`US 6,462,905
`INVENTORS: Takahashi, Daisuke
`Shiga, Hideaki
`Tsuyuki, Seiji
`Magnetic tape cartridge
`08 NOV 2000
`08 OCT 2002
`22 FEB 2016
`SONY Exhibit 1002
`Ex. 1002 - Page 1


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`ItaI~"Ir.rid rs:
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` _ D The term uHI-Iis patent
`subsequent to
`has been disclaimed.
`(Assistant Eumlnel)
`[I The term of this patent shall
`not extend beyond the expiration date
`of US Patent. No.
` I: The termlnal _momhs oi
`Ihis patent heI/e been disolaimad
`The iniormaxion disclosed herein may be restdcied Unauthorlzed dlsclosure may be prohlbltad by the United States Code Title 35. Sectlons 122.18! and 366.
`Possession outside the U.S Paleni 8: Trademark OIIice ls restrleied to aLflhorlzed employees and contractors only.
`(rm (Egg-am
`(Anached In pockolon Ilghi Inside flap]
`' SIC:“JIRQS L—Shtsi “LT“
`Ex. 1002 - Page 2
`Ex. 1002 - Page 2


`Transaction History
`Transaction Description
`11-08-2000 Workflow - Drawings Finished
`11-08-2000 Workflow - Drawings Matched with File at Contractor
`11-08-2000 Request for Foreign Priority (Priority Papers May Be Included)
`Initial Exam Team nn
`IFW Scan & PACR Auto Security Review
`02-14-2001 Application Dispatched from OIPE
`02-14-2001 Correspondence Address Change
`02-26-2001 Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU
`03-09-2001 Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU
`Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
`Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
`12-17-2001 Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU
`05-20-2002 Mail Notice of Allowance
`05-20-2002 Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed
`05-22-2002 Receipt into Pubs
`05-22-2002 Dispatch to Publications
`05-23-2002 Workflow - File Sent to Contractor
`05-23-2002 Workflow - File Sent to Contractor
`06-20-2002 Receipt into Pubs
`Issue Fee Payment Verified
`08-20-2002 Workflow -Received 85b - Unmatched
`Issue Fee Payment Received
`08-22-2002 Application Is Considered Ready for Issue
`09-10-2002 Receipt into Pubs
`Issue Notification Mailed
`10-08-2002 Recordation of Patent Grant Mailed
`10-08-2002 Patent Issue Date Used in PTA Calculation
`Ex. 1002 - Page 3


`— 77977777:.~ -
`Date Received
`(Incl. C. of M.)
`Date (II/Il’alled
`I M' 43._______,____ ___;_
`.5... us. 'm I
`mm .
`Date Recelved
`(Incl. C. of M.)
`Date c’IIIlI'ailed
`‘1' ‘.
`1. Applicationm papers.
`' 10.___________________ ______—_
`11.________________ __ 52.
`12._________,__ ________
`1a._________________ __ 54.
`I __ 55.
`15._______________ __ 55.
`16._________,_____________ __ 57.
`17,____________________ ______-_
`1a.____________________ __ 59.
`19._______._ _______
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`21._____'______.____ __ 62.
`22._____________ __________
`23._____________ m -
`24.________;_. __ 55.
`25._______________ ______,__
`25,______________ _________ .
`27-————:——-——————~——-— _____’_
`28.________________ __ 69.
`29_____________________ ________
`ao.___________ _____._
`31_____________________ _ 72.
`az._____+ __ .
`33.________ __ 74.
`34.____'_________ _ 75.
`35.________;; ___._.._-
`35._____________ ________
`37.___________'_ __ 73-
`38.‘___________ _____
`39._________;‘___ __ 80.
`4o._____._-_____ ______
`"_ 82.
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`ISSUE SLIP STAPLE AREA (for additional cross references)
`-- -
`If more than 150 claims or 10 actions
`staple addltlonal sheet here
`Ex. 1002 - Page 5
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`0 .
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`_ (Through numeral)... Canceled
`T ................................. Restricted
`..... Non-elected
`.. Interference
`.. Appeal
`.. Obiected


`Ex. 1002 - Page 6
`Ex. 1002 - Page 6


`(It!) Patent No:
`(.2; United States Patent
`us 6,462,905 31
`1hkahashi ct u].
`()CI. 8, 2002(45) Dale of Patent:
`l)nisukI:'l‘aknhnshl: Hidcnki Slilgu:
`hell! 'I'nuyuki, a|| ul' szaguwu-kcn (JP)
`(73) Axuigncc: Fujl Fholn Film Cm. I.Id.,
`Kanaguwa-Kcn (JP)
`( ' ] Noliw:
`Sulajucl m .1n_Ll disclaimer. the term ofthir'.
`is uxlcndcd or adjusted undur 3S
`USE". ISth] lay £32 days.
`(2|) Appl. NIL: il9j707,774
`NW. U. 2111!!
`Fumign Application Prinriu' 13qu
`Nani. I‘J‘W
`Nov. ‘1‘ WW)
`Gllli 23:92?
`Int. L'l.T .
`I. 36W IJZ
`v.5. L'I.
`Field of Smith ....................... 3601131: 2425338. 1.
`References Cited
`ll, IOU-l
`53015. I 73 A
`haunt-n. ct ul.
`3423338. I
`. 242-348McAllist cl: :II.
`5. IU‘J‘}
`ilitilfiub A
`ruling! A '
`IIIII Nnynk
`.‘ 2423'533J
`h.234.-llh HI
`.4 24-2333?“
`Infilxhfi'f HI
`ll.-'2IJUI Nnyal
`.‘ilaliilc tl :11.
`.. LII-1%
`“34-1944 82 '
`n 234 Mi? A2
`II 020 NM: Al
`IL‘ul 403 Al
`I His 25': A2
`I2 20m
`I2. 1W0
`‘ cich lay uxanlincr
`Primnw h'.\'mnin<'r—Rnbcrl S 'l'uppci
`(74] Mfume): .aigmr. uf I'irm—Sughruc Minn. I’l.[_('.
`A magnetic lapc unririzlgc includes a magnclic tape \VULIfllI
`msund :l single n:n:lY a cnnridgu: casing in which Ihc reel is
`Iuauml fur rsnalinn and :1 Incl hitlppcr which lacks Ihc rccl
`nnl lo rululu when Ihu mngnulic Iapc carlridgc is no: lacing
`used and mluaws llu: mul
`In purrnii
`In mum: WIIIH'I
`magnclis: Iapc canridgc is In he used. The rucl sliippcr
`iflCllltlcfi a brakingl member which is mnvallln: hulwccn I:
`locking, pmilinn when: il be in uunlacl wilh Ilh: mcl lu railricl
`mliltiun nl'Ihc real and :I misusing pusilinn where 11 is away
`from tin: reel
`In pcn'nil mlaiiun ul'
`Ihs: Rims. an urging
`:nurnhcr which urges the braking mumhcr Inward llh:
`ing pusilinn. and a
`rcicnsing rrwmhcr which is mlaiul
`Inlcgrally walh Ihu real and mnws tln: braking Incmhcr
`Inward the releasing position in rcspnnw m :1 Incl chucking
`avlion III the reel Ilrivc Inuansni .1 Iapc Lliivu‘ [he hruking
`member is pnwiclcd wilh a braking gcur which in adanml lu
`he engaged. In rcniricl rolaiinn of Ibis reel. with :In engage-
`mcnl gear Imih on an cngugcmcnl prniuclion fiwmcd (in mi:
`rucl whilu Ihc reel is provided wilh u guizlc mumhcr which
`ccnlcn'» lhc braking I'nurnhcr Willi. rcnpuct In Ihu Incl.
`4 Clnimn, 4 Drawing Shwb
`4554I 32
`,0 344 44
`$4.. 26
`64m 6° 2106
`Ex. 1002 - Page 7
`Ex. 1002 - Page 7


`US. Patent
`()cl. 8. 2002
`Sheet 1 of 4
`US 6,462,905 Bl
`Ex. 1002 - Page 8
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 8. 2002
`Sheet 2 of4
`US 6,462,905 Bl
`—-iI :7
`‘I‘ !_fi
`2.. m m m
`39 L“ "a_ \I II -3=,
`42 Pim‘kmvw \ 63
`A 26
`27 $3332fi§5i44fi.-'-2-314\
`“‘ fififiifiifiims" “““
`Ex. 1002 - Page 9
`Ex. 1002 - Page 9


`US. Patent
`Sheet 3 uf4
`US 6,462,905 Bl
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`US. Patent
`()cl. 8,2002
`Sheet 4 uf4
`US 6,462,905 Bl
`Ex. 1002 - Page 11
`Ex. 1002 - Page 11


`US 6,462,905 Bl
`inclined when the brake member is moved to the Inciting
`position where the braking gear lhct‘cun is brought
`engagement with an engagement gear on the roel and the
`braid: member in moved to the release pnnitinn in this state
`can be conceived. Further.
`Ila; brake member was
`incorporated in the magnetic tape cartridge inclined relative
`to the reel when the magnetic tape cartridge wan ammhled
`can be conceived.
`when the braking gear teeth on the brake member are like
`sawteelh in shape and the surface of each Ioolh facing
`against the tape—unwinding direction of the reel is subsum
`lially non-rial,
`though mlatiun of the reel
`in the tape—
`unwinrling direction can he surely prevented. there is fear
`that the magnetic tape is cut when the reel is rotated in the
`Iapcvwirttliug direction due to drop impact when the mag-
`netic tape cartridge drops.
`That 'ut. when the braking gear and the engagement gear
`are engaged with each other at aeubstantialty normalwrlaee
`facing against the tapcAunwinding direction, the reel cannot
`be rotated in the tape-unwinding direction. Further. a leader
`member such as a leader pin is fixed to the end of the
`magnetic tape wound around the reel,and the leader member
`is held near the tape draw-out opening of the canridge casing
`when the magnetic tape cartridge is not lacing used. When
`the brake member is moved and the braking gear is disen-
`gaged from the engagement gear due to drop impact with the
`reel rotated in the tape-winding direction under inertia. a
`tape winding force acts on the magnetic tape whee-t: end is
`fixed by the leader member, Since the reel cannot be rotated
`in the tape-unwinding direction or the direction in which the
`tension (111 the magnetic is. relcaatctl. the tape winding force
`acting on the magnetic tape can stretch the tape to deteriorate
`the magnetic recording and reproducing characteristics.
`removu the leader member from the magnetic tape, all the
`magnetic tape. or displace the leader member [mm the
`predetermined [Infilllon to disable the regular tape draw-nut
`action. thereby deteriorating the reliability til' the magnetic
`tape cartridge.
`In view of the foregoing observations and description. the
`primary object of the present
`invention is to provide a
`magnetic tape cartridge in which the braking gear (tithe reel
`stopper rneans issuppressed from being brought into contact
`with the reel when the reel stopper means is in the release
`Another object of the preset“ inwntiun is In provide a
`magnelic tape cartridge in which the reel can he surely
`ptcvcnted from being related while occurrence of the mag—
`netic tape being cut can be prevented when the magnetic
`tape cartridge is not being used.
`In accordance with a first aspect of the present invention.
`there is provided a magnetic tape cartridge comprising a
`magnetic tape wound around asinglc reel. a cartridge casing
`in which the reel is housed for rotation and a reel stripper
`means which lacks the reel not to rotate when the magnetic
`tape eanridge is not being used and releases the reel
`permit rotation thereof when the magnetic tape eanridge is
`to he used. wherein the improvement comprisesthtit the reel
`stopper meant; comprises a braking member which is mov—
`able between a locking pusr'tinn when: it is in contact with
`the reel ln restrict rotation ofthe reel and a releasing pmiliun
`where it is away from the reel to pennil rotation of the same.
`at: urging member Which urges the braking member Inward
`the locking. position. and a releasing member which is
`rotated integrally with the reel and moves the braking
`1. Field of the Invention
`This invention relates to a magnetic tape cartridge com-
`prising a canridge casing and a single reel which is housed
`in the canridge casing for rolalitm and around which it
`magnetic tape is wound. and more particularly to a structure
`of a reel stopper meam Iur preventing rotation of the reel
`when the magnetic tape ennridgc in not being used.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`M a recording medium for use in an external memory of
`a computer or the like, there has been known a magnetic tape
`cartridge comprising a magnetic tape wrmnd around a single
`reel and .1 cartridge casing in which the reel is housed for
`rotation. Since the magnetic tape is used for storing data in
`a computer or the like and important information iaslored on
`the magnetic tape. the magnetic tape cartridge is provided
`with a reel stopper means which prevents rotation oftl'tc rccl
`when the magnetic tape eanridge is not being used. cg...
`when lhe magnetic tape eanridgc is being stored. so that
`trouble such as tape jam does not occur and the magnetic
`tape is not accidentally drawn out.
`The reel stopper means is provided with a brake member '
`which it adapted to he engaged with do reel to prevent
`rotation of the tee] and isdisengaged Irom the reel to pennit
`rolatinn of the reel in response In a reel chucking action of
`the reel drive means of a tape drive such as an external
`memory when the magnetic tape eanridgc is loaded in the
`tape drive.
`In order to improve reliability or the action of the reel
`stopper mean: and to prevent dust
`I‘mrn entering the car-
`tridge casing. the reel stopper meartsrrtay be. for instance. of
`a structure comprising a brake member which restricts
`rotation (tithe urging member which urgesthe brake
`member toward a
`locking position in which the hmlre
`member restricts relation of the tee], and a release member
`which is moved in response to a reel chucking action ofthe.
`reel drive means of a tape drive to move the brake member
`Inward a release position in which the brake member
`releases the reel to permit mlatinn orthe same.
`That its. when the magnetic tape cartridge is not being
`used. the brake member locks the fuel so that the reel is not
`accidentally rotated and the magnetic tape is not accidentally
`drawn out. and when the magnetic tape cartridge is loaded.
`in a tape drive. the release member drives the brake member
`to release the reel in response to a reel chucking action of the
`reel drive meansol' the tape drive. In Ihisstatc, the rcelcart
`be rotated and kiatling-‘unktatling of the magnetic tape is
`In such a structure, it is advantageous in simplifying the
`structure that the release member is adapted to be brought
`into abutment against a part of the rec] drive means of the
`tape drive and the reel drive means pushes it part of the
`release member to drive the brake member In reIcase theme-I
`when the reel drive means chucks the rec]. However. in this
`case. when the release member drives the brake member to
`release the real. the brake member can be inclined as shown
`in FIG. 5 and the gear teeth on the brake member can he
`brought into contact with the rear teeth on the met while the
`"1:1 is rotated. which results in generation al'tmise. obstruc-
`tion of rotation of the reel and unstable magnetic tape
`Inadingiunlttuding action.
`As a cause of the brake member being inclined. that the
`brake member becomes off-centered and comes to be
`Ex. 1002 - Page 12
`Ex. 1002 - Page 12


`member Inward the releasing position in response to a reel
`chucking action of the nccl drive mcansol a tape drive. and
`the braking member is provided with a braking gear which
`is adapted lobe engaged. to restrict mlatinn olihe reel. with
`an engagement gear tooth on an engagement projection
`formed on the reel while the reel is provided with a guide
`member which centers tiie braking member with respect to
`the reel.
`it is preferred that the guide member comprises guide ribs
`which are formed on the inner surface or the reel huh at at
`three places. each having an inclined surface which
`inclines downward from the upper portion of the inner
`sart'aee of the reel hub inward the center ut‘the reel.
`in the magnetic tape cartridge in accordance with the first
`aspect at the present invention. when the braking member is
`mtwed downward from the releasing position In the locking
`the braking member is centered by the guide
`members an that the braking gear is brought into rite-ah with
`the engagement gear teeth with the braking member held
`horizontal. whereby the braking member is prevented from
`being inclined in the locking position. When the braking
`member is subsequently moved to the releasing position by
`the releasing member.the braking member isbeld horizontal
`up to the releasing position. Accordingly. the phenomenon
`the braking member is inclined can be suppressed. '
`whereby the braking gear is prevented from contacting the
`engagement gear teeth to generate noise or to obstruct
`rotation of the reel.
`Funlter. during assembly of the magnetic tape cartridge.
`the braking member isautomaticnlly centered in the reel hub
`by the guide members and is incorporated in place in the
`reel. whereby miemhly at the magnetic tape cartridge is
`senator] aspect of the present
`in accordantac with a
`invention. there is provided a magnetic tape cartridge com-
`prising a magnetic tape wound around a single rec]. a
`cartridge casing in which the reel is heated for rotation and
`a reel stripper means which lacks the reel not to rotate when
`the magnetictapc cartridge is not being used and releases the
`to permit
`rotation thereof when the magnetic tape
`cartridge iii to he used. wherein the improvement mmprificri
`the reel stopper means comprises a braking member
`which is movable between a locking position when: it 'm in
`contact with the reel to restrict rotation of the reel and a
`releasing position where it is away from the reel to pcnnil
`rotation at the same. an urging member which urges the
`braking member toward the locking position. and a releasing
`member which is rotated integrally with the reel and moves
`the braking member
`inward the releasing position in
`response In a reel chucking action of the reel driw means of
`a tape drive. and the braking member is provided with a
`braking gear which is adapted to be engaged. to restrict
`rotation of the reel. with an engagement gear on an engage-
`ment projection formed on the root. the outer diameter of the
`engagement gear being larger than that of the braking gear.
`In the magnetic tape cartridge in acmidanee with the
`second aspect of the present irtVentinn. when the braking
`member is moved downward from the releasing position in
`the locking position. the braking member is centered by the
`difference between the outer diameters of the engagement
`gear and the braking gear an that the braking gear is brought
`into mesh with the engagement gear teeth with the braking
`member held horizontal. whereby the braking member is
`prevented from being inclined in the [netting imsitiun. When
`the braking member is subsequently moved to the releasing
`position by the releasing member. the braking member is
`US 6,462,905 Bi
`held horiznntal up ti) the releasing maiden Accordingly. the
`phenomenon that the braking member is inclined can be
`suppress-4!. whereby the braking gear is pretrented l'rom
`terminating the engagement gear teeth to generate tiriific or to
`obstruct rotation of the reel.
`in accordance with a third aspect ol‘ the present invention,
`there is provided a magnetic tape canridgc comprising a
`magnetic tape around around a single reel. a cartridge casing
`in which the reel is housed in: rotation and a reel stripper
`means which locks the reel not to rotate when the magnetic
`tape cartridge is not being used and releases the reel
`permit rotation thereof when the magnetic tape cartridge is
`to be used. wherein the improvement comprises that the reel
`stopper means comprises a braking member which is mov-
`able between a locking position where it is in contac1 with
`the reel to restrict mtation cf the reel and a releasing position
`where it is away from the reel to permit rotation of the same.
`an urging member which urges the braking member toward
`the tricking position. and : releasing member which is
`rotated integrally with the reel and moves the braking
`member toward the releasing position in response to a reel
`chucking action (if the reel drive means ol‘a tape drive. the
`braking member is provided with u braking gear which is.
`adapted to be engaged. to restrict rotation (lithe reel. with an
`engagement gear tooth on an engagement projection [united
`on tile icel,and each ofthc gear teeth of the braking gear has
`a first
`inclined surface which is brought
`into abutment
`against the engagement geartoelh when the reel is rotated in
`the tape-unwinding tlit’oCliun with the braking gear and the
`engagement gear tooth in wish with each otherand a second
`inclined surface which is brought into abutment against the
`engagement gear teeth when the net
`is rotated in the
`tape-winding dircction with the braking gear and the
`engagement gear tooth in mesh with each other. the first anti
`second inclined surfaces forming therebctween an apical
`angle not larger than 9“”. and the interior angle between the
`first inclined surface and the vertical being not larger than
`the interior angle between the mound inclined surface and
`the vertical.
`In the magnetic tape cartridge in accordance with the third
`aspect of the present invention. since the apical angle ofthc
`braking gear tooth is not larger than 90“ and the interior
`angle for the first inclined surface of tin; braking gear tooth
`which is brought into abutment against the engagement gear
`teeth when the reel is rotated in the unwinding direction and
`the interior angle for the second inclined surface which is
`into abutment against the engagement gear teeth
`when the reel
`is rotated in the winding direction are net
`smaller than 30° with the [runner smaller than the latter.
`rotation ol‘ the reel can besurely prevented and when the reel
`is rotated in lhe winding direction due to drop impact or the
`like and an excessive winding farce acts on the magnetic
`tape, the braking member is moved toward the releasing
`puttilint‘l airing the first inclined surface and the braking gear
`is disengaged from the engagement gear teeth. whereby the
`is rotated in the unwinding direction to reduce the
`tension on the magnetic tape, and the magnetic tape can be
`prevented from being stretched or cut.
`FIG. 1 is a perspectiw; view showinga state ot’a magnetic
`tape cartridge in accordance with an embodiment of the
`present invention when the magnetic tape cartridge is not
`being used.
`fragmentary cross-sectional view of the
`FIG. 2 is a
`magnetic tape cartridge stir-Wt: in FIG. I when the magnetic
`tape cartridge is being used.
`Ex. 1002 - Page 13
`Ex. 1002 - Page 13


`FIG. 3 is a cum-sectional View taken along line A-«A in
`FIG. 2.
`FIG. 4 is a enmelinnal view taken along line 3—3 in
`[-10 2. and
`FIG. 5 is a fragmentary cross—sectional view showing a
`state ofa magnetic tape cartridge where the braking member
`is inclined.
`A magnetic tape cartridge 1
`in accordance with an
`embodiment of the present invention will be described with
`reference to the drawings. hereinbelow.
`The. magnetic tape cartridge l comprims a cartridge
`casing 3 formed by fastening together upper and tower
`casing halves 3| and 32 by screws or the like. A single reel
`2 around which a magnetic tape (not shown) is wound is
`housed for rotation in the cartridge casing 3. The ktwer
`casing half 32 is provided with a central opening 32a. ‘llte
`magnetic tape cartridge 1
`is further provided with a reel
`stopper means [0 which permits rotation of the reel 2 when
`the magnetic tape cartridge 1
`is being used and restricts
`rotation oflhe reel 2 when the magnetic tape cartridge 1 is
`not being used.
`The reel 2 comprises a reel hul) 2| which is a cylindrical
`member having a closed bottom and around which the
`magnetic tape is wound. and lower and upper flanges 22 and
`23. ‘lhe reel hub 2| and [he lower flange 22 are integrally
`formed by synthetic resin molding. The upper flange 23 is
`bonded to the reel huh 21,
`for instance. by ultrasonic
`welding. The reel hubZI is provided with a bottom wall erl
`the Ittwcl end portion thereut and a rut gear 24 for
`rotating the reel 2 is annularly formed on the lower surface
`of the bottom wall Zln. and annular l‘cc] plate 15 which is
`magnetically attracted by a reel drive means 11 of a record7
`ing and reproducing apparatus is mounted on the lower
`surface of the bottom wall Zln inside the reel gear 24. The
`reel 2.
`is urged downward by an urging means 5 to be
`described later:
`The reel drive means 11 is provided with an annular driVe
`gear 13 and a. magnet (not shown) disposed on the top
`surface of a
`rotary shaft
`[2. When the magnetic tape
`cartridge I loaded in a bucket of the tape drive is moved
`downWard Ismard the rotary shaft 12. the drive gear 13 is
`brought into mesh with the reel gear 24 and the reel plate 25
`is magnetically attracted against the magnet to hold the dritrt:
`gear 13 and the reel gear24 in mesh with each other. In this
`manner. the reel drive means il chucks the reel 2.
`The mechanism of the reel stopper means It] will he
`described. hereinbelow.
`'i'hc reel stopper means It] comv
`prises a braking member 4 which is movable up and down
`between .1 locking position when: it
`is in contact with the
`reel 2 to restrict rotation of the reel 2 ant] a releasing position
`where it is away from the reel 2 to permit rotation of the
`same. an urging member 5 which urges- the braking member
`4 toward the locking position. and a releasing member 6
`which moves the braking member 4 toward lhc releasing
`As shown in FIG. 3. three through holes 26 are formed in
`the bottom wall 21:: oflhe reel 2 at regular angular intervals
`in the circumferential direction tuettlcnd through the portion
`at which the reel gear 24 is formed. 0n the upper surface of
`the bottom wall 210. there are erected three pairs of (six)
`engagement pmjeclions 27 al regular angular inlewals in the
`circumferential direction among the through holes 26. The
`upper end of each engagement projection 27 is formed into
`US 6,462,905 Bl
`an engagement gear teeth 29 as shown in FIG. 4. The
`through holes 26 may be larger than three in number and the
`engagement projections 27 may be larger three paint
`number. Further. the upper end of each engagement projec-
`tion 2? may be formed into a single gear tooth.
`The braking member 4 has a disc portion 41 which is
`d'mposcd in the rch hub 21 opposed to the bottom wall 21a.
`and an annular halting gear 42 in formed on the lower
`surface ofthe disc poniotn nil along the outer peripheral edge
`thereof. The braking gear 42 is adapted to be engaged with
`the engagement gear 29 on the engagement projections 27.
`The central part of the lower surface of the disc portion 41
`is convert downward and forms .1 sliding portion 410 which
`is prorated against a sliding portion 61.11 on the upper surface
`ofa body portion 61 ofa releasing member 6 to be deserilml
`The outer diameler D of the engagement gear formed by
`the engagement gear teeth 29 on the engagement projeeliom‘.
`27 on the reel 2 (FIG. .3) is larger than the outer diameter d
`(FIG. 2] of the braking gear 42 on the braking member 4.
`The braking gear 42 and the engagement gear 29 are conical
`in shape and the hciytt of each tooth is higher at the outer
`periphery thereof Accordingly.
`the braking gear 42 is
`engaged with the engagement gear 42 at their outer periph-
`eries first.
`When the braking gear 42 on the braking member 4 is
`into mesh with the engagement gear 25' on the
`engagement projections 27. the outer periphery of the brat:-
`ing member 4 is guided by guide members 39 limited on the
`inner surface of the reel hub 2! of the reel 2. The guide
`members 39 are respectively provided between each pair of
`engagement projections 27. and aocordingiy three guide
`memberssfl are provided on the inner surface oflhr. reel hub
`21. Each guide member 39 is in the form ofa rib having an
`inclined surface which gradually inclines downward from
`the upper portion of the inner surface of the reel hula 21
`toward the engagement projections 27. and the guide them-
`bcrs 39 center the braking gear 42 when the outer periphery
`of the braking gear 42 is. brought into UCIt'Ilttcl with the
`inclined surfaces.
`As shown in FIG. 4. each gear tooth of the braking gear
`42 ot' the braking member 4 and each engagement gear tooth
`29 on the engagement pmjection 27 are triangular in croni—
`section. The gear tooth of the braking gear 42 has a first
`inclined surface 420 which faces against the tape-unwinding
`direction U and than against a first inclined surface 290 of
`the engagement gear tooth 29 co the engagement projection
`27 which faces toward the tape-unwinding direction U. and
`a second inclined surface 42!: which faces against
`tape-winding direction W and abuts against a second
`inclined surface 291') ofthe engagement gear tooth 29 on the
`engagement pmjection 27 which faces toward the tape—
`winding direction W. When the reel 2 is rotated in the
`tape-unwinding direction U with the braking gear 42 in
`mesh with the engagement gear teeth 29 on the engagement
`projection 27. the first inclined surfaces 42;: of the gear teeth
`of the braking gear 42 are brought into abutment against the
`first inclined surfaces 290 of [he engagement gear tccth 29.
`and when the reel 2 is rotated in the tape-winding direction
`W with the braking gear 42 in mesh with the engagement
`gear teeth 29 on the engagement projecan 27. the second
`inclined surfaces #2.“: of the gear teeth of the braking gear42
`are brought into abutment against the second inclined sur-
`faces 29!) of the engagement gear teeth 29. Each oftlte gear
`tooth 42 and the gear Ioollt 29 is not larger than tiltit‘1 in apical
`angle y. and the inlerior angle 11. between the first
`surface 429 {or 2%) and the vertical S and the interior angle
`Ex. 1002 - Page 14
`Ex. 1002 - Page 14


`US 6,462,905 Bl
`|t between the second inclined surface 42.5 (nr 2%) and the
`vertical P: are not smaller than 30’. Further. the interior angle
`a. for the first inclined surface 42a (29a) is not larger than the
`interior angle fl for the mom! inclined surlace 42!: (2%).
`That is. fitl°§1r§ 9t)“. 3tt°§ "£45“. and 30" § fight)“.
`Aprojcetien 44 extends upward [mm the upper surface of
`the disc portion 41 of the braking member It, and a cross-
`shaped engagement groove 45 is formed in the projection“
`to extend in the wnieal direction. Art engagement projection
`33 extending downward from the inner surface til the upper
`casing ball' 31 of the cartridge casing 3 is in engagement
`with the engagement groove 65 of the braking member 4.
`whereby the braking member 4 is held in the cartridge easing
`3 to be movable up and down but not to be rotatable.
`neuiled spring (urging memlm) 5 is com present between
`a portion ofthe upper surface of the disc portion 4| amend
`the projection 44 and a spring retainer portion 34 [tinned on
`the upper easing halle around the engagement projection
`33. whereby the braking member «it
`is urged toward the
`locking position when: the braking gear 42 is engaged with
`the engagement gear teeth 29 on the engage me nl projections
`‘lhe releasing member ii is dimmed to be movable up and
`down between the braking member 4 and the bottom wall
`2hr of the reel hub 21 and comprises a substantially Iriart— '
`guitar plate-like body portion 61. Acylindrieal leg portion 63
`extends downward from the lower surface of the body
`ponion 61 at each corner thereof. The leg pnnions 63 are
`passed through the through holes26 in the bottom wall 21"
`of the reel 2 to he movable up and down. The engagement
`projections 21' are positioned between the leg portions 63
`outside the body portion 6! ofthc releasing member 6.111:
`leg portions 63 may 3'50 be rectangu

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