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`@1959,1970, 1971, ms, 1975,1976, 1978, 1979 by Boughton Mimin Company
`All correspondence and inquiries should be directed to
`Dicfionary Division, Houghton Mift'lin Company
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`All rights reserved under Bern and Fan-American Copyright Conventions
`ISBN: 0-395-20360-0 (new college edition; thumb-inéexed}
`0-395-26359—7 (new cottage edition; plain edges)
`0-395—24575-3 (high-school edition)
`0695-0906641 Gamer—format edition)
`Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 76—86995
`Manufactured in the United States of America
`Computer-composed by Inforonics, Inc.
`in Maynard, Massachusetts
`salon Strip (gi’zo). An area of l35 square miles in southern
`Palestine near the Mediterranean; occupied by Israel in 1967.
`. Popugfirin. 204.000.
`T l
`is lorry. sexed. gazing. guns.
`o oo inter: y or wi
`' ed attention; to scare.
`-—n. A steqdy. fixed look.
`English gazen, probably from Scendmcvran. akin to wedish
`dialectal 305611.] «paint 1:.
`Synonyms: on, store. gape. glare, peer. agt‘e. Tbcsc verbs
`man to look one and fixedly. Gaze usually refers to prolonged
`and studied looking, often indicative of wonder, fascination.
`we, or admiration. Stare messes fixity of one's look and usu-
`ally indicatos marked curiosity, boldness, or insoleoce of
`manner. Both gaze and ram also can refer to a. prolonged.
`vacant look. Gap: suggests a prolonged1 open-mouthed look
`reflecting amazomont, awe. or stupidity. To glare 15 to fix an-
`other with a hard, hostile look, and to peer 1:5 to look narrowly
`and searchingly and seemingly with difficulur. To 03!: is to stare
`imzperducotly in a way that indicates improper interest.
`”who W6. ufi’hfi) re, p1. 4303 or than. A pavilion 01‘
`{Probably mock Lauri [or-matron from cm (with
`Latin future ber «5125, as in vidébd, I shall see).]
`whound (giz’hound‘) n. A dog that hunts its prey by sight
`rather than scent.
`'wzollo (3:45?) :1. Any of various hauled mammals of the
`genus Gazelle: and related genera, of Aims. and Asia, char»
`.acteristlcally having a slender neck. and ringed. lymte horns.
`{French from Old French. probably from Spanish gccela, from
`. Arabic ghazdll]
`. wanna (go—231’) u. Abbr. on. 1. A newspaper. 2. An official
`_ journal. 3. British. Art snuounccrncnt or report in an official
`“ usual. «rm. gazetted. dumbing. -z¢flos. Brimh. To announce
`or publish in a gazette. French. from Italian gazette, from
`. 1Venetian gazera {dc In some}, (newspaper sold for) a small
`copper coin, from gozera, a small copper coin. probably dimin-
`_ alive of gazlea, magpie. from Lam gala, from gains. jay (per-
`hps Whig] tlr’)
`h an d
`n. A r. gar. 1.
`geograp i
`fly or index. 2. Archaic. A person who writes for s gazette or
`-_ newspaper: a journalist.
`fia-zi-amtep (zfi’zB-fimtép'). Formerly Ala-tab (ip—téb“). A city
`I. £24,
`_ m 5001515an Asian Turkey north of Aleppo. Syna. Population.
`£3. Great Britain.
`'mA Aviation. ground control approach.
`and. greatest common divisor.
`f. greatest common-factor.
`lfil Aviation. ground control intercept.
`9% 1381‘. The tabla clef {see}.
`'W Good Conduct Modal.
`fiat. Grmwich civil time.
`W The symbol for the element gadolinium.
`M. grand duchess; Emmi duchy; grand duke.
`Mink (ga-dinslr). German Dan-zip (clfio'tslk). A port alga?
`'mthem Poland on the Gulf of Daozlg. Population. 310
`an .
`ya .
`armors Stung-en
`city of Poland, on the Gulf of Danzig top 121ch northwest of
`$253k. Population, 182.000.
`13% Variant of Goon.
`% The symbol for the element germanium.
`won-wellne GE-fin'tl‘kliu') n. A large upward 'fold of the
`'mh‘s m [Greek ge', earth (sec 96 m Appendxx‘) + arm-
`jmz-IEJ —ge—an’d—cfi’nnl adj.
`(gir) n. 1. ILA toothed wheel, cylinder. or other machine
`meal. that meshes with another toothed element to transmit
`Mon or to change speed or direction.
`[2. A complete assem—
`that performs a specific function in a larger machine. a. A
`mission configuration for a specific ratio of engine to axle
`mus in a motor vehicle. 2. Equipment, such as tools. cloth‘
`Fug. or the like, required for a particular activity or purpose;
`Maphemalia. 3. The harness for a horse. 4. The rigging of a
`chip. 5. A sailor’s personal effects. —-v. seared. gearing. gears.
`...—.91 1. e. To provide with gm h. To connect by gears.
`To put into gear. 2. To adjust or adapt. 3. To provide with
`. —£mr. 1. To be or become in gear. 2.. To Belfast so as to
`or blend.
`[Middle English gore, from Old Norse gem‘.
`meat. gear. Sec popular: :31 Appendm‘]
`box (git'bliks’) n. An automotive transmission.
`- lngjglrflng) :2. LA system of gears and associated ole
`3’ which motion is transferred within a machine. 2. The
`or technique of providing with goers.
`shift (gh’shllt’) n. A mechanism for changing from one
`to another in a transmission.
`pain. A system of interconnected gears.
`taboo! (glr'hwél‘) 1:. Also gear wheel. A wheel with a
`- . (gfi'ba). The principal river of Portuguese Guinea, rising
`the Ropbblic of-Guiuca and flowing 206 miles generally
`mes: through Bissau to the Atlantic.
`' o (gék'é) rs. pl. ~03 or was. Any of various usually small
`of the family Gekkouidae. of warm regmns. having loos
`... adhesive pads that enable them to climb on vortial sur-
`. [Malay ge'kok (imitauvc of its ml.)
`(go-dad}. Ancient name Her-mus (bur’rnas). A river
`‘in astfcntral Asian Turl'rcyu turd flowing 200 miles west
`Gaza Strip
`to turn to the right or to go forward. Compare haw. —r‘nrr.v.
`ased._gneing, noes. To turn to the right.
`gas’ (‘6) lured. Also jam. Used as a mild explcnvc or exclama—
`tion of surprise.
`{Euphenustic shortening of JESUS.)
`soot 0'5} 1:. The gravitational acceleration at the earth’s sur-
`[From the symbol “3“ for gravitational acceleration]
`gas“ 65) 1mm seed. peeing. gm. Infirmwl To fit or go with;
`[Origin unknown}
`aw (:5) n. Slam. A thousand dollars.
`{Short for owl
`soak ml!) :2. Slang. A carnival pcrforrper whose not usually
`consists of biting the head off a live chicken or snake.
`32 g.
`11%;?qu dialectal geek, geek. fool. from Middle Low German
`Goo-long (jlulong’). A manufacturing city and port in south—
`centml Victoria, Australia. 50 miles southwest of Melbourne.
`Population. 96,000.
`Goal-virus Bay (mél’vr'r'lgk). An inlet. 250 miles wide at its
`mouth. of the western Pacific in northern West Irian. Indonesia.
`geopound (j?pound') n. A unit of mass. the slug {see}.
`(gravitational acceleration) + POUND {weightl}
`mo. Plural of gauge.
`o-ez (gs-e20 n. Ethiopia {see}.
`goo-2m (gaps) or. Slang. An ewentric old man.
`diploma! pronunciation of gm'rer. one in disguise. masquerader.
`Middle English grim; from glgcn. to disguise. masquerade. from
`sire. gum. salsa (manner. disguiscld
`govfilvto fish (go-fil’to). Also ge‘ffiH-m fish. Chopped fish mixed
`with crumbs. eggs. and seasonings, cooked in a broth and usu-
`ally son-ed chilled in the lump of balls or oval-shaped cakes.
`Hiddish, “filled fish."]
`gmgan-schein (armors-shin? n. A faint, glow-lug spot in the
`sky. exactly opposite the position 0! the sun. Also called “coun—
`{German Gcgemcbefn. “opposite light" : gages.
`against, opposite, from Old High German gegin, gags): (sec
`papilla in Appendix‘} + Scher‘n, hght, shine, from scheincn. to
`shmc. from Old High German rcfm (see 336- in Appendix‘}.]
`“-lxén’a) n. 1. A place or state of torment or suffer-
`ing. 2. He .
`[Late Latin. from Greek Geenrzu. from Hebrew
`G‘é" anndm, Valley of Kinnom, a ravine outside ancient Jerusa-
`lem whose refuse was dumped, (hence figuratively) hell.)
`Gui-per counter (gl’gcr). Abbr. GM cellular. An instrument
`coumstmg cl 3. Gregor tube and associated electronic equip-
`ment. used to detect, measure. and record nuclear emanations.
`cosmic rays, and artificially produced subatomic particles. Also
`called “Gelgenlvlfiller counter."
`{After Hans Geiger (l882—
`l9“). German physicist}
`Geiger tube. Abbr. GM tube. A gas-filled tube containing co—
`axial cylindrical electrodes between which a potential difference
`slightly below the breakdown voltage is maintained. so that
`production of a. pair of ions in the gas by passage of a. charged
`particle or by ionizing radiation causes a breakdown through-
`out the volume of the tube. Also called “Geiger-Muller tube."
`{After Hans Geiger. See Geiger counter.)
`gal-she {gi'sha, §?-) 11, pl. geisha or «has. A la Russo girl
`trained to pro-vi c entertainment. such as singing.
`ancing. or
`amusing talk. especially for men.
`(Japanese, “artist“ :gei. art.
`{tom Ancient Chinese 3131' (Mandarin yi‘) wt» 51m. person. from
`Ancient Chinese cite (Mandarin Mela}
`gel 051) n. A colloid in which the disperse phase has combined
`with the continuous phase to produce a semisolid material. such
`as a jelly.
`{Short for GEM'RNJ
`gal-a-ble fiél’a—bol) adj. Capable cl gelling.
`gods-do fic—ls’da, jEl'e) n. A baboon, met-apnoea: gelatin. of
`Ethiopia. having a dark coat with a bare reddish area on the
`chest. and a mane covering the shoulders. Also called “gelada
`{Perhaps from Arabic quddafi, mane]
`gasIfin-do-spmng {go-lén’do-shpro‘ong’) n. A jump in skiing
`made from a crouching position with the use of both poles.
`[Gel-mun : Galactic. level land. from Land. land. from Old High
`German Inn! {see lunch—1h: Appendix") 4— Sprung, a jumlp. from
`gapmngen, past pmciple of sprflrgun. to jump. from 0 cl High
`German (see spergh- in Appendix‘}.]
`sol-a-fin Gal’s—tau} p. Also gobs-tine. 1. A colorless or slightly
`yellow, transparent. brittle protein formed by boiling the spe-
`mally prepared skin. bones, and connective tissue of animals,
`and used in foods. drugs, and photographic film. 2.A.uy of
`various Similar substances. 3. A jelly made with gelatin. popu—
`lar as a dessert or salad base. curt thin. transparent, colored
`membrane. used in theatrical lighting.
`[French gél'aline. from
`Italian gelalina. diminutive ol Edam, jelly, from Vulgar Latin
`geisha (unattcsted). from Latin, feminine past participle of
`geiare. to lreeze, coupon}. Sec gel-3 in Appendix.']
`ge-lat-E-nize (joulfit’n—iz') v. ~nlzad, mixing. mixes. —tr. 1. To
`convert. to gelatin or jelly. 2. To coat with gelatin. minrr. To
`become gelatmous. fielafll-ni-zo’fion n.
`ge-lat-i-nous fjo-lét’nuas) adj. 1. Thick and viscous; resembling
`a gelatin gel. 2.01”. pertaining to, containing. or similar to
`gelatin. ——go-lat’l-rious-ly adv. wwlafi-noue-noss n.
`go-la-tion fidli’sbcn) n. 1. Solidilimtiou by cooling or froezing.
`2.111: process of forming a gel.
`[Latin salami. from gelfire, to
`freeze. oungesl. See gel-3 in Appeudix.‘l
`gald‘ (351d) my. guided or galt (gal), gelding. golds. To castrate
`(a horse. for example).
`[Mi dle English golden, from Old
`Norsc gclda. Sec ghelfi in Appendix!)
`gold! (gold) 2:. A tax paid to the crown by English landholders
`under Anglo-Saxon and Norman kings. Medieval Latin
`Gazelle dorm
`Geiger counter
`Gear train in an
`elevator mechanism