Joseph L. Mundy
`President, Vision Systems Inc.
`Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
`Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, 1969; M. Engr., 1966; B.E.E., 1963.
`GE Career Highlights:
`Dr. Mundy joined General Electric's Research and Development Center
`(CRD) in 1963. His early projects at CRD include: High power microwave
`tube design, a superconductive computer memory system, the design of high
`density integrated circuit associative memory arrays, the application of
`transform coding to image data compression. He is the co-inventor ofvaractor
`bootstrapping, a key technique widely used today in the design of MOS
`integrated circuits. His design of an integrated associative memory cell is still
`the most compact and requires only 5 MOS transistors.
`From 1972 until 2002, Dr. Mundy led a group involved in the research and
`development of image understanding and computer vision systems. In the
`early 1970's his group developed one of the first major applications of
`computer vision to industrial inspection. A system was developed to inspect
`incandescent lamp filaments at the rate of 15 parts/sec and achieved
`classification performance of less than one error per thousand. The system
`operated in production for many years.
`During the late 1970's his group developed an extensive system for the
`inspection of jet engine turbine components involving both 3-d range sensing
`and ultra-violet imaging of fluorescent crack features. This project involved
`the use of 3D bicubic CAD models to control the motion of a fifteen-axis
`inspection machine and the development of high throughput hardware for the
`processing of flaw image data. A final version of this machine was installed
`at Kelly AFB and was demonstrated to be superior to human inspectors with
`significant cost savings in used part recovery. This system pioneered many
`techniques in CAD model-supported inspection of industrial components.
`In the 1980's Dr. Mundy' s group began to apply image understanding
`algorithms to aerial reconnaissance. He developed a system for aircraft
`recognition based on a sparse feature, called the vertex-pair, which achieved
`98% recognition accuracy in a test on realistic airfield scenes.
`Dr. Mundy also participated in the development of a novel CAD-based wafer
`inspection system in the mid-1980s that led to a start up company. The
`company produced a working prototype in collaboration with Hewlett-
`Packard. The company, Contrex, was eventually sold to Fairchild exocad GmbH, et. al.
`Exhibit 1003


`During the 1990's the group developed the use of X-ray stereo
`photogrammetry to enable the measurement of internal casting features from
`multiple X-ray views. The system employs robust statistical bundle
`adjustment over dozens of views. The 3-d reconstruction achieves an accuracy
`of better than 0.005'', allowing practical manufacturing metrology. This new
`approach is currently being used in production by GE's Aircraft Engine
`division to plan drilling operations for airfoil castings.
`While at GE, Dr. Mundy accumulated over 20 granted patents.
`Brown University Career Highlights:
`Dr. Mundy joined the division of engineering at Brown in 2002 as Professor
`of Engineering (Research). Prof. Mundy carried out research in including
`nano-computing architectures with emphasis on CMOS devices with nano(cid:173)
`scale gate lengths so that logic operation is dominated by thermal noise. He
`originated novel logic circuits that produce correct logic results even when
`random noise dominates the logic signals. He also developed a new approach
`to analyzing such circuits using queuing theory. These architectures are
`aimed at the next generation of silicon devices where the gate lengths are only
`a few nanometers. His research at Brown also included the development of
`new algorithms for the 3D reconstruction of blood vessel networks from
`computer tomographic imaging scanners (CT). These vessel networks
`provide unique information about the effect of cancer drugs on tumors,
`whose growth is enabled by the evolution of new vessel pathways. This work
`led to the founding of Bio Tree Systems, a company he co-founded to
`develop diagnostic tests for the effectiveness of cancer drugs. He also
`conducted research in aerial reconnaissance for the Department of Defense,
`including the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency. This work involved
`the development of new probabilistic representations of 3D space to account
`for the inherent ambiguity of extracting geometric descriptions from multiple
`image views. This new representation supports accurate determination of
`scene dynamics (change detection) in spite of the spatial ambiguity. While at
`Brown, he advised and graduated eight Ph.D. students who carried out
`research in image analysis and 3D modeling from imagery.
`Vision Systems Career Highlights:
`Dr. Mundy left Brown in June 2016 to focus on his company, Vision
`Systems Inc. (VSI) as President. Vision Systems carries out research on
`aerial reconnaissance for the Department of Defense and other intelligence
`agencies. Some current projects at VSI include the fully automated
`construction of large scale digital elevation models (DEMs) from satellite
`imagery to support military planning and with commercial application to
`virtual reality tours for sports such as skiing and mountain biking. This work
`was funded by the Intelligence AdvaiOO®Research Project Agency (IARP A).


`VSI also is developing an anatomical model of the human face to improve
`recognition accuracy in a 4 year research program on facial recognition. This
`research is also funded by IARP A and has commercial application in the
`field of plastic surgery. The development of a new model for the human eye
`anatomy is described in a paper at the Joint Meeting of the American Society
`of Plastic Surgeons in May 2016. VSI has also recently started a project on
`behalf of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) to integrate multiple
`satellite constellations in support of image intelligence analysts by improving
`the timeliness of the discovery of events of interest.
`Academic Qualifications:
`Dr. Mundy was an adjunct full professor of computer science at Rensselaer
`Polytechnic Institute. He taught the core graduate course on Artificial
`Intelligence from 197 5 until 1997. This course was selected to be presented
`in video format to a wide audience of graduate students at IBM, Xerox and
`Dr. Mundy has advised numerous masters and four PhD students in his
`capacity as adjunct professor. He also has had periodic adjunct appointments
`in the Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, where he
`has taught courses in digital image processing. He is co-taught a course on
`the application of mathematics to computer vision with Prof. Charles Stewart.
`In collaboration with Prof. Deepak Kapur, Dr. Mundy developed new
`approaches to formal geometric reasoning based on algebraic techniques.
`These ideas resulted in the development of an automatic geometric theorem
`proving system called Geometer. Geometer was capable of proving many
`theorems from plane geometry and perspective construction. This work led
`to an international workshop on geometric reasoning in 1986 and produced
`an edited proceeding of the workshop papers.
`In 1988, Dr. Mundy received the Coolidge Fellowship, which is GE's
`highest award of technical achievement recognizing academic impact as well
`as contribution to GE businesses. The fellowship provides a year sabbatical to
`carry out basic research.
`While on this sabbatical at Oxford University during the years 1988-89, Dr.
`Mundy initiated a reading course in projective geometry that established a new
`approach to object modeling and recognition, called geometric invariance. In
`collaboration with Andrew Zisserman, David Forsyth (now at Berkeley) and a
`PhD student Charles Rothwell, these ideas were implemented in a generic
`object recognition system, called LEWIS.
`Geometric invariance research has made significant contributions to our basic
`understanding of computer vision. Two international workshops have been
`held, co-chaired by Dr. Mundy and Prof. Andrew Zisserman of Oxford. Both
`workshops have led to edited books omtributed and invited papers. In the


`first book, Dr. Mundy prepared an extensive appendix on the application of
`projective geometry in computer vision that has been influential to many
`research groups.
`Dr. Mundy's most recent topics of research at GE were the integration of
`perceptual grouping and photometric theory with the goal of understanding 3-d
`textures. He also developed a Bayesian model-based approach to the
`segmentation of lung tissue in CT images.
`He continued to foster basic research within his group at GE, including the
`work of Dr. Richard Hartley who made major contributions to the
`fundamental understanding of 3-d model reconstruction from multiple views.
`His laboratory pioneered a new approach to constructing 3D models from
`satellite imagery based on a probabilistic volumetric algorithm this work lead
`to a best paper award from the American Society of Photogrammetry and
`Remote Sensing in 2011. He was also principal investigator on a number of
`military surveillance projects funded by DARPA, NGA and Lockheed Martin.
`He and his students contributed to an extensive C++ library for computer
`vision processing called VXL, which is still under active use and extension by
`the computer vision research community.
`Government-Sponsored Research Projects:
`Dr. Mundy received his first Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
`(DARPA) grant in 1985, under DARPA's basic research program in image
`understanding (IU). The DARPA IU research community represents many of
`the leading university computer vision groups. Thus it was a significant
`recognition of his research achievements to be selected. His research has
`continued to be funded by DARPA through a number of competitive grant
`From 1992-1996, he was a principal contributor to DARPA's RADIUS
`project, providing algorithms to the RADIUS Test bed System (R TS) that
`makes use of the context provided by a 3D site model. These algorithms
`include change detection based on various levels of image segmentation and
`specific object structure matching. He has continued the development of
`context-based change detection and image registration through the FOCUS
`program, which has continued to develop automated exploitation tools in a
`site model framework. The FOCUS system has been successfully
`demonstrated on operational imagery in support ofNIMA applications.
`He was chairman of DARPA's Image Understanding Environment (IUE)
`Committee, which has specified and supervised the development of the IUE.
`The IUE is an extensive C++ hierarchy of computational structures in


`support of image understanding research programming. This object-oriented
`design was the first comprehensive study of the representations inherent in
`computer vision algorithms. This work led to special recognition by
`Dr. Mundy played a lead technical role in DARPA's Dynamic Database
`(DDB) program, an ambitious effort to automatically extract situation
`hypotheses from a continuous stream of imagery from a variety of sensors.
`He was responsible for the DDB object model to support the integration of
`algorithms supplied by many contractors. This model extended the IUE to
`incorporate reasoning about dynamic scenes.
`He was principal investigator on a project to integrate natural language and
`computer vision in the analysis of video news sequences. This contract is
`supported by a newly formed government body called the Advanced
`Research and Development Agency (ARDA) that is focused on supporting
`research specifically aimed at the intelligence community.
`Professional Activities:
`Dr. Mundy's professional activities involve active participation in the areas of
`computer vision and image understanding over three decades. He has served
`on many program committees and review bodies including: International
`Conference on Computer Vision, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
`International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition and various SPIE
`Some highlights:
`• Co-chairman of the workshop on industrial applications of machine
`vision that resulted in a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Pattern
`Analysis and Machine Intelligence (P AMI), 1980.
`• Chairman, International Workshop on Geometric Reasoning, Oxford,
`• Co-Chairman, International Workshop on the Integration of
`Symbolic and Numeric Computing, Saratoga 1990.
`• Co-Chairman, 1st International Workshop on Geometric
`Invariants, Reykjavik, Iceland, 1991.
`• Co-Chairman, 2nd International Workshop on
`Geometric Invariants, Pon ta Delgada, Azores, 1993.
`• Co-chairman of the IEEE workshop on Context-Based Vision held
`in conjunction with ICCV, Cambridge MA, 1995.


`• Co-chairman DARPA workshop on Shape, Contour and Grouping in
`Computer Vision, Palermo, Sicily, 1999.
`• Co-chairman IEEE workshop on the Integration of Appearance and
`Geometry in Object Recognition,
`Fort Collins, CO, 1999.
`• Member, Editorial Board, IEEE Transactions on Pattern
`Analysis and Machine Intelligence (P AMI) 1987-90
`• Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Computer Vision,
`• Member, advisory board of NSF for artificial intelligence and robotics
`(IRIS) 1986-1998.
`• Area Chair, 2001 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
`Honors and Awards:
`• Best paper award from the American Society of Photogrammetry and
`Remote Sensing in 2011.
`• Co-recipient of the Marr Prize, 1993. The Marr Prize is awarded for
`the best paper at the International Conference on Computer Vision, and is
`considered a major honor in computer vision.
`Invited visitor to the Newton Institute of Mathematics at
`Cambridge University, summer 1993. Co-chaired a workshop at the
`Newton Institute on object recognition.
`• Best Paper Award, British Machine Vision Conference, 1991.
`Invited keynote speaker, Swedish Conference on Computer Vision,
`• Elected a Coolidge Fellow, 1987, General Electric's highest recognition
`for outstanding technical achievement.
`• Best Paper Award, GE Symposium on Statistics, 1979.
`• Best Paper Award, GE Symposium on Solid State Applications, 1976.


`• Eta Kappa Nu, honors fraternity.
`a. Books
`Geometric Reasoning, Kapur, D. and Mundy, J.L., editors,
`MIT Press, 1989.
`Symbolic and Numerical Computation for Artificial Intelligence,
`Donald, B., Kapur, D., and Mundy, J.L., editors, Academic Press, 1992
`Geometric Invariance in Computer Vision,
`Mundy, J.L., Zisserman, A. , MIT Press, 1992.
`Applications of Invariance in Computer Vision,
`Mundy, J.L., Zisserman, A. and Forsyth D., editors, LNCS 825, Springer
`Verlag, 1994.
`Shape, contour and grouping in Computer Vision, D. Forsyth, J. Mundy, V. Di
`Gesu, R. Cipolla, LNCS 1681, 1999.
`b. Book Chapters
`Automatic Visual Inspection, Mundy, J.L.,
`in Applications of Pattern Recognition, K.S. Fu,
`Editor, CRC Press, 1982.
`Robotic Vision, Mundy, J.L. in Advances in Automation and
`Robotics, Vol 1 pp 141-208, JAI Press, 1985.
`A Three Dimensional Sensor Based on Structured Light,
`Mundy, J.L. and Porter, G.B, in 30 Vision, edited by T. Kanade, 1987.
`Experiments in Using at Theorem Prover to Prove and Develop Geometrical Theorems
`in Computer Vision, Mundy, J.L. and Swain, M., Proc. IEEE Conference on Robotics
`and Automation, p280, 1986.
`Reprinted in Readings in Computer Vision M. Fischler and 0. Ferschein, Eds.,
`Morgan-Kaufmann, 1987.
`Industrial Machine Vision - Is It Practical?, Mundy, J. L.,
`in Machine Vision, Algorithms, Architectures and Systems, H. Freeman, Ed.
`Academic Press, 1988.


`Applications of Range Image Sensing and Processing, in
`Analysis and. Interpretation of Range Images}, R.Jain and
`A.Jain Eds, Springer-Verlag, 1990.
`Applications of Invariant Theory in Vision, Forsyth, D.A., Mundy, J.L., Zisserman, A. and
`Rothwell, C.A., in Integrating Symbolic and Numerical Methods for Artificial
`Intelligence, Academic Press, 1992.
`Symbolic Representation of Object Models, in
`Active Perception and Robotic Vision, A. Sood and H. Wexler Eds.,
`Springer Verlag, 1992.
`Object recognition in the geometric era: a retrospective, in Towards Category-level
`object recognition, J. Ponce and M. Hebert and C. Schmid and A.Zisserman, eds.,
`Springer Verlag, 2007.
`c. Refereed and invited articles
`Thermodynamical Systems Involving Magnetic Fields, Mundy, J. and Newhouse, V.,
`American Journal of Physics, Vol. 34, 1966, p.1198.
`Multicrossover Cryotron -A High Gain Single Stage Amplifier, Mundy, J.L. and
`Newhouse, V., Joynson, R.E. and Meicklejohn, W., Review of Scientific
`Instruments, Vol. 38, 1967, p.798.
`A New Cryogenic Memory System, Mundy, J.L. and Newhouse, V., IEEE
`Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. MAG-4, 1968, p.705.
`Direct Measurement of Strain on Tc in Thin Films, Mundy, J.L. and Friday, B.,
`Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 40, 1969, p. 2162.
`Shortening in MOS Transistors during Junction Walk-Out Neugebauer, C., Burgess, J.,
`Joynson, R.E. and Mundy, J.L., Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 19, 1971, p. 287.


`Eliminating Threshold Losses in MOS Circuits by Varactor Bootstrapping, Joynson, R.E.,
`Mundy, J.L., Burgess, J. and Neugebauer, C., Proc. IEEE, Vol. 59, 1971 p.1365.
`Eliminating Threshold Losses in MOS Circuits by Bootstrapping Using Varactor
`Coupling, Joynson, R.£, Mundy, J.L., Burgess, J. and Neugebauer, C. IEEE Journal of
`Solid State Circuits, Vol SC-7, 1972, p. 217.
`Low Cost Associative Memory, Mundy, J.L, Burgess, J., Joynson, R.E., Neugebauer, C.,
`IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, Vol. SC-7, p364, 1972.
`The Application of Unitary Transforms to Visual Pattern Recognition, Mundy, J.L. and
`Joynson, R.E., Proc. 1st International Joint Conference on Pattern
`Recognition, p390, 1973.
`A Line Description System Based on Hadamard Features, Joynson, R.E., Mundy, J.L.,
`and Banerji, R., Proc. 2nd International Joint Conference on Pattern
`Recognition, p204, 1974.
`One Pass Contouring of Images Through Planar Approximation, Sommerville, C. and
`Mundy, J.L., Proc. 3rd International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition,
`p 745, 1976.
`Automatic Visual Inspection Using Syntactic Analysis, Mundy, J.L. and Joynson, R.E.,
`Proc. IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, p144,
`Web Representation of Image Data, Hsu, S. and Mundy, J.L,,
`Proc. 4th International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, p 675, 1978.


`Automatic Visual Inspection of Blind Holes in Metal Sutfaces, Potter, G.B., Cipolla, T.M.
`and Mundy, J.L, Proc IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image
`Processing, p83, 1979.
`Regionization of Image Data Using Sutface Approximation, Hsu, S. and Mundy, J.L.,
`Proc IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, p314,
`Visual Inspection of Metal Sutfaces, Mundy, J.L. and Porter, G.B. Proc. 5th
`International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, p232, 1980.
`Parameter Selection of Network Approximation of Images, Hsu, S. and Mundy, J.L.,
`Proc. 5th International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, p943, 1980.
`A Table Driven Visual Inspection Module, Porter, G. and Mundy, J.L., Proc. 1st
`Symposium of Robotic Research, Bretton Woods, 1983.
`Reasoning About Three Dimensional Space, Mundy J.L., Proc. IEEE International
`Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1985.
`Reasoning About 3-D Space With Algebraic Deduction, Mundy, J.L., Proc. 3rd
`International Symposium on Robotics Research, p117, 1986.
`3D Object Recognition From an UnconstrainedViewpoint, Thompson, D. and Mundy, J.,
`Proc. IEEE Cont. on Robotics and Automation, Apri~ 1987.
`Model-Based Motion Analysis - Motion From Motion, Thompson, D. and Mundy, J.,
`Proc. 4th International Symposium on Robotics Research, p. 299, 1987.


`Matching from 3-d Range Models into 2-d Intensity Scenes, Connoly, C.I., Mundy, J.L.,
`Stenstrom, R. and Thompson, D. Proc. Ist International Conference on Computer
`Vision, 1987.
`Wu~ Method and Its Application to Perspective Viewing, Kapur, D. and Mundy J.,
`Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 37, p.15, Dec. 1988.
`A Multi-Level Geometric Reasoning System For Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Barry,
`M. and Mundy, J., Vol. 37, p. 275, Dec. 1988.
`Projectively Invariant Representations Using Implicit Algebraic Curves, Rothwell, C. ,
`Forsyth, D., Mundy, J. and Zisserman, A., Proc. 1st European Conference on
`Computer Vision, p. 427, 1990.
`Benchmark Evaluation of a Model-Based Object Recognition System, Heller A. and
`Mundy, J.L. Proc. 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision, p. 268,
`Invariance - A New Framework for Vision, Forsyth, D., Mundy, J.L., Zisserman, A. and
`Brown, C., Proc. 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision, , p. 268,
`Relative Motion and Pose from Invariants, Zisserman, A., Marinos, C., Forsyth, D.,
`Mundy J.L. and Rothwell, C.A., Proc. British Machine Vision Association
`Conference, 1990.
`Projectively Invariant Representations Using Implicit Algebraic Curves, Forsyth, D.,
`Mundy, J.L., Zisserman, A. and Brown, C., Image and Vision Computing, 9, 2, 130-
`136, 1991.


`Modeling Polyhedra with Constraints, J.L. Mundy Proc. Computer Vision and
`Pattern Recognition, p479, 1991.
`Invariant Descriptors for 30 Object Recognition and Pose IEEE Trans. on Pattern
`Analysis and Machine Intelligence, p.971, Oct, 1991
`Projectively Invariant Representations Using Implicit Algebraic Curves, Image and
`Vision Computing, Vol. 9, No. 2, p. 130, 1991.
`Transformational Invariance - a Primer, Forsyth, D., Mundy, J.L. and Zisserman, A.,
`Image and Vision Computing, 10, 1992
`Recognizing Rotationally Symmetric Surfaces From Their Outlines, Proc. European
`Conference on Computer Vision, p.639, 1992.
`Template Guided Visual Inspection, Noble, A., Nguyen, V.D., Marinos, C., Tran, A.T.,
`Farley, J., Hedengren, Kand Mundy, J., Proc. European Conference on Computer
`Vision, p. 893, 1992.
`An Object-Oriented Approach to Template-Guided Visual Inspection, Mundy, J., Noble,
`A., Marinos, C., Nguyen, V.D. , Heller, A. Farley, J. and Tran, A.T., Proc. Computer
`Vision and Pattern Recognition,
`p. 386, 1992.
`Efficient Model Library Access by Projectively Invariant Indexing Functions, Rothwell, C.,
`Zissserman, A, Forsyth, D. and J.L. Mundy, Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern
`Recognition, p. 109, 1992.


`Efficient recognition of rotationally symmetric surface and straight homogeneous
`generalized cylinders, Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1993.
`Extracting Projective Structure From Single Perspective Views of 3D Pointsets, Rothwell,
`C. Zisserman, A, Forsyth, D. and Mundy, J.L., Proc. 4th International Conference
`on Computer Vision, 1993.
`Planar Object Recognition Using Projective Shape Representation, C.A. Rothwell, A.
`International Journal of Computer Vision,
`Zisserman, D.A. Forsyth, J.L. Mundy,
`16, 1995, invited.
`Toward Template-Based Tolerancing from a Bayesian Viewpoint, Noble, J.A. and
`Mundy, J.L. Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1993.
`Applications of Computer Vision, Grimson, W.E.L and Mundy, J.L., Comm. ACM, 37,
`45-51, 1994, invited.
`The Development of the Image Understanding Environment, Kohl, C. and Mundy, J.L. ,
`Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1994.
`Driving Vision by Topology, C. Rothwell, J. Mundy, W. Hoffman, and V.-D. Nguyen, In
`Proceedings IEEE Symposium on Computer Vision, 1995
`3D Object Recognition Using Invariance, Zisserman, A., Forsyth, D., Mundy, J.L.,
`Rothwell, C., Liu, J., Special Issue on Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence,
`The Image Understanding Environment Program, J.L. Mundy and the IUE Committee,
`IEEE Expert/Intelligent Systems & Their Applications, 1995, invited.


`Representing objects using topology, C. Rothwell, J. Mundy, and W. Hoffman. In
`Proceedings International Workshop on Object Representations in Computer
`Vision, 1996.
`An Experimental Comparison of Appearance and Geometric Model Based Recognition, J.
`Mundy and A. Liu and N. Pillow and A. Zisserman and S. Abdallah and Sven Utcke and
`S. Nayar and C. Rothwell, Proceedings International Workshop on Object
`Representations in Computer Vision, 1996
`Object Recognition Based on Geometry: Progress over Three Decades, J.L. Mundy,
`Philosophical Transactions:Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences,
`of the Royal Society, Vol 356, pp 1213-1231, 1998, invited.
`An Integrated Boundary and Region Approach to Perceptual Grouping, A. Hoogs and
`J.L. Mundy, Proc. International Conf on Pattern Recognition, 2000, p 284.
`A Common Set of Perceptual Observables for Grouping Figure-Ground Discrimination
`and 3-d Texture Classification, A. Hoogs, R. Collins, R. Kaucic and J. Mundy, IEEE
`Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, April 2003.
`A Probabilistic Approach to Nano-computing, J. Chen, J. Mundy, Y. Bai, S. M. Chan, P.
`Petrica and I. R. Bahar, IEEE Workshop on Non-silicon Computing, San Diego, CA,
`A Probabilistic-based Design Methodology for Nanoscale Computation, I. R. Bahar, J.
`Mundy and J. Chen, IEEE ICCAD, San Jose,
`CA, Nov. 2003.


`A Probabilistic-based Design Methodology for Nanoscale Computer Architecture, J.
`Chen, J. Mundy, and I. R.Bahar, International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis,
`Laguna Beach, CA, May 2003.
`Objed Recognition in the Geometric Era: A Retrospective, J. Mundy, International
`Workshop on Recognition and Learning, Sicily Italy, Sept. 2003.
`Video Surveillance Research in Support of Port Security, J. Mundy, IEEE Homeland
`Security Technology Workshop, Warwick RI, Nov. 2003.
`Rgure-ground Segmentation and Object Tracking in Video using Curve Matchin~ V.
`Jain, B. Kimia and J. Mundy, Proc. European Conference on Computer Vision,
`Workshop on Spatial Coherence in Visual Motion Analysis, May 2004.
`Fusion of intensity, texture, and color in video tracking based on mutual information, J.
`Mundy and C-F. Chang, Proc. IEEE Conf. AIPR, 2004.
`A Probabilistic-Based Design for Nanoscale Computation, Chapter 5 in, Nano,
`Quantum and Molecular Computing: Implications to High Level Design and
`Validation, R. I. Bahar, J. Chen, and J. Mundy, S. Shukla and R.I. Bahar, eds, Kluwer
`Academic Publishers, 2004
`Designing Logic Circuits for Probabilistic Computation in the Presence of Noise, K.
`Nepal , R. I. Bahar, J. Mundy, W. R. Patterson, and A. Zaslavsky, IEEE/ ACM Design
`Automation Conference, June 2005.
`Designing MRF based Error Correcting Circuits for Memory Elements, K. Nepal , R. I.
`Bahar, J. Mundy, W. R. Patterson, and A. Zaslavsky, IEEE/ ACM Design Automation
`and Test in Europe Conference. to appear March 2006.
`K. Nepal, R. I. Bahar, J. Mundy, W. R. Patterson, and A. Zaslavsky, "The


`MRF Reinforcer: A Probabilistic Element for Space Redundancy in
`Nanoscale Circuits," IEEE MICRO, Vol. 26, No. 5, September/October 2006., pp. 19-27.
`Designing Nanoscale Logic Circuits based on Markov Random Fields, K. Nepal, R. I.
`Bahar, J. Mundy, W. R. Patterson, and A. Zaslavsky,
`Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and Applications, accepted for publication.
`Designing MRF based Error Correcting Circuits for Memory Elements, K. Nepal, R. I.
`Bahar, J. Mundy, W. R. Patterson, and A. Zaslavsky,
`IEEE/ ACM Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference,
`March 2006, interactive presentation. Acceptance rate approx. 25%
`A Model for Soft Errors in the Subthreshold CMOS Inverter, H. Li, J. Mundy, W.
`Patterson, D. Kazazis, A. Zaslavsky and R. I. Bahar, Workshop on
`SELSE 2, System Effects of Logic Soft Errors, April 2006.
`Optimizing Noise-Immune Logic Circuits using Principles of Markov Random Fields, K.
`Nepal, R. I. Bahar, J. Mundy, W. R. Patterson, and A. Zaslavsky,
`IEEE/ ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, May 2006. Acceptance rate approx.
`Techniques for MRF based implementation of multi-level combinational
`circuits, K. Nepal, R. I. Bahar, J. Mundy, W. R. Patterson, and A. Zaslavsky,
`IEEE Workshop on Defect and Fault Tolerant Nanoscale Architectures
`(NANOARCH 2006}, held in conjunction with the
`International Symposium on Computer Architecture, June 2006.


`Techniques for Designing Noise-Tolerant Multi-level Combinational Circuits,K. Nepal, R.
`I. Bahar, J. Mundy, W. R. Patterson, and A. Zaslavsky,
`IEEE/ ACM Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference,
`April 2007 Acceptance rate approx. 25%
`Learning Background and Shadow Appearance with 3-D Vehicle Models, M. J. Leotta
`and J. L. Mundy. Proc. British Machine Vision Conference {BMVC). Sept 2006. Vol
`2, pp. 649-658
`Automated Change Detection Based on Multi-modal Fusion, Pollard, T., Mundy, J. L.,
`Cooper, D., Proc. National Geospatial Intelligence Agency Symposium, Proc.,
`Automated Change Detection Based on
`Multi-modal Fusion, Pollard, T. , Mundy, J. L., Cooper, D. Intelligence Agency
`Academic Summit, Proc., June ,2007.
`Epipolar Curve Tracking in 3-D., M. J. Leotta and J. L. Mundy.
`In IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2007 {ICIP).
`Sept 2007. Vol. 6, pp. 325-328
`Thermally-induced soft errors in nanoscale CMOS circuits ,Li, H. Mundy, J. Patterson,
`W. Kazazis, D. Zaslavsky, A. Bahar, R. I. ,
`IEEE International Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures, NANOSARCH,
`Oct. 2007


`Change detection in a 3-d world, T. Pollard and J. Mundy .. In Proc. IEEE Computer
`Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference, June 2007.
`Automated Change Detection Based on Multi-modal Fusion (Geospatial Registration),"
`Eden, I, Mundy, J. L., Cooper, D. , Intelligence Agency Academic Summit, Proc.,
`June ,2008.
`Image and Video Registration in a 3-d World, Mundy, J.L., Proc. NGA Geopositioning
`Workshop, August, 2008.
`Parallax-Free Video Registration, Crispell, D., Mundy, J. and Taubin, G., Proc. British
`Machine Vision Conf., Sept. 2008.
`Automated Change Detection Based on Multi-modal Fusion, Mundy, J.L., Invited
`Keynote Address at United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation
`Symposium, October, 2008.
`Lie Group distance based generic 3-d Vehicle Classification, Yarlagadda, P. Ozcanli, 0.,
`Mundy, J.L., Proc. International Conference on Pattern Recognition, December,
`NorMaL: Non-compact Markovian Likelihood for Change Detection, Sezer, 0., Mundy,
`J.L., Altunbasak, Y. and Cooper, D., Proc. International Conference on Pattern
`Recognition, December, 2008.
`Markov Chain Analysis of Thermally Induced Soft Errors in Sub-threshold Nanoscale
`CMOS Circuits, Sabou, F., Kazazis, D. Bahar, R., Mundy, J., Patterson, W., Zaslavsky, A.
`IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, to appear 2010.


`A Volumetric Approach to Change Detection in Satellite Images, Pollard, T. , Eden, I. ,
`Mundy, J. , and Cooper, D. , Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing
`Journal, to appear 2010.
`Uncertain Geometry: A New Approach to Modeling for Recognition,
`Mundy, J.L., Ozcanli, O.C., Proceedings of SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing
`Conference, April 2009. (Received Automatic Target Recognition (ATR) 2009 Best
`Paper Award)
`Predicting High Resolution Image Edges with a Generic, Adaptive, 3-D Vehicle Model,
`Leotta, M. J., Mundy, J. L. , Proc. IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
`Conference, June 2009. pp 1311-1318
`Vehicle Recognition as Changes in Satellite Imagery, Ozcanli, 0., Mundy, J.L., Proc.
`International Conference on Pattern Recognition(ICPR), 2010
`Vehicle Surveillance with a Generic, Adaptive, 3-D Vehicle Mode~ Leotta, M., Mundy,
`J.L., IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Nov.
`Numerical queue solution of thermal noise-induced soft errors in subthreshold CMOS
`devices, Jannaty, P., Sabou, Florian F., Bahar, R. I., Mundy, J.L., Patterson, W.,
`Zaslavsky, A. , GLSVLSI '10 Proceedings of the 20th symposium on Great lakes
`symposium on VLSI. 2010.
`Full Two-Dimensional Markov Chain Analysis of Thermal Soft Errors in Subthreshold
`Nanoscale CMOS Devices, Jannaty, P. , Sabou, F. Bahar, I. Mundy, J. , Patterson, W.,
`Zaslavsky, A., IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, 2010.


`Two-Dimensional Markov Chain Analysis of Radiation-Induced Soft Errors in
`Subthreshold Nanoscale CMOS Devices

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