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`Copyright (c) 2001 BeComm Corporation¬
` timesync.c¬
`Group Name:¬
` todo¬
`Group Overview:¬
` Uses a broadcast protocol to determine the¬
` clock offsets of all listening peers.¬
` Algorithm is based loosely on NTP.¬
` Also has edges which are used for passing¬
` sample clocks across the network in a path.¬
` Guy Carpenter (guyc) 16-Aug-2001¬
`#define SOS_DEBUG_ZONE "/beads/timesync"¬
`#include <sosstrings.h>¬
`#include <sosmultimedia.h>¬
`#include "timesync.h"¬
`SOS_SOURCE_VERSION("$Id: timesync.c,v 1.14 2001/10/23 16:40:49 guyc Exp
`* Broadcast sync packets every TIMER_INTERVAL milliseconds¬
`#define TIMER_INTERVAL 4000¬
`#define MAX_AGE
`60000 /* expire after a minute */¬
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` * Compute offset based on WINDOW_SIZE observations¬
` */¬
`#define WINDOW_SIZE 8¬
`Named Constants¬
` * Name of bead¬
` */¬
`const char BEAD_NAME[] = "timesync";¬
`typedef struct {¬
` SOS_UINT32 HostId;¬
` SOS_INT32 Offset;¬
` SOS_BOOLEAN OffsetValid;¬
` SOS_UINT32 WindowFill;¬
` SOS_UINT32 WindowPtr;¬
`typedef struct _UPDATE_HEADER {¬
` SOS_UINT32 HostId;¬
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`typedef struct {¬
` SOS_UINT32 HostId;¬
`typedef struct UPDATE_CONTEXT {¬
` SOS_LOCK * HostTableLock;¬
` SOS_UINT32 HostId;¬
` SOS_PATH * Path;¬
` SOS_TIMER_ID TimerId;¬
`#define LOCK() SOS_Lock_Acquire(g_Context->HostTableLock)¬
`#define UNLOCK() SOS_Lock_Release(g_Context->HostTableLock)¬


` * Maintain a single global context, since this is a system-wide
` */¬
`UPDATE_CONTEXT * g_Context;¬



` SOS_UINT32 HostId¬
` HOSTINFO *host = NULL;¬

` SOS_PointerTable_ElementPeek(¬
` g_Context->HostTable,¬
` (void*)HostId,¬
` (void**)&host¬
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` );¬

` return host;¬
` SOS_UINT32 HostId¬
` HOSTINFO *host = NULL;¬

` host = TimeSync_HostInfoFind(HostId);¬

` if (!host) {¬
` "Adding host %x to table\n",¬
` HostId¬
` );¬
` host = SOS_Mem_Alloc(sizeof(*host));¬
` SOS_memset(host, 0, sizeof(*host));¬
` host->HostId = HostId;¬
` SOS_PointerTable_ElementPut(¬
` g_Context->HostTable,¬
` (void*)HostId,¬
` host¬
` );¬
` }¬

` return host;¬

` UPDATE_CONTEXT * Context,¬
` SOS_UINT32 MaxAge¬

` HOSTINFO *hostInfo;¬
` SOS_CLOCK_TICK now = SOS_Clock_TickGet();¬
` ¬
` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("TimeSync_Expire\n");¬
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` LOCK();¬

` SOS_PointerTableIterator_Create(¬
` Context->HostTable,¬
` &iterator¬
` );¬

` while (SOS_Success==SOS_PointerTableIterator_Next(¬
` iterator,¬
` NULL,¬
` (void**)&hostInfo¬
` )) {¬
` SOS_CLOCK_TICK age = now - hostInfo->RecvTime;¬

` if (age>MaxAge) {¬

` "Removing host %x (age %lu) from table\n",¬
` hostInfo->HostId,¬
` age¬
` );¬
` ¬
` SOS_PointerTable_ElementRemove(¬
` Context->HostTable,¬
` (void*)hostInfo->HostId,¬
` );¬

` {¬
` /*¬
` * This ugliness works around the fact¬
` * that the table API does not allow us¬
` * to destroy a member during iteration.¬
` * So each time we remove something we¬
` * start again.¬
` */¬
` SOS_PointerTableIterator_Destroy(¬
` iterator¬
` );¬
` SOS_PointerTableIterator_Create(¬
` Context->HostTable,¬
` &iterator¬
` );¬
` }¬
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` }¬
` }¬

` SOS_PointerTableIterator_Destroy(¬
` iterator¬
` );¬

` UNLOCK();¬


` SOS_UINT32 HostId,¬
` HOSTSYNC * HostSync¬
` HOSTINFO *info;¬

` LOCK();¬

` info = TimeSync_HostInfoFindOrAdd(HostId);¬

` info->XmitTime = XmitTime;¬
` info->RecvTime = RecvTime;¬

` if (HostSync) {¬
` /*¬
` * Consider the offset td between host A and host B.¬
` * t0 the packet was sent by A¬
` * t1 the packet was received by B¬
` * t2 response sent by B¬
` * t3 response received by A¬
` * delayAB is the real time delay between event0 and event1¬
` * delayBA is the real time delay between event2 and event3¬
` * td is the clock offset such that (t0+td==t1)¬
` * ¬
` * t0+td+delayAB = t1¬
` * t2-td+delayBA = t3¬
` *¬
` * td = t1-t0-delayAB¬
` * td = t2-t3+delayBA¬
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` *¬
` * Since delayAB and delayBA are always >= 0¬
` * td <= (t1-t0)¬
` * td >= (t2-t3)¬
` *¬
` * This gives us a way of computing bounds on td. We¬
` * expect delayAB and delayBA to vary rapidly, but td¬
` * to vary very slowly (only as the clocks drift relative¬
` * to each other).¬
` */¬
` SOS_UINT32 t0 = HostSync->XmitTime;¬
` SOS_UINT32 t1 = HostSync->RecvTime;¬
` SOS_UINT32 t2 = XmitTime;¬
` SOS_UINT32 t3 = RecvTime;¬
` SOS_INT32 tdmax = (SOS_INT32)(t1-t0);¬
` SOS_INT32 tdmin = (SOS_INT32)(t2-t3);¬

` /*¬
` * Instantanous offset value would be¬
` * info->Offset = ((SOS_INT32)((t1-t0)+(t2-t3)))/2;¬
` * but we will keep a running average of min and max to¬
` * smooth out asymmetric delivery delays.¬
` */¬
` if (0) {¬
` SOS_Debug_StringPrint(¬
` "%lu %lu %lu %lu\n",¬
` t0,¬
` t1,¬
` t2,¬
` t3¬
` );¬
` }¬
` ¬
` /*¬
` * Store values for running min/max¬
` */¬
` info->Min[info->WindowPtr] = tdmin;¬
` info->Max[info->WindowPtr] = tdmax;¬
` info->WindowPtr++;¬
` if (info->WindowFill<info->WindowPtr) {¬
` info->WindowFill = info->WindowPtr;¬
` }¬
` if (info->WindowPtr==WINDOW_SIZE) {¬
` info->WindowPtr=0;¬
` }¬
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` /*¬
` * Now compute an estimate for offset¬
` */¬
` {¬
` SOS_INT32 min = tdmin;¬
` SOS_INT32 max = tdmax;¬
` SOS_UINT32 i;¬
` for (i=0;i<info->WindowFill;i++) {¬
` /*¬
` * note this is finding the highest min¬
` * and lowest max.¬
` */¬
` if (info->Min[i]>min) min=info->Min[i];¬
` if (info->Max[i]<max) max=info->Max[i];¬
` }¬
` /*¬
` * Use¬
` * M = A+(B-A)/2¬
` * instead of¬
` * M = (A+B)/2¬
` * to avoid overflow - A+B might exceed maxval.¬
` */¬
` info->Offset = min+(max-min)/2;¬
` info->OffsetValid = SOS_True;¬

` if (0) {¬
` for (i=0;i<info->WindowFill;i++) {¬
` SOS_Debug_StringPrint("%ld ",info->Min[i]);¬
` }¬
` SOS_Debug_StringPrint("\n");¬
` for (i=0;i<info->WindowFill;i++) {¬
` SOS_Debug_StringPrint("%ld ",info->Max[i]);¬
` }¬
` SOS_Debug_StringPrint("\n");¬
` }¬

` if (0) {¬
` SOS_Debug_StringPrint(¬
` "Offset for %x= now %ld/%ld/%ld smooth
` HostId,¬
` tdmin,¬
` tdmin+(tdmax-tdmin)/2,¬
` tdmax,¬
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` min,¬
` min+(max-min)/2,¬
` max¬
` );¬
` }¬
` }¬

` }¬
` ¬
` UNLOCK();¬
` ¬

` SOS_UINT32 HostId,¬
` SOS_CLOCK_TICK * Offset¬
` ¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_Success;¬
` HOSTINFO *hostInfo;¬
` SOS_UINT32 offset = 0;¬
` ¬
` LOCK();¬
` ¬
` hostInfo = TimeSync_HostInfoFind(HostId);¬
` ¬
` if (hostInfo && hostInfo->OffsetValid) {¬
` offset = hostInfo->Offset;¬
` } else {¬
` status = SOS_ErrorNotFound;¬
` }¬

` if (Offset) {¬
` *Offset = offset;¬
` }¬

` UNLOCK();¬
` return status;¬

` SOS_UINT32 * HostId¬
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` *HostId = g_Context->HostId;¬
` return SOS_Success;¬

`Context create and destory¬

`Routine Name:¬

` TimeSync_ContextCreate¬

`Routine Description:¬

` Attempt to allocate a TimeSync session and all the resources it


` None.¬

`Return Value:¬

` A valid pointer to a session context on success.¬

` A NULL pointer if an error occured.¬

` void¬
` UPDATE_CONTEXT *context;¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("TimeSync_ContextCreate called\n");¬
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` /* allocate memory for TimeSync session context */¬
` context = SOS_Mem_Alloc(sizeof(*context));¬

` if (context) {¬
` context->HostTable = SOS_PointerTable_Create(¬
` NULL, /* generate hash from key pointer */¬
` NULL, /* use pointer equality for key compare */¬
` NULL, /* no key freeproc */¬
` SOS_Mem_Free /* element freeproc */¬
` );¬
` context->HostTableLock = SOS_Lock_Create();¬
` context->HostId = SOS_Clock_TickGet();¬
` }¬
` return context;¬

`Routine Name:¬

` TimeSync_ContextDestroy¬

`Routine Description:¬

` A helper function use to release all TimeSync context resources.¬


` UPDATE_CONTEXT * Context - [consumed]¬
` An TimeSync context who's resources and memory are to be freed¬

`Return Value:¬

` None.¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("TimeSync_ContextDestroy called\n");¬
` ¬
` if (Context) {¬
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` SOS_Path_Destroy(Context->Path);¬
` SOS_PointerTable_Destroy(Context->HostTable);¬
` SOS_Lock_Destroy(Context->HostTableLock);¬
` SOS_Mem_Free(Context);¬
` }¬

` SOS_STATUS status;¬
`#define OUTPUT_CONTENT_TYPE "TimeSync/Output"¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT *contentType =¬
` SOS_String_CreateFromString(OUTPUT_CONTENT_TYPE);¬

` Context->Path = SOS_Path_Create(NULL /* no parent path */);¬
` if (Context->Path) {¬
` status = SOS_Path_AttributeSet(¬
` Context->Path,¬
` "Content-Type",¬
` contentType¬
` );¬
` } else {¬
` /* couldn't create path */¬
` status = SOS_Error;¬
` }¬

` SOS_RegObject_Release(contentType);¬

` return status;¬

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` SOS_STATUS status;¬
` SOS_MESSAGE *message = SOS_Message_Create();¬
` UPDATE_HEADER *header;¬
` HOSTSYNC *hostSync, *nextSync;¬
` HOSTINFO *hostInfo;¬
` SOS_CLOCK_TICK now = SOS_Clock_TickGet();¬
` SOS_UINT32 count, validCount;¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("TimeSync_Send\n");¬

` LOCK();¬

` count = SOS_PointerTable_LengthGet(¬
` Context->HostTable¬
` );¬
` validCount=0;¬

` hostSync = SOS_Mem_Alloc(sizeof(HOSTSYNC)*count);¬
` nextSync = hostSync;¬
` ¬
` SOS_PointerTableIterator_Create(¬
` Context->HostTable,¬
` &iterator¬
` );¬

` while (SOS_Success==SOS_PointerTableIterator_Next(¬
` iterator,¬
` NULL,¬
` (void**)&hostInfo¬
` )) {¬
` SOS_CLOCK_TICK age = now - hostInfo->RecvTime;¬

` SOS_Debug_StringPrint(¬
` "Host %x age %lu offset %ld\n",¬
` hostInfo->HostId,¬
` age,¬
` hostInfo->Offset¬
` );¬

` nextSync->HostId = hostInfo->HostId;¬
` nextSync->XmitTime = hostInfo->XmitTime;¬
` nextSync->RecvTime = hostInfo->RecvTime;¬
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` nextSync++;¬
` validCount++;¬
` }¬

` SOS_PointerTableIterator_Destroy(¬
` iterator¬
` );¬

` UNLOCK();¬

` SOS_Message_HeadDataPush(¬
` message,¬
` hostSync,¬
` sizeof(HOSTSYNC)*validCount,¬
` SOS_Mem_Free¬
` );¬

` header = SOS_Mem_Alloc(sizeof(*header));¬
` /* set this as late as possible */¬
` header->HostId = Context->HostId;¬
` header->XmitTime = SOS_Clock_TickGet();¬
` SOS_Message_HeadDataPush(¬
` message,¬
` header,¬
` sizeof(*header),¬
` SOS_Mem_Free¬
` );¬

` ¬
` status = SOS_Path_MessageSend(¬
` Context->Path,¬
` message¬
` );¬

` return status;¬
` void * Context¬

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`Printed for: Implicit
` SOS_STATUS status;¬
` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("TimeSync_TimerStart\n");¬

` status = SOS_Timer_PeriodicSchedule(¬
` TimeSync_CallBack,¬
` Context,¬
` &Context->TimerId¬
` );¬

` return status;¬

` SOS_STATUS status;¬
` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("TimeSync_TimerStop\n");¬

` status = SOS_Timer_Cancel(¬
` Context->TimerId¬
` );¬

` return status;¬

` void * Context¬
` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("TimeSync_TimerCallBack\n");¬
` TimeSync_Expire(Context, MAX_AGE);¬
` TimeSync_Send(Context);¬

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`Edge Handlers¬

`Routine Name:¬

` TimeSync_KeyCreate¬

`Routine Description:¬

` To ensure a single session, the key is constant.¬


` SOS_PATH *Path - [in]¬
` The new Path to create a Key for¬

` SOS_MESSAGE *Message - [in]¬

`Return Value:¬

` SOS_PathBuild_Stop on success.¬

` SOS_Error if something goes wrong.¬
` SOS_PATH *Path,¬
` SOS_MESSAGE *Message¬
`#define KEY_STRING "timesync key"¬
` SOS_STATUS status;¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("TimeSync_KeyCreate called\n");¬

` status = SOS_RegObject_CreateFromString(KEY_STRING, &key);¬

` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status)) {¬
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` status = SOS_Path_SessionKeySet(Path, key);¬
` }¬

` SOS_RegObject_Release(key);¬

` return SOS_SUCCEEDED(status) ? SOS_PathBuild_Stop : status;¬

`Routine Name:¬

` TimeSync_UpdateHandler¬

`Routine Description:¬

` Insert Description Here¬


` SOS_PATH *Path - [in]¬
` The Path that this message is arriving on. It is used to get¬
` the TimeSync session context.¬

` SOS_MESSAGE *Message - [consumed]¬
` Message containing timesync data to be decoded.¬

`Return Value:¬

` SOS_Success¬
` if the data was successfuly decoded.¬

` SOS_Error otherwise.¬

` SOS_PATH *Path,¬
` SOS_MESSAGE *Message¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_Success;¬
` SOS_CLOCK_TICK recvTime = SOS_Clock_TickGet();¬
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` UPDATE_CONTEXT * context;¬
` HOSTSYNC hostSync;¬
` UPDATE_HEADER header;¬
` SOS_BOOLEAN found = SOS_False;¬

` status = SOS_Path_SessionContextPeek(Path, (void**)&context);¬

` SOS_Message_HeadDataPop(¬
` Message,¬
` sizeof(UPDATE_HEADER),¬
` &header,¬
` );¬

` if (0) {¬
` SOS_Debug_StringPrint(¬
` "Received TimeSync from %x@%lu\n",¬
` header.HostId,¬
` header.XmitTime¬
` );¬
` }¬

`// SOS_ASSERT_ASSUMPTION(0,"break");¬

`// if (header.HostId!=context->HostId) {¬
` if (1) {¬
` while (!found &&¬
` SOS_Message_LengthGet(Message)>=sizeof(HOSTSYNC)) {¬
` SOS_Message_HeadDataPop(¬
` Message,¬
` sizeof(HOSTSYNC),¬
` &hostSync,¬
` );¬

` if (0) {¬
` SOS_Debug_StringPrint(¬
` "TimeSync from %x@%lu contains %x@%lu/%lu\n",¬
` header.HostId,¬
` header.XmitTime,¬
` hostSync.HostId,¬
` hostSync.XmitTime,¬
` hostSync.RecvTime¬
` );¬
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` }¬
` ¬
` if (hostSync.HostId==context->HostId) {¬
` found = SOS_True;¬
` }¬
` }¬

` TimeSync_HostUpdate(¬
` header.HostId,¬
` header.XmitTime,¬
` recvTime,¬
` found ? &hostSync : NULL¬
` );¬
` }¬

` SOS_Message_Destroy(Message);¬
` ¬
` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("TimeSync_UpdateHandler\n");¬

`// SOS_ASSERT_ASSUMPTION(0,"break");¬

` if (0) {¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT *localAddress;¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT *remoteAddress;¬
` char *localString;¬
` char *remoteString;¬

` SOS_Path_AttributeGet(¬
` Path,¬
` "Network-Address-Local",¬
` &localAddress¬
` );¬
` SOS_Path_AttributeGet(¬
` Path,¬
` "Network-Address-Remote",¬
` &remoteAddress¬
` );¬

` SOS_RegObject_ToQualifiedString(¬
` localAddress,¬
` &localString¬
` );¬

` SOS_RegObject_ToQualifiedString(¬
` localAddress,¬
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` &remoteString¬
` );¬

` SOS_Debug_StringPrint(¬
` "LocalAddress=%s RemoteAddress=%s\n",¬
` localString,¬
` remoteString¬
` );¬

`// SOS_ASSERT_ASSUMPTION(0,"break");¬

` SOS_Mem_Free(localString);¬
` SOS_Mem_Free(remoteString);¬
` }¬

`// SOS_Debug_StringPrint("TimeSync update handler hit\n");¬

` return status;¬

`Session init and uninit¬

`Routine Name:¬

` TimeSync_SessionInit¬

`Routine Description:¬

` Called by Strings when TimeSync_KeyCreate returns that a new¬
` TimeSync session should be created. It allocates a session¬
` context and assocates it with the Path that is passed in.¬


` SOS_PATH *Path - [in]¬
` The path assocated with the mp3decoder to be created.¬

`Return Value:¬
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` SOS_Success if a context was created and succesfully assocated¬
` with a path.¬

` SOS_Error otherwise.¬

` SOS_PATH *Path¬
` SOS_STATUS status = SOS_Success;¬
` UPDATE_CONTEXT *context = g_Context;¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("TimeSync_SessionInit called\n");¬
` ¬
` if (context) {¬
` /* assocate the new context with a path */¬
` status = SOS_Path_SessionContextPut(Path, context);¬
` } else {¬
` status = SOS_ErrorResourceAllocation;¬
` }¬

` return status;¬

`Routine Name:¬

` TimeSync_SessionUninit¬

`Routine Description:¬

` Called by Strings to free all memory assocated with this session¬
` of mp3decoder.¬


` SOS_PATH *Path - [in]¬
` The path assocated with the mp3decoder to be destroyed.¬

`Return Value:¬
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`Implicit Exhibit 2019
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


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`Printed for: Implicit

` SOS_Success¬
` on successful uninit.¬

` SOS_Error¬
` if the context could not be retrieved.¬

` SOS_PATH *Path¬
` SOS_STATUS status;¬
` UPDATE_CONTEXT *context;¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("TimeSync_SessionUninit called\n");¬

` /* find the session context assocated with this path */¬
` status = SOS_Path_SessionContextPeek(Path, (void**)&context);¬

` /* make sure we found a valid context */¬
` if (SOS_SUCCEEDED(status) && context) {¬
` // don't destroy it, it's global.¬
`// TimeSync_ContextDestroy(context);¬
` }¬

` return status;¬

`Bead init and uninit¬

`Routine Name:¬

` TimeSync_BeadInit¬

`Routine Description:¬

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`Implicit Exhibit 2019
`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


`/Users/implicit/Desktop/Source Code/2001.11.01/be…/…/main/timesync.c
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`Printed for: Implicit

` SOS_BEAD *Bead - [in]¬
` A reference to the timesync bead. We use this parameter to¬
` register edges assocated with the bead.¬

` SOS_REGOBJECT *InitContext - [in]¬
` Set to the value passed into the bead register function (NULL).¬

`Return Value:¬

` The return value of our call to SOS_Edge_Register.¬

` SOS_BEAD *Bead,¬
` SOS_REGOBJECT *InitContext¬
` SOS_STATUS status;¬

` SOS_DEBUGOUT_FUNC_TRACE("BeadInit called\n");¬
` /* register Sync Edge */¬
` status = SOS_Edge_Register(¬
` Bead,¬
` "Update",¬
` NULL,¬
` NULL,¬
` NULL,¬
` TimeSync_KeyCreate,¬
` TimeSync_UpdateHandler,¬
` NULL,¬
` NULL,¬
` NULL,¬
` NULL);¬

` if (SOS_FAILED(status)) {¬
` SOS_DEBUGOUT_MAJOR_EVENT( "Could not register Decode edge");¬
` }¬

` g_Context = TimeSync_ContextCreate();¬
` ¬
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`Sonos v. Implicit, IPR2018-0766, -0767


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`Page 24/27
`Saved: 10/23/01, 11:40:49 AM
`Printed for: Implicit

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