/Users/implicit/Desktop/Source Code/2001.11.01/b…/…/main/bmpdecoder.c
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`Printed for: Implicit
`Copyright (c) 2001 BeComm Corporation¬
` bmpdecoder.c¬
`Group Name:¬
` todo¬
`Group Overview:¬
` todo¬
` Guy Carpenter (guyc) 19-Jul-2001¬
`#define SOS_DEBUG_ZONE "/beads/bmpdisplay"¬
`#include <sosstrings.h>¬
`#include "bmpdecoder.h"¬
` "$Id: bmpdecoder.c,v 1.1 2001/09/06 21:07:58 guyc Exp $"¬
`Types and Structures¬
`struct _BMP_DECODER {¬
` SOS_UINT32 *
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`Implicit Exhibit 2044
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


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`/* is this word or dword alignment?¬
` * V1 used dword, so we will too¬
` */¬
`#define WORD_ALIGN(X) ((X+1)&(SOS_UINT32_MAX-1))¬
`#define DWORD_ALIGN(X) ((X+3)&(SOS_UINT32_MAX-3))¬
`#define RLE8_WRITE_PIXEL(P) *dest++=BmpDecoder->ColorInfo[P]¬
` BMP_DECODER * BmpDecoder,¬
` void * EncodedFrame,¬
` size_t EncodedFrameSize,¬
` void * DecodedFrame,¬
` size_t DecodedFrameSize¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_Success;¬
` unsigned char *src = EncodedFrame;¬
` SOS_UINT32 size = EncodedFrameSize;¬
` SOS_UINT32 align;¬
` unsigned char count;¬
` SOS_UINT32 width = BmpDecoder->Format.Width;¬
` SOS_UINT32 height= BmpDecoder->Format.Height;¬
` SOS_UINT32 *dest = DecodedFrame;¬
` /* destEnd is the pixel entry following¬
` the legal write area, used to detect overflow */¬
` SOS_UINT32 *destEnd = dest+(DecodedFrameSize/sizeof(SOS_UINT32));¬
` dest += width * (height-1);¬
` /*¬
` * In debug mode we check the cursor position to make sure it never¬
` * gets out of bounds.¬
` */¬
`#if DEBUG¬
`#define CHECK() if (dest<(SOS_UINT32*)DecodedFrame || dest>=destEnd)
`{SOS_Debug_StringPrint("Range check failed %p %p
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`Printed for: Implicit
`#define CHECK()¬
` ¬
` /*¬
` * This loop is written with the intention of making easy¬
` * to support streaming (incremental processing as data¬
` * becomes available). At this stage it isn't needed.¬
` */¬
` ¬
` while (size>=2) { /* need two bytes minimum for any op */¬
` if (src[0]==0) {¬
` /*¬
` * 0 character is an escape. Meaning¬
` * depends upon following character:¬
` * 0: end of line¬
` * 1: end of bitmap¬
` * 2: delta - following two bytes contain unsigned values
` * the horizontal and vertical offsets of the next pixel.¬
` * default: next byte represents number of following bytes¬
` * each of which contains the index of a single pixel.
` * second byte is 2 or less, has same meaning as in encoded¬
` * mode. In absolute mode, each run must end on 2-byte¬
` * word boundary.¬
` */¬
` switch (src[1]) {¬
` case 0: /* end of line */¬
` {¬
` SOS_UINT32 *start = (SOS_UINT32*)DecodedFrame;¬
` size_t delta = dest - start;¬
` size_t x = delta % width;¬
` size_t y = delta / width;¬
` "BMP escape eol %ld %ld\n",¬
` x,y¬
` );¬
` }¬
` src+=2; /* consume two bytes */¬
` size-=2;¬
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`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


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`Printed for: Implicit
` /* step to start of next line¬
` * need to be careful here. If we just¬
` * stepped over the end of the line, we dont¬
` * want to skip again. We assume there¬
` * wont be a eol at position 0¬
` */¬
` {¬
`// size_t y = ((dest-1-(SOS_UINT32*)DecodedFrame) %
`// dest += width - y - 1;¬

` size_t x = ((dest-(SOS_UINT32*)DecodedFrame) % width);¬
` dest -= (width<<1) + x;¬
` }¬
` {¬
` SOS_UINT32 *start = (SOS_UINT32*)DecodedFrame;¬
` size_t delta = dest - start;¬
` size_t x = delta % width;¬
` size_t y = delta / width;¬
` " now at %ld %ld\n",¬
` x,y¬
` );¬
` }¬

` break;¬
` case 1: /* end of bitmap */¬
` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("BMP escape eof\n");¬
` src+=2; /* consume two bytes */¬
` size-=2;¬
` goto rle8_done;¬
` case 2: /* delta */¬
` if (size<4) { /* need 3:0+dx+dy*/¬
` goto rle8_done;¬
` }¬
` "BMP escape delta %d %d\n",¬
` src[2],¬
` src[3]¬
` );¬
` dest += src[2] - width * src[3];¬
` src+=4;¬
` size-=4;¬
` break;¬
` default: /* absolute mode */¬
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`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


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`Printed for: Implicit
` /* we need size[1] bytes to proceed */¬
` if (size<(SOS_UINT32)(src[1]+2)) {¬
` goto rle8_done;¬
` }¬
` "BMP absolute %d\n",¬
` src[1]¬
` );¬
` count=src[1];¬
` src+=2;¬
` size-=2;¬
` while (count-->0) {¬
` if (dest>=destEnd) {¬
` status = SOS_ErrorFormat;¬
` goto rle8_done;¬
` }¬
` CHECK();¬
` RLE8_WRITE_PIXEL(*src++);¬
` size--;¬
` }¬

` {¬
` size_t length = src-(unsigned char *)EncodedFrame;¬
` align = WORD_ALIGN(length)-length;¬
` }¬

` ¬
` while (align--) {¬
` size--;¬
` src++;¬
` }¬
` }¬
` } else {¬
` /* first byte is not zero, run length encoding */¬
` "BMP repeat %d %d\n",¬
` src[0],¬
` src[1]¬
` );¬
` count=*src++;¬
` size--;¬
` while (count-->0) {¬
` if (dest>=destEnd) {¬
` status = SOS_ErrorFormat;¬
` goto rle8_done;¬
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`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


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`Printed for: Implicit
` }¬
` CHECK();¬
` RLE8_WRITE_PIXEL(*src);¬
` }¬
` src++;¬
` size--;¬
` } ¬
` }¬

` rle8_done:¬

` "decode %s, %d unused bytes\n",¬
` SOS_SUCCEEDED(status) ? "succeeded" : "failed",¬
` size¬
` );¬
`// SOS_ASSERT_ASSUMPTION(0,__func__);¬
` if (size>0) {¬
` status = SOS_ErrorFormat;¬
` }¬

` return status;¬

`#define RGB(S) (S[0] | (S[1]<<8) | (S[2]<<16))¬

` BMP_DECODER * BmpDecoder,¬
` void * EncodedFrame,¬
` size_t EncodedFrameSize,¬
` void * DecodedFrame,¬
` size_t DecodedFrameSize¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_Success;¬

` size_t srcRemaining = EncodedFrameSize;¬
` ¬
` size_t destRemaining = DecodedFrameSize;¬

` /* invert the row order here */¬
` if (0) {¬
` /*¬
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`Printed for: Implicit
` * This is for uninverting 24->32 bit conversion¬
` */¬
` unsigned char *src = EncodedFrame;¬
` SOS_UINT32 *dest = DecodedFrame;¬
` /* non-inverting */¬
` while (srcRemaining>=3 && destRemaining>=4) {¬
` SOS_UINT32 rgb = 0;¬
` rgb = RGB(src);¬
` src+=3;¬
` *dest++=rgb;¬
` destRemaining-=4;¬
` srcRemaining-=3;¬
` }¬
` } else {¬
` /*¬
` * This is for inverting 24->32 bit conversion¬
` */¬
` SOS_UINT32 width = BmpDecoder->Format.Width;¬
` SOS_UINT32 height = BmpDecoder->Format.Height;¬
` unsigned char *src = EncodedFrame;¬
` SOS_UINT32 *dest = (SOS_UINT32*)DecodedFrame + ((height-1)*width);¬
` SOS_UINT32 x,y;¬
` SOS_UINT32 rgb = 0;¬
` for (y=height;y>0;y--) {¬
` for (x=width;x>0;x--) {¬
` rgb = RGB(src);¬
` src+=3;¬
` *dest++=rgb;¬
` }¬
` dest-=width*2;¬
` }¬
` }¬
` ¬
` return status;¬

`External API¬

` void¬
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` BMP_DECODER *decoder;¬

` decoder = SOS_Mem_Alloc(sizeof(BMP_DECODER));¬
` if (decoder) {¬
` SOS_memset(decoder, 0, sizeof(BMP_DECODER));¬
` }¬

` return decoder;¬

` BMP_DECODER * BmpDecoder¬
` if (BmpDecoder) {¬
` if (BmpDecoder->ColorInfo) {¬
` SOS_Mem_Free(BmpDecoder->ColorInfo);¬
` }¬
` SOS_Mem_Free(BmpDecoder);¬
` }¬

` BMP_DECODER * BmpDecoder,¬
` BMP_FORMAT * Format,¬
` void * ColorInfo,¬
` size_t ColorInfoSize¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_Success;¬
` ¬
` BmpDecoder->FormatIsSet = SOS_True;¬

` SOS_memcpy(¬
` &(BmpDecoder->Format),¬
` Format,¬
` sizeof(BMP_FORMAT)¬
` );¬

` if (BmpDecoder->ColorInfo) {¬
` SOS_Mem_Free(BmpDecoder->ColorInfo);¬
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`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


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`Printed for: Implicit
` }¬
` ¬
` BmpDecoder->ColorInfo = SOS_Mem_Alloc(ColorInfoSize);¬
` ¬
` if (BmpDecoder->ColorInfo) {¬
` SOS_memcpy(¬
` BmpDecoder->ColorInfo,¬
` ColorInfo,¬
` ColorInfoSize¬
` );¬

` } else {¬
` status = SOS_ErrorResourceAllocation;¬
` }¬

` return status;¬

` BMP_DECODER * BmpDecoder,¬
` void * EncodedFrame,¬
` size_t EncodedFrameSize,¬
` void * DecodedFrame,¬
` size_t DecodedFrameSize¬
` SOS_STATUS status;¬

` if (BmpDecoder->FormatIsSet) {¬
` switch (BmpDecoder->Format.Compression) {¬
` case BMP_BI_RLE8:¬
` status = FrameDecode_Rle8(¬
` BmpDecoder,¬
` EncodedFrame,¬
` EncodedFrameSize,¬
` DecodedFrame,¬
` DecodedFrameSize¬
` );¬
` break;¬
` case BMP_BI_RGB:¬
` status = FrameDecode_Rgb(¬
` BmpDecoder,¬
` EncodedFrame,¬
` EncodedFrameSize,¬
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`Printed for: Implicit
` DecodedFrame,¬
` DecodedFrameSize¬
` );¬
` break;¬
` default:¬
` /* compression is not supported */¬
` status = SOS_ErrorFormat;¬
` }¬
` } else {¬
` /* format is not yet set */¬
` status = SOS_Error;¬
` }¬
` ¬
` return status;¬

` BMP_DECODER * BmpDecoder,¬
` size_t * FrameBufferSize¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_Success;¬
` size_t size = 0;¬
` ¬
` if (BmpDecoder->FormatIsSet) {¬
` size = ¬
` BmpDecoder->Format.Width *¬
` BmpDecoder->Format.Height *¬
` sizeof(SOS_UINT32);¬
` } else {¬
` /* not yet set */¬
` status = SOS_Error;¬
` }¬

` if (FrameBufferSize) {¬
` *FrameBufferSize=size;¬
` }¬

` return status;¬
` ¬
` ¬

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`Implicit Exhibit 2044
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767

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