Jean-Pierre Hubaux and Ari Juels
`Privacy Is Dead,
`Long Live Privacy
`Protecting social norms as confidentiality wanes.
`working hard to develop privacy-en-
`hancing technologies (PETs). PETs en-
`able users to encrypt email, conceal
`their IP addresses, avoid tracking by
`Web servers, hide their geographic
`location when using mobile devices,
`use anonymous credentials, make un-
`traceable database queries, and pub-
`lish documents anonymously. Nearly
`all major PETs aim at protecting con-
`fidentiality; we call these confidenti-
`ality-oriented PETs (C-PETs). C-PETs
`can be good and helpful. But there
`is a significant chance that in many
`or most places, C-PETs will not save
`privacy. It is time to consider adding
`a new research objective to the com-
`munity’s portfolio: preparedness for
`a post-confidentiality world in which
`many of today’s social norms regard-
`ing the flow of information are regu-
`larly and systematically violated.
`Global warming offers a useful
`analogy, as another slow and seem-
`THE PAST FEW years have been
`especially turbulent for pri-
`vacy advocates. On the one
`hand, the global dragnet
`has demonstrated the sweeping sur-
`veillance achievable by massively re-
`sourced government organizations.
`On the other, the European Union has
`issued a mandate that Google defini-
`tively “forget’’ information in order to
`protect users.
`Privacy has deep historical roots,
`as illustrated by the pledge in the
`Hippocratic oath (5th century b.c.),
`“Whatever I see or hear in the lives of
`my patients ... which ought not to be
`spoken of outside, I will keep secret,
`as considering all such things to be
`private.”11 Privacy also has a number
`of definitions. A now common one
`among scholars views it as the flow
`of information in accordance with
`social norms, as governed by con-
`text.10 An intricate set of such norms
`is enshrined in laws, policies, and
`ordinary conduct in almost every
`culture and social setting. Privacy in
`this sense includes two key notions:
`confidentiality and fair use. We ar-
`gue that confidentiality, in the sense
`of individuals’ ability to preserve
`secrets from governments, corpora-
`tions, and one another, could well
`continue to erode. We call instead for
`more attention and research devoted
`to fair use.
`To preserve existing forms of pri-
`vacy against an onslaught of online
`threats, the technical community is
`V viewpoints
`USR Exhibit 2115, Page 1


`est sense. The adversaries include sur-
`veillance agencies and companies in
`markets such as targeted advertising,
`as well as smaller, nefarious players.
`Pervasive data collection. As the
`number of online services and al-
`ways-on devices grows, potential ad-
`versaries can access a universe of per-
`sonal data quickly expanding beyond
`browsing history to location, financial
`transactions, video and audio feeds,
`genetic data4, real-time physiological
`data—and perhaps eventually even
`brainwaves.8 These adversaries are
`developing better and better ways to
`correlate and extract new value from
`these data sources, especially as ad-
`vances in applied machine learning
`make it possible to fill in gaps in us-
`ers’ data via inference. Sensitive data
`might be collected by a benevolent
`party for a purpose that is acceptable
`to a user, but later fall into danger-
`ous hands, due to political pressure,
`a breach, and other reasons. “Sec-
`ondhand” data leakage is also grow-
`ing in prevalence, meaning that one
`person’s action impacts another’s
`private data (for example, if a friend
`declares a co-location with us, or if a
`blood relative unveils her genome).
`The emerging Internet of Things will
`make things even trickier, soon sur-
`rounding us with objects that can re-
`port on what we touch, eat, and do.16
`Monetization (greed). Political phi-
`losophers are observing a drift from
`what they term having a market econo-
`my to being a market society13 in which
`market values eclipse non-market so-
`cial norms. On the Internet, the ability
`to monetize nearly every piece of infor-
`mation is clearly fueling this process,
`which is itself facilitated by the exis-
`tence of quasi-monopolies. A market-
`There is no reason
`to think of privacy
`as we conceive of it
`today as an enduring
`feature of life.
`ingly unstoppable human-induced
`disaster and a worldwide tragedy of
`commons. Scientists and technolo-
`gists are developing a portfolio of
`mitigating innovations in renewable
`energy, energy efficiency, and carbon
`sequestration. But they are also study-
`ing ways of coping with likely effects,
`including rising sea levels and dis-
`placement of populations. There is a
`scientific consensus that the threat
`justifies not just mitigation, but prep-
`aration (for example, elevating Hol-
`land’s dikes).
`The same, we believe, could be
`true of privacy. Confidentiality may
`be melting away, perhaps inexora-
`bly: soon, a few companies and sur-
`veillance agencies could have access
`to most of the personal data of the
`world’s population. Data provides in-
`formation, and information is power.
`An information asymmetry of this de-
`gree and global scale is an absolute
`historical novelty.
`There is no reason, therefore, to
`think of privacy as we conceive of it to-
`day as an enduring feature of life.
`Example: RFID
`Radio-Frequency IDentification (RFID)
`location privacy concretely illustrates
`how technological evolution can un-
`dermine C-PETs. RFID tags are wire-
`less microchips that often emit static
`identifiers to nearby readers. Number-
`ing in the billions, they in principle
`permit secret local tracking of ordinary
`people. Hundreds of papers proposed
`C-PETs that rotate identifiers to pre-
`vent RFID-based tracking.6
`Today, this threat seems quaint.
`Mobile phones with multiple RF in-
`terfaces (including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi,
`NFC), improvements in face recog-
`nition, and a raft of new wireless de-
`vices (fitness trackers, smartwatches,
`and other devices), offer far more
`effective ways to track people than
`RFID ever did. They render RFID C-
`PETs obsolete.
`This story of multiplying threat vec-
`tors undermining C-PETs’ power—and
`privacy more generally—is becoming
`The Assault on Privacy
`We posit four major trends providing
`the means, motive, and opportunity
`for the assault on privacy in its broad-
`place could someday arise that would
`seem both impossible and abhorrent
`today. (For example, for $10: “I know
`that Alice and Bob met several times.
`Give me the locations and transcripts
`of their conversations.”) Paradoxically,
`tools such as anonymous routing and
`anonymous cash could facilitate such
`a service by allowing operation from
`loosely regulated territories or from no
`fixed jurisdiction at all.
`Adaptation and apathy. Users’
`data curation habits are a complex
`research topic, but there is a clear
`generational shift toward more in-
`formation sharing, particularly on
`social networks. (Facebook has more
`than one billion users regularly shar-
`ing information in ways that would
`have been infeasible or unthinkable
`a generation ago.). Rather than fight-
`ing information sharing, users and
`norms have rapidly changed, and
`convenience has trumped privacy to
`create large pockets of data-sharing
`apathy. Foursquare and various other
`microblogging services that encour-
`age disclosure of physical location,
`for example, have led many users to
`cooperate in their own physical track-
`ing. Information overload has in any
`event degraded the abilities of users
`to curate their data, due to the com-
`plex and growing challenges of “sec-
`ondhand” data-protection weakening
`and inference, as noted previously.
`Secret judgment. Traceability and
`accountability are essential to protect-
`ing privacy. Facebook privacy settings
`are a good example of visible privacy
`practice: stark deviation from expected
`norms often prompts consumer and/
`or regulatory pushback.
`Increasingly often, though, sen-
`sitive-data exploitation can happen
`away from vigilant eyes, as the recent
`surveillance scandals have revealed.
`(National security
`legitimately de-
`mands surveillance, but its scope and
`oversight are critical issues.) Deci-
`sions made by corporations—hiring,
`setting insurance premiums, com-
`puting credit ratings, and so forth—
`are becoming increasingly algorith-
`mic, as we discuss later. Predictive
`consumer scores are one example;
`privacy scholars have argued they
`constitute a regime of secret, arbi-
`trary, and potentially discriminatory
`and abusive judgment of consumers.2
`USR Exhibit 2115, Page 2


`A Post-Confidentiality
`Research Agenda
`We should prepare for the possibil-
`ity of a post-confidentiality world, one
`in which confidentiality has greatly
`eroded and in which data flows in such
`complicated ways that social norms
`are jeopardized. The main research
`challenge in such a world is to preserve
`social norms, as we now explain.
`Privacy is important for many rea-
`sons. A key reason, however, often cit-
`ed in discussions of medical privacy, is
`concern about abuse of leaked person-
`al information. It is the potentially re-
`sulting unfairness of decision making,
`for example, hiring decisions made on
`the basis of medical history, that is par-
`ticularly worrisome. A critical, defen-
`sible bastion of privacy we see in post-
`confidentiality world therefore is in the
`fair use of disclosed information.
`Fair use is increasingly important
`as algorithms dictate the fates of
`workers and consumers. For example,
`for several years, some Silicon Valley
`companies have required job candi-
`dates to fill out questionnaires (“Have
`you ever set a regional-, state-, coun-
`try-, or world-record?”). These compa-
`nies apply classification algorithms
`to the answers to filter applications.5
`This trend will surely continue, given
`the many domains in which statisti-
`cal predictions demonstrably outper-
`form human experts.7 Algorithms,
`though, enable deep, murky, and ex-
`tensive use of information that can
`exacerbate the unfairness resulting
`from disclosure of private data.
`On the other hand, there is hope
`that algorithmic decision making can
`lend itself nicely to protocols for en-
`forcing accountability and fair use. If
`decision-making is algorithmic, it is
`possible to require decision-makers
`to prove that they are not making use
`of information in contravention of
`social norms expressed as laws, poli-
`cies, or regulations. For example, an
`insurance company might prove it
`has set a premium without taking
`genetic data into account—even if
`this data is published online or oth-
`erwise widely available. If input data
`carries authenticated
`labels, then
`cryptographic techniques permit the
`construction of such proofs with-
`out revealing underlying algorithms,
`which may themselves be company
`If we cannot win
`the privacy game
`definitively, we need
`to defend paths to
`an equitable society.
`secrets (for example, see Ben-Sasson
`et al.1). Use of information flow con-
`trol12 preferably enforced by software
`attested to by a hardware root of trust
`(for example, see McKeen et al.9) can
`accomplish much the same end. Sta-
`tistical testing is an essential, com-
`plementary approach to verifying fair
`use, one that can help identify cases
`in which data labeling is inadequate,
`rendered ineffective by correlations
`among data, or disregarded in a sys-
`tem. (A variety of frameworks exist,
`for example, see Dwork et al.3)
`A complementary research goal is
`related to privacy quantification. To
`substantiate claims about the decline
`of confidentiality, we must measure
`it. Direct, global measurements are
`difficult, but research might look to
`indirect monetary ones: The profits
`of the online advertising industry per
`pair of eyeballs and the “precision” of
`advertising, perhaps as measured by
`click-through rates. At the local scale,
`research is already quantifying pri-
`vacy (loss) in such settings as location-
`based services.14
`There remains a vital and enduring
`place for confidentiality. Particularly
`in certain niches—protecting politi-
`cal dissent, anti-censorship in repres-
`sive regimes—it can play a societally
`transformative role. It is the respon-
`sibility of policymakers and society
`as a whole to recognize and meet the
`threat of confidentiality’s loss, even
`as market forces propel it and politi-
`cal leaders give it little attention. But
`it is also incumbent upon the research
`community to contemplate alterna-
`tives to C-PETs, as confidentiality is
`broadly menaced by technology and
`social evolution. If we cannot win the
`privacy game definitively, we need to
`defend paths to an equitable society.
`We believe the protection of social
`norms, especially through fair use
`of data, is the place to start. While C-
`PETs will keep being developed and
`will partially mitigate the erosion of
`confidentiality, we hope to see many
`“fair-use PETs” (F-PETs) proposed
`and deployed in the near future.15
`1. Ben-Sasson, E. et al. SNARKs for C: Verifying program
`executions succinctly and in zero knowledge. In
`Advances in Cryptology–CRYPTO, (Springer, 2013),
`2. Dixon, P. and Gellman, R. The scoring of America: How
`secret consumer scores threaten your privacy and
`your future. Technical report, World Privacy Forum
`(Apr. 2, 2014).
`3. Dwork, C. et al. Fairness through awareness. In
`Proceedings of the 3rd Innovations in Theoretical
`Computer Science Conference. (ACM, 2012), 214–226.
`4. Erlich, Y. and Narayanan, A. Routes for breaching and
`protecting genetic privacy. Nature Reviews Genetics
`15, 6 (2014), 409–421.
`5. Hansell, S. Google answer to filling jobs is an algorithm.
`New York Times (Jan. 3, 2007).
`6. Juels, A. RFID security and privacy: A research
`survey. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
`Communication 24, 2 (Feb. 2006).
`7. Kahneman, D. Thinking, Fast and Slow. Farrar, Straus,
`and Giroux, 2012, 223–224.
`8. Martinovic, I. et al. On the feasibility of side
`channel attacks with brain-computer interfaces. In
`Proceedings of the USENIX Security Symposium,
`(2012), 143–158.
`9. McKeen, F. et al. Innovative instructions and software
`model for isolated execution. In Proceedings of
`the 2nd International Workshop on Hardware and
`Architectural Support for Security and Privacy, Article
`no. 10 (2013).
`10. Nissenbaum, H. Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy,
`and the Integrity of Social Life. Stanford University
`Press, 2009.
`11. North, M.J. Hippocratic oath translation. U.S. National
`Library of Medicine, 2002.
`12. Sabelfeld, A. and Myers, C. Language-based
`information-flow security. IEEE Journal on Selected
`Areas in Communications 21, 1 (2003), 5–19.
`13. Sandel, M.J. What Money Can’t Buy: The Moral Limits
`of Markets. Macmillan, 2012.
`14. Shokri, R. et al. Quantifying location privacy. In
`Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and
`Privacy (2011), 247–262.
`15. Tramèr, F. et al. Discovering Unwarranted Associations
`in Data-Driven Applications with the FairTest Testing
`Toolkit, 2016; arXiv:1510.02377.
`16. Weber, R.H. Internet of things—New security and
`privacy challenges. Computer Law and Security
`Review 26, 1 (2010), 23–30.
`Jean-Pierre Hubaux (
`is a professor in the Computer Communications and
`Applications Laboratory at the Ecole Polytechnique
`Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland.
`Ari Juels ( is a professor at Cornell
`Tech (Jacobs Institute) in New York.
`We would like to thank George Danezis, Virgil Gligor, Kévin
`Huguenin, Markus Jakobsson, Huang Lin, Tom Ristenpart,
`Paul Syverson, Gene Tsudik and the reviewers of this
`Viewpoint for their many generously provided, helpful
`comments, as well the many colleagues with whom we
`have shared discussions on the topic of privacy. The views
`presented in this Viewpoint remain solely our own.
`Copyright held by authors.
`USR Exhibit 2115, Page 3

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