`American Hentage®
`College Dictionary
`Houghton Mifflin Company
`Boston ° New York
`exocad Ex. 1025
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`ISBN 0—618—45300—8
`The American Heritage college dictionary—- 4th ed.
`Based on the fourth ed. of the American Heritage
`ISBN 0—618-09848—8 (thumb edge) —-
`ISBN 0-618—19604—8 (deluxe binding)
`1. English language-Dictionaries. 2. Americanisms. I
`Houghton Mifflin Company. [1. American Heritage
`PE1628 .A6227 2002
`Manufactured in the United States of America
`exocad Ex. 1025
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`Composite order
`Composite order capital
`compound '
`re Fr: pinnate compound leaf
`right: palmetto compound
`rl.. pl. -pos Any of \‘Jriuua‘ combined sub-
`com-pa tlzomlpnl
`HJHCES. such as mortar or plaster. formed by mixing ingredients.
`iiihorl fur Cttatenst'l'loni
`com-po-nem {kam—pt‘i’nant] n. ‘l. A conclitueut element. as at
`a system. See Syriatit element.2. Apart ofA mechanical or elec-
`lricnl complex. 3. ltlutimiruiicsOne at .1 -'-cl oi two nr more eec-
`torshaving:Ititll'ilequal toagivenvector.4.An}-ut theminimum
`number of substances required to speciiy completely the compo-
`sition Iii all phases of a chemiml Ej'iltin. é tirij. Being. or func—
`tioning at a constituent or an i get-client.
`l< Lat. earnpnrrfins.
`(emporium. pr. part. of cinnpili
`. to put together ; rinn». Emu-
`t miners.
`in put;
`ace apo-
`It‘l App] "com'po-nenttial
`(ltom'pa—né n! .th all all}.
`port-ed. port-inn. «ports
`com-port [-knm—portF. Apfirtl'] v.
`particular manner. —-r':itr.
`—Ir. To conduct [oneself) in a
`ME tempos-ten < OFr. crmrpnr-
`agree, c'ormsponcl. or harmonize. [
`to' bring together l(tlfll-. enm-
`m. to conduct .; LII. emnpurrrtre.
`+ porrttrr. to carry. see per; to App]
`corn-port-I'nertt [lum-pc‘art-‘mant, -porl’—} ll. Department.
`corn-pose (train-p02?) v. posed. poring. vpos-es —-lr. 1. To
`make up the constituent parts of; constitute or lot-tn. See Usage.
`Note al comprise. 2.1‘0 main: or create by pulling together parts.
`or elements. 3. To create or produce [a literary- or musical picce).
`4. '1'0 make [oneself] calm or tranquil 5. To settle or adjust: rec-
`uncile: They nmntrgetl In compose their different“. 6. To arrange
`aesthetically or artistically. 7. Printing To arrange or set [type or
`matter to be printed}. w—inrr. 1. To create .1 literary or musical
`piece. 2. Printing To set type. EMT-Z mnpusen -( OFr. {Dulpfljt’n al—
`teration (influenced by peter. to put. place] of Lot. componerrt
`sci: contronewr. I
`com-posed (ham—pond!) rtrit. Sereneh,’ sell—possessed. —com-
`-1y t-pifl'zicl-lel title, mm-pos’ed-ness u.
`s-er (ham—polar] n. One that composes. esp. music.
`y. usu. metal and with an
`composing stick it. Asmall shallow lfil
`adjustable end. in which type is set by hand.
`com-pos-ite tkam-pée'it) mij. 1. Made up of dittinct compo-
`nents; compound, 2. Mathematics Having factors; factnrahle.
`Botany Of or relating to the composite lontily. 4. Composite zir-
`eltitectnn: Of or relating to the Composite order. 0 :r. 1. A struc—
`ture or entity made up of dislinct components. Sec lit-m nt mix—
`ture. 2. A complex material
`in which two or more distinct.
`structurally complementary subsranccs combine to produce
`structural or functional properLie-s not present in any individual
`component. 3. Botany A composite plant. 4. Mathematics The ap—
`plication of one function to another. IFr. c Ol-‘t. .; Lat. cantputiv
`tits, p. part. of compartcrt’,
`lo put
`together. Sec component]
`—ccin't'|:ios-"ite-It:I mic. —com-pos!ite-ness n.
`composite family n. The largest lamiI}.r of flowering plants. the
`Compuritae lAsteraoeael. characterized by many small [lowers
`arranged in a head looking like a single Flower and subtended 11y
`an utvolucn: of bractt,
`composite number n. An integer exactly divuible by at least one
`csitive integer other than itself or I.
`omposite order n. Architecture A classical order formed by su-
`perimposing ionic volutcs on a Corinthian capital.
`corn-po-si-tion lkdm'pa-Lish’an) n. 13.1'he combining of dis-
`tinct parts or elements to form a whole. b. The manner in which
`such parts are combined or related. c. General makeup:
`changing composition of the electorate. cl. The result or product of
`compo-ting: .1 mixture or compound. 2. Arrangement of artistic
`parts so as to {arm a unified whole. 3a, The art or act ol compmv
`in}; .1 musical or litcmtyworlt. b. A work of music. liter.tture.ot
`art. or its structure or organization. 4, A short essay. esp. one
`written M an academic exercise. 5. Line A settlement whereby the
`crrclilot's of a debtor about to color bankruptcy- agree to the dis-
`charge of their respective claimr on receipt of a lesser amount
`than that actually owed. 6. Linguistics The iormaiion of cum-
`puuncls [torn separate words. ?, i'JrinIirn;r Typesetting. [ME rum-
`-: Ollr. competition c L'tl. comproi‘liu. cumpusirifln—
`rmnpnsitns. p. erl. of Eonll‘llil'lr‘rt. to put together. Sec (“.OBII'U—
`'l—com'po-si'tion-al mil. —-com’po-siftlon-aI-ly fli‘ll'
`'i‘tive [knm—phzli-tiv] ntij. Synthetic; compounded.
`com - pos- I -tor (kflfll-flfilll‘lal'} ll. One that sets written material
`u‘tto type; a typesetler. [ME {outpositnn one who cotrtposca. tet-
`tlcr of disputes .; AN conipurimnr
`r: Lal... writer. compiler
`cmnpilnerr. compivsr'b.
`to put
`together. See Cohtroxrxrl
`—com-pos'l't0’ti'al (-lotle-a]. «oi-L] all}.
`com'pos men-fis t'lti‘mt'pat mun’ttai ml}. of sound mind; .‘s.iI'IL‘.
`: mantras. having mastery of -i nicnrr's, genitive rtl
`rrti ml . I
`J n. 1. A nurture nl decaying organic mat-
`com'post Lkiim-‘post’
`ter used to fertilize soil. 2. A composition: a mixture. + one.
`-post-ed. —post°ing. -posts 1. To fertilize with a mixture of de-
`cayiitg organic nutter. 2. To convert (vegetable nutter} to com-
`posl. [ME mmpasrr r: ()Ft.. mixture. compost c Lat. rumpan'tnrn.
`rtuttttlrt: -: neut. 1:. part. oi immature. to put together. See coat‘
`eontn'i .i
`[hitnr’po’stingl n. A toilet that uses little
`com-postolng toilet
`or no water. connecte-
`d to a Tanlt. in which waste material is do
`composed by aerobic batteria.
`A calm or tranquil state ul
`com-po-sure (kam—pb'zhsr} n.
`|-'. Cili.1l'tlfifi,| il'l lculstnlL-
`ntincl; sell-possession.
`corn-pate [l-zi'int’pi'tt} ti. 1. Fruit stewed or cooked in Wt
`long—stemmed dish used lUl’ holding,
`t'euit. nuts, or fa.“
`mgad air It
`.; OFr. t'nmpusn‘. iniitture .; rnmprtsrtu. lent p. ll-ittbl
`.t’fimfimm used in I
`3 'lc‘l'lr-illl'llll'or;"If.“
`pnnere. to puttogether. Seeifttut'iINFH'I.l
`com-pound‘ lkum-lmund’.L'nuv.hintifpnumi-‘t e. ‘Ffie'
`*' 11’
`"cs-I4? 9.
`-patlnd'1ng.vpound5—tr 1.1acombinesoasto in...”
`rib. b. Tl
`mix, 2. To produce or create 135' combining two ur mum
` o compute limit:
`ems or parts. 3. To settle ta debt. [in example] h}- 3gp...
`amount less than the churn: adjust. 4.
`the prlnci
`{sail and accrued Intetc-it. 5.111 add to: incl-m5,
`‘i. To form a compound. 2. To come to terms. ”like. fi
`ll- ‘wlI
`ham-l l.Cnnststttig til 1w...
`(ki‘tm'pnund'. kum-pnund“.
`11l'i. or parts 2. ”ohm;
`substances. ingredients. elemt:
`pountl‘} l. A can
`of more than out: part. '1' n. tltntnl'
`two or root
`e elements or parts See Spur, at mixture 2. hr
`of two or more clement-c that an:
`A word that consists either
`pendent words. such as loudspeaker, or of Epcmaihl n:
`[arms of words. such as Greek plinth-.91.
`”Wisdom." 3. Chenir'rri-j- .t W1
`plrilu- . "loving." and supine.
`ltteo or more dil'lerent :l
`cuttcisting of :LlOlTh or ions 0
`I cannot he separated lap I’l‘l'slral .
`delinile proportions Ilia
`Ii. Botany a. A leaf who-ii: blade is divided. into two at t:-
` -' UFr. :ninptnrh'. [Billing
`tiuct leaflets. b. A pinlil composed of two or more “filled -
`[alteration of ME wmprnnmi
`rampant-re. See anaemia-Lt
`To cuml‘tfisl‘;
`.fal' comment.-
`.omnttt U‘
`poundFa-ble utij. —com-pounrl!er u.
`t:l= Eltoniv'pnund') n. 1. a building or build
`and enclosed by
`.1 barrier. 2. An enclosed :tmt used [mp
`of war, [Alteration of Malay irompunx- \‘illzgcl
`sentence tkfimlpound—kumi
`{ at
`two coordinate ind.
`A sentence consisting o
`clauses am] one or more dependent clauses.
` met: and comet-m,
`ttsitivc elements. ca.
`compound eye n. The eye of mint ll
`which IS composed of many light-sc-
`mg .t portion of an image.
`compound fraction n. Sec complex fraction.
`A texture in ninth broken in
`compound fracture !.'
`ment; [acetate so
`it tissue anti protrude through an up;
`in the skin
`st rr
`interest computed on the act-u .
`compound intere
`.n. on the oriental principal.
`unpaid interest as we
`compound lens n. Sec lens '2.
`compound microscope n. n microscope Coll'ilhlll‘lg at I
`cir. nl an adjustable tul
`tive and an eyepiece at opposite en
`that is exp rots-cit in '
`compound number H. A quantity
`two or more different units. such as In pounds 5 ounce
`ll tnd1es.
`p311“: n. ln|
`sentence of two or more on
`compound sentence n. A
`joined by a eoojuuctieu u:
`independent clauses. ol‘ten
`o com-pra-elore lkuni'pra-durt‘] r:
`com‘pra-dor als
`-imrn agent in Ll‘ ‘
`between: an intermediary. 2. A native
`employed by l -
`certain other Asian countries formed}.r
`commercial transactions. [Purl
`businen to help with
`tit. cantpnnirr. to hut'
`: Earth. count
`(uniponnm. buyer ._._ L
`to get]
`d'} rm- ‘Iiond-ed. ling
`or imp:
`com-pre-hend lkiim’pri-lt'én
`-honds 1. To take in tlte meaning. nature.
`ptehend. 2, To take lll o'- .1 part:
`. cunt
`“Blip. Sec firms at ap
`[ME ointpr'eltrnriert <1 lat. rmnpreltentlere - crun-
`(101'. to grasp.- nEr'.‘
`ghertd— in r\pp.'| —com‘ pre- hend'i
`n’so-l‘sol} ml}. RC-lll-
`com-pre'hen-siable lki'5m'ttl'i-he
`prehcntled or understood; intelligible. —com’pre-hefl
`ty n. -com'pre'hen-‘si-biy rule.
`tla'tm‘pri-hi‘u’tlinnl u. ‘Ia. Th: J
`of grasping the meaning. uttturc. or importance nl. E“
`inc. b.1'lte knowledge that is nurtured in Ilils way. 2. l.‘
`include. 3. Lucie The sum oi nteantnefi and currents!“
`cations inherent in :2 term. [ME cutnpn'lientinmr -: LIT
`sin. cornptehcilmfin- -' ro-nprr
`‘rtsur. p, part. all m ‘
`titre. to comprehend, See is Ir-lPltEJ
`com-pre-hen-siue Ititim’pri-hi‘.
`or content at to include much: it compri-
`n. no em
`h)’ or shut-ring extensive understanding. 4‘
`lield cIl tuainr study. Often used ifl‘l'
`covering the entire
`_ll. rritrntrelituFHJ-
`lLlJll. eunurrelrE-itcli':ts. conceivable
`e lit'lnll'ltElTl'rlP-
`ul' cotnpreiii‘mli're. to comprehend.
`hen-'sive- nest. rt-
`pre- hen-’sive- iy nrlt‘. —com‘ pre-
`d, press-“19' “F‘.
`com-press {ham-print the. prose
`it man
`[‘0 make more compact h
`‘l'n [lrcxi together. 2.
`ing 3. L'nrrtrntnri' Srirnce 'l‘o transform [datal lo “1”"
`'ll‘ n. lli'm‘
`space required for storage or lrtlnfill'll‘etlfll'l.
`il-leiiici'ut: A soEt pad applied with pressure to -I lindl' 3'3.
`teal hettiorrhajtt: or supply heat. cold. Ii'toist ure. or me _
`A machine for compressing nt: cital. IMF. fllllll‘rfi’m‘
`eontpresser .-_ Lint. cannot-sane. lreq. of Lat. filth-"Hm
`EDI11‘ t prerm—re. to press]
`com-pressed t'kain-prést'l adj. 1. l‘rca 1:] urge-tho“?
`eulurne or space. 2. Ilialogt' Flattenetl. esp. lateral-liwl‘l”
`exocad Ex. 1025
`exocad v. 3Shape, IPR2018-00788
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`. H
`r 1'. mil-red. nut-ting. Amits —vl'r. l-‘I'n
`paytturnt. 22:. To refrain from exacting
`mple]: cancel. 1:. To pardon: lot'girc; rpm-r {all 0:
`former condition or position. 4. lam-a 1331;};
`her court for further consideration 9,. in? Mgr.
`teri lo a committee or flLlll'lflrIL}' lei Lit“? 5“” ll;
`lLL'n: The storm rrrnim-J injury. 6. To tit-£51m
`ul oil: postpone. —r':ur, 1.1'0 ll'ull'l’n'i'ltltmul fr
`ate. @- n_ {r‘i-mitf. rc'mill ‘l. The aclufrcnll"hl:-.1
`of a case to another court. 2. A matter rullll'
`aideratiun. {ME r'rrmtn'n. to send back .- Inllllfil'
`— + mint-tr. to send] —re-rnit’menl I. '31:}?-
`-—re-ntit’ter J!
`‘ “‘1:-
`1ttfl} u. Remission.
`rl—niit’nsl ll. 1. The sending of I'llonuv
`2. 2. The sum nl money sent.
`.mlt’ttl} my. Characterized by telt'tpqmn. b-
`.Used up. oldiscases,—re-mit’tence ‘
`mitr‘tent . 15! rule.
`F} lm‘. mixed. ~mix-lng. -ml>t°es‘l'o ”Walls
`channels from a recording] to produce .1 r1"
`recording. 'G-
`if. [rem-tiles!) rt retarding Wadi-lg
`'nnnt} H. 1. Something left over. : “Mind:
`: remaining after the rest l1.“ been used "”3?"
`:ice or t'estigc: u remnant of his part pin”. 4 -_
`group of people. Often used in the plum_ lllrlE .
`rut C OFr. n'mammr < pr. part. of r.-
`nod’l} rm: -eled. —el-ing. -els alt-o -ellad
`lce are: in structure or style: recon:
`a fri-mt‘m’slraus) n. 1. The act of remonsn-a ‘
`of protest. complaint, or reproof. cap, a who;
`(ti—monlstrattt} ml}. Cltnraeierizerl by tea-nun.
`ltor}: 't- it. 1.0m that remorutrates. 2. Rel-.15.;
`c Dutch Arminians who in 1610 lernmllnmed
`neir dissent from strict Calvinism. “'e‘mnrtr-
`1-, ~51.“th
`res —rr. To 1t11'0i‘ plead in protest. objectim.‘ 0',
`to reason or plead in pruleal‘. th‘neIll an ohigg.‘
`object. [h-[edlut i'enihustrrirr. “mansion-:40
`. rc-. t'e— + Lat. mutiny/fire. to show {c "gangwml.
`rrctt).l wre'mon-stra’tinn [re’nu‘Jn-stralshsn.
`e-rnonPSIra-tive [ri-monr‘sm-ltt'] mij. Hr:-
`r-a) n. An},r of several marine lithe; of the f.
`wing on the head a sticking disk with which lllrt’
`: to sharks. whales. sea turtles. or ships. flat.
`to delay : r.--.
`re— -|- man-err, to delay tn: rrt'nju,
`'s’) it. 1.Mnriil.tti_s:uish arising Frnm reanLtnc:
`: bitter regret. 2. Obsolete Compassion. [ME red
`>d.Lat. reumumu c neut. p. part. of Lat. n-mtir—
`re-. re— '1
`ll'lfll'l'lll'f't‘. to him: see mer— llt App}
`-nu‘irsl'fall adj. Marked by or
`tilled with in
`se'fuI-ly rult'. —ro-morselful-ne55 u.
`i—mors’lis) adj. 1. Having no pity or compas-
`!. Unyielding; relentless. -—re-morse’less‘ly
`'less-ness n.
`)adj. -mot-er, —mot-est1a.l.0c:llcdl:tr Mfr:
`3. Hidden away; secluded: a remote luurrlff- '1
`'1' remotc past. 3. Faint; slight: a remote p0."fll-'ll‘
`or removed in connection or relevance: (1 one
`rlay concerns. 5. Distandy related by blunder
`cousin. 6. Distant In manner: aloof. 7. Ome“
`mm H diilnnce: reutomsensors. B. CempIIW-lff'
`listanre from another computer that Is :u‘dlflfl‘
`Lhe.’ communieatlons tint
`l rt'rrtnrr mmlflllt
`' television broadcast or
`ating from a Ethl
`5. A remote-control device. [ME < OFL “‘"W
`. prl rt. of ri'urrn'u‘i'r.
`to remove. Sec REMI‘t'E-l
`.—re-mote'ness n.
`. 1. The control nl' an activity. pttlct‘ln “l 1115‘
`Int. as by r-ltllucd instructions or coded Milli-ll"
`>E0ltlttll an apparatus or machine lmfl' “ ll“;
`lTl-Il'lCtl’l-Izlit‘trél'}. ”I'm“: '
`ltl’J adj.
`Villa“) H 'l. The act of removing: rnlm‘W‘l
`remote. 3. Obsolete Departure.
`Ir‘lu'L'I‘ldd’l H. A Piquaut cold mutt: matit “1
`reel pickles. capers. anchovies. and ltiil’5-
`large black radish C Lat. armor-rein. “'ll'l ’1
`int’) rm: -mount-ed, -mount-ing. 'mollrgf
`. 2. To supply with a fresh horse. ‘3'
`‘_ '
`') A fresh horse.
`mo‘o/to-bal) adj. That can be removed- ”Tu '
`-mov'a-ble-ness n.
`"fi'flas-cent lri-tit'i‘i’atli. -n.1"5.1rtl] anti. Coming again into-being:
`Jig renewed growth or r'tttor. llJll. milligram. mohair!“ pr.
`if r.
`rt. [U be [mm egai
`.See nmms. ~.r.r—.|
`'nault (rs-no“). Jean Lo ‘
`lH-lJ-ulNR, French jltlrl:.l who
`Illtretl the Will? Nobel Peace Prize.
`re"Multan-tor {rén-Itoun’mr] Art-irate u. 1. An unplLtJ-inetl meet-
`Ills-2. r\ llllhlllccncflllllls‘r or contest. 4- Ir. Sriurra'. —thed.-t&r-
`_ “Ex-lers To meet unexpectedly or have .11: unexpected meeting.
`T rertrmrrr.‘
`rcnmnm'r. to meet ', h‘—.
`ru— 1h errrmtlrrr,
`laurel: see I:
`.ri'ndi 3‘. rent [Ii-m} ur rend‘od, rend-Eng, ronds —n-. 1.
`in tear or Sillll apart or into pieces violently. Sec Stars at toar‘. 2.
`i " tear lane‘s garments or hair} in angu h or rage. 3. To tear
`a?” lurralily'
`"e51. 4. To pull. tplit. or divide '.t.~ if by tearing. 5.
`n Plfirce or dinturl‘: with 5ound.‘ n «cram: mil the silence. 6. To
`3 liltin or distress lo: idler llrnt rend the heart. —-:'rltr. To be-
`"“5 1.1er or spill; come apittt. [ME render: ( OE n'tnlntr.|n
`I”'"ler lrenl'rlnrl ll".l'. ~dered. driving. —ders 1. To submit or
`_ "Ml“. '.t\ lor consideration or payment: ri'irrlern bill. 2. To give
`Mrable cartridge n. it hard disk that it: enclosed in .1 casing.
`1,5 retucn‘ d from lhe drive. and has greater storage capacity
`ll“ 0
`l" ' *-
`d‘finilr-Papl (rt-moTv'val] n. 1a. The act of removing. b. The [act
`rind-fig removed. 2. Relocation. .15 of a residence or burilness. 3.
`.e». 1“.“le Irom office.
`.le OW- [ri-Indhv'l r. —n1uved. -moU-lng. -n1mres —tr. 1. To
`3‘“; from :I place or position occupied: retrieved the cum from
`Mr. 2. ‘lo transler or convey [man one: place to anoLher. re-
`”ll-f i.r
`} tire family in Texas. 3. To take all: removed my boots. 4. To_ ”II-’4
`"C J.
`'ltltdmu‘: rctrtuverlllre cs'rtrtlr'rlnrc’s rmmejrumconsider—
`Vlm 5, To destroy u.
`'l: eliminate.- rental-email”. 5. To dismiss
`"ll'm'm uificc or position. —-iittr. 1. To change one‘s place of
`lwdt‘l’lccor bustiiess. move: 'lu lFS'l. l' remnrcrlfrom the country
`51-“. mtl'll’“ [Dawd l-lutrte]. 2. To go at”): depart. 3. To lu: rt.»
`noble: paint that rrrrrorrs with water. -3- u. 1. The act of remov—
`: ‘. [murmur]. 2. Distance or degree of separation or remoteness.
`hi5 ”more" sf Ol‘r. ftfmfilll‘dll' c Lat. rcrrtfll'ill‘t’: re-. re- + moi-ere.
`igrnfi‘T-l —re-movler u.-
`'.mOVE"-l (rl—mo‘ordll ml}. _‘l. Distant in space. time. or nature;
`'110l9' 2. Scparated to reiattonshlp by it given degree of descent:
`«guru: rum.- rmmml. He-movfed‘ly [-chol't-id-lEJ rule.
`' Lflnmotrfedmess n.
`IBM sleep it. A stage in the normal sleep cycle during which
`@3th occur as well .1; rapid eye movement. loss of reflexes, and
`-. rfilm-I pulse mic and brain activity.
`-l-;mu Ida trT-n1<a't:r‘da}u. Solrrlltt‘sst'enr US A herd of horse; from
`I.l-i-a'cl'l ranch hands select their mounts. lArnSp. ( Spa exchange
`g minnow. to exchange : re—. In return {< LaL; sec BUS—J + mrular.
`‘t‘ _-h3|:‘r.c (x? l..‘ll. rrtt'tltirr].l
`a'qnu-neroate (ri—nu-ti‘ana-rat": rm: fat-ed, it-ing. —ates 1.
`Tu my (1 pCrSUnl a suitable cqun‘alent in return for grlntls 11m-
`",MEJ. servicesreudcred. or losses incurred: recompense, 2. To
`tor; make
`:flmmn-rflr- . J'e-. rcv + uulm-nlrl. Lu gtre {d rtrrums, Irtrmt‘r—. gift”
`Armu'ner-avlzil’l-ty (-narAa-htl-‘i—tej u. —re-muPnEr-a'
`m adj- —re°mu'ner-a’tor n.
`"gnu uner-a ‘tlon [ri-mt'tfiJ‘JIa—n't’shatt) 1:. 1. The act of remu-
`mating. 2. Something that remuneratcs.
`“.mu-ner-a'tlve (ri-utyo'or‘nar-a-ttv. —na-r.i’tiv} mil. 1. Yield-
`"-31,: recompense: profitable. 2. Serving to ternunerale, —re-
`. ”Liner-a-tive-ly adv. —re-mu!ner-a-tive-ness n
`[re-mus (re/mos) :1. Roman Mythology The twin brother of Ram-
`fln-ais'sance (rén’i~s€ins’,
`rEn’i-séins’, Aziins’.
`- né’sans) n. 1. A rebirth or revival. 2. Renaissance a. The human-
`it‘ll revival of classiul ar1. architecture. literature. and learning
`1h-Jl originated in Italy in the I-tth century. b. The period of this
`“rival. roughly the 111th through the [6th centu ry. marking the
`tvamlimn tron-i medieval to modern times. 3. often Renaissance
`a. it revival of intellectual or artistic adtievement and vigor. b.
`The period of such a revlwl. e. adj. Renaissance 1.'Df. relating
`.n. or characteristic oi the Renaissance or in artistic and intellec—
`.Tihtl Works and styles. 2. Of or being the style of architecture and
`decoration that was based on classical models and originated in
`-|:.1]v Ill the 15th century. EFr. < OFr. < rcnaisrre. to be born again
`-<\" *mnlsrrre ~: Lat. rt'u.
`'.' n». re- + unset. to be how: see
`lot-na- tii Appl
`Renaissance man u. A ”11111 who has broad inteliemtal interest-i
`1cct‘l1'lpll'uhcd in both the arts and the sciences.
`Renalssance woman n. A woman who has broad intellectual iii-
`-1ttt-;ts and is accomplished Ill Imlh the arts at 11d the sciences.
`n-nal {rc’nali mli. Dl. relating to. at in the region of the kidneys.
`ll.l.el. rfltrdii.‘ ': Lat. rC'uc's. kldnrj'iJ
`final clearance u The volume of plasma completely deared of
`'X'thic compound }1Ct’1lltll time and measured as a test of bid
`' fill‘lultction.
`-.ttnal corpurcle it. See Malplghian corpuscle 1.
`.Fflnl pelvis it. See pelvis 2.
`N'nls'cance [rt-hastens. —n.1'tarts} N. 1. A new birth or life; a
`{fl-lull. 2. A cultural revival; .1 renaissance. 3. Fle'nasconce llcn-
`ice. 3. To give whal
`or make available; provide: mule! nssr'
`due or owed: rerrdi'nrrl' thanks, 4. To in: Ill return or retrilithinn:
`He rirulen'rl'xln dyeing-for hit main
`5. To surrender or relin»
`'llJlLJ. 6a.Torn:pr-:uent Iltwrllal Furlttitlepi'
`_ b. To repre—
`sent ”'1 a drawing or paintin :. esp. in perspective. ?. Computer Sri-
`cure To com-en: {graphics} from a file into visual form. at on a
`video display. B. To perform an interpretation of [a musical
`piece. for example}. 9. To express in another language or form:
`translate. 10. To deliver or pronounce formally: Tilt-jut}- lirrs mt-
`rl'eml its t'enl‘ict. 1 1. To cause to become: anal-id: The Hen-r rrrlrlered
`lterspercltlrcs. 12.11) reduce. converl. or melt down [fat] by heal-
`ing. 13. To cont (brick. for example) will: plaster or cement. 6'
`tr. A payment in kind. services. or cash from :1 tenant to .1 feudal
`inrd. [ME rertdrru .: OFt. ri'rm'i'c. to give bccl: c VLat
`alteration of Lat. redder: : 1125—.
`r.'—. re- + llama to give; sec dé— in
`APP-l —ren’der-a-hle ml}. —ron*der-er it.
`ran 'IllEl" ing (rEn’dar-lng) n. 1. A depletion or interpretation. as
`in painting. 2. A drawing in perspective of a proposed structure.
`3. A translation. 4. A coat of plaster or cement applied to .1 ma-
`sonry surface.
`[—vo‘oz’} 1. A meeting at :t prearranged time and place. See Syn:
`at engagement. 2. A prearranged meeting place. esp. an mero-
`bly point for troops or ships. 3. A popular gathering place. 4.11m
`esprit-e The process of bringing two spacecraft together. @-
`I'utm. «cased t-ro‘od’}. -vaus-ing [—vo‘o’ing}. vvous (—ru‘nz’i
`To bring or come together at a rendezvous. [llr. -: the phrase rm-
`se: rates. present yourselves < OFr.
`: mid-J. second pers. pl.
`impcr. of rendre. to present: see HENDEP. + tutu. yournelre-u you
`if. Lot 1155. you; see W65 in i\pp.}.l
`ran 'dt‘tion (rErI-dlsh'on] u. 1. The act of rendering. 2. An inter—
`pretation of :1 musical score or a dramatic piece, 3. A peiloim—
`ancc of a musical or dramatic work. 4. A translation. often inter-
`pretive. 1A surrender. [Obsolete Fr. a: OFr. moire. to give back.
`See amoral
`ren-dzl-na (rén-felna) n. A dark soil that develops under grass
`on limestone and chalk. [l’oL oath-“Ll
`ren-e-gade (réttl'l—gfid’} n. 1.0M who rejects a religion. cause.
`allegiance. or group for another; it descrter. 2, An outlaw; a rebel.
`+ ml}. Of. relating to. or resembling a renegade; traitorous. d-
`imer. god-ed. -gad-lng. —gades To become a desetler or an
`outlaw, [Sp rm.
`1dr: C hie-dint. true-grins. p. part. of rem-51w.
`to deny: Lat. re—. rc-
`I- Lat. organ, to deny. see no in Appl
`re-rtege (l'i-nlg'. any. duty] r. magnet. meg-log. meges
`—r'ritr_ 1. To tail to carry out a promise or commitment; rein-pail
`on the connect. 2. Gun: 15 To fail to follow (ull lli cards when able
`and required to do so. —:r. To renounce: dis-own. '3‘ n. The .rct
`of runcging.
`[MEELLnL rat-gore. tEI deny. Sec ncxsstocl —rl:-
`negler H.
`re-ne-go-tl-ate lré’nl-gd’shE-fit'] rm: -at'ed. —at-lng. ates
`1. To negotiate anew. 2. To revise the terms of (a contract} to as
`to limit or regain excess prolits gained by the contractor.
`—re'ne-golti-a'ble [-shé-a—bai, -sha-balJ adj. —rE’no-go'tl'
`aftion :1.
`remove {ri—ntfo'. -I‘l}«'d'u'l v. mowed, —new-ing. —nows —n. 1.
`To make new or as if new again: restore; (flint‘cil the no
`chair. 2. To take up again: resume: renew or: (Ilrljricrrdsltip. 2-1. To
`repeat so as to realflrrn: renew ll promise. ‘1. To regain or rettore
`the rigor of; revive.- o mention that renewed my spirits. 5a. To an
`range [or the {L‘ctension of: rem-u- o mutrnrc b. To arrange to ex-
`tend the loan of: mien-er! the library hard-5. 6. To replenish: rc—
`Hfifl‘lh'l the water in the humidifier.
`3". Tu bring into being again;
`reestablish. —:'urr. 1. To become nuw.1g.tln.2.Tn start orcr. EM Ii
`rcnewen: rc-, re- + "ewe-u, to renew (< new, new; see Nt-:\v).] —re-
`newer 11.
`re-new-a-ble lri-no‘o’a-hal. «twirl-J ml]. 1. That can be re-
`newed: mum-old:- strbirriprions. 2. Relating to or being .1 com-
`mudity or resource, such as solar energy. that is inexhaustible nr
`replaceable by oewgruwth. —ro-new’a-bilr‘itty {vbilft—te} u.
`re'new'al {ri—mfiflal. myrrh” n. l. The act of renewing or the
`state of having been renewed. 2. Something renewed.
`re-new'ed-ly [rivrtn—nlld—le. voids—oh} rmh‘. (Jrer again: .int‘ur.
`Fle-nl [rift-tel. Guido IRS—1&1]. IuILIII painter whose works in-
`clude the Crucifixion uertt'rtl Peter [1603].
`fen-i'forrn tréu’a-lérm'. relna-J mlj. Sliapcd like .1 kidney.
`rr-m'frrmr leaf.
`|1at.rt‘n.'-s.lcidneyv r wrontti
`re-rlirt {re’nlm rEnfiuJ n. A protein-digestingenr'ymc that IS re-
`ul by the kidney and acls I"! raise blood pressure hyaclimtin};
`an otensin. [LaL relies. kidney: + —It.'.|
`to physical
`ren-i-tent (:‘E-rt'i-tartl.
`ri—ntl‘nlj ml}, 1. Rest/«taut
`pressure; not pliant. 2. Reluctant Io yield or be swayed; ttscalriv
`tram. ll...1t. rt'tllti‘ru. rer::'rcnr-_. pr. part. of rcutrl, to resist l m. n:—
`+ rmf. to press forward] urenli-tence. ren"|-1:en-t:3tr n.
`Rennes (re-n} A city of NW France N at Nantes; became cap. of
`Brittany in 1196. Pop. 191-3491
`ren'net {tart-‘11) u. 1. The inner lining of the fourth stomach of
`calves and other young ruminants. 2. A tiricd extract made iron:
`the stomach linlngofa ruminant. used in (llrtachl-lllig to curdle
`milk. 3. See rennin. iME. prob. c (115 'rytrcr.]
`ren°nin (ti-n’inl ll. A Inillrcougttlatingenzyme found in The pas-
`lric jlllCL' of the fourth alunmCll of young ruminants. used to
`top:c 1415—17 marble
`statue of Saint George, by
`bottom: The Small Cowper
`Madonna, c. 1505, by
`at boy
`ou out
`(it boot
`fir urge
`hw which
`zh vision
`.i pat
`.i pay
`or care
`6 pct
`C- bc
`i pit
`I pic
`ir pier
`1') pot
`5 toe
`0 paw
`Stress marks:
`' (primary);
`’ (sceonda ry), as in
`lexicon (lék’si-kén’)
`exocad Ex. 1025
`exocad v. 3Shape, IPR2018-00788
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