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`F'rSl Name‘l Kenneth P. Weiss
`9°Cket .Number W0537-700620
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`B. W. Dada
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`APPLE 1120
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`PTOiSBiaOEFS (07—09)
`Doc code: RCEX
`Approved for use lhrough 071312012. OMB 0551-0031
`Doc description: Request for Continued Examination (RCE)
`us. Patent and Trademark Office; us. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`Signature of Registered U.S. Patent Practitioner
`[Matthew H. Grady]
`Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
`m Matthew H. Grady
`Registration Number
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`Doc’ket N0.' W05(3P7A_’¥£)1S¥;
`Elaetagonichgignzatiurzeofosr Matthew H. Grady:
`/Matthew H. Grady/
`In re Patent Application of:
`Kenneth P. Weiss
`Application No.: 11/768,729
`Confirmation No.: 3536
`Filed: June 26, 2007
`Art Unit: 2435
`Examiner: B. W. Dada
`Commissioner for Patents
`Dear Madam:
`In conjunction with a Request for Continued Examination and in response to the
`Advisory Action mailed on May 1, 2013 and the Final Office Action mailed on December 18,
`2012, please amend the above-identified application as follows: Changes to the claims are
`shown by strike through (for deleted matter) and underlining (for added matter).
`Amendments to the Claims are reflected in the listing of claims which begins on page 2
`of this paper.
`Remarks/Arguments begin on page 10 of this paper.
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`Application No. 11/768,729
`Amendment dated May 20, 2013
`After Final Office Action of December 18, 2012
`Docket No.: W0537-700620
`This listing of claims will replace all prior versions, and listings, of claims in the
`Listing of Claims:
`(Currently Amended) A secure registry system for providing information to a first party
`to enable transactions between the first party and entities with secure data stored in the secure
`registry system, the secure registry system comprising:
`a database including secure data for each entity, wherein each entity is associated with a
`time—varying multicharacter code for each entity having secure data in the secure registry
`system, respectively, each time—varying multicharacter code representing an identity of one of
`the respective entities; and
`a processor configured to receive, from the first party, at least the time-varying
`multicharacter code for the entity on whose behalf a transaction is to be performed, configured to
`map the time—varying multicharacter code to the identity of the entity in the database using en-l—y
`the time-varying multicharacter code, to execute a restriction mechanism configured to
`determine compliance with any access restrictions for the first party to secure data for
`completing the transaction, and to allow or not allow access Q secure data associated with the
`entity including information required to enable the transaction, the information including
`account identifying information, where the account identifying information is unknown—LN
`provided to the first partyrte—previdefll the account identifying information is provided to a
`third party to enable the transaction with the first party and without providing the account
`identifying information to the first party.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 1, wherein the time-varying multicharacter
`code is provided to the system Via a secure electronic transmission device.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 1, wherein the time-varying multicharacter
`code is encrypted and transmitted to the system, and
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`Application No. 11/768,729
`Amendment dated May 20, 2013
`After Final Office Action of December 18, 2012
`Docket No.: W0537-700620
`wherein the system is configured to decrypt the tirne—varying multicharacter code with a
`public key of the entity.
`(Previously Presented) The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the transaction
`includes a service provided by the first party,
`wherein said first party’s service includes delivery,
`wherein the information is an address to which an item is to be delivered to the entity,
`wherein the system receives the time-varying multicharacter code, and
`wherein the system uses the time-varying multicharacter code to obtain the appropriate
`address for delivery of the item by the third party.
`(Previously Presented) The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the account identifying
`information includes credit card account information regarding the entity, and wherein the
`processor is configured to provide the credit card account information based upon the
`multicharacter code of the entity to enable the transaction.
`(Previously Presented) The system as claimed in claim 9, wherein the system is
`configured to receive an approval of the credit card transaction.
`(Previously Presented) The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the account identifying
`information includes bank card account information regarding the entity, and wherein the
`processor is configured to provide the bank card account information to enable the transaction
`based upon the multicharacter code of the entity.
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`Application No. 11/768,729
`Amendment dated May 20, 2013
`After Final Office Action of December 18, 2012
`Docket No.: W0537-700620
`(Previously Presented) The system as claimed in claim 11, wherein the system is
`configured to provide an approval of the bank card transaction.
`(Previously Presented) The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the information
`includes personal identification information regarding the entity.
`(Previously Presented) The system as claimed in claim 13, wherein the personal
`identification information comprises a photograph of the entity, and wherein the photograph is
`provided to the first party.
`(Previously Presented) The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the account identifying
`information identifies email address information regarding the entity.
`(Currently Amended) A method for providing information to a first party to enable
`transactions between the first party and entities who have secure data stored in a secure regisz
`in which each entity is identified by a time-varying multicharacter code, the method comprising:
`receiving the time-varying multicharacter code for an entity on whose behalf a
`transaction is to take place;
`mapping the time—varying multicharacter code to an identity of the entity in a database
`using only the time-varying multicharacter code;
`determining compliance based—en with any access restrictions for the first party to secure
`data for completing the transaction;
`accessing information required to perform the transaction, the information including
`account identifying information—unknown—te—thefirst—pafi—y;
`providing the account identifying information to a third party without providing the
`account identifying information to the first party; and
`using the account identifying information to enable the first party to perform the
`transaction without the first party’s knowledge of the account identifying information.
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`Application No. 11/768,729
`Amendment dated May 20, 2013
`After Final Office Action of December 18, 2012
`Docket No.: W0537-700620
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 16, wherein the act of receiving the time-
`varying multicharacter code comprises receiving the time—varying multicharacter code
`transmitted via a secure electronic transmission device.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 16, wherein the act of receiving the time—
`varying multicharacter code comprises receiving an encrypted multicharacter code, and
`wherein the method further comprises decrypting the encrypted multicharacter code.
`(Previously Presented) The method as claimed in claim 16, wherein the transaction
`includes a service provided by the first party,
`wherein the service includes delivery,
`wherein the account identifying information is associated with an address to which an
`item is to be delivered for the entity, and
`wherein the third party receives the address for delivery of an item provided by the first
`(Previously Presented) The method as claimed in claim 16, wherein the account
`identifying information includes a credit card number, and wherein the act of using the account
`identifying information comprises using the credit card number to enable the transaction.
`(Previously Presented) The method as claimed in claim 24, wherein the act of using the
`account identifying information comprises receiving a validation or denial of the transaction
`without providing the credit card number of the entity to the first party.
`8 of 16


`Application No. 11/768,729
`Amendment dated May 20, 2013
`After Final Office Action of December 18, 2012
`Docket No.: W0537-700620
`(Previously Presented) The method as claimed in claim 16, wherein the act of using the
`account identifying information comprises using bank card information about the entity to
`enable a transaction.
`(Previously Presented) The method as claimed in claim 26, wherein the act of using the
`information comprises receiving a validation or denial of the bank card transaction without
`providing a bank card number of the entity to the first party.
`(Previously Presented) The method as claimed in claim 16, wherein the act of mapping
`the time—varying multicharacter code to information required by the first party comprises
`mapping the time—varying multicharacter code to personal identification information about the
`(Previously Presented) The method as claimed in claim 28, wherein the personal
`identification information comprises a photograph of the entity, and
`wherein the method further comprises an act of providing the photograph to the first
`(Previously Presented) The method as claimed in claim 16, wherein the account
`identifying information identifies email address information about the entity.
`(Previously Presented) The method as claimed in claim 24, further comprising an act of
`transmitting to the first party one of an approval or a denial of the credit card transaction.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 1, wherein the database is further configured
`to associate biometric information with each entity having secure data in the secure registry,
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`Application No. 11/768,729
`Amendment dated May 20, 2013
`After Final Office Action of December 18, 2012
`Docket No.: W0537-700620
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 33, wherein the processor is further
`configured to map the time-varying multicharacter code to biometric information associated with
`the entity on whose behalf the transaction is to be performed and to provide the biometric
`information to the first party.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 34, wherein the biometric information
`includes an image of the entity on whose behalf the transaction is to be performed.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 34, wherein the time-varying multicharacter
`code is generated by a device associated with the entity on whose behalf the transaction is to be
`(Previously Presented) The method as claimed in claim 16, further comprising an act of
`associating biometric information with each entity having secure data in the secure registry,
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 37, further comprising acts of:
`mapping the time—varying multicharacter code to biometric information associated with
`the entity on whose behalf the transaction is to be performed; and
`providing the biometric information to the first party.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 38, wherein the biometric information
`includes an image of the entity on whose behalf the transaction is to be performed.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 1, wherein the account identifying
`information includes an account number.
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`10 of16


`Application No. 11/768,729
`Amendment dated May 20, 2013
`After Final Office Action of December 18, 2012
`Docket No.: W0537-700620
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 41, wherein the account identifying
`information includes credit card account information and the account number includes a credit
`card number.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 41, wherein the third party includes a
`financial service provider and the account number includes at least one of a debit card number
`and a credit card number.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 43, wherein the first party includes a
`merchant, and the service includes a sale of at least one of goods and services.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 44, wherein the processor is further
`configured to receive, from the first party, a merchant ID, and a purchase amount.
`(Previously Presented) The system of claim 1, wherein the identity of the entity is
`unknown until the time-varying code is mapped to the identity by the processor.
`(Currently Amended) A secure registry system for providing information to a first party
`to enable transactions between the first party and entities with secure data stored in the secure
`registry system, the secure registry system comprising:
`a database including secure data for each entity, wherein each entity is associated with a
`time-varying multicharacter code for each entity having secure data in the secure registry
`system, respectively, each time-varying multicharacter code representing an identity of one of
`the respective entities, wherein the database is configured to permit or deny access to
`information on the respective entity using the time—varying multicharacter code; and
`a processor configured to receive; the time-varying multicharacter code for the entity on
`whose behalf a transaction is to be performed, configured to map the time-varying
`multicharacter code to the identity of the entity to identify the entity, configured to execute a
`restriction mechanism configured—to determine compliance with any access restrictions for the
`first party to secure data for completing the transaction, configured to obtain from the database
`the secure data associated with the entity including information required to enable the
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`Application No. 11/768,729
`Amendment dated May 20, 2013
`After Final Office Action of December 18, 2012
`Docket No.: W0537-700620
`transaction, the information including account identifying information, and configured to
`provide the account identifying information to a third party to enable the transaction without
`providing the account identifying information to the first party.
`(Currently Amended) A secure registry system for providing information to a first party
`to enable transactions between the first party and entities with secure data stored in the secure
`registry system, the secure registry system comprising:
`a database including secure data for each entity, wherein each entity is associated with a
`time-varying multicharacter code for each entity having secure data in the secure registry
`system, respectively, each time—varying multicharacter code representing an identity of one of
`the respective entities; and
`a processor configured to receive the time-varying multicharacter code for the entity on
`whose behalf a transaction is to be performed, configured to map the time-varying
`multicharacter code to the identity of the entity without requiring further information to identify
`the entity, configured to access from the database secure data associated with the entity
`including information required to enable the transaction, the information including account
`identifying information, and configured to provide the account identifying information to a third
`party to enable the transaction without providing the account identifying information to the first
`party, and wherein enabling the transaction without providing account identifying information to
`the first party includes limiting the—aeeeunt—identifyi—n—g transaction information provided by the
`secure registry system to the first party to transaction approval information.
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`12 0f16


`Application No. 11/768,729
`Amendment dated May 20, 2013
`After Final Office Action of December 18, 2012
`Docket No.: W0537-700620
`Claims 1, 3-5, 9-16, 19-21, 24-30, 32-39 and 41-48 were previously pending in this
`application. Claims 1, 16, 47 and 48 have been amended. As a result claims 1, 3-5, 9-16, 19-21,
`24—30, 32—39 and 41—48 are pending for examination with claims 1, 16, 47 and 48 being
`independent claims. No new matter has been added.
`As indicated in the Advisory Action communicated on May 1, 2013, the submitted
`amendments require further search and/or consideration. Applicant respectfully submits the
`present amendment (assuming entry of the Amendments to the claims submitted on April 12,
`2013) for further considered. For the convenience of the Examiner, Applicant has included the
`prior argument in the April 12, 2013 Response updated to reflect the claim amendments
`presented herein.
`Rejections Under 35 U.S.C. §103
`The Office Action rejected claims 1, 3—5, 9—16, 19—21, 24—30, 32—39 and 41—48 under 35
`U.S.C. §103(a) as being unpatentable over U.S. Patent No. 7,571,139 B1 to Gioradano et a1.
`(hereinafter Gioradano) in view of U.S. Patent No. 5,657,388 to Weiss (hereinafter Weiss). In
`response, Applicant has amended claims 1, 16, 47 and 48 and submits the following remarks.
`Applicant respectfully asserts that the claim 1, as amended, is patentable in View of the
`alleged combination at least because Giordano and Weiss alone or in proper combination do not
`teach or suggest “a restriction mechanism configured to determine compliance with any access
`restrictions for the first party to secure data for completing the transaction,” as recited in claim 1,
`as amended.
`Giordano is directed to “a network for processing retail sales transactions” including “a
`customer transceiver with a unique customer number” (Abstract). Giordano teaches a
`“transaction processing system” that processes transactions with the “appropriate payment
`processing center” based on received authorization requests including “the customer ID,
`merchant ID and transaction data” (Col. 3 Lines 29—36). In summary, Giordano teaches the use
`of a customer transceiver to authorize a transaction processing system to carry out a monetary
`transaction between a customer and a merchant at the appropriate payment processing center.
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`Application No. 1 1/768,729
`Amendment dated May 20, 2013
`After Final Office Action of December 18, 2012
`Docket No.: W0537-700620
`Giordano does not teach or suggest “a restriction mechanism configured to determine
`compliance with any access restrictions for the first party to secure data for completing the
`transaction,” as recited in claim 1, as amended. Rather, Giordano teaches the use of a customer
`transceiver to authorize a transaction processing system to carry out a monetary transaction
`between a customer and a merchant at the appropriate payment processing center. Accordingly,
`claim 1, as amended, distinguishes over the Giordano reference.
`Weiss is directed to “a method and apparatus for utilizing a token” to “provide secure
`access by authorized users to a selected resource” (Abstract). Weiss teaches the generation and
`use of a one-time variable multi-character code based in part on information stored in the token
`to authenticate the user’s identity. Weiss does not teach or suggest “a restriction mechanism
`configured to determine compliance with any access restrictions for the first party to secure data
`for completing the transaction,” as recited in claim 1, as amended. Rather, Weiss teaches the use
`of a one-time variable multi-character code based in part on information stored in a user’ 5 token
`to authenticate a user. Accordingly, claim 1, as amended, distinguishes over the Weiss
`As neither Giordano nor Weiss teach or suggest “a restriction mechanism configured to
`determine compliance with any access restrictions for the first party to secure data for
`completing the transaction,” the combination, even if assumed proper, does not teach or suggest
`claim 1, as amended. Claims 3—5, 9—15, 33—36 and 41—46 depend from claim 1 and are allowable
`for at least the same reasons. Accordingly, withdrawal of the rejection of claims 1, 3-5, 9-15,
`33-36 and 41-46 under 35 U.S.C. §103(a) is respectfully requested.
`Independent Claim 16
`Independent claim 16, as amended, recites “determining compliance with any access
`restrictions for the first party to secure data for completing the transaction.” As discussed above
`with respect to claim 1, Giordano teaches the use of a customer transceiver to authorize a
`transaction processing system to carry out a monetary transaction between a customer and a
`merchant at the appropriate payment processing center. Thus, Giordano does teach or suggest
`“determining compliance with any access restrictions for the first party to secure data for
`completing the transaction,” as recited in claim 16, as amended. Assuming the combination is
`proper, the addition of Weiss does not cure this deficiency as Weiss does not teach or suggest
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`Application No. 11/768,729
`Amendment dated May 20, 2013
`After Final Office Action of December 18, 2012
`Docket No.: W0537-700620
`“determining compliance with any access restrictions for the first party to secure data for
`completing the transaction,” as recited in claim 16, as amended. Claims 19-21, 24-30, 32 and
`37-39 depend from claim 16 and are allowable for at least the same reasons. Accordingly,
`withdrawal of the rejection of claims 16, 19—21, 24—30, 32 and 37—39 under 35 U.S.C. §103(a) is
`respectfully requested.
`Independent Claim 47
`Independent claim 47 is also patentable in view of the alleged combination at least
`because Giordano and Weiss alone or in proper combination do not teach or suggest “restriction
`mechanism to determine compliance with any access restrictions for the first party to secure data
`for completing the transaction,” as recited in claim 47, as amended. As discussed above with
`respect to claim 1, Giordano teaches the use of a customer transceiver to authorize a transaction
`processing system to carry out a monetary transaction between a customer and a merchant at the
`appropriate payment processing center. The addition of Weiss does not cure this deficiency.
`Accordingly, withdrawal of the rejection of claim 47 under 35 U.S.C. §103(a) is respectfully
`Independent Claim 48
`Independent claim 48, as amended, is patentable in view of the alleged combination at
`least because Giordano and Weiss alone or in proper combination do not teach or suggest
`“wherein enabling the transaction without providing account identifying information to the first
`party includes limiting transaction information provided by the secure registry system to the first
`party to transaction approval information,” as recited claim 48, as amended. Giordano teaches
`the “transaction processing system” transmitting to the online merchant “identification
`information and other data unique to the associated customer in the absence of a retail
`transaction” (See Col. 4 Lines 17-21). Giordano explicitly teaches the transmission of
`information regarding the user (e.g., entity or purchaser), including loyalty program information
`(See e.g., Col. 4 Lines 54—58), to a merchant (e.g., first party) rather than limiting the
`information transmitted to the merchant to transaction approval information. Accordingly,
`Giordano does not teach or suggest claim 48, as amended. Assuming the combination is proper,
`the addition of Weiss does not cure this deficiency. Weiss teaches the use of a one-time variable
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`Application No. 11/768,729
`Amendment dated May 20, 2013
`After Final Office Action of December 18, 2012
`Docket No.: W0537-700620
`multi—character code based in part on information stored in a user’ 5 token to authenticate a user.
`Thus, Weiss does not teach “wherein enabling the transaction without providing account
`identifying information to the first party includes limiting the account identifying information
`provided by the secure registry system to the first party to transaction approval information,” as
`recited in claim 48, as amended. Accordingly, withdrawal of the rejection of claim 48 under 35
`U.S.C. §103(a) is respectfully requested.
`In view of the foregoing amendments and remarks, reconsideration is respectfully
`requested. This application should now be in condition for allowance; a notice to this effect is
`respectfully requested. If the Examiner believes, after this amendment, that the application is
`not in condition

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