to the ’490 Patent, including the right to assert all causes of
`action arising under the patent and the right to any remedies for infringement of the patent.
`The ’490 Patent relates to a control system for a mobile robot to effectively cover
`a given area by operating in a plurality of modes. In an exemplary embodiment, an autonomous
`mobile robot can operate in an obstacle following mode, a random bounce mode, or in a spot
`coverage mode. Additionally, the ’490 Patent describes a behavior based architecture for the
`control system to ensure full coverage.
`Silver Star Exhibit 1004 - 5


`Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 6 of 20
`iRobot (formerly IS Robotics, Inc.) was founded in 1990 by Massachusetts Institute
`of Technology roboticists with the vision of making practical robots a reality. The company has
`developed some of the world’s most important robots, and has a rich history steeped in innovation.
`iRobot is the leader in home robotic cleaning devices, with products delivering
`convenient, customized, powerful cleaning assistance. Among other product offerings, iRobot
`develops, manufactures, and sells the well-known Roomba® line of products, which have been
`recognized as a market leader in robotic vacuum cleaning as well as highly preferred Braava®
`branded products.
`iRobot has extensive involvement in the U.S. market, including the Massachusetts
`market, with its innovative robotic vacuum cleaning devices. iRobot employs hundreds of persons
`in the United States who are dedicated to the design, research, development, testing, quality
`control, and customer care of its robotic vacuum cleaning devices, and related accessories for U.S.
`Defendants compete directly with iRobot.
`On information and belief, SSSIT manufactures robotic vacuum cleaning devices
`for B&D, including, but not limited to, B&D’s BDH5000 robot vacuum cleaner,1 which, as
`explained below, infringes one or more claims of each of iRobot’s ’308 Patent, ’090 Patent, and
`’490 Patent (the “Asserted Patents”).
`To the extent facts learned in discovery show that one or more Defendants’
`infringement of a claim of an Asserted Patent is or has been willful, including following the filing
`1 This exemplary infringing product is hereinafter referred to as the “Accused Product.”
`Silver Star Exhibit 1004 - 6


`Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 7 of 20
`of this Complaint, iRobot reserves the right to request such a finding at the time of trial, or as may
`otherwise be allowed by the Court.
`iRobot hereby incorporates by reference its allegations contained in paragraphs 1
`through 23 of this Complaint as though fully set forth herein.
`Upon information and belief, B&D has infringed and continues to infringe, either
`literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, at least claim 1 of the ’308 Patent pursuant to 35
`U.S.C. § 271(a) by making, using, offering to sell, and/or selling in the United States, and/or
`importing into the United States, at least the Accused Product.
`For example, on information and belief, B&D’s BDH5000 robotic vacuum, used
`by B&D and/or sold and offered for sale by B&D, including at its website, infringes claim 1 of the
`’308 Patent; this claim recites:
`A sensor subsystem for an autonomous robot which rides on a surface, the sensor
`subsystem comprising: an optical emitter which emits a directed optical beam
`having a defined field of emission; a photon detector having a defined field of view
`which intersects the field of emission of the emitter at a region; and a circuit in
`communication with the detector providing an output when an object is not present
`in the region thereby re-directing the autonomous robot.
`On information and belief, B&D’s BDH5000 robotic vacuum is an autonomous
`robot that rides on a surface such as a floor. It includes sensor subsystems that comprise at least
`an optical emitter that emits an optical beam with a defined field of emission and a photon detector
`whose field of view intersects with this field of emission. On information and belief, the sensor
`subsystem also includes a circuit in communication with the detector that provides a signal when
`an object (such as the floor) is not present in this region of intersection such that the robot is re-
`directed. On information and belief, this behavior and its relation to the BDH5000’s “sensors” is
`Silver Star Exhibit 1004 - 7


`Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 8 of 20
`described in the instruction manual for the BDH5000,2 which includes an image of the BDH5000
`sensors (below) and notes that the BDH5000 “will clean… depending on the objects around it.”
`Furthermore, upon information and belief, B&D has induced and continues to
`induce infringement of at least claim 1 of the ’308 Patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(b), by
`actively and knowingly inducing, directing, causing, and encouraging others, including, but not
`limited to, its customers and/or end users, to make, use, sell, and/or offer to sell in the United States
`the Accused Product.
`Upon information and belief, B&D’s customers and/or end users have directly
`infringed and are directly infringing claim 1 of the ’308 Patent. B&D has actual knowledge of the
`’308 Patent at least as of service of this Complaint. B&D is knowingly inducing its customers
`and/or end users to directly infringe the ’308 Patent through, for example, their use of the
`BDH5000, with the specific intent to encourage such infringement, and knowing that the induced
`acts constitute patent infringement. B&D’s inducement includes, for example, providing technical
`2 See, e.g., BDH5000 Instruction Manual,
` (last visited April 13, 2017),
`hereinafter the “BDH5000 Instruction Manual.”
`Silver Star Exhibit 1004 - 8


`Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 9 of 20
`guides, product data sheets, demonstrations, specifications, installation guides, and other forms of
`support that induce its customers and/or end users to directly infringe the ’308 Patent.3
`Upon information and belief, B&D has committed the foregoing infringing
`activities without license from iRobot.
`As a result of B&D’s infringement of the ’308 Patent iRobot has suffered and will
`continue to suffer damage.
`B&D’s continued infringement of iRobot’s patent rights under the ’308 Patent will
`irreparably harm iRobot.
`The acts of infringement by B&D will continue unless enjoined by this Court.
`iRobot hereby incorporates by reference its allegations contained in paragraphs 1
`through 33 of this Complaint as though fully set forth herein.
`Upon information and belief, SSSIT has directly infringed, and continues to directly
`infringe, the ’308 Patent by importing into the United States the Accused Product that it
`manufactures for and on behalf of B&D. This Accused Product infringes at least claim 1 of the
`’308 Patent as explained above in paragraphs 25 – 27 with respect to B&D’s direct infringement,
`which are incorporated herein by reference.
`Upon information and belief, SSSIT has committed the foregoing infringing
`activities without license from iRobot.
`As a result of SSSIT’s infringement of the ’308 Patent iRobot has suffered and will
`continue to suffer damage.
`3 See, e.g., BDH5000 Instruction Manual.
`Silver Star Exhibit 1004 - 9


`Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 10 of 20
`SSSIT’s continued infringement of iRobot’s patent rights under the ’308 Patent will
`irreparably harm iRobot.
`The acts of infringement by SSSIT will continue unless enjoined by this Court.
`iRobot hereby incorporates by reference its allegations contained in paragraphs 1
`through 39 of this Complaint as though fully set forth herein.
`Upon information and belief, B&D has infringed and continues to infringe, either
`literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, at least claim 1 of the ’090 Patent pursuant to 35
`U.S.C. § 271(a) by making, using, offering to sell and/or selling in the United States, and/or
`importing into the United States, at least the Accused Product.
`For example, on information and belief, B&D’s BDH5000 robotic vacuum, used
`by B&D and/or sold and offered for sale by B&D at its website, infringes claim 1 of the ’090
`Patent; this claim recites:
`A floor cleaning robot comprising: a housing and a chassis; wheels and at least one
`motor to drive the wheels disposed at least partially within the housing and
`configured to move the floor cleaning robot across a floor, each of the wheels being
`attached to the chassis via a respective arm having a distal end and a proximal end;
`a control module disposed within the housing and directing movement of the floor
`cleaning robot across the floor; at least one sensor for detecting an obstacle and
`communicating obstacle information to the control module so that the control
`module can cause the floor cleaning robot to react to the obstacle; a removable bin
`disposed at least partially within the housing and configured to receive particulates;
`and a first rotating member configured to direct particulates toward the bin, wherein
`one of the wheels is rotatably attached to the distal end of each arm, and the
`proximal end of each arm is pivotably attached to the chassis, wherein each wheel
`is biased to an extended position away from the robot chassis by a spring extending
`between the arm and the robot chassis, and wherein, during cleaning, the weight of
`the floor cleaning robot overcomes a force from the spring biasing the wheels to an
`extended position.
`On information and belief, B&D’s BDH5000 robotic vacuum is a floor cleaning
`robot that comprises a housing, chassis, and wheels with at least one motor, disposed at least
`Silver Star Exhibit 1004 - 10


`Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 11 of 20
`partially within the housing, to drive the wheels to move the Accused Product across a floor. The
`motorized driving of the wheels is referred to in the BDH5000 Instruction Manual, which discusses
`the BDH5000’s “driving” and navigation capabilities, and includes an image (below) which, on
`information and belief, shows the housing, chassis, and wheels.
`On information and belief, each of the aforementioned wheels is attached to the
`chassis via an arm with distal and proximal ends. On information and belief, the wheels are
`rotatably attached to the distal end of each arm, the proximal end of each arm is pivotably attached
`to the chassis, and the wheels are biased to an extended position away from the robot by a spring
`extending between the arm and the robot chassis. On information and belief, during cleaning, the
`Silver Star Exhibit 1004 - 11


`Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 12 of 20
`weight of the B&D BDH5000 overcomes this biasing force from the spring. The recited wheel
`arrangement and biasing spring is visible, e.g., from the images below.4
`On information and belief, the B&D BDH5000 also comprises a control module
`disposed within the housing which directs movement of the robot. On information and belief, it
`also comprises at least one sensor for detecting an obstacle information and communicating
`obstacle information to the control module so that the control module can cause the Accused
`4 Photographs of disassembled BDH5000.
`Silver Star Exhibit 1004 - 12


`Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 13 of 20
`Product to react—indeed, the robot “will clean… depending on the objects around it.”5
`Additionally, for example, “sensors” are depicted in the BDH5000 Instruction Manual, below.
`On information and belief, the BDH5000 also comprises a removable bin disposed
`at least partially within the housing and configured to receive particles, and a rotating member
`configured to direct particulates toward the bin, as shown in the following image from the
`BDH5000 Instruction Manual, labelled as a “Dust Bin.” The BDH5000 Instruction Manual also
`explains that the dustbin can be “slid[]… out of the vacuum.”
`5 See, e.g., BDH5000 Instruction Manual; see also Black Decker Robot Vacuum video,
` (last visited April 13, 2017), hereinafter the
`“B&D Video.”
`Silver Star Exhibit 1004 - 13


`Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 14 of 20
`Upon information and belief, B&D has induced and continues to induce
`infringement of at least claim 1 of the ’090 Patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(b), by actively and
`knowingly inducing, directing, causing, and encouraging others, including, but not limited to, its
`customers and/or end users, to make, use, sell, and/or offer to sell in the United States the Accused
`Upon information and belief, B&D’s customers and/or end users have directly
`infringed and are directly infringing claim 1 of the ’090 Patent. B&D has actual knowledge of the
`’090 Patent at least as of service of this Complaint. B&D is knowingly inducing its customers
`and/or end users to directly infringe the ’090 Patent through, for example, their use of the
`BDH5000, with the specific intent to encourage such infringement, and knowing that the induced
`acts constitute patent infringement. B&D’s inducement includes, for example, providing technical
`guides, product data sheets, demonstrations, specifications, installation guides, and other forms of
`support that induce its customers and/or end users to directly infringe the ’090 Patent.6
`Upon information and belief, B&D has committed the foregoing infringing
`activities without license from iRobot.
`As a result of B&D’s infringement of the ’090 Patent iRobot has suffered and will
`continue to suffer damage.
`6 See, e.g., BDH5000 Instruction Manual.
`Silver Star Exhibit 1004 - 14


`Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 15 of 20
`B&D’s continued infringement of iRobot’s patent rights under the ’090 Patent will
`irreparably harm iRobot.
`The acts of infringement by B&D will continue unless enjoined by this Court.
`iRobot hereby incorporates by reference its allegations contained in paragraphs 1
`through 52 of this Complaint as though fully set forth herein.
`Upon information and belief, SSSIT has directly infringed, and continues to directly
`infringe, the ’090 Patent by importing into the United States the Accused Product that it
`manufactures for and on behalf of B&D, including, for example, the BDH5000. This Accused
`Product infringes at least claim 1 of the ’090 Patent as explained above in paragraphs 41 – 46 with
`respect to B&D’s direct infringement, which are incorporated herein by reference.
`Upon information and belief, SSSIT has committed the foregoing infringing
`activities without license from iRobot.
`As a result of SSSIT’s infringement of the ’090 Patent iRobot has suffered and will
`continue to suffer damage.
`SSSIT’s continued infringement of iRobot’s patent rights under the ’090 Patent will
`irreparably harm iRobot.
`The acts of infringement by SSSIT will continue unless enjoined by this Court.
`iRobot hereby incorporates by reference its allegations contained in paragraphs 1
`through 58 of this Complaint as though fully set forth herein.
`Upon information and belief, B&D has infringed and continues to infringe, either
`literally or under the doctrine of equivalents, at least claim 1 of the ’490 Patent pursuant to 35
`Silver Star Exhibit 1004 - 15


`Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 16 of 20
`U.S.C. § 271(a) by making, using, offering to sell and/or selling in the United States, and/or
`importing into the United States, at least the Accused Product.
`For example, on information and belief, B&D BDH5000 robotic vacuum, used by
`B&D and/or sold and offered for sale by B&D at its website, infringes claim 1 of the ’490 Patent;
`this claim recites:
`A mobile robot comprising: (a) means for moving the robot over a surface; (b) an
`obstacle detection sensor; (c) and a control system operatively connected to said
`obstacle detection sensor and said means for moving; (d) said control system
`configured to operate the robot in a plurality of operational modes and to select
`from among the plurality of modes in real time in response to signals generated by
`the obstacle detection sensor, said plurality of operational modes comprising: a
`spot-coverage mode whereby the robot operates in an isolated area, an obstacle
`following mode whereby said robot travels adjacent to an obstacle, and a bounce
`mode whereby the robot travels substantially in a direction away from an obstacle
`after encountering the obstacle, and wherein, when in the obstacle following mode,
`the robot travels adjacent to an obstacle for a distance at least twice the work width
`of the robot.
`On information and belief, the B&D BDH5000 is a mobile robot that comprises a
`means for moving the robot over a surface, an obstacle detection sensor, and a control system
`operatively connected to the obstacle detection sensor and the means for moving.7 The robot and
`exemplary obstacle detection sensors are depicted in the BDH5000 Instruction Manual, labelled
`as “sensors” in the image below.
`7 See, e.g., BDH5000 Instruction Manual, noting that the BDH5000 “will clean… depending on
`the objects around it” and which discusses the BDH5000’s “driving” and navigation capabilities;
`see also B&D Video.
`Silver Star Exhibit 1004 - 16


`Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 17 of 20
`On information and belief, the control system is configured to operate the robot in
`a plurality of modes, selecting among these modes in real time in response to signals generated by
`the obstacle sensor. On information and belief, these modes include a spot-coverage mode
`whereby the robot operates in an isolated area, an obstacle following mode whereby said robot
`travels adjacent to an obstacle, and a bounce mode whereby the robot travels substantially in a
`direction away from an obstacle after encountering the obstacle, and wherein, when in the obstacle
`following mode, the robot travels adjacent to an obstacle for a distance at least twice the work
`width of the robot. On information and belief, these modes are described in, for example, the
`BDH5000 Instruction Manual, which describes the BDH5000’s “spot mode” and other cleaning
`modes, including those in which the robot “will clean… depending on the objects around it.”8
`Upon information and belief, B&D has induced and continues to induce
`infringement of at least claim 1 of the ’490 Patent pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 271(b), by actively and
`knowingly inducing, directing, causing, and encouraging others, including, but not limited to, its
`customers and/or end users, to make, use, sell, and/or offer to sell in the United States the Accused
`8 See also B&D Video.
`Silver Star Exhibit 1004 - 17


`Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 18 of 20
`Upon information and belief, B&D’s customers and/or end users have directly
`infringed and are directly infringing claim 1 of the ’490 Patent. B&D has actual knowledge of the
`’490 Patent at least as of service of this Complaint. B&D is knowingly inducing its customers
`and/or end users to directly infringe the ’490 Patent through, for example, their use of the
`BDH5000, with the specific intent to encourage such infringement, and knowing that the induced
`acts constitute patent infringement. B&D’s inducement includes, for example, providing technical
`guides, product data sheets, demonstrations, specifications, installation guides, and other forms of
`support that induce its customers and/or end users to directly infringe the ’490 Patent. 9
`Upon information and belief, B&D has committed the foregoing infringing
`activities without license from iRobot.
`As a result of B&D’s infringement of the ’490 Patent iRobot has suffered and will
`continue to suffer damage.
`B&D’s continued infringement of iRobot’s patent rights under the ’490 Patent will
`irreparably harm iRobot.
`The acts of infringement by B&D will continue unless enjoined by this Court.
`iRobot hereby incorporates by reference its allegations contained in paragraphs 1
`through 69 of this Complaint as though fully set forth herein.
`Upon information and belief, SSSIT has directly infringed, and continues to directly
`infringe, the ’490 Patent by importing into the United States the Accused Product that it
`manufactures for and on behalf of B&D, including, for example, the BDH5000. This Accused
`9 See, e.g., BDH5000 Instruction Manual.
`Silver Star Exhibit 1004 - 18


`Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 19 of 20
`Product infringes at least claim 1 of the ’490 Patent as explained in paragraphs 60 – 63 above with
`respect to B&D’s infringement, which are incorporated herein by reference.
`Upon information and belief, SSSIT has committed the foregoing infringing
`activities without license from iRobot.
`As a result of SSSIT’s infringement of the ’490 Patent iRobot has suffered and will
`continue to suffer damage.
`SSSIT’s continued infringement of iRobot’s patent rights under the ’490 Patent will
`irreparably harm iRobot.
`The acts of infringement by SSSIT will continue unless enjoined by this Court.
`WHEREFORE, iRobot prays for judgment in its favor against Defendants, and granting
`relief as follows:
`For a judgment declaring that the Defendants have infringed the Asserted Patents;
`For a grant of an injunction pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 283, enjoining the Defendants
`together with their respective officers, directors, agents, servants, employees, and attorneys, and
`upon those persons in active concert or participation with them from further acts of infringement;
`For an award to iRobot of compensatory damages as a result of the Defendants’
`infringement of the Asserted Patents, together with interest and costs, and in no event less than a
`reasonable royalty;
`For a judgment declaring that this case is exceptional and awarding iRobot its
`expenses, costs, and attorneys’ fees in accordance with 35 U.S.C. § 285 and Rule 54(d) of the
`Federal Rules of Civil Procedure;
`For such other and further relief as the Court deems just and proper.
`Silver Star Exhibit 1004 - 19


`Case 1:17-cv-10648-LTS Document 1 Filed 04/17/17 Page 20 of 20
`iRobot hereby demands a trial by jury in this action.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Stephen Ma

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