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`Huawei V. OPTIS Exhibit No. 1012 - 6/87


`PATENT DOCKET NO. 2101-3573
`CUSTOMER NO. 035884
`In re application of:
`Lee et al.
`Serial No: 60/988,433
`November 16, 2007
`Art Unit:
`Confirmation No. 9013
`Commissioner for Patents
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`Dear Examiner:
`In response to the Letter re Non-English Language Application Papers in a Provisional
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`Date: December 26, 2008
`/Harry S. Lee/
`Harry S. Lee
`Registration No. 56,814
`Customer No. 35884
`Huawei v. OPTIS Exhibit No. 1012 - 7/87


`L Sung Mi JEON of 648-23 Yeoksamudong, Gangnam—gu, Seoul, Repuinc of Korea
`state that the attached documents are a true and complete translation to the best of my
`knowledge of the Korean-English language and that
`the writings contained in the
`foilowing pages are correct English translations of the Provisional US. Patent
`Application Nos. 60/972,244; 60/987,427 and 60/988,433
`Dated this 18 rd day of November, 2008
`Signature of transiator:
`Sung Mi JEO
`Huawei V. OPTIS Exhibit No. 1012 - 8/87


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`Huawei v. OPTIS Exhibit No. 1012 - 10/87


`1. Technical Field of
`the Invention and the Related Art
`[FIG. 1]
`single carrier division multiplexing
`access (SC—FDMA) block diagram.
`An uplink system based on a single carrier frequency
`division multiplexing access
`technology generally
`information using the following processes.
`system converts
`transmitted into a serial—to-parallel sequence in such a way
`a Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) process
`is carried
`If the DFT is carried out,
`then an IFFT process is
`In this case,
`the length of information inserted
`into the IFE‘T may be different
`from the IFFT size,
`the DFT
`Huawei v. OPTIS Exhibit No. 1012 - 11/87


`associated with
`IFFT input
`mapped, and then the mapped result is then transferred.
`IFFT resultant values are converted into parallel—to—serial
`A cyclic prefix (CP)
`is added to the parallel-to—
`serial data,
`such that the CP-added result is converted into
`an OFDM symbol
`and this OFDM symbol
`is transmitted
`via a real space—time.
`1 is an exemplary block diagram
`for transmission of SC-FDMA information.
`to maintain
`simultaneously while satisfying either a
`low peak power—to-
`or‘ a
`cubic metric
`information must be
`inserted ~into successive indexes when
`DFT—precoded information is inserted into an OFDM—formatted
`In other words,
`the DPT—preceded
`information is
`inserted into OFDM—successive
`transmitting uplink information,
`information of
`information and data
`is multiplexed,
`the multiplexed information is
`the DFT-precoded
`according to an OFDM scheme.
`[FIG. 2]
`Huawei v. OPTIS Exhibit No. 1012 - 12/87


` owlhflammmtmmfimmmaommgamm
`The data
`information multiplexed with
`information is divided into several code blocks on the basis
`the size of
`transport block to be transmitted to the
`uplink, and these code blocks are encoded.
`The encoded code
`blocks are concatenated to construct one data information
`and this data information sequence is multiplexed
`with the control information.
`The control
`information capable of being transmitted
`along with data in the uplink is classified into two kinds of
`information may
`classified into an UL ACK/NACK signal used as a confirmation
`signal for uplink data and other control
`The UL
`ACK/NACK signal
`for downlink data is transmitted only when
`Huawei v. OPTIS Exhibit No. 1012 - 13/87


`downlink data exists.
`A mobile
`station which does not
`recognize an obligation of receiving downlink data may don’t
`know this obligation although
`it must
`ACK/NACK signal,
`such that
`two kinds of control
`is discriminated,
`and the discriminated control
`transmitted to
`information described in the present
`invention is indicative
`of control
`information except for the UL ACK/NACK signal, and
`UL ACK/NACK signal will hereinafter
`be described in
`When data information is transmitted to the uplink,
`this data
`information may
`transmitted along with the
`information, or the data information and the control
`along with
`Otherwise, only the data information and the
`ACK/NACK information can be transmitted at the same time.
`to the
`transmission information sequence may be constructed when the
`data information is multiplexed with the control
`the ACK/NACK information.
`In this case,
`information sequences are arranged by a
`time—first mapping
`such that
`these transmission information sequences
`are transmitted according to the SC-FDMA scheme.
`For example,
`it is assumed that the transmission information sequences are
`Huawei v. OPTIS Exhibit No. 1012 - 14/87


`transmitted using only one
`resource block (i.e.,
`via -a
`is composed of
`and two SC—FDMA symbols are used as
`signal acting as
`a pilot.
`In this case,
`the number of
`modulated symbols of information capable of being transmitted
`to the uplink is 144 (i.e.,
`12 x 12 = 144).
`144 information
`sequence symbols are transmitted via 12 virtual subcarriers
`and 12
`SC—FDMA symbols.
`configured in the form of
`(12x12) matrix,
`such that
`(12x12) matrix
`Information sequences
`to be
`transmitted to the uplink are
`mapped in the direction of an SC—FDMA symbol axis one by one.
`The SC—FDMA symbol is divided into several sections in a time
`such that this mapping method is called a time—first
`mapping method.
`Sequences are arranged in the direction of a
`time axis of
`the time—frequency mapper as
`shown in FIGS.
`and 5. According to'a method for firstly arranging sequences
`on a
`time axis, after the time—frequency mapping occurs,
`DFT process is performed on sequences arranged on a frequency
`the DFT result
`is inserted into a desired frequency
`and the IFFT and the cyclic prefix (CP) are added to
`the inserted result,
`such that the SC—FDMA symbol is made and
`[FIG. 3]
`Huawei V. OPTIS Exhibit No. 1012 - 15/87


`... gm. 4
`. *7“ mm.“
`363:“ unkind:
`Huawei v. OPTIS Exhibit No. 1012 - 16/87


`an SC-FDMA subframe mapping method of
`transmission information sequences in case of a normal cyclic
`prefix (CP).
`[FIG. 5]
`mmwfka 5
`505WW G!
`an SC-FDMA subframe mapping method of
`transmission information sequences
`in case of
`an extended
`cyclic prefix (CP).
`Data and the control
`information can be simultaneously
`information and the control
`information are multiplexed by a
`rate multiplexing process.
`However, ACK/NACK information is
`constructed when either
`in which data
`information are multiplexed or
`a bitstreanl of data
`information is punctured,
`such that
`the ACK/NACK information
`Huawei V. OPTIS Exhibit No. 1012 - 17/87


`is inserted.
`In this case,
`this puncturing process subtracts
`specific bit information from the bitstream,
`and inserts new
`information into the deducted result,
`such that
`length of
`inserted resultant
`information is
`to the
`length of bitstreams of overall information.
`Generally, reliability of the control
`information must
`be higher than that of data.
`this purpose,
`the control
`information must be multiplexed or
`inserted in the vicinity
`estimation performance effect,
`resulting in the improvement
`of a performance.
`2. Constructions and Operations of the Invention
`The present
`invention assigns different priorities to
`information segments when data
`a control—information bitstream,
`and eni ACK/NACK
`information sequence are multiplexed,
`in such a way that
`information segments having different priorities
`are multiplexed.
`In this case, multiplexing methods
`orders of 'the individual methods are decided according to
`some rules.
`Method 1-a-1
`This l—a—l method is based on a first principle which
`maximally arranges control
`information on a time axis, and a
`Huawei v.1 OPTIS Exhibit No. 1012 - 18/87


`information on
`the time axis,
`such that
`it provides
`multipleXing method based on the first and second principles.
`The ACK/NACK information provides
`the multiplexing
`method without puncturing control information.
`Cami Waning
`Om: $51:th System Bias m 905m “a rim:
`bat» puma! AGKMACK 37mm“
`Huawei v. OPTIS Exhibit No. 1012 - 19/87


`NI!“W mm “m
`According to the above—mentioned l—a—l method, control
`concatenated simultaneously while being multiplexed,
`and the
`is mapped
`symbols according to the time—first mapping method,
`such that
`the mapped result is transmitted to the uplink.
`information must also be
`transmitted, modulated symbols of
`this ACK/NACK information assign equal distribution to data
`information is
`In this case, according to this equal distribution,
`the modulated symbols are equally distributed to an overall
`Huawei v. OPTIS Exhibit No. 1012 - 20/87


`length of
`a data-information sequence,
`and the distributed
`is punctured.
`The above—mentioned puncturing process
`the modulated symbols of
`the data information,
`the modulated symbols are inserted into the removed locations.
`provided that
`number of modulated
`the data-information sequence
`number of modulated symbols of the ACK/NACK information is 8,
`the modulated symbols of
`the ACK/NACK information will be
`inserted by
`the puncturing of data—information modulated
`symbols at
`intervals of 12 modulated symbols.
`In this way,
`provided that
`the data-information sequences
`punctured and this data information is composed of several
`code blocks,
`the ACK/NACK information is equally punctured
`from each code block,
`such that it prevents a performance of
`only a specific code block from being greatly deteriorated.
`the ACK/NACK information may
`compulsorily inserted by the puncturing of modulated symbols
`Information sections as many as the modulated symbols in all
`the code blocks are punctured,
`such that the punctured result
`can always prevent
`the performance of a specific code block
`from being deteriorated.
`Method 1—a—2
`Huawei v. OPTIS Exhibit No. 1012 - 21/87


`This l—a—Z method is based on a first principle which
`maximally arranges control
`information on a time axis, and a
`information on
`the time axis,
`such that
`it provides
`multiplexing method based on the first and second principles.
`The ACK/NACK information provides another multiplexing
`This multiplexing method does not maximally perform
`the puncturing of
`the control
`information, Vand
`can also
`puncture the control
`information if the number of bits of the
`information is higher than the number of bits of data
`[FIG. 7]
`assigns the same modulated symbol interval to the information
`sequence where control
`information and data information are
`puncturing process
`resultant ACK/NACK information, and then the punctured result
`is inserted.
`[FIG. 8]
`Huawei v. OPTIS Exhibit No. 1012 - 22/87


`Equal labs“! Which 91WW MOW WI:
`go- MC'K Momma! WWI‘Q Position
`Mlfiifid Symbol 09136! Vahe
`AW MOMM 333%] WWW Podfim 011m
`if the interval between the modulated
`symbols where the punctured ACK/NACK information is inserted
`is equal
`to the number of SC-OFDM symbols via which data- or
`information of
`the uplink subframe is transmitted,
`ACK/NACK modulated symbols can be transmitted to the same SC-
`such that
`the SC-FDMA offset value is assigned to each
`ACK/NACK modulated
`that all
`information sequences are not
`located at
`the same
`Method 1-b
`l—b method is based on a first principle which
`maximally arranges control
`information on the time axis,
`second. principle which transmits ACK/NACK information in
`the vicinity of a reference signal used as a pilot,
`such that
`it provides the multiplexing method based on the first and
`second principles.
`[FIG. 9]
`Huawei v. OPTIS Exhibit No. 1012 - 23/87


`c°' no! 5‘9’ “‘9
`Data mac»
`Pam man Panama Onto moduiauan
`Possible ACKINNZK Madmaflon am;
`u..’¢¢o’%¢ ‘
`, an ,
`. . M
`auteiflowr o
` u.¢4~o¢‘
`¢ 0 o a 9 a o QJ.
`. J.
`‘9 0 :5 9‘“: .
`no on coo «
`, 06 véooa
` ‘0 'Q'Oy ow.
`§§'5"~.. ‘ t: 0‘
`‘f' JVUE§§
`90 +0 4.
`According to the above—mentioned l—b method, control
`concatenated simultaneously while being multiplexed,
`and the
`is mapped
`symbols according to the time—first mapping method,
`such that
`the mapped result
`is transmitted to the uplink.
`information must
`l—b method
`Huawei v. OPTIS Exhibit No. 1012 - 24/87


`punctures the modulated symbols
`located in the vicinity of
`the reference signal
`in the data—information sequence without
`insertion of the ACK/NACK signal.
`In this case,
`in order to
`perform the insertion of the ACK/NACK signal,
`the l-b method
`firstly calculates how many subcarriers (i.e., subcarriers of
`a virtual
`frequency domain)
`are occupied by
`the control
`and calculates
`the number of subcarriers Via
`‘which the data information is transmitted to the front and
`rear parts of
`the reference symbol.
`a result,
`the l—a
`method calculates how many SC—FDMA symbols are needed for

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