`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`Page 1
`Case 1PR2018-00864
`U.S. Patent
`) ) ) ) )
`) ) )
`Patent Owner.
`Volume IV
`Monday, March 4, 2019
`Blacksburg, Virginia
`9:00 a.m.
`Reported by:
`Frank R. Austin, RMR-CRR
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
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`Hulu 1015
`Hulu v. Sound View
`Hulu 1015
`Hulu v. Sound View
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`The deposition of MARK T.
`JONES, PH.D. was
`taken at the The Inn at Virginia Tech and Skelton
`Conference Center, 901 Prices Fork Road, Blacksburg,
`Virginia 24061, on Monday, March 4, 2019, commencing
`at 9:00 a.m.,
`in the presence of counsel for the
`Page 2
`lt was agreed that Frank R. Austin,
`Registered Merit Reporter, Certified Realtime
`Reporter, and Notary Public in and for the
`Commonwealth of Virginia, would take said deposition
`in machine shorthand and transcribe the same to
`typewriting by means of computer-aided transcription.
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`- March 4, 2019
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`Page 3
`Counsel on behalf of the Petitioner:
`60 State Street
`Boston, Massachusetts 02109
`(617) 526-6767
`Counsel on behalf of the Patent Owner:
`1880 Century Park East
`Suite 815
`Los Angeles, California 90067
`(310) 307-4500
`GregoryEdwards, LLC ; WorIdwide Court Reporting
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`- March 4, 2019
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`Page 4
`Mr. Bertul li
`sR HK
`(None marked. )
`gk ok ok ok ok ok
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`- March 4, 2019
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`Page 5
`was duly sworn and deposed as fol lows:
`Good morning, Dr. Jones.
`Good morning, sir.
`Welcome back. Formalities-wise,
`could you please state and spell your name for the
`It's Mark, M-a-r-k, Thomas,
`T-h-o-m-a-s, Jones, J-o-n-e-s.
`You understand that you're
`under oath to tell
`the truth today, correct?
`Okay. And is there any reason that
`you can think of that you may be unable to tell me
`the truth completely here today?
`Now, you've had your deposition taken
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
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`- March 4, 2019
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`Page 6
`In fact, we have met a few times
`| won't walk through all
`the ground
`rules today, but as usual, just please let me know if
`you need a break.
`Please let me finish my questions
`before answering, and,
`in turn,
`| will
`let you finish
`your answer before | ask you a new question, okay?
`All right. When | refer to this case
`today or this proceeding, you understand that that
`would refer to IPR2018-00864?
`this case?
`Okay. When did you begin working in
`|'m not sure the date, but my
`recollection is it was before the patent owner's
`preliminary response.
`Did you file a preliminary
`declaration in support of the patent owner's
`preliminary response?
`| don't recal! doing so, no.
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`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`Page 7
`Did you consider doing so?
`On privilege, he wil! not
`respond to any discussion with counsel.
`So we wil!
`not answer that question.
`MR. BERTULLI: That's fine.
`How much time have you spent working
`on this case?
`More than 25 hours.
`It’s hard to be
`super precise given that there is another IPR that
`has a patent
`in common as well as at least one of the
`references in common.
`So you would say more than 25 hours?
`Would you say more than 50?
`It could be in that ballpark but not
`substantially more.
`lt wouldn't have been more than 100
`Okay. And you reviewed the
`nm MN
`declaration of petitioner's expert, Dr. Houh;
`is that
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`- March 4, 2019
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`Page 8
` 11
`Before reviewing his declaration in
`this case, were you familiar with Dr. Houh?
`| don't believe so.
`possible | might have come across him before as an
`expert, but
`| don’t recall
`Have you ever reviewed any of his
`Not that
`| recall, but it's not
`When you were preparing your
`declaration in this case, did you review the
`transcript of Dr. Houh's deposition in this case?
`-- I'm -- | don't recall! one way or
`the other.
`If | had,
`| would have cited it in my
`You also reviewed the references that
`make up the grounds in this trial when preparing your
`is that right?
`And so do you recall
`reviewing a Wolf
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
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`- March 4, 2019
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`Before your work on this case, were
`you familiar with the Wolf reference?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form.
`THE WITNESS: Not that | recall, no.
`Were you familiar with any of Wolf's
`work in the field generally?
`| would need to go back and see
`whether this Wolf matches other work |
`am fami | iar
`Can you generally describe that other
`work that you are familiar with?
`|'ve seen work by a Wolf
`in embedded
`In what context did you see that
`That's one of the areas in which | do
`research and teaching.
`that context.
`So | would have seen it in
`So when you reviewed the Wolf
`| Worldwide Cate Report ing _
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`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`reference in this case, did you review it in its
`And did you understand all of Wolf
`when you reviewed it?
`in this case?
`Did you review the Aggarwal
`Before your work in this case, were
`Page 10
`you familiar with Aggarwal?
`Did you review Aggarwal
`in its
`entirety when forming your opinion in this case?
`And did you understand everything you
`read in Aggarwal?
`Did you also review the Ueno
`reference in this case?
`Before your work in this matter, were
`-— GregoryEdwards,LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
`GregoryEdwards.com | 866-4Team GE
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`general ly?
`Were you familiar with Ueno
`Did you review Ueno in its entirety
`when forming your opinion?
`And did you understand all of Ueno
`when you reviewed it?
`And then there's also a Dan reference
`in this case.
`Do you recal! that?
`Did you review Dan?
`Were you familiar with Dan before
`Page 11 you familiar with the Ueno reference?
`When you reviewed Dan, did you review
`your work in this case?
`it in its entirety?
`| don't recall one way or the other.
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`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`|'d have to look at it again to see.
`it doesn't appear that
`you express an opinion about Dan in your declaration;
`is that true?
`| don't recal! doing so, but
`if |
`then | did.
`If | didn't,
`| didn't.
`So if you expressed any opinion about
`it would be in your declaration marked Exhibit
`If | did,
`it would be in the
`declaration, yes.
`Thank you.
`Now, you may
`in a previous deposition that we shared
`together, we talked a little bit about claim
`Do you remember that?
`| wanted to refresh that again.
`just quickly, you have an understanding of what an
`independent claim is;
`is that right?
`Page 12
`And what
`is your understanding of an
`independent claim?
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`- March 4, 2019
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
` Page 13
`It's a claim that stands on its own.
`It's a claim that
`is -- doesn't depend on another
`You have an understanding of
`what. a dependent claim is, yes?
`is your understanding of a
`dependent claim?
`A dependent claim. Well,
`it depends
`on an independent claim.
`It has all of the
`limitations of an independent claim plus it has --
`expresses its own limitations that must also be met.
`And you would agree that the
`limitation of a dependent claim that must also be met
`may not necessarily be required by the broader
`independent claim;
`is that fair?
`MR. HENDIFAR: That calls for a
`But because the independent claim is
`it is also not foreclosed from including the
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`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`feature later recited by the dependent claim;
`is that
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form. That
`calls for a legal conclusion.
`| don't know if they're
`necessarily broader, but
`logically it would encompass
`the scope of the dependent -- the independent claim
`Page 14
`would encompass the scope of the dependent claim.
`Okay, but it's just that the
`independent claim is not required to encompass the
`scope of the dependent claim;
`is that fair?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection.
`Mischaracterizes the witness's testimony.
`legal conclusion.
`[| missed the first -- |
`didn't hear what you said, dependent or
`at the beginning.
`'m sorry.
`Let me try this just to
`So let's say that an independent claim
`recites features A, B and C.
`Do you have that
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`- March 4, 2019
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`Page 15
`understanding in mind?
`And let's say that a dependent claim
`depends on that
`independent claim;
`is that fair?
`And so let's say that the dependent
`claim now recites a feature D.
`Do you understand
`So it's fair to say that dependent
`claim requires features A, B, C and D;
`is that fair?
`Is it also fair to say that
`independent claim may also perform feature D but
`not required to?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection.
`hypothetical and calls for a legal conclusion.
`Enough patent
`law for the day.
`Thank you.
`Now, when we talk about the '074
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Wor I dwide Court Reporting 7
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`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`patent or the '074 patent today, you understand that
`we're talking about U.S. Patent No. 94662074;
`is that
`| don't recall
`the first numbers, but
`I've -- | know --
`| have an understanding of what
`referred to as the '074 patent.
`Okay. Perfect. When did you first
`learn about the ‘074 patent?
`When | was asked to look at it as
`part of -- | believe it was the -- before the patent
`owner's preliminary response.
`Page 16
`So you weren't familiar with
`the ‘074 patent before your work on this case?
`Not that
`| recall, no.
`Would you say that the ‘074 patent
`well known in your field?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form.
`| don’t know one way or the
`How much time did you spend
`studying the '074 patent?
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`- March 4, 2019
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`Page 17
`It's hard to separate it out since |
`would go back and forth but at least several hours.
`Is at least several hours more than
`ten hours?
`It could be.
`Like | said,
`it's hard
`to separate out from the other work.
`When you reviewed the ‘074 patent,
`did you understand all of it?
`Can you describe in your own words
`how the invention of the '074 patent operates?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form,
`THE WITNESS: Not without using the
`claims, no.
`| need the claims.
`The claims describe
`the invention.
`So the claims of the '074
`patent describe the invention in your view;
`is that
`| would say each claim claims
`the -- it stands on its own, but those are the
`descriptions of what the inventors are claiming.
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`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`looking at the claims, can
`you identify in your opinion what
`is novel about the
`invention of the ‘074 patent?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form. Asked
`and answered.
`THE WITNESS: Not without -- without
`comparing to a particular reference.
`think the
`claim in its entirety describes the invention, and
`is novel would be in comparison to a particular
`prior reference.
`am going to share with you a copy
`Page 18 10
`of Exhibit 2018 which is your declaration in this
`Just take a look at that for a moment and let
`me know when you're done.
`For the purposes of identifying it,
`is that what you are asking?
`Thank you.
`All right.
`Does that appear to be the
`declaration that you filed in this case?
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`Page 19
`- March 4, 2019
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`If you could, please turn to
`paragraph 31 of your declaration.
`|'m there.
`Near the bottom of page 12,
`paragraph 31, you refer to a first method described
`by the '074 patent.
`Do you see that?
`What do you mean by a first method?
`There's a portion of the
`specification of the '074 where they're describing
`two approaches to replacing the chunks in the cache,
`and this is the first of those two methods.
`Can you describe how the first method
`Yes. At a high level
`it is going
`through on an object-by-object basis and wil!
`essentially delete an object and check to see if
`there's sufficient space, and if there isn't,
`it will
`move to another object to determine whether or not to
`delete that object.
`Now, a few moments ago you said that
`the methods of the ‘074 patent were describing
`i 1
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`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`Page 20
`approaches to replacing chunks in the cache;
`is that
`Yes, essentially.
`Is replacing the same as overwriting?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form.
`Incomplete hypothetical, calls for a legal
`| don't know if it would be
`in every instance, but at
`| would expect that
`to be often the same.
`Okay. Again in the same context of
`the ‘074 patent,
`is overwriting the same as deleting?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form.
`Incomplete hypothetical and calls for a
`[It wouldn't have to be.
`would have to look back and see if the '074 uses
`those terms interchangeably, but at
`in a more
`general context, no.
`So your answer
`is that
`in a more
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`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`Page 21
`general context, no, overwriting is not the same as
`Same objections as to
`Incomplete hypothetical and calls for a
`Why not?
`In general, you may delete something
`without putting something else in its place.
`If you overwrite something, do you
`delete it?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form.
`Incomplete hypothetical.
`| don’t know if it would be
`true in all circumstances, but it would often have
`the effect, at least the effect of deleting it.
`Is that the understanding that a
`person of ordinary skill
`in the art would have?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form.
`Incomplete hypothetical .
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`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`Page 22
`It would depend on the
`circumstances, but if it is just -- just taken in
`isolation, potentially, yes.
`the relationship between overwriting and deleting a
`7 1
`So a few moments ago,
`in describing
`how the first method operates, you testified that at
`a high level
`it is going through on an
`object-by-object basis;
`is that correct?
`And when the first method goes
`through on an object-by-object basis,
`it's -- strike
`When the first method goes through on
`an object-by-object basis,
`is that the same as going
`through one object at a time?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form. Calls
`for a legal conclusion and incomplete hypothetical .
`| believe so, yes.
`So | had asked you generally about
`moment ago.
`Do you recall
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`- March 4, 2019
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`Page 23
`In the context of the first method,
`does the first method overwrite chunks?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form.
`Incomplete hypothetical.
`| would need to look back
`and see how they describe it in the ‘074, at that
`portion of the patent.
`So here's a copy of Exhibit
`1001, which is the '074 patent.
`If it's helpful for
`this discussion,
`in paragraph 31 of your declaration
`you cited column 10,
`lines 58 to 65 of ‘074 patent.
`|’ ve reviewed that.
`In the context of the first method,
`does the first method overwrite chunks?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form.
`Incomplete hypothetical.
`it does as described
`in column 10, at
`lines 58 through 65.
`When the first method overwrites a
`7 1
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`to you?
`What does the term round-robin mean
`It typically means moving across a
`set of alternatives, one after the other, and often
`impede -- moving across those alternatives, but it
`doesn't always mean that.
`What would a person of ordinary skil|
`understand the term round-robin to mean in the
`context of overwriting chunks of a set of objects?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection.
`It would depend on the
`How so?
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`is it deleting that chunk?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form.
`THE WITNESS: Effectively, yes.
`Have you ever heard the term
`Page 24
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`- March 4, 2019
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`Page 25
`To understand what the set of chunks
`being considered are, and if there's any more detai |
`A few moments ago, when | asked you
`what the term round-robin meant to you, you testified
`it typically means moving across a set of
`alternatives, one after the other and often
`Do you recal! that?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection.
`Mischaracterizes the testimony.
`| recall
`the general
`description, yes.
`So in the context of that
`general description, what did you mean by
`Going back through the alternatives
`once they're exhausted,
`So, for example, once the round-robin
`process reached the last alternative,
`it might go
`back to the first alternative?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection.
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`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`THE WITNESS: Generally, yes.
`Why do you say general ly?
`| have seen it used in -- that term
`round-robin used in other contexts where that wasn't
`actually what was done.
`Is one of those contexts the ‘074
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form.
`THE WITNESS: That's not what
`| have in
`| would have to look back and see whether that
`Page 26
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`is the case here or not.
`So if we put aside those other
`contexts for a moment,
`in your general understanding
`of round-robin, when chunks are overwritten in a
`round-robin fashion,
`those chunks are overwritten one
`at a time;
`is that right?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form.
`Incomplete hypothetical and calls for a legal
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`| would have to see more
`about the description, but it would depend on what
`round-robin was referring to in that case.
`let's try one example.
`So you
`mentioned alternatives a moment ago, right?
`So let's say that there were three
`chunks or alternatives, and they were labeled chunk
`A, chunk B, and chunk C.
`Do you have that in mind?
`And let's say that a round-robin
`process were being used to overwrite those chunks.
`Does that make sense?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form.
`Incomplete hypothetical, asked and answered.
`[| don't -- so the goal
`to -- other processes to overwrite chunks A, B and C?
`Is that --
`And in that -- |
`think | understand
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`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`what you're saying, yes.
`All right. Maybe | could try to
`clarify the terminology.
`So starting from scratch,
`we have a set of objects, and each object
`is A, B and
`Do you have that
`in mind?
`And each of objects A, B and C
`comprises chunks.
`Do you have that
`in mind?
`And let's apply a round-robin process
`to objects A, B and C, okay?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form.
`Incomplete hypothetical, asked and answered.
`| understand what you're
`Page 28
`were operating on object B, for example, would it
`saying, yes.
`| Okay.
`If the round-robin process
`only be operating on object B at that moment
`in time?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form.
`Incomplete hypothetical,
`THE WITNESS: Not necessarily, no.
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`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`Page 29
`Why do you say not necessarily?
`If it’s --
`if it is a process where
`it’s building up a set of chunks on which to
`ultimately delete or overwrite,
`then | wouldn't say
`it was only operating on object B at that point.
`Well, would it be operating on
`objects A, B and C, for example, at that same point
`in time?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form.
`Incomplete hypothetical.
`It could be.
`If it were
`building up a set of chunks from A -- from objects A,
`B and C,
`then | would say it was operating on objects
`A, B and C.
`Would the round-robin process take
`each of objects A,
`B or C on an object-by-object
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form.
`Incomplete hypothetical.
`You could come up with a
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`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`scheme in which that could be done,
`| believe, but
`it's not necessarily the case.
`Well, what
`is the scheme described by
`the '074 patent with respect to round-robin
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form.
`It's -- the bottom of
`column 10, across the top of column 11,
`is describing
`the scheme in which a set of objects are identified,
`and then describes going through the objects and
`identifying the chunks that are to be deleted or
`Page 30
`And it describes going through those
`objects in a round-robin fashion?
`Yes, going through the set of objects
`that have been identified, yes.
`And when the process goes through
`that set of objects that have been identified in an
`round-robin fashion,
`it will
`take them,
`the objects,
`each one at a time;
`is that right?
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`- March 4, 2019
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`Page 31
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form.
`Incomplete hypothetical, asked and answered.
`1 don’t think | would
`characterize it that way, because | don’t think
`that's consistent with what the patent
`is describing.
`From the bottom of column 10 to column 11,
`describing having identified the set, and it's
`considering that entire set and then going through
`them in a round-robin fashion.
`When you say, “Going through them in
`a round-robin fashion," do you mean the objects in
`the set?
`And so when it goes through the
`objects in a set in a round-robin fashion,
`it takes
`each object one at a time;
`is that right?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection. Asked and
`answered three times,
`| believe.
`hypothetical .
`| don't think | would
`characterize it that way because it has the
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`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`Page 32
`algorithms considering that set.
`So in the set it is
`going through them in a round-robin fashion, which
`both means it's identified the set and that it is
`aware of the ordering in the set.
`reading the passage at the top of column 11 of the
`So in the passage that you're reading
`in the ‘074 patent, at the top of column 11, just
`line 1,
`it reads that,
`"Chunks of the victim set are
`overwritten in a round-robin fashion’;
`is that right?
`And when it's overwriting chunks as
`described at the top of column 11,
`is the process
`also deleting chunks?
`| believe those chunks are
`effectively deleted, yes.
`So you would agree that
`identifying what
`is to be deleted is different than
`actually deleting;
`is that fair?
`It can be, yes.
`Is that the understanding that a
`person of ordinary skill
`in the art would have in
`- GregoryEdwards, LLC| Worldwide Court Reporting |
`GregoryEdwards.com | 866-4Team GE
`- March 4, 2019
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`Page 33
`'074 patent?
`Turn to Challenge Claim 3 in the '074
`patent. This is beginning in column 16, at
`approximately line 42.
`Do you see where the claim recites,
`now down at about
`line 63,
`replacing a portion of
`each of said SM objects?
`Do you interpret that replacing step
`in claim 3 as requiring that every portion to be
`replaced of each of the SM objects in the set are
`replaced in one simultaneous deletion and writing
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection to form. Calls
`for a legal conclusion.
`Why not?
`| don't see that there's a
`| don't see that there's a requirement
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
`GregoryEdwards.com | 866-4Team GE
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`that something be simultaneous in the claim language.
`And if you look to claim -- well,
`me step back for a moment.
`074 patent, you reviewed the claims of the
`is that right?
`When you performed your analysis on
`Page 34 10
`And you had to interpret them
`in some way so that you could effectively compare the
`claims to the prior art when you were performing your
`is that right?
`So claim 4 at the bottom of
`column 16,
`that depends on claim 3;
`is that right?
`And as claim 4 moves on to the
`next page starting at the top of column 17,
`recites the method of claim 3 wherein the replacing
`step further comprises the step of replacing a chunk
`having an associated highest timestamp value from
`each of said SM objects belonging to said composed
`in a round-robin basis.
`Do you see that?
`7 GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
`GregoryEdwards.com | 866-4Team GE
`- March 4, 2019
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`Page 35
`| do.
`Did |
`read that correctly?
`| believe so, yes.
`Is the round-robin basis referred to
`in claim 4 the same round-robin process that we were
`just discussing a moment ago in column 11?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection. Calls for a
`legal conclusion.
`Scope, calls for a legal
`| don't know one way or the
`other whether it would be have to the same process or
`Do you have any reason to believe
`that the round-robin basis described in claim 4 is
`different from the round-robin fashion described in
`column 11?
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection.
`Scope, asked
`and answered, calls for a legal conclusion.
`And is it fair to say that you also
`1 1
`GregoryEdwards, LLC | Worldwide Court Reporting
`GregoryEdwards.com | 866-4Team GE
`Mark T. Jones, Ph.D.
`- March 4, 2019
`don't think that a person of ordinary skill
`in the
`believe that the round-robin basis described in claim
`4 is different from the round-robin described in
`art reading the ‘074 patent would have any reason to
`Page 36
`MR. HENDIFAR: Objection. Misstates
`earlier testimony, scope, calls for a
`| don't know whether they
`would or not.
`| -- and | would have to go back
`through and see if there's a basis, but sitting here
`right now,
`| don't have a reason -- | don't know
`whether a person of ordinary skill
`in the art would
`reach that conclusion or not.