`Apple 1122 (Part 4 of 5)
`Apple v. USR
`|PR201 8-00813
`Apple 1122 (Part 4 of 5)
`Apple v. USR


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`BSA Security’s Official Guide to Cryptography
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`To Fae-Chi, Gwen, Ray, Satomi, Michelle, Alexander,
`Warren, Maria, Daniel, and Julia
`“Steve Burnett
`To Danielle, thanks for understanding While I worked on
`this back
`To Alexis and Elizabeth, a father could not ask for better
`w—Stephen Paine


`About the Authors
`Chapter 1 Why Cryptography?
`Security Provided by Computer Operating Systems
`How Operaiing Systems Work
`Default 05 Security: Permissions
`Attacks on Passwords
`Attacks That Bypass Operating Systems
`Data Recovery Atrack
`Memory Reconstruction Attack
`Adored Protection Through Cryptography
`The Roie of Cryptography in Data Security
`Chapter 2
`Symmetric—Key Cryptography
`Some Crypto Jargon
`What is a Key?
`Why is a Key Necessary?
`Generating a Key
`A Random Number Generator
`A Pseudo-Random Number Generator
`Attacks on Encrypted Data
`Attacking the Key
`Breaking the Ngorithm
`Measuring the Time it Takes to Break Your Message
`Symmetric Aigorithms: The Key Ta Die
`Symmetric Algorithms: Biock Versus Stream Ciphers
`Biock Ciphers
`Stream Ciphers
`Biocic Versus Stream: Which is Berrer?
`Digitai Encryption Standard
`Triple DES
`Commercial DES Repiacements
`Advanced Encwprion Standard


`{Zeal-World Exampie: Grade Databases
`Chapter 3
`Symmetric—Key Management
`The Key Distribution Problem and Pubiic—Key Cryptography 81
`Password—Based Encryption
`Programming Convenience
`Braking PBE
`Sowing Dawn an Attack or: a Password
`Good Passwords
`Password Generamrs
`Hardware-Based Key Storage
`Crypro Accelerators
`Hardware Devices and Random Numbers
`ReaLWoer Examples
`Keen Desktap
`Other Products
`Chapter 4
`Sharing Keys in Advance
`rrobrems mm This Scheme
`Using a Trusted Third Party
`Problems Wrth This Scheme
`Public~i<ey Cryptography and the Digiraf Envelope
`Security issues
`Breaking a PublieKey Algarithm
`Some History of Puma—Key Crypzography
`How Public—Key Cryptography Works
`The RSA Ngerithm
`The DH Algorithm
`The ECDH Algorithm
`Comparing the Ngorithms
`Key Sizes
`Transmission Size
`9 2
`l 17
`1 17
`2 :9
`I 20
`i 22


`Contents V"
`Protecting Private Keys
`Using the Digital Envelope for Key Recovery
`Key Recovery via a Trusted Third Party
`Key Recovery via a Group of Trustees
`Key Recovery via Threshoid Schemes
`How 2: Threshold Scheme Works
`Real-Worm Example
`Chapter 5
`The Digital Signature
`The Uniqueness of a Digital Signature
`Message Digests
`The Three important Digest Algorithms
`A Representative of Larger Data
`Data integrity
`Back to Digital Signatures
`Trying to Cheat
`impiementing Authentication, Data integrity, and Nonrepudiation
`Undersranding the Aigorirhms
`Comparing the Algorithms
`Transmission Size
`Protecting Private Keys
`introduction to Certificates
`Key Recovery
`Reai~Worio Example
`Chapter 5
`Pubiic—Key infrastructures and the X509 Standard
`PubiiC-Key Certificates
`Unique identifiers
`Standard Version 3 Certificate Extensions
`Entity Names
`i 45
`i 49
`i 54
`l 5‘?
`i 63
`i (:4
`l 65
`1 7 i
`2 72
`l 77


`V] H
`ASNJ Notation and Encoding
`The Components of a PK!
`Certification Authority
`Registration Authority
`Certificate Directory
`Key Recovery Server
`Management Protocois
`Operational Protocois
`Registering and issuing Certificates
`Revoking a Certificate
`Certificate Revocation Lists
`Suspendéng a Certificate
`Authority Revocation Lists
`Trust Modeis
`Certificate Hierarchies
`X509 Certificate Chain
`The Push Model Versus the Full Mode!
`Managing Key Pairs
`Generating Key Pairs
`Protecting Private Keys
`Managing Muitipie Key Pairs
`Updating Key Pairs
`Keeping a History of Key Pairs
`Depioying 3 PK!
`The Future of PK!
`Roaming Certificates
`Attribute Certificates
`Certificate Policies and Certification Practice Statements
`Reai~Worid Exampies
`Keon Certificate Server
`Kean Web PassPort
`Network and Transport Security Protocois
`Chapter 2?
`internal: Protocol Security
`i? Security Nchétecture
`WEEK Services
`The Authentication Header Protocol
`Integrity Check Vaiue Caicutation
`3 80
`1 82
`i 93
`P96 ‘
`2 30
`2! i
`2 i


`2 i 3
`2 l S
`2 i e
`2] 7
`2 l 8
`2 i 9
`22 7
`Transport and Tunnel Modes
`The Encapsulating Security Payload Protocol
`Encryption Algorithms
`ESP in Transport and Tunnel Modes
`Security Associations
`Combining Security Associations
`Security Databases
`Security Policy Database
`Security Association Database
`Key Management
`internet Key Exchange
`Secure Sockets Layer
`The History of SSL
`Session and Connection States
`The Record Layer Protocol
`The Change Cipher Spec Protocol
`The Alert Protocol
`The Handshake Protocol
`The Client Hello Message
`The Server Hello Message
`The Server Certificate Message
`The Server Key Exchange Message
`The Certificate Request Message
`The Sewer Hello Done Message
`The Client Certificate Message
`The Client Key Exchange Message
`The Certificate Verify Message
`The Finished Message
`Ending a Session and Connection
`Resuming Sessions
`Cryptographic Computations
`Encryption and Authentication Algorithms
`Real—World Examples
`Chapter 8
`Application-Layer Security Protocols
`S/MIME Functionality
`Cryptographic: Algorithms


`S/MlME Messages
`Enhanced Security Services
`Secure Electronic Transaction {SET}
`Business Requirements
`SET Features
`SET Participants
`Dual Signatures
`SET Certificates
`Payment Processing
`Real-World Examples
`Chapter 9
`Hardware Solutions: Overcoming Software Limitations
`Cryptographic Accelerators
`Authentication Tokens
`Token Form Factors
`Noncontact Tokens
`Contact Tokens
`Smart Cards
`Smart Card Standards
`Types of Smart Cards
`Readers and Terminals
`History and Standards
`JavaCard Operations
`Other Java Tokens
`Biometric Systems Ovewiew
`Recognition Methods
`Biometric Accuracy
`Combining Authentication Methods
`Chapter 10 Digital Signatures: Beyond Security
`Legislative Approaches
`Legal Guidelines from the American Bar Association
`iogal Concepts Related to Digital Signatures
`2 70
`2.8 l


`Contents XIWW
`3 i 0
`31 i
`Bi 1
`3 i 2
`3 i 3
`3 14
`3 i 5
`3 if:
`3 i 7
`31 I?
`3 i 7
`3 28
`3 i 9
`Written Versus Digitai Signatures
`Requirements fer the Use of Digital Signatures
`Fubiic Key infrastructures
`Centre! of Key Revacatfon
`Current and Pending Legisiatiori
`The E—SIGN Act
`Dealing with Legai Uncertainties
`Reai~Worid Examples
`Chapter I 1 Doing it Wrong: The Break—ins
`Measuring Losses
`Types of Security Threats
`Unauthorized Sisciosure of Data
`Unauthorized Modification of Data
`Unauthurized Access
`Disciasure of Network Traffic
`Spoofing of Network Traffic
`identifying intruders
`Foreign inteiiigence Services
`intruder meiedge
`Case Studies
`Data in Transit
`Data at Rest
`Information Security: Law Enforcement
`Chapter 12 Doing it Right: Following Standards
`Security Services and Mechanisms


`Standards, Guidelines, and Regulations
`The Internet Engineering Task Force
`National Institute of Standards and Technology
`Ccmmon Criteria
`The Health Insurance Portability Act
`Developer Assistance
`Security Research
`Case Studies
`Data at Rest
`Data in Transit
`Appendix A Bits, Bytes, Hex, and ASCII
`Appendix B A Layman's Guide to a Subset ofASN. I, BER, and DER
`Appendix C Further Technical Details


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`RSA PRf—Jisgj
`Understand X509 certificates r,
`311613331:er structures " '
`Distinguish different types of
`symmetric-key encryption
`aigerithms and know when»:
`each is best used
`Find out how password~based '
`encryption works
`Get details on current PK!
`standards and technoleg'ya
`inciuding vendor information
`_ V'Get an ayerationai overviewm‘
`wideiy—used pratocois—
`ineiudiag iPSec, SSL and SE:
`View cryptography from difleyaa
`deveiopers, andusers
`' smiley use digitaisignshhis
`emf hardware soiuflenHmfl
`cards, tekens, key storaye
`devices, and mare
`Communicate safety over
`unsecure channeis using
`public-key technoiogy
`Use public-key technology for
`authentication and
`Recognize how corporations use
`cryptography to improve security
`through teak—world case studies
`STEVE QUHNETThas degrees iii math from‘erinheii Ceiiege in Ema 332d iii
`Sshool in California. He has spent most of hie career com/shiny math 2mm:
`at intergraph Corpmai on and now With BSA Seouhty A freoeerit weaker at 3113:5333
`and coiiege Campuses, Steve is the lead engineer for FtSA’e BSAFE Cryyio‘
`pmducis, which are generai purpose cryategieohy software dovetopmem i;
`STEPHEN mm: has worked in the secuhiy field throughwi mes: of his shes:
`United States Marine Come and for SUN Micmeysieme tiei3 Ciiiffiiiii 23 hyste,
`Security. where he expiains security concepts to cotooretiofis 2m {iteveieheis we
`provides training to customers and RSA empieyees
`mantel)” Knawiefige is Secufih
`Crypiography is one of the smartest
`ways to protect the information on your
`network and reduce the risk of security
`breaches and attatks from hackers.
`And because impiemehtihg cryptography ,
`is a oompiexprocess, you need the >
`practiced advice and proven techniques
`contained inside this ofticiai guide.
`Written by insiders at RSA Security,
`this expertresource expiains the
`V'iiereh’oefsibetwieen symmetries—key and
`uhiie-skeycryptography, how PKi and
`"X509 affect security, how the RSA
`rarigiorithm works within protocois, and
`83333315113:th Yoii’ii aiso read
`f i
`' case studies detailing
`itiitiergnt types of security
`yuitggrabiiities and what
`types of cryptography appiications
`, 3393}ngpfgyefit afiacks‘
`‘ ‘
`‘ 33" magmas somii‘e‘e FAQ 4“
`Pubiic‘Key Cryptography Standards
`‘ giwme Bytes Technioai Newsletters
`“fl ihétwoakihe/seouami
`he.” mi
`ISBN {3Ho?I233333i~3

`iiIi ii
`i i
`v 3325403603 5
`i ii
`.iiiiqqhshr‘ii.2 ’
`if} g;
`3:39.39 353 2‘
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`Handboeken (vorm)
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`All Authors/
`Steve Burnett; S_tephen Paine
`Find more information about: Steve Burnett 7 £93
`007213139X 9780072131390 0072131381 9780072131383 0072131373 9780072131376
`OCLC Number:
`Includes index.
`xxi, 419 p. : ill.
`; 24 cm + CD—ROM v.d.t.: RSA security's complete cryptography
`Chapter 1: Why Cryptography? Chapter 2: Symmetric-Key Cryptography. Chapter 3: Symmetric-Key
`Management. Chapter 4: The Key Distribution Problem and Public-Key Cryptography. Chapter 5: The
`Digital Signature. Chapter 6: Public-Key Infrastructures and the X509 Standard. Chapter 7: Network and
`Transport Security Protocols. Chapter 8: Application-Layer Security Protocols. Chapter 9: Hardware
`Solutions: Overcoming Software Limitations. Chapter 10: Digital Signatures: Beyond Security. Chapter 11:
`Doing It Wrong: The Break-Ins. Chapter 12: Doing It Right: Following Standards. Appendix A: Bits, Bytes,
`Hex, and ASCII. Appendix B: A Layman's Guide to a Subset of ASN.1, BER, and DER. Appendix C: Further
`Technical Details.
`Other Titles:
`RSA security's complete cryptography
`Steve Burnett and Stephen Paine.
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