/Users/implicit/Desktop/Source Code/2001…/…/…/main/rgbalterencoding.c
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`$Id: rgbalterencoding.c,v 1.8 2001/10/02 21:15:02 guyc Exp $¬
`Copyright (c) 2001 BeComm Corporation¬
` rgbalterencoding.c¬
` Transforms the image's pixels from their current encoding to a new
`one. This¬
` is useful for compressing an image and altering the pixel format¬
` for the end display device.¬
` A new encoding is specified as a path attribute with the name¬
` "newencoding". It should be a 32 Integer.¬
` Andy Kutner (andyk)¬
`#define SOS_DEBUG_ZONE "/beads/rgbalterencoding"¬
`#include <sosstrings.h>¬
`#include <sosmultimedia.h>¬
`#define RED_SIZE(A) ((A) & 0xFF)¬
`#define GREEN_SIZE(A) (((A) & 0xFF00) >> (SOS_BITSPERBYTE))¬
`#define BLUE_SIZE(A) (((A) & 0xFF0000) >> (2 * SOS_BITSPERBYTE))¬
`#define TOTAL_SIZE(A) (((A) & 0xFF000000) >> (3 * SOS_BITSPERBYTE))¬
`/* shift the total size right by 3 bytes. then shift it right by 3¬
` bits which is the same as deviding by 8 or a Byte. */¬
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`#define TOTAL_SIZE_BYTES(A) (((A) & 0xFF000000) >> (3 * SOS_BITSPERBYTE +
`Named Constants¬
`/* Name of bead */¬
`static const char BEAD_NAME[] = "rgbalterencoding";¬
`static const char VIDEOCONTEXT_CLASS_NAME[] = "rgbcontext";¬
`static const char NEW_ENCODING[] = "newencoding";¬
` SOS_IVIDEOCONTEXT * InVideoContext;¬
` SOS_IVIDEOCONTEXT * OutVideoContext;¬
` SOS_UINT32 OutBufferSize;¬
` ¬
` SOS_UINT32 RedMask;¬
` SOS_UINT32 GreenMask;¬
` SOS_UINT32 BlueMask;¬
` SOS_UINT32 RedRightShift;¬
` SOS_UINT32 GreenRightShift;¬
` SOS_UINT32 BlueRightShift;¬
` SOS_UINT32 RedLeftShift;¬
` SOS_UINT32 GreenLeftShift;¬
` SOS_UINT32 BlueLeftShift;¬
`Context Stuff¬
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` if (Context) {¬
` SOS_Interface_Release(Context->InVideoContext);¬
` SOS_Interface_Release(Context->OutVideoContext);¬
` SOS_Mem_Free(Context);¬
` }¬
` void¬
` context = SOS_Mem_Alloc(sizeof(*context));¬
` if (context) {¬
` SOS_memset(context, 0, sizeof(*context));¬

` context->OutVideoContext = SOS_Interface_CreateFromClassName(¬
` );¬

` context->OutVideoContext!=NULL,¬
` "Couldn't create video context"¬
` );¬

` if (!context->OutVideoContext){¬
` SOS_Mem_Free(context);¬
` context = NULL;¬
` }¬
` }¬
` return context;¬
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`Routine Name:¬

` GetInVideoContext¬

`Routine Description:¬

` Retrieve the video context for the incoming video stream.¬


` A session context should already be allocated. This routine¬
` filles in the InVideoContext variable.¬

` SOS_PATH* Path - [in]¬
` The path this session will receive images on.¬

`Return Value:¬

` SOS_Success on success.¬
` Any other value means an error occured.¬


` SOS_PATH* Path¬
` SOS_STATUS status;¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT *contextObject;¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("SetInVidoContext\n");¬

` status = SOS_Path_AttributeGet(¬
` Path,¬
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` &contextObject¬
` );¬

` SOS_ASSERT_SOFT_ERROR( SOS_SUCCEEDED(status), "Path context does not
`contain a video context");¬

` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` ¬
` status = SOS_RegObject_InterfaceGet(¬
` contextObject,¬
` (void**)&(Context->InVideoContext)¬
` );¬

` SOS_ASSERT_SOFT_ERROR( SOS_SUCCEEDED(status), "Video context does
`not support required interface");¬
` SOS_RegObject_Release(contextObject);¬
` }¬

` return status;¬

`Routine Name:¬

` SetOutVideoContext¬

`Routine Description:¬

` Retrives the new encoding from the Path and then creates a set of¬
` mask's and shifts used to coerse the data from the input format to¬
` the output format.¬


` The session context.¬

` SOS_PATH* Path - [in]¬
` The Path that we are receiving messages on.¬

` SOS_VIDEO_FORMAT* InFormat - [in]¬
` The Pixel format of the incoming data.¬

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`Return Value:¬

` SOS_SUCCESS on success.¬
` Any other value means an error occured.¬

` SOS_PATH* Path,¬
` SOS_STATUS status;¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT * object;¬
` SOS_UINT32 encoding;¬
` SOS_UINT32 blueNumberOfBits;¬
` SOS_UINT32 redNumberOfBits;¬
` SOS_UINT32 greenNumberOfBits;¬
` SOS_UINT32 blankInSize, blankOutSize, extraShift;¬
` int inSize,outSize;¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("SetOutVidoContext\n");¬

` /*¬
` * Extract new encoding from context¬
` */¬
` status = SOS_Path_AttributeGet(¬
` Path,¬
` &object¬
` );¬
` ¬
` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` status = SOS_RegObject_Int32ValueGet(¬
` object,¬
` &encoding¬
` );¬
` ¬
` SOS_RegObject_Release(object);¬
` }¬

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` TOTAL_SIZE(encoding) >= RED_SIZE(encoding) + GREEN_SIZE(encoding)
`+ BLUE_SIZE(encoding),¬
` "The new encoding value is invalid. Please check the number you
`entered and make sure that the total size of a pixel is greater then or
`equal to the sum of the elements\n"¬
` );¬
` ¬
` /*¬
` * Use the new encoding and old encoding to figure out the masks¬
` * and shifts nessacary to move from the old encoding to the new one¬
` */¬
` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)){¬

` /*¬
` * calculate the blank area for both the input and output¬
` */¬
` blankInSize = BLANK_SIZE(InFormat->Encoding);¬
` blankOutSize = BLANK_SIZE(encoding);¬

` /*¬
` * Calculate the red mask and shift¬
` */¬
` Context->RedMask = 0;¬
` ¬
` if (RED_SIZE(InFormat->Encoding) <= RED_SIZE(encoding)) {¬
` redNumberOfBits = RED_SIZE(InFormat->Encoding);¬
` extraShift = 0;¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` redNumberOfBits = RED_SIZE(encoding);¬
` extraShift = RED_SIZE(InFormat->Encoding) - redNumberOfBits;¬
` }¬

` /* create a mask */¬
` Context->RedMask = (1<<redNumberOfBits) - 1;¬
` Context->RedMask = Context->RedMask << (blankInSize + extraShift);¬
` ¬
` /* create a shift */¬
` inSize = RED_SIZE(InFormat->Encoding) + blankInSize;¬
` outSize = RED_SIZE(encoding) + blankOutSize;¬
` ¬
` if (inSize <= outSize) {¬
` Context->RedRightShift = 0;¬
` Context->RedLeftShift = outSize - inSize;¬
` }¬
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` else {¬
` Context->RedRightShift = inSize - outSize;¬
` Context->RedLeftShift = 0;¬
` }¬
` ¬
` /*¬
` * Calculate the green mask and shift¬
` */¬
` Context->GreenMask = 0;¬
` ¬
` if ( GREEN_SIZE(InFormat->Encoding) <= GREEN_SIZE(encoding)) {¬
` greenNumberOfBits = GREEN_SIZE(InFormat->Encoding);¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` greenNumberOfBits = GREEN_SIZE(encoding);¬
` extraShift = extraShift + GREEN_SIZE(InFormat->Encoding) -
` }¬

` /* create a mask */¬
` Context->GreenMask = (1<<greenNumberOfBits) - 1;¬
` Context->GreenMask = Context->GreenMask << (redNumberOfBits +
`blankInSize + extraShift);¬
` ¬
` /* create a shift */¬
` inSize = GREEN_SIZE(InFormat->Encoding) +
`RED_SIZE(InFormat->Encoding) + blankInSize;¬
` outSize = GREEN_SIZE(encoding) + RED_SIZE(encoding) +
` ¬
` if ( inSize <= outSize ){¬
` Context->GreenRightShift = 0;¬
` Context->GreenLeftShift = outSize - inSize;¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` Context->GreenRightShift = inSize - outSize;¬
` Context->GreenLeftShift = 0;¬
` }¬
` ¬
` /*¬
` * Calculate the blue mask and shift¬
` */¬
` Context->BlueMask = 0;¬
` ¬
` if (BLUE_SIZE(InFormat->Encoding) <= BLUE_SIZE(encoding)) {¬
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` blueNumberOfBits = BLUE_SIZE(InFormat->Encoding);¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` blueNumberOfBits = BLUE_SIZE(encoding);¬
` extraShift = extraShift + BLUE_SIZE(InFormat->Encoding) -
` }¬

` /* create a mask */¬
` Context->BlueMask = (1<<blueNumberOfBits) - 1;¬
` Context->BlueMask = Context->BlueMask << (greenNumberOfBits +
`redNumberOfBits + blankInSize + extraShift);¬
` ¬
` inSize = BLUE_SIZE(InFormat->Encoding) +
`GREEN_SIZE(InFormat->Encoding) + RED_SIZE(InFormat->Encoding) +
` outSize = BLUE_SIZE(encoding) + GREEN_SIZE(encoding) +
`RED_SIZE(encoding) + blankOutSize;¬
` ¬
` if (inSize <= outSize){¬
` Context->BlueRightShift = 0;¬
` Context->BlueLeftShift = outSize - inSize;¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` Context->BlueRightShift = inSize - outSize;¬
` Context->BlueLeftShift = 0;¬
` }¬

` /*¬
` * Calculate the size of the output buffer (we will round up¬
` * to the next byte in cases where the size is not byte alligned)¬
` */¬
` Context->OutBufferSize = ((InFormat->Width * InFormat->Height *

` Context->OutFormat = *InFormat;¬
`// Context->OutFormat.Width = InFormat->Width;¬
`// Context->OutFormat.Height = InFormat->Height;¬
` Context->OutFormat.Encoding = encoding;¬

` SOS_Debug_StringPrint(¬
` "Frame rate is %lu/%lu\n",¬
` Context->OutFormat.FrameRate,¬
` Context->OutFormat.FrameRateDivisor¬
` );¬
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` status = Context->OutVideoContext->FormatSet(¬
` Context->OutVideoContext,¬
` &(Context->OutFormat));¬
` } ¬
` /*¬
` * Put output video context into path context¬
` */¬
` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` status = SOS_Path_AttributeSet(¬
` Path,¬
` SOS_Interface_ObjectPeek(Context->OutVideoContext)¬
` );¬
` }¬

` return status;¬
`Bead Definition¬
` SOS_PATH *Path,¬
` SOS_MESSAGE *Message¬
` static SOS_UINT32 s_UniqueId = 0;¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT* uniqueSessionKey;¬
` ¬
` uniqueSessionKey = SOS_UInt32_Create(s_UniqueId++);¬
` SOS_Path_SessionKeySet(Path, uniqueSessionKey);¬
` SOS_RegObject_Release(uniqueSessionKey);¬

` return SOS_Success;¬

` SOS_PATH *Path,¬
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` SOS_MESSAGE *Message¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_Success;¬
` SOS_UINT8 * outBuffer = NULL;¬
` SOS_VIDEO_TIMESTAMP timeStamp = 0;¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("RgbScale_MessageHandler\n");¬

` SOS_Path_SessionContextPeek(Path, (void**)&context);¬

` /*¬
` * First pass through get video context¬
` */¬
` if (!context->InVideoContext) {¬
` GetInVideoContext(context, Path);¬
` if (!context->InVideoContext) {¬
` status = SOS_Error;¬
` }¬
` }¬

` /*¬
` * Unpack the message¬
` */¬
` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` status = context->InVideoContext->Unpack(¬
` context->InVideoContext,¬
` Message,¬
` &inFormat,¬
` &timeStamp¬
` );¬
` }¬

` /*¬
` * First pass through init output video context.¬
` * This MUST happen after the input format has¬
` * been determined.¬
` */¬
` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` if (0 == context->OutBufferSize) {¬
` status = SetOutVideoContext(context, Path, &inFormat);¬
` }¬
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` }¬

` if (inFormat.Encoding != context->OutFormat.Encoding) {¬
` /* only process if there is something to be done */¬
` ¬
` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` outBuffer = SOS_Mem_Alloc( context->OutBufferSize );¬
` if (!outBuffer) {¬
` status = SOS_Error;¬
` }¬
` }¬
` ¬
` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` status = SOS_MessageIterator_Create(¬
` Message,¬
` &iterator¬
` );¬
` }¬
` ¬
` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` ¬
` SOS_UINT32 h,w;¬
` SOS_UINT8 * inBuffer;¬
` SOS_UINT32 inValue;¬
` SOS_UINT32 outValue;¬
` int iteratorLength = 0;¬
` int inBufferIndex = 0;¬
` int outBufferIndex = 0;¬
` SOS_UINT32 inBytes =
` SOS_UINT32 outBytes =
` ¬
` for (h = 0 ; h < inFormat.Height ; h++) { ¬
` for (w = 0 ; w < inFormat.Width ; w++) {¬
` ¬
` /*¬
` * get the input pixel¬
` */¬
` {¬
` SOS_UINT32 i;¬
` inValue = 0;¬
` for (i=0;i<inBytes;i++) {¬
` ¬
` if (inBufferIndex >= iteratorLength) {¬
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` ¬
` status = SOS_MessageIterator_Next(¬
` iterator,¬
` (const void **)(&inBuffer),¬
` &iteratorLength);¬
` ¬
` SOS_Success == status,¬
` "MessageIterator_Next Failed, this
`would only happen if a message does not contain all the data its header
`says it does.\n");¬
` ¬
` inBufferIndex = 0;¬
` }¬
` /* get the first value */¬
` inValue = inValue << SOS_BITSPERBYTE;¬
` inValue = inValue | inBuffer[inBufferIndex++];¬
` }¬
` }¬
` ¬
` /*¬
` * next apply a series of mask's and shift's to move¬
` * from the input format to output format¬
` */¬
` {¬
` if (context->BlueRightShift) {¬
` outValue = ((inValue & context->BlueMask) >>
` }¬
` else if (context->BlueLeftShift) {¬
` outValue = ((inValue & context->BlueMask) <<
` }¬
` else {¬
` outValue = (inValue & context->BlueMask);¬
` }¬
` ¬
` if (context->GreenRightShift) {¬
` outValue = outValue | ((inValue &
`context->GreenMask) >> context->GreenRightShift);¬
` }¬
` else if (context->GreenLeftShift) {¬
` outValue = outValue | ((inValue &
`context->GreenMask) << context->GreenLeftShift);¬
` }¬
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` else {¬
` outValue = outValue | (inValue &
` }¬
` ¬
` if (context->RedRightShift) {¬
` outValue = outValue | ((inValue &
`context->RedMask) >> context->RedRightShift);¬
` }¬
` else if (context->RedLeftShift) {¬
` outValue = outValue | ((inValue &
`context->RedMask) << context->RedLeftShift);¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` outValue = outValue | (inValue &
` }¬
` }¬
` ¬
` /*¬
` * put the pixels into the output buffer¬
` */¬
` {¬
` int i;¬
` for (i=outBytes-1;i>=0;i--) {¬
` ¬
` outBuffer[outBufferIndex + i] =(SOS_UINT8)
`(outValue & 0xFF);¬
` outValue = outValue >> SOS_BITSPERBYTE;¬
` }¬
` outBufferIndex +=
` }¬
` }¬
` }¬
` }¬
` /* clean up */¬
` SOS_MessageIterator_Destroy(iterator); ¬
` SOS_Message_Empty(Message);¬
` ¬
` /* put the new buffer into a message */¬
` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` status = SOS_Message_HeadDataPush(¬
` Message,¬
` outBuffer,¬
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` context->OutBufferSize,¬
` SOS_Mem_Free¬
` );¬
` }¬

` }¬

` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` context->OutVideoContext->Pack(¬
` context->OutVideoContext,¬
` Message,¬
` NULL,¬
` timeStamp¬
` );¬
` }¬
` ¬
` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
` status = SOS_Path_MessageSend(¬
` Path,¬
` Message¬
` );¬
` }¬
` else {¬
` /* if an error occured clean up */¬
` SOS_Message_Destroy(Message);¬
` }¬

` return status;¬

`Session Setup¬

` SOS_PATH *Path¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_Success;¬
` RGBALTERENCODING_CONTEXT *context = RgbScale_ContextCreate();¬

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` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE( "Session Init called\n");¬

` if (context) {¬
` SOS_Path_SessionContextPut(Path, context);¬
` } else {¬
` status = SOS_Error;¬
` }¬
` ¬
` return status;¬

` SOS_PATH *Path¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE( "Session Uninit called\n");¬

` SOS_Path_SessionContextPeek(Path, (void**)&context);¬

` RgbScale_ContextDestroy(context);¬

` return SOS_Success;¬

`Bead Setup¬

` SOS_BEAD *Bead,¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT *InitContext¬
` SOS_STATUS status;¬
` ¬
` /* register Decode Edge */¬
` status = SOS_Edge_Register(¬
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` Bead,¬
` "decode",¬
` NULL,¬
` NULL,¬
` NULL,¬
` KeyCreate,¬
` MessageHandler,¬
` NULL,¬
` NULL,¬
` NULL,¬
` NULL);¬

` if (SOS_FAILED(status)) {¬
` SOS_DEBUGOUT_MAJOR_EVENT( "Could not register decode edge");¬
` }¬
` return status;¬

` void *BeadContext¬
` return SOS_Success;¬

`Module Setup¬

`SOS_ModuleInit (¬
` SOS_OBJECTFILE *ObjectFile,¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT *InitContext¬
` SOS_STATUS status;¬
` ¬
` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE( "SOS_ModuleInit called\n");¬

` /* register the Bead */¬
` status = SOS_Bead_Register(¬
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` ObjectFile,¬
` NULL, /* Bead context */¬
` BeadInit,¬
` BeadUninit,¬
` SessionInit,¬
` SessionUninit¬
` );¬

` return status;¬

`SOS_ModuleUninit (¬
` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE( "SOS_ModuleUninit called\n");¬
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`Implicit Exhibit 2049
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767

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