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`New International
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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title;
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`unabndged: a Merriam-Webster/editor in chief, Philip Babcock Gove
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`ISBN 0-87779-201-1 (blue sturdite).—ISBN 0-87779-202-X
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`1. English language—Dictionaries. I. Gove, Philip Babcock.
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`USR Exhibit 2003, Page 3


`t •
`. r
`K i
`b : being the Use in each group ol three in a series — often
`preceded by every <lake out every; — card) 3 : other than tbs
`two known, mentioned, or participating <there cannot be a ~
`a secret) 4 : being between 2.51 and 3.50 on the
`magnitude scale — used of the magnitude of a star
`2thlTd \"\ n -s [ ME thrldde, fr. thirae, thrldde, adj. ] 11 number
`three in a countable series (the
`of the month) 2 i the
`quotient of a unit divided by three I one of three equal pacts of
`something (one ~ of the total) 3 tlllrds nl a : the third part
`of the personal estate of a deceased husband which by the
`common-law statute of distribution and by some local statutes
`goes after various conditions have been fulfilled ateolutely to
`the widow upon the husband's dying intestate and leaving a
`descendant b I a widow's dower C : a widow’s
`statutory right to share in her deceased husband's estate and
`esp. in his personalty d S'eors law ; the third part of the reve­
`nues of the ecclesiastical benefices taken in 1562 and 1567
`and later by the king into bis hands and appropriated to the
`support of the acting clergy 4a : a musical interval embracing
`three diatonic degrees b : a tone at this interval; specif : the
`third note or tone of a scale : mediant c ; the harmonic
`combination of two tones a third apart 5 : an article ol mer-
`chandise (as coarse flour) of a third grade
`or inferior
`to seconds —
`usu. used in pi. 6 I the price formerly paid by a
`student entering a British university for the furniture in his
`rooms being commonly two thirds oi that paid by the
`tenant 7 : third base 8 I the third gear or speed of an
`automotive vehicle 9 i tierce 4 10 lone having authority or
`precedence next below that of a person (as a mate) ranking
`second in a grade or degre
`»miiy\odvVlhlrdS ll
`in the third place 2 : with two
`ceptions (the nation’s largest city)
`«thira \“\ V/ -ED/-ING/-S [ME(Sc) thrldden. it. ME Ihlrde.
`thridde, adj., third] 1 : to divide into three parts 2 I to fol­
`low a seconder in supporting (as a motion)
`third angle n : an angle of the Great Triangle formed on the
`palm by the intersection of the lines of Head and Mercury
`that when clear, well-poinled, and even is usu. held by
`palmists to indicate quickness of intellect, individuality, and
`good health — called also middle angle; compare first angle,
`third baS6-n 1: the base that must be touched third by a base
`runner in baseball 2 : the player position lor defending tbe
`area of the infield around third base
`third baseman n : the baseball player stationed at the third-
`base position
`BASEBALL illustration
`third-best ud/(ME(Sc) Ihrid best, fr, ME Ihlrde, thrldde,
`f/lr/d third -f o«/];nexl to second-best in quality or excellence
`third-borough V'bard.-C.l-X n [ME Ihrldborro, prob. by folk
`etymology (influence of ME ihlrde. thrldde, Ihrld third) fr.
`Jrlihborg frankpledge — more at prithborh] : a former En­
`glish peace officer esp. of a tithing
`third Class n : the third and
`. next below the second class in
`aclassification; as a l a class of U.S. mail
`prising printed
`matter exclusive of regularly issued periodicals and mer­
`chandise less than 16 ounces in weight and not sealed against
`inspeaion; also : a similar class of Canadian mail with dif­
`ferent weight limits b : the least expensive class of accom­
`modations.(as on a railroad train) — compare tourist class
`adj lihlrd class] : of or relating to a class,
`rank, or grade next below the second
`^third-class \*«|r\ adv ; by a third-class conveyance I with
`third-class accommodations (travel third-class)
`third cranial nerve or third nerve n : oculomotor nerve
`third day n, usu cap T : Tuesday — used chiefly by the Friends
`third deck n ; lower deck lb — see deck illustration
`third degree n 1 : master mason 2a 2 : the subjection of a
`prisoner to mental torture (as continuous questioning over
`excessive!)’ long periods) or physical torture (as restriction to a
`meager diet or deprivation of sleep) in an effort to wring a
`confession from him
`'third-degree Xlr-l'N adl [fr. the phrase third degree] l ol a
`degree next to the second; spcclj ; of a degree ol criminal
`culpability or seriousness second after first-degree (ifiirif-degree
`*third-degree \"\ vi lihlrd degree] : to administer the third
`degree to (the police beat prisoners and third-degree them
`third-degree burnn : a burn characterized by destruction of
`the skin through the depth of the derma and possibly into
`underlying tissues, loss of fluid, and sometimes shock if the
`burned area is extensive
`third dimension n 1 ; thickness or depth esp. when it Is the
`quality that confers solidity on an object (the image on the
`Eiaper seems to have a third dimension) 2 I a quality that con-
`srs reality or iifelikeness (night sounds that stick in the mind
`and give a third dimension to the memory —Adie Suehsdorf) —
`third-dimensional ad/
`third estate n : the third of the traditional political orders;
`speeU i the commons
`thud eyelid n s nictitating membrane
`third floor n I THIRD STORY
`third force
`: a grouping (as of political parties or nations)
`intermediate between two opposing political forces
`adj (fr, the phrase third genera­
`tion] 1; being a member of the third generation of a family to
`be born in the U.S. (a third-generation American) 2 I being a
`member of the second generation of a family to be born in the
`third hand n 1 : the third person to own or sell a used article
`2 : a thirdhand source (as of information) 3 : the third player
`to have the right to bid in bridge : the third player to play to
`any trick 4 a : a workman who helps the backtender at the
`dry end of a paper machine 6 i one who under the direction of
`a second hand supervises a section of workers in a textile mill
`C ; a factnry worker who assists operators or fixers of machines
`'thirdhand X'^l^X adj [thirdhand] 1: received from or through
`two intermediaries (~ information) 2 a : used or worn by
`two previous owners : bought or acquired after being used by
`two others (a ^ stove) h : dealing in thirdhand merchandise
`’thirdhand \"X adv i at third hand
`third bouse n [so called fr, its relation to the two houses of
`which many legislatures are composed] : a legislative lobby
`tbixd-lngs X'lhordiQzX n pllihirding (gerund of ‘third) 4- -s, n
`pi. suKix] : a heriot consisting of the third part of the corn or
`gram growing on (he ground at the tenant's death
`third inversion n : a seventh chord with the seventh in the bass
`SEVENTH CHORD illustration
`third law ol thermodynamics : law op thermodynamics 3
`third-ly odv i in the third place
`third man n 1: an off side fielding position in cricket usu. near
`the boundary and roughly in line with third slip and the striker;
`also S a player fielding in this posUion — see cricket illustra­
`tion 2 [trans. of Ok Iritos anihropos] : a logical paradox in
`which the attempt to pass from one thing to another
`relate one conception to another reveals (he necessity of a
`third and intervening thing or conception and hence leads to
`an infinite regress
`third mortgage n : a mortgage given or recorded after two
`others have been previously given on the same property with a
`lien subordinate to the first two given or recorde
`third-ness n -es : a fundamental category in Peircean philoso­
`phy consisting of the connecting bond oetween firstness and
`secondness and expressive of law, generality, purpose, and
`third order n [trans. of ML terlius ordo; fr. the partial re­
`semblance lo an order of monks or an order of nuns] : a group
`affiliated with a Roman Catholic religious order and compris­
`ing men and women devoted to a special rule of pious living
`usu. without vows
`third-order reaction n [third-order fr. the phrase third order]
`: a chemical reaction in which the rate of reaction is propor-
`Uonal to the concentration of each of three reacting molecules
`— compare order of a reaction
`third party n 1 : a person other than the principals (a third
`party to a divorce proceeding) (insurance against injury to
`third parties) 2 a : a major political party operating over a
`limited period of time in addition lo two other major parties in
`a political unit (as a nation or state) normally characterized by
`a two-party system b : minor party
`adj llhirdparty} ; of. involving, or referring
`thlrt-over \'thar,t5var, 'ih-X var o! THWAHTOVER
`to a third party (.third-party insurance) <the Ihlrd-party vote)
`'thlr-ty X' 'thal, 'Ihsil. (tl, |i\ adj [ME thirty. Ihrllly,
`third person n i a : a set of lingubtic forms (as verb forms,
`Sr. OE thriilg, Sr. Ihrtilg, n., group of 30, fr, thrie, ihrlo three +
`pronouns, and inflectional affixes) referring to someone or
`-tig group of 10 — more at thres, eighty] : being one mote
`something that is neither the speaker or writer of the utterance
`than 29 m number (~ years) — see number table
`in which they occur nor the one to whom that utterance is ad­
`’tMrty y'\ pron, pi In consir [ME thirty, thritty, fr. OE
`dressed (Latin vfdef "he sees" is in the third person singular)
`thriilg, Sr. thriilg, n. & adj.] : 30 countable persons or things
`(English they is a nominative plural pronoun of the third per­
`not spealied but under consideration and being enumerated
`son^ b ; a linguistic form belonging to such a set (English is
`are here) (-“ were found)
`and goes are third persony 2 i reference of a linguistic form to
`’Qllrty \"\ n -ES [ME Ihrllly, Sr. OB thrUig, Sr. Ihriiig, adj.)
`someone or something that is neither the speaker or writer of
`1 : three tens ; twice 15 : five times six : six fives 2 a : io
`the utterance in which it occurs nor the one to whom that ut­
`units or objects (a total of ~> b { a group or set of 30
`terance is addressed (the Latin verb ending -t that marks the
`(arranged by ihirliesy 3 I the numerable quantity symbolized
`third perron)
`by the arable numerals 30 4 thirtiespf a : the numbers 30 to
`third personal ad! ; of or belonging to tbe third person (a
`39 inclusive (a score in the ihlriles') (low grades in the ihlriles>
`third personal pronoun)
`b : tbe members of a series or set of successive numbers that
`third raU
`: a metal rail through which current is led to the
`-end in 30 to 39 inclusive (the ihlriles of the preceding century)
`motors of an electric locomotive — compare running rail
`(lives in the Ihinles in the next block) 0 : the portion of a
`third-rate\'«|»\ od/tfr. the phrase third rale] : of third quality
`continuum lying between 30 and 40 on a scale of measurement
`or value : less than second rate in excellence or worth
`or segmentation (temperatures in the ihiriies tomorrow) (a
`thlrd-rat-er \'»;rad.a(r), -ata-x n ; one that is third-rate
`man in his ihiriiesy (dresses selling in the ihirilesS (in the
`third reading n 1 : the stage in the British legislative process
`latitude of the Ihiriiesy 6 : the 30ih in a set or series; esp f an
`following the report stage and usu. providing for debate on the
`aru'de of clothing of the 30th size (wears a ~) 6 I something
`reported text of a bill before a vote on its final disposition
`having as an essentia! feature 30 units or members 7 a I a
`2 1 the stage in the U.S. legislative process which follows the
`mark or sign of completion ("Thank you. Mr. President” the
`second reading and in which an engrossed bill is read usu. by
`traditional closin
`press conferences —Ethyl News)
`title only before a vote on its final disposition
`J — written on their earthly life —
`thirds pi oj THIRD, pres 3d sing oj THIRD
`Trade Compositor) 8 I the second point scored by a side in
`third sex n : homoscxuals
`tennis 9 ! a 30 caliber machine gun . .. usu. written .30
`third Slipn t a fielding position in cricket near to and on the off
`adj : being one more thao 37 in number
`side of second slip; also ; a player fielding in thb position
`(t/ifrO’-efeAiyears) — see number table
`third story n 1 : the second story above the ground floor
`sthirty-eight \'‘X pron, pi in constr : 38 countable pei
`rsons or
`2 Bril : the third story above the ground floor
`things not specified but under consideration and bei
`third ventricle n : the median unpaired ventricle of the brain
`merated (.thirty-eight are here) (.ihirly-eighi were found
`bounded by parts of the telencephalon and diencephalon —
`4thirty-eight \"\ n 1 : eight and 3i) I 19 times two 2 a : 38
`see BRAIN illustration
`units or objects (a total of Ihlny-elghi) b i a group or set of
`third water n S the quality or luster next below second water —
`38 3 I the numerable quantity symbolized by the arable
`used of a gem (
`a diamond or pearl)
`numerals 38 4 : the 38th in a set or series 6 : a 38 caliber
`third way n : economic and political development distinct from
`pistol — usu. written .38
`or esp. midway between the paths proposed by two extremes
`adj l ; being number 38 in a countable
`'thirl \'ihar(.a)l\ « -s [ME, fr. OE Ihyrel, Sr. thurh through —
`series (the thirty-eighth day) — see number table 2 ; being
`more at through] dial i hole, perforation, opening
`one of 38 eoual parts into which anything is divisible (a
`’thirl \“\ vr -eo/-ino/-.s [ME Ihlrlen, Sr. OE Ihyriian, fr. shyrel.
`thirty-eighth snare of the money)
`n.) 1 dial Bril : pierce, perforate, dru.i 2 dial Brit ; to
`’thirty-eighth \“\ n 1 : number 38 in a countable series
`Bierce with emotion : thrill
`2 : the.quotient of a unit divided by 38 : one of 38 equal parts
`lir! \"\ VI -edAinoAs [alter, of Sc thrill. Sr. ME (Sc) thriller
`of anything (one thirty-eighth of the total)
`to subject to thirlage, enslave, fr. thril thrall, alter, of ME
`adj 1 : being number 35 in a countable
`(hral— more at thrall] 1 Scots <t otd Eng law : to subject to
`(the Ikirly-Ji/ih day)
`NUMBER table 2: being one
`thirlage 2 ehlejiy Brit : to tie down I confine in course of
`of 35 equal parts into which anything is divisible (a ihlriy-jljth
`action : restrict
`share of the money)
`4thlrl \"\ fl -S 1 Scot : THIRLAGE 2 Scot I SUCKEN
`’thltty-Hfth\’'\ ■
`1 inumber 35 in a countable series 2lthe
`thlrl-age X'tharlijX n -s [alter, of Sc thrillage thralldom, fr. ME
`quotient of a unit divided by 35 : one of 35 equal parts of any­
`(Sc), fr. thru thrall -I- ME -age] : a feudal servitude, right, or
`thing (one thirly-li/ih of the total)
`service binding the tenants of a sucken to carry the gram pro­
`adj 1 : being number 31 in a countable
`duced there to a particular mill for grinding and to pay the
`series (the thiriy-jirsi day^ — see number table 2 : being one
`agreed or customary dues; also I the dues so exacted —
`of 31 equal parts into which anything is divisible (a Ihirly-llrsl
`pare outsucken
`share of the money)
`thirt-ing \-lici\ n -s [fr. gerund of tihlrl] : a cross hole
`’thirty-first \"\
`1 : number 31 in a countable series (the
`passage between breasts or headings in a coal mine usu. for
`thirty-jirst of the month) 2 1 the quotient of a unit divided by
`3! I one of 31 equal parts of anything (one ihirly-JIrsi of the
`'thirst X'tharst, 'thsst, 'thsistX
`•s (ME, alter, (prob. influ­
`enced by Ihirslen to thirst) of Ihursi, Sr. OE; akm to OHG
`adj : being one more than 34 in number
`durst thirst, ON Ihorsti, Goth ihaursiei thirst, L lorrere to dry,
`(.thirty-jive years) — see number table
`Earch, Ok lersesihai to become dry. Ski trsyatl he Uiirsts]
`’thirty-five \"\ pron, pi In constr : 35 countable persons or
`a : a sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat associated
`things not specified but under consideration and being
`with a desire for liquids; also ; the bodily condition (as of
`enumerated (Ihlriy-jlve are here) (ihiriy-Jlve were found)
`dehydration) thal induces this sensation b : a desire for
`’thirty-five \"\ n 1 ; five and 30 : five times seven i seven
`potable liquids or to drink 2 : an ardent desire : craving.
`fives 2 a : 35 units or objects (a total of ihirly-jlve) ti : a
`LONGING (the home folks'
`for news of its armies —'Bruce
`group or set of 35 3 I the numerable quantity symbolized by
`Cation) (t
`, , for new and up-to-date vehicles —F.L.Allen)
`the arable numerals 35 4 ; a gambling game for from two to
`3 or UllrsUa'ld X'r.i-X : a waterless tract (as a desert)
`five players in which the pot is won by the player who holds
`’thirst \"\ vf -edAinoAS [ME Ihlrslen. Sr. OE Ihyrslan; akin
`cards of the same suit totaling 35 or more points in value
`to OHG dursien to thirst, ON thyrsta: denominative fr, the
`'thir-ty-lola \:.«;told\ adj [ME Ihrlirijold. Sr. OE Ihriligleald.
`root of OB ihursi, n., thirst] 1 : to feel thirsty : suffer thirst
`fr. thriilg thirty -1- -Jeald -fold] 1: having 30 parts or aspects
`2 : to have a vehement desire : crave (a savage, unprincipled
`2 : being 30 times as large, as great, or as many as some
`brute who —ed lo overturn a society ... not to his advantage
`understood size, degree, or amount (a ~ increase)
`—I.H.Plumb) (adventurers ~lng for excitement —Waldemar
`’thirtyfold \"\ adv : to 30 times as much or as many t by 30
`Kaempffert) (— after every conceivable form of achievement
`times (brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixty­
`—Ernest Nagel) syn
`fold. some-------Mt f3;8 (AV)>
`thlrst*er \-sl9(r)\ n -s [ME thrlstere, fr. thrlsten, ihlrslen to
`adj : being one more than 33 in number
`thirst + -ere -er] ; one that is thirsty
`(fAirfy-/our years)
`see NUMBER table
`thirst<l*iy \-st41e, -li\ adv : with thirst : on account of thirst
`’thirty-four \"\
`pron, pi in constr : 34 countable persons or
`(drink —) (we wait — tor each new poem —Kenneth Clark)
`things not spedi tied but under consideration and being
`thirst-l-ness \-sten4s, -stm-\ n -es : the quality or state of
`enumerated (tA/ffy-/our
`are here) (Ihlrty-jour were found)
`being thirsty
`’thirty-four \“\ n 1; four and 30 : 17 times two 2 a : 34
`thlrsung n -s : the sensation of thirst; also : craving, longing
`units or objects (a total of thirty-Jour) b : a group or set of
`thirsHess \-stl4s\ adj : having no thirst
`34 3 : the numerable quantity symbolized by tbe arable
`thirst>les5<nes8 n -es ; the quality or slate of being thirsiless
`numerals 34
`thirst out vl: to conquer, expel, or gain control of by causing
`ttiJirty-lourth adj
`1: being number 34 i
`to thirst (will turn ofl the water ,.. with their dams and thirst
`series (the Ihlriy-Jourth day) — see NUMBER table 2 : being
`us out —Mary Lindsay)
`one of 34 equal parts into
`which anything is divisible (a
`thirsty X'lhsrste, 'th5s-,'thais-, -sti\ adj -erZ-est [ME. fr. OB
`Ihiriy-Jourth snare of the m
`Ihyrsjig, thurslig: akin to OHO durslag thirsty; both fr. a
`’thirty-fourth \"\
`1 : number 34 in a countable series
`prehistoric WOmc adjective whose first constituent is repre­
`2 : the quotient of a unit divided by 34 : one of 34 equal parts
`sented by OE ihurst thirst and whose second constituent is
`of anything (one ihlriy-jourth of the total)
`represented by OE -Ig -y) la: feeling thirst : experiencing a
`thir-ty-lsh \‘»ish\ adj : approaching or being about 30
`desire for drink b ; defiaent in moisture : dry, parched, arid
`years old
`(a dry and
`Ps63:lCAV)> ctable
`land, where no water i
`ad] : being one more than 38 in number
`to take in large quantities of liquid or moisture : highly
`(thirty-nine years) — see number table
`sorbent (the water sinks rapidly into the ground —
`’thirty-nino \"\ pron, pi fn constr ; 39 countable persons or
`James) 2 : having a strong desire : longing, avid (~ lot
`things not specified but under consideration and being
`some contact with the natural world —Fairfield Osborn)
`enumerated (thirty-nine are here) (.thirty-nine were found)
`'thlT-taen \(*)tharl(l)Iten, {')th5|, (’jthail sometimes |d-[en\
`’thirty-nine \"\n 1: nine and 30: three limes 13 2a: 39 units
`adj [MB Ihirltene, threttene, fr. OE tnreol&ie, ihrSotyne, thrlo-
`or objects (a total of thirty-nine) h : a group or set of 39
`lene (akin to OHO dnzehan, ON Ihreiian), fr. thrie, threo
`3 : the numerable quantity symbolized by the arabic numerals
`three + -liene, -tpne, -tine (fr. lien, ipn, tin ten)
`more at
`THREE, ten] I being one more than 12 in number (~ years) —
`'thirty-ntnth x;«'l«\ adj l j being number 39 in a countable
`see NUMBER table
`series (the thirty-ninth day) — see number table 2 : being one
`’thlrtesn \"\ pron, pi In constr [ME threttene, fr. OE tbreoTpne,
`of 39 equal parts into which anything is divisible (a thirty*
`Sr. Ihreollne, ihreotpne, threoHne, adj.] I thirteen countable
`ninth share of the money)
`Earsons or things not specified but under consideration and
`’thirty-ninth X"X
`1 I number 39 in a countable series
`sing enumerated (~ are here) (~ were found)
`2 : the quotient of a unit divided by 39 : one of 39 equal parts
`’thirteen \‘'\ n -s [ME thrittene. fr. iMriiene, threttene,
`of anything (one Ihlrly-ninlh ol the total)
`ihritlene, adj.] 1 : 10 and three 2 a ; 13 units or objects (a
`'thirty-on6 'X|*«i*X adj : being one more than 30 in number
`total of "-> b : a group or set of 13 3 I the numerable
`(thirty-one years) — see number table
`quantity symbolized by the arabic numerals 13 4 [so called
`’thirty-one X“X pron, pi in constr ; 31 countable persons
`fr, the fact that it was once worth thirteen
`pper pence in
`things not specified but under consideration and being
`Irish money] ehleJly Irish :
`English shilling
`6;the 13th in
`enumerated (thirty-one are here) (thirty-one were found)
`a set or series; esp : an article of clothing of the 13th size
`’IKlrty-one X"\ n 1 : one and 30 2 a : 3! units or objects
`n -s X ; thirteen 4 2 : the card of
`thlr-teen-er X-n9(r)X
`(a total of thirty-one) b : a group or set of 31 3 : the numer­
`a suit left after 12
`able quantity symbolized by the arabic numerals 31 4 [trans,
`thlrteen-lined ground squirrel also thlrteen-lined gopher
`of F Irenle et un) ; any oi various games played with cards,
`NI'i'I'-N a 5 a widely distributed western No. American
`dice, or numbers in which the winner is the player whose score
`burrowing squirrel [Cilellus Irldecemlineolus) that is grayish
`equals or most nearly approaches 31
`brown and marked with a series of longitudinal white lines
`thirty-one order n : a train order for which the engineer
`more or less broken into discrete spots — called also leopard
`other member of a train crew must sign — compare nineteen
`sguirrel, striped ground sguirrel
`'thir-teenth X-n(t)XhX adj [ME threttemhe, alter, (influenced
`adj 1 : being number 32 in a count­
`by threttene thirteen) of Ihretleihe, fr. OE Inrloteotha (akin to
`able series (the thirty-second day) — see number table
`ON IhrettSndt thirteenth), fr. threotine. threotyne. thrlotene
`2 : being one of 3 2 equal parts into which anything is divisible
`thirteen + -otha, -tha -th ] X : being number 13 in a countable
`(a thirty-second share of the money)
`series (the ~ day) — see number table 2 : being one of !3
`’thirty-second X“X n 1 : number 32 in a countable series
`equal parts into which anything is divisible (a ~ share of tbe
`2 : the quotient of a unit divided by 32 : one of 3 2 equal parts
`of anything (one thirty-second of the total)
`’thiTteenth X“X n. pi thirteenths X-n(0s. -n(0ths\ 1:
`num- thirty-second note n : a musical note with a tbree-flagged
`her 13 i
`a countable senes (the ~ of the month) 2 I the stem having the time
`quonent of a unit divided by 13 : one of i3 equal parts of valueofonethirty-seeond
`anything (one ~ of the total) 3 I a tax in medieval England of a whole note — call^
`comprising the 1 3th part of the value of movables or of an also demlsemtguo
`annua! rent 4 a : the musical interval comprising an octave thirty-second rest n ; a
`and a sixth b : a note or tone at this interval
`rest equal in time value to
`■thir*ti-eth X'lhar|d-|eath. ‘thal, 'thail. |t|, liithX adj [ME a thirty-second note
`ihritiiihe. Sr. OE ikritigotha (akin to ON ihrilugandi), Sr. 'thirty-sevenXl‘’»I*»Xmf/
`thirty-second notes
`thriilg thirty _+ -otha. -tha -th] 1 : being number 30 in a : being one more than 36
`countable series (the ~ day) — see number table 2 : being in number (thirty-seven years) — see number table
`one of 30 equal parts into which anything is divisible (a — ’thirty-seven \’’X pron. pi in constr : 37 countable persons
`things not specified but under consideration and being
`’thlrtselh X X n -S 1: number 30 in a countable series (the ~ enumerated (thirty-seven are here)
`(thirty-seven were found)
`oflhemonth) 2 i the quotient of a unit divided by 30: one of ’thir^-seven X“\ n 1 : seven an
`a 30 2 a : 37 units or
`30 equal parts of anything (one — of tbe total)
`objects (a total of thirty-seven) b ; a group or set of 37
`USR Exhibit 2003, Page 4

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