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`Name of Patentee
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`FUJIFILM Corporation
`Title of Invention
`Magnetic Tape Cartridge
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`Date Patent issued
`October 8, 2002
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`Daniel Rabinowitz
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`FUJIFILM, EXh. 2016, p. 1
`FUJIFILM V. Sony, 2018-00877
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2016, p. 1
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877
`Case Nos:
`Attorney Docket No. 070 l 03.0363
`in re U.S. Patent No. 6.462.905
`Inventor: Daisuke Takahashi. i-lideaki Shiga.
`Seiji ‘l‘suyuki
`Filed: November 8. 2000
`Issued: October 8. 2002
`Title: Magnetic Tape Cartridge
`Mail Stop PATENT BOARD Patent
`Trial and Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`[3.0. Box I450
`Alexandria. Virginia 22313-1450
`Patent Owner. FUJIFILM Corporation hereby appoints the following practiliOners as its attorneys to transact
`all business in the United States Patent and Trademark Office associated with its Sony Corporation‘s Petition
`for Inter Panes Review ol'U.S. Patent No. 6.462.905:
`Eliot D. Williams
`Reg. No. 50,822
`Baker Bolts l..t...l’.
`100] Page Mill Rd.
`Building One. Suite 200
`Palo Alto. CA 9430—1400?
`Phone: (650) 39-1500
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`Robcn C. Schcinl'eld
`Reg. No. 31.300
`Baker Botts L.L.P.
`30 Rockefeller Plaza
`New York, NY l01l2
`Phone: (2 [2) 408—25 12
`Facsimile: (2l2} 259-2512
`FUJIFILM, EXh. 2016, p. 2
`FUJIFILM V. Sony, 2018-00877
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2016, p. 2
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877
`Jennifer Tempesta
`Reg. No. 59,021
`30 Rockefeller Plaza
`New York, NY 10112
`Phone: (212} 408 2571
`Facsimile: {212) 2592541
`Daniel Rabinowitz
`Reg. No. 71,890
`30 Rockefeller Plaza
`New York,NY 10112
`Phone: 2124084566
`Fax: 212-259-2566
`Robert L. Meier
`Reg. No. 54,291
`30 Rockefeller Plaza
`New York, NY 10112
`Phone: (212} 408-2538
`Facsimile: (212} 259-2538
`Margaret M. Welsh
`Reg. No. 70,745
`30 Rockefeller Plaza
`New York, NY 10112
`Phone: (212) 403-254]
`Facsimile: (212) 259-2533
`Katharine M. Burke (pro hae vice)
`Baker Bolts L.L.P.
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`Washington, DC 20004
`Phone: 202-639-2700
`Fax: 202-639-7390
`The individual signing below has the authority to execute this document on behalf of
`Patent Owner.
`Patent Owner, FUJIFILM Corporation
`Date: waé’r 29» 249/?
`Name: Mitsuru Yamamolo
`Title: General Manager
`Intellectual property technology Div.,
`[ntelleclual Prepeny Headquarters
`FUJIFXLM Corporalion
`FUJIFILM, EXh. 2016, p. 3
`FUJIFILM V. Sony, 2018-00877
`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2016, p. 3
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877
`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
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`International Application Number:
`Confirmation Number:
`Title of Invention:
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`DAisuke Takahashi
`Sughrue Mion Zinn Macpeak & Seas PLLC
`- 2
`100 Pennsylvania Avenue N W
`- W
` Correspondence Address:
`Daniel S. Rabinowitz/Andrea Wright
`Filer Authorized By:
`Daniel S. Rabinowitz
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`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877
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`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877
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`FUJIFILM, Exh. 2016, p. 6
`FUJIFILM v. Sony, 2018-00877