`Copyright © 1976 by The Williams & Wilkins Co.
`Vol. 67, No. 4, Part 2 of 2 parts
`Printed in U.S.A
`Department of Dermatology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, U. S. A.
`J = (DK/5) AC,
`= k, AC,
`Before anytopically applied drug can act either
`appeared more compact. Rein [1] had theorized
`locally or systemically,
`it must penetrate the
`this region was the site of a permanent
`“barrier layer’ of the skin, the stratum corneum.
`electrical double layer,
`impermeable to anions.
`The penetration of the stratum corneum is the
`This layer,
`identified by some as the stratum
`necessary first step, not only for the therapeutic
`lucidum, became the site of the skin’s major
`the minds of most
`action of applied drugs, but also for anyinjury
`produced byexternally applied chemical agents or
`authoritative investigators. This mistaken concep-
`antigenic substances. Since literally thousands of
`tion persists to this day in some_textbooks,
`different substances produce delayed hypersensi-
`although we nowknowit is not true.
`tivity reactions in apparently normal skin, it
`The stratum corneum is now widely acknowl-
`evident that the protective permeability barrier of
`edged to be essentially uniformly impermeable.
`The best direct evidence comes from studies that
`the skin is not perfect.
`reveal the location of substances within the stra-
`Whatis the nature of the barrier layer? How do
`molecules get through it? Is the stratum corneum
`tum corneum some time after application. These
`uniformly impermeable or is one part more perme-
`studies show that the outer layers,
`in fact, greatly
`able than another? Howfast does penetration
`impede penetration and are not significantly dif-
`occur; and howis this affected by the chemical
`ferent from the inner layers. Careful morphologic
`nature of the penetrating molecules? Can the
`studies using less destructive techniques give no
`permeation rates of substances be modified by
`reason to doubt
`this conclusion. This change in
`our conception of the stratum corneum fromafri-
`using different vehicles or by hydration? What
`concentration levels are produced in the viable
`able, porous tissue to a coherent, compact mem-
`layers of the skin by the topical application of a
`brane has accompanied the increasing sophistica-
`tion and fidelity of our techniques of visualization
`drug? Is the blood perfusion rate a controlling
`using electron microscopy and scanning electron
`in percutaneous absorption? Answers to
`microscopy(Figs. 1, 2).
`these and related questions are of obvious impor-
`tance to dermatologic practice, to the formulating
`of topical preparations, and to skin physiologyin
`Penetration experiments on hundreds of sub-
`general. These issues have been the major concern
`stances have demonstrated that the stratum cor-
`of investigators of skin permeability.
`neum behaves like a passive diffusion barrier [2].
`Differences between “live” and ‘‘dead” skin have
`been observed but
`these cannot be ascribed to
`Through most of
`the 1950s, attention was
`focused on the question of the precise location of
`active transport processes.
`the barrier layer within the stratum corneum. To
`Data on the penetration of water and low-
`the skin biologists of that era, the stratum corneum
`molecular-weight nonelectrolytes have given clear
`appeared to be a highly porous tissue composed of
`evidence that permeability through epidermis
`a coarse network of loosely connected cells; clearly
`(stratum corneum included)
`is proportional
`not, so it seemed, a plausible candidate for the
`concentration (3]. Tissue:vehicle partition coeffi-
`cients were obtained and these correlated well with
`major permeability barrier of the skin. A variety of
`skin conditions involving chapped, dried, or des-
`measured permeabilities and explained the ob-
`quamating horny layers and the appearance of the
`served increase in permeability in ascending ho-
`tissue in histologic cross sections (Fig. 1, top) lent
`mologous series of nonelectrolytes
`[4]. Further
`work led to an expanded form of Fick’s law for
`support to this view. The damageinflicted on the
`steady-state transport through skin:
`stratum corneum by the usual histologic tech-
`niques was not fully appreciated until relatively
`recently. Attention was drawn to the junction of
`the viable epidermis and the stratum corneum,
`where there exists
`a transitional zone which
`Reprint requests to: Dr. R. J. Scheuplein, Department
`of Dermatology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Fruit
`Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02114.
`= solute flux;
`= solute diffusion constant in the stratum
`= solute partition coefficient;
`= thickness of stratum corneum;


`apportioned [5]. Dermal resistance was found to be
`negligible except possibly in the case of extremely
`lipid-soluble, highly diffusable penetrants (Fig. 3).
`The diffusion constants for low-molecular-weight
`nonelectrolytes are approximately 10°° - cm? -
`sec? and 6 x 10°® - cm? -
`sec”! for stratum
`corneum and dermis, respectively.
`It became clear that hydrated stratum corneum
`had an affinity for both water-soluble and lipid-
`soluble nonelectrolytes. As a result, the stratum
`corneum, while not very permeable to any sub-
`is slightly permeable to both water-soluble
`and lipid-soluble substances. Both the mechanism
`of diffusion and the diffusion pathway through the
`tissue taken by penetrating molecules appears to
`depend upon whether they are water-soluble or
`lipid-soluble molecules. Activa-
`tion energies for
`the permeation of water and
`water-soluble alkanols were found to be = 15 kcal.
`mole '; the activation energies for the correspond-
`ing lipid-soluble alkanols are = 10 kcal-mol~*. In-
`creasing the polar character of the penetrant mole-
`cule by increasing the numberof polar groups re-
`sulted in higher activation energies and still lower
`permeabilities (Fig. 4). From these and other data
`it was determined that
`the major pathway for
`water-soluble molecules was primarily transcellu-
`i.e., through cells and cell walls alike without
`discrimination. The lipid-protein-water keratin
`> ®Q =
`" °~&~
`structure within the cells (Fig. 5) was pinpointed
`(Gere =e =O
`Fic. 3. Relative effectiveness of epidermis (including
`the stratum corneum) and dermis as barriers to penetra-
`tion of the alkanols. For percutaneous absorption in vivo
`only 100-200 » of
`the dermis is involved, and the
`diffusional resistance of this thinner layeris far less than
`that shown for the entire dermis.
`Nov. 1976
`well-prepared specimens (x 2,200).
`Stratum corneum has porous appearance typical of
`histologic preparations (= 47). Bottom: Electron photo-
`micrograph of uppermost
`layer of epidermis, Stratum
`corneum appears more compact than above, but spaces
`are evident between cells;
`these are not present
`Fic. 2. Scanning electron photomicrograph of upper-
`most layer of stratum corneum. The overlap and close
`packing of adjacent cells is evident (x 540).
`external concentration difference ofsol-
`ute in the vehicle on opposite sides of
`the tissue.
`This relation succinctly summarized hundreds of
`observations and became the fundamentalbasis of
`more sophisticated studies. By measuring the
`permeability constants for the same substances
`through stratum corneum, epidermis, and dermis
`separately, the different diffusional resistances (FR
`= 1/k,) of these layers of the skin were accurately


`Vol. 67, No. 5, Part 2 of 2 parts
`_ (kp cmhr-' x 10-8)
`Most liquids can damage or alter the stratum
`corneum; organic solvents and particularly mix-
`tures of organic solvents, e.g., chloroform:meth
`anol, ethanol:ether, are efficient delipidizing sol
`vents and rapidly damage the barrier. Vehicle:
`are normally chosen from mild or innocousliquids
`and the influence of the vehicle on the release and
`penetration of the solute is still not completely
`understood. Some progress has been made, how-
`ever, and in contrast to past doctrine it is now clear
`that vehicles can affect solute permeation evenit
`the stratum corneum per se is not affected. As
`shown by equation (1) the flux depends on the
`product of external concentration (if AC, = C, and
`the partition coefficient K = (C,,/C,) where Cm is
`the solute concentration in the tissue). As the
`vehicle is changed so that the solute becomesless
`soluble in it, C,, and K increase and so does
`permeability. For example,
`the polar alkanols
`Fic. 4. Decrease in the permeability constant ofste-
`roid molecules as more hydroxyl groups are introduced
`as the site of the tissues’ major diffusional resist-
`ance for water-soluble molecules. A great deal of
`evidence supports the hypothesis that
`the water
`within this structure is “bound” in the sense that
`the diffusion of this water and the solutes dis-
`solved within it occurs veryslowly.
`The pathwayfor lipid-soluble molecules is not
`known; it presumably follows the endogenouslipid
`within the stratum corneum. Present evidence
`suggests that the bulk ofthese lipids are intercel-
`lular. But earlier work suggested that lipids were
`also located between the keratin filaments within
`the cells [6].
`Sweat ducts and hairfollicles can act as diffu-
`sion shunts, i.e., relatively easy pathways through
`the stratum corneum. For the most part, the effect
`of these appendageal shunts is minimized owing to
`their relatively smal] total fractional area~10~*
`(on abdominal skin). But for ions, polyfunctional
`polar compounds, e.g., cortisol, and extremely
`large molecules that can penetrate the bulk stra-
`tum corneum onlyveryslowly, diffusion through
`shunt pathways can be verysignificant and must
`be taken into account. Since the lag times for a
`shunt pathway can be quite small,
`this route of
`entryis the likely one when a chemically complex
`drug is observed to produce a pharmacologic re-
`sponse within a few minutes after application to
`the skin. Transport through shunts has been ob-
`served in vitro for ions and in vivo for charged dyes
`the filament-
`Fic. 5. Top: Schematic drawing of
`matrix ultrastructure of epidermal keratin. Battam:
`Electron photomicrograph of stained epidermal keratin
`Lipid-rich regions are stained dark and appear betwee
`the keratin filaments {x 65,000). (From Brody [6])


`Nov. 1976
`action in the skin. It is not usually appreciated that
`not only penetration must occur, but adequate
`penetration must occurto give effective concentra-
`tion levels at the site or sites desired. At
`present time it is not feasible to measure experi-
`mentally the time-dependent concentration levels
`in the skin after a substance is applied topically.
`this kind of
`information is now well
`within our capacity to calculate using a realistic
`model for the skin. The skin can be considered to
`be a composite diffusion media corresponding to
`stratum corneum, epidermis, and a thin layer of
`dermis, each with its corresponding diffusion con-
`thickness, and partition coefficient. This
`overlays a reservoir (the blood stream) which offers
`a diffusional resistance inversely proportional to
`blood flow and whichis saturable by the solute.
`The problem is mathematically complex and
`has to be solved by approximate methods. Some
`initial results are given in Figures 6 and 7 which are
`steady-state and time-dependent concentration
`levels, respectively. The expression for the flux in
`Figure 6 shows that the rate of blood perfusion can
`be treated as an additive resistance after steady
`state is achieved. The numerical values suggest
`that it
`is negligible even under basal conditions.
`Because the diffusivity of the viable epidermis and
`dermis is so much greater than the stratum cor-
`the concentration levels in the epidermis
`for all practical purposes, always flat, Both
`Figures illustrate the role of the partition coeffi-
`in markedly lowering the concentration of
`lipid-soluble nonelectrolytes in the viable tissue as
`compared to their concentrations in the stratum
`Pa ecm Sp
`9 [p9) 29298
`se (os) =Q= Ot Steady State

`kp ER =Reo + Re xpid + Reert
`+ 4x10°+ 3-30 x 10°(sec cm")
`Fic. 6. Steady-state concentration levels in the skin.
`Boxed equation showsthelimiting form of the permeabil-
`ity constant to be an additive function of three separate
`diffusional resistances.
`D, (stratum corneum) = 6 = 10°°-cm?-sec~!
`D, (viable epidermis) = 5 x 10 *-cm*-sec™!
`K = 10
`N= 6 x 10°-*-em-sec"?
`penetrate better from organic vehicles than they do
`from water.
`It has been suggested that for saturated solu-
`tions, C,, should, ideally, be constant and that the
`penetration of a solute from its saturated solution
`should be maximal and independentof the vehicle
`used. Behavior of this type has been observed in
`isolated instances but it
`is by no means generally
`true [8]. Apparently, most vehicles are absorbed to
`some extent by the stratum corneum and produce
`direct effects on it. These lead to changes in the
`solubility and diffusivity of substances in the
`tissue and, accordingly, in their permeation rates.
`Water and aprotic solvents like dimethylsulfoxide
`are capable of increasing permeation rates mark-
`edly. Neither vehicle acts as a “carrier” nor is the
`increased permeation due simply to a more favora-
`ble partition coefficient for the particular solute or
`to irreversible tissue damage [9].
`It was emphasized that drugs must penetrate the
`stratum corneum in order to have a pharmacologic
`g— x
`O6-S NT
`‘\Te 10!

`d=6x107* sec!
`D,= 6109 om? sec" :
`gx (Sh 28 = 796 min
`D, De
`\ Oe
`ica ch
`1 Bg
`12 14
`DISTANCE x 10-7
`Fic. 7. Time-dependent concentration levels in the
`skin. Time in minutes = g? T. At approximately 40 min
`the concentration in the viable epidermis (solid line
`beyond 10 y) is approximately 0.09 Co.


`676—SCHEUPLEIN Vol. 67, No. 5, Part 2 of 2 parts
`1. Rein H: Z Biol 81:12, 1924
`2. Tregear RT: In Monographsin Theoretical and Exper-
`Sesaie Sey, Wel &Dow Yor, Satur, 1
`3. Scheuplein RJ, Blank IH: J Invest Dermatol 60:286,
`4. Scheuplein RJ, Blank IH: Physiol Rev 51:702, 1971
`5. Scheuplein RJ: J Invest Dermatol 48:79, 1967
`. Brody I: J Ultrastruct Res 4:267, 1960
`. Higuchi T: J Soe Cosmet Chem 11:85, 1960
`°- iiFgWMentone euaoe _ a
`Scott. New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1979, ;
`9. Ten SG, Laden K: J Soc Cosmet Chem 19:841,

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